Du måste ha minst 485MB minne och 920MB hårddiskutrymme för att genomföra en normal installation. Observera att dessa siffror endast är ett absolut minimum. Se Avsnitt 3.4, ”Matcha minimikrav för maskinvara” för mer realistiska siffror.
The installer normally automatically enables memory-saving tricks to be able to run on such low-memory system, but on architectures that are less tested it may miss doing so. It can however be enabled manually by appending the lowmem=1
or even lowmem=2
boot parameter (see also Avsnitt, ”Kontrollera tillgängligt minne / minimalt minnesläge” and Avsnitt 5.3.2, ”Parametrar för Debian Installer”).
Installation on systems with less memory[2] or disk space available may be possible but is only advised for experienced users.
[2] Installation images that support the graphical installer require more memory than images that support only the text-based installer and should not be used on systems with less than 485MB of memory. If there is a choice between booting the text-based and the graphical installer, the former should be selected on such systems.