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Re: how to make Debian less fragile (long and philosophical)

On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 07:49:13PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
> Why not add the relevant boot option to the bootmanager and say in docs:
> "If the system doesn't boot, if the usual shell prompt doesn't appear do
> just that (assuming LILO is used):
>   1. on the LILO: prompt type "emergency" and tap ENTER
>   2. system boots with a limited set of utilities and an emergency shell
>      which you can use to diagnose the problem and file a bug report or
>      plea for help."

And what is someone who didn't know how to type "init=/bin/sash" going
to at this point to "diagnose the problem"? Let's be honest here: a user
with enough experience to correctly diagnose a problem serious enough to
cripple the system _already_ knows enough to use the available tools.
Adding an easy way into the rescue system buys us nothing but a confused
user with a broken system that managed to get into single user mode. 

Mike Stone

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