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If the Java packages provided in Debian are not sufficient for your needs you might need to take a look at other alternatives. Please understand that these alternatives are not supported by the Debian project directly, you might get help, however, from the debian-java mailing list if you encounter issues with them.
Some of the alternatives presented use Debian packages which is convenient, since the user/administrator does not need to care on installation issues. However, mixing packages that come from a source which is not the Debian project might cause conflicts with your installation some times. Of course, Debian tries to integrate as many free software efforts as possible, so some of the alternatives described below might (if license permits) be included in Debian in the near future.
If the releases provided aren't recent enough for you, you can of course install the files from the Blackdown mirrors. You can either use the Debian packages provided by Blackdown or download their tar files.
(contributed by Federico Mennite) If you want to use their packages, add the
following line [3] to your
deb proto://url/debian potato main non-free deb proto://url/debian woody main non-free deb proto://url/debian testing main non-free deb proto://url/debian unstable main non-free
Where proto://url is one of the mirrors from the list available at
[4] For example, in Debian 3.0 using
the main site (in the US) you would use:
deb ftp://ftp.tux.org/pub/java/debian unstable non-free
And then do:
$ apt-get update $ apt-get install j2sdk1.4
The packages will download all the library files into
, you just need to configure your system to use that
jvm. If you use these Debian packages you will not need, for example, to
configure your web browser: the symbolic links described in Can I use Java in Netscape
6.x/7.x?, Section 10.3 for libjavaplugin_oji.so
will be
created, as well as the alternative location of /usr/bin/java
pointing to the j2se's Java.
Note that, at the moment of this writting, there are only Blackdown packages for unstable and testing of Java 1.4.
(contributed by Paul Reavis) If you download and install the JDK tar.gz files,
unpack them into /usr/local/jdk1.1.x
, and use symlinks to create a
and link in binaries to /usr/local/bin
or whatever. It is not at all difficult to install these. However, you can
get segfaults under some conditions depending on your libraries.
Here is a list of releases that are known to work under each Debian release, and what other software needed, if any, to make it happen.
rex/bo: 1.1.5v7 (libc5).
hamm:1.1.5v7 (glibc), also needed latest glibc from slink.
slink: 1.1.6-test2 (glibc).
(from Paul Reavis) [A quickie on getting Swing working under Debian or any Linux really]
Yes, it does work with the linux JDK; Swing is 100% Pure Java (tm)(c)(SFD) and therefore should run under any compliant JVM. Paul Reavis reported converting a commercial app (350+ classes) over to a fully-Swing GUI; I've had no problems so far.
If you are using jdk 1.1.3 or below, all you need are the class files. So, the easiest thing to do is grab the solaris distribution, in tar.Z format, from javasoft. Depending on phase of moon, they either call it swing or JFC 1.1 (to distinguish from 1.2, which is part of Java 1.2). The current version is Swing 1.0.2 (not to be confused with Java 1.0.2!). If you are using jdk 1.2.2 do not download Swing (it is already integrated in the jdk).
I don't have the archive handy here, so we'll pretend it's named swing.tar.Z. It is recommended you install it in /usr/local. So
skronk# cd /usr/local skronk# tar xzf /tmp/swing.tar.Z
Now you should have a /usr/local/swing directory. To test, make sure your JAVA_HOME variable is set, and CLASSPATH is unset, and run the "runnit" script in each example. To be painfully obvious, do this:
skronk$ cd /usr/local/swing/examples/SwingSet skronk$ echo $JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk skronk$ unset CLASSPATH skronk$ echo $CLASSPATH skronk$ ./runnit
Of course, your directories, shell prompt, and mileage will vary. To use with your own applications, just add the jars you want to your classpath.
If you wish to use Sun's or Blackdown's jdk 1.2 or later in Debian download the
packages provided by Blackdown (they are available in aptable directories) from
the different mirrors available in http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/mirrors.html
(check the debian subdir). Currently there are i386 packages for the Java2 SDK
and RE, JAI, Java3D and JMF. This is the recommended mechanism for more
information read How can I get Debian packages from
Blackdown?, Section 13.1.
Or you can download the archives yourself (that is, the tar.gz, no the .deb package) and use the following mechanism:
Make a directory under /usr/local
(for example
Download the archine into this directory, then unpack it. A directory jdk1.X [5] will be created.
Adjust the alternatives to work correctly:
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/local/sun/jdk1.X/bin/javac 120 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java Java /usr/local/sun/jdk1.X/bin/java 120
Check your alternatives with "type"
type javac type java
You should have now a fully working jdk 1.X environment, virtual machine and compiler included.
You might need to change your /etc/profile
adding the proper
definitions of some environment variables (CLASSPATH,
JAVA_COMPILER and JAVA_HOME) so that Java programs
can find the kit you just have installed. The following example show which
settings you could add if you had installed Sun's 1.2.2 jdk:
# JDK 1.2.2 (.tar) export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/local/sun/jdk1.2.2/lib:/usr/local/sun/jdk1.2.2/jre/lib export JAVA_COMPILER=javacomp export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/sun/jdk1.2.2 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sun/jdk1.2.2/bin
Note: As Juergen Kreileder correctly pointed me out The preferred name for versions >= 1.2 is Java 2 SE (Standard Edition). The jdk1.3 now is called "Java2 SDK v1.3" or "J2SDK 1.3". The jre1.3 now is called "Java2 RE v1.3" or "J2RE 1.3".
Warren Dodge explains how this can be done for Debian testing: the first step
is to download the J2SE SDK components from http://java.sun.com/j2se/downloads.html
into, e.g. /var/install/java/1.4.2
. Make sure that you have
write permission to the directory, and make the installer executable. Running
the installer ./j2sdk-1_4_2_02-linux-i586.bin
will create a
directory j2sdk1_4_2_02
which can be moved to
. Next, create a link ln -s
/usr/local/lib/j2sdk1_4_2_02 /usr/local/lib/jdk which allows you to use
the latter location to refer to the Java environment and makes upgrading a lot
easier in the future.
Because Debian does not have an installer packages for Sun's J2SE, a dummy
package needs to be made to let Debian know that a J2SE is installed. This is
done as follows. Use the 'dummy' package control files provided by
to satisfy dependencies:
mkdir -p /var/install/java/pkg cd /var/install/java/pkg cp /usr/share/doc/java-common/dummy-packages/*.control . equivs-build java-compiler-dummy.control equivs-build java-virtual-machine-dummy.control equivs-build java1-runtime-dummy.control equivs-build java2-compiler-dummy.control equivs-build java2-runtime-dummy.control
You should now have five packages in /var/install/java/pkg which should be installed.
The command update-alternatives
is used in Debian to choose which
of several pacakges to use when several can do the same thing.
("Java" can also be provided by kaffe, Blackdown (see above), etc).
See "man update-alternatives" for more details. Use this command to
install the programs you need with commands like:
update-alternatives --verbose --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/local/lib/jdk/bin/java 500 \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/java.1 java.1 /usr/local/lib/jdk/man/man1/java.1
Run java once as root to allow system preference directories to be created and
to check if Sun's java
is working properly:
java -version
The procedure is similar to the one described for Debian 3.1 . However, the java-common in stable does not have the *.control files. Therefore, you need to install the java-common package from testing or unstable. Versions 0.19 and 0.20 can be safely be installed and require the installation of the equivs package, but the one from stable is just fine.
Notice, however, that newer J2SE versions (notably 1.4.2_04 instead of 1.4.1_02) might depend on newer libc6 or libgcc1 libraries. If you cannot backport (recompile) this package to your libraries you will need are limited to using jdk 1.3.1-11 (which requires libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1 from the oldlibs section).
The following are programs that have not yet been packaged for Debian nor is there an installer. There are quite a lot Java programs out there and this list is not an exhaustive list, it only includes programs that might be packaged for Debian or those that someone is working on an installer for:
BlueJ. A development environment for Java with editor, compiler, virtual
machine and debugger. See http://bluej.monash.edu.au/
Jacob (Java Commando Base): project maintainer and visualiser for Java in
Emacs. See http://home.pages.de/~kclee/clemens/jacob
Emacs in Java. See http://jemacs.sourceforge.net/
Netbeans developer, now called Forte. Based on the Javabeans
architecture. See http://www.netbeans.com
.Sun recently
announced they would open-source it. See http://www.sun.com/forte/tools4dotcom/opensource.html
AnyJ. Graphic environment to develop applications, applets and servlets. More
info in http://www.netcomputing.de
Free Builder. A Java IDE written in Java and distributed under the GPL
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Debian GNU/Linux Java FAQ.
$Revision: 1.57 $ 29 Dezember 2009Sunday, 4th Novemberjfs@debian.org