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Running gnome

How on earth do I get gnome running properly? I have only managed to get
gnome running the "proper" way once with all the latest stuff installed
(gnome-core 1.0.7-1 and friends). The way I ran it then was with the
following .xsession:


xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources &
xterm -ls &
#xearth -pos "sunrel 0 -60" &
xmodmap ~/.xmodmap &
xhost +localhost &
xset fp+ unix/:7101 &
icewm-gnome &
exec gnome-session

All that happens is that X starts up really slowly, popping up the xterm
after about 30 seconds, with the wm following a further 20-30 seconds
later. I tried putting gnome-name-service in .xsession, but no difference.

The weird thing is that ps tells me that everything that I'm running from
.xsession apart from the xterm and the gnome-stuff become zombie processes,
only killed off when I exit X.

Is gnome really this unstable/flaky, or is just my setup that's weird?


         Dave Swegen           | Debian 2.1 on Linux i386 2.2.3
<dave@recursive.prestel.co.uk> | PGP key available on request
      <dsw@debian.org>         | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

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