Status of PO files managed with po4a for language code: es — Spanish

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16415 strings are translated to this language (from 32230). The packages are in three pools: translations underway, translations uptodate and translations to do.

In each table, packages are sorted according to their popcon score, so that translators can focus on the most popular packages.

Packages for which translation is underway

You can download and translate these PO files, and submit them as bug reports to package maintainers.

Section: main

Package Score File Translator Status Translator Date Bug
apt 58% (676t;111f;372u)doc/po/es.poOmar Campagne
debconf 99% (691t;4f;0u)doc/man/po4a/po/es.poOmar Campagne
dpkg 33% (1167t;1456f;887u)man/po/es.poOmar Campagne
sysvinit 54% (279t;32f;203u)man/po/es.poMarcos Fouces
adduser 40% (140t;66f;139u)doc/po4a/po/es.poOmar Campagne
base-passwd 90% (37t;1f;3u)man/po4a/po/es.poOmar Campagne
debianutils 76% (140t;29f;13u)po4a/po/es.poOmar Campagne
apt-listchanges 47% (63t;18f;53u)doc/po/es.poRuben Porras
aptitude 93% (2547t;126f;62u)doc/po4a/po/es.poOmar Campagne
debhelper 47% (680t;184f;560u)man/po4a/po/es.poOmar Campagne
debsums 96% (100t;2f;2u)man/po/es.poOmar Campagne
apt-show-versions 92% (53t;0f;4u)man/po/es.poOmar Campagne
debian-history 67% (293t;103f;37u)po4a/po/es.poLaura Arjona Reina
packaging-tutorial 67% (435t;122f;91u)po4a/po/es.poOmar CampagneittOmar Campagne2011-10-23 15:37:12
Package Score File Translator Team
fakeroot 78% (75t;19f;1u)doc/po4a/po/es.po
man-db 95% (380t;13f;4u)man/po4a/po/es.poAlejandro Cendejas Tenaes at tp dot org dot es
sssd 62% (1759t;176f;878u)src/man/po/es.poEmilio Herrera
kicad 66% (1115t;338f;213u)doc/src/eeschema/po/es.poAntonio Morales
kicad 46% (41t;16f;31u)doc/src/gerbview/po/es.poAntonio Morales
kicad 50% (201t;141f;60u)doc/src/getting_started_in_kicad/po/es.poAntonio Morales
kicad 20% (42t;67f;100u)doc/src/kicad/po/es.poAntonio Morales
kicad 35% (252t;117f;333u)doc/src/pcbnew/po/es.poAntonio Morales
kicad 99% (224t;0f;2u)doc/src/pl_editor/po/es.poCarsten Schoenert
mkvtoolnix 99% (1032t;1f;2u)doc/man/po4a/po/es.poCasper, 2024Spanish (http://app dot transifex dot com/moritz-bunkus/mkvtoolnix/language/es/)
amule 78% (197t;4f;51u)docs/man/po/manpages-es.poMad-Softes_ES at li dot org
postgis 20% (1198t;188f;4376u)doc/po/es/postgis-manual.poAnonymous
fortunes-debian-hints 93% (41t;3f;0u)po4a/po/es.poFrancisco Javier CuadradoDebian l10n Spanish
po4a 99% (1415t;3f;1u)po/pod/es.pogallegonovato
authselect 97% (70t;1f;1u)src/man/po/ by ZanataSpanish
authselect 76% (54t;4f;13u)src/man/po/ by ZanataSpanish
authselect 65% (102t;12f;41u)src/man/po/ Herrera

Packages already translated

Section: main

Package Score File Translator Team
po-debconf100% (310t;0f;0u)doc/po4a/po/es.poOmar Campagnedebian-l10n-spanish at lists dot debian dot org
doc-base100% (72t;0f;0u)po/pod/es.poOmar Campagnedebian-l10n-spanish at lists dot debian dot org
fragmaster100% (42t;0f;0u)debian/po4a/po/es.poAgustín Martín Domingo
darktable100% (234t;0f;0u)doc/man/po/es.po
tilix100% (62t;0f;0u)data/man/po/ nova
apt-src100% (105t;0f;0u)man/po/es.po
java-gnome100% (6t;0f;0u)doc/po/es.poVreixo Formosotranslation-team-es at lists dot sourceforge dot net
apt-build100% (85t;0f;0u)man/po/es.poOmar Campagne

Packages POT files

For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:

Link to PO template files managed with po4a

This page was generated with data collected on: January 31st, 2025. Before working on these files, make sure they are up to date!