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Debian GNU/Linux Java FAQ.
Chapter 4 - Status of Java in Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 (Sarge)

4.1 Are there many changes?

Yes, quite some. There have been very interesting developments in Debian Java lately. Slowly, there seem be developed a set of Debian tools to deal with maintaining Debian package of Java applications and libraries. At this moment, there only seems to be dh_javadoc, which is a tool in the gjdoc package. However, people spoke about other tools on the debian-java mailing list in 2003.

In addition to this, ant has found its way into main, paving to way for other packages to enter main.

And the eclipse seems to get rather stable. Early August 2003, the gcj team even was able to compile the IDE to native code, using only minor modifications.

It is quite useful to first browse the section on Java in Debian GNU/Linux Woody (since those in woody are also in later releases, see Status of Java in Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Woody), Chapter 3), but there are somes changes. Instead of listing all the packages again, this section will list only changes:

The following packages are no longer in testing/unstable:

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Debian GNU/Linux Java FAQ.

$Revision: 1.57 $ 29 Dezember 2009Sunday, 4th November

Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña jfs@debian.org