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Re: itp: static bins / resolving static debian issues

On Thu, Aug 19, 1999 at 05:26:10PM -0400, Justin Wells wrote:
> I think if you had the following available, you could do a lot:
>    -- sash (includes many common commands as builtins)
>    -- e2fsck, fdisk, mount (repair, create, and mount, incl nfs mount)
>    -- ar, gzip, tar (unpack and install stuff, possible copied from nfs)

>From sash.1:
       More importantly, however, is that many  of  the  standard
       system commands are built-in to sash.  These built-in com-
       mands are:

            -chgrp, -chmod, -chown, -cmp, -cp, -dd, -echo,
            -ed, -grep, -gunzip, -gzip, -kill, -ln, -ls, -mkdir,
            -mknod, -more, -mount, -mv, -printenv, -pwd, -rm,
            -rmdir, -sync, -tar, -touch, -umount, -where

So I guess you need neither mount nor tar nor gzip. And instead of packaging
a static ar how about adding some ar core to sash? I'm sure the upstream
author would like that.

>    -- su, sulogin (ensure that you can get to a root shell)

Why? Sorry, I missed part of this thread so maybe it was explained earlier,
but you can boot directly into sash and you can make a root account that has
sash as shell. I for one have sash as my root shell, but if you don't like
it why not creating a sashroot, or as BSD (?) names it a toor account?

In fact this was discussed a lot of months ago. I hvae no idea why it never
made it into the passwd file.

Michael Meskes                         | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz    | Go Rhein Fire!
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Email: Michael.Meskes@gmx.net          | Use PostgreSQL!

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