PO-filer — pakker der ikke er internationaliseret
[ Lokaltilpasning ] [ Liste over sprog ] [ Placering ] [ POT-filer ]Disse paker er enten ikke internationaliseret eller gemt i et format som ikke kan tolkes, for eksempel sættes der en asterisk efter pakker i dbs-format, der kan indeholde lokaltilpassede filer.
I hver tabel er pakkerne sorteret jf. deres popcon-placering, så oversætterne kan fokusere på de mest populære pakker.
Sektion: main
- libxcb
- gcc-14
- ncurses
- mesa
- dbus
- qtbase-opensource-src
- libdrm
- libglvnd
- libblockdev
- python3-defaults
- ffmpeg
- qtdeclarative-opensource-src
- perl
- pango1.0
- iptables
- cyrus-sasl2
- imagemagick
- tpm2-tss
- file
- libx11
- bind9
- openssh
- xorg
- curl
- suitesparse
- gcc-12
- ispell
- wayland
- libva
- libnl3
- bzip2
- dconf
- libtirpc
- libcap2
- gcc-defaults
- ghostscript
- pciutils
- harfbuzz
- audit
- isc-dhcp
- klibc
- kmod
- init-system-helpers
- initramfs-tools
- discover
- openssl
- readline
- mariadb
- libwebp
- libvorbis
- efivar
- alsa-lib
- graphviz
- libcanberra
- reportbug
- fonts-dejavu
- fonts-noto
- pcre2
- xorg-server
- cairo
- lm-sensors
- nettle
- openldap
- libxmu
- librsvg
- libzstd
- cron
- libsemanage
- bluez
- nftables
- linux-signed-amd64
- libproxy
- manpages
- apr-util
- libthai
- scowl
- libxkbcommon
- gpgme1.0
- zlib
- libxml2
- mjpegtools
- setuptools
- apache2
- libmtp
- libmbim
- libqmi
- net-snmp
- expat
- libjpeg-turbo
- liblouis
- php-defaults
- libxcrypt
- liblouisutdml
- lapack
- keyutils
- sysvinit
- sqlite3
- libpaper
- libtool
- pinentry
- libpng1.6
- fftw3
- libxdmcp
- libxau
- libselinux
- fuse3
- gmp
- xmlsec1
- freetype
- php8.2
- liblockfile
- taglib
- tcp-wrappers
- libnotify
- libxext
- brotli
- djvulibre
- libvdpau
- rtmpdump
- fonts-urw-base35
- libwacom
- libtasn1-6
- db5.3
- pcre3
- pygobject
- openal-soft
- libevent
- libbsd
- slang2
- qt6-base
- libedit
- tzdata
- libcap-ng
- libgcrypt20
- libssh2
- gzip
- base-passwd
- hostname
- base-files
- netbase
- ucf
- dash
- popularity-contest
- logrotate
- debianutils
- debian-archive-keyring
- lz4
- mawk
- libtext-iconv-perl
- libinput
- less
- libtext-wrapi18n-perl
- libtext-charwidth-perl
- busybox
- libusb-1.0
- ca-certificates
- dmidecode
- groff
- qtmultimedia-opensource-src
- iproute2
- opencore-amr
- fuse
- libmnl
- ifupdown
- tdb
- lsb-release-minimal
- xauth
- fakeroot
- laptop-detect
- libpsl
- libseccomp
- discover-data
- inetutils
- nghttp2
- libpipeline
- os-prober
- lsof
- python3-stdlib-extensions
- xserver-xorg-video-ati
- libunistring
- bash-completion
- dictionaries-common
- opencv
- emacsen-common
- libexttextcat
- qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src
- jxrlib
- geoclue-2.0
- distro-info-data
- traceroute
- p7zip
- icu
- firmware-free
- libao
- chardet
- jansson
- pocketsphinx
- talloc
- argon2
- six
- python-urllib3
- requests
- libnftnl
- netcat
- libdbusmenu
- freerdp2
- ntfs-3g
- libassuan
- liblangtag
- lmdb
- gpm
- protobuf-c
- hyphen
- qtwayland-opensource-src
- usbutils
- clucene-core
- libxslt
- libksba
- doc-debian
- python-idna
- python-debian
- uchardet
- python-certifi
- libnfnetlink
- libuv1
- fstrm
- python-httplib2
- python-debianbts
- libxrender
- npth
- libnumbertext
- publicsuffix
- libcdio-paranoia
- pycurl
- java-common
- espeak-ng
- numactl
- firefox-esr
- libmd
- glusterfs
- libwmf
- lcms2
- pysimplesoap
- json-c
- libnetfilter-conntrack
- xxhash
- libheif
- libice
- libsm
- libfido2
- libxpm
- pci.ids
- pixman
- media-types
- enchant-2
- fribidi
- libssh
- libffi
- graphite2
- libmaxminddb
- mysql-defaults
- libdecor-0
- exim4
- rdma-core
- libxt
- libxfixes
- fonts-liberation
- unzip
- jq
- libxi
- libdatrie
- pkgconf
- mailcap
- libdeflate
- libgd2
- libxrandr
- libpcap
- mpfr4
- libxinerama
- libreoffice-dictionaries
- bogofilter
- pcsc-lite
- libxcursor
- bc
- shim-signed
- qttools-opensource-src
- libxdamage
- mpclib3
- libunity
- graphene
- xen
- mbedtls
- libtimedate-perl
- libsodium
- ssl-cert
- gcc-11
- libyaml
- nss
- libxcomposite
- libxcvt
- tiff
- liburi-perl
- patch
- libhtml-tagset-perl
- libhtml-parser-perl
- libencode-locale-perl
- libhttp-date-perl
- liblwp-mediatypes-perl
- libhttp-message-perl
- xft
- libio-html-perl
- nspr
- libsepol
- libxxf86vm
- libpciaccess
- llvm-toolchain-14
- libxtst
- mpg123
- qt6-declarative
- openjpeg2
- dh-runit
- hplip
- libnet-ssleay-perl
- liborcus
- hicolor-icon-theme
- libde265
- dbus-python
- libio-socket-ssl-perl
- pyqt5
- meta-gnome3
- libxshmfence
- libxv
- libogg
- snappy
- fonts-tlwg
- libunwind
- sgml-base
- libhtml-tree-perl
- libwww-perl
- libfile-listing-perl
- libwww-robotrules-perl
- libepoxy
- libnet-http-perl
- libhttp-negotiate-perl
- libhttp-cookies-perl
- protobuf
- liblwp-protocol-https-perl
- z3
- libcaca
- libportal
- libgudev
- lame
- libfontenc
- libmailtools-perl
- javascript-common
- perl-openssl-defaults
- usrmerge
- libxss
- lzo2
- geocode-glib
- libhttp-daemon-perl
- libnet-smtp-ssl-perl
- libarchive
- libfont-afm-perl
- libhtml-format-perl
- opus
- jemalloc
- libsndfile
- libhtml-form-perl
- libauthen-sasl-perl
- libxaw
- libcbor
- xml-core
- poppler-data
- pyparsing
- boost-defaults
- libbpf
- unixodbc
- isl
- jbig2dec
- jackd2
- ijs
- vulkan-loader
- libxml-parser-perl
- libtry-tiny-perl
- tevent
- libsamplerate
- speex
- adwaita-icon-theme
- cdparanoia
- libgsm
- xapian-core
- libasyncns
- libldac
- python-charset-normalizer
- libtheora
- texlive-extra
- rsyslog
- liberror-perl
- lua5.3
- libclone-perl
- lerc
- libxxf86dga
- wavpack
- node-jquery
- gjs
- libglu
- libraw1394
- twolame
- x11-utils
- clutter-gst-3.0
- libxkbfile
- xfonts-encodings
- python-cffi
- xfonts-utils
- orc
- xvidcore
- tcl8.6
- fonts-android
- libdata-dump-perl
- gsl
- libestr
- dosfstools
- zeromq3
- lsb
- libsoxr
- shine
- usb.ids
- chromaprint
- rsync
- game-music-emu
- libavc1394
- qtquickcontrols-opensource-src
- flite
- libutempter
- libsigc++-2.0
- libiec61883
- libaacs
- libopenmpt
- libdaemon
- dns-root-data
- x265
- norm
- snowball
- netpbm-free
- libbluray
- apr
- libio-stringy-perl
- intel-vaapi-driver
- rubberband
- python-cryptography
- dav1d
- update-inetd
- alsa-ucm-conf
- libnice
- alsa-topology-conf
- x11-xserver-utils
- libbs2b
- sndio
- libfile-fcntllock-perl
- libayatana-appindicator
- libxml-twig-perl
- wireless-tools
- libcdio
- flac
- liblqr
- libvdpau-va-gl
- sord
- libtie-ixhash-perl
- lilv
- serd
- sratom
- wpa
- yajl
- libfastjson
- liblognorm
- libass
- xdg-utils
- libxml-xpathengine-perl
- libipc-system-simple-perl
- nginx
- ocl-icd
- libnet-dbus-perl
- aom
- giflib
- libshout
- libfile-basedir-perl
- xorgproto
- aalib
- libmediaart
- meta-kde
- gdisk
- libbdplus
- libevdev
- libdv
- firebird3.0
- libsdl2
- mtdev
- nss-mdns
- libfile-desktopentry-perl
- libfile-mimeinfo-perl
- intel-media-driver
- gnome-autoar
- python-distro
- libx11-protocol-perl
- spandsp
- wildmidi
- libavif
- xbitmaps
- libatasmart
- libvidstab
- rust-rav1e
- ntpsec
- wireless-regdb
- qrencode
- tk8.6
- x11-xkb-utils
- sidplay-libs
- libpgm
- faad2
- igerman98
- librabbitmq
- svt-av1
- usb-modeswitch-data
- usb-modeswitch
- xfonts-base
- libdvdnav
- libxfont
- libieee1284
- xcb-util-wm
- libudfread
- libgusb
- gst-libav1.0
- gts
- ppp
- libmpc
- abseil
- a52dec
- libdca
- build-essential
- libspectre
- sbc
- libmodplug
- java-atk-wrapper
- anacron
- webrtc-audio-processing
- mpeg2dec
- libusb
- libyuv
- iw
- libmysofa
- libgav1
- startup-notification
- libxvmc
- vo-amrwbenc
- pycairo
- xserver-xorg-video-fbdev
- kguiaddons
- raptor2
- xserver-xorg-video-vesa
- sound-theme-freedesktop
- libkate
- vo-aacenc
- gupnp-igd
- desktop-base
- xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
- libgc
- gdk-pixbuf-xlib
- distro-info
- xcb-util-renderutil
- libxres
- libalgorithm-diff-perl
- xfonts-75dpi
- xf86-input-wacom
- pyxdg
- xserver-xorg-video-vmware
- libteam
- xfonts-100dpi
- xorg-docs
- libdc1394
- xserver-xorg-input-libinput
- libsrtp2
- xinit
- rtkit
- soundtouch
- libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl
- nas
- xcb-util-image
- libndp
- libalgorithm-merge-perl
- xcb-util-keysyms
- x11-apps
- sphinxbase
- xfonts-scalable
- woff2
- mhash
- xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu
- xserver-xorg-video-intel
- x11-session-utils
- libxklavier
- libonig
- libayatana-indicator
- xcb-util
- libimobiledevice
- libplist
- gexiv2
- redland
- librevenge
- rasqal
- tcltk-defaults
- fonts-quicksand
- bubblewrap
- mythes
- jpeg-xl
- libwpd
- libwpg
- libdvdread
- libeot
- usbmuxd
- libaio
- kactivities-kf5
- libsidplay
- iucode-tool
- lp-solve
- desktop-file-utils
- coinor-cbc
- libodfgen
- libvisio
- libcdr
- xserver-xorg-video-qxl
- speexdsp
- libetonyek
- dbus-glib
- glibmm2.4
- libabw
- libe-book
- clp
- libmwaw
- python-cups
- coinor-cgl
- libvpx
- mobile-broadband-provider-info
- libfreehand
- libmspub
- duktape
- libwps
- libical3
- lirc
- hdf5
- sonic
- coinutils
- coinor-osi
- coinmp
- libinstpatch
- gnome-browser-connector
- timgm6mb-soundfont
- pysmbc
- libregexp-ipv6-perl
- libpagemaker
- dotconf
- lua5.2
- cairomm
- pangomm
- atkmm1.6
- aspell-en
- libnfs
- bsdmainutils
- libfcgi
- underscore
- libltc
- libstaroffice
- xdg-dbus-proxy
- libepubgen
- pcaudiolib
- bluez-qt
- erlang
- ipp-usb
- gtkmm3.0
- srt
- ayatana-ido
- libqxp
- libzmf
- highway
- codec2
- x264
- libraw
- sgml-data
- exfatprogs
- nfs-utils
- docbook-xml
- openni2
- sound-icons
- openexr
- libglib-perl
- libusbmuxd
- libcairo-perl
- ndctl
- pyatspi
- cjson
- libsigsegv
- imath
- bouncycastle
- libgxps
- librist
- zimg
- librest
- gnustep-base
- libplacebo
- iio-sensor-proxy
- node-normalize.css
- ttf-ancient-fonts
- intel-gmmlib
- perl-tk
- libmanette
- libkml
- xkbset
- libburn
- efibootmgr
- qca2
- htop
- libperl4-corelibs-perl
- zip
- qpdf
- libisofs
- prison-kf5
- libglib-object-introspection-perl
- libgtk3-perl
- libcairo-gobject-perl
- media-player-info
- mokutil
- alsa-plugins
- shim
- markupsafe
- llvm-toolchain-16
- libqrtr-glib
- qtsvg-opensource-src
- libextutils-depends-perl
- shim-helpers-amd64-signed
- qtspeech-opensource-src
- sox
- zxing-cpp
- jimtcl
- grub-efi-amd64-signed
- fonts-noto-color-emoji
- openh264
- directfb
- mathjax
- gssdp
- gupnp
- libxmlb
- pillow
- pyjwt
- ruby-defaults
- libfreeaptx
- rpcsvc-proto
- texlive-lang
- liblrdf
- pyyaml
- libept
- tpm-udev
- liburing
- double-conversion
- qttranslations-opensource-src
- blinker
- jigit
- nodejs
- sane-airscan
- xwayland
- bolt
- libftdi1
- python-oauthlib
- python-pip
- libchamplain
- gsound
- libterm-readkey-perl
- xterm
- libgee-0.8
- python-dateutil
- box2d
- flashrom
- keybinder-3.0
- proj
- kitemmodels
- cdrkit
- fwupd-amd64-signed
- libjcat
- blt
- emacs
- md4c
- gdal
- postgresql-common
- krunner
- pyside2
- cdrdao
- lazr.uri
- python-wadllib
- lazr.restfulclient
- unbound
- mesa-demos
- sdl12-compat
- fonts-noto-cjk
- exempi
- geoip
- babl
- qtlocation-opensource-src
- libphonenumber
- qtx11extras-opensource-src
- libmad
- node-clipboard
- node-prismjs
- mako
- libcgi-pm-perl
- openblas
- libfcgi-perl
- apg
- hdparm
- strip-nondeterminism
- qtwebkit-opensource-src
- liboauth
- libcloudproviders
- miniupnpc
- ostree
- socat
- libnatpmp
- libzip
- libmng
- powermgmt-base
- libcgi-fast-perl
- ca-certificates-java
- mod-dnssd
- libimagequant
- gnome-backgrounds
- signond
- libaec
- libdmapsharing
- libcue
- metis
- debhelper
- gnome-colors
- libvncserver
- libsub-name-perl
- libjaylink
- onetbb
- geoip-database
- libgom
- python-reportlab
- editorconfig-core
- fonts-lato
- hwloc
- ethtool
- guile-3.0
- usbredir
- gstreamer-editing-services1.0
- fonts-freefont
- dee
- libmusicbrainz5
- libcddb
- ruby3.1
- switcheroo-control
- smartmontools
- android-platform-tools
- cmake
- libxml-namespacesupport-perl
- libxml-sax-perl
- pygments
- tesseract-lang
- libxml-sax-base-perl
- hoichess
- python-tz
- libxml-libxml-perl
- wheel
- libytnef
- kjs
- sympy
- qqwing
- libpst
- libdvbpsi
- aribb24
- libxnvctrl
- liblc3
- pyinotify
- olefile
- libxml-sax-expat-perl
- sdl-image1.2
- rpcbind
- libopenmpt-modplug
- ann
- sg3-utils
- libarchive-zip-perl
- webp-pixbuf-loader
- libdbi-perl
- libtext-glob-perl
- fmtlib
- libnumber-compare-perl
- autotools-dev
- autoconf
- kwayland-kf5
- frameworkintegration
- libfile-find-rule-perl
- qtwebchannel-opensource-src
- libspatialaudio
- automake-1.16
- screen
- libebml
- libmatroska
- python-webencodings
- ant
- clamav
- libmspack
- qt6-wayland
- xdg-utils-cxx
- pigz
- fonts-font-awesome
- kwallet-pam
- intltool-debian
- pmdk
- libslirp
- raqm
- libparams-classify-perl
- libparams-util-perl
- libmodule-runtime-perl
- gupnp-dlna
- gupnp-av
- libsub-install-perl
- libdata-optlist-perl
- libntlm
- qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src
- lxml
- libsub-exporter-perl
- snapd-glib
- qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src
- libid3tag
- html5lib
- python-attrs
- libmodule-implementation-perl
- lua-lpeg
- python-babel
- opencascade
- power-profiles-daemon
- beautifulsoup4
- libsocket6-perl
- matplotlib
- jaxb
- gcc-14-cross
- geos
- kimageannotator
- libb-hooks-op-check-perl
- polkit-qt-1
- soupsieve
- libdynaloader-functions-perl
- libdevel-callchecker-perl
- gsettings-qt
- gcc-13
- c-ares
- bsd-mailx
- libclass-method-modifiers-perl
- servlet-api
- librole-tiny-perl
- postfix
- libxpresent
- python-packaging
- python-colorama
- re2
- rubygems-integration
- tex-gyre
- libsub-exporter-progressive-perl
- augeas
- opensc
- http-parser
- libmms
- xorg-sgml-doctools
- libpackage-stash-perl
- libapt-pkg-perl
- swtpm
- xerces-c
- kcrash
- xtrans
- qtsensors-opensource-src
- libsub-identify-perl
- libvariable-magic-perl
- libb-hooks-endofscope-perl
- libnamespace-clean-perl
- rake
- tree
- libdbusmenu-qt
- ruby-net-telnet
- libtommath
- libclass-xsaccessor-perl
- pexpect
- libsub-quote-perl
- libproc-processtable-perl
- cmark
- ptyprocess
- bup
- libcommon-sense-perl
- libpackage-stash-xs-perl
- attica-kf5
- qtscript-opensource-src
- python-click
- libgit2-glib
- libsys-hostname-long-perl
- sddm
- qhull
- kwayland-integration
- plocate
- libjson-xs-perl
- libjson-perl
- libvoikko
- libio-string-perl
- intel-processor-trace
- layer-shell-qt
- sshfs-fuse
- luajit
- low-memory-monitor
- ruby-xmlrpc
- lmodern
- libtypes-serialiser-perl
- source-highlight
- pyqt5-sip
- discount
- kded
- libdevel-stacktrace-perl
- libpthread-stubs
- portaudio19
- rubygems
- pyqt6
- kwayland
- libclass-data-inheritable-perl
- tcpdump
- libconfig-inifiles-perl
- python-psutil
- xcb-util-cursor
- libmail-sendmail-perl
- libsixel
- python-docutils
- libhtml-template-perl
- python-requests-toolbelt
- libexception-class-perl
- threadweaver
- hfst-ospell
- dvd+rw-tools
- apache-pom
- commons-parent
- node-babel-polyfills
- gnuplot
- liblinear
- openmpi
- qtchooser
- foo2zjs
- hwdata
- python-pyxattr
- pyopenssl
- t1utils
- mutagen
- foomatic-db
- cfitsio
- catdoc
- uriparser
- dkms
- po-debconf
- xmms2
- espa-nol
- syndication
- dleyna
- corosync
- freeipmi
- python-markdown
- more-itertools
- zsh
- libxstring-perl
- libswitch-perl
- jqueryui
- llvm-defaults
- gnustep-make
- tmux
- qtimageformats-opensource-src
- dnspython
- libcommons-logging-java
- libgit2
- qpdfview
- docbook-xsl
- libyaml-libyaml-perl
- libb2
- graphicsmagick
- dh-autoreconf
- kidletime
- lua5.1
- lzop
- libcmis
- wagon
- trilinos
- libgssglue
- imlib2
- qtstyleplugins-src
- libclass-isa-perl
- potrace
- node-proxy-agents
- ffmpegthumbnailer
- python-certbot
- libreadonly-perl
- libalgorithm-c3-perl
- libclass-c3-perl
- libmro-compat-perl
- unar
- libjsoncpp
- guile-2.2
- libinih
- libaccounts-glib
- acpi-support
- libaccounts-qt
- libimport-into-perl
- libmoo-perl
- ebook-tools
- kdegraphics-mobipocket
- dwz
- fonts-adf
- python-bcrypt
- libcacard
- slirp4netns
- tex-common
- ply
- at
- libdmtx
- oath-toolkit
- libnss-nis
- pycryptodome
- liblist-moreutils-perl
- edk2
- libfakekey
- libexporter-tiny-perl
- libnss-nisplus
- device-tree-compiler
- open-vm-tools
- babeltrace
- libtimezonemap
- tokyocabinet
- qt6-tools
- libclass-c3-xs-perl
- zerofree
- libnetaddr-ip-perl
- signon-plugin-oauth2
- fltk1.3
- fonts-hack
- dovecot
- gpsd
- libdigest-hmac-perl
- br.ispell
- libkf5kexiv2
- twitter-bootstrap3
- arpack
- tnftp
- breeze-icons
- libofa
- acpid
- libref-util-perl
- node-core-js
- syslog-ng
- libmemcached
- monitoring-plugins
- ding-libs
- munin
- libio-pty-perl
- python-tinycss2
- libref-util-xs-perl
- libcapture-tiny-perl
- cifs-utils
- kpeoplevcard
- python-sniffio
- libtomcrypt
- libnet-domain-tld-perl
- jinja2
- spatialite
- libhdf4
- iotop
- superlu
- stoken
- xml-commons-external
- chafa
- tango-icon-theme
- libstrictures-perl
- llvm-toolchain-19
- libpath-tiny-perl
- rich
- libfile-which-perl
- mdurl
- markdown-it-py
- teckit
- node-file-entry-cache
- python-decorator
- libpdfbox-java
- libunicode-utf8-perl
- netcat-openbsd
- fonts-crosextra-carlito
- libotr
- kactivities-stats
- steam-installer
- libclass-accessor-perl
- toilet
- commons-io
- insserv
- xfce4
- libtime-duration-perl
- libarchive-cpio-perl
- configobj
- feedparser
- diffstat
- acpi
- python-h11
- freexl
- python-systemd
- strace
- fonts-crosextra-caladea
- mujs
- syslinux
- libtext-unidecode-perl
- time
- ruby-webrick
- patchutils
- ruby-sdbm
- libconfig-tiny-perl
- lua5.4
- python-zipp
- libkf5kdcraw
- packagekit-qt
- fyba
- python-anyio
- squashfs-tools
- node-inherits
- libdbd-mysql-perl
- ruby-minitest
- httpcore
- libnamespace-autoclean-perl
- ruby-power-assert
- ruby-test-unit
- qtkeychain
- httpx
- spice
- thin-provisioning-tools
- networkmanager-qt
- lksctp-tools
- utf8proc
- xsettingsd
- breeze-gtk
- libdate-manip-perl
- libisoburn
- libu2f-host
- squashfuse
- procmail
- libclass-inspector-perl
- fonts-sil-gentium
- mdadm
- pulseaudio-qt
- ccid
- fonts-sil-gentium-basic
- fail2ban
- qqc2-desktop-style
- scour
- liblist-utilsby-perl
- node-is-typedarray
- libwpe
- qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src
- wpebackend-fdo
- kdsoap
- kde-gtk-config
- modemmanager-qt
- uw-imap
- libsub-override-perl
- ipset
- libappimage
- qgis
- fig2dev
- libgeotiff
- libipc-run3-perl
- qscintilla2
- mlt
- oxygen-sounds
- libperlio-gzip-perl
- libperlio-utf8-strict-perl
- menu-cache
- xfce4-goodies
- libcpanel-json-xs-perl
- kimageformats
- libio-socket-inet6-perl
- spdlog
- libpadwalker-perl
- librttopo
- ogdi-dfsg
- libeval-closure-perl
- ossp-uuid
- nextcloud-desktop
- c-blosc
- golang-defaults
- libdevel-caller-perl
- libdevel-lexalias-perl
- mpv
- python-hyperframe
- python-hpack
- python-h2
- kwrited
- xdotool
- libqaccessibilityclient
- vdeplug4
- libnet-dns-perl
- galera-4
- python-jsonschema
- libcommons-lang3-java
- kcalcore
- dh-python
- python-rfc3986
- netcdf
- libdata-validate-domain-perl
- pkcs11-helper
- libnet-netmask-perl
- kquickcharts
- xiccd
- tesseract
- fonts-linuxlibertine
- kmbox
- kcolorpicker
- libemail-address-xs-perl
- qt-gstreamer
- mate-desktop-environment
- python-importlib-metadata
- libnet
- libnet-ip-perl
- libjson-maybexs-perl
- libfont-ttf-perl
- libkolabxml
- vcdimager
- libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java
- node-typedarray-to-buffer
- python-cycler
- libsereal-encoder-perl
- libsereal-decoder-perl
- openvpn
- libcommons-collections3-java
- par2cmdline
- pstoedit
- python-pylibacl
- ipxe
- javamail
- cinnamon-menus
- iftop
- redis
- kiwisolver
- qt3d-opensource-src
- appdirs
- qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src
- lua-bitop
- startpar
- libparams-validationcompiler-perl
- hsqldb1.8.0
- libspecio-perl
- libdbi
- rename
- cjs
- cjk
- scipy
- gcc-mingw-w64
- seabios
- qr-code-generator
- liblist-someutils-perl
- capstone
- virglrenderer
- kpkpass
- iperf3
- hwinfo
- libmodule-find-perl
- liblist-compare-perl
- python-setproctitle
- hunspell-fr
- python-msgpack
- kup-backup
- ffmpegthumbs
- binfmt-support
- jsp-api
- snappy-java
- el-api
- zziplib
- libiscsi
- python-fuse
- python-typing-extensions
- portmidi
- libsort-naturally-perl
- analog
- easy-rsa
- libmouse-perl
- musicbrainzngs
- dvdauthor
- websocket-api
- motif
- haveged
- javabeans-activation-framework
- libmodule-scandeps-perl
- libconfig
- libio-socket-ip-perl
- libaliased-perl
- lbfgsb
- libtext-markdown-discount-perl
- pyasn1
- libipc-run-perl
- charls
- libhtml-html5-entities-perl
- libdevel-size-perl
- liblist-moreutils-xs-perl
- libmoox-aliases-perl
- libtext-levenshteinxs-perl
- libtime-moment-perl
- libiterator-perl
- libiterator-util-perl
- libdata-messagepack-perl
- libdata-dpath-perl
- ngtcp2
- qt6-svg
- qtwebview-opensource-src
- kdegraphics-thumbnailers
- bridge-utils
- inxi
- konwert
- python-websockets
- liburcu
- iptables-persistent
- liblist-someutils-xs-perl
- pyudev
- sgmllib3k
- node-source-map
- armadillo
- libitext-java
- cinnamon-desktop-environment
- fuse-exfat
- leptonlib
- libjcommon-java
- libnet-ipv6addr-perl
- wfrench
- openthesaurus
- libmime-types-perl
- libdata-validate-ip-perl
- python-lz4
- libexecs
- libberkeleydb-perl
- cabextract
- libnet-libidn-perl
- node-sprintf-js
- luasocket
- node-lodash
- freetds
- python-nacl
- bsh
- libfile-sharedir-perl
- libxerces2-java
- pugixml
- x2goserver
- sacjava
- tslib
- glew
- python-cssselect
- aha
- mtr
- zope.interface
- fonttools
- ipython
- gdcm
- aspell-fr
- freeglut
- mpmath
- cryfs
- openjdk-8
- libjna-java
- libfonts-java
- libslf4j-java
- lzlib
- epson-inkjet-printer-escpr
- librepository
- libformula
- unicode-data
- libdevel-globaldestruction-perl
- libbase
- libloader
- pyrsistent
- ehcache
- pentaho-reporting-flow-engine
- libpixie-java
- libxml-java
- ifrench-gut
- java-wrappers
- libserializer
- libcommons-codec-java
- libparams-validate-perl
- libsort-versions-perl
- serf
- libuuid-perl
- liblayout
- wcwidth
- mscompress
- node-regenerator
- fonts-roboto
- libmath-base85-perl
- libparse-recdescent-perl
- libemail-date-format-perl
- node-babel7
- python-fs
- libdbd-mariadb-perl
- node-regenerate
- lua-expat
- printing-metas
- node-util
- pmix
- node-events
- min12xxw
- wireguard
- libsmi
- ieee-data
- pnm2ppa
- ufolib2
- cjet
- yt-dlp
- libjaxp1.3-java
- ptouch-driver
- c2050
- c2esp
- python-virtualenv
- contourpy
- obs-studio
- libconst-fast-perl
- rastertosag-gdi
- pxljr
- libfile-copy-recursive-perl
- m2300w
- node-undici
- strongswan
- gcc-13-cross
- brlaser
- lua-json
- apache-log4j1.2
- node-terser
- libpfm4
- qt6-translations
- node-jest
- socket++
- libwww-mechanize-perl
- python-json-pointer
- libdiscid
- rustc
- libhtml-tokeparser-simple-perl
- opusfile
- libxs-parse-keyword-perl
- dbconfig-common
- btrfs-progs
- libfreezethaw-perl
- python-uritemplate
- node-async
- ncdu
- libquvi-scripts
- lxqt-globalkeys
- zutty
- vamp-plugin-sdk
- libmldbm-perl
- plexus-containers
- foomatic-db-engine
- lensfun
- dymo-cups-drivers
- mysql-8.0
- maven
- simplejson
- sendmail
- llvm-toolchain-17
- irqbalance
- libdigest-bubblebabble-perl
- xz-java
- telepathy-logger
- intellij-annotations
- libnet-dns-sec-perl
- php-pear
- libdata-validate-uri-perl
- meanwhile
- libio-interactive-perl
- libsyntax-keyword-try-perl
- xmlgraphics-commons
- libfile-homedir-perl
- webcolors
- telepathy-glib
- libmime-charset-perl
- python-rfc3987
- google-perftools
- sombok
- open-coarrays
- python-libevdev
- libunicode-linebreak-perl
- libgadu
- atinject-jsr330
- libregexp-wildcards-perl
- libmime-lite-perl
- httpcomponents-client
- parsedatetime
- libev
- libcommons-compress-java
- batik
- enca
- sip4
- paramiko
- zephyr
- libdist-checkconflicts-perl
- qt6-quick3d
- python-configargparse
- fxlinuxprint
- openipmi
- libregexp-common-perl
- freerdp3
- node-xtend
- liblog-log4perl-perl
- fortune-mod
- libcommons-cli-java
- libcapi20-3
- libtext-template-perl
- ocaml
- cgroupfs-mount
- texttable
- xsimd
- python-acme
- libclass-singleton-perl
- python-josepy
- python-gast
- python-beniget
- pyrfc3339
- libdatetime-locale-perl
- python-xlib
- libdatetime-timezone-perl
- libdatetime-perl
- pythran
- pcp
- dvisvgm
- spamassassin
- freehep-vectorgraphics
- libdap
- farstream-0.2
- isa-support
- websocket-client
- python-py
- gumbo-parser
- jansi
- zxcvbn-c
- httpcomponents-core
- rus-ispell
- libtpms
- libextutils-pkgconfig-perl
- auctex
- netifaces
- highlight.js
- php-symfony-contracts
- mupdf
- librsync
- ttf-bitstream-vera
- xclip
- fonts-open-sans
- lxde-metapackages
- libcarp-clan-perl
- libjaxen-java
- python-invoke
- llvm-toolchain-18
- tix
- python-lockfile
- node-cjs-module-lexer
- libjsr305-java
- tipa
- acorn
- python-pluggy
- libstring-shellquote-perl
- unoconv
- guava-libraries
- valgrind
- libbit-vector-perl
- myspell-pt-br
- qtserialport-opensource-src
- libregexp-assemble-perl
- libmcrypt
- libyaml-tiny-perl
- python-odf
- python-secretstorage
- apt-file
- plexus-classworlds
- aglfn
- latex-cjk-chinese-arphic
- fonts-lobstertwo
- libcrypt-ssleay-perl
- mplayer
- libtype-tiny-perl
- prompt-toolkit
- libnetfilter-acct
- libmikmod
- libdate-calc-perl
- lib2geom
- libio-multiplex-perl
- geronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec
- dom4j
- pytables
- plexus-utils2
- libaopalliance-java
- plexus-cipher
- plexus-interpolation
- cdi-api
- plexus-sec-dispatcher
- libmath-random-isaac-perl
- python-jedi
- python-keyring
- maven-parent
- guice
- sisu-inject
- sisu-plexus
- geronimo-annotation-1.3-spec
- m17n-lib
- psutils
- suil
- maven-shared-utils
- openjfx
- maven-resolver
- python-docker
- debian-keyring
- libcrypt-random-seed-perl
- libbytes-random-secure-perl
- trousers
- neofetch
- mtools
- libfabric
- hidapi
- libdate-calc-xs-perl
- libconvert-binhex-perl
- onevpl
- expect
- parso
- infinipath-psm
- libmime-tools-perl
- libipc-shareable-perl
- espeak
- libmodule-pluggable-perl
- liblog-dispatch-perl
- portsmf
- python-monotonic
- jeepney
- libtype-tiny-xs-perl
- scrot
- wspanish
- python-pyasn1-modules
- python-fasteners
- pyicu
- libjdom1-java
- libqtxdg
- traitlets
- ucx
- libpsm2
- sdl-ttf2.0
- argyll
- xom
- node-minimatch
- qtermwidget
- oxygen-icons5
- html2text
- telepathy-mission-control-5
- golang-1.19
- node-balanced-match
- node-brace-expansion
- libglade2
- nss-pam-ldapd
- xdelta
- popper.js
- qtwebsockets-opensource-src
- nss-pem
- fluid-soundfont
- libsdl2-image
- open-iscsi
- pytest
- libime
- hiredis
- cm-super
- defusedxml
- node-busboy
- android-sdk-meta
- libxml++2.6
- libtorrent-rasterbar
- librelaxng-datatype-java
- docopt
- python-argcomplete
- libxml-simple-perl
- freepats
- node-safe-buffer
- node-once
- node-glob
- sizzle
- node-graceful-fs
- libebur128
- gtk-layer-shell
- python-iniconfig
- node-lru-cache
- twitter-bootstrap4
- node-semver
- node-wrappy
- libole-storage-lite-perl
- pwgen
- node-fs.realpath
- node-inflight
- gmic
- libjcode-pm-perl
- nfacct
- libvirt-python
- libnet-snmp-perl
- node-color-name
- nx-libs
- platformdirs
- libunicode-map-perl
- plzip
- munge
- node-iconv-lite
- node-core-util-is
- node-yallist
- node-isarray
- bcg729
- node-util-deprecate
- libart-lgpl
- node-readable-stream
- node-process-nextick-args
- node-string-decoder
- node-color-convert
- node-rimraf
- node-mute-stream
- node-path-is-absolute
- node-mkdirp
- pth
- node-ini
- node-read
- node-ansi-styles
- node-ansi-regex
- node-clone
- libnvme
- gl2ps
- node-defaults
- node-wcwidth.js
- node-signal-exit
- node-escape-string-regexp
- node-has-flag
- node-supports-color
- node-abbrev
- node-uuid
- libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl
- node-chownr
- node-spdx-license-ids
- node-spdx-expression-parse
- node-spdx-correct
- node-strip-ansi
- node-validate-npm-package-license
- db-defaults
- python-regex
- node-string-width
- node-json-schema
- asm
- qtcharts-opensource-src
- node-which
- libx86
- node-jsonify
- libmath-random-isaac-xs-perl
- libvorbisidec
- node-isexe
- node-json-stable-stringify
- fping
- node-chalk
- node-object-assign
- node-retry
- node-nopt
- node-json-parse-better-errors
- node-resolve-from
- mdevctl
- node-through
- node-slash
- node-punycode
- mosquitto
- node-ssri
- node-normalize-package-data
- node-archy
- node-hosted-git-info
- node-imurmurhash
- debootstrap
- lockfile-progs
- node-mime-types
- gyp
- libdigest-perl-md5-perl
- libcrypt-rc4-perl
- node-ajv
- node-jsonparse
- libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl
- node-write-file-atomic
- nemo-fileroller
- node-encoding
- python-roman
- libspnav
- hawtjni
- node-wide-align
- jansi-native
- jp2a
- plotutils
- gtkmm2.4
- python-asttokens
- node-osenv
- rhino
- node-text-table
- node-set-blocking
- sysfsutils
- node-tar
- asn1crypto
- python-async-timeout
- node-aproba
- menu-xdg
- jupyter-core
- node-npmlog
- docker.io
- icc-profiles-free
- node-delegates
- node-console-control-strings
- node-are-we-there-yet
- node-has-unicode
- libz-mingw-w64
- node-read-package-json
- jaxb-api
- node-iferr
- node-run-queue
- node-promise-inflight
- node-fs-write-stream-atomic
- node-debug
- node-gauge
- node-ms
- node-unique-filename
- python-xapp
- node-promzard
- npm
- docker
- node-resolve
- botan
- node-copy-concurrently
- node-move-concurrently
- tini
- node-cacache
- node-gyp
- libsdl2-ttf
- node-builtins
- node-validate-npm-package-name
- node-npm-package-arg
- modernizr
- libfile-chdir-perl
- equivs
- antlr
- node-function-bind
- node-json-schema-traverse
- node-indent-string
- node-fast-deep-equal
- node-spdx-exceptions
- fonts-ipafont
- libsdl2-mixer
- node-mime
- prettify.js
- ed
- cli-common
- node-p-map
- iso-flags-svg
- colors.js
- mpi-defaults
- lzip
- docker-compose
- node-opener
- dpdk
- python-magic
- lxqt-policykit
- node-uri-js
- python-pampy
- lxqt-themes
- opendkim
- pyzmq
- libsigc++-3.0
- libtext-csv-xs-perl
- vtk9
- libnet-cidr-perl
- php-imagick
- python-greenlet
- libffado
- jsoup
- lxqt-notificationd
- lximage-qt
- tor
- lxqt-sudo
- kyotocabinet
- haskell-pandoc
- lxqt-config
- tinyxml
- libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl
- qterminal
- libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl
- pickleshare
- xmlbeans
- runc
- lxqt-session
- fbreader
- sleuthkit
- pcmanfm-qt
- ust
- grpc
- libnet-server-perl
- lxqt-powermanagement
- node-err-code
- sortedcontainers
- python-executing
- saxonhe
- python-dotenv
- matplotlib-inline
- pupnp
- python-pure-eval
- python-stack-data
- i2c-tools
- node-depd
- node-ip-regex
- node-ip
- node-promise-retry
- kf6-kguiaddons
- python-toml
- plexus-io
- pandoc
- plexus-archiver
- sdl-mixer1.2
- smplayer-themes
- dockerpty
- libpango-perl
- node-npm-bundled
- node-columnify
- octave
- nghttp3
- libsbsms
- lxc
- node-camelcase
- glibmm2.68
- liblzf
- node-is-plain-obj
- gtkglext
- node-minimist
- libtask-weaken-perl
- maven-file-management
- ninja-build
- rtaudio
- maven-shared-io
- pymongo
- libauthen-pam-perl
- odt2txt
- hp-ppd
- python-service-identity
- node-is-stream
- node-path-exists
- node-find-up
- node-p-limit
- node-p-locate
- node-locate-path
- node-y18n
- node-get-caller-file
- node-require-directory
- featherpad
- node-npm-run-path
- node-path-is-inside
- 7zip
- constantly
- incremental
- node-shebang-regex
- node-shebang-command
- hyperlink
- automat
- twisted
- python-xlrd
- libstring-crc32-perl
- icu4j
- libkf5kipi
- node-decamelize
- node-yargs-parser
- node-cliui
- node-wrap-ansi
- node-yargs
- jquery-goodies
- yaml-cpp
- libyaml-perl
- arch-test
- qt6-multimedia
- lxqt-branding-debian
- node-commander
- liblxqt
- python-backcall
- libotf
- node-strip-json-comments
- libdatetime-format-strptime-perl
- fonts-ebgaramond
- libcrypt-openssl-random-perl
- python-filelock
- sundials
- keepassxc
- pandas
- lxqt-about
- lxqt-runner
- adwaita-qt
- libunibreak
- libtext-csv-perl
- node-concat-stream
- node-typedarray
- node-prr
- libtext-bibtex-perl
- lxqt-openssh-askpass
- node-get-stream
- pyhamcrest
- python-jaraco.functools
- fonts-stix
- libapache-poi-java
- python-pbr
- criu
- lxqt-panel
- libdata-section-perl
- node-is-buffer
- feathernotes
- node-kind-of
- node-errno
- libsoftware-license-perl
- lxqt-admin
- freeimage
- containerd
- optipng
- indi
- node-p-cancelable
- node-mimic-response
- node-decompress-response
- node-lowercase-keys
- node-got
- liboobs
- node-repeat-string
- muparser
- libpod-parser-perl
- ipywidgets
- xsel
- slurm-wlm
- libmodule-build-perl
- id3
- node-is-extglob
- node-normalize-path
- node-js-tokens
- node-is-number
- node-to-regex-range
- node-braces
- node-fill-range
- php-apcu
- node-path-dirname
- libemf
- python-tinycss
- node-arrify
- lxqt-metapackages
- node-fast-levenshtein
- chmlib
- node-argparse
- libfm-qt
- libstatgrab
- distlib
- libgdiplus
- jaraco.classes
- libxpp3-java
- node-is-glob
- node-strip-bom
- node-json5
- qdbm
- node-anymatch
- libsoap-lite-perl
- node-micromatch
- node-esprima
- meteo-qt
- node-glob-parent
- jaraco.context
- node-js-yaml
- node-is-plain-object
- node-ci-info
- node-cli-boxes
- node-tslib
- wayland-protocols
- node-isobject
- node-set-immediate-shim
- node-slice-ansi
- node-for-in
- node-for-own
- node-binary-extensions
- node-pify
- node-async-each
- zope.event
- node-ansi-escapes
- node-is-binary-path
- node-deep-equal
- node-estraverse
- node-path-type
- node-electron-to-chromium
- node-caniuse-lite
- untex
- node-is-path-cwd
- hfsplus
- node-is-extendable
- node-commondir
- node-pkg-dir
- node-esutils
- node-v8flags
- python-inflect
- node-quick-lru
- node-globals
- node-jsesc
- node-object-inspect
- python-autocommand
- node-convert-source-map
- node-widest-line
- node-is-arrayish
- node-deep-is
- node-prelude-ls
- node-type-check
- node-levn
- node-optionator
- node-regjsgen
- node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript
- node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript
- node-to-fast-properties
- node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript
- node-fs-readdir-recursive
- node-wordwrap
- libio-sessiondata-perl
- node-ampproject-remapping
- iperf
- node-neo-async
- node-optimist
- node-source-map-support
- node-error-ex
- node-is-windows
- node-regenerate-unicode-properties
- node-n3
- node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports
- node-ignore
- dracut
- node-make-dir
- node-readdirp
- node-minipass
- node-randombytes
- node-chokidar
- node-foreground-child
- node-is-path-inside
- printer-driver-oki
- node-browserslist
- libfile-slurper-perl
- node-find-cache-dir
- node-globby
- node-handlebars
- node-del
- node-resumer
- node-diff
- node-assert
- node-clone-deep
- node-merge-stream
- libsidplayfp
- node-picocolors
- node-define-properties
- tightvnc
- node-debbundle-es-to-primitive
- node-serialize-javascript
- node-es-abstract
- node-regexpu-core
- node-regjsparser
- node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript
- node-escodegen
- args4j
- node-cli-table
- node-parse-json
- printer-driver-indexbraille
- node-read-pkg
- node-istanbul
- node-es6-error
- node-defined
- node-interpret
- node-tape
- node-resolve-cwd
- libmodule-signature-perl
- gst-python1.0
- node-postcss
- node-restore-cursor
- node-cli-cursor
- node-rechoir
- node-source-list-map
- node-tapable
- node-webpack-sources
- node-loader-runner
- node-eslint-visitor-keys
- tqdm
- lsscsi
- openscenegraph
- node-eslint-utils
- node-esquery
- node-flatted
- node-regexpp
- python-wrapt
- ruby-did-you-mean
- node-memfs
- libsfml
- node-end-of-stream
- node-json-buffer
- faketime
- node-chrome-trace-event
- node-es-module-lexer
- libudev0-shim
- node-functional-red-black-tree
- stax-ex
- xmlstreambuffer
- iptraf-ng
- dtd-parser
- libpod-readme-perl
- node-esrecurse
- resolvconf
- fastinfoset
- node-ajv-keywords
- node-fancy-log
- node-time-stamp
- istack-commons
- node-babel-plugin-lodash
- libencode-perl
- node-schema-utils
- node-memory-fs
- node-enhanced-resolve
- node-watchpack
- node-webassemblyjs
- opencc
- node-webpack
- node-espree
- node-progress
- node-doctrine
- node-eslint-scope
- eslint
- node-v8-compile-cache
- python-jmespath
- node-growl
- node-fetch
- ps2eps
- doxygen
- node-base64-js
- node-ieee754
- libdbd-sqlite3-perl
- node-define-property
- node-postcss-value-parser
- node-negotiator
- kerberos-configs
- atop
- node-pump
- links2
- cglib
- icinga2
- node-is-descriptor
- node-css-selector-tokenizer
- node-icss-utils
- node-postcss-modules-extract-imports
- node-postcss-modules-values
- swig
- node-css-loader
- open-ath9k-htc-firmware
- cloud-utils
- chrony
- devscripts
- moreutils
- libimage-exiftool-perl
- fonts-inter
- opensubdiv
- libev-perl
- node-ws
- pdftk-java
- atlas
- zix
- node-get-value
- debugedit
- kitty
- node-stack-utils
- node-has-value
- node-has-values
- node-collection-visit
- node-map-visit
- node-object-visit
- node-pascalcase
- node-unset-value
- tcllib
- node-auto-bind
- spatialindex
- egl-wayland
- node-yaml
- node-mixin-deep
- tinyxml2
- libxmlrpc-lite-perl
- node-base
- node-cache-base
- node-is-primitive
- node-set-value
- node-union-value
- node-cli-truncate
- libtext-soundex-perl
- node-shell-quote
- libnginx-mod-http-echo
- libxalan2-java
- frei0r
- fonts-gfs-baskerville
- node-sellside-emitter
- node-log-driver
- tree-sitter
- fonts-gfs-porson
- sqlalchemy
- junit4
- lxde-icon-theme
- gamemode
- entrypoints
- node-tap-parser
- node-tap-mocha-reporter
- node-lcov-parse
- libconvert-asn1-perl
- node-coveralls
- sshpass
- libpodofo
- libx86emu
- node-tap
- libhamcrest-java
- codemirror-js
- cross-toolchain-base
- libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl
- python-typeguard
- numlockx
- luit
- libldm
- libnet-ldap-perl
- libspring-java
- gcc-14-cross-ports
- libfile-slurp-perl
- libio-compress-brotli-perl
- python-mechanize
- multipath-tools
- android-platform-external-boringssl
- zope.hookable
- zope.component
- fonts-sil-andika
- commons-math3
- gcc-12-cross
- listserialportsc
- coin3
- python-ifaddr
- python-watchdog
- libdatetime-format-builder-perl
- python-zeroconf
- pbzip2
- inotify-tools
- msgpack-c
- qt6-5compat
- python-netaddr
- freeradius
- kf6-bluez-qt
- kf6-prison
- pyserial
- thaixfonts
- pygame
- python-pynvim
- debian-goodies
- reiserfsprogs
- nbformat
- qt6-webchannel
- xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
- vlan
- libfile-fnmatch-perl
- debsums
- libfile-touch-perl
- psycopg2
- libcommons-collections4-java
- what-is-python
- libquazip
- libavtp
- fonts-roboto-slab
- unrar-free
- dvipng
- libimobiledevice-glue
- python-webob
- curvesapi
- libeatmydata
- shapelib
- libvterm
- f2fs-tools
- libfile-dirlist-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-auth-pam
- libtk-img
- kemoticons
- bsd-finger
- liblog-message-simple-perl
- liblog-any-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-dav-ext
- libanyevent-perl
- liblog-message-perl
- pyqt6-sip
- libnginx-mod-http-subs-filter
- libxml-xpath-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-upstream-fair
- libftdi
- libgoogle-gson-java
- libterm-ui-perl
- libposix-strptime-perl
- xserver-xorg-input-evdev
- qt6-positioning
- astyle
- ruamel.yaml
- libtermkey
- libarchive-extract-perl
- fonts-comfortaa
- unibilium
- qtcreator
- libei
- fonts-gfs-artemisia
- fonts-gfs-didot
- fonts-gfs-neohellenic
- swi-prolog
- fonts-gfs-solomos
- fonts-gfs-olga
- scribus
- kronosnet
- fonts-oflb-asana-math
- anthy
- vkd3d
- joblib
- fonts-liberation-sans-narrow
- mueller
- libmodbus
- ruamel.yaml.clib
- openbsd-inetd
- numba
- movit
- fonts-cabin
- php-psr-log
- libcamera
- jzlib
- error-prone-java
- re
- papirus-icon-theme
- libfile-readbackwards-perl
- jsch
- asciidoc
- fonts-gfs-complutum
- librecad
- libfilesys-df-perl
- tcltls
- libfs
- clutter-imcontext
- fonts-sil-gentiumplus
- pyflakes
- lighttpd
- rails
- audiofile
- qt6-imageformats
- python-repoze.lru
- routes
- liblog-any-adapter-screen-perl
- libgssapi-perl
- fonts-sil-gentiumplus-compact
- libnginx-mod-http-geoip2
- lua-luv
- libpackage-constants-perl
- jupyter-client
- texstudio
- appconfig
- opencolorio
- dput
- pycodestyle
- libxml-writer-perl
- simplescreenrecorder
- putty
- libguard-perl
- cvs
- pystring
- libasync-interrupt-perl
- libset-intspan-perl
- python-userpath
- wakeonlan
- open-isns
- python-pipx
- isorelax
- fop
- etckeeper
- linux-atm
- scalable-cyrfonts
- libstring-escape-perl
- libxs-parse-sublike-perl
- ipmitool
- gtkmm4.0
- xfonts-terminus
- cairomm1.16
- dcmtk
- gavl
- libtemplate-perl
- pangomm2.48
- python-css-parser
- translate-toolkit
- node-jed
- node-lunr
- libpath-iterator-rule-perl
- xdelta3
- jackson-core
- libdumbnet
- glpk
- fonts-go
- pyqt5webengine
- xinput
- libterm-readline-gnu-perl
- libstring-copyright-perl
- libwant-perl
- xserver-xorg-input-mouse
- pixz
- mongo-c-driver
- libpod-latex-perl
- libemail-valid-perl
- fonts-vlgothic
- msv
- prettytable
- libpod-constants-perl
- licensecheck
- log4cplus
- fuseiso
- waylandpp
- gmime
- libgit-wrapper-perl
- cached-property
- arj
- libsort-key-perl
- libcontextual-return-perl
- php-psr-container
- fonts-sil-charis
- pkg-kde-tools
- btop
- logcheck
- libio-prompter-perl
- libclass-load-perl
- ebtables
- libregexp-pattern-license-perl
- nbconvert
- libmediainfo
- python-passlib
- xaw3d
- nagios-nrpe
- junit
- python-html2text
- sdl-net1.2
- fonts-junicode
- python-unidiff
- apt-show-versions
- openfec
- squid
- libhttp-tiny-multipart-perl
- libgitlab-api-v4-perl
- libewf
- lxcfs
- speedtest-cli
- libxml-libxslt-perl
- netdata
- pristine-tar
- testdisk
- timidity
- libsass
- ipcalc
- pfb2t1c2pfb
- pykerberos
- python-notify2
- libxpp2-java
- libzen
- afflib
- mongo-java-driver
- libnb-platform18-java
- icedtea-web
- img2pdf
- python-augeas
- vde2
- libsys-cpuaffinity-perl
- jquery-tablesorter
- scotch
- ruby-json
- mecab
- radcli
- xorgxrdp
- libbfio
- android-platform-frameworks-base
- recordmydesktop
- pavucontrol-qt
- apache-log4j2
- minissdpd
- i3-wm
- lightcouch
- tcpdf
- keyrings.alt
- python-apsw
- re2c
- pychm
- py7zr
- ifenslave
- psl.js
- libvhdi
- torsocks
- comic-neue
- rdesktop
- binutils-avr
- xserver-xorg-video-mga
- libarray-intspan-perl
- html5-parser
- libindirect-perl
- nvme-cli
- php-igbinary
- python-mypy-extensions
- roc-toolkit
- gcc-avr
- libregexp-pattern-perl
- nload
- avrdude
- firefox
- ujson
- fonts-samyak
- nltk
- xrdp
- qdox
- python-rencode
- fonts-ipaexfont
- xserver-xorg-video-cirrus
- node-html5shiv
- ipython-genutils
- kdeedu-data
- python-imagesize
- yudit
- avr-libc
- xserver-xorg-video-r128
- python-xmltodict
- alabaster
- python-livereload
- ipolish
- python-werkzeug
- vbetool
- molly-guard
- feh
- mail-spf-perl
- xserver-xorg-video-neomagic
- python-socksipy
- send2trash
- id3lib3.8.3
- fcitx5-gtk
- glfw3
- xserver-xorg-video-tdfx
- apcupsd
- libtest-fatal-perl
- survival
- codetools
- xserver-xorg-video-savage
- mosh
- pyqt6-webengine
- vala
- libcommons-net-java
- syncthing
- python-multidict
- eclipse-jdt-core
- xcb-util-xrm
- xfig
- libre-engine-re2-perl
- vulkan-tools
- kf6-breeze-icons
- gem
- python-lunr
- qlipper
- osm-gps-map
- pyyaml-env-tag
- xserver-xorg-video-mach64
- uwsgi
- ghp-import
- pyenchant
- wsdd
- mergedeep
- gap
- leveldb
- php-composer-ca-bundle
- libpackage-deprecationmanager-perl
- libiksemel
- mediainfo
- xserver-xorg-video-openchrome
- xserver-xorg-video-sisusb
- qps
- meta-unison
- sofia-sip
- java3d
- libdata-compare-perl
- dvgrab
- libpdfbox2-java
- xfwm4-theme-breeze
- xserver-xorg-video-trident
- liblist-allutils-perl
- libwebcam
- xapian-bindings
- lxqt-qtplugin
- php-redis
- python-mccabe
- libvmdk
- fonts-paratype
- fsverity-utils
- witalian
- clear-sans
- msgraph
- yubikey-personalization
- dutch
- libsvm
- python-mock
- bamf
- mingw-w64
- dh-elpa
- borgbackup
- xmlrpc-epi
- cpdb-libs
- ansible
- poco
- plplot
- pikepdf
- requirejs
- zhcon
- xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion
- pycparser
- read-edid
- isort
- libencode-hanextra-perl
- dstat
- shtool
- tftp-hpa
- latexmk
- libobject-pad-perl
- tlp
- eclipse-platform-ui
- libbusiness-isbn-data-perl
- libbusiness-isbn-perl
- python-certbot-apache
- aspell-it
- suckless-tools
- python-coverage
- python-qtpy
- python-exceptiongroup
- libmail-dkim-perl
- libopenshot
- libdbd-pg-perl
- fonts-inconsolata
- python-geoip
- zipios++
- python-deprecation
- libdata-uniqid-perl
- libbsf-java
- mypy
- openpyxl
- rust-ripgrep
- mpfi
- rlottie
- node-jquery-mousewheel
- fakechroot
- autofs
- wtmpdb
- python-et-xmlfile
- ruby-gnome
- preload
- liblo
- qbittorrent
- dahdi-tools
- vsftpd
- libqb
- screengrab
- x11vnc
- libsysstat
- iitalian
- arping
- libfeature-compat-try-perl
- telegram-desktop
- ssh-askpass
- libfeature-compat-class-perl
- yarl
- libstring-license-perl
- python-bleach
- telepathy-idle
- fortunes-it
- ngspice
- kplotting
- python-pathspec
- lsp-plugins
- python-deprecated
- med-fichier
- libsgmls-perl
- nagios-plugins-contrib
- pm-utils
- libserialport
- qtremoteobjects-everywhere-src
- python-aiohttp
- vpnc-scripts
- libxml-libxml-simple-perl
- python-fastjsonschema
- libmoose-perl
- libnet-cups-perl
- python-ntlm-auth
- libbusiness-issn-perl
- openimageio
- libclass-load-xs-perl
- python-requests-ntlm
- memcached
- qwt
- openvdb
- evemu
- soapyosmo
- dtach
- ipykernel
- python-evdev
- libcloud
- numexpr
- libmodule-runtime-conflicts-perl
- libcommons-lang-java
- golang-github-containernetworking-plugins
- libencode-jis2k-perl
- libresample
- pyopengl
- pylint
- libuniversal-require-perl
- swt4-gtk
- libclass-tiny-perl
- pywinrm
- rkhunter
- libdate-simple-perl
- astroid
- monit
- python-itsdangerous
- udunits
- libautovivification-perl
- libdevel-overloadinfo-perl
- logilab-common
- fuse-overlayfs
- unidecode
- libtext-roman-perl
- libnetfilter-log
- libtie-cycle-perl
- x11-xfs-utils
- libbusiness-ismn-perl
- libencode-eucjpms-perl
- libdata-perl-perl
- libdatetime-calendar-julian-perl
- apt-xapian-index
- biber
- python-unicodedata2
- libmoox-handlesvia-perl
- python-tomli
- libbsd-resource-perl
- libjlatexmath-java
- unhide
- console-data
- memtest86+
- intlfonts
- node-moment
- cluster-glue
- pyqt5chart
- conmon
- rclone
- liblingua-translit-perl
- jack-audio-connection-kit
- xinetd
- golang-github-containers-image
- gradle
- golang-github-containers-common
- mecab-ipadic
- ghc
- commons-exec
- soqt
- php-mcrypt
- fonts-hosny-amiri
- giblib
- findlib
- jcommander
- python-outcome
- fonts-arphic-uming
- libscalar-list-utils-perl
- khronos-opencl-headers
- python-trio
- python-llfuse
- python-tomlkit
- avalon-framework
- lua-cjson
- sqlitebrowser
- fonts-arphic-bkai00mp
- singular
- android-platform-art
- jline2
- bmon
- antlr3
- embree
- tomsfastmath
- libhash-merge-perl
- python-pandocfilters
- bottleneck
- frozenlist
- aiosignal
- flask
- nasm
- xpdf
- fonts-unfonts-core
- prerex
- collectd
- spooles
- golang-1.23
- rxtx
- libb64
- fsplib
- libdisplay-info
- networkx
- ant-contrib
- judy
- powerline
- cclib
- jackson-annotations
- tcsh
- librdkafka
- ruby-ffi
- daemon
- lacheck
- fonts-sil-padauk
- libfuture-perl
- alsa-tools
- dia-shapes
- calculix-ccx
- libnet-libidn2-perl
- password-store
- fzf
- jquery-timepicker
- vim-addon-manager
- exuberant-ctags
- jackson-databind
- php-twig
- pkg-php-tools
- tpm2-tools
- fonts-arphic-gbsn00lp
- python-qtawesome
- vprerex
- scrub
- python-requests-kerberos
- libstb
- collada-dom
- fonts-arphic-gkai00mp
- fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp
- pivy
- rsyntaxtextarea
- libva-utils
- fonts-baekmuk
- thrift
- libmime-base32-perl
- cross-toolchain-base-ports
- php-psr-cache
- python-resolvelib
- ruby-concurrent
- libclone-choose-perl
- jdcal
- libsaxon-java
- jmdns
- feynmf
- liblinux-inotify2-perl
- mumps
- pydot
- tagsoup
- python-argon2
- wl-clipboard
- intltool
- natsort
- libconfig-general-perl
- ansible-core
- fonts-unfonts-extra
- limesuite
- lazy-object-proxy
- gnustep-gui
- golang-github-containers-buildah
- libsys-cpu-perl
- typeshed
- s-nail
- appmenu-gtk-module
- pocl
- supermin
- soapysdr
- newlib
- urwid
- asterisk-moh-opsound
- openclipart
- qt6-languageserver
- gnuchess-book
- alien
- phpmyadmin-motranslator
- ccache
- jssc
- chktex
- jsemver
- arduino-ctags
- arduino-builder
- virt-what
- arduino-core-avr
- unhide.rb
- yapf
- crun
- john
- libcpan-changes-perl
- assimp
- rtl-sdr
- libdevel-partialdump-perl
- liblwp-useragent-determined-perl
- figlet
- php-phpseclib
- libanyevent-http-perl
- python-prometheus-client
- jackd-defaults
- unpaper
- libsocket-perl
- gddrescue
- logback
- node-delayed-stream
- jupyter-console
- cwiid
- dill
- conky
- node-combined-stream
- libyaml-syck-perl
- webcamoid
- python-nest-asyncio
- libencode-eucjpascii-perl
- node-form-data
- php-symfony-polyfill
- python-mysqldb
- xmlrpc-c
- libpod-markdown-perl
- lzma
- sip6
- libpano13
- binutils-mingw-w64
- lcdf-typetools
- sdl-sound1.2
- libsquish
- libwebsockets
- ksh93u+m
- backbone
- dictd
- latexdiff
- python-gnupg
- mariadb-mysql-kbs
- debugpy
- google-recaptcha
- shorewall
- phpmyadmin-shapefile
- node-qs
- flameshot
- dvidvi
- libdevel-symdump-perl
- python-asgiref
- pypng
- python-flake8
- twig-i18n-extension
- magit
- python-pygraphviz
- node-asynckit
- openbabel
- eigen3
- grim
- nethogs
- libmail-imapclient-perl
- tpm2-abrmd
- node-json-stringify-safe
- vnstat
- rnp
- python-async-generator
- catatonit
- manpages-ja
- node-tough-cookie
- gle
- cron-apt
- llvmlite
- libtest-deep-perl
- node-marked
- cstream
- prometheus-node-exporter
- freedict
- node-forever-agent
- tofrodos
- cups-pdf
- chkrootkit
- node-tunnel-agent
- libdevel-cycle-perl
- libsql-abstract-perl
- node-extend
- node-extsprintf
- gflags
- libjs-requirejs-text
- libemail-mime-encodings-perl
- fonts-gfs-didot-classic
- kf6-extra-cmake-modules
- festival
- ifupdown2
- httrack
- imvirt
- latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab
- presage
- yara
- link-grammar
- cowsay
- qjackctl
- volk
- libcurses-perl
- netselect
- node-request
- dblatex
- node-jsbn
- pcb-rnd
- fonts-gfs-bodoni-classic
- libapache2-mod-fcgid
- purifyeps
- wmctrl
- mozjs128
- conntrack-tools
- jansi1
- lua-lgi
- fonts-gfs-theokritos
- memtester
- nbclient
- libsys-virt-perl
- node-assert-plus
- jupyterlab-pygments
- fonts-gfs-gazis
- ublock-origin
- node-verror
- sjfonts
- libmpdclient
- nlopt
- petsc
- libu2f-server
- libmath-calc-units-perl
- node-jsprim
- cython
- enblend-enfuse
- libcrypto++
- node-asn1
- netavark
- node-ecc-jsbn
- python-certbot-nginx
- libmail-authenticationresults-perl
- scalapack
- libemail-simple-perl
- node-aws4
- node-oauth-sign
- node-tweetnacl
- node-aws-sign2
- node-performance-now
- gperf
- cppunit
- node-caseless
- node-isstream
- bluez-tools
- node-bcrypt-pbkdf
- node-dashdash
- node-getpass
- php-xmlrpc
- fxload
- node-har-schema
- stress
- node-es6-promise
- node-sshpk
- terminado
- libxstream-java
- node-http-signature
- ofono
- oss-compat
- node-har-validator
- hugs98
- python-diff-match-patch
- seatd
- jsonlint
- snakeyaml
- texmaker
- qrupdate
- linphone
- xmlstarlet
- kf6-kcrash
- zynaddsubfx
- python-levenshtein
- fbi
- libtext-levenshtein-perl
- aardvark-dns
- context
- node-text-encoding
- jquery-typeahead.js
- python-bytecode
- javahelp2
- parallel
- user-session-migration
- node-bootstrap-tour
- zita-resampler
- pydevd
- ltrace
- marisa
- inchi
- ispell.pt
- dosbox
- libunicode-string-perl
- rawtherapee
- scikit-learn
- softcatala-spell
- shellcheck
- nmon
- i3status
- draco
- libregexp-java
- stk
- gpsbabel
- khronos-opencl-clhpp
- gv
- liburi-escape-xs-perl
- libsys-meminfo-perl
- xawtv
- php-json-schema
- libjsr166y-java
- fio
- connman
- commons-daemon
- ivy
- asciidoctor
- murrine-themes
- norwegian
- php-composer-semver
- black
- node-xterm
- groovy
- nautilus-python
- php-composer-spdx-licenses
- libnet-telnet-perl
- hkgerman
- zita-alsa-pcmi
- paperkey
- libapache2-mod-perl2
- libcec
- libsdl2-net
- enet
- python-vobject
- foot
- greybird-gtk-theme
- qt6-scxml
- libproc-daemon-perl
- kicad-symbols
- fragmaster
- googletest
- kicad-footprints
- jquery-ui-themes
- kicad-templates
- xxkb
- fdupes
- pyfuse3
- rust-regex
- v4l2loopback
- gist
- context-modules
- pure-ftpd
- fonts-dustin
- dhcpcd
- colordiff
- bladerf
- freehep-io
- wv
- d3
- debsecan
- freecell-solver
- libcompface
- composer
- spglib
- fairymax
- libstdc++-arm-none-eabi
- php-composer-xdebug-handler
- libthrowable-perl
- qtgamepad-everywhere-src
- rlwrap
- php-net-socket
- helm
- qt6-shadertools
- p8-platform
- joystick
- arp-scan
- blackbird-gtk-theme
- libmicrodns
- libnova
- epstool
- squid-langpack
- lhasa
- ftgl
- libmoox-types-mooselike-perl
- python-iniparse
- ruby-pkg-config
- gmp-ecm
- libencode-detect-perl
- janino
- libemail-abstract-perl
- hamlib
- i3lock
- tig
- libemail-messageid-perl
- bluebird-gtk-theme
- festlex-poslex
- libemail-mime-contenttype-perl
- festlex-cmu
- libphysfs
- libemail-mime-perl
- libofx
- pptp-linux
- littler
- libpam-krb5
- dunst
- notmuch
- python-atomicwrites
- libnative-platform-java
- google-glog
- libgd-perl
- ncftp
- architecture-properties
- ngrep
- osgi-core
- libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl
- jcsp
- libscope-guard-perl
- php-gettext
- pcl
- gnugo
- node-universalify
- python-pysnmp4
- festvox-kallpc16k
- apticron
- jline
- multiverse-core
- spawn-fcgi
- gputils
- pari
- rust-bat
- libemail-sender-perl
- libgpars-groovy-java
- postgis
- cross-toolchain-base-mipsen
- binwalk
- ruby-locale
- ruby-shadow
- schroedinger-maeparser
- dex
- libfile-pushd-perl
- osgi-compendium
- facter
- node-ansi
- proguard
- jetty9
- bwm-ng
- fritzing
- node-concat-map
- libany-uri-escape-perl
- python-redis
- universal-ctags
- php-psr-http-message
- osgi-annotation
- fonts-tuffy
- python-base58
- libanyevent-i3-perl
- vecmath
- gpart
- setuptools-scm
- libopenaptx
- referencing
- libopencsd
- libnet-daemon-perl
- libpam-mount
- python-jsonschema-specifications
- rpds-py
- libjgoodies-common-java
- xmlto
- gnustep-back
- php-getallheaders
- php-psr-http-factory
- mxml
- ruby-thor
- carl9170fw
- ncompress
- stockfish
- lmms
- sane-frontends
- cmatrix
- php-net-smtp
- ros-ros-comm
- xplanet
- gimp-data-extras
- logwatch
- sdlpango
- libmongocrypt
- pax
- vpnc
- libubootenv
- speech-tools
- node-jsonstream
- node-ansistyles
- php-auth-sasl
- pep8
- pysmi
- edict
- libpri
- dulwich
- shotcut
- libexporter-lite-perl
- datatables.js
- adcli
- stevedore
- kvazaar
- libecap
- typer
- python-qtconsole
- prototypejs
- cowdancer
- cloudpickle
- beep
- php-memcached
- libhtml-tableextract-perl
- musl
- ruby-mime-types
- faudio
- subunit
- astrometry.net
- libnbd
- python-pyasyncore
- bpfcc
- aspell-pl
- qt6-quicktimeline
- kanjidic
- rcs
- virt-p2v
- qt6-serialport
- glances
- xserver-xorg-video-dummy
- gcc-14-cross-mipsen
- libapache2-reload-perl
- multitail
- netplan.io
- libspelling
- node-asap
- ibus-client-clutter
- node-mimic-fn
- libxbean-java
- snap
- node-execa
- openpace
- akonadiconsole
- kqtquickcharts
- ruby-nokogiri
- glyr
- php-memcache
- ppl
- ruby-sqlite3
- iniparser
- sexpp
- h5py
- libcdaudio
- xmonad
- telepathy-haze
- freealut
- zathura-pdf-poppler
- libreflectasm-java
- plasma-workspace-wallpapers
- wlroots
- kf6-kded
- xcb-imdkit
- etherwake
- gtk-d
- pycountry
- docbook-dsssl
- qtconnectivity-opensource-src
- uptimed
- libnet-idn-encode-perl
- idzebra
- ffms2
- fastjar
- ruby-addressable
- node-strip-eof
- autoconf-archive
- hypre
- openttd
- advancecomp
- libjs-jquery-hotkeys
- ruby-mime-types-data
- jaraco.text
- rxvt-unicode
- php-webmozart-assert
- fonts-fork-awesome
- php-react-promise
- libmojolicious-perl
- lua-filesystem
- xss-lock
- keepass2
- alembic
- libmonitoring-plugin-perl
- pysvn
- autopep8
- python-qrcode
- isodate
- ruby-augeas
- irssi
- bcel
- ruby-public-suffix
- superlu-dist
- libesmtp
- node-puka
- sl
- dh-make
- ccze
- cppcheck
- pastedeploy
- sqlparse
- libparse-edid-perl
- openvswitch
- python-gssapi
- screenfetch
- socksio
- swaks
- nose
- brightnessctl
- docbook
- pystache
- ruby-multi-json
- libblkio
- qsynth
- ruby-text
- stunnel4
- cdbs
- msr-tools
- libimage-png-libpng-perl
- sentry-python
- wwwconfig-common
- php-msgpack
- qt6-3d
- aubio
- python-slugify
- libparallel-forkmanager-perl
- libstruct-dumb-perl
- haproxy
- dcraw
- libnet-smtp-tls-perl
- crossguid
- linux-signed-arm64
- vim-scripts
- racc
- javatools
- python-tabulate
- php-nikic-fast-route
- hiera
- brial
- evtest
- libio-async-perl
- libsigrok
- mpack
- bctoolbox
- python-ecdsa
- liblastfm
- passenger
- python-tzlocal
- libiodbc2
- gh
- dmz-cursor-theme
- libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl
- fonts-kanjistrokeorders
- opus-tools
- sdlgfx
- lldpd
- libio-socket-socks-perl
- python-pyqtgraph
- supervisor
- ddd
- libfinance-quote-perl
- fonts-nanum
- php-fig-http-message-util
- libsereal-perl
- php-slim-psr7
- mksh
- combblas
- mmdebstrap
- u-boot
- python-ldap
- courier-authlib
- sway
- tcptraceroute
- libmygpo-qt
- felix-framework
- ruby-rb-inotify
- python-pymysql
- geronimo-validation-1.0-spec
- ruby-deep-merge
- ganglia
- vdpauinfo
- testng
- cpuid
- gnucap
- php-mail-mime
- virtuoso-opensource
- android-platform-tools-apksig
- fortunes-debian-hints
- rope
- libmodule-cpanfile-perl
- sdparm
- extremetuxracer
- qt5-style-kvantum
- jo
- libasync-mergepoint-perl
- nethack
- shairplay
- ruby-listen
- highlight
- libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl
- eyed3
- libspreadsheet-xlsx-perl
- virtualenvwrapper
- leaflet
- libset-scalar-perl
- libfile-next-perl
- oddjob
- qt6-speech
- kxml2
- python-launchpadlib
- python-fastimport
- bzrtp
- ruby-rack
- libspiro
- ldns
- libyubikey
- cmus
- sysbench
- awstats
- shiki-colors-murrine
- skimage
- libperlio-via-timeout-perl
- hashcat
- rocm-hipamd
- libio-socket-timeout-perl
- sjeng
- poxml
- mtd-utils
- ledit
- libidl
- python-tenacity
- scriptaculous
- wordnet
- lxc-templates
- silversearcher-ag
- fftw
- cddlib
- gluegen2
- libjson-parse-perl
- helpdev
- libbinio
- fonts-elusive-icons
- libcpan-distnameinfo-perl
- libsass-python
- pycares
- ruby-mini-portile2
- ruby-unicode
- libpath-class-perl
- libgoocanvas2-perl
- passt
- ruby-erubi
- intel-gpu-tools
- libnet-xwhois-perl
- libhtml-selector-xpath-perl
- cvsps
- libjogl2-java
- qdarkstyle
- eclipse-platform
- dahdi-linux
- jmtpfs
- kde-dev-scripts
- libdbix-simple-perl
- ldc
- libmaa
- libredis-perl
- rabbitmq-server
- aiodns
- libdrumstick
- gcc-12-cross-ports
- golang-1.22
- haskell-random
- libtest-refcount-perl
- libweb-scraper-perl
- pdfminer
- wkhtmltopdf
- liblocal-lib-perl
- litehtml
- liblingua-en-inflect-perl
- libjgoodies-forms-java
- telepathy-rakia
- libcompress-raw-lzma-perl
- libmojo-server-fastcgi-perl
- ruby-debian
- flightgear-data
- ranger
- autossh
- dropbear
- libxdg-basedir
- opencsg
- casacore
- rtmidi
- knopflerfish-osgi
- libcryptx-perl
- fonts-wqy-microhei
- libxml-perl
- manpages-zh
- commons-beanutils
- liblocale-codes-perl
- influxdb-python
- libnetwork-ipv4addr-perl
- libgtk3-imageview-perl
- allegro5
- rust-fd-find
- yubikey-manager
- bgoffice
- numpydoc
- hackrf
- ispell-uk
- nomarch
- pydocstyle
- unittest++
- id3v2
- riemann-c-client
- rocr-runtime
- debian-edu
- pngquant
- zita-convolver
- ack
- libjcip-annotations-java
- felix-gogo-runtime
- python-botocore
- adplug
- hping3
- pyusb
- libdumb
- dsdo
- node-iscroll
- libemail-address-perl
- libptytty
- qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src
- libcrypt-rijndael-perl
- libsub-uplevel-perl
- routino
- asterisk-core-sounds
- sqlcipher
- wvstreams
- python-s3transfer
- libwebinject-perl
- ruby-oj
- debian-games
- lib3mf
- calc
- mpich
- libmath-bigint-perl
- gmsh
- cherrypy3
- libhtml-treebuilder-libxml-perl
- python-phply
- clinfo
- three.js
- debian-science
- inventor
- lrzip
- mcpp
- libcpan-meta-check-perl
- python-rsa
- gcc-defaults-ports
- python-pyperclip
- dlocate
- soci
- dwarves
- explorercanvas
- libpinyin
- ecj
- libparse-pmfile-perl
- lv
- ding
- openscad-mcad
- binutils-arm-none-eabi
- psqlodbc
- pybind11
- felix-osgi-obr
- python-cachetools
- quotatool
- libxml-regexp-perl
- python-lsp-jsonrpc
- libjpeg6b
- python-docstring-to-markdown
- node-leven
- python-lsp-server
- sngrep
- liboping
- supercollider
- zram-tools
- fonts-firacode
- chrpath
- cpuinfo
- libopusenc
- libunix-syslog-perl
- libconfig-simple-perl
- roct-thunk-interface
- dlt-daemon
- libtext-aligner-perl
- libtext-table-perl
- libnet-subnet-perl
- php-yaml
- xmlextras
- hexedit
- python-intervaltree
- mod-wsgi
- libxml-dom-perl
- sbuild
- libnet-smtpauth-perl
- python-cbor
- recoll
- musescore2
- opam
- allegro4.4
- python-click-plugins
- suitesparse-graphblas
- htmldoc
- picom
- libliftoff
- python-cheroot
- rocm-compilersupport
- openlayers
- libjavaewah-java
- jgit
- cpanminus
- pcsc-perl
- uhd
- ruby-unf-ext
- ruby-unf
- libgtk3-simplelist-perl
- jmapviewer
- libchewing
- libsdl2-gfx
- nifticlib
- python-jellyfish
- freehep-util
- spyder-kernels
- howardhinnant-date
- hsqldb
- libipc-signal-perl
- qtsass
- libgettext-commons-java
- nkf
- qelectrotech
- twinkle
- supercat
- ivykis
- libnumber-range-perl
- nullmailer
- pypdf2
- rdiff-backup
- libgpiod
- libio-stty-perl
- musescore3
- python-exif
- intel-graphics-compiler
- pcmciautils
- libxml-treepp-perl
- openr2
- ruby-domain-name
- ruby-http-cookie
- firejail
- pytoolconfig
- offlineimap3
- docbook-utils
- tachyon
- objenesis
- python-pyproj
- flatbuffers
- libexpect-perl
- prometheus-node-exporter-collectors
- goldendict
- pymol
- libfuture-asyncawait-perl
- libthrust
- libmodule-load-conditional-perl
- plotly
- uudeview
- debian-electronics
- node-number-is-nan
- php-composer-pcre
- libcommons-digester-java
- markdown
- text-engine
- xutils-dev
- libclass-methodmaker-perl
- ruby-zip
- libstring-util-perl
- libapache2-mod-python
- libqtpas
- bnd
- kissfft
- php-ssh2
- emacs-htmlize
- markdown-mode
- libproc-waitstat-perl
- humanfriendly
- libvigraimpex
- libfprint
- most
- python-pyqrcode
- ruby-xmlparser
- wipe
- jcifs
- wurlitzer
- mozjs115
- libclass-accessor-chained-perl
- python-snappy
- stringtemplate
- vpb-driver
- libnet-cidr-lite-perl
- mime-construct
- aspell-cs
- minisat2
- airspyone-host
- freetype-py
- textdistance
- pytorch
- debian-multimedia
- libcompress-raw-zlib-perl
- felix-resolver
- pyls-spyder
- cub
- ruby-soap4r
- telepathy-farstream
- cln
- three-merge
- libetpan
- alsamixergui
- docbook-to-man
- haskell-utf8-string
- mistune
- php-composer-metadata-minifier
- python-rtree
- fonts-nakula
- php-seld-signal-handler
- haskell-data-default-class
- ifplugd
- localepurge
- php-composer-class-map-generator
- python-wsaccel
- extundelete
- python-json-patch
- haskell-splitmix
- pam-tmpdir
- libopenshot-audio
- simplegeneric
- libcoverart
- node-katex
- bindex
- gr-osmosdr
- python-txaio
- procinfo
- u-msgpack-python
- mpi4py
- python-trie
- fbterm
- haskell-x11
- libconvert-tnef-perl
- libimage-sane-perl
- libcdk5
- py-ubjson
- mp3info
- qstat
- maven-archiver
- openboard
- python-ldap3
- python-autobahn
- rcconf
- apbs
- r-cran-magrittr
- libtraceevent
- qr-tools
- libfont-freetype-perl
- r-cran-r6
- rcolorbrewer
- libnet-smtps-perl
- racket
- patiencediff
- r-cran-colorspace
- aircrack-ng
- libparse-debcontrol-perl
- libmatio
- virtualenv-clone
- festival-freebsoft-utils
- python-hypothesis
- python-wsproto
- frr
- jtidy
- xmonad-contrib
- ecl
- cookiecutter
- libnet-imap-simple-perl
- normaliz
- r-cran-labeling
- r-cran-munsell
- r-cran-scales
- libtest-output-perl
- linphone-desktop
- ruby-builder
- fasttrack-archive-keyring
- owfs
- cool-retro-term
- calf
- ots
- py3dns
- r-cran-gtable
- edac-utils
- libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl
- ruby-httpclient
- r-cran-rlang
- r-cran-markdown
- r-cran-cli
- r-cran-glue
- r-cran-withr
- binaryornot
- jfsutils
- r-cran-pillar
- r-cran-pkgconfig
- r-cran-utf8
- r-cran-fansi
- dh-make-perl
- libconvert-uulib-perl
- qt5ct
- fonts-takao
- r-cran-tibble
- r-cran-xfun
- gr-iqbal
- libjs-jquery-isonscreen
- xl2tpd
- agda
- alsa-oss
- haskell-network
- fonts-lohit-beng-bengali
- maven-jar-plugin
- geomview
- libaudclient
- tmpreaper
- libpdf-builder-perl
- libtext-reform-perl
- libipc-sharelite-perl
- dfu-util
- r-cran-ggplot2
- r-cran-viridislite
- libmpeg3
- node-builtin-modules
- acpica-unix
- keepassx
- caps
- python-rlpycairo
- libobject-accessor-perl
- fonts-lohit-beng-assamese
- rofi
- magyarispell
- edid-decode
- gocr
- aspell-hu
- librnd
- wimlib
- python-lsp-black
- libtest-file-sharedir-perl
- python-boto3
- libmail-dmarc-perl
- node-through2
- node-codemirror
- python-coloredlogs
- netcdf-fortran
- tap-plugins
- ferm
- openslide
- libspf2
- atftp
- jffi
- jhead
- amavisd-new
- pdfgrep
- node-stream-shift
- libgtksourceviewmm
- scons
- bzr
- dh-exec
- haskell-tldr
- javaparser
- junixsocket
- cd-discid
- fonts-gargi
- libarcus
- liblchown-perl
- ros-common-msgs
- commons-text
- cssutils
- emacs-async
- fdutils
- sanlock
- libnetfilter-queue
- libtime-parsedate-perl
- antiword
- node-duplexify
- stringtemplate4
- fonts-lohit-deva
- emacs-goodies-el
- icingaweb2
- python-pkginfo
- node-pumpify
- json-js
- node-is-builtin-module
- haskell-hashable
- ssmtp
- coq
- inflection
- libf2c2
- uvloop
- playerctl
- libtest-exception-perl
- popup-el
- python-gmpy2
- r-cran-commonmark
- r-cran-lifecycle
- r-cran-vctrs
- libtext-autoformat-perl
- gcc-12-cross-mipsen
- haskell-regex-base
- libgraphics-tiff-perl
- pylint-venv
- lynis
- wcslib
- r-cran-farver
- libcgroup
- pidgin-skype
- python-mnemonic
- fonts-arundina
- dash-el
- lcalc
- liboro-java
- qstylizer
- freedict-wikdict
- libosmosdr
- nvtop
- xemacs21
- findbugs
- haskell-primitive
- libmirisdr
- gcc-11-cross
- libmusicbrainz-discid-perl
- python-cpuinfo
- libcudacxx
- mootools
- mixxx
- libwebservice-musicbrainz-perl
- glycin-loaders
- meta-gnustep
- emboss
- nekohtml
- mumble
- libcurses-ui-perl
- python-pyvmomi
- freehep-swing
- node-envinfo
- ruby-rspec
- check-dfsg-status
- nvi
- tuxguitar
- python-libarchive-c
- node-detect-indent
- r-cran-isoband
- diminish-el
- libforms
- python-arrow
- rust-gst-plugin-gtk4
- xfonts-cronyx
- freeplane
- qm-dsp
- libsavitar
- mergerfs
- csv-mode
- libswingx-java
- jinja2-time
- xjadeo
- awscli
- python-threadpoolctl
- sshguard
- symmetrica
- eclib
- bwidget
- setools
- liburi-encode-perl
- ruby-optimist
- cliquer
- node-react
- rsnapshot
- fonts-lohit-taml
- fonts-lohit-telu
- jed
- jpegoptim
- simplyhtml
- graphviz-dot-mode
- smem
- apache-mode-el
- debian-astro
- haskell-vector
- libpdf-api2-perl
- restic
- php-net-sieve
- units
- camlp4
- libboolean-perl
- heimdall-flash
- golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers
- libircclient
- libtext-markdown-perl
- ruby-childprocess
- vagrant
- fonts-lohit-knda
- ocrmypdf
- radeontool
- kdewebkit
- knot
- libmnemonicsetter-java
- mpd
- rtorrent
- xmltv
- libjsyntaxpane-java
- lnav
- haskell-parallel
- r-cran-pkgkitten
- browse-kill-ring-el
- rcpp
- libwww-curl-perl
- muttrc-mode-el
- boxquote-el
- imagej
- folding-mode-el
- ioquake3
- jboss-logging
- libheap-perl
- owncloud-client
- fonts-lohit-guru
- geogebra
- libjfreechart-java
- tabbar-el
- emacs-session
- emacs-pod-mode
- libtext-diff-perl
- libxmpcore-java
- bar-cursor-el
- projectm
- sbsigntool
- altermime
- libhx
- bm-el
- libtecla
- edge-addition-planarity-suite
- libmetadata-extractor-java
- mutt-alias-el
- python-shapely
- sagemath
- eproject-el
- harvid
- initsplit-el
- fonts-lohit-gujr
- python-fastbencode
- svgsalamander
- mpc
- libhttp-server-simple-perl
- fonts-deva-extra
- fonts-sahadeva
- polyglot-maven
- python-merge3
- node-es5-shim
- x2goclient
- jformatstring
- r-cran-digest
- swing-layout
- jarjar
- postgrey
- mdbtools
- lua-sec
- simple-http
- libminlog-java
- node-prepend-http
- node-require-from-string
- ioping
- libjs-twitter-bootstrap-datepicker
- libkryo-java
- r-cran-stringr
- cyrus-imapd
- freehep-xml
- unshield
- jatl
- osmpbf
- jquery-throttle-debounce
- pigpio
- gr-funcube
- python-requests-oauthlib
- q4wine
- eo-spell
- commons-pool
- libcache-cache-perl
- owslib
- fonts-lohit-taml-classical
- fonts-sarai
- libjgoodies-looks-java
- qt6-virtualkeyboard
- convmv
- mpg321
- mustache.js
- ifstat
- r-cran-stringi
- fonts-taml
- pygithub
- qtserialbus-everywhere-src
- r-cran-evaluate
- cramfsswap
- cscope
- fonts-telu-extra
- gf2x
- sunflow
- erfa
- ntl
- python-libdiscid
- fonts-telu
- fonts-deva
- gloox
- r-cran-mime
- catch2
- r-bioc-biocgenerics
- fontawesomefx
- awesome
- libidw-java
- r-cran-crayon
- libparse-syslog-perl
- squeak-vm
- fonts-beng-extra
- r-cran-jsonlite
- libtwelvemonkeys-java
- python-gevent
- smpeg
- sbcl
- libtie-simple-perl
- writer2latex
- apt-forktracer
- bpytop
- dd-plist
- mricron
- r-cran-data.table
- fonts-guru-extra
- fonts-beng
- libsejda-eventstudio-java
- libsejda-java
- ruby-hocon
- jackson-jr
- libsejda-injector-java
- libsejda-io-java
- mgba
- fonts-league-spartan
- r-cran-xtable
- r-cran-yaml
- libverto
- libsambox-java
- dbi
- ipvsadm
- r-cran-base64enc
- r-cran-htmltools
- python-xxhash
- fonts-guru
- libjs-bootswatch
- qtscxml-everywhere-src
- r-cran-highr
- r-cran-knitr
- vlc-plugin-pipewire
- company-mode
- fonts-gujr-extra
- commons-math
- loudmouth
- xdebug
- fritzing-parts
- r-cran-httpuv
- r-cran-lazyeval
- fonts-kalapi
- fcft
- gsoap
- fonts-gujr
- patchelf
- r-cran-sourcetools
- twm
- libnet-rblclient-perl
- color-theme-modern
- abcde
- fonts-pc
- libalien-sdl-perl
- libcommons-dbcp-java
- r-cran-shiny
- libspiffy-perl
- r-cran-memoise
- mupen64plus
- qastools
- libjs-sifter.js
- libjs-jquery-selectize.js
- libjs-microplugin.js
- setserial
- node-re2
- libmediawiki-api-perl
- r-cran-htmlwidgets
- ruby-net-ssh
- fwupd-i386-signed
- libsdl-perl
- obexftp
- nauty
- r-cran-purrr
- tnef
- r-cran-bit
- r-cran-bit64
- r-cran-prettyunits
- r-cran-tidyselect
- sweethome3d
- musescore-general-soundfont-small
- r-cran-tinytex
- datatables-extensions
- r-cran-rprojroot
- r-cran-sp
- cmark-gfm
- r-cran-later
- r-cran-promises
- sigscheme
- sweethome3d-furniture
- libsvg-perl
- fplll
- libnet-patricia-perl
- r-cran-desc
- r-cran-hms
- fonts-yrsa-rasa
- r-cran-xml2
- r-cran-lubridate
- libconfig-any-perl
- python-tempita
- stress-ng
- cpu-checker
- geronimo-validation-1.1-spec
- libio-all-perl
- bsdgames
- libgraph-perl
- unace
- haskell-regex-posix
- isenkram
- r-cran-blob
- remctl
- r-cran-rmarkdown
- r-cran-runit
- csh
- libdb-je-java
- r-cran-rsqlite
- r-cran-png
- libcpuid
- python-aiosqlite
- ruby-net-scp
- mariadb-connector-java
- antlr4
- sendemail
- gstreamer-vaapi
- libconfig-file-perl
- libtorrent
- ntpstat
- ubertooth
- svn2cl
- python-pytest-cov
- with-editor
- fluxbox
- yamllint
- r-cran-maps
- r-cran-dplyr
- r-cran-testit
- r-cran-testthat
- jboss-jdeparser2
- r-cran-praise
- sysv-rc-conf
- gst-rtsp-server1.0
- gunicorn
- jboss-logging-tools
- r-cran-assertthat
- rust-alacritty
- axiom
- haskell-hunit
- r-cran-rstudioapi
- ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf
- r-cran-mapproj
- libmatch-simple-perl
- libsejda-commons-java
- makepasswd
- pyzor
- r-zoo
- kexec-tools
- libopenraw
- libsub-infix-perl
- eclipse-equinox
- ruby-ed25519
- yaru-theme
- libaudio-scrobbler-perl
- linux86
- r-cran-mockr
- haskell-statevar
- nfs4-acl-tools
- libio-interface-perl
- cmst
- libfile-remove-perl
- r-cran-curl
- mysqltuner
- hyperscan
- libicns
- watchdog
- darcula
- libiconloader-java
- abind
- libdatetime-format-mail-perl
- munkres
- r-cran-bitops
- asio
- libstroke
- python-tempora
- libdata-url-java
- libterm-progressbar-perl
- tomcat10
- libnginx-mod-http-ndk
- python-portend
- cgal
- tuned
- r-cran-plyr
- disktype
- jfugue
- astropy
- fonts-teluguvijayam
- python-hiredis
- r-cran-generics
- jas
- r-cran-progress
- fonts-homecomputer
- mathpiper
- radare2
- reglookup
- udftools
- filetype.py
- libdata-dumper-concise-perl
- tomcat9
- libdigest-md4-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-headers-more-filter
- gr-fosphor
- jsonrpc-glib
- libsnmp-session-perl
- r-cran-timedate
- python-jsbeautifier
- r-cran-fs
- rdfind
- vorbisgain
- fbset
- swedish
- ocsinventory-agent
- r-cran-mockery
- openresolv
- r-cran-openssl
- xpaint
- devil
- r-cran-clipr
- zc.lockfile
- r-cran-askpass
- r-cran-httr
- r-cran-sys
- log4cpp
- libtest-pod-perl
- pypy3
- primesieve
- sipcalc
- xpra
- r-cran-rcppeigen
- ruby-net-sftp
- hfsutils
- r-cran-hexbin
- ubuntu-keyring
- commons-httpclient
- r-cran-dbitest
- r-cran-sparsem
- docker-pycreds
- r-cran-ellipsis
- weston
- r-cran-pkgload
- haskell-regex-compat
- openhpi
- djview4
- r-cran-zip
- soapyuhd
- r-cran-filehash
- r-cran-xml
- camlp-streams
- quadprog
- r-cran-backports
- r-cran-webutils
- soapyrtlsdr
- r-cran-matrixmodels
- mmv
- osspd
- r-cran-fastmap
- r-cran-rappdirs
- razor
- libnetfilter-cthelper
- libnginx-mod-http-fancyindex
- haskell-http
- r-cran-tidyr
- r-cran-cpp11
- libset-object-perl
- r-cran-cachem
- r-cran-timeseries
- node-mem
- r-cran-minqa
- r-cran-crosstalk
- givaro
- r-cran-brew
- airspyhf
- r-cran-brio
- r-cran-foreach
- r-cran-iterators
- soapyremote
- texworks
- r-cran-tikzdevice
- topcom
- tseries
- ifuse
- rust-env-logger
- bonnie++
- libclass-mix-perl
- r-cran-quantreg
- adns
- libimage-base-bundle-perl
- php-mail
- libmatch-simple-xs-perl
- pdns
- plib
- jaraco.collections
- rp-pppoe
- r-cran-future
- r-cran-globals
- haskell-html
- libimage-info-perl
- r-cran-xts
- aioredis
- python-paho-mqtt
- fonts-kacst-one
- libiio
- swaybg
- haskell-transformers-compat
- libimage-size-perl
- micro
- ell
- r-cran-callr
- r-cran-plogr
- r-cran-processx
- r-cran-ps
- r-cran-rcpparmadillo
- libjpeg9
- openoffice.org-thesaurus-pl
- libcrypt-eksblowfish-perl
- members
- haskell-opengl
- haskell-quickcheck
- cloud-init
- jdupes
- libantlr3c
- r-cran-quantmod
- r-cran-ttr
- r-cran-whisker
- insubstantial
- python-google-auth
- r-cran-r.methodss3
- rmysql
- haskell-x11-xft
- qtdoc-opensource-src
- r-cran-ini
- haskell-fgl
- r-cran-parallelly
- r-cran-gh
- r-cran-roxygen2
- fusioninventory-agent
- duf
- libclass-factory-util-perl
- r-cran-bh
- r-cran-r.oo
- libnginx-mod-http-lua
- fonts-navilu
- r-cran-dt
- rust-rand-core
- pyparted
- r-cran-remotes
- r-cran-rex
- saods9
- fonts-gubbi
- r-cran-diffobj
- r-cran-pkgbuild
- r-cran-rpostgresql
- sndfile-tools
- xbacklight
- fonts-kacst
- r-cran-gitcreds
- runit
- r-cran-covr
- libitext5-java
- r-cran-matrixstats
- lme4
- jnettop
- jstimezonedetect.js
- geronimo-jms-1.1-spec
- r-cran-usethis
- r-cran-dygraphs
- pavumeter
- r-cran-nloptr
- shaderc
- lbzip2
- r-cran-rematch2
- r-cran-sodium
- fonts-knda
- glmark2
- r-cran-credentials
- ruby-log4r
- r-cran-e1071
- trove-classifiers
- haskell-glut
- r-cran-gert
- r-cran-waldo
- libharu
- ddcutil
- soapyhackrf
- r-cran-formula
- ruby-paint
- oxygen-fonts
- r-cran-selectr
- olm
- libtest-warn-perl
- refpolicy
- r-cran-gridextra
- haskell-th-abstraction
- php-masterminds-html5
- python-proton-core
- seafile
- libgig
- waitress
- libsigrokdecode
- r-cran-systemfonts
- grc
- r-cran-domc
- secure-delete
- libclass-trigger-perl
- picocom
- ispell-et
- baresip
- hugo
- pydantic
- lolcat
- acct
- mpt-status
- r-cran-sessioninfo
- qt6-charts
- mvtnorm
- argtable2
- libcarp-assert-more-perl
- libnumber-bytes-human-perl
- fonts-linex
- haskell-network-uri
- libmiglayout-java
- ruby-treetop
- fonts-lohit-orya
- debian-junior
- toolz
- ruby-excon
- openrazer
- soapyairspy
- splint
- bluez-alsa
- r-cran-dbplyr
- fflas-ffpack
- r-cran-conquer
- libdatetime-format-w3cdtf-perl
- lrcalc
- sash
- fonts-orya-extra
- r-cran-pbkrtest
- sandwich
- libnet-ssh2-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-cache-purge
- 4ti2
- clevis
- libcompress-raw-bzip2-perl
- paste
- r-cran-rcmdcheck
- r-cran-rversions
- r-cran-xopen
- qmltermwidget
- ruby-polyglot
- fonts-orya
- haskell-unordered-containers
- ruby-rouge
- soapyaudio
- lmtest
- latticeextra
- dislocker
- opentracing-cpp
- r-cran-statmod
- soapybladerf
- opentracing-c-wrapper
- python-imageio
- r-cran-fontbitstreamvera
- extrepo
- r-cran-fontliberation
- r-cran-fontquiver
- soapyredpitaya
- netkit-ntalk
- pytest-remotedata
- nocache
- r-cran-readxl
- pytest-doctestplus
- r-cran-devtools
- statsmodels
- gtools
- haskell-blaze-builder
- qt6-websockets
- bibutils
- r-cran-decor
- surf-alggeo
- libcompress-bzip2-perl
- r-cran-deldir
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- memstat
- fonts-sil-annapurna
- libsql-statement-perl
- r-cran-vdiffr
- ruby-ipaddress
- pytz-deprecation-shim
- r-cran-catools
- latex2rtf
- acepack
- gdata
- r-cran-viridis
- sympow
- xlwt
- node-bl
- haskell-setlocale
- polib
- pytest-arraydiff
- rgl
- car
- gplots
- r-cran-rcurl
- hmisc
- netdiscover
- python-progressbar
- postfix-mta-sts-resolver
- haskell-zlib
- dillo
- libhash-fieldhash-perl
- python-semver
- sfsexp
- libuniversal-isa-perl
- pulseview
- r-cran-deoptimr
- r-cran-rematch
- android-platform-libcore
- nedit
- pytest-astropy
- libuniversal-can-perl
- r-cran-readr
- libss7
- node-p-finally
- libtest-mockobject-perl
- wxsqlite3
- r-cran-polyclip
- libterm-size-perl
- r-cran-broom
- r-cran-checkmate
- r-cran-forcats
- xiterm+thai
- python-git
- python-iso8601
- r-cran-cellranger
- r-cran-kernlab
- r-cran-plotrix
- aws-crt-python
- libobject-id-perl
- libx11-protocol-other-perl
- openttd-opengfx
- libdbix-contextualfetch-perl
- r-cran-haven
- spf-engine
- r-cran-estimability
- r-cran-th.data
- haskell-scientific
- multcomp
- libnginx-mod-http-uploadprogress
- libuniversal-moniker-perl
- r-cran-htmltable
- xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
- fonts-ecolier-court
- pyscard
- darcs
- node-p-timeout
- r-cran-doparallel
- node-co
- node-jschardet
- r-cran-gsl
- vym
- libima-dbi-perl
- libclass-dbi-perl
- r-cran-cardata
- r-cran-igraph
- t4kcommon
- sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw
- tomcat-native
- r-cran-miniui
- ruby-libvirt
- haskell-tagsoup
- openttd-openmsx
- r-cran-openxlsx
- ladspa-sdk
- r-cran-fastmatch
- r-cran-jpeg
- rocm-smi-lib
- cppzmq
- dask
- diffoscope
- python-blosc
- python-fido2
- slurm
- udns
- amanda
- r-cran-mlbench
- libnginx-mod-nchan
- r-cran-tensor
- node-bootstrap-sass
- openfortivpn
- libthumbnailator-java
- xsensors
- keepalived
- r-cran-sass
- jquery-minicolors
- python-smmap
- locket
- python-gitdb
- r-cran-raster
- squashfs-tools-ng
- glewmx
- influxdb
- libxml-rss-perl
- mbuffer
- r-cran-modelmetrics
- r-cran-rocr
- uml-utilities
- r-cran-proxy
- r-cran-spatstat
- spice-vdagent
- unclutter
- vokoscreen-ng
- freefem
- partd
- arc-theme
- keychain
- r-cran-jquerylib
- r-cran-spam
- ruby-kramdown
- autopkgtest
- blitz++
- flint
- libcarp-always-perl
- r-cran-bslib
- libjwt
- r-cran-fontawesome
- r-cran-goftest
- r-cran-gower
- r-cran-ipred
- r-cran-lava
- r-cran-prodlim
- r-cran-squarem
- cairocffi
- r-cran-mapdata
- r-cran-bdsmatrix
- strucchange
- r-cran-dotcall64
- texi2html
- trash-cli
- kstart
- lib3ds
- r-cran-caret
- r-cran-evd
- piuparts
- r-cran-maxlik
- r-cran-timechange
- snack
- procyon
- r-cran-misctools
- fcgiwrap
- qutebrowser
- gitlab-ci-multi-runner
- haskell-attoparsec
- netkit-rwho
- r-cran-spatstat.utils
- dehydrated
- intel-ipsec-mb
- r-cran-recipes
- r-cran-spatstat.data
- urca
- grub-efi-arm64-signed
- r-cran-geosphere
- r-cran-nleqslv
- r-cran-units
- snd
- libgetopt-argvfile-perl
- r-cran-fastica
- r-cran-plm
- fonts-ecolier-lignes-court
- libdigest-md5-file-perl
- moc
- r-cran-pbapply
- shim-helpers-arm64-signed
- php-db
- python-bsddb3
- r-cran-cba
- r-cran-lpsolve
- ruby-formatador
- python-marshmallow
- r-cran-r.utils
- r-cran-magic
- r-cran-ucminf
- libm4ri
- r-cran-future.apply
- r-cran-geometry
- r-cran-interp
- ruby-fog-core
- libmoox-struct-perl
- r-cran-rspectra
- r-bioc-biobase
- r-cran-sfsmisc
- ruby-sinatra
- zam-plugins
- r-cran-truncdist
- r-cran-classint
- python-imaplib2
- r-cran-pscl
- r-cran-reticulate
- ruby-fog-json
- nm-tray
- patsy
- python-memcache
- r-cran-proc
- r-cran-rcpproll
- autodep8
- libmath-round-perl
- nilfs-tools
- onnx
- r-cran-cvst
- r-cran-lmertest
- r-cran-ncdf4
- r-cran-rnetcdf
- r-cran-dfoptim
- tifffile
- libopenobex
- r-cran-drr
- r-cran-earth
- r-cran-plotmo
- ruby-tzinfo
- r-cran-bookdown
- r-cran-docopt
- r-cran-gbrd
- foremost
- r-cran-rbibutils
- r-cran-rdpack
- haskell-call-stack
- pdfchain
- libxml-sax-expatxs-perl
- r-cran-mda
- r-cran-mlmetrics
- r-cran-rcppprogress
- cmocka
- jscropperui
- r-cran-sf
- xbae
- python-amqp
- ruby-vagrant-cloud
- r-cran-httr2
- ruby-fog-xml
- spectre-meltdown-checker
- fsspec
- r-cran-r.cache
- node-slide
- python-croniter
- r-cran-mclust
- r-cran-setrng
- node-sha
- r-cran-biocmanager
- r-cran-ellipse
- r-cran-tinytest
- r-cran-downlit
- reptyr
- r-cran-packrat
- apt-rdepends
- belr
- eccodes
- r-cran-rsconnect
- libident
- pthreadpool
- r-cran-here
- r-cran-lwgeom
- r-cran-permute
- r-cran-rcpptoml
- r-cran-rsvg
- r-cran-webfakes
- fastfetch
- libfsntfs
- r-cran-locfit
- r-cran-rngtools
- source-extractor
- speedometer
- liblatex-tounicode-perl
- python-pygit2
- r-cran-furrr
- r-cran-optimx
- ruby-ruby2-keywords
- libbibtex-parser-perl
- node-remark-slide
- r-cran-profvis
- lsdvd
- r-cran-geepack
- r-cran-linprog
- r-cran-terra
- r-cran-tzdb
- ruby-erubis
- belcard
- r-cran-lbfgsb3c
- r-cran-palmerpenguins
- r-cran-textshaping
- jni-inchi
- libcrypt-des-perl
- r-cran-fnn
- r-cran-rann
- libclass-std-perl
- libphp-adodb
- python-anyjson
- r-cran-aer
- r-cran-spdata
- r-cran-dynlm
- r-cran-fields
- libpdf-api2-xs-perl
- pywavelets
- r-cran-hunspell
- r-cran-mathjaxr
- r-cran-plumber
- r-cran-registry
- r-cran-s2
- r-cran-spelling
- r-cran-wk
- r-cran-collapse
- ruby-fog-libvirt
- libterm-readline-perl-perl
- hydrogen-drumkits
- libvirt-dbus
- r-cran-swagger
- kombu
- r-cran-cairo
- r-cran-r.rsp
- r-cran-spatstat.geom
- sassc
- cfengine3
- r-cran-clubsandwich
- r-cran-fts
- r-cran-progressr
- r-cran-r.devices
- r-cran-spatstat.sparse
- xindy
- r-cran-irlba
- r-cran-tufte
- r-cran-vroom
- misc3d
- r-cran-lobstr
- r-cran-metafor
- r-cran-ragg
- libad9361-iio
- r-cran-modeldata
- xosd
- openctm
- r-cran-dimred
- r-cran-robumeta
- r-cran-slider
- r-cran-warp
- firmware-microbit-micropython
- haskell-colour
- pyqt-qwt
- r-cran-clock
- r-cran-vegan
- radvd
- requests-file
- check
- librep
- r-cran-ddalpha
- r-cran-spatstat.random
- r-cran-spdep
- r-cran-stars
- r-cran-mets
- r-cran-mlmrev
- r-cran-multicool
- r-cran-pcict
- r-cran-timereg
- ruby-rbtree
- ruby-sorted-set
- r-cran-magick
- r-cran-pracma
- stow
- r-cran-spatstat.explore
- r-cran-spatstat.linnet
- haskell-ansi-terminal
- r-cran-prettycode
- r-cran-profmem
- rspamd
- xdp-tools
- yaz
- node-cli-width
- r-cran-hardhat
- ucommon
- libm4rie
- r-cran-spatstat.model
- checkpolicy
- libsql-abstract-limit-perl
- node-run-async
- r-cran-formattable
- r-cran-gridbase
- r-cran-svglite
- fonts-lohit-mlym
- r-cran-rsample
- libio-compress-perl
- r-bioc-biocversion
- ruby-memoist
- latex2html
- node-is-object
- r-cran-cliapp
- r-cran-ks
- xmedcon
- r-cran-energy
- haskell-split
- r-cran-tweenr
- libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl
- osptoolkit
- oxygencursors
- r-cran-bench
- taglibs-standard
- haskell-integer-logarithms
- node-tmp
- awesome-extra
- node-external-editor
- r-cran-logcondens
- r-cran-urlchecker
- libdevice-serialport-perl
- r-cran-metadat
- node-inquirer
- scrcpy
- r-cran-systemfit
- node-detect-newline
- r-cran-polycor
- vagrant-libvirt
- pytest-astropy-header
- r-cran-admisc
- r-cran-rtsne
- cysignals
- iml
- pytest-filter-subpackage
- pytest-openfiles
- pyerfa
- r-cran-rose
- rw
- node-loose-envify
- r-cran-lavasearch2
- libgraphviz-perl
- libmoosex-types-perl
- libtar
- pngcrush
- r-cran-pcapp
- r-cran-pls
- coderay
- dsdp
- flot
- r-cran-nmf
- extrepo-data
- foomatic-filters
- libclass-accessor-grouped-perl
- libmoosex-role-parameterized-perl
- hspell
- python-fusepy
- r-cran-themis
- youtubedl-gui
- libnet-ident-perl
- r-cran-gganimate
- ruby-semantic-puppet
- bochs
- lxml-html-clean
- zopfli
- haskell-vty
- node-invert-kv
- r-cran-av
- ruby-faraday
- node-require-main-filename
- python-logutils
- node-lcid
- aspell-sv
- debtags
- node-which-module
- python-dropbox
- quesoglc
- r-cran-cubelyr
- r-cran-intervals
- r-cran-thematic
- libmath-base-convert-perl
- xxdiff
- gnome-epub-thumbnailer
- r-cran-ncmeta
- haskell-cgi
- libalien-wxwidgets-perl
- libarray-unique-perl
- libuvc
- r-cran-spacetime
- libcrypt-smbhash-perl
- python-oauth2client
- qpwgraph
- r-cran-plot3d
- csvkit
- node-os-locale
- node-proto-list
- ruby-tilt
- libpod-pom-perl
- node-config-chain
- libyaml-pp-perl
- xcffib
- haskell-async
- libdecaf
- libuser-identity-perl
- python-googleapi
- libbraiding
- r-cran-sftime
- libsub-exporter-formethods-perl
- rdate
- jeuclid
- libhomfly
- libsoundio
- yoshimi
- haskell-stream
- haskell-th-compat
- r-cran-gstat
- haskell-arrows
- ruby-mail
- nqp
- r-cran-ncdfgeom
- scala
- libmousex-nativetraits-perl
- r-cran-transformr
- usbview
- libmp3-info-perl
- python-stone
- qdox2
- alglib
- deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin
- libnids
- rplay
- rust-addr2line
- dh-sysuser
- mp3gain
- r-cran-teachingdemos
- belle-sip
- glm
- mediathekview
- docx2txt
- fonts-sil-doulos
- intel-compute-runtime
- ldapscripts
- slop
- apt-cacher-ng
- modules
- navit
- python-pyzstd
- testpath
- node-lezer
- python-brotlicffi
- libobject-realize-later-perl
- python-bcj
- python-inflate64
- python-multivolumefile
- rubber
- python-pyppmd
- pythondialog
- libfreesrp
- acpitool
- ncl
- pcre-ocaml
- numpy-stl
- libccrtp
- libmodule-refresh-perl
- compton
- gtkspellmm
- python-schema
- rasdaemon
- fonts-smc
- giza
- voikko-fi
- pdf-presenter-console
- diffpdf
- hashdeep
- coreboot
- ghdl
- openfoam
- android-platform-tools-base
- doxia
- htslib
- xfonts-bolkhov
- flatpak-builder
- ispell-lt
- libcrypt-blowfish-perl
- sfcgal
- ode
- org-mode
- openttd-opensfx
- xnnpack
- proxychains
- pytest-mock
- shellingham
- dh-lua
- haskell-dlist
- ruby-eventmachine
- s-tui
- primus-vk
- progress
- dump
- fonts-mlym
- node-flush-write-stream
- dsniff
- fonts-smc-keraleeyam
- gifsicle
- libmail-box-perl
- libwx-perl
- node-unpipe
- fonts-smc-uroob
- coffeescript
- haskell-cabal-install
- librcc
- python-utils
- haskell-mode
- libjide-oss-java
- hedgewars
- sigrok-cli
- fonts-smc-suruma
- libhash-multivalue-perl
- pflogsumm
- libdigest-sha-perl
- node-ansi-colors
- python-xattr
- wise
- xli
- python-tblib
- 3270font
- android-platform-external-libunwind
- apt-dater-host
- fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans
- fonts-smc-chilanka
- commons-pool2
- node-array-find-index
- node-currently-unhandled
- meshlab
- fonts-smc-manjari
- fonts-smc-rachana
- copyq
- fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi
- fonts-smc-dyuthi
- fonts-smc-karumbi
- fonts-smc-meera
- libzn-poly
- node-tar-stream
- libmousex-strictconstructor-perl
- byacc
- libconfig-model-perl
- pdfcrack
- detox
- unscd
- gworkspace
- node-deep-extend
- felix-main
- hunspell-ca
- itcl3
- libcontext-preserve-perl
- libsecp256k1
- fortunes-bofh-excuses
- haskell-half
- jstest-gtk
- libclass-c3-componentised-perl
- node-rc
- bioperl
- castxml
- hydra
- libtext-levenshtein-damerau-perl
- openocd
- voro++
- azure-cli
- python-colorlog
- varnish
- libclass-std-fast-perl
- libphp-phpmailer
- haskell-openglraw
- librime
- xmhtml
- go-mtpfs
- libdbix-class-perl
- python-trio-websocket
- ruby-jwt
- bioperl-run
- libsoap-wsdl-perl
- libtest-sharedfork-perl
- ruby-mini-mime
- flvstreamer
- haskell-gluraw
- node-he
- aspell-sk
- haskell-tagged
- wml
- dask.distributed
- hatchling
- libtest-tcp-perl
- libfilesys-notify-simple-perl
- libopengl-perl
- netstat-nat
- zict
- adequate
- jailkit
- libmetrics-any-perl
- librelp
- python-precis-i18n
- libtest-metrics-any-perl
- python-selenium
- stlink
- wsjtx
- cloc
- ext4magic
- httpie
- innoextract
- libauthen-ntlm-perl
- pasystray
- spirv-tools
- libmixin-linewise-perl
- node-duplexer3
- pipenv
- python-nbxmpp
- haskell-fixed
- libccd
- python-cliapp
- zsh-autosuggestions
- node-yarnpkg
- xpa
- libdevel-stacktrace-ashtml-perl
- json-simple
- node-bluebird
- webtest
- xbindkeys
- luckybackup
- python-shtab
- xdot
- haskell-objectname
- qiv
- ruby-sys-filesystem
- smart-notifier
- fonts-smc-gayathri
- ratpoints
- armagetronad
- node-registry-auth-token
- ortp
- xml2
- libpolyclipping
- node-is-npm
- node-registry-url
- glslang
- libjoda-time-java
- node-package-json
- cpprest
- vulkan-validationlayers
- libdebian-installer
- libplack-perl
- libposix-strftime-compiler-perl
- node-editor
- node-sorted-object
- ros-metapackages
- node-latest-version
- capnproto
- python-uritools
- websockify
- haskell-case-insensitive
- libtime-piece-mysql-perl
- python-ttystatus
- cloud-initramfs-tools
- libio-compress-lzma-perl
- libstream-buffered-perl
- rng-tools-debian
- streamlink
- grace
- libconfig-ini-perl
- inkscape-open-symbols
- node-import-lazy
- node-lazy-property
- node-uid-number
- libapache-logformat-compiler-perl
- libbareword-filehandles-perl
- node-xdg-basedir
- sigrok
- libclass-dbi-mysql-perl
- mrpt
- netsurf
- node-browser-stdout
- pygccxml
- python-consul
- shntool
- fonts-uralic
- jnr-posix
- python-pecan
- dhcpdump
- google-authenticator
- hw-probe
- node-cyclist
- node-qw
- pass-otp
- node-mocha
- pplpy
- nexuiz-data
- node-ansi-align
- ros-geometry2
- c++-annotations
- hyphy
- node-call-limit
- node-url-to-options
- node-from2
- node-is-retry-allowed
- node-term-size
- rickslab-gpu-utils
- libmultidimensional-perl
- node-semver-diff
- node-stream-each
- node-timed-out
- libstring-rewriteprefix-perl
- node-stream-iterate
- google-auth-httplib2
- node-parallel-transform
- dmalloc
- node-boxen
- authbind
- borgmatic
- libsoftware-licensemoreutils-perl
- libtoml-tiny-perl
- angular.js
- barrier
- libconfig-model-backend-yaml-perl
- node-has-symbol-support-x
- python-cachecontrol
- libppi-perl
- node-has-to-string-tag-x
- cmdtest
- geronimo-ejb-3.2-spec
- haskell-old-locale
- libconfig-model-dpkg-perl
- node-mississippi
- node-url-parse-lax
- r-cran-geoknife
- ring
- node-isurl
- lcov
- libwww-form-urlencoded-perl
- python-gitlab
- jquery-i18n-properties
- privacybadger
- pydf
- python-pyaudio
- jnr-ffi
- python-cssselect2
- pgzero
- remind
- systempreferences.app
- libgd-text-perl
- sxiv
- fonts-monoid
- ddrescueview
- torcs
- primus
- amb-plugins
- php-amqplib
- r-cran-wkutils
- excalibur-logkit
- mdns-scan
- pulsemixer
- libfile-tail-perl
- canna
- drbl
- libdbd-csv-perl
- ri-li
- mypaint-brushes
- wavemon
- hatch-vcs
- debian-med
- xloadimage
- feedbackd
- libhttp-headers-fast-perl
- ruby-little-plugger
- ruby-logging
- grpc-java
- meterbridge
- uucp
- checksecurity
- libcookie-baker-perl
- libgd-graph-perl
- libhttp-multipartparser-perl
- android-platform-build
- haskell-base-orphans
- libnet-sftp-foreign-perl
- visualvm
- gqrx-sdr
- libengine-gost-openssl
- libhttp-entity-parser-perl
- node-emojis-list
- spirv-llvm-translator-14
- libcompizconfig
- dphys-swapfile
- linbox
- node-big.js
- openntpd
- clonezilla
- libusb3380
- pillow-sane
- pixiewps
- rzip
- ncbi-tools6
- podman-compose
- freedoom
- mbr
- arc
- sigil
- libfcgi-procmanager-perl
- sra-sdk
- mangohud
- gdome2
- getmail6
- privoxy
- reaver
- jabref
- ocaml-num
- perltidy
- python-blessed
- libratbag
- gnat
- python-semantic-version
- agda-stdlib
- dpkg-repack
- ruby-tomlrb
- fonts-courier-prime
- libxtrx
- bcmatroska2
- editorconfig-core-py
- haskell-syb
- mplayer-blue
- opendoas
- rdflib
- tsocks
- btrfsmaintenance
- qt6-lottie
- cuetools
- libatomic-ops
- libfile-slurp-tiny-perl
- node-loader-utils
- node-cli-spinners
- seaborn
- chntpw
- fonts-anonymous-pro
- libcgi-emulate-psgi-perl
- signon-kwallet-extension
- swath
- libfuse-perl
- libopenhmd
- libsolv
- luarocks
- python-pefile
- clthreads
- javacc
- mediawiki
- modsecurity-crs
- omniorb-dfsg
- rpy2
- ruby-zeitwerk
- debian-ports-archive-keyring
- svxlink
- cura-engine
- haskell-distributive
- aqemu
- aspectj
- simage
- rust-quickcheck
- haskell-bifunctors
- haskell-contravariant
- intel-cmt-cat
- iotop-c
- mapnik
- svnkit
- haskell-comonad
- jnr-x86asm
- f3
- libenv-sanctify-perl
- libsafe-isa-perl
- primecount
- bazel-bootstrap
- libmodule-depends-perl
- fonts-agave
- golang-github-containers-storage
- opencl-clang-14
- rickshaw
- dreamchess
- plexus-languages
- qtspell
- ruby-redcarpet
- ruby-sassc
- vacation
- musescore-general-soundfont
- pychromecast
- reprepro
- libapache-dbi-perl
- libhttp-cookiejar-perl
- git-flow
- libcgi-session-perl
- plexus-compiler
- dbus-c++
- heapdict
- python-aniso8601
- python-pyelftools
- gorm.app
- libdata-float-perl
- cpulimit
- haskell-semigroupoids
- liblms7compact
- pari-galdata
- shibboleth-sp
- apparmor-profiles-extra
- dcfldd
- jnr-constants
- libcgi-compile-perl
- pari-seadata
- python-linux-procfs
- python-lzo
- debian-el
- ffcall
- haskell-data-default
- libgnupg-interface-perl
- ruby-unicode-display-width
- libmail-message-perl
- rosegarden
- vine
- libhttp-lite-perl
- libxml-filter-buffertext-perl
- numix-icon-theme
- ruby-os
- htdig
- iirish
- live-tasks
- ruby-googleauth
- ruby-signet
- libjdom2-java
- pinball
- ruby-multipart-post
- xlsxwriter
- dsda-doom
- libdatetime-format-natural-perl
- ruby-net-http-persistent
- lime
- opensm
- devio
- libdata-entropy-perl
- phppgadmin
- ros-ros
- aide
- authres
- libnfc
- libxtrxdsp
- rttr
- uvccapture
- mkchromecast
- pari-elldata
- ruby-googleapis-common-protos-types
- fonts-yozvox-yozfont
- haskell-blaze-markup
- maven-compiler-plugin
- mktorrent
- nbtscan
- spirv-cross
- xserver-xorg-video-geode
- dde-qt5integration
- dtkcore
- kicad-packages3d
- libxtrxll
- haskell-transformers-base
- gst-plugins-espeak
- libmoox-late-perl
- ruby-xml-simple
- fdm-materials
- dtkgui
- volpack
- electric-fence
- haskell-microlens
- libmail-transport-perl
- maven-shared-incremental
- modsecurity-apache
- psi-plus
- controlsfx
- dicomscope
- libsignal-protocol-c
- bzip3
- tcpflow
- dtkwidget
- libclass-makemethods-perl
- libpackage-variant-perl
- mdetect
- percona-toolkit
- samtools
- fwbuilder
- gnu-standards
- iec16022
- libgnt
- libhtmlparser-java
- libmpd
- libxml-sax-writer-perl
- spell
- haskell-blaze-html
- mir
- peewee
- crawl
- ulogd2
- libiberty
- exiftags
- haskell-devscripts
- ros-roscpp-core
- php-mdb2
- flask-restful
- libjsonparser
- libsql-translator-perl
- mupen64plus-core
- celery
- fake-hwclock
- jiconfont
- btscanner
- node-path-root
- node-path-root-regex
- okio
- scid
- git-annex
- openafs
- dh-buildinfo
- dmg2img
- libflexdock-java
- libskinlf-java
- libokhttp-java
- aiohappyeyeballs
- node-bytes
- pyspf
- xtables-addons
- fonts-atarismall
- jiconfont-font-awesome
- haskell-base-compat
- cmigemo
- httpcomponents-asyncclient
- incron
- libstax2-api-java
- ruby-sass
- haskell-strict
- jiconfont-swing
- libemail-find-perl
- pdf2svg
- ruby-diffy
- coturn
- haskell-aeson
- isc-kea
- libjgraphx-java
- vgabios
- ssh-import-id
- fonts-arphic-ukai
- libtrio
- endless-sky
- tox
- suds
- xserver-xorg-input-keyboard
- tldextract
- libwww-form-urlencoded-xs-perl
- libjchart2d-java
- python-flask-cors
- ruby-yajl
- libdbi-drivers
- neurodebian
- php-laravel-framework
- symlinks
- biosquid
- gnuplot-mode
- timelimit
- fonts-sil-shimenkan
- bear
- linssid
- libwoodstox-java
- backupninja
- libjrosetta-java
- velocity
- btrfs-compsize
- libdata-page-perl
- benchmark
- haskell-microlens-th
- weka
- commons-dbcp2
- dnstop
- gcc-defaults-mipsen
- jnr-netdb
- libequinox-osgi-java
- fonts-cwtex
- libcharon
- libjhlabs-filters-java
- pynest2d
- xcompmgr
- node-yn
- zathura-ps
- unrtf
- sparql-wrapper-python
- cutecom
- gtkwave
- libhtml-fromtext-perl
- libmbassador-java
- libmp3-tag-perl
- numix-gtk-theme
- curlftpfs
- python-guizero
- ruby-highline
- commons-configuration2
- xmlunit
- libyang2
- python-jsondiff
- libsub-handlesvia-perl
- tcptrack
- haskell-uuid-types
- tinyproxy
- python-uflash
- git-remote-gcrypt
- gtk-theme-switch
- libglazedlists-java
- dupload
- f2c
- gap-smallgrp
- gnome-audio
- libspin-java
- netty
- pokerth
- c2hs
- libmicroba-java
- python-poppler-qt5
- python-nudatus
- breeze-plymouth
- ethstatus
- libstring-approx-perl
- dtv-scan-tables
- gnome-pkg-tools
- icoextract
- qt6-networkauth
- haskell-stringsearch
- python-markdown-math
- rpi.gpio
- libsmf
- resource-agents
- scapy
- crack
- direnv
- firehol
- mpm-itk
- sagetex
- x86info
- maildir-utils
- stacer
- haskell-microlens-mtl
- swayidle
- aspell-el
- debian-hamradio
- fcrackzip
- java-string-similarity
- python-termcolor
- cup
- fonts-material-design-icons-iconfont
- ipe
- opensbi
- rust-lsd
- ayatana-indicator-application
- haskell-indexed-traversable
- crudini
- epiphany
- ree
- unirest-java
- xdm
- haskell-these
- mb2md
- python-axolotl-curve25519
- android-platform-system-extras
- elementary-xfce
- python-icalendar
- cvxopt
- libfilehandle-unget-perl
- msopenh264
- node-typescript
- docbook-xsl-doc
- haskell-assoc
- rpl
- compizconfig-python
- drumkv1
- jose
- caddy
- i7z
- libmail-mbox-messageparser-perl
- libsmali-java
- faust
- hmmer
- libcarp-assert-perl
- naga
- tinycdb
- qt6-connectivity
- libcsv
- libparse-yapp-perl
- openni
- dx
- libpff
- haxml
- ng-utils
- haskell-time-compat
- iwd
- d3-format
- gap-gapdoc
- mikmod
- qt6-webview
- octave-statistics
- python-publicsuffix2
- reboot-notifier
- sloccount
- canlock
- texworks-manual
- dssi
- ecasound
- teeworlds
- xosview
- android-platform-system-tools-aidl
- c-blosc2
- jack-capture
- pyotherside
- cairosvg
- luksmeta
- jctools
- libdevel-argnames-perl
- task
- zathura-djvu
- htscodecs
- apktool
- dlint
- haskell-data-default-instances-dlist
- liblog-agent-perl
- libhtml-lint-perl
- liboggz
- appmenu-registrar
- gforth
- haskell-resourcet
- libreplaygain
- libtime-duration-parse-perl
- netcdf4-python
- python-axolotl
- cftime
- gap-tomlib
- haskell-onetuple
- mat2
- node-loud-rejection
- haskell-old-time
- libcookie-baker-xs-perl
- ocaml-zarith
- rust-bindgen
- xzgv
- node-death
- pydbus
- haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale
- libdatetime-format-flexible-perl
- mg
- node-object-path
- wayland-utils
- lua-event
- macchanger
- proxychains-ng
- node-invariant
- clxclient
- haskell-data-default-instances-containers
- kernel-wedge
- ogmtools
- adminer
- gerris
- ispell-fo
- libcddb-get-perl
- mrtg
- slicot
- autokey
- fonts-staypuft
- jython
- libcrypt-cbc-perl
- libinline-perl
- node-emoji
- scribus-template
- writerperfect
- wvdial
- atool
- haskell-cereal
- gap-atlasrep
- libmediawiki
- libpg-perl
- node-imports-loader
- billiard
- gromacs
- libnumber-format-perl
- node-proper-lockfile
- liblockfile-simple-perl
- libnet-oauth-perl
- ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm
- android-file-transfer
- fox1.6
- rust-quote
- doomsday
- nnn
- ocp
- python-editor
- qmmp
- xkeycaps
- arpwatch
- haskell-lazysmallcheck
- stellarsolver
- sysvbanner
- haskell-conduit
- rust-crossbeam-epoch
- haskell-streaming-commons
- mcp-plugins
- swaylock
- cmt
- haskell-base-compat-batteries
- haskell-multipart
- python-build
- a2jmidid
- haskell-unliftio-core
- libio-tiecombine-perl
- libpqxx
- nbd
- libb-keywords-perl
- pssh
- python-uvicorn
- qcustomplot
- haskell-uulib
- libapp-cmd-perl
- libunicode-map8-perl
- sword
- avifile
- libdatetime-format-sqlite-perl
- ocrad
- abootimg
- exifprobe
- gaviotatb
- bullet
- dragonfly-reverb
- gap-primgrp
- ruby-pygments.rb
- gap-alnuth
- gap-autpgrp
- gap-polycyclic
- gap-transgrp
- haskell-indexed-traversable-instances
- php-cas
- libretro-core-info
- libsys-mmap-perl
- libterm-shellui-perl
- poster
- gpsim
- alure
- bchunk
- gap-ctbllib
- readstat
- s3cmd
- fonts-recommended
- libxmlada
- openxr-sdk-source
- hxtools
- rapidfuzz
- rust-parking-lot-core
- ssvnc
- terminaltables
- gstreamermm-1.0
- libxsettings-client
- nfstrace
- qprint
- mate-window-applets
- opendmarc
- python-textile
- libhtml-scrubber-perl
- libphp-serialization-perl
- lpr
- ocamlgsl
- python-spake2
- txtorcon
- wnn6-sdk
- libmoosex-strictconstructor-perl
- libpegex-perl
- safecopy
- synthv1
- cgdb
- nagios4
- retroarch-assets
- saga
- xprintidle
- haskell-monad-control
- dtkcommon
- libwebm
- magic-wormhole
- bibtool
- libunicode-collate-perl
- ruby-molinillo
- python-pkgconfig
- stfl
- zfp
- php-guzzlehttp-psr7
- php-tokenizer
- python-zombie-imp
- ancient
- apachetop
- libinline-c-perl
- micropolis-activity
- bootstrap-html
- openmw
- pyephem
- ruby-http-parser.rb
- scalpel
- fonts-pagul
- libfreenect
- libstatistics-descriptive-perl
- php-fpdf
- pgagent
- ruby-rdiscount
- php-psr-http-client
- pymarkups
- dpkg-dev-el
- python-bitstring
- dwarfutils
- haskell-vector-algorithms
- hunspell-lv
- python-stem
- haskell-mono-traversable
- lv2
- qsopt-ex
- filius
- liquidwar
- python-ldapdomaindump
- utfcpp
- bird
- duc
- python-azure
- impacket
- libpod-coverage-perl
- libsearpc
- libsql-abstract-classic-perl
- libtext-wrapper-perl
- node-strict-uri-encode
- python-django-bootstrap-form
- sleef
- buffer
- itstool
- freezegun
- libhttp-cache-transparent-perl
- lightproof
- php-guzzlehttp-promises
- pgpdump
- systemc
- html2ps
- libxmp
- qdirstat
- efitools
- gmrun
- kamailio
- retroarch
- ruby-em-websocket
- zile
- guzzle
- isync
- dizzy
- gap-io
- mcomix
- haskell-regex-tdfa
- libdatetime-hires-perl
- materia-gtk-theme
- ruby-liquid
- courier-unicode
- duperemove
- gajim-openpgp
- gap-factint
- haskell-conduit-extra
- samplv1
- autojump
- haskell-text-short
- dot2tex
- rarcrack
- foobillardplus
- pyopencl
- zeroc-ice
- mariadb-connector-odbc
- ruby-css-parser
- orphan-sysvinit-scripts
- cminpack
- retext
- vim-syntastic
- drascula
- haskell-safe
- inkscape-textext
- radicale
- libtracefs
- python3-lxc
- onedrive
- haskell-data-fix
- hesiod
- python-yubico
- starlink-ast
- haskell-semialign
- keepassxc-browser
- libio-socket-multicast-perl
- openuniverse
- aiofiles
- libreoffice-voikko
- lorene
- pyaes
- python-btrfs
- ruby-ttfunk
- aiksaurus
- haskell-witherable
- libfile-libmagic-perl
- linuxtv-dvb-apps
- netkit-telnet-ssl
- atomicparsley
- cpl
- dput-ng
- libdivsufsort
- nagios-images
- python-zstandard
- ruby-ascii85
- tclreadline
- acpi-call
- haskell-base64-bytestring
- ruby-mercenary
- rust-serde
- yorick
- libproc-simple-perl
- psi
- ruby-jekyll-sass-converter
- supercollider-sc3-plugins
- xfonts-wqy
- yubico-piv-tool
- haskell-typed-process
- notepadqq
- ruby-colorator
- ruby-fast-stemmer
- tinc
- regionset
- ruby-jekyll-watch
- fonts-indic
- ruby-hashery
- tp-smapi
- jekyll
- bumblebee
- haskell-memory
- rbenv
- ruby-classifier-reborn
- yq
- bootpc
- cruft-ng
- freeorion
- mda-lv2
- php-getid3
- myrepos
- ruby-forwardable-extended
- libtext-trim-perl
- octave-control
- openarena
- pdl
- ruby-pathutil
- ruby-prawn
- node-sort-keys
- pybluez
- ruby-pdf-reader
- ruby-rc4
- gimplensfun
- liblog-tracemessages-perl
- ruby-afm
- tcpreplay
- libevent-perl
- python-debtcollector
- xautomation
- dolfin
- lucene4.10
- ettercap
- fai
- libinsane
- rapidjson
- tklib
- faenza-icon-theme
- liblingua-preferred-perl
- oggvideotools
- plantuml
- ssdeep
- apel
- fonts-arabeyes
- python-proton-vpn-logger
- softhsm2
- tdom
- html-xml-utils
- htsengine
- skkdic
- testssl.sh
- mingetty
- ncbi-vdb
- libbtbb
- magics++
- automysqlbackup
- hollywood
- i3blocks
- libconfig-grammar-perl
- pygattlib
- python-pytimeparse
- ruby-pdf-core
- ruby-tins
- wcstools
- gfan
- haskell-basement
- hscolour
- schedtool
- thermald
- cheetah
- libconstant-defer-perl
- libg3d
- pike8.0
- ruby-term-ansicolor
- haskell-xml-types
- libinline-files-perl
- libtablelayout-java
- python-zeep
- gyoto
- python-agate
- gocryptfs
- libfsapfs
- xtrx-dkms
- dxvk
- onednn
- avra
- libtest-differences-perl
- moment-timezone.js
- xvkbd
- imwheel
- irrlicht
- pydicom
- clusterssh
- cmd2
- ispell-gl
- m2crypto
- python-biopython
- tuptime
- zint
- caveexpress
- python-dbfread
- python-leather
- gpxpy
- libcommons-jexl2-java
- libcomps
- rust-libc
- daemontools
- jupyter-comm
- octave-struct
- ddrutility
- nsca
- palp
- python-argh
- wabt
- clojure
- lua-bit32
- fonts-jetbrains-mono
- python-oslo.config
- python-oslo.serialization
- libxxx-perl
- scsitools
- eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker
- sslscan
- tlsh
- waybar
- libdisasm
- libhdhomerun
- pdfposter
- sshuttle
- valgrind-if-available
- xcb
- ruby-prawn-table
- python-email-validator
- sketch
- smokeping
- x2x
- aiohttp-socks
- openarena-players-mature
- python-agate-excel
- ruby-terminal-table
- grepcidr
- openarena-088-data
- openarena-maps
- openarena-misc
- openarena-players
- openarena-textures
- openvpn-systemd-resolved
- roundcube-skin-classic
- roundcube-skin-larry
- sonivox
- cld2
- haskell-http-types
- openarena-085-data
- openarena-data
- python-agate-dbf
- python-agate-sql
- xcursor-themes
- slurp
- gp2c
- haskell-xml-conduit
- php-net-url
- vlock
- cubeb
- ophcrack
- ldapvi
- myrescue
- myspell-sk
- ball
- libcache-memcached-perl
- python-oslo.context
- aspell-ro
- ipv6calc
- libconfig-auto-perl
- r-cran-uuid
- rinse
- unison-2.53
- libdata-uuid-perl
- libmozilla-publicsuffix-perl
- libpar-dist-perl
- powerlevel9k
- ssh-audit
- bibtex2html
- polybar
- libppix-regexp-perl
- flann
- hexcurse
- hunspell-dict-ko
- python-looseversion
- davmail
- crunch
- haskell-th-lift
- libdvbcsa
- libio-tee-perl
- prometheus
- gloo
- haskell-cryptonite
- lucene++
- nis
- nlohmann-json3
- ruby-rack-test
- siconos
- tycho2
- popplerkit.framework
- python-ewmh
- python-testtools
- xsettings-kde
- zpaq
- fil-plugins
- obfs4proxy
- ansible-lint
- libsemantic-version-java
- libstring-format-perl
- node-is-promise
- php-pecl-http
- rust-sval
- commonmark
- libtree-dagnode-perl
- readpe
- ruby-cairo
- xmobar
- exec-maven-plugin
- fswebcam
- pypdf
- gnome-extra-icons
- haskell-hourglass
- tensorpipe
- txt2html
- yade
- ace-of-penguins
- fence-agents
- libpod-spell-perl
- python-cligj
- ugrep
- veusz
- haskell-asn1-types
- aspell-he
- commons-configuration
- laptop-mode-tools
- perlindex
- scite
- pnglite
- apt-config-auto-update
- gmt
- guichan
- jack-tools
- octave-optim
- rust-compiler-builtins
- aspell-hr
- flintqs
- openarena-oacmp1
- aspell-sl
- construct
- haskell-asn1-encoding
- libboost-geometry-utils-perl
- pam-u2f
- haskell-temporary
- netdiag
- wifite
- libtext-vfile-asdata-perl
- ruby-nio4r
- grepmail
- libperl-critic-perl
- jing-trang
- libterm-table-perl
- ruby-atomic
- eric
- ganeti
- python-cliff
- qtsystems-opensource-src
- pd-mrpeach
- ruby-msgpack
- qgit
- ext3grep
- gpsprune
- tk-table
- xuxen-eu-spell
- haskell-cookie
- hunspell-eu
- libdevel-mat-dumper-perl
- python-munch
- ruby-rchardet
- ruby-thread-safe
- dpf-plugins
- libmatheval
- libppix-quotelike-perl
- libunicode-maputf8-perl
- ncmpcpp
- podcastparser
- qt6-remoteobjects
- sagemath-database-conway-polynomials
- telepathy-qt
- octave-io
- syncthingtray
- pyroute2
- stl-manual
- swish++
- bastet
- hunspell-ar
- libmath-libm-perl
- libnet-openssh-perl
- mimalloc
- pari-galpol
- aspell-tl
- cgif
- cups-bjnp
- slime
- docbook2x
- flightgear
- jack-example-tools
- oscrypto
- clustalw
- masscan
- mednaffe
- python-socks
- qt6-sensors
- rust-regex-syntax
- scorched3d
- haskell-asn1-parse
- libtest-most-perl
- nsis
- pacman
- qtfeedback-opensource-src
- rep-gtk
- bristol
- cunit
- libmath-planepath-perl
- mpqc
- mygpoclient
- sng
- yaml-mode
- gphotofs
- magicrescue
- haskell-pem
- libmath-convexhull-monotonechain-perl
- libosmocore
- proftpd-mod-vroot
- rust-zoxide
- slepc
- fsarchiver
- libmath-geometry-voronoi-perl
- python-mimeparse
- sagemath-database-graphs
- scala-parser-combinators
- libquota-perl
- sagemath-database-elliptic-curves
- xcircuit
- xrootd
- docbook5-xml
- jakarta-jmeter
- nwipe
- prometheus-exporter-exporter
- raincat
- sagemath-database-combinatorial-designs
- sagemath-database-polytopes
- ibm-3270
- maloc
- dwm
- libdockapp
- primer3
- agg
- fonts-jsmath
- responses
- ruby-mysql2
- fonts-cmu
- golang-github-containers-dnsname
- libapreq2
- less.js
- tetgen
- dejagnu
- elpa-transient
- ssldump
- unicon
- aspell-ar
- easymock
- haskell-mime-types
- libjs-jquery-jstree
- moarvm
- python-colour
- libprelude
- libtest2-suite-perl
- signing-party
- subprocess-tee
- libcrypt-simple-perl
- libpam-script
- autoconf2.13
- toposort
- dialign
- haskell-x509
- ogre-1.12
- python-retrying
- libgepub
- libsequence-library-java
- prosody
- slixmpp
- glogg
- nmh
- libgringotts
- python-distutils-extra
- ruby-method-source
- ifrench
- libnet-dbus-glib-perl
- mboxgrep
- r-cran-coda
- android-framework-23
- fvwm-icons
- libcrypt-openssl-dsa-perl
- libmath-derivative-perl
- libmath-spline-perl
- pgmodeler
- culmus-fancy
- libalgorithm-munkres-perl
- python-langdetect
- comedilib
- libquazip1-qt5
- libuninameslist
- plexus-ant-factory
- r-cran-vgam
- seq-el
- systemd-cron
- tcpick
- nagiosplugin
- plexus-bsh-factory
- python-pyotp
- vbindiff
- aspell-is
- bbswitch
- fonts-farsiweb
- fonts-femkeklaver
- haskell-tls
- haskell-http-client
- libconvert-color-perl
- linuxdoc-tools
- pfqueue
- pngcheck
- dh-php
- libarray-compare-perl
- libdigest-sha3-perl
- libnet-mac-perl
- libset-infinite-perl
- python-ansible-compat
- rakudo
- aspell-fa
- enjarify
- haskell-aeson-pretty
- haskell-byteorder
- python-bracex
- python-wcmatch
- ruby-ncurses
- libtext-balanced-perl
- mapserver
- veyon
- w-scan
- binutils-mipsen
- dovecot-antispam
- libterm-encoding-perl
- ntopng
- ruby-execjs
- ruby-prawn-icon
- sweethome3d-furniture-editor
- vim-latexsuite
- libdatetime-set-perl
- myspell-lv
- pymediainfo
- gap-utils
- haskell-x509-store
- libcrypt-urandom-perl
- libdatetime-format-http-perl
- ruby-prawn-svg
- zsync
- fuse-emulator
- haskell-lexer
- hslogger
- streamripper
- fonts-sil-abyssinica
- haskell-iproute
- haskell-x509-validation
- hunspell-kk
- kobodeluxe
- libopenoffice-oodoc-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-xml-perl
- pastescript
- snacc
- ibutils
- python-fixtures
- python-pulp
- ruby-hike
- android-platform-frameworks-native
- haskell-socks
- miscfiles
- open-invaders
- r-bioc-limma
- rev-plugins
- t-coffee
- nyx
- dsfmt
- flask-login
- haskell-appar
- ruby-asciidoctor-pdf
- ruby-sprockets
- ruby-sync
- fwupdate
- libgeo-ip-perl
- libxml-stream-perl
- octave-signal
- redeclipse
- fte
- hunspell-be
- ip2host
- seyon
- haskell-pretty-show
- libio-pty-easy-perl
- libwhereami
- aspell-ga
- exonerate
- icecast2
- iptstate
- libconvert-binary-c-perl
- padthv1
- sstp-client
- tkcon
- audioread
- lua-posix
- rust-linux-raw-sys
- tcl-signal
- gnudatalanguage
- mysql-connector-c++
- opencamlib
- abe
- aspell-cy
- billard-gl
- renaissance
- tripwire
- cme
- nv-codec-headers
- nvidia-texture-tools
- xfonts-efont-unicode
- amap-align
- aspell-ku
- dfu-programmer
- gap-laguna
- haskell-http-client-tls
- service-wrapper-java
- triggerhappy
- aspell-am
- libxml-dom-xpath-perl
- mppenc
- slic3r
- androguard
- haskell-th-lift-instances
- libgoocanvas2-cairotypes-perl
- libnews-nntpclient-perl
- smbldap-tools
- vco-plugins
- eclipse-emf
- fonts-khmeros
- libtk-pod-perl
- mtx
- petsc4py
- rclone-browser
- tclcl
- golang-golang-x-tools
- libtext-format-perl
- nast
- ros-ros-comm-msgs
- textedit.app
- haskell-base16-bytestring
- haskell-xml
- hcxdumptool
- unittest2
- dante
- tcptrace
- xalan
- csound-plugins
- hevea
- r-cran-modelr
- xmount
- bpftrace
- jexcelapi
- knockd
- libpostscript-perl
- nfswatch
- paps
- phylip
- r-cran-formatr
- recommonmark
- debmake
- dojo
- forensics-extra
- haskell-hashtables
- portalocker
- r-cran-dichromat
- gnome-common
- libdatetimex-easy-perl
- libio-dirent-perl
- libnet-xmpp-perl
- biff
- haskell-x509-system
- lua-resty-lrucache
- python-bitarray
- recoverjpeg
- ruby-loofah
- culmus
- freehep-export
- ike-scan
- poetry-core
- python-whoosh
- ruby-rails-dom-testing
- ruby-rails-html-sanitizer
- bemenu
- libdata-stag-perl
- libmath-int64-perl
- ros-image-common
- rserve
- haskell-edit-distance
- ini4j
- libjson-rpc-cpp
- libtk-histentry-perl
- ruby-rails-deprecated-sanitizer
- xfonts-biznet
- backuppc
- dzen2
- gtk3-nocsd
- haskell-polyparse
- libsvg-graph-perl
- medicalterms
- gdu
- python-extras
- eperl
- gap-fga
- let-alist
- mt-st
- retry
- stterm
- btanks
- jas-plotter
- r-cran-rvest
- git-extras
- libace-perl
- pyacoustid
- scrounge-ntfs
- cl-asdf
- haskell-network-bsd
- haskell-stmonadtrans
- pgtop
- wofi
- ascii
- genshi
- haskell-juicypixels
- libbio-asn1-entrezgene-perl
- libconfig-model-tkui-perl
- r-cran-gdtools
- ruby-prawn-templates
- ufoai-music
- xen-tools
- fluidr3mono-gm-soundfont
- klatexformula
- ruby-sprockets-rails
- tulip
- fonts-summersby
- sim4
- clalsadrv
- fwupd-arm64-signed
- irssi-plugin-xmpp
- libtk-doubleclick-perl
- pyglet
- ufoai-maps
- cpphs
- jcodings
- libfann
- lua-resty-core
- s3fs-fuse
- tiger
- haskell-equivalence
- libjs-jquery-scrollto
- libsys-sigaction-perl
- proot
- ruby-crass
- aspell-ar-large
- haskell-connection
- php-smbclient
- qt6ct
- id3ren
- liblnk
- libtk-fontdialog-perl
- pfstools
- haskell-boxes
- laszip
- luametatex
- unac
- dde-qt-dbus-factory
- dlib
- haskell-data-hash
- haskell-file-embed
- libconfig-model-openssh-perl
- sqljet
- terminal.app
- trilead-ssh2
- xplot-xplot.org
- cpp-httplib
- cypari2
- fonts-sil-scheherazade
- haskell-gitrev
- libencode-imaputf7-perl
- qpid-proton
- simulide
- zplug
- libfile-ncopy-perl
- numix-icon-theme-circle
- trickle
- flask-babel
- libmoosex-getopt-perl
- pcaputils
- ruby-websocket
- ruby-xdg
- haskell-src-exts
- jpeginfo
- aml
- bcache-tools
- debian-gis
- fatcat
- haskell-sha
- python-graphviz
- elvis-tiny
- forensics-samples
- funtools
- tmuxinator
- fpylll
- grub
- fonts-roboto-fontface
- php-gnupg
- r-cran-reprex
- brainparty
- gcc-11-cross-mipsen
- global
- libwx-glcanvas-perl
- fonts-aenigma
- fonts-bpg-georgian
- libmath-int128-perl
- mp3rename
- python-jwcrypto
- r-cran-tidyverse
- slim
- vlc-plugin-bittorrent
- haskell-uri-encode
- libstring-random-perl
- node-chart.js
- php-text-template
- pylev
- refind
- zipper.app
- fonts-dzongkha
- info2www
- libcupsfilters
- myspell-fa
- posterazor
- sweethome3d-textures-editor
- crowdsec
- fonts-mplus
- lasso
- libconfig-model-approx-perl
- xautolock
- dma
- libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl
- libconfig-model-systemd-perl
- libfuture-xs-perl
- libtelnet
- sogo
- eximdoc4
- jupyter-sphinx-theme
- neatvnc
- simutrans
- haskell-yaml
- horst
- ruby-mustermann
- semodule-utils
- forensic-artifacts
- haskell-murmur-hash
- liblexical-sealrequirehints-perl
- pybtex
- grub-cloud
- netgen
- pdf.js
- php-pclzip
- powerstat
- crashtest
- ipy
- iverilog
- astunparse
- libmoosex-types-datetime-perl
- ruby-globalid
- ruby-rubymail
- gromit
- libtest-nowarnings-perl
- python-cleo
- python-click-log
- faba-icon-theme
- glw
- libdata-stream-bulk-perl
- opencensus-java
- python-ly
- google-http-client-java
- haskell-glob
- lam
- libjopendocument-java
- milkytracker
- srecord
- mailagent
- wayfire
- whatweb
- python-vdf
- wmenu
- xaos
- dict-gcide
- google-api-client-java
- haskell-zip-archive
- libterm-progressbar-quiet-perl
- libterm-progressbar-simple-perl
- log4cxx
- python-cmarkgfm
- uni2ascii
- asciinema
- libapache2-mod-rpaf
- selinux-basics
- yubikey-manager-qt
- arptables
- famfamfam-flag
- asciitree
- dirb
- fonts-isabella
- haskell-libyaml
- iat
- light
- node-rw
- python-dogpile.cache
- e-antic
- haskell-pandoc-types
- libapache-mod-evasive
- mnormt
- myspell-sq
- pyquery
- sylfilter
- haskell-semigroups
- qt6-serialbus
- aiorpcx
- dxflib
- gfsview
- irssi-scripts
- marsshooter
- python-installer
- python-parameterized
- python-tld
- coinor-ipopt
- importlib-resources
- libpam-pwdfile
- libtest-requiresinternet-perl
- powermanga
- sagenb-export
- smbmap
- xtl
- git-filter-repo
- haskell-digest
- libemail-outlook-message-perl
- libfilter-perl
- libqcow
- price.app
- python-curtsies
- python-periodictable
- r-cran-rcppparallel
- engauge-digitizer
- flim
- libdigest-crc-perl
- libppix-utilities-perl
- ycmd
- ctorrent
- libsoil
- cli-helpers
- dclock
- php-raphf
- plexus-i18n
- speg
- surf
- cortado
- fatresize
- maildrop
- php-file-iterator
- picocli
- powerline-gitstatus
- python-elasticsearch
- aspell-kk
- ceres-solver
- google-oauth-client-java
- kmediaplayer
- poetry
- python-frozendict
- tla
- vim-youcompleteme
- xboxdrv
- libfile-sort-perl
- liquid-dsp
- ocamlnet
- pycson
- python-easygui
- vifm
- vobcopy
- gdb-avr
- geshi
- haskell-skylighting
- php-log
- python-pyproject-hooks
- r-cran-shinyjs
- ksmtuned
- mycli
- vim-airline
- vim-pathogen
- xmltooling
- abinit
- dark-gtk-themes
- haskell-doclayout
- manpages-tr
- mstflint
- polymake
- r-cran-dtplyr
- rust-cfg-if
- apksigcopier
- blackbox
- python-xarray
- rust-pkg-config
- umockdev
- gtts
- itk3
- deken
- libcrypt-pbkdf2-perl
- libitext1-java
- r-cran-gargle
- r-cran-googledrive
- ruby-regexp-parser
- stm32flash
- dhcping
- qmapshack
- spherepack
- dose3
- libclass-returnvalue-perl
- libfile-nfslock-perl
- php-timer
- rust-proc-macro2
- ansifilter
- javapoet
- libmoosex-types-datetime-morecoercions-perl
- libxml-dumper-perl
- python-yaswfp
- r-cran-googlesheets4
- r-cran-ids
- upx-ucl
- usbtop
- yyjson
- convlit
- ess
- libtime-period-perl
- wapiti
- biniax2
- ganglia-modules-linux
- node-d3-queue
- pypandoc
- haskell-emojis
- libbio-cluster-perl
- libbio-eutilities-perl
- libbio-variation-perl
- libnet-amazon-s3-perl
- haskell-skylighting-core
- libmodern-perl-perl
- muttprofile
- python-affine
- python-readme-renderer
- ruby-chronic
- usbguard
- acsccid
- bliss
- checker-framework-java
- libbio-featureio-perl
- libbio-tools-run-alignment-clustalw-perl
- libmime-base64-urlsafe-perl
- mgp
- rasterio
- urdfdom
- wikidiff2
- batctl
- escapevelocity-java
- exmh
- flpsed
- google-auth-java
- google-auto-common-java
- google-auto-service-java
- google-auto-value-java
- haskell-texmath
- ksnip
- libbio-tools-run-remoteblast-perl
- nix
- onnxruntime
- rocminfo
- xfonts-cyrillic
- callaudiod
- fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont
- jackrabbit
- r-cran-reshape
- rust-syn
- google-flogger
- java-diff-utils
- cantata
- dirdiff
- haskell-doctemplates
- metacam
- haskell-uniplate
- leaktracer
- libjs-jquery-colorpicker
- libjson-pp-perl
- numcodecs
- otcl
- ros-bond-core
- ros-nodelet-core
- ros-std-msgs
- unalz
- libdatetime-event-recurrence-perl
- lua-luaossl
- php-net-dime
- haskell-text-conversions
- opencity
- vm
- w3c-sgml-lib
- arduino-mk
- fonts-rufscript
- liblinux-lvm-perl
- python-eventlet
- ruby-diff-lcs
- ruby-websocket-extensions
- fonts-ukij-uyghur
- gearmand
- gnome-icon-theme-nuovo
- haskell-haddock-library
- haskell-hslua
- puma
- qt6-datavis3d
- angband
- core-specs-alpha-clojure
- dnsrecon
- haskell-unicode-transforms
- ocaml-batteries
- php-doctrine-instantiator
- ruby-mini-exiftool
- spec-alpha-clojure
- libclass-unload-perl
- libdevel-confess-perl
- phpunit-version
- ruby-numerizer
- ruby-websocket-driver
- tcc
- beets
- dmitry
- jbig2enc
- r-cran-emmeans
- distcc
- haskell-convertible
- libarray-utils-perl
- libcommons-validator-java
- libnetx-java
- pytools
- ruby-net-http-digest-auth
- vmpk
- wlr-randr
- gmt-gshhg
- lua-dbi
- mandelbulber2
- pmidi
- python-latexcodec
- slashem
- x42-plugins
- zarr
- casacore-data-jplde
- console-bridge
- haskell-ipynb
- hdbc
- libdata-printer-perl
- tgt
- effects
- gem2deb
- ncrack
- python-annotated-types
- python-cwcwidth
- python-mistletoe
- python-requests-cache
- ruby-rmagick
- rust-zram-generator
- thunderbolt-tools
- darkplaces
- fonts-unikurdweb
- ibus-table-chinese
- missingh
- php-codecoverage
- python-traits
- apt-clone
- braa
- gartoon
- haskell-jira-wiki-markup
- libfishsound
- python-click-repl
- admesh
- dbview
- hcxtools
- librpc-xml-perl
- libtext-tabulardisplay-perl
- muttprint
- python-h5netcdf
- bodr
- exactimage
- fonts-opendyslexic
- libaudio-flac-header-perl
- libtext-recordparser-perl
- ns2
- projectcenter.app
- python-geographiclib
- qt6-quick3dphysics
- r-cran-inline
- rsyslog-doc
- ruby-marcel
- defcon
- minpack
- r-cran-beeswarm
- ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml
- ruby-lockfile
- libdata-ical-perl
- libjettison-java
- libjson-webtoken-perl
- medusa
- r-cran-randomforest
- r-cran-ranger
- rtl-433
- rust-winapi-x86-64-pc-windows-gnu
- s-el
- blockout2
- debichem
- fonts-hosny-thabit
- python-click-didyoumean
- rust-rustc-std-workspace-core
- xcalib
- camlidl
- iraf
- libtest-longstring-perl
- netatalk
- phpunit-environment
- python-cattrs
- rust-unicode-ident
- tango
- ueberzug
- cgoban
- fpga-icestorm
- mysql++
- mysql-workbench
- newmail
- puddletag
- rust-winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu
- seafile-client
- xcolorsel
- comixcursors
- golang-golang-x-sys
- gpiozero
- libjsonp-java
- plexus-build-api
- qtpim-opensource-src
- r-cran-ggrepel
- rust-winapi
- cdebootstrap
- cfortran
- fonts-yanone-kaffeesatz
- libjemmy2-java
- pyte
- python-kaitaistruct
- r-cran-glmnet
- autorandr
- haskell-unicode-data
- hexcompare
- libimgscalr-java
- scala-xml
- atanks
- catdvi
- haskell-commonmark
- phpunit
- r-cran-shape
- sup-mail
- bully
- dwww
- lexicon
- libnb-javaparser-java
- ruby-blankslate
- geronimo-jta-1.2-spec
- ipv6toolkit
- r-cran-vipor
- smbnetfs
- xcb-util-errors
- bossa
- fonts-mononoki
- haskell-commonmark-extensions
- haskell-commonmark-pandoc
- haskell-unicode-collation
- heartbeat
- r-cran-ggbeeswarm
- ruby-rgen
- addresses-for-gnustep
- fonts-dosis
- ginac
- hashid
- paper-icon-theme
- phpunit-diff
- phpunit-exporter
- vim-airline-themes
- clzip
- haskell-hsyaml
- lsyncd
- magic-haskell
- munipack
- pydantic-core
- tegaki-zinnia-japanese
- xtermset
- arqiver
- bindfs
- colorzero
- esptool
- geopy
- haskell-hslua-module-text
- hatop
- libee
- oneko
- phpunit-comparator
- postfix-policyd-spf-perl
- rust-eza
- rust-flate2
- haskell-citeproc
- haskell-hslua-core
- haskell-hslua-marshalling
- haskell-hslua-objectorientation
- haskell-hslua-packaging
- haskell-lua
- pyodbc
- qcoro
- r-cran-ape
- ruby-rugged
- starlink-pal
- thinkfan
- wmbiff
- apulse
- libdatetime-format-dateparse-perl
- libspng
- node-qrcode-generator
- nose2
- r-cran-colourpicker
- xfce4-dev-tools
- apt-transport-tor
- r-cran-gam
- sphinx-copybutton
- libproc-pid-file-perl
- opendht
- primecountpy
- vim-fugitive
- yubioath-desktop
- dhex
- haskell-hslua-classes
- php-mdb2-driver-mysql
- zutils
- fonts-alee
- imanx
- libdatetime-event-ical-perl
- libgetdata
- omake
- qtractor
- r-cran-arm
- r-cran-truncnorm
- tmate
- torus-trooper
- trigger-rally
- catimg
- dares
- memory-allocator
- r-cran-survey
- hamradio-files
- haskell-hslua-module-system
- libtemplate-plugin-dbi-perl
- martchus-cpp-utilities
- r-cran-modeltools
- r-cran-psych
- rss-glx
- fonts-fantasque-sans
- gevent-websocket
- hyperrogue
- kpublictransport
- libuuid-tiny-perl
- openvlbi
- rust-autocfg
- unicode
- xtrlock
- fabric
- libdatetime-format-ical-perl
- libzim
- martchus-qtutilities
- plexus-interactivity-api
- python-snuggs
- redmine
- sa-exim
- scdoc
- xlsx2csv
- martchus-qtforkawesome
- swami
- gdis
- iodine
- mblaze
- samdump2
- alienblaster
- equinox-p2
- mac-robber
- opensaml
- php-deepcopy
- phpunit-code-unit-reverse-lookup
- pnscan
- python-keystoneauth1
- spamprobe
- cbm
- cssc
- fonts-ubuntu-title
- ocaml-csv
- polspline
- r-cran-ggally
- bsaf
- cairo-5c
- golang-golang-x-text
- php-mongodb
- postsrsd
- r-cran-pbivnorm
- x2vnc
- enrich
- genders
- microsoft-authentication-library-for-python
- moka-icon-theme
- omins
- plexus-velocity
- r-cran-lavaan
- r-cran-qpdf
- create-resources
- dbus-broker
- jaaa
- packaging-dev
- recoverdm
- rust-serde-derive
- afterstep
- blobby
- cdo
- glpeces
- gprolog
- libqt5qxlsx
- pgpgpg
- ruby-mime
- rust-log
- camv-rnd
- cewl
- libmoosex-nonmoose-perl
- mupen64plus-input-sdl
- php-date
- r-cran-ggridges
- r-cran-msm
- r-cran-webshot
- ruby-spider
- spring
- barman
- hdbc-postgresql
- libsis-base-java
- lua-sql
- ros2-ament-cmake
- haskell-hslua-aeson
- ledger
- libtk-dirselect-perl
- mitmproxy
- mupen64plus-audio-sdl
- mupen64plus-video-rice
- mydumper
- netkit-ftp-ssl
- r-cran-phangorn
- rust-version-check
- starlette
- felix-bundlerepository
- gtk2hs-buildtools
- libapache-mod-jk
- libcotp
- lxqt-menu-data
- mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2
- node-d3-collection
- phpunit-recursion-context
- r-cran-pdftools
- r-cran-rms
- sanoid
- ubuntu-dev-tools
- uglify-js
- xymon
- entr
- holotz-castle
- liblingua-en-nameparse-perl
- pcapfix
- slepc4py
- tclxml
- bowtie2
- haskell-hslua-module-version
- haskell-pandoc-lua-marshal
- jsonpickle
- libcgns
- libguess
- lua-basexx
- r-cran-mitools
- g2clib
- haskell-lpeg
- libbio-samtools-perl
- libxc
- neovim-qt
- outguess
- vdirsyncer
- cmospwd
- gkl
- haskell-hslua-module-path
- libsys-utmp-perl
- phpunit-global-state
- python-certbot-dns-cloudflare
- r-cran-desolve
- roundcube-plugins-extra
- tcpxtract
- xbuffy
- babelfish
- bsdiff
- django-ranged-response
- fonts-humor-sans
- fonts-opendin
- hdbc-sqlite3
- phpunit-object-enumerator
- phpunit-resource-operations
- psycopg3
- python-cloudflare
- yosys
- a7xpg
- gulkan
- haskell-configfile
- maim
- mupen64plus-rsp-z64
- pam-ssh-agent-auth
- python-hidapi
- cowpatty
- guile-ssh
- imageindex
- mupen64plus-rsp-hle
- mupen64plus-video-glide64
- node-d3-color
- node-d3-dsv
- node-d3-interpolate
- openscap
- python-cartopy
- r-cran-lambda.r
- searchandrescue
- suede
- vtun
- backuppc-rsync
- erofs-utils
- flickcurl
- libevtx
- nam
- php-phar-io-version
- r-cran-futile.options
- r-cran-loo
- sonic-visualiser
- bfbtester
- bomberclone
- forensics-all
- libmail-mboxparser-perl
- mupen64plus-video-arachnoid
- r-cran-futile.logger
- rust-arbitrary
- rust-derive-arbitrary
- thefuck
- crash
- mupen64plus-ui-console
- php-phar-io-manifest
- qbs
- ros-rospack
- dictconv
- earlyoom
- filters
- fontpens
- freecol
- lablgtk3
- mdk3
- mupen64plus-video-z64
- polyglot
- rust-memchr
- comprez
- cupp
- flatpak-xdg-utils
- h5utils
- lrslib
- node-d3-dispatch
- node-d3-timer
- python-os-service-types
- r-cran-bbmle
- shed
- breeze-grub
- debmirror
- fatrace
- gl-117
- libp11
- python-flask-httpauth
- r-cran-bayesplot
- r-cran-coin
- r-cran-contfrac
- r-cran-elliptic
- r-cran-hypergeo
- rust-smallvec
- tio
- id3tool
- libfastutil-java
- node-d3-array
- ruby-jbuilder
- rust-either
- scute
- sipcrack
- wfuzz
- circos
- fonts-cns11643
- fonts-jura
- icu4j-4.4
- node-d3-time
- php-elisp
- r-cran-bayesfactor
- r-cran-network
- r-cran-statnet.common
- sphinxcontrib-jquery
- bruteforce-luks
- golang-golang-x-net
- intelhex
- libhash-merge-simple-perl
- node-d3-geo
- node-d3-path
- node-d3-scale
- node-d3-shape
- node-d3-time-format
- python-rebulk
- rust-cc
- sunclock
- tkblt
- wzip
- avldrums.lv2
- dict-jargon
- guessit
- kf6-kcalendarcore
- libtest-reporter-perl
- mfoc
- node-d3-force
- node-d3-hierarchy
- node-d3-quadtree
- python-daemon
- python-mpd
- ruby-sass-rails
- slay
- acme-tiny
- erlang-cl
- haskell-harp
- hsetroot
- libbackuppc-xs-perl
- liblingua-pt-stemmer-perl
- libminc
- mygui
- nicstat
- pecomato
- picard-tools
- r-cran-gbm
- r-cran-sna
- rust-getrandom
- adolc
- converseen
- libjson-any-perl
- libtext-german-perl
- libtpl
- maskprocessor
- r-cran-leaps
- r-cran-stanheaders
- ruby-spring
- sipgrep
- spidev
- ttkthemes
- weplab
- clips
- liblingua-stem-snowball-da-perl
- libsnowball-norwegian-perl
- libsnowball-swedish-perl
- mfcuk
- nfs-ganesha
- node-clean-css
- php-net-url2
- pyliblo
- r-cran-libcoin
- rust-lazy-static
- uthash
- angelscript
- libauthen-oath-perl
- liblingua-stem-perl
- nanomsg
- phpunit-object-reflector
- psrip
- r-cran-logspline
- r-cran-rstantools
- r-cran-vcd
- spread-sheet-widget
- duply
- fonts-oldstandard
- fortunes-de
- ideviceinstaller
- igaelic
- jedit
- libmodulemd
- ne
- pamixer
- python-multipart
- r-cran-biasedurn
- raft
- rust-crossbeam-utils
- vboot-utils
- fastapi
- gnome-icon-theme-yasis
- libgravatar-url-perl
- python-msrest
- r-cran-fracdiff
- r-cran-insight
- url-normalize
- 2048-qt
- debian-edu-artwork
- debsig-verify
- displaycal-py3
- fonts-vollkorn
- fricas
- libcoy-perl
- memdump
- r-cran-forecast
- r-cran-shinythemes
- r-cran-threejs
- rman
- rng-tools5
- rust-erased-serde
- rust-once-cell
- spice-protocol
- kf6-threadweaver
- libbde
- nbdkit
- ncurses-hexedit
- python-orjson
- r-cran-uroot
- clearlooks-phenix-theme
- colpack
- geotranz
- jack-keyboard
- libmodule-install-perl
- libmodule-util-perl
- lua-zlib
- ncview
- r-cran-hsaur3
- r-cran-rstan
- rust-serde-fmt
- rust-value-bag
- voctomix
- fiona
- hashrat
- haskell-irc
- libdex
- node-emittery
- r-cran-gridgraphics
- r-cran-patchwork
- ragel
- ruby-turbolinks
- rust-crossbeam-deque
- streamtuner2
- subnetcalc
- coinor-symphony
- cutycapt
- doxia-sitetools
- fonts-ocr-a
- libnet-amazon-s3-tools-perl
- librcd
- mgdiff
- ois
- python-adal
- python-prov
- ruby-columnize
- rust-rayon-core
- amoebax
- gifshuffle
- php-parser
- pipebench
- r-cran-gparotation
- r-cran-tensora
- rust-rayon
- gtk-chtheme
- liblingua-en-inflect-number-perl
- libnet-nbname-perl
- nasty
- pgloader
- python-avro
- qtpass
- undbx
- dkimpy
- love
- lucene-solr
- mdk4
- pdns-recursor
- php-font-lib
- polenum
- r-cran-brobdingnag
- r-cran-distributional
- r-cran-posterior
- ruby-pg
- django-ipware
- gtts-token
- hyphen-ru
- libaperture-0
- libfile-keepass-perl
- libopengl-xscreensaver-perl
- lxc-ci
- mmm-mode
- r-cran-bridgesampling
- r-cran-ordinal
- rsplib
- ruby-byebug
- ruby-fusefs
- stegsnow
- stopwatch
- wings3d
- wondershaper
- devscripts-el
- distrobuilder
- getdns
- ipgrab
- libhtml-tidy-perl
- libpam-abl
- paho.mqtt.c
- r-cran-pander
- statsprocessor
- xml-security-c
- chirp
- libquotient
- lookup
- microsoft-authentication-extensions-for-python
- python-msrestazure
- r-cran-gamm4
- r-cran-multcompview
- r-cran-tmb
- simavr
- vkbasalt
- bidiv
- evdi
- jlibeps
- kakasi
- ldap-haskell
- libaudio-scan-perl
- libnet-amazon-ec2-perl
- liquidprompt
- muse
- ocaml-sexplib0
- ruby-hashie
- django-stronghold
- libhttp-parser-xs-perl
- netw-ib-ox-ag
- octave-image
- pdp
- r-cran-gee
- r-cran-shinystan
- rust-stable-deref-trait
- verilator
- wajig
- blis
- fossil
- libgdf
- mgetty
- nstreams
- snowdrop
- surfraw
- anki
- beneath-a-steel-sky
- dact
- flycheck
- fonts-osifont
- ftplib
- heartbleeder
- idle3-tools
- liblingua-en-words2nums-perl
- libmemoize-expirelru-perl
- lua-unbound
- r-cran-broom.mixed
- r-cran-ggfortify
- r-cran-mice
- r-cran-pan
- r-cran-splines2
- tecnoballz
- asc
- bb
- c3
- c3p0
- ed2k-hash
- funcoeszz
- plasma-wayland-protocols
- pyphen
- r-cran-psychtools
- rust-scopeguard
- winregfs
- wordgrinder
- ykclient
- arachne-pnr
- bitlbee
- jconvolver
- liblingua-en-tagger-perl
- libtest-requires-perl
- phpseclib
- pwauth
- pystemmer
- python-strictyaml
- r-cran-blme
- r-cran-jomo
- teensy-loader-cli
- apt-src
- cardpeek
- gcc-13-cross-ports
- lua-readline
- netkit-rwall
- png++
- python-x2go
- r-cran-mitml
- rheolef
- sdop
- chaosreader
- geronimo-jpa-2.0-spec
- liblingua-en-inflect-phrase-perl
- libqglviewer
- r-cran-glmmtmb
- r-cran-stabledist
- rust-crunchy
- rust-tiny-keccak
- tea
- vinetto
- deap
- libapache2-mod-auth-pubtkt
- libmoosex-markasmethods-perl
- rust-indexmap
- swh-lv2
- aeskeyfind
- bruteforce-salted-openssl
- date
- libversion-perl
- r-cran-emdbook
- r-cran-rstanarm
- ruby-rainbow
- rust-const-random
- rust-const-random-macro
- rust-hashbrown
- xfishtank
- fceux
- libcache-perl
- libscope-upper-perl
- netris
- pompem
- python-rjsmin
- r-cran-afex
- cbflib
- emacs-git-modes
- libclass-errorhandler-perl
- libjs-term.js
- libtest-simple-perl
- silo-llnl
- softether-vpn
- wmweather
- pipewire-module-xrdp
- stepic
- tkhtml1
- tkmpeg
- grokevt
- libxmltok
- lugaru
- pinhole
- aesfix
- libstring-toidentifier-en-perl
- php-uuid
- python-kubernetes
- sucrack
- bignumber.js
- fonts-lklug-sinhala
- libcerf
- missidentify
- nodeenv
- packit
- r-cran-extradistr
- ypserv
- biosig
- coolkey
- gengetopt
- healpy
- jsbundle-web-interfaces
- megatools
- node-dompurify
- pamix
- pktools
- r-cran-brms
- r-cran-dbscan
- rephrase
- tightvnc-java
- fbasics
- galleta
- ispell-czech
- libany-moose-perl
- libdbix-class-schema-loader-perl
- libvslvm
- maven-reporting-api
- netmask
- opl3-soundfont
- r-cran-datawizard
- r-cran-flashclust
- r-cran-rwiener
- rifiuti
- smlnj
- uefitool
- duo-unix
- fonts-b612
- mshr
- octave-communications
- php-invoker
- rust-owning-ref
- bmap-tools
- cdtool
- dialign-t
- execline
- forensics-colorize
- ocaml-cairo2
- patator
- r-cran-projpred
- rust-lock-api
- eckit
- elixir-lang
- laby
- libapache2-mod-authnz-external
- libhtmlcleaner-java
- liblingua-en-findnumber-perl
- libluksde
- python-ajpy
- r-cran-factominer
- r-cran-rtdists
- ros2-ament-lint
- rr
- sipvicious
- vkeybd
- zsh-antigen
- alberta
- debtree
- grub2-splashimages
- libcsfml
- liblingua-en-number-isordinal-perl
- node-cssom
- octave-splines
- pasco
- python-cutadapt
- rsakeyfind
- rust-rand
- siege
- validators
- anyremote
- libapache2-mod-xsendfile
- libinklevel
- mayavi2
- powerpc-utils
- python-json5
- python-mediafile
- python-stdnum
- r-cran-bayestestr
- r-cran-poorman
- xkcdpass
- cpdb-backend-cups
- jaxrs-api
- qt6-httpserver
- trayer
- vorta
- weasyprint
- autopsy
- libambix
- libfvde
- libitpp
- libnitrokey
- nexuiz
- nheko
- node-entities
- parsec47
- pgdbf
- r-cran-lhs
- r-cran-parameters
- ruby-web-console
- velocity-tools
- clblast
- epl
- libcache-fastmmap-perl
- librepo
- maliit-framework
- monsterz
- nestopia
- node-abab
- phpldapadmin
- smartypants
- use-package
- brutespray
- distrobox
- geronimo-osgi-support
- kpcli
- python-requestsexceptions
- archivemount
- fonts-prociono
- jquery-ui-touch-punch.js
- node-exit-hook
- node-sigmund
- pykwalify
- python-libusb1
- rust-ppv-lite86
- configure-debian
- cubicsdr
- libgzstream
- lmemory
- ruby-ethon
- rust-rand-chacha
- x2gokdrive
- yelp-tools
- curlpp
- ipe-tools
- libcpan-meta-requirements-perl
- libdata-password-perl
- libdatetime-format-mysql-perl
- libfsxfs
- matlab-support
- node-cssstyle
- notify-osd
- qlcplus
- r-cran-bbmisc
- tmuxp
- ruby-backports
- chipmunk
- golang-github-evanw-esbuild
- happy
- invada-studio-plugins
- ipmiutil
- joptsimple
- libonvif
- libpillowfight
- python-keyutils
- r-cran-gss
- rust-aho-corasick
- espeakup
- felix-utils
- libccp4
- libesedb
- node-blueimp-md5
- node-github-url-from-git
- node-vscode-lsp
- pdfsandwich
- pymca
- python-daemonize
- wxsvg
- doona
- felix-gogo-shell
- gxemul
- htsjdk
- libmoox-strictconstructor-perl
- php-dompdf
- python-tomli-w
- sdbus-cpp
- wdisplays
- an
- fgarch
- flake
- flask-sqlalchemy
- fuzzywuzzy
- libfshfs
- lltdscan
- node-time-zone
- python-asteval
- python-confuse
- r-cran-nfactors
- ruby-selenium-webdriver
- ams
- fonts-tomsontalks
- hydra-el
- libcddb-perl
- libclipboard-perl
- libgtkdatabox
- node-date-time
- octomap
- python-geopandas
- r-cran-bayesfm
- r-cran-epir
- tpm2-pkcs11
- fonts-breip
- haskell-profunctors
- libtree-simple-perl
- libwhisker2-perl
- node-clean-yaml-object
- phpunit-cli-parser
- r-cran-officer
- rust-bitflags
- eq10q
- findimagedupes
- frotz
- numptyphysics
- phpunit-complexity
- phpunit-lines-of-code
- pkg-info-el
- felix-gogo-command
- libolecf
- libsdl-sge
- libtext-pdf-perl
- o-saft
- r-cran-rsolnp
- sendxmpp
- xwrits
- iwidgets4
- libacpi
- libevt
- node-md5-hex
- node-md5-o-matic
- node-parse5
- r-cran-caic4
- r-cran-performance
- r-cran-rlrsim
- xrestop
- yabause
- dnstracer
- identify
- libcrypt-mysql-perl
- python-aiostream
- python-ofxparse
- python-sparse
- r-cran-flextable
- ruby-hamster
- sugar-artwork
- togl
- waypipe
- xoscope
- xva-img
- bashtop
- circuslinux
- commons-csv
- gnomediaicons
- ifmetric
- libchipcard
- libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl
- libmsiecf
- libplack-middleware-reverseproxy-perl
- libsigscan
- python-openstacksdk
- r-cran-effectsize
- smarty3
- tableau-parm
- imview
- netperf
- node-cbor
- node-concordance
- node-jsdom
- pktstat
- ros-geometry
- ruby-mixlib-cli
- ruby-plist
- rust-spin
- sshtunnel
- stegcracker
- binutils-riscv64-unknown-elf
- fatsort
- haskell-extensible-exceptions
- libregf
- node-domelementtype
- node-domhandler
- pcsc-cyberjack
- r-cran-matchit
- sc
- shellinabox
- cfgv
- gearhead
- node-requires-port
- pyhoca-cli
- worklog
- burp
- libfile-lchown-perl
- liblwp-authen-wsse-perl
- pyserial-asyncio
- ruby-faraday-net-http
- testresources
- cpufetch
- ibus-table-others
- khal
- phpunit-type
- plexus-cli
- tty-clock
- yagf
- blktrace
- brutalchess
- libtext-bidi-perl
- auto-apt-proxy
- bruteforce-wallet
- iprange
- libax25
- libserver-starter-perl
- libvshadow
- minetest-mod-basic-materials
- phpunit-code-unit
- r-cran-amelia
- r-cran-sendmailr
- ros-rosconsole
- ruby-mixlib-config
- tcl-awthemes
- ccd2iso
- haskell-void
- liblwpx-paranoidagent-perl
- maven-reporting-impl
- php-mailparse
- polygen
- pre-commit
- python-os-client-config
- r-cran-mertools
- famfamfam-silk
- kquickimageeditor
- libitl
- mdf2iso
- node-d3-selection
- r-cran-ca
- libjpf-java
- osgi-foundation-ee
- r-cran-batchjobs
- airstrike
- bluemon
- cava-alsa
- darkmint-gtk-theme
- electric
- goverlay
- python-proton-vpn-killswitch
- ruby-coffee-script-source
- rust-memoffset
- sqlglot
- supertransball2
- bulletml
- einstein
- libsmraw
- node-map-cache
- node-turbolinks
- obsidian-icon-theme
- python-public
- qfits
- rmpi
- cube2
- dacite
- emacsql
- fortunes-es
- libpoe-perl
- pcs
- ruby-wavefile
- tbsync
- wily
- grml-rescueboot
- jericho-html
- libast
- libsignon-glib
- libsmdev
- node-change-case
- php-horde-css-parser
- python-qpageview
- avfs
- clfft
- fonts-radisnoir
- git-crypt
- hunspell-ml
- libscca
- odc
- ruby-mixlib-shellout
- s6
- snow
- sqlmap
- btrbk
- fort77
- libgd-graph3d-perl
- libxml-simpleobject-perl
- node-d
- node-es5-ext
- node-es6-iterator
- node-es6-symbol
- open3d
- pyclipper
- python-crcmod
- r-cran-pbmcapply
- rust-nom
- tclx8.4
- visidata
- w3m-el
- dirvish
- diskscan
- ditaa
- dnlib
- fonts-century-catalogue
- ipcalc-ng
- libcgi-formbuilder-perl
- libgeo-ipfree-perl
- pgtap
- ruby-turbolinks-source
- twine
- wah-plugins
- xcb-proto
- coinor-csdp
- ledmon
- libfile-share-perl
- meta-kde-telepathy
- node-load-json-file
- oidentd
- python-glanceclient
- python-pyocr
- python-utmp
- caml-mode
- gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf
- lua-ldap
- mirrormagic
- r-cran-lsmeans
- rocm-device-libs
- ruby-bootsnap
- cbmplugs
- librtas
- python-osc-lib
- ruby-systemu
- rust-num-cpus
- simplepie
- sxhkd
- aspell-ml
- haskell-free
- libcurry-perl
- lightdm-autologin-greeter
- openssh-ssh1
- python-warlock
- r-cran-base64url
- trace-cmd
- apt-mirror
- autocutsel
- geronimo-j2ee-connector-1.5-spec
- netperfmeter
- python-unpaddedbase64
- rust-winapi-util
- sat4j
- tint
- xmahjongg
- darkcold-gtk-theme
- erlang-proper
- libfsext
- libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl
- libpod-plainer-perl
- libspectrum
- libtest-www-mechanize-perl
- lmfit-py
- pd-flext
- r-cran-gmm
- rocksdb
- ruby-bindex
- ruby-build
- sphinx-basic-ng
- stun
- darkstat
- libfwnt
- mopidy
- nvidia-vaapi-driver
- php-luasandbox
- pngtools
- python-gphoto2
- python-scp
- r-cran-estimatr
- ruby-xpath
- dipy
- imv
- libfile-sync-perl
- libnet-inet6glue-perl
- mit-scheme
- node-parse-ms
- r-cran-venndiagram
- aflplusplus
- alsaequal
- bird2
- dict-foldoc
- itools
- libcork
- libirecovery
- node-d3-drag
- node-d3-ease
- octave-linear-algebra
- pykeepass
- rust-termcolor
- sphinxcontrib-bibtex
- autotalent
- blktool
- de4dot
- glueviz
- libterralib
- libxml-atom-perl
- node-d3-transition
- node-d3-zoom
- python-asdf
- xinput-calibrator
- zssh
- can-utils
- edbrowse
- eterm
- haskell-unix-compat
- htmlcxx
- libapache-session-perl
- libfwsi
- luminance-hdr
- maven-repo-helper
- node-pretty-ms
- pybtex-docutils
- python-cinderclient
- r-cran-batchtools
- ruby-capybara
- telepathy-accounts-signon
- xmlindent
- cmake-format
- dkg-handwriting
- empy
- gnulib
- invada-studio-plugins-lv2
- libcreg
- libgd-barcode-perl
- node-d3-scale-chromatic
- xnee
- fonts-georgewilliams
- golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-3
- libio-pipely-perl
- libtoxcore
- libxlsxwriter
- mafft
- makedumpfile
- gnu-efi
- gprbuild
- jalv
- libclass-accessor-lite-perl
- node-d3-polygon
- node-d3-random
- node-d3-voronoi
- r-cran-cowplot
- ruby-filesystem
- tkcvs
- weather-util
- websocketpp
- colorized-logs
- debianbuttons
- fluidsynth-dssi
- furo
- ink
- libtextwrap
- node-d3-axis
- node-d3-brush
- node-d3-chord
- node-d3-contour
- node-d3-fetch
- qt5-ukui-platformtheme
- r-cran-ggthemes
- rust-bumpalo
- abego-treelayout
- ejabberd
- file-mmagic
- libjbzip2-java
- node-d3
- node-rx
- nuttcp
- pyshp
- rust-humantime
- sudoku
- xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt
- zeal
- chicken
- criticalmass
- dpuser
- emacs-pdf-tools
- gource
- kio-fuse
- libjavascript-minifier-xs-perl
- libre
- mold
- opendnssec
- python-sh
- r-cran-pvclust
- rblcheck
- ruby-jekyll-feed
- ste-plugins
- teem
- wev
- camlzip
- chameleon-cursor-theme
- ctsim
- emacs-ivy
- fscrypt
- how-can-i-help
- jxplorer
- node-matcher
- nrg2iso
- r-cran-repr
- raphael
- starjava-ttools
- yubico-pam
- btrfs-heatmap
- fig2ps
- flask-session
- fonts-gnutypewriter
- gpsshogi
- libapache-mod-encoding
- libcorkipset
- libfile-slurp-unicode-perl
- matchbox-keyboard
- node-ava
- node-global-prefix
- node-ignore-by-default
- node-irregular-plurals
- node-plur
- orocos-kdl
- profnet
- pydyf
- r-cran-gbutils
- berusky-data
- fpgatools
- harminv
- hkl
- libapache2-mod-geoip
- libgctp
- libhttp-body-perl
- needrestart-session
- node-zkochan-cmd-shim
- r-cran-cvar
- tmux-plugin-manager
- erlang-p1-utils
- node-enquirer
- node-fs-exists-sync
- node-global-modules
- node-typanion
- nomacs
- php-amqp
- r-cran-corrplot
- ruby-spring-watcher-listen
- alex
- boxes
- bumprace
- flufl.lock
- mp3check
- nibabel
- riseup-vpn
- skopeo
- diceware
- dustrac
- mallard-rng
- monitorix
- node-clipanion
- node-expand-tilde
- python-ordered-set
- snapcast
- tomlplusplus
- uncertainties
- uncrustify
- vgrabbj
- vim-syntax-gtk
- 9menu
- dieharder
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen
- golang-mvdan-sh
- libsuper-perl
- odil
- png-definitive-guide
- shogivar
- vera
- xdiskusage
- dart
- eas4tbsync
- erlang-p1-tls
- gajim-pgp
- gnome-shell-extension-hide-activities
- golang-go.crypto
- minetest-mod-pipeworks
- xylib
- fontchooser
- ftools-fv
- git-repair
- gnome-desktop-testing
- gravit
- hdf-eos5
- libpar-perl
- mailgraph
- megaglest-data
- moon-lander
- sbjson
- telepathy-logger-qt
- azure-uamqp-python
- colorpicker
- erlang-goldrush
- grammalecte
- libbloom
- mupen64plus-qt
- nemo-python
- python-av
- python-rarfile
- tea4cups
- 3dchess
- console-cyrillic
- erlang-lager
- fungw
- gosa
- j2cli
- libvsqlitepp
- node-resolve-dir
- openturns
- rtirq
- ruby-progressbar
- sphinx-inline-tabs
- squidguard
- tkrplot
- erlang-jiffy
- erlang-p1-zlib
- fonts-lindenhill
- hatari
- libssw
- node-detect-file
- oinkmaster
- playmidi
- git-hub
- lxctl
- node-findup-sync
- oscpack
- pqiv
- rust-unicode-segmentation
- yorick-yeti
- aview
- deltarpm
- docker-registry
- golang-golang-x-term
- libpar-packer-perl
- meep
- python-apptools
- qgnomeplatform
- rust-wasm-bindgen
- wpewebkit
- erlang-p1-xml
- gnushogi
- hdf-compass
- libjackson-json-java
- libjuniversalchardet-java
- libparse-win32registry-perl
- minetest-mod-mesecons
- puremagic
- r-cran-ggsci
- r-cran-git2r
- ros-catkin
- rust-clang-sys
- sphinx-bootstrap-theme
- wing
- csoundqt
- erlang-p1-stringprep
- erlang-p1-yaml
- felix-shell
- fenics-ufl
- fonts-beteckna
- golang-github-davecgh-go-spew
- jargs
- libfreemarker-java
- pelican
- r-cran-polynom
- xgboost
- xnec2c
- age
- aspell-hi
- cp2k
- erlang-p1-cache-tab
- git-delta
- libdevel-cover-perl
- megaglest
- octave-geometry
- pipenightdreams
- plaso
- psychtoolbox-3
- python-emoji
- crack-attack
- crmsh
- globus-common
- libandroid-json-org-java
- libapp-cpants-lint-perl
- libdata-serializer-perl
- libmongo-client
- libstring-camelcase-perl
- mistune0
- rem
- ucl
- whitedune
- birdtray
- flask-wtf
- fonts-dancingscript
- minetest-mod-pycraft
- node-querystringify
- node-url-parse
- python-maxminddb
- r-cran-irdisplay
- schism
- sqliteodbc
- ssh-tools
- tuareg-mode
- vim-tabular
- wcalc
- debmutate
- hd-idle
- logisim
- minetest-mod-moreores
- node-fstream
- python-requests-futures
- r-cran-ggeffects
- r-cran-sjlabelled
- r-cran-v8
- redeclipse-data
- ros-navigation-msgs
- tuxpuck
- creddump7
- ekeyd
- freedroid
- libmodule-metadata-perl
- node-jsonfile
- pyqt6-charts
- r-cran-parallelmap
- xmakemol
- chessx
- glob2
- haskell-adjunctions
- hisat2
- liburi-fetch-perl
- lua-inspect
- stegosuite
- uisp
- visp
- arpack++
- asylum
- compton-conf
- cppdb
- essays1743
- fenics-dolfinx
- jack-midi-clock
- jsamp
- openstructure
- patool
- php-uploadprogress
- python-certbot-dns-rfc2136
- qmidiarp
- ratpoison
- ssl-cert-check
- aspell-mr
- color-picker
- dh-golang
- dime
- fityk
- flactag
- monkeysphere
- pg-activity
- pylast
- python-pyface
- r-cran-emoa
- r-cran-rstatix
- relimp
- stdeb
- stella
- dcm2niix
- ddate
- desmume
- dlm
- hexer
- ismrmrd
- libhtml-mason-perl
- python-pykka
- r-cran-ggsignif
- r-cran-paramhelpers
- uhubctl
- xmbmon
- cegui-mk2
- dtrx
- fonts-goudybookletter
- gitolite3
- libhtp
- liblingua-stem-fr-perl
- liblingua-stem-it-perl
- liblingua-stem-ru-perl
- octave-strings
- orchis-theme
- python3-openid
- r-cran-irace
- ros-actionlib
- rust-backtrace
- wmaker-data
- aspell-ta
- dynamite
- golang-github-pmezard-go-difflib
- input-utils
- perf-tools-unstable
- r-cran-ggpubr
- r-cran-mlr
- rjava
- ruby-sassc-rails
- acl2
- cpuset
- cue2toc
- fonts-cabinsketch
- fonts-monofur
- fonts-sil-doulos-compact
- freefilesync
- hannah
- libmarc-record-perl
- php-random-compat
- ros-vision-opencv
- aspell-bn
- aspell-pa
- aspell-te
- koules
- libcommons-jexl-java
- libdata-integer-perl
- libdbd-ldap-perl
- libfeed-find-perl
- libgraphics-colornames-perl
- libtie-toobject-perl
- madbomber
- maven-plugin-tools
- molequeue
- octave-gsl
- ruby-sys-proctable
- vim-snippets
- zathura-cb
- fonts-tiresias
- giada
- haskell-lens
- jnr-unixsocket
- leocad
- libclass-container-perl
- njam
- node-exit
- picolibc
- rust-atty
- emoslib
- firetools
- fonts-ocr-b
- freefem++
- glimpse
- haskell-haskell-src
- libcrypt-unixcrypt-xs-perl
- mp3wrap
- mystiq
- osmid
- python-traitsui
- r-cran-eaf
- regripper
- slib
- tipp10
- z88
- aspell-gu
- bowtie
- bvi
- icinga-php-thirdparty
- keras-applications
- obs-advanced-scene-switcher
- openvpn-dco-dkms
- peony-extensions
- ruby-netrc
- ruby-rubame
- sfarklib
- sooperlooper
- audiotools
- bucklespring
- dicom3tools
- fonts-quattrocento
- fonts-sil-charis-compact
- haskell-reflection
- imapcopy
- jnr-enxio
- libroman-perl
- odin
- openni-sensor-pointclouds
- opensnitch
- php-codesniffer
- python-pretty-yaml
- python-sqlalchemy-utils
- redir
- screenie
- sdl-ball
- fonts-fanwood
- fonts-hanazono
- haskell-kan-extensions
- icinga-php-library
- lbdb
- libdata-visitor-perl
- megactl
- mpgtx
- phalanx
- php-sabre-vobject
- python-configshell-fb
- python3-antlr4
- r-bioc-graph
- vitetris
- apscheduler
- colortest
- festival-it
- fonts-dejima-mincho
- gaim-themes
- golang-objx
- libfindbin-libs-perl
- multimon-ng
- python-pycadf
- ruby-aubio
- setbfree
- sunpinyin
- ttfautohint
- cisco7crack
- fonts-motoya-l-cedar
- gst-plugins-rtp
- hexter
- icon
- libxml-feed-perl
- nbsphinx
- pinball-table-gnu
- python-django-appconf
- ruby-rest-client
- rust-crc32fast
- colortail
- convertall
- din
- dokuwiki
- fonts-f500
- haskell-invariant
- libauthen-simple-perl
- python-dbusmock
- python-rtslib-fb
- r-cran-dendextend
- r-cran-diptest
- rawtran
- rtpengine
- ruby-rack-proxy
- rust-rustc-demangle
- ufoai-data
- clazy
- cvector
- golang-golang-x-oauth2
- haskell-stack
- iptables-netflow
- keras-preprocessing
- libjodycode
- macaulay2
- microcom
- octave-general
- postgis-java
- sludge
- spamass-milter
- stalonetray
- xdu
- xzoom
- yorick-z
- apt-offline
- fgallery
- fifechan
- gcovr
- gerbera
- ir.lv2
- libscalar-string-perl
- monafont-ttf
- python-envisage
- python-ijson
- python-w3lib
- r-cran-learnbayes
- rfdump
- ruby-terser
- rust-adler
- rust-ctor
- rust-itoa
- rust-miniz-oxide
- upstream-ontologist
- wm-icons
- xfonts-jmk
- claws-mail-themes
- erlang-p1-stun
- fonts-ricty-diminished
- jargon
- libnginx-mod-rtmp
- node-extend-shallow
- python-geoip2
- python-num2words
- python-yappi
- rust-subtle
- feedgenerator
- fonts-tibetan-machine
- fwupd-efi
- hcxkeys
- java-gnome
- libhugetlbfs
- log4shib
- lv2vocoder
- netcdf-cxx
- parallax
- qcomicbook
- ruby-connection-pool
- ruby-open4
- xdo
- ckermit
- etcd
- fonts-junction
- gpsman
- hdf-eos4
- libnet-pcap-perl
- librsb
- rust-crossbeam-channel
- aoflagger
- codespell
- gr-limesdr
- icdiff
- libauthen-dechpwd-perl
- libb-utils-perl
- libcrypt-dh-gmp-perl
- libgetopt-java
- libtext-unaccent-perl
- mako-notifier
- mpfrc++
- pgbadger
- suricata
- acetoneiso
- aptly
- golang-testify
- gron
- numad
- octave-data-smoothing
- readability
- ruby-jekyll-seo-tag
- wf-config
- zookeeper
- cqrlog
- fonts-play
- gcl
- jekyll-theme-minima
- libauthen-passphrase-perl
- libtext-csv-encoded-perl
- node-cookie-jar
- nwchem
- openmsx
- papi
- pyosmium
- qwinff
- r-cran-dorng
- r-cran-ggforce
- ruby-daemons
- ruby-mixlib-log
- ruby-net-ldap
- rust-fallible-iterator
- dvbcut
- fife
- mpv-mpris
- photoflare
- r-cran-snakecase
- sway-contrib
- tupi
- 2048
- bedtools
- chocolate-doom
- cqrlib
- glasstty
- monitoring-plugins-systemd
- pam-mysql
- pixelmed
- ulfius
- cxref
- docker-clean
- freegish
- libmarc-charset-perl
- mathomatic
- nickle
- ocaml-dune
- php-sabredav
- uglifyjs
- xdemineur
- xskat
- yadm
- binaryen
- libusrsctp
- maven-common-artifact-filters
- node-block-stream
- ooo-thumbnailer
- osm2pgsql
- par
- plymouth-theme-hamara
- python-phonenumbers
- r-cran-cmprsk
- rust-ahash-0.7
- rust-gimli
- rust-pin-project-lite
- camomile
- crystalcursors
- fillets-ng-data
- git-big-picture
- libtatsu
- libtest-mockmodule-perl
- liggghts
- lxqt-archiver
- mopac7
- python-qrencode
- ripit
- ruby-jquery-rails
- sparsehash
- xdaliclock
- ebumeter
- gkrellm2-cpufreq
- horgand
- libdata-dumper-simple-perl
- libmarc-xml-perl
- mlpost
- react
- rust-heck
- rust-object
- rust-proc-macro-hack
- screen-message
- cwltool
- gnome-shell-extension-hard-disk-led
- i3lock-fancy
- jsch-agent-proxy
- kdump-tools
- lwt
- r-cran-plotly
- renpy
- targetcli-fb
- xastir
- datalad
- haskell-hledger
- libshout-idjc
- libtest-pod-coverage-perl
- pinball-table-hurd
- python-schema-salad
- qpxtool
- ros-class-loader
- ruby-webpacker
- charmap.app
- gkrelltop
- moosefs
- prometheus-varnish-exporter
- r-cran-kmi
- ruby-uuidtools
- cciss-vol-status
- golang-gopkg-yaml.v3
- libpam-freerdp2
- libstrophe
- magic
- open-gram
- php-doctrine-lexer
- r-cran-sjstats
- ros2-rcutils
- ruby-fuzzyurl
- wide-dhcpv6
- corectrl
- fonts-blankenburg
- fonts-okolaks
- gavodachs
- gtk2-engines-aurora
- kraptor
- omemo-dr
- r-cran-epi
- r-cran-etm
- smbus2
- sockstat
- clamz
- flatzebra
- fonts-tagbanwa
- haskell-lifted-base
- libterm-readpassword-perl
- notcurses
- r-cran-flexmix
- ruby-rbpdf
- ruby-redcloth
- unicode-cldr-core
- xygrib
- arch-install-scripts
- auto-complete-el
- erlang-p1-xmpp
- frobby
- gr-hpsdr
- impressive
- krop
- libnet-openid-consumer-perl
- mbpoll
- neartree
- octave-interval
- octave-miscellaneous
- r-cran-gmp
- ruby-ffi-yajl
- rust-cpp-demangle
- simde
- wmnet
- abgate
- bidict
- erlang-base64url
- jacktrip
- libnet-openid-common-perl
- libtask-kensho-perl
- muscle
- packeth
- python-phpserialize
- r-cran-popepi
- r-cran-sjmisc
- searx
- simutrans-pak64
- tagpy
- vcsh
- clustalo
- fim
- fontmatrix
- fonts-spleen
- genext2fs
- kmetronome
- libdbd-odbc-perl
- libmatthew-java
- libpdf-reuse-perl
- libpyzy
- librasterlite2
- libticonv
- liburi-template-perl
- nagios-snmp-plugins
- ros-dynamic-reconfigure
- willow
- cal
- fonts-kaushanscript
- glaurung
- gnome-shell-extension-impatience
- ircii
- libctl
- libgarmin
- libisal
- libxml-security-java
- materia-kde
- moon-buggy
- mp3diags
- node-merge-descriptors
- r-cran-fpc
- r-cran-prabclus
- r-cran-purrrlyr
- r-cran-rcmdrmisc
- ruby-thread-order
- whysynth
- ccfits
- cups-x2go
- erlang-jose
- fonts-levien-museum
- freecdb
- itypes
- libpdf-table-perl
- netkit-rusers
- node-ansi-color-table
- octave-fpl
- ohai
- python-enet
- quakespasm
- r-cran-gridsvg
- ros2-ament-index
- ruby-chef-config
- vim-ale
- dateutils
- deepin-icon-theme
- erlang-p1-eimp
- gnurobbo
- libmjson-java
- libnet-z3950-zoom-perl
- libtypes-path-tiny-perl
- mudita24
- node-fstream-ignore
- python-pyu2f
- qimgv
- r-cran-brglm2
- r-cran-enrichwith
- r-cran-mi
- r-cran-zeallot
- ros2-rcpputils
- time-decode
- toga2
- coreschema
- erlang-p1-pkix
- garlic
- libint
- libtext-simpletable-perl
- packetsender
- python-tr
- r-cran-sem
- rc
- ros-robot-state-publisher
- starman
- abcmidi
- aconnectgui
- avrp
- bbdb3
- coreapi
- epubcheck
- gr-air-modes
- kafkacat
- libasa-perl
- libconfig-json-perl
- lua-rexlib
- node-arr-flatten
- osmosis
- php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock
- r-cran-triebeard
- r-cran-vioplot
- ruby-parallel
- swayimg
- worker
- blessings
- brise
- casacore-data-igrf
- f-el
- fonts-oflb-euterpe
- gambc
- gmidimonitor
- guymager
- ht
- libcompress-snappy-perl
- libfrontier-rpc-perl
- libgetopt-tabular-perl
- libguytools2
- libxml-xql-perl
- octave-matgeom
- qjackrcd
- qwtplot3d
- r-cran-crul
- r-cran-httpcode
- r-cran-urltools
- ruby-rspec-its
- snoopy
- sslh
- ttyrec
- wayvnc
- xsol
- casacore-data-lines
- casacore-data-observatories
- casacore-data-sources
- globus-gsi-openssl-error
- libcompress-lz4-perl
- libdshconfig
- libemail-date-perl
- midisnoop
- modsecurity
- r-cran-pwr
- ros-catkin-pkg
- yui-compressor
- awl
- cksfv
- elementpath
- geographiclib
- gnuplot-iostream
- gnustep-dl2
- gnustep-icons
- libkiwix
- libplack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect-perl
- nyancat
- ocsinventory-server
- pekka-kana-2
- pidgin-extprefs
- r-cran-party
- rasmol
- snmptt
- sway-notification-center
- tcplay
- vim-vimerl
- automake1.11
- caja-mediainfo
- globus-openssl-module
- ink-generator
- luakit
- node-path-to-regexp
- p0f
- python-psycopg2cffi
- r-cran-fauxpas
- r-cran-vcr
- r-cran-webmockr
- rrootage
- rust-libz-sys
- swapspace
- ansiweather
- ccls
- cryptominisat
- fortunes-mario
- guile-gnutls
- libb-debug-perl
- libdbd-xbase-perl
- libhash-ordered-perl
- petris
- powercap
- python-pgspecial
- qgo
- r-cran-optimparallel
- raxml
- trimmomatic
- dav4tbsync
- dmaths
- emerald-themes
- globus-gsi-proxy-ssl
- gnumail
- grub-imageboot
- ninvaders
- node-regex-not
- node-to-regex
- php-net-ldap2
- phpqrcode
- python-engineio
- python-infinity
- python-socketio
- pyzbar
- qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles
- r-cran-gclus
- rakarrack
- rubiks
- wordwarvi
- dqlite
- fonts-meera-inimai
- gap-guava
- h2database
- libcrypt-x509-perl
- libextutils-helpers-perl
- lure-of-the-temptress
- mp3val
- open-build-service
- python-autopage
- r-cran-fit.models
- adios2
- apitrace
- csstidy
- fonts-engadget
- funguloids
- getfem
- libextutils-config-perl
- libextutils-installpaths-perl
- listparser
- neko
- obconf-qt
- openvpn-auth-ldap
- osmctools
- python-softlayer
- python-telegram-bot
- quiterss
- r-cran-cyclocomp
- r-cran-lintr
- r-cran-xmlparsedata
- blag-fortune
- bsfilter
- bwa
- cbor2
- cdck
- compat-el
- libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl
- libcgi-simple-perl
- libdata-ieee754-perl
- libposix-atfork-perl
- node-pako
- python-casacore
- qjoypad
- qmidiroute
- r-bioc-biocstyle
- r-cran-inum
- r-cran-itertools
- r-cran-partykit
- r-cran-tsp
- ruby-net-ssh-gateway
- tv-fonts
- vim-solarized
- vlfeat
- fonts-lao
- iwatch
- lemonbar
- libtemplate-tiny-perl
- mate-common
- pam-python
- pyx3
- r-cran-rrcov
- recastnavigation
- syncplay
- tj3
- dnscrypt-proxy
- libcache-memcached-fast-perl
- libcrypt-jwt-perl
- libjlha-java
- liblscp
- overgod
- pathological
- php-htmlpurifier
- pymoc
- python-altgraph
- r-cran-qap
- r-cran-relsurv
- r-cran-robust
- samhain
- tiptop
- yasnippet
- fonts-levien-typoscript
- gnuastro
- ldap-account-manager
- lua-penlight
- r-cran-isocodes
- r-cran-rmpfr
- r-cran-seriation
- r-cran-stringdist
- rst2pdf
- rust-hyperfine
- xschem
- xye
- git-review
- goattracker
- guile-json
- healpix-cxx
- libsocketcan
- munin-libvirt-plugins
- bloboats
- carmetal
- casacore-data
- casacore-data-tai-utc
- erlang-unicode-util-compat
- libbarcode-code128-perl
- libdata-random-perl
- mmc-utils
- php-phpdocumentor-reflection-common
- polylib
- ros-genmsg
- tth
- antlr4-cpp-runtime
- browserpass
- gnome-shell-extension-no-annoyance
- inspectrum
- libmaxmind-db-common-perl
- libnet-upnp-perl
- lierolibre
- r-cran-nnls
- r-cran-unitizer
- ruby-net-ssh-multi
- trophy
- ucspi-tcp
- xracer
- byte-buddy
- debiandoc-sgml
- erlang-idna
- libhtml-formattext-withlinks-perl
- libmaxmind-db-reader-perl
- pymeeus
- qmidinet
- r-bioc-s4vectors
- r-cran-pingr
- rust-sequoia-sq
- scheme-bytestructures
- vpcs
- calculix-cgx
- gdpc
- kmer
- libunicode-stringprep-perl
- noweb
- php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver
- pink-pony
- r-bioc-iranges
- r-cran-publish
- sipsak
- sopwith
- xsok
- arcp
- elpa-rust-mode
- fonts-johnsmith-induni
- gearhead2
- gtk-im-libthai
- jnoisemeter
- kiwix
- libgetopt-simple-perl
- ocplib-endian
- osmium-tool
- python-fabio
- r-cran-riskregression
- tumiki-fighters
- vim-puppet
- ytfzf
- burgerspace
- fonts-horai-umefont
- fuse-zip
- go-md2man-v2
- iselect
- lightdm-remote-session-freerdp2
- nec2c
- python-mitogen
- qsstv
- r-cran-freetypeharfbuzz
- r-cran-pec
- ros-genpy
- rust-shlex
- simple-cdd
- wrk
- bart
- cjose
- empire
- freesweep
- kivy
- libcommons-jxpath-java
- linuxptp
- pcf2bdf
- pd-libdir
- persalys
- php-phpspec-prophecy
- python-fisx
- r-bioc-genomeinfodb
- r-bioc-xvector
- r-cran-factoextra
- rinetd
- tetrinet
- trivial-gray-streams
- vim-voom
- voluptuous
- x2gokdriveclient
- yder
- avarice
- blepvco
- erlang-p1-mqtree
- erlang-p1-yconf
- fillets-ng
- globus-gsi-cert-utils
- jags
- libconvert-base32-perl
- libelfin
- mia
- r-bioc-zlibbioc
- ruby-specinfra
- treepy-el
- urlscan
- xpenguins
- boinctui
- cardo
- erlang-p1-acme
- gedit-source-code-browser-plugin
- gmobile
- gmt-dcw
- lf
- libnxml
- lttoolbox
- mcl
- phlipple
- pysdl2
- r-cran-dynamictreecut
- r-cran-getopt
- r-cran-pammtools
- r-cran-rjson
- ruby-ronn
- ruby-semantic-range
- rust-du-dust
- rust-sequoia-chameleon-gnupg
- trimage
- ydotool
- bamtools
- blocks-of-the-undead
- fonts-mph-2b-damase
- guile-gcrypt
- libnet-ntp-perl
- miller
- montage
- netcdf-parallel
- opense-basic
- phcpack
- r-cran-conflicted
- r-cran-diagram
- rdkit
- vim-lastplace
- dia2code
- etw
- fomp
- fonts-karla
- fonts-kristi
- fparserc++
- funnyboat
- gnuhtml2latex
- guile-sqlite3
- kanshi
- libpbkdf2-tiny-perl
- libtap-harness-archive-perl
- myspell-el-gr
- r-cran-pki
- r-cran-smcfcs
- ruby-mixlib-authentication
- android-platform-dalvik
- gridsite
- guile-git
- guile-zlib
- ketm
- libclass-adapter-perl
- libcommons-fileupload-java
- liblwp-protocol-socks-perl
- pyfai
- python-cerberus
- pyvisa
- r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata
- readosm
- rootlesskit
- emscripten
- fonts-ipamj-mincho
- fonts-konatu
- ghub-el
- go-mode.el
- gsimplecal
- guile-lzlib
- libfile-type-perl
- libgdsii
- libjson-validator-perl
- libmoox-types-mooselike-numeric-perl
- mathicgb
- pgbouncer
- pyzo
- qtox
- r-cran-rcsdp
- tomatoes
- vim-ctrlp
- autoproject
- bible-kjv
- biblesync
- biosyntax
- festvox-us-slt-hts
- fonts-averia-sans-gwf
- gunroar
- libcli
- libtest-strict-perl
- milter-greylist
- php-ds
- python-pgpy
- r-bioc-genomicranges
- ros-rviz
- rtags
- toulbar2
- xbill
- zydis
- adjtimex
- jlha-utils
- liblexical-persistence-perl
- liblingua-stem-snowball-perl
- libnet-server-ss-prefork-perl
- libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl
- magit-popup
- mint-y-icons
- nodm
- pymodbus
- python-i3ipc
- r-bioc-biostrings
- r-cran-bindr
- r-cran-bindrcpp
- r-cran-renv
- rear
- ruby-kaminari
- sshpubkeys
- uzbek-wordlist
- val-and-rick
- xbomb
- bobcat
- cl-rt
- coda
- czmq
- fonts-averia-gwf
- globus-gsi-sysconfig
- jshon
- kdsingleapplication
- logbook
- minetest-mod-unifieddyes
- mustang
- node-event-emitter
- octave-msh
- openrc
- pngnq
- qt6-grpc
- r-cran-whoami
- spirv-llvm-translator-19
- tworld
- xonsh
- zita-at1
- argparse-manpage
- extlib
- hobbit-plugins
- hyfetch
- jupyterlab-server
- liblocale-currency-format-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-gd-perl
- mcu8051ide
- netbeans
- r-cran-writexl
- rafkill
- ruby-serverspec
- rust-libloading
- rust-vcpkg
- setcd
- show-in-file-manager
- spacenavd
- starvoyager
- xbs
- axis
- ctemplate
- flip
- golang-v2ray-core
- hunspell-br
- kim-api
- libxml-tokeparser-perl
- lua-term
- octave-symbolic
- opentest4j
- pydispatcher
- python-falcon
- pyvisa-py
- r-bioc-biocparallel
- rime-essay
- ruby-ast
- rustup
- vnlog
- xserver-xorg-input-joystick
- xsynth-dssi
- apertium
- bcftools
- bing
- cg3
- drm-info
- durep
- flask-socketio
- gatk-native-bindings
- inkscape-speleo
- minetest-mod-craftguide
- mocassin
- mp3blaster
- pseudo
- pspg
- pyxplot
- r-cran-spatialreg
- rime-prelude
- ruby-iniparse
- ruby-mixlib-archive
- ruby-whitequark-parser
- rust-hexyl
- timew
- univocity-parsers
- upgrade-system
- urfkill
- vtk-dicom
- wsdl4j
- xf86-input-multitouch
- apiguardian
- barclay
- blhc
- changetrack
- docopt.cpp
- fastqc
- fenics-basix
- fonts-freefarsi
- golang-golang-x-sync
- libaosd
- libdbix-connector-perl
- libgeoip2-perl
- lomiri-app-launch
- node-flagged-respawn
- node-parse-filepath
- ocaml-graphics
- prometheus-nginx-exporter
- pyqt-builder
- python-aiosmtpd
- python-rcssmin
- r-cran-ggalluvial
- r-cran-nanoarrow
- r-cran-nortest
- rust-socket2
- searchandrescue-data
- steptalk
- suru-icon-theme
- vim-addon-mw-utils
- zita-ajbridge
- bibtexparser
- clanlib
- direwolf
- fonts-dseg
- globus-gsi-callback
- globus-gsi-credential
- globus-gsi-proxy-core
- globus-gssapi-gsi
- gopls
- junit5
- kdocker
- libapache2-mod-auth-gssapi
- makeself
- node-fined
- node-liftoff
- orthanc
- osc
- python-l20n
- r-cran-rcppml
- ripmime
- ruby-proxifier
- ruby-syslog-logger
- rust-bytes
- s3d
- sqlite-fts4
- task-spooler
- titanion
- wasi-libc
- boomaga
- click
- cohomcalg
- cppreference-doc
- dpkg-awk
- exodusii
- facedetect
- fonts-averia-serif-gwf
- fonts-sil-ezra
- g810-led
- gobuster
- haskell98-report
- libcommons-discovery-java
- libio-prompt-tiny-perl
- libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl
- libstring-formatter-perl
- m17n-docs
- minetest-mod-nether
- python-csscompressor
- python-futurist
- python-mido
- python-shodan
- r-bioc-delayedarray
- r-bioc-summarizedexperiment
- sieve-connect
- signify-openbsd
- terminatorx
- vmdb2
- fgetty
- fonts-monapo
- golang-yaml.v2
- haskell-tf-random
- itcl4
- jmeters
- mbw
- mrtgutils
- openssn
- php-console-table
- php-dompdf-svg-lib
- php-oauth
- pvrg-jpeg
- r-cran-mclogit
- r-cran-mcmcpack
- r-cran-memisc
- r-cran-readstata13
- rime-stroke
- ufo-core
- visolate
- ascii2binary
- cl-alexandria
- dmtx-utils
- dosbox-x
- dump1090-mutability
- fonts-sil-galatia
- globus-gss-assist
- latex-make
- libfile-sharedir-install-perl
- libnet-jabber-perl
- libsys-syscall-perl
- libtk-tablematrix-perl
- merkaartor
- minetest-mod-worldedit
- mu-cade
- nfdump
- python-macholib
- r-cran-fastcluster
- rime-luna-pinyin
- rust-tracing
- rust-tracing-attributes
- rust-tracing-core
- rust-valuable
- rust-valuable-derive
- vim-julia
- fast-histogram
- guile-cairo
- kwalletcli
- libgooglepinyin
- lynkeos.app
- polyphone
- python-caldav
- python-pysam
- python-x-wr-timezone
- pytzdata
- qtmpris
- r-cran-patrick
- r-cran-rhpcblasctl
- rime-terra-pinyin
- rust-byteorder
- xgalaga
- confget
- doublecmd-help
- fonts-gamaliel
- fuse-umfuse-fat
- gltron
- intel-hdcp
- kf6-kquickcharts
- libvirt-php
- modplugtools
- myspell-hy
- netrik
- newmat
- pgcli
- portsentry
- python-django-compressor
- python-libtmux
- python-meshio
- python-pint
- python-recurring-ical-events
- rime-bopomofo
- rime-cangjie
- sdkmanager
- apt-build
- berusky2-data
- bspwm
- dnsjava
- fonts-allerta
- fonts-klaudia-berenika
- gpw
- libexcel-writer-xlsx-perl
- node-type-detect
- php-psr-simple-cache
- r-bioc-annotationdbi
- r-cran-broom.helpers
- r-cran-chk
- r-cran-labelled
- safe-rm
- silx
- txt2man
- zita-mu1
- apophenia
- biloba
- civetweb
- clblas
- colormake
- fonts-eurofurence
- gmodels
- inkscape-survex-export
- libconfig-yaml-perl
- libsystem-command-perl
- manuskript
- mkgmap
- nim
- pax-britannica
- psi-plus-l10n
- pyavm
- python-pythonjsonlogger
- python-xopen
- r-cran-ggstats
- r-cran-marginaleffects
- r-cran-quickjsr
- rust-mio
- so-synth-lv2
- xcape
- zinnia
- astroquery
- flask-principal
- fonts-cascadia-code
- fonts-league-mono
- fwknop
- gkrellmoon
- globus-callout
- ifupdown-extra
- kubectx
- libgit-version-compare-perl
- libipc-sharedcache-perl
- libperl6-export-perl
- libt3highlight
- ltt-control
- lunzip
- mpl-scatter-density
- mspdebug
- multiboot
- node-css
- phototonic
- probcons
- pyfftw
- r-bioc-rsamtools
- ser2net
- sqlite-utils
- cachefilesd
- corosync-qdevice
- exabgp
- fonts-bebas-neue
- haskell-ansi-wl-pprint
- helvum
- hyprland
- inadyn
- jackmeter
- klick
- libgit-repository-perl
- php-xml-svg
- python-reedsolo
- python-vlc
- ros-collada-urdf
- ruby-trollop
- rust-glob
- sysprofile
- termbox
- wifi-qr
- zita-lrx
- cwl-utils
- fonts-aoyagi-soseki
- genometools
- gxtuner
- kakoune
- libpod-strip-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-json-escape-perl
- microbiomeutil
- ocaml-bitstring
- ocaml-result
- original-awk
- r-cran-kableextra
- rubocop
- rust-parking-lot
- stops
- tss2
- waffle
- wf-recorder
- zim-tools
- zita-njbridge
- zope.i18nmessageid
- zope.schema
- ada-reference-manual
- astropy-regions
- awesfx
- haskell-optparse-applicative
- instead
- libauthen-cas-client-perl
- libsharp
- praat
- python-matrix-nio
- python-pipdeptree
- sight
- snapper-gui
- tkinfo
- veroroute
- ambdec
- big-cursor
- cowsql
- d-shlibs
- fonts-aoyagi-kouzan-t
- libclone-pp-perl
- libdata-dump-streamer-perl
- libjgraph-java
- libjpeg
- libmime-encwords-perl
- libtest-yaml-valid-perl
- nettoe
- opensmtpd
- pax-utils
- pyvo
- r-cran-bayesm
- r-cran-globaloptions
- sax.js
- unifrac-tools
- zita-bls1
- aeolus
- clamsmtp
- ddgr
- dict-devil
- haskell-entropy
- haskell-unix-time
- ipdb
- libfuture-io-perl
- luola
- mhonarc
- minetest-mod-currency
- mkcert
- nanoc
- node-deepmerge
- python-pyhcl
- python-swiftclient
- r-cran-circlize
- r-cran-egg
- r-cran-intergraph
- suricata-update
- unicorn-engine
- vim-autopep8
- watchman
- adios
- arno-iptables-firewall
- cryptokit
- dh-ocaml
- hexchat-otr
- installation-birthday
- libacme-damn-perl
- libauthen-sasl-saslprep-perl
- minetest-mod-homedecor
- octave-parallel
- php-net-imap
- puppet-lint
- python-pypubsub
- r-bioc-genomicalignments
- ros-image-pipeline
- sirikali
- tikzit
- udfclient
- xtermcontrol
- zope.configuration
- ax25-tools
- cc65
- edb-debugger
- etsf-io
- galib
- grads
- libauthen-radius-perl
- libdata-guid-perl
- liblingua-ispell-perl
- libpdfrenderer-java
- libschedule-at-perl
- libsys-statistics-linux-perl
- libtest-mocktime-perl
- photutils
- phyml
- python-hvac
- python-rtmidi
- r-cran-mcmc
- rust-errno
- rust-signal-hook-registry
- unicode-screensaver
- aplus-fsf
- astroplan
- battery-stats
- cpputest
- dns323-firmware-tools
- flobopuyo
- fonts-sil-andika-compact
- khard
- lazr.config
- libsms-send-perl
- libt3config
- lz4json
- ogre-1.9
- planets
- r-bioc-matrixgenerics
- r-cran-heatmaply
- r-cran-psychotools
- ros-rospkg
- rust-virtiofsd
- snapraid
- solarwolf
- stormbaancoureur
- welle.io
- xwiimote
- angrydd
- apt-show-source
- asc-music
- cwl-upgrader
- derby
- isomd5sum
- japa
- kalign
- libutf8-all-perl
- mediaelement
- node-sinon
- prips
- puredata-import
- python-pydotplus
- quantlib
- r-bioc-annotate
- r-cran-hwriter
- ros-opencv-apps
- tilem
- wmhdplop
- cronic
- cvc4
- db1-compat
- fonts-umeplus
- golang-gogoprotobuf
- grml2usb
- jersey1
- juffed
- lazr.delegates
- libarray-diff-perl
- libauthen-scram-perl
- libhtml-clean-perl
- libmail-srs-perl
- libsnl
- minimap2
- node-array-from
- node-process
- openms
- p4est
- parmap
- php-nrk-predis
- pyaxmlparser
- python-etcd
- r-cran-microbenchmark
- rstatd
- ruby-mimemagic
- rust-ryu
- rust-tokio
- starjava-topcat
- systemd-bootchart
- tinygltf
- xtrace
- xyzservices
- xzip
- artha
- closure-compiler
- dvi2ps-fontdata
- flufl.bounce
- gnuit
- gtkatlantic
- libimager-perl
- liblibrary-callnumber-lc-perl
- liblog-dispatch-filerotate-perl
- lowdown
- mkcue
- node-cosmiconfig
- node-path-browserify
- python-astropy-affiliated
- python-calmjs
- python-calmjs.parse
- python-calmjs.types
- quaternion
- r-cran-psychotree
- rust-rustix
- rust-tokio-macros
- rust-wasm-bindgen-macro
- sdl-kitchensink
- woff-tools
- xfonts-nexus
- yara-python
- ghostess
- js8call
- libcgicc
- libio-handle-util-perl
- libmrss
- libppix-utils-perl
- libstax-java
- mathjax-docs
- mm
- netsniff-ng
- poetry-plugin-export
- pyregion
- python-libnmap
- r-cran-deriv
- r-cran-doby
- reproject
- rust-wasm-bindgen-macro-support
- sayonara
- spatialite-tools
- yasnippet-snippets
- bouncy
- dxf2gcode
- httraqt
- jigzo
- kernelshark
- latexdraw
- libimage-exif-perl
- libsub-prototype-perl
- minc-tools
- morse
- noiz2sa
- nullidentd
- openssh-known-hosts
- pacman4console
- php-rrd
- python-applicationinsights
- python-statsd
- python-uhashring
- regina-normal
- simulpic
- vim-ultisnips
- astropy-healpix
- cbonsai
- daq
- dune-common
- fbcat
- flexi-streams
- fonts-ferrite-core
- fonts-leckerli-one
- gargoyle-free
- indi-dsi
- jcharts
- jnoise
- libbiblio-endnotestyle-perl
- libforks-perl
- libpdf-writer-perl
- libt3key
- networkd-dispatcher
- ocaml-ctypes
- python-gnuplot
- r-cran-pheatmap
- r-cran-stablelearner
- ruby-posix-spawn
- tgl
- transgui
- backup2l
- castor
- concordance
- dpkg-www
- fbpager
- fonts-migmix
- fonts-motoya-l-maruberi
- ganymed-ssh2
- golang-github-pkg-errors
- gpstrans
- iwyu
- jinput
- libemail-stuffer-perl
- libkdtree++
- m2vrequantiser
- minetest-mod-character-creator
- nat
- node-redux-devtools
- node-ua-parser-js
- obs-build
- opentest4j-reporting
- python-binary-memcached
- razercfg
- sep
- tm-align
- xgalaga++
- astroscrappy
- deepdiff
- django-haystack
- excalibur-logger
- gcc-11-cross-ports
- gosu
- ht-el
- jc
- kylin-scanner
- libcgi-session-driver-memcached-perl
- libpalm-perl
- nsnake
- oauth-signpost
- opencryptoki
- pycdio
- r-cran-rcppdate
- r-cran-sn
- ruby-request-store
- rust-proc-macro-error
- rust-proc-macro-error-attr
- scap-security-guide
- shc
- adql
- algobox
- dune-geometry
- libregexp-common-email-address-perl
- mew
- moria
- multicat
- octave-nan
- olive-editor
- pgn-extract
- prank
- psi-translations
- r-bioc-rhtslib
- r-cran-httptest2
- r-cran-rcppcctz
- rust-dolby-vision
- rust-unicode-width
- werken.xpath
- bibata-cursor-theme
- debian-history
- fonts-kiloji
- fonts-kouzan-mouhitsu
- freealchemist
- fs-uae-arcade
- golly
- hp2xx
- inn2
- libchardet
- libfile-find-object-perl
- libtap-parser-sourcehandler-pgtap-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-htmltotext-perl
- lwjgl
- mdp
- modello
- node-dateformat
- python-args
- python-geojson
- python-rfc6555
- pythonmagick
- qxgedit
- r-cran-nanotime
- ruby-timers
- singularity-music
- spectral-cube
- sphinxsearch
- xfonts-traditional
- xshogi
- abs-guide
- chealpix
- cutesdr
- emacs-deferred
- emu8051
- feedgnuplot
- garden-of-coloured-lights
- grafx2
- haskell-vector-stream
- igraph
- imapfilter
- jakarta-servlet-api
- libbrowser-open-perl
- libdbd-sybase-perl
- libsoftware-copyright-perl
- libt3window
- libtranscript
- libwww-opensearch-perl
- msktutil
- poa
- profanity
- python-cdo
- ruby-redis
- rust-serde-json
- sasm
- skyview
- smart-open
- sparse
- zfs-fuse
- fonts-roadgeek
- fonts-sil-andikanewbasic
- gopher
- insighttoolkit5
- kball
- libmodule-bundled-files-perl
- libmojo-jwt-perl
- libt3widget
- node-escape-html
- node-prompts
- pdsh
- python-internetarchive
- qsampler
- rolldice
- toot
- ace
- csound-manual
- dh-cargo
- dvbtune
- ffmpegfs
- fnt
- gwc
- gwcs
- malai
- maven-dependency-tree
- mlpy
- mummer
- php-doctrine-deprecations
- php-image-text
- proda
- psurface
- r-bioc-go.db
- r-cran-cubature
- r-cran-gfonts
- radio-beam
- syrthes
- wsclean
- adun.app
- aerc
- clipman
- dvd-slideshow
- fonts-misaki
- funcparserlib
- haskell-auto-update
- libjdepend-java
- libnet-interface-perl
- openoffice.org-en-au
- php-net-dns2
- profile-sync-daemon
- pydl
- pyproject-api
- sfst
- spinner-el
- tamuanova
- termshark
- zmap
- arm-trusted-firmware
- bisonc++
- flrig
- fonts-bwht
- fortunes-eo
- ggobi
- icecc
- ices2
- javaproperties
- kf6-kitemmodels
- lemonldap-ng
- libdbix-dbschema-perl
- libstxxl
- libtext-wikiformat-perl
- lua-mode
- mcabber
- mlton
- mp3fs
- php-net-ldap3
- postgresql-ocaml
- px
- python-datrie
- python-ratelimiter
- qt6-location
- ros-resource-retriever
- translate
- astropy-iers-data
- basic256
- beancount
- blastem
- ccdproc
- cdecl
- dune-grid
- golang-google-protobuf
- httperf
- libarchive-any-lite-perl
- libdevel-declare-perl
- libdevel-hide-perl
- libmodule-extractuse-perl
- liboop
- libtime-fake-perl
- lua-yaml
- node-klaw
- orbital-eunuchs-sniper
- php-text-figlet
- python-xvfbwrapper
- qrouter
- thin
- xerial-sqlite-jdbc
- yagiuda
- authheaders
- cl-ppcre
- clustershell
- ddcui
- fonts-cherrybomb
- googler
- haskell-fast-logger
- knack
- libmodule-manifest-skip-perl
- libpdf-fromhtml-perl
- libsearch-elasticsearch-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-stash-perl
- linklint
- minetest-mod-quartz
- ntirpc
- php-ps
- ruby-http-accept
- ruby-mustache
- svnclientadapter
- tcputils
- tourney-manager
- viewpdf.app
- anarchism
- flask-mail
- fonts-babelstone-modern
- fonts-karmilla
- glab
- golang-github-google-go-cmp
- gpp
- greed
- hyprlang
- i3pystatus
- lcdproc
- libapache2-mod-auth-openidc
- libkarma
- libperlx-maybe-perl
- maelstrom
- minetest-mod-maidroid
- node-fs-extra
- python-easywebdav
- python-fitsio
- r-bioc-shortread
- rsstail
- sjaakii
- specutils
- tilde
- vmtouch
- aplpy
- asdf-standard
- asdf-transform-schemas
- astronomical-almanac
- azure-data-lake-store-python
- commons-vfs
- flask-compress
- formiko
- haskell-byteable
- libauthen-simple-pam-perl
- libbson-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-openapi-perl
- libnet-z3950-simpleserver-perl
- libstring-print-perl
- lv2proc
- lwn4chrome
- monopd
- nikwi
- node-sane
- python-os-brick
- rust-toml
- shunit2
- vim-tlib
- cod-tools
- cultivation
- eclipse-wtp
- emacs-libvterm
- fathom
- fstl
- libgit-repository-plugin-log-perl
- libhyprcursor
- libparse-debian-packages-perl
- libretro-nestopia
- libvistaio
- libwww-csrf-perl
- minetest-mod-throwing
- mpsolve
- pkg-js-tools
- python-dnaio
- python-pyo
- r-cran-exactextractr
- ruby-sdoc
- sitesummary
- spice-html5
- statserial
- svgwrite
- videotrans
- xpat2
- antigrav
- astroml
- azure-multiapi-storage-python
- bfm
- bs1770gain
- cdftools
- coccinelle
- dcl
- dgedit
- dossizola
- dynarmic
- fonts-compagnon
- fonts-joscelyn
- fonts-sawarabi-mincho
- golang-golang-x-mod
- libdbix-runsql-perl
- libhibernate-validator-java
- libterm-size-perl-perl
- libtest-leaktrace-perl
- metacity-themes
- ocaml-ssl
- pd-zexy
- python-clevercsv
- python-osprofiler
- python-pika
- ruby-iso8601
- rust-strsim
- saxonb
- smarty-gettext
- stardata-common
- whipper
- wmmon
- xgks
- xtail
- flask-migrate
- fonts-apropal
- fonts-sawarabi-gothic
- golang-github-yuin-goldmark
- greylistd
- leiningen-clojure
- libdogleg
- libdpkg-parse-perl
- libterm-size-any-perl
- libuuid-urandom-perl
- libxmlbird
- lv2dynparam1
- maven-filtering
- piexif
- r-bioc-keggrest
- rust-pin-utils
- xmp
- xtensor
- animals
- cimfomfa
- ddnet
- dict-elements
- django-picklefield
- execnet
- gkermit
- inhomog
- late
- libdata-binary-perl
- libnanoxml2-java
- php-monolog
- python-mapnik
- rss2email
- ruby-rails-observers
- sentencepiece
- sopt
- treemacs
- vcr.py
- vitables
- x2godesktopsharing
- bmake
- ca-cacert
- camlp5
- cronolog
- fuzzel
- graphql-el
- hachu
- libapp-nopaste-perl
- libdebian-copyright-perl
- libjs-jquery-file-upload
- liblog-report-optional-perl
- libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl
- libmongodb-perl
- libterm-shell-perl
- libtest-warnings-perl
- node-is-generator-fn
- node-setimmediate
- node-sinclair-typebox
- pd-ggee
- r-cran-optparse
- r-cran-rmariadb
- rancid
- ruby-curses
- yapps2
- cacti-spine
- ckeditor
- fusion-icon
- js2-mode
- kxl
- langford
- libnet-whois-ip-perl
- libregexp-trie-perl
- maven-resources-plugin
- php-gmagick
- ppx-derivers
- prometheus-alertmanager
- python-irodsclient
- python-stopit
- python-wilderness
- r-bioc-edger
- r-cran-amore
- r-cran-areal
- rglpk
- ruby-htmlentities
- singularity-container
- snakemake
- typogrify
- wmcalclock
- aldo
- ares
- csladspa
- dov4l
- galpy
- haskell-easy-file
- jaxws
- lgogdownloader
- libapache-mod-log-sql
- libfilesys-diskspace-perl
- nexus
- python-ftputil
- python-googleapis-common-protos
- python-proto-plus
- rust-tealdeer
- vim-gitgutter
- weechat-scripts
- xcrysden
- xrdesktop
- xwelltris
- zthreads
- debian-cd
- f3d
- fldiff
- fonts-millimetre
- fonts-sil-nuosusil
- haskell-mmorph
- hyprutils
- infernal
- libcolt-free-java
- libdatetime-format-pg-perl
- liblxi
- libmail-pop3client-perl
- libperl-prereqscanner-notquitelite-perl
- maven-clean-plugin
- maven-scm
- node-arr-diff
- node-make-error
- pamtester
- pd-pddp
- perftest
- phasex
- php-horde-util
- php-psr-event-dispatcher
- python-clint
- python-ruffus
- quisk
- r-cran-dials
- r-cran-dicedesign
- vmfs-tools
- yaws
- yorick-yutils
- colorcode
- dapl
- dir2ogg
- ethereal-chess
- fonts-havana
- golang-github-containers-toolbox
- keurocalc
- mimetex
- mmdb
- ocaml-integers
- persist-el
- php-horde-stream-wrapper
- python-cpl
- python-retry
- qtbase-opensource-src-gles
- r-cran-qtl
- ros-rosconsole-bridge
- rust-semver
- tintin++
- yacas
- yoyo
- afdko
- azure-devops-cli-extension
- buildbot
- clasp
- deepin-boot-maker
- emcee
- fonts-gotico-antiqua
- fonts-nafees
- gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview
- golang-google-cloud
- libjs-chosen
- libudis86
- meta-ocaml
- mtink
- ndcube
- node-arr-union
- node-array-uniq
- php-doctrine-event-manager
- php-horde-constraint
- php-horde-support
- php-horde-thrift
- python-ebooklib
- python-google-api-core
- python-pyds9
- ruby-rubocop-ast
- smemstat
- sntop
- view3dscene
- zoom-player
- bpm-tools
- deepin-terminal
- fasttree
- fonts-arapey
- fraqtive
- gemdropx
- haskell-clock
- jlex
- kgames
- libdistlib-java
- libextutils-autoinstall-perl
- mathic
- minetestmapper
- mp3report
- php-horde-log
- php-horde-scribe
- pixmap
- proxytunnel
- purify
- pymacs
- python-django-gravatar2
- python-jack-client
- python-jsmin
- python-prctl
- rover
- semi
- squidview
- todotxt-cli
- whowatch
- cpustat
- flawfinder
- fsa
- ganeti-instance-debootstrap
- ipheth
- jkmeter
- juce
- lfm
- libhttp-tinyish-perl
- libnet-ifconfig-wrapper-perl
- libnet-oauth2-authorizationserver-perl
- pdb2pqr
- python-httpretty
- r-bioc-rtracklayer
- r-cran-mvnormtest
- ros-joint-state-publisher
- ros-urdf
- rust-lazycell
- scantool
- skalibs
- super
- tarlz
- xcscope-el
- yggdrasil
- zita-rev1
- aspell-br
- avy
- convertdate
- discus
- gringo
- haskell-glib
- i8kutils
- libcpan-common-index-perl
- libdancer2-perl
- libnet-snpp-perl
- librouter-simple-perl
- libtie-handle-offset-perl
- libwebservice-ils-perl
- lpc21isp
- lua-system
- magnus
- maq
- pdfresurrect
- phpliteadmin
- python-coverage-test-runner
- r-bioc-biomart
- r-cran-sjplot
- ros-ros-environment
- spirv-headers
- termrec
- web-mode
- yt
- autopostgresqlbackup
- chezscheme
- cronutils
- dune-uggrid
- fonts-taml-tscu
- haskell-monad-loops
- librest-client-perl
- lpctools
- lua-logging
- lv2file
- mailmanclient
- minetest-mod-skyblock
- mptcpd
- nagios-plugin-check-multi
- pyfavicon
- python-echo
- python-vispy
- python-zipstream-ng
- r-bioc-deseq2
- r-cran-qvcalc
- robot-detection
- ruby-actionpack-action-caching
- ruby-raindrops
- rust-rustc-hash
- sprng
- ssm
- tweak
- voms
- webfs
- wsynth-dssi
- wtype
- afio
- beaker
- dfdatetime
- libcache-simple-timedexpiry-perl
- libmath-bigint-gmp-perl
- libmpack
- libocas
- libxml-descent-perl
- mazeofgalious
- minetest-mod-ethereal
- mrtrix3
- nng
- orpie
- packaging-tutorial
- pyraf
- pysph
- python-pymemcache
- r-bioc-geneplotter
- r-bioc-genomicfeatures
- ros-message-runtime
- rust-minimal-lexical
- rust-static-assertions
- sklearn-pandas
- wlogout
- xfonts-baekmuk
- xml-light
- yuzu
- connect-proxy
- festvox-kdlpc16k
- gst123
- libcss-minifier-xs-perl
- libex-monkeypatched-perl
- libexporter-tidy-perl
- libgdal-grass
- libmenlo-perl
- libpam-radius-auth
- libpdf-create-perl
- libperlx-maybe-xs-perl
- libtree-simple-visitorfactory-perl
- minimodem
- obexfs
- pendulum
- python-admesh
- python-whisper
- r-cran-gnm
- rust-unicase
- rust-which
- storm-lang
- tigr-glimmer
- xmldiff
- aj-snapshot
- babeltrace2
- basemap
- carton
- cb2bib
- decopy
- fonts-seto
- gnuais
- haskell-xdg-basedir
- heroes-data
- ironseed
- jack-stdio
- libmarc-file-mij-perl
- libmath-random-mt-perl
- libmenlo-legacy-perl
- libmoosex-object-pluggable-perl
- libnet-arp-perl
- libsynthesis
- looking-glass
- netgen-lvs
- probalign
- prometheus-pushgateway
- r-cran-ecodist
- r-cran-psy
- rdiff-backup-fs
- rust-cexpr
- rust-glib-sys
- rust-peeking-take-while
- rust-syn-1
- stgit
- tcl-fitstcl
- ukui-biometric-auth
- yorick-gy
- and
- array-info
- deepin-movie-reborn
- deepin-screen-recorder
- dsdcc
- heroes-sound-tracks
- libiptables-parse-perl
- libretro-beetle-psx
- libusb-java
- logtop
- lua-md5
- objgraph
- php-doctrine-cache
- pipewalker
- pkgsync
- pygame-sdl2
- python-asyncssh
- python-skbio
- python-treq
- qstopmotion
- r-cran-iso
- r-cran-mnp
- uci2wb
- udpcast
- apertium-lex-tools
- bs2b-ladspa
- cdpr
- cl-sql
- crispy-doom
- dtfabric
- flare
- fmultivar
- gio-qt
- google-auth-oauthlib
- heroes-sound-effects
- k2pdfopt
- libabigail
- libanydata-perl
- libcache-lru-perl
- libclamav-client-perl
- libmoosex-types-path-class-perl
- libnagios-object-perl
- lltag
- madlib
- num-utils
- octave-instrument-control
- php-horde-test
- python-drizzle
- python-rapidjson
- r-bioc-bsgenome
- rust-syn-mid
- vim-snipmate
- vodovod
- yojson
- astlib
- beav
- drms
- emacs-tablist
- fonts-klee
- fonts-komatuna
- geneagrapher
- grub-efi-ia32-signed
- haskell-hopenpgp-tools
- janest-ocaml-compiler-libs
- libbson-xs-perl
- lua-coxpcall
- mecab-jumandic
- node-js-cookie
- nsd
- pd-cyclone
- pymacaroons
- python-iterable-io
- python-pgmagick
- r-bioc-protgenerics
- r-bioc-variantannotation
- r-cran-corpcor
- r-cran-profilemodel
- ruby-octokit
- ruby-sawyer
- rust-typenum
- annexremote
- astrodendro
- colorspacious
- fonts-lexi-gulim
- fracplanet
- gregmisc
- haskell-vault
- jamulus
- jts
- libcrypt-random-source-perl
- libfile-rsync-perl
- libfizmo
- libhash-moreutils-perl
- mah-jong
- metview
- nipype
- node-component-emitter
- peony
- pianobar
- python-path-and-address
- r-bioc-annotationfilter
- rust-critical-section
- rust-generic-array
- syslog-summary
- tcpstat
- traverso
- v86d
- vcftools
- xfonts-mplus
- asciiart
- calendar
- cds-healpix-java
- condor
- fonts-sil-mondulkiri
- fonts-umeplus-cl
- gnupg-pkcs11-scd
- haskell-cairo
- haskell-crypto-api
- latexml
- libdbix-searchbuilder-perl
- libdevel-repl-perl
- libio-aio-perl
- libj2ssh-java
- libtext-quoted-perl
- persepolis
- ppxlib
- pylint-plugin-utils
- python-connection-pool
- pytsk
- regina-rexx
- rocm-cmake
- rtklib
- tsdecrypt
- asdf-coordinates-schemas
- aspell-hsb
- bats
- bogl
- campania
- dfwinreg
- fcopulae
- fextremes
- fonts-bajaderka
- fonts-nanum-eco
- ftrading
- grub-splashimages
- hershey-fonts
- kdiskmark
- libautobox-perl
- liblocale-maketext-fuzzy-perl
- libsearch-xapian-perl
- libtie-cache-perl
- mailman-suite
- node-to-object-path
- pacparser
- php-pimple
- podget
- python-colormath
- python-testscenarios
- r-bioc-biocfilecache
- r-bioc-ensembldb
- r-cran-brglm
- revolt
- rquantlib
- ruby-celluloid
- slack
- surefire
- vfu
- vim-command-t
- vsmartcard
- aggregate
- asdf-astropy
- asyncpg
- cvsutils
- fairy-stockfish
- festvox-suopuhe-lj
- fonts-lg-aboriginal
- hdapsd
- j4-dmenu-desktop
- kf6-networkmanager-qt
- knot-resolver
- libcgi-psgi-perl
- libcrypt-smime-perl
- libjson-rpc-perl
- libxdf
- liquidctl
- lldpad
- minetest-mod-infinite-chest
- minieigen
- mma
- node-array-union
- node-array-unique
- nrepl-clojure
- phpsysinfo
- python-boolean.py
- python-editables
- python-rangehttpserver
- python-throttler
- r-bioc-singlecellexperiment
- r-cran-maptree
- r-cran-vcdextra
- rovclock
- ruby-jekyll-paginate
- rust-terminal-size
- ssh-askpass-fullscreen
- tetrinetx
- tmux-themepack-jimeh
- unhtml
- xsct
- yacpi
- abi-compliance-checker
- asdf-wcs-schemas
- cglm
- clamassassin
- clamfs
- coinor-bonmin
- cputool
- dbench
- fassets
- flxmlrpc
- fonts-sil-sophia-nubian
- gitit
- gr-rds
- gssproxy
- jfractionlab
- libdata-record-perl
- libdata-structure-util-perl
- liblbfgs
- node-lazy-cache
- node-set-getter
- octave-dataframe
- php-email-validator
- python-etelemetry
- python-parse
- r-bioc-preprocesscore
- ruby-entypo-rails
- ruby-hitimes
- rust-gobject-sys
- rust-portable-atomic
- rust-target-lexicon
- sunpy
- xblast-tnt-levels
- xsoldier
- aladin
- bbdb
- bespokesynth
- davegnukem
- galois
- greetd
- kf6-attica
- libffi-checklib-perl
- libmoosex-emulate-class-accessor-fast-perl
- libmoosex-types-loadableclass-perl
- libnet-stomp-perl
- libperlio-eol-perl
- libuecc
- macutils
- mairix
- nvptx-tools
- orcania
- pgn2web
- php-doctrine-inflector
- pygrib
- pysynphot
- pytest-xdist
- python-barbicanclient
- python-docx
- python-hdmedians
- r-bioc-biovizbase
- ros-laser-geometry
- ros-perception-pcl
- rust-digest
- rust-slab
- scummvm-tools
- sigviewer
- vlevel
- xblast-tnt-images
- xblast-tnt-models
- afuse
- aspell-hy
- bugsquish
- config-package-dev
- digitemp
- fonts-mmcedar
- git-dpm
- graphite-carbon
- gzrt
- haskell-time-locale-compat
- iem-plugin-suite
- libcalendar-simple-perl
- libdbd-mock-perl
- libfits-java
- liblogfile-rotate-perl
- libnet-ph-perl
- libxml-handler-trees-perl
- lsp-mode
- ndpi
- nitrokey-app
- node-snapdragon
- node-use
- org-drill
- php-console-commandline
- php-horde-stream
- python-logfury
- ruby-stringex
- rust-block-buffer
- rust-fixedbitset
- rust-sval-derive
- acmetool
- aspell-uz
- atuin
- dmlc-core
- ffcvt
- fonts-lxgw-wenkai
- fportfolio
- gallery-dl
- libfile-configdir-perl
- libhtml-encoding-perl
- libmodule-versions-report-perl
- libpod2-base-perl
- libstring-similarity-perl
- lua-compat53
- mysql-ocaml
- node-os-tmpdir
- ocaml-stdcompat
- pd-comport
- pd-purepd
- ruby-jekyll-gist
- rust-ahash
- rust-blobby
- rust-petgraph
- rust-serde-test
- rust-sval-ref
- siggen
- smstools
- subread
- udisks2-qt5
- virtualpg
- xfonts-mona
- amfora
- chiark-utils
- ckeditor3
- fdpowermon
- gigalomania
- grip
- grpn
- jsap
- kerneltop
- libcache-memcached-fast-safe-perl
- libfile-modified-perl
- mkdocs-nature
- mkgmapgui
- octave-ga
- pysoundfile
- r-cran-bradleyterry2
- robotfindskitten
- ruby-metaclass
- rust-crypto-common
- rust-openssl-sys
- rust-sval-buffer
- rust-sval-dynamic
- rust-sval-fmt
- rust-sval-serde
- rust-thiserror
- rust-thiserror-impl
- rust-value-bag-serde1
- rust-value-bag-sval2
- tree-style-tab
- xa
- xapian-omega
- bismuth
- gri
- hfst
- hstr
- html-text
- jama
- libhtml-formattext-withlinks-andtables-perl
- libquazip1-qt6
- m16c-flash
- metakernel
- node-copy-descriptor
- node-object-copy
- node-posix-character-classes
- php-zmq
- pynput
- python-canonicaljson
- python-pyalsa
- qthid-fcd-controller
- r-cran-rsdmx
- r-cran-zelig
- rfc3339-validator
- ros-interactive-markers
- simh
- vim-khuno
- aespipe
- chasen
- dbuskit
- diploma
- dnswalk
- e00compr
- elycharts.js
- filesaver.js
- fonts-rocknroll
- fonts-senamirmir-washra
- gdb-mingw-w64
- golang-google-grpc
- kf6-frameworkintegration
- libdsk
- libiptables-chainmgr-perl
- libmoox-configfromfile-perl
- libmoox-file-configdir-perl
- libnet-telnet-cisco-perl
- libperl6-slurp-perl
- node-expand-brackets
- node-extglob
- node-filename-regex
- node-fragment-cache
- node-is-dotfile
- node-static-extend
- nss-tls
- php-doctrine-annotations
- python-tasklib
- rsymphony
- rust-debcargo
- rust-no-panic
- rust-rustc-version
- rust-thread-id
- sidplayfp
- stax
- vim-ledger
- camlimages
- changeme
- dfvfs
- fonts-manchufont
- fonts-sil-zaghawa-beria
- gcalcli
- libhmsbeagle
- libint2
- libmpack-lua
- libtest-mock-guard-perl
- lua-dkjson
- nagstamon
- node-class-utils
- node-color
- node-color-string
- node-is-equal-shallow
- node-simple-swizzle
- parchive
- pymssql
- python-lzstring
- qxw
- r-bioc-org.hs.eg.db
- ruby-sequel
- rust-allocator-api2
- rust-futures-core
- rust-futures-io
- rust-tinyvec
- texmacs
- timemachine
- adonthell
- avce00
- bombardier
- casa-formats-io
- curseofwar
- dbus-cpp
- debian-installer
- dmarc-cat
- fonts-aksharyogini2
- fonts-babelstone-han
- fonts-sil-dai-banna
- gkrellm-leds
- golang-text
- gr-satellites
- haskell-wai
- impose+
- jam
- kgb
- libgdchart-gd2
- libyaml-shell-perl
- mapcache
- maven-install-plugin
- node-glob-base
- node-object.omit
- node-regex-cache
- node-repeat-element
- onedriver
- origami-pdf
- pachi
- pcal
- php-doctrine-persistence
- prometheus-blackbox-exporter
- python-license-expression
- r-cran-bms
- r-cran-filelock
- ruby-mocha
- rust-bytemuck
- rust-textwrap
- skycat
- xball
- aspell-pt
- fuse-emulator-utils
- g15daemon
- gensio
- gwhois
- ignition-common
- igv
- libcbor-xs-perl
- libdigest-jhash-perl
- libmce-perl
- libmoosex-traits-pluggable-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-brotli
- libsgml-parser-opensp-perl
- lua-cqueues
- nss-updatedb
- ocaml-bigarray-compat
- pd-maxlib
- python-pyrdfa
- ruby-chunky-png
- rust-clap-lex
- umview
- utop
- vsearch
- asciijump
- check-postgres
- cmyt
- drawxtl
- dvblast
- ethstats
- fiat
- flask-paranoid
- fonts-le-murmure
- fortunes-cs
- hub
- jstyleson
- knxd
- libdevel-nytprof-perl
- libmodule-path-perl
- libmoox-locale-passthrough-perl
- mf2py
- migrationtools
- node-parse-glob
- pbseqlib
- pyasn
- python-biom-format
- qtmir
- r-cran-googlevis
- r-cran-restfulr
- rust-gping
- rust-linked-hash-map
- rust-version-compare
- sdpb
- seqtools
- tclap
- timg
- user-mode-linux
- vmg
- wmtime
- amphetamine-data
- bandit
- boot-info-script
- chemical-structures
- flam3
- fonts-evertype-conakry
- fonts-stick
- fonty-rg
- fuzzylite
- golang-pretty
- janus
- kf6-syndication
- libapache2-mod-bw
- libcss-squish-perl
- libplack-middleware-logwarn-perl
- libretls
- ltunify
- mdit-py-plugins
- menhir
- nipy
- nrepl-incomplete-clojure
- openoffice.org-hyphenation-pl
- opensta
- pd-mapping
- pgpool2
- php-horde-crypt-blowfish
- picosat
- pong2
- python-spectra
- r-cran-erm
- r-cran-rinside
- ruby-rqrcode-core
- rust-cfg-expr
- rust-system-deps
- rust-zerocopy
- rust-zerocopy-derive
- sip-tester
- sysdig
- triod-postnaja
- underscore.string
- unyt
- xfonts-shinonome
- basex
- basez
- between
- clipper
- csync2
- dnsenum
- fonts-paktype
- gi-docgen
- gle-graphics
- haskell-psqueues
- haskell-setenv
- icebreaker
- libcgi-application-perl
- libfile-path-expand-perl
- libnet-irc-perl
- libshairport
- libtaint-util-perl
- node-jsonselect
- octave-optiminterp
- pgbackrest
- php-horde-stream-filter
- php-horde-text-flowed
- plakativ
- pngmeta
- python-oslo.upgradecheck
- r-bioc-biocio
- sqlobject
- stretchplayer
- tools-logging-clojure
- varnish-modules
- xfonts-a12k12
- yascreen
- yubikey-luks
- amphetamine
- bettercap
- corkscrew
- dateparser
- downtimed
- drawtiming
- dvi2ps
- ent
- enzyme
- extruct
- fastjet
- flask-gravatar
- fonts-eeyek
- fonts-train
- geki3
- golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl
- haskell-securemem
- healpix-java
- iqtree
- libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup
- libcpan-meta-yaml-perl
- libdsiutils-java
- loadlin
- neuron
- node-jju
- node-js-beautify
- nsxiv
- php-horde-autoloader
- php-horde-secret
- plink1.9
- proofgeneral
- python-ci-info
- r-cran-pkgmaker
- r-cran-rneos
- rust-curl
- apt-move
- cdcd
- clamav-cvdupdate
- emacs-cmake-mode
- faker
- gwaterfall
- haskell-unliftio
- icb-utils
- jgmenu
- libbencode-perl
- libchi-perl
- libdevel-trace-perl
- libreswan
- libtemplate-plugin-gettext-perl
- lomiri-action-api
- node-fortawesome-fontawesome-free
- node-json-parse-helpfulerror
- omega-rpg
- opensmtpd-extras
- opticalraytracer
- penguin-command
- php-horde-compress-fast
- python-cryptography-vectors
- python-recipe-scrapers
- python-signedjson
- r-cran-raschsampler
- ruby-sexp-processor
- rust-equivalent
- rust-regex-automata
- schema2ldif
- sndobj
- tinyobjloader
- uxplay
- apt-cacher
- astc-encoder
- coils
- fonts-lexi-saebom
- gnss-sdr
- gtk-vector-screenshot
- haskell-os-string
- haskell-pango
- haskell-stm-chans
- idevicerestore
- kazoo
- libdata-peek-perl
- libnet-ssh-perl
- liborigin2
- libpam-afs-session
- lsh-utils
- php-horde-cache
- php-horde-socket-client
- php-horde-url
- python-espeak
- python-queuelib
- rust-jobserver
- sdate
- speaklater
- spirv-llvm-translator-17
- splitvt
- xsecurelock
- dijitso
- directvnc
- fonts-lemonada
- fonts-sil-lateef
- haskell-word8
- jellyfish
- libanyevent-cachedns-perl
- libevent-rpc-perl
- libfec
- libpalm-pdb-perl
- mailman-hyperkitty
- mini18n
- mustang-plug
- nzbget
- openigtlink
- php-horde-hashtable
- php-horde-injector
- php-horde-javascriptminify
- php-horde-pack
- php-horde-template
- python-m3u8
- python-markdown2
- scamper
- scanbd
- sisu
- uniutils
- wand
- wit
- wordplay
- xteddy
- agedu
- avro-c
- digimend-dkms
- elpa
- flask-api
- fonts-elstob
- gnumach
- golang-github-creack-pty
- haskell-monad-logger
- jupyter-events
- libfile-changenotify-perl
- libgraphics-colorutils-perl
- libpappsomspp
- libparanamer-java
- libsimpleini
- libstatistics-basic-perl
- libtext-multimarkdown-perl
- liburi-fromhash-perl
- liburl-encode-xs-perl
- listadmin
- lua-inifile
- makebootfat
- netpanzer
- node-pseudomap
- node-remove-trailing-separator
- oar
- php-horde-controller
- php-horde-cssminify
- php-horde-db
- php-horde-queue
- php-horde-routes
- php-horde-tree
- php-horde-view
- php-net-ftp
- python-async-lru
- qdmr
- requirements-parser
- rig
- ruby-multi-xml
- ruby-text-format
- rust-futures-channel
- rust-futures-sink
- rust-io-lifetimes
- shhopt
- staden-io-lib
- tclvfs
- tools-cli-clojure
- toontag
- w3c-markup-validator
- caneda
- covered
- darkice
- drc
- ffc
- fonts-sil-harmattan
- fuse-umfuse-ext2
- haskell-bzlib
- imexam
- jsofa
- libcrypt-generatepassword-perl
- liblarch
- libvm-ec2-perl
- lua-argparse
- naspro-core
- node-eventemitter2
- node-stack-trace
- obs-move-transition
- pd-hid
- php-horde-http
- php-horde-memcache
- php-horde-sessionhandler
- php-horde-spellchecker
- python-confluent-kafka
- python-isoduration
- python-lark
- r-cran-tmvtnorm
- ruby-roadie
- rust-futures-macro
- rust-futures-task
- rust-futures-util
- sgp4
- shhmsg
- silentjack
- sqlalchemy-utc
- whohas
- asl
- conspy
- fonts-oradano-mincho-gsrr
- fractalnow
- geki2
- golang-github-mattn-go-isatty
- gt5
- h2o
- haskell-ghc-paths
- haskell-http-date
- hotspot
- icecc-monitor
- libfixposix
- libgnatcoll
- libmldbm-sync-perl
- libmoosex-setonce-perl
- librtr
- liburi-cpan-perl
- liburi-find-perl
- loudgain
- naspro-bridge-it
- net-dns-fingerprint
- openni-sensor-primesense
- php-crypt-gpg
- php-horde-editor
- php-horde-group
- php-horde-history
- php-horde-lock
- php-horde-serialize
- php-text-password
- python-adventure
- python-dnslib
- python-fqdn
- rfc3986-validator
- rust-smawk
- spatialite-gui
- txt2tags
- vamps
- archmage
- fasd
- fonts-reggae
- fonts-routed-gothic
- gmap
- htpdate
- irsim
- jquery-migrate-1
- libblocksruntime
- libexporter-easy-perl
- libperl-version-perl
- libtext-password-pronounceable-perl
- ltsp
- lua-nginx-redis
- maria
- mbpfan
- minetest-mod-xdecor
- mopidy-mpd
- node-hooker
- node-through2-filter
- octave-kernel
- pantomime
- parfive
- php-horde-notification
- post-el
- psgml
- pysrt
- python-matrix-common
- python-pure-sasl
- r-cran-eipack
- r-cran-rgenoud
- shelldap
- snake4
- trivial-features
- x11iraf
- xcolors
- autodocksuite
- blockdiag
- bplay
- cecilia
- cl-babel
- cssmin
- dablin
- dbtoepub
- duck
- far2l
- fonts-sil-taiheritagepro
- hlint
- htseq
- jupyter-server-terminals
- kdeplasma-applets-xrdesktop
- libaudio-cd-perl
- libgnatcoll-db
- libhtml-rewriteattributes-perl
- libregexp-common-net-cidr-perl
- libspreadsheet-parsexlsx-perl
- lua-say
- magicfilter
- matrix-synapse-ldap3
- meshoptimizer
- mrrescue
- multiqc
- node-is-negated-glob
- node-ordered-read-streams
- node-unique-stream
- osslsigncode
- php-horde-elasticsearch
- php-horde-kolab-format
- php-horde-ldap
- plink
- prosody-modules
- python-overrides
- qrq
- r-cran-ei
- ruby-actionpack-xml-parser
- ruby-roadie-rails
- rust-zeroize
- rust-zeroize-derive
- tfortune
- xq
- beanstalkd
- cbios
- cffi
- cloop
- dublin-traceroute
- genwqe-user
- golang-github-cespare-xxhash
- haskell-fingertree
- jel
- jplephem
- libcpan-perl-releases-perl
- libretro-desmume
- lomoco
- mdp-src
- pd-pduino
- php-horde-mapi
- php-horde-oauth
- php-horde-service-twitter
- powerman
- python-rich-click
- r-bioc-annotationhub
- r-bioc-interactivedisplaybase
- ros-gencpp
- ros-genlisp
- ros-rosdistro
- rust-bytemuck-derive
- rust-unicode-linebreak
- rust-yaml-rust
- snmptrapfmt
- squeezelite
- stressant
- swtcalendar
- tkpng
- wxastrocapture
- xshisen
- apache-directory-server
- cdw
- dochelp
- festival-hi
- festival-te
- free42-nologo
- gradle-completion
- isrcsubmit
- jameica
- libcifpp
- libdata-hexdump-perl
- libjgrapht0.8-java
- libnet-dropbox-api-perl
- libretro-gambatte
- lua-cliargs
- lua-luassert
- metkit
- nextpnr
- node-glob-stream
- node-to-absolute-glob
- php-horde-kolab-server
- php-horde-kolab-session
- plymouth-theme-mobian
- psad
- pudb
- pygnuplot
- pylama
- python-scrapy
- qxmpp
- ruby-gpgme
- schedule
- swt-paperclips
- vile
- vit
- bambootracker
- ccdiff
- deepin-shortcut-viewer
- gecode
- golang-glog
- haskell-constraints
- haskell-th-expand-syns
- haskell-warp
- ident2
- ladvd
- libcgi-session-serialize-yaml-perl
- mlpack
- mrboom
- node-follow-redirects
- node-getobject
- node-grunt-known-options
- node-json-localizer
- node-jsonminify
- node-pretty-hrtime
- nss-passwords
- obs-cli
- php-doctrine-collections
- php-horde-lz4
- python-qwt
- r-cran-ade4
- ruby-temple
- xplc
- c-icap
- chase
- debsigs
- dh-dlang
- eso-midas
- fitspng
- flamerobin
- fonts-sil-mondulkiri-extra
- fonts-solide-mirage
- fzy
- gopass
- jgraph
- libapp-fatpacker-perl
- libcds-moc-java
- libg15render
- libmime-lite-html-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-renderfile-perl
- libspreadsheet-read-perl
- libthreadar
- lua-mediator
- lxi-tools
- mailscripts
- matrix-synapse
- mdocml
- netty-tcnative
- node-grunt-cli
- node-immediate
- node-thenby
- octave-ltfat
- pd-bsaylor
- php-zend-code
- pytest-runner
- python-gimmik
- python-miio
- python-pymeasure
- python-urwidtrees
- quicklisp
- r-bioc-geoquery
- r-cran-combinat
- repmgr
- ros-pcl-msgs
- ruby-sanitize
- rust-futures-executor
- rust-git-absorb
- vim-bitbake
- vim-rails
- wlsunset
- wyrd
- xfrisk
- yorick-cubeview
- 2ping
- bar
- deepin-notifications
- dh-virtualenv
- fonts-dotgothic16
- garmin-forerunner-tools
- gngb
- golang-check.v1
- gxr
- haskell-haskell-gi-base
- libalgorithm-combinatorics-perl
- libhtml-mason-psgihandler-perl
- libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl
- libirman
- liblinux-epoll-perl
- libnet-rawip-perl
- libreadline-java
- libtest-perl-critic-perl
- lintian-brush
- lsmount
- myspell.pt
- octave-dicom
- pbsuite
- pipexec
- pmtools
- python-cymruwhois
- python-multipletau
- r-cran-whatif
- redland-bindings
- rsbackup
- rust-num-integer
- autoconf2.69
- bwbasic
- cfingerd
- dxsamples
- festival-mr
- fonts-taml-tamu
- gamgi
- grunt
- guidata
- haskell-crypto-cipher-types
- haskell-safe-exceptions
- haskell-simple-sendfile
- lazy-loader
- libdevel-patchperl-perl
- libfile-find-rule-perl-perl
- libimage-imlib2-perl
- libobject-signature-perl
- libphp-snoopy
- libpod-simple-perl
- librandomx
- libranlip
- libvc
- lua-busted
- lua-lpeg-patterns
- minetest-mod-throwing-arrows
- mkgmap-splitter
- node-es6-weak-map
- node-grunt-legacy-log
- node-grunt-legacy-log-utils
- node-grunt-legacy-util
- node-jszip-utils
- pd-iemmatrix
- php-doctrine-dbal
- php-text-captcha
- plfit
- pstreams
- qperf
- ros-kdl-parser
- ruby-minitar
- ruby-narray
- sparskit
- svn2git
- uutf
- vkfft
- xgammon
- yattag
- acm
- amdgcn-tools
- aspcud
- async-http-client
- barrage
- camitk
- fasm
- fb-music-high
- fonts-lohit-deva-nepali
- fonts-naver-d2coding
- fonts-rampart
- gnome-screensaver-flags
- golang-fsnotify
- haskell-http2
- jfreesvg
- joy2key
- lebiniou-data
- libffi-platypus-perl
- libgtkada
- libmoosex-has-sugar-perl
- libmoosex-semiaffordanceaccessor-perl
- libplack-middleware-removeredundantbody-perl
- pam-wrapper
- prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter
- pry
- pt2-clone
- python-dicttoxml
- python-django-tagging
- python-grpc-tools
- r-bioc-affyio
- rust-os-pipe
- sailcut
- scscp-imcce
- trufont
- unadf
- xmountains
- atom4
- cage
- csmith
- ctn
- cutils
- fet
- fonts-manrope
- golang-github-tdewolff-minify
- golang-toml
- haskell-gio
- jameica-datasource
- jameica-util
- libcatalyst-devel-perl
- libcatalyst-dispatchtype-regex-perl
- libclass-dbi-pg-perl
- libdate-extract-perl
- libdjinterop
- libg15
- libjlayer-java
- libtext-hogan-perl
- lie
- mckoisqldb
- memtailor
- miniupnpd
- multimon
- node-clone-buffer
- node-clone-stats
- node-dom-serializer
- node-domutils
- node-fast-json-stable-stringify
- node-pure-rand
- ocaml-curses
- path.py
- php-parsedown
- png-sixlegs
- primrose
- python-svg.path
- q2templates
- r-cran-tgp
- rgxg
- ros-diagnostics
- ruby-ruby-parser
- sdformat
- sidplay
- sioyek
- smart-mode-line
- xfonts-ayu
- agenda.app
- algotutor
- borgbackup2
- distorm3
- e2tools
- fatattr
- git-annex-remote-rclone
- haskell-th-orphans
- jsmath
- jsmath-fonts
- latex-mk
- libdomain-publicsuffix-perl
- libhtml-quoted-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-oauth2-perl
- libmoosex-traits-perl
- libnetpacket-perl
- liboglappth
- libsyntax-keyword-junction-perl
- linux-show-player
- logiops
- maven-site-plugin
- mini-dinstall
- node-cloneable-readable
- node-sparkles
- postfwd
- pps-tools
- pup
- python-numpysane
- raku-getopt-long
- renrot
- ros-message-generation
- rotter
- tf
- tpm2-pytss
- trim-galore
- vulkan-volk
- wannier90
- weborf
- xfonts-kappa20
- autodia
- cctbx
- collectl
- emacs-calfw
- festvox-ru
- fonts-creep2
- fonts-ddc-uchen
- fonts-lohit-deva-marathi
- forkstat
- gifticlib
- haskell-bsb-http-chunked
- haskell-http-conduit
- haskell-type-equality
- icmpinfo
- ipyparallel
- itsol
- ivtools
- jumpnbump-levels
- lebiniou
- libauth-googleauth-perl
- libclass-data-accessor-perl
- libcpan-uploader-perl
- libmoosex-types-structured-perl
- libncl
- librun-parts-perl
- libsbml
- lua-fifo
- lwt-log
- mysql-sandbox
- node-buffer
- node-glogg
- node-htmlparser2
- node-lie
- node-mj-context-menu
- node-replace-ext
- node-vinyl
- nss-wrapper
- octave-arduino
- paml
- pd-iemlib
- pd-iemnet
- pnetcdf
- projectile
- python-parsel
- python-pyspnego
- python-tesserocr
- qiime
- r-bioc-affy
- r-cran-pixmap
- ruby-colorize
- vecgeom
- wmcpuload
- wsdd2
- xfonts-kaname
- xfonts-marumoji
- xsysinfo
- zchunk
- zmat
- affiche
- cynthiune.app
- fake
- gfal2
- glbinding
- gnucobol
- golang-google-genproto
- haskell-wai-logger
- ldcofonts
- libarchive-tar-wrapper-perl
- libimap-admin-perl
- libmoose-autobox-perl
- libodsstream
- libosl
- loki
- morse2ascii
- mrename
- msgpack-cxx
- musescore-sftools
- node-gulplog
- org-contrib
- ounit
- pd-wiimote
- python-wget
- qutemol
- ruby-puppet-resource-api
- rust-just
- sniffit
- stringencoders
- virtualjaguar
- xdmf
- xinv3d
- bcpp
- build-essential-mipsen
- cctz
- createrepo-c
- esorex
- fonts-fantasma
- fonts-gemunu-libre
- fonts-sambhota-tsugring
- fonts-sambhota-yigchung
- freedv
- genromfs
- haskell-bytes
- ibus-rime
- kiwix-tools
- libclass-c3-adopt-next-perl
- libcommons-el-java
- libdbix-class-cursor-cached-perl
- libgetopt-euclid-perl
- libgltf
- liblip
- libmath-random-secure-perl
- libmoosex-lazyrequire-perl
- libomemo
- libpam-ccreds
- liquidsoap
- lua-http
- node-json-loader
- node-jszip
- ocaml-tools
- openyahtzee
- pd-list-abs
- pd-plugin
- pear-channels
- php-doctrine-common
- pidgin-gnome-keyring
- prometheus-redis-exporter
- python-jsonpath-rw
- python-pcre2
- saaj
- xmacro
- aaphoto
- abcm2ps
- biabam
- cdk
- cpplint
- cstocs
- deepin-image-viewer
- deviceinfo
- dvtm
- fonts-woowa-bm
- golang-github-google-uuid
- hardening-runtime
- jackson-dataformat-smile
- jakarta-activation
- jaxws-api
- jline3
- jws-api
- libjs-bootbox
- libstring-errf-perl
- local-apt-repository
- lomiri-thumbnailer
- maven-artifact-transfer
- maxflow
- node-lazystream
- node-livescript
- node-mathjax-full
- node-sha.js
- node-speech-rule-engine
- node-whatwg-fetch
- obs-scene-collection-manager
- osmose-emulator
- pathogen
- pd-iemambi
- perlbrew
- pithos
- python-djvulibre
- python-trezor
- ruby-chef-utils
- rust-anyhow
- rust-bindgen-cli
- segyio
- splash
- ticker
- tyxml
- wolfssl
- ace-window
- crm114
- driverctl
- eblook
- epm
- farmhash
- fastd
- fbautostart
- fonts-morisawa-bizud-gothic
- golang-github-jmespath-go-jmespath
- haskell-ansi-terminal-types
- helpviewer.app
- hmat-oss
- jupp
- kraken2
- libixion
- liblog-dispatch-array-perl
- librepfunc
- lomiri-wallpapers
- netrw
- node-is-valid-glob
- octave-tsa
- palabos
- paredit-el
- psignifit
- pyfiglet
- python-certbot-dns-ovh
- python-rstr
- python-stetl
- q-text-as-data
- quadrule
- ruby-rqrcode
- sortedcollections
- ssh-contact
- svgtune
- tutka
- vectoroids
- viruskiller
- xmltoman
- xonix
- amtterm
- arduino-mighty-1284p
- black-box
- blop-lv2
- buku
- concalc
- dd2
- ferret-vis
- golang-ginkgo
- golang-github-alecthomas-units
- golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go
- htmlmin
- libemail-address-list-perl
- liblog-trace-perl
- libmoosex-methodattributes-perl
- libperl-prereqscanner-perl
- log4net
- maven-reporting-exec
- metro-policy
- node-cipher-base
- node-hash-base
- node-hash.js
- node-ripemd160
- node-vinyl-fs
- pacvim
- pikopixel.app
- pygresql
- pytorch-vision
- r-cran-pbdzmq
- r-cran-rsclient
- relatorio
- ring-clojure
- rust-const-oid
- wmbattery
- autocomplete
- biojava-live
- conda-package-streaming
- dspdfviewer
- efax
- fonts-monlam
- golang-gopkg-alecthomas-kingpin.v2
- haskell-http-api-data
- haskell-th-reify-many
- jackson-dataformat-cbor
- khronos-api
- libfile-flock-perl
- libnexstar
- libpod-eventual-perl
- libpulse-java
- librole-basic-perl
- libsub-exporter-globexporter-perl
- libtrace3
- node-formidable
- node-gulp
- node-md5.js
- node-natural-sort
- node-nouislider
- openpref
- oss4
- parolottero
- pd-csound
- pd-freeverb
- pd-moonlib
- pd-pdstring
- php-text-languagedetect
- procmeter3
- python-rply
- python-urwid-readline
- q2-types
- qd
- redsocks
- rust-b3sum
- rust-x11
- ser-player
- shairport-sync
- socklog
- starjava-pal
- systemd-el
- tasksh
- xfonts-jisx0213
- xletters
- xwallpaper
- apfsprogs
- ax25-apps
- cairo-ocaml
- canl-c
- cattle-1.0
- checksec
- crossfire-client
- crossfire-client-images
- edenmath.app
- fcl
- golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal
- gprconfig-kb
- haskell-generic-deriving
- haskell-resource-pool
- haskell-wai-extra
- jed-extra
- libcereal
- libimporter-perl
- libio-async-loop-epoll-perl
- liblog-dispatchouli-perl
- libmail-rfc822-address-perl
- libstring-flogger-perl
- libsymbol-global-name-perl
- libxaw3dxft
- libxml-namespace-perl
- monero
- mysqltcl
- n2n
- nlkt
- node-bn.js
- node-websocket
- obs-gradient-source
- octave-financial
- onesixtyone
- pd-ext13
- pd-fftease
- pd-iemguts
- pypi2deb
- q2-feature-table
- raku-tap-harness
- ruli
- schroedinger-coordgenlibs
- stopt
- tofi
- udptunnel
- cen64
- conda-package-handling
- dnsdist
- fortunes-ru
- gmbal
- gmbal-commons
- gmbal-pfl
- go-gir-generator
- golang-github-json-iterator-go
- golang-github-modern-go-concurrent
- golang-github-modern-go-reflect2
- gpsmanshp
- gravitywars
- haskell-hledger-ui
- haskell-prettyprinter
- herbstluftwm
- httptunnel
- king
- libio-event-perl
- libplack-test-externalserver-perl
- librole-hasmessage-perl
- luacheck
- mimepull
- node-create-hash
- node-minimalistic-crypto-utils
- numatop
- obs-transition-table
- ocaml-re
- octave-netcdf
- packagesearch
- partimage-doc
- pd-ableton-link
- pd-hcs
- pd-jmmmp
- python-musicpd
- q2-metadata
- q2-quality-filter
- q2cli
- r-bioc-rsubread
- rust-memmap2
- saaj-ri
- slimit
- swarp
- tardiff
- tinyexr
- tse3
- ardentryst
- crystal
- cube2-data
- dealer
- dh-make-golang
- dropwizard-metrics
- dynare
- e3
- etoile
- falcosecurity-libs
- fonts-sil-tagmukay
- fonts-sora
- git-crecord
- gkrellmwireless
- gnustep-performance
- haskell-binary-orphans
- haskell-bitvec
- haskell-linear
- headius-options
- iceoryx
- idesk
- invokebinder
- libconfig-mvp-perl
- libconfig-mvp-reader-ini-perl
- libcrcutil
- libcsv-java
- liberasurecode
- libgraph-easy-perl
- libimage-metadata-jpeg-perl
- libjsr311-api-java
- libproc-wait3-perl
- libpwiz
- librole-identifiable-perl
- luabind
- minisign
- node-buffer-xor
- ocaml-libvirt
- pd-lib-builder
- pd-lua
- pd-lyonpotpourri
- pd-pmpd
- pd-unauthorized
- pd-windowing
- python-designateclient
- q2-cutadapt
- q2-taxa
- range-v3
- ros-rosdep
- rust-bstr
- rust-clap-3
- rust-clap-derive-3
- rust-cmake
- scrypt
- starjava-table
- triplane
- tstools
- vcversioner
- visual-regexp
- wob
- allure
- axc
- deal
- docbook-xsl-saxon
- dvbstream
- editobj3
- emacs-highlight-indentation
- fonts-sil-awami-nastaliq
- fp-units-win
- fstransform
- generate-ninja
- golang-dbus
- golang-github-golang-mock
- haskell-haskell-gi
- haskell-pipes
- horizon-eda
- lft
- libcatalyst-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-perl
- libgnatcoll-bindings
- libgraphics-gnuplotif-perl
- libjbcrypt-java
- libmoosex-oneargnew-perl
- libmoosex-types-perl-perl
- libpam-ssh
- libparse-method-signatures-perl
- libsyntax-perl
- libtemplate-timer-perl
- linux-ftpd-ssl
- livetribe-jsr223
- node-create-hmac
- node-evp-bytestokey
- node-prop-types
- pcg-cpp
- pd-beatpipe
- pd-earplug
- pd-gil
- pd-kollabs
- pftools
- php-pcov
- ploticus
- pylint-common
- python-protego
- pyvenv-el
- q2-demux
- q2-quality-control
- r-cran-matrixcalc
- scanssh
- starjava-array
- starjava-connect
- starjava-util
- stiff
- sunxi-tools
- ufo-filters
- vrfy
- webpy
- wmifinfo
- alfa
- dds
- eag-healpix
- euler
- fonts-morisawa-bizud-mincho
- jcdf
- kf6-kidletime
- libclass-dbi-sqlite-perl
- libprintsys
- libuniversal-exports-perl
- meschach
- mm-common
- mongo-cxx-driver-legacy
- neat
- node-asn1.js
- node-brorand
- node-browserify-aes
- node-browserify-zlib
- node-elliptic
- node-hmac-drbg
- node-tinycolor
- octave-econometrics
- ola
- parcimonie
- passage
- pd-arraysize
- pd-chaos
- pd-creb
- pd-puremapping
- prove6
- python-itemadapter
- python-lsp-mypy
- python-watchfiles
- q2-feature-classifier
- r-bioc-experimenthub
- ruby-dbm
- ruby-haml
- ruby-hmac
- rust-num-traits
- starjava-fits
- starjava-votable
- transcend
- apvlv
- einsteinpy
- fenics
- fitscut
- fonts-national-park
- fonts-sil-alkalami
- fonts-vazirmatn
- globalplatform
- golang-github-mattn-go-colorable
- golang-github-prometheus-procfs
- golang-golang-x-xerrors
- gravitation
- haskell-attoparsec-iso8601
- haskell-path-pieces
- heudiconv
- irony-mode
- lgeneral-data
- libcss-dom-perl
- libcvd
- libdist-zilla-perl
- libhash-case-perl
- libsmithwaterman
- libspreadsheet-readsxc-perl
- libyanfs-java
- lmarbles
- lua-binaryheap
- markdown-toc-el
- mopidy-local
- mopidy-podcast
- node-browserify-rsa
- node-json2module
- node-pbkdf2
- node-style-loader
- pd-boids
- pd-mediasettings
- pd-motex
- pd-pan
- pd-pool
- pd-sigpack
- pd-upp
- pd-xsample
- php-gearman
- pyorbital
- python-itemloaders
- python-structlog
- qmenumodel
- r-cran-janeaustenr
- ruby-enum
- ruby-omniauth
- ruby-uconv
- rust-uniquote
- skyfield
- starjava-registry
- starjava-task
- thunarx-python
- tkdesk
- ufiformat
- vdt
- wlopm
- xpuzzles
- cccc
- dietlibc
- eggdrop
- erlang-p1-mysql
- flashbench
- fonts-sil-mingzat
- gf-complete
- golang-github-golang-snappy
- haskell-ieee754
- haskell-math-functions
- java-classpath-clojure
- lagan
- libcatalyst-plugin-configloader-perl
- libcoro-perl
- libcrypt-des-ede3-perl
- libdevel-dprof-perl
- libfastahack
- libsnmp-info-perl
- libuninum
- lua-curl
- mfgtools
- msort
- node-browserify-sign
- node-builtin-status-codes
- node-console-browserify
- node-is-unc-path
- node-parse-asn1
- node-unc-path-regex
- node-vscode-debugprotocol
- node-worker-loader
- ntplib
- pd-bassemu
- pd-cxc
- pd-ekext
- pd-flite
- pd-hexloader
- pd-markex
- pd-pdogg
- pd-purest-json
- pd-readanysf
- pd-rtclib
- pd-syslog
- pd-tclpd
- pd-vbap
- plastimatch
- python-characteristic
- python-flasgger
- python-sfml
- rsskit
- savi
- shutdown-qapps
- starjava-cdf
- starjava-vo
- stressapptest
- wmix
- audmes
- automaton
- bgpq4
- biometryd
- brightd
- dataquay
- dh-cmake
- disorderfs
- dnsdiag
- fdclone
- fvwm1
- geekcode
- getdp
- gnustep-sqlclient
- golang-github-beorn7-perks
- golang-github-go-logfmt-logfmt
- golang-github-julienschmidt-httprouter
- graphite-web
- haskell-silently
- haskell-src-meta
- jag
- jruby
- jruby-joni
- jsxgraph
- libcgi-struct-xs-perl
- libfilter-signatures-perl
- libmoosex-types-common-perl
- libnet-imap-simple-ssl-perl
- libnet-smtp-server-perl
- libtest-assertions-perl
- mtkbabel
- nixnote2
- node-browserify-cipher
- node-browserify-des
- node-des.js
- node-querystring
- node-randomfill
- node-stream-browserify
- node-stream-http
- node-to-arraybuffer
- pal2nal
- pd-extendedview
- pd-log
- pd-mjlib
- pd-nusmuk
- pd-smlib
- pd-testtools
- policyd-weight
- purple-lurch
- python-immutabledict
- r-bioc-scrnaseq
- r-cran-matching
- r-cran-segmented
- ros-cmake-modules
- ruby-commonmarker
- ruby-mini-magick
- rungetty
- rust-libm
- rust-os-str-bytes
- rust-phf
- rust-print-bytes
- simpleproxy
- soundscaperenderer
- starjava-dpac
- tandem-mass
- trend
- vega.js
- vttest
- wbxml2
- why3
- xfireworks
- ytree
- zst
- approx
- biglybt
- bootsidemenu.js
- breathe
- clj-time-clojure
- crimson
- dirgra
- finalcut
- flent
- fonts-sil-akatab
- gap-float
- golang-golang-x-time
- golang-logrus
- haskell-zlib-bindings
- jsusfx
- kdevelop-pg-qt
- latex209
- libcatalyst-action-renderview-perl
- libdbi-test-perl
- libnet-sslglue-perl
- libnjb
- libxml-feedpp-perl
- libzmq-ffi-perl
- maven-debian-helper
- node-content-type
- node-create-ecdh
- node-crypto-browserify
- node-domain-browser
- node-os-browserify
- node-public-encrypt
- node-react-hot-loader
- node-tty-browserify
- org-roam
- pass-extension-tail
- pd-autopreset
- purity
- python-matplotlib-venn
- python-nss
- python-setuptools-git
- r-bioc-dada2
- ruby-html-pipeline
- ruby-oauth2
- ruff
- splat
- tree-puzzle
- xscavenger
- xwpe
- ableton-link
- aptitude-robot
- chemeq
- dcmstack
- emperor
- ftp-upload
- gdigi
- golang-github-prometheus-client-golang
- golang-github-prometheus-client-model
- golang-github-prometheus-common
- haskell-alsa-core
- haskell-hinotify
- haskell-persistent
- healpix-fortran
- jameica-h2database
- javassist
- kunststoff
- labltk
- libapache2-mod-tile
- libbrahe
- libcatalyst-component-instancepercontext-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-authentication-perl
- libcatalyst-view-tt-perl
- libcatalystx-component-traits-perl
- libhttp-tiny-perl
- luola-levels
- modernize
- muse-el
- node-https-browserify
- node-timers-browserify
- node-url
- node-vm-browserify
- ocserv
- octave-sockets
- pyppd
- python-pydub
- python-simpy
- qabcs
- ros2-ament-package
- ruby-fcgi
- ruby-stomp
- rust-cbindgen
- rust-gio-sys
- rust-ognibuild
- seahorse-adventures
- starjava-datanode
- swatch
- x2gobroker
- asn1c
- boohu
- daemonize
- flightcrew
- fonts-atkinson-hyperlegible
- golang-github-mwitkow-go-conntrack
- gpaw-setups
- hy
- jerasure
- jitescript
- libassa
- libcommuni
- libtext-vcard-perl
- linux-apfs-rw
- lumino
- matlab2tikz
- mpegdemux
- multiprocess
- nfft
- node-constants-browserify
- node-ts-jest
- obs-scene-notes-dock
- octave-audio
- orthanc-wsi
- php-fdomdocument
- psi4
- python-booleanoperations
- python-dtcwt
- python-pytest-asyncio
- rockdodger
- rssguard
- ruby-openid
- rust-freetype-sys
- socket
- swupdate
- vim-subtitles
- wmnd
- wmtemp
- bandwidthd
- buici-clock
- calamaris
- develock-el
- erlang-p1-pgsql
- fckit
- fitsh
- golang-github-google-btree
- golang-github-klauspost-compress
- gpyfft
- haskell-hint
- haskell-hledger-web
- haskell-network-byte-order
- jutils
- libapache2-mod-qos
- libcam-pdf-perl
- libcatalyst-model-dbic-schema-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-state-cookie-perl
- libcrypt-argon2-perl
- libdrilbo
- libfile-copy-link-perl
- libgraphics-colorobject-perl
- libhttp-dav-perl
- libmoosex-aliases-perl
- libmoox-typetiny-perl
- libplack-middleware-methodoverride-perl
- libserial
- libvcflib
- lightbeam
- mediascanner2
- mp3burn
- node-csstype
- node-querystring-es3
- octave-quaternion
- package-lint-el
- parboiled
- pegdown
- php-econea-nusoap
- psicode
- pyalsaaudio
- pykcs11
- python-bumps
- python-iow
- python-jenkins
- python-openai
- python-svgelements
- qqc2-breeze-style
- rust-git2
- sch-rnd
- slingshot-clojure
- tntnet
- unifrac
- usbrelay
- w3c-linkchecker
- wmclock
- wslay
- actiona
- advi
- astap
- bart-view
- cl-postmodern
- coyote
- debian-edu-install
- debram
- dockerfile-mode
- erlang-p1-iconv
- esmtp
- esys-particle
- gammapy
- gav
- giftrans
- git-mestrelion-tools
- haskell-errors
- haskell-monads-tf
- inoticoming
- libapache2-mod-auth-plain
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-static-simple-perl
- libclass-throwable-perl
- libdynapath-clojure
- libfile-grep-perl
- libgd-securityimage-perl
- libmeta-perl
- live-clone
- lua-ansicolors
- lucene8
- lziprecover
- nailgun
- octave-vrml
- osm2pgrouting
- otf
- pdepend
- php-horde-xml-element
- php-horde-xml-wbxml
- pixelmed-codec
- pod2pdf
- prometheus-apache-exporter
- python-gnuplotlib
- python-manilaclient
- python-mpv
- python-multi-key-dict
- python-oslo.rootwrap
- quickemu
- r-cran-manipulatewidgets
- reprotest
- ruby-omniauth-oauth2
- rust-cairo-sys-rs
- rust-twox-hash
- scamp
- aliki
- binstats
- cassbeam
- cheshire-clojure
- cl-clx-sbcl
- cl-kmrcl
- cpath-clojure
- delta
- dhcp-probe
- dvorak7min
- eclipse-jdt-ui
- elasticsearch-curator
- fonts-yusei-magic
- golang-github-golang-groupcache
- gpaw
- haskell-time-manager
- ifupdown-ng
- jack
- jquery-colorbox
- keynav
- klystrack
- libbusiness-hours-perl
- libimager-qrcode-perl
- loguru
- lua-doc
- mandos
- missfits
- mpfit
- naspro-bridges
- node-base16
- node-mini-css-extract-plugin
- node-warning
- npm2deb
- opentk
- php-horde-role
- pipes.sh
- pkg-perl-tools
- python-rq
- randtype
- ruby-sdl
- rust-proc-macro-crate
- rust-ruzstd
- rust-wasm-bindgen-backend
- ssss
- tigris
- ttyload
- wikipedia2text
- xmds2
- xwit
- xyscan
- citation-style-language-styles
- clj-digest-clojure
- dnsmap
- dnsperf
- docdiff
- editorconfig-emacs
- faifa
- fermi-lite
- ffuf
- gap-grape
- go-qrcode
- haskell-gi-glib
- haskell-shakespeare
- haskell-xss-sanitize
- itk4
- jargon-text
- jftp
- jquery-lazyload
- kannel
- libb-hooks-op-ppaddr-perl
- libcxx-serial
- libmodule-build-tiny-perl
- libmsv
- macromoleculebuilder
- metrohash
- ncap
- node-d3-delaunay
- node-inwasm
- node-parse-srcset
- node-parseurl
- node-webpack-merge
- octave-mapping
- php-ast
- prismatic-schema-clojure
- psfex
- python-srt
- r-cran-dqrng
- r-cran-sitmo
- raynes-fs-clojure
- ruby-html2haml
- ruby-rotp
- ruby-sequel-pg
- rust-pango-sys
- rust-sha1
- rust-wasm-bindgen-shared
- tdfsb
- telegram-send
- vflib3
- vim-textobj-user
- weightwatcher
- btrfs-assistant
- ckb-next
- cmtk
- excellent-bifurcation
- fasttext
- golang-github-jpillora-backoff
- hashalot
- haskell-listlike
- hibiscus
- iannix
- kitchensink-clojure
- libiri-perl
- libsdsl
- libtins
- mpd-sima
- netproc
- node-d3-geo-projection
- node-merge
- node-sanitize-html
- node-utils-merge
- open-adventure
- pangzero
- peg-solitaire
- php-mdb2-driver-pgsql
- pymdown-extensions
- python-automaton
- python-pluginbase
- r-cran-irkernel
- rsyncrypto
- rust-encoding-rs
- sagemath-database-cremona-elliptic-curves
- select2.js
- silversearcher-ag-el
- simulavr
- skeleton
- swisswatch
- twclock
- ukui-themes
- vor
- xphoon
- alot
- cenon.app
- ck
- cxxtools
- debci
- fonts-rit-sundar
- grr.app
- gxkb
- haskell-fmlist
- hepmc3
- iaxmodem
- idlastro
- jackson-dataformat-xml
- jquery-mobile
- jtb
- klayout
- libjcode-perl
- libpdf-api2-simple-perl
- libstring-mkpasswd-perl
- libvldocking-java
- libxml-commonns-perl
- libxml-namespacefactory-perl
- miceamaze
- mpb
- multitee
- myst-parser
- netsed
- nitime
- node-accepts
- node-etag
- node-free-style
- node-isomorphic.js
- node-lib0
- node-on-finished
- node-playwright
- node-typestyle
- node-vega-themes
- node-w3c-keyname
- node-y-protocols
- node-yjs
- openvpn-auth-radius
- osmo-fl2k
- otp
- pg-comparator
- phpmd
- plasma-gamemode
- plexus-xml
- purple-xmpp-carbons
- python-castellan
- python-lsp-rope
- rust-bitflags-1
- rust-cpufeatures
- scala-mode-el
- sidplay-base
- starjava-tjoin
- tclex
- tf5
- valentina
- xevil
- xtron
- xvier
- z80asm
- atlas-ecmwf
- auralquiz
- bepasty
- bibtexconv
- braceexpand
- bulk-media-downloader
- cavezofphear
- dibbler
- ezstream
- f2j
- flit
- form
- freetts
- golang-github-spf13-pflag
- golang-github-xenolf-lego
- haskell-clientsession
- haskell-css-text
- hfd-service
- imediff
- javacc-maven-plugin
- kcheckers
- libcatalyst-plugin-stacktrace-perl
- libcds-savot-java
- libcodesize-java
- libconfig-std-perl
- libdb-file-lock-perl
- libgraph-easy-as-svg-perl
- libhtml-gumbo-perl
- liblinux-distribution-perl
- libmatchbox
- libminini
- libpicocontainer-java
- libtrycatch-perl
- libvm-ec2-security-credentialcache-perl
- libwildmagic
- mailsync
- node-encodeurl
- node-fresh
- node-libs-browser
- node-range-parser
- node-react-highlight-words
- node-react-toastify
- node-vega-lite
- obs-downstream-keyer
- octave-nurbs
- openfst
- png23d
- process-cpp
- python-lsp-isort
- python-repoze.who
- qcontrol
- qnapi
- ros-pluginlib
- ruby-cri
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery-placeholder
- rust-glib
- simdjson
- snp-sites
- svtplay-dl
- tt-rss-notifier-chrome
- ucblogo
- vbrfix
- webhook
- wmsystemtray
- astromatic
- cdlabelgen
- checkstyle
- cl-trivial-backtrace
- crypto-equality-clojure
- ddcci-driver-linux
- dq
- fizsh
- flwrap
- flx
- freewheeling
- gap-design
- globus-xio
- golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure
- gr-radar
- haskell-enclosed-exceptions
- haskell-skein
- imbalanced-learn
- jack-delay
- libdfu-ahp
- libhash-withdefaults-perl
- libjpfcodegen-java
- libtest-www-mechanize-catalyst-perl
- naist-jdic
- nbsdgames
- node-codemirror-state
- node-cookie
- node-fast-json-patch
- node-ipaddr.js
- node-markdown-to-jsx
- node-media-typer
- node-min-document
- node-react-paginate
- node-regexp-match-indices
- node-rjsf
- node-send
- node-serve-static
- node-source-map-loader
- node-stdlib
- node-vdom-to-html
- node-vega-embed
- node-vega-tooltip
- pdfkit
- pipsi
- propaganda-debian
- python-escript
- python-pyvcf
- python-typing-inspect
- python-uinput
- rpmlint
- rust-arrayvec
- rust-convert-case
- rust-curl-sys
- sasmodels
- simulate-event.js
- synphot
- tenmado
- unmass
- unsort
- wmmixer
- crypto-random-clojure
- dadadodo
- espeakedit
- felix-latin
- golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp
- golang-protobuf-extensions
- guake-indicator
- gvmd
- hhsuite
- irstlm
- irtt
- jackson-dataformat-yaml
- jacoco
- kristall
- lablgl
- libcatalyst-view-json-perl
- libconfig-inihash-perl
- libdatetime-format-rfc3339-perl
- libgfshare
- libmodule-manifest-perl
- libnet-dns-resolver-programmable-perl
- libtypes-uuid-perl
- matchbox-window-manager
- mediawiki2latex
- node-cookie-signature
- node-methods
- node-statuses
- node-type-is
- oakleaf
- pente
- piu-piu
- python-pysaml2
- q2-alignment
- r-bioc-genefilter
- ros-geometric-shapes
- ruby-ntlm
- ruby-task-list
- ruby-tioga
- rust-cfg-if-0.1
- rust-unicode-xid
- sabctools
- swiglpk
- threadscope
- tpm2-tss-engine
- treeline
- umlet
- vim-vader
- waili
- yersinia
- aoetools
- arpalert
- away
- backport9
- bordeaux-threads
- consolation
- cpipe
- dns-browse
- emacs-which-key
- fabulous
- fortunes-br
- fretsonfire-songs-muldjord
- fretsonfire-songs-sectoid
- fuse-posixovl
- git-secret
- gnu-which
- haskell-crypto-random
- haskell-lifted-async
- hidapi-cffi
- jimfs
- libapache2-mod-authnz-pam
- libcss-perl
- libdbix-class-dynamicdefault-perl
- libhtml5parser-java
- libmoosex-arrayref-perl
- libtext-sprintfn-perl
- libtools-macro-clojure
- libtrove-intellij-java
- libtypes-uri-perl
- likwid
- lomiri-api
- mimedefang
- node-eventemitter3
- node-vary
- patatt
- pcapy
- php-horde-text-diff
- python-b2sdk
- python-colored-traceback
- python-fire
- python-osmapi
- q2-fragment-insertion
- q2-sample-classifier
- r-cran-proto
- rainbow-delimiters
- ruby-ansi
- ruby-rack-openid
- rust-bytecheck
- rust-sha1-asm
- rust-slog
- sml-mode
- spectrwm
- tarantool
- tetraproc
- u3-tool
- ufonormalizer
- unclutter-xfixes
- vis
- zh-autoconvert
- zita-dc1
- cyarray
- dh-linktree
- eclipse-swtchart
- fcode-utils
- filament
- fortunes-pl
- gap-openmath
- gap-sonata
- gap-toric
- globus-gssapi-error
- gnome-nds-thumbnailer
- golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt
- golang-pault-go-ykpiv
- haskell-alsa-mixer
- haskell-gi-gobject
- haskell-process-extras
- hivelytracker
- jaula
- jsonnet
- libapache-db-perl
- libdata-page-pageset-perl
- libdatetime-format-datemanip-perl
- libdesktop-notify-perl
- librdf-trine-perl
- liburl-encode-perl
- netpipe
- nik4
- node-http-errors
- node-http-proxy
- node-setprototypeof
- node-toidentifier
- obs-ashmanix-countdown
- oclgrind
- opa-ff
- parasail
- pfuture-el
- prometheus-mysqld-exporter
- purple-xmpp-http-upload
- python-click-threading
- python-demjson
- python-kafka
- python-overpy
- python-requests-unixsocket
- q2-dada2
- q2-emperor
- q2-phylogeny
- robocode
- rt-tests
- rust-openssl
- scitokens-cpp
- t-prot
- trove3
- urdfdom-headers
- whitedb
- wl
- wl-mirror
- z80dasm
- autoclass
- cimg
- ctioga2
- datefudge
- docbook-mathml
- fierce
- gausssum
- gav-themes
- golang-github-hashicorp-hcl
- golang-github-pelletier-go-toml
- golang-gopkg-ini.v1
- haskell-data-default-instances-base
- haskell-either
- haskell-intervals
- haskell-mwc-random
- haskell-only
- indigo
- jasypt
- kf6-krunner
- lava
- libcli-osprey-perl
- libdata-bitmask-perl
- libfile-pid-perl
- libfreefare
- libgeo-gpx-perl
- libmoox-types-setobject-perl
- libmozilla-ldap-perl
- libparallel-prefork-perl
- libperl6-junction-perl
- librrdtool-oo-perl
- libsignal-mask-perl
- libwww-youtube-download-perl
- mancala
- node-amdefine
- node-express
- node-finalhandler
- obs-source-clone
- octave-jsonlab
- pagmo
- php-solr
- projectl
- pwntools
- py3status
- python-pytest-timeout
- python-sphinxcontrib.apidoc
- python-xstatic
- q2-diversity-lib
- r-cran-seqinr
- radium-compressor
- robot-testing-framework
- rpyc
- ruby-archive-zip
- ruby-io-like
- ruby-mdl
- rust-tree-sitter-cli
- rust-uuid
- siscone
- tang
- wmmoonclock
- zita-dpl1
- abr2gbr
- bbe
- compress-lzf
- compyle
- connectome-workbench
- debian-installer-netboot-images
- deepin-deb-installer
- dhcpd-pools
- directx-headers
- ebook2cwgui
- esxml
- flamp
- fuse-convmvfs
- glhack
- gtk4-layer-shell
- haskell-groups
- haskell-tasty
- inotify-hookable
- jester
- jzip
- libfurl-perl
- libio-lockedfile-perl
- librt-client-rest-perl
- lightyears
- mapbox-variant
- mapivi
- mapproxy
- mftrace
- minidb
- mtree-netbsd
- node-mongodb
- node-source-map-resolve
- obs-source-copy
- osmcoastline
- premake4
- pysolfc-cardsets
- python-etcd3
- python-pathtools
- python-pyftpdlib
- python-pygal
- python-rioxarray
- r-cran-bibtex
- raysession
- ropgadget
- ros2-colcon-core
- ruby-oauth
- ruby-omniauth-gitlab
- rust-js-sys
- since
- spacearyarya
- tatan
- thc-ipv6
- vncsnapshot
- yp-svipc
- adms
- backblaze-b2
- cl-asdf-flv
- cl-fiveam
- elpa-undo-tree
- erlang-p1-pam
- erlang-p1-sip
- flexc++
- fontmake
- fractgen
- freecontact
- git-quick-stats
- golang-github-coreos-go-systemd
- golang-github-kr-fs
- golang-github-pkg-sftp
- golang-github-xo-terminfo
- goxel
- graphql-core
- hg-git
- ii-esu
- leaflet-markercluster
- libchart-perl
- libedlib
- libhtml-linkextractor-perl
- libjson-path-perl
- libmoosex-attribute-env-perl
- libpdfbox-graphics2d-java
- libretro-beetle-vb
- metaconfig
- mhddfs
- mylvmbackup
- node-buffer-equal
- node-proxy-addr
- octave-image-acquisition
- overpass
- pandoc-plantuml-filter
- phabricator
- php-horde-feed
- php-proxy-manager
- prometheus-postgres-exporter
- python-certbot-dns-gandi
- pyxid
- recon-ng
- ruby-charlock-holmes
- scheme48
- specreduce
- spfft
- super-csv
- utox
- vavr0
- xrayutilities
- colplot
- dangen
- djvubind
- dub
- easyprocess
- golang-github-go-kit-log
- golang-github-shurcool-sanitized-anchor-name
- golang-github-spf13-afero
- haskell-dbus
- haskell-system-filepath
- hbci4java
- hercules
- hyphen-indic
- ignition-math
- javawriter
- js-of-ocaml
- lambda-term
- libcatalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class-perl
- libcatalyst-modules-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-authorization-roles-perl
- libdisorder
- libgeo-coordinates-transform-perl
- libgeo-osm-tiles-perl
- libosip2
- libphp-swiftmailer
- libprefork-perl
- librdf-trine-node-literal-xml-perl
- libschedule-cron-perl
- libtest-cpan-meta-perl
- libtest-number-delta-perl
- libtime-out-perl
- libxml-quote-perl
- mail-expire
- metastore
- mh-book
- mockobjects
- muparserx
- node-array-flatten
- node-content-disposition
- node-raw-body
- orbit-predictor
- photoqt
- pilkit
- power-calibrate
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib
- pybeam
- python-etcd3gw
- python-isc-dhcp-leases
- ruby-fast-xs
- rust-foreign-types-0.3
- rust-foreign-types-shared-0.1
- rust-gdk-pixbuf-sys
- rust-nix
- storebackup
- transfuse
- u1db-qt
- up-imapproxy
- xdesktopwaves
- xdms
- zed
- athena-jot
- cmlxom
- crip
- deepin-calculator
- disruptor
- g2
- globus-ftp-control
- globus-xio-gsi-driver
- golang-github-magiconair-properties
- golang-github-spf13-cast
- golang-go.opencensus
- haskell-ifelse
- lastpass-cli
- libbeam-java
- libeuclid-java
- libical-parser-perl
- libimage-librsvg-perl
- libproc-invokeeditor-perl
- libqofono
- libsignatures-java
- libsys-filesystem-perl
- libxml-writer-string-perl
- mapcode
- maven-deploy-plugin
- maven-shade-plugin
- mm3d
- mpgrafic
- node-body-parser
- obantoo
- obexpushd
- ocamlgraph
- octave-fuzzy-logic-toolkit
- opalmod
- pandoc-citeproc-preamble
- pappl
- php-horde-openxchange
- proxmoxer
- python-certbot-dns-route53
- python-docs-theme
- python-os-traits
- python-pysol-cards
- python-tooz
- python-zake
- ros-random-numbers
- ruby-amq-protocol
- ruby-bunny
- rust-glib-macros
- rust-proptest
- sambamba
- sgrep
- slirp
- specreduce-data
- starjava-ecsv
- ustreamer
- yagv
- augustus
- dbus-fast
- doc-central
- doxygen-awesome-css
- emacspeak
- find-file-in-project
- gle-graphics-manual
- glib-d
- glpk-java
- golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman
- golang-github-spf13-viper
- guile-lib
- haskell-gi-gio
- jitterentropy-rngd
- jnlp-servlet
- kookbook
- kotlin
- libcatalyst-log-log4perl-perl
- libdbix-class-timestamp-perl
- libemail-foldertype-perl
- libsub-delete-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-javascript-perl
- lightsquid
- magicmaze
- mokomaze
- monado
- mopidy-internetarchive
- netmaze
- node-nan
- ocaml-sqlite3
- otf2
- prettyping
- py-radix
- pytango
- python-dendropy
- python-dsv
- python-sexpdata
- r-cran-adegraphics
- ruby-rubypants
- rust-unicode-normalization
- spoa
- starjava-tfcat
- sudoku-solver
- vagrant-sshfs
- yavta
- android-platform-tools-analytics-library
- auto-07p
- dataclasses-json
- dbus-test-runner
- di-netboot-assistant
- fpzip
- globus-io
- golang-blackfriday-v2
- golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth
- gplcver
- haskell-megaparsec
- hearse
- hol88
- katarakt
- libapache2-mod-encoding
- libcatalyst-authentication-credential-authen-simple-perl
- libcatalyst-model-dbi-perl
- libhtml-tiny-perl
- libmialm
- libnet-dhcp-perl
- libpostscript-file-perl
- librdf-ns-perl
- mate-hud
- pagemon
- perlprimer
- python-cursive
- python-darkslide
- python-os-win
- python-taskflow
- qstardict
- r-cran-minpack.lm
- ruby-chromedriver-helper
- sasview
- similarity-tester
- sope
- sslsniff
- sslsplit
- triplea
- ukui-window-switch
- webcamd
- wireguard-go
- yaml-el
- yasat
- yodl
- yorick-optimpack
- 9base
- android-platform-frameworks-data-binding
- apsfilter
- asterisk-prompt-de
- beef
- bleak
- cba
- colmap
- cwdaemon
- data-priority-map-clojure
- docbook-dsssl-doc
- dune-istl
- emacs-wgrep
- fonts-myanmar
- gamazons
- gatb-core
- git-timemachine
- gitpkg
- gkrellm-thinkbat
- golang-github-fatih-color
- haskell-parser-combinators
- jpegjudge
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-dbic-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-delegate-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-file-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-subrequest-perl
- libdate-pcalc-perl
- libkkc-data
- libpod-coverage-trustpod-perl
- libsocket-msghdr-perl
- lombok-ast
- madison-lite
- memlockd
- metapixel
- mopidy-somafm
- node-arg
- node-create-require
- nov-el
- objfw
- octave-bim
- octave-divand
- octave-lssa
- pcc
- pcc-libs
- pgformatter
- praw
- procmail-lib
- pygeoif
- python-zstd
- r-bioc-rhdf5filters
- r-bioc-rhdf5lib
- r-cran-rcppannoy
- ruby-debug-inspector
- ruby-faraday-middleware
- rust-md-5
- rust-md5-asm
- smex
- solarized-emacs
- staden
- tcludp
- velvet
- x2gothinclient
- xjump
- ydiff
- aioquic
- bgpq3
- btfs
- core-cache-clojure
- datalad-container
- fdroidcl
- fondu
- gfpoken
- git-secrets
- golang-github-subosito-gotenv
- hamexam
- haskell-fsnotify
- haskell-hxt-charproperties
- haskell-monoid-extras
- haskell-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal
- imgui
- isospec
- libcatalyst-controller-formbuilder-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-authorization-acl-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-cache-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-cache-store-fastmmap-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-cache-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-dbi-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-unicode-perl
- libcatalyst-view-email-perl
- libcatalyst-view-mason-perl
- libgeo-coder-osm-perl
- libhttp-server-simple-psgi-perl
- libmath-matrixreal-perl
- libretro-beetle-pce-fast
- lua-wsapi
- lz4-java
- mffm-fftw
- mimetic
- ns3
- octave-optics
- openzwave
- perl-depends
- pylibtiff
- pylsqpack
- python-cookies
- python-demgengeo
- queue-el
- r-bioc-rhdf5
- r-cran-rjags
- r-cran-tm
- ros-vcstools
- s5
- seaview
- squizz
- vigor
- wmmemload
- wxutils
- yorick-imutil
- apngasm
- cabal-debian
- chemps2
- cntlm
- colored
- cvsweb
- django-auth-ldap
- enemylines7
- fdm
- fontmath
- form-history-control
- gpt
- haskell-cryptohash
- haskell-unbounded-delays
- hol-light
- httpry
- joda-convert
- jtdx
- libdbd-firebird-perl
- libhtml-formatexternal-perl
- libmoosex-singleton-perl
- libmp4-info-perl
- libretro-beetle-wswan
- libsys-cpuload-perl
- libusbauth-configparser
- maven-bundle-plugin
- mdnsd
- minimap
- mp3cd
- ndppd
- onevpl-intel-gpu
- openmsx-catapult
- ostinato
- owncloud-client-desktop-shell-integration-nautilus
- pgtcl
- poezio
- python-jira
- python-nmap
- python-nox
- python-sql
- pytorch-audio
- pyzoltan
- rust-atomic
- rust-synstructure
- sfarkxtc
- sylpheed-doc
- tools-analyzer-clojure
- transcriber
- vue.js
- whichwayisup
- xf86-input-mtrack
- xmlm
- actor-framework
- chrootuid
- cl-uffi
- cloudcompare
- cross-gcc
- dmrconfig
- dune-localfunctions
- eventstat
- ezdxf
- festvox-suopuhe-mv
- filler
- foma
- globus-ftp-client
- haskell-hostname
- haskell-io-streams
- hodie
- indi-webcam
- iptables-converter
- jdependency
- libauthen-libwrap-perl
- libhash-diff-perl
- libhttp-browserdetect-perl
- libhttp-request-ascgi-perl
- libjs-spin.js
- libmath-vec-perl
- libpoe-loop-tk-perl
- libtext-microtemplate-perl
- lirc-compat-remotes
- mccs
- mopidy-podcast-itunes
- ncdt
- node-rollup
- notebook-shim
- nq
- ocaml-fmt
- ocaml-mew
- ocaml-mew-vi
- ocaml-trie
- perforate
- posh
- properties-cpp
- pymilter
- python-bayespy
- python-requests-mock
- pyvirtualdisplay
- qflipper
- qonk
- qtdbusextended
- r-cran-bold
- r-cran-hdf5r
- r-cran-rncl
- reactivedata
- rust-fastrand
- rust-pango
- spirv-llvm-translator-18
- swish-e
- tools-reader-clojure
- ucto
- units-filter
- userinfo
- wmclockmon
- xslthl
- yatex
- acme
- btcheck
- chromhmm
- ciphersaber
- colortest-python
- core-memoize-clojure
- disulfinder
- doctest
- goto-chg-el
- haskell-diff
- haskell-dual-tree
- haskell-hxt-unicode
- haskell-terminal-size
- haxe
- intel2gas
- jh7100-bootloader-recovery
- krank
- libapr-memcache
- libclass-autouse-perl
- libjavascript-minifier-perl
- libjtds-java
- liblv-perl
- libmail-imaptalk-perl
- libmath-bezier-perl
- libowfat
- libreflections-java
- librose-object-perl
- libsub-info-perl
- libtest-api-perl
- libtext-brew-perl
- lomiri-history-service
- lua-zip
- megapixels
- mon-client
- mrbayes
- mrgingham
- node-chai
- node-pathval
- node-stealthy-require
- ocfs2-tools
- peco
- pipemeter
- polyml
- pylibmc
- r-cran-rentrez
- r-cran-rotl
- r-cran-rredlist
- rich-minority
- s4cmd
- sendip
- stegseek
- stsci.tools
- tools-analyzer-jvm-clojure
- tpm2-openssl
- ts-node
- vkmark
- w3m-el-snapshot
- xref-el
- xtitle
- abntex
- beansbinding
- branca
- buildlog-consultant
- colorize
- elk
- etbemon
- folium
- ganeti-os-noop
- git-sizer
- globus-xio-popen-driver
- golang-github-pkg-diff
- goldencheetah
- haskell-gi-gdkpixbuf
- kubetail
- libasterisk-agi-perl
- libavl
- libhtml-strip-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-perl
- libmath-vecstat-perl
- libmodule-info-perl
- libtest-modern-perl
- libwww-curl-simple-perl
- massxpert2
- mate-equake-applet
- mousetrap
- node-get-func-name
- node-long
- ocamlmakefile
- octave-octclip
- openmm
- pass-git-helper
- php-horde-content
- php-horde-rdo
- pidgin-latex
- pmccabe
- python-astor
- python-scrypt
- r-cran-rsvd
- r-cran-shinybs
- resolvconf-admin
- rust-cairo-rs
- rust-fnv
- scm
- scottfree
- scram
- sgf2dg
- systune
- tcm
- tomoyo-tools
- twpsk
- ufo2ft
- vulkan-utility-libraries
- weechat-matrix
- wreport
- wwl
- wxedid
- xeus-python
- yorick-hdf5
- ax25mail-utils
- cassiopee
- clog
- clustalx
- cpmtools
- dictzip-java
- dv4l
- e2guardian
- extinction
- fonts-sahel
- fonts-uniol
- geners
- gkrellm-xkb
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-uuid
- golang-github-rivo-uniseg
- hash-slinger
- haskell-extra
- haskell-foundation
- haskell-postgresql-libpq
- hnb
- iminuit
- ipsvd
- komi
- libastro-fits-cfitsio-perl
- libclass-base-perl
- libflame
- libhtml-stripscripts-perl
- libmoosex-params-validate-perl
- libtsm
- log4cpp-doc
- lua-mmdb
- ministat
- mkdocs-material
- nethack-spoilers
- node-assertion-error
- node-check-error
- node-deep-eql
- node-ipydatagrid
- octave-queueing
- omegat
- openseachest
- oscar
- passwordmaker-cli
- pekwm
- python-hsluv
- python-os-vif
- python-ovsdbapp
- python-webvtt
- r-cran-fitdistrplus
- r-cran-rcpphnsw
- r-cran-ritis
- r-cran-snowballc
- r-cran-solrium
- r-cran-taxize
- raster3d
- rbdoom3bfg
- ros2-rosidl
- rust-unicode-bidi
- simpleeval
- skktools
- starlet
- tclthread
- todoman
- wmacpi
- xapers
- xmix
- yorick-soy
- yorick-ynfft
- zatacka
- amule-emc
- ansible-runner
- archvsync
- bino
- cappuccino
- clpeak
- conversant-disruptor
- cpu
- dvi2dvi
- edflib
- emacs-powerline
- flmsg
- fonts-montserrat
- geiser
- glide
- golang-github-miekg-dns
- haskell-libmpd
- jeromq
- jinja2-mode
- kluppe
- libcheck-isa-perl
- libdssialsacompat
- libhtml-stripscripts-parser-perl
- liblinux-acl-perl
- libtest-manifest-perl
- libtext-aspell-perl
- libxml-generator-perl
- lua-cyrussasl
- mediaconch
- midicsv
- mira
- mpdas
- nd
- octave-mvn
- org-bullets
- photopc
- physlock
- poc-streamer
- ponyprog
- ptunnel
- python-zxcvbn-rs-py
- r-bioc-dnacopy
- r-cran-adegenet
- r-cran-g.data
- r-cran-rnexml
- ratt
- ricochet
- ruby-bcrypt
- ruby-binding-of-caller
- ruby-gssapi
- rust-freetype
- rust-kstring
- simbody
- smcroute
- sphinx-gallery
- ssmping
- ukui-session-manager
- unburden-home-dir
- urlwatch
- user-mode-linux-doc
- vhba-module
- wmtop
- xhtml2pdf
- xstow
- yasw
- yeahconsole
- yorick-mira
- yorick-ml4
- antimony
- blackbox-themes
- comgt
- complexity
- cryptgps
- debos
- fcml
- glymur
- golang-gomega
- goocalendar
- gp-saml-gui
- haskell-cassava
- haskell-gi-freetype2
- jpnevulator
- lakai
- lbt
- ledger-mode
- libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir
- libaudio-mpd-common-perl
- libhash-flatten-perl
- liblatex-encode-perl
- libtnt
- node-pre-gyp
- nuspell
- ocamldsort
- octave-sparsersb
- opensysusers
- opm-common
- php-psr-link
- proxy-suite
- psk31lx
- puzzle-jigsaw
- pyswarms
- python-click-default-group
- python-iso3166
- python-persistent
- python-rcon
- python-translationstring
- qzxing
- r-cran-guerry
- r-cran-phylobase
- r-cran-wikipedir
- r-cran-worrms
- r-cran-xslt
- raku-zef
- reprof
- ruby-cmdparse
- rust-itertools
- rust-percent-encoding
- rust-toml-edit
- sdo-api-java
- secpanel
- ssh-agent-filter
- tayga
- viennacl
- xchain
- yapsy
- yorick-curses
- yorick-gl
- yorick-mpeg
- yorick-ygsl
- 2vcard
- bibclean
- chiaki
- cliphist
- cmph
- cppman
- emacs-lsp-ui
- endless-sky-high-dpi
- fnotifystat
- fonts-smiley-sans
- git-ftp
- gitlint
- gkrellm-reminder
- golang-github-spf13-cobra
- hacktv
- haskell-gi-cairo
- haskell-gi-pango
- haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema
- haskell-network-info
- impress.js
- kineticstools
- libapache-htpasswd-perl
- libcangjie
- libcrypt-saltedhash-perl
- libhtml-element-extended-perl
- libhtml-html5-sanity-perl
- liblopsub
- libparser-mgc-perl
- libpixelif
- meta-phosh
- mkosi
- mpi4py-fft
- nacl
- nebula
- octave-secs2d
- php-horde-pdf
- php-psr
- pip-check-reqs
- postgresql-autodoc
- project-el
- pygrace
- pymecavideo
- pyracerz
- python-inotify
- python-jsonpath-rw-ext
- python-os-resource-classes
- python-progress
- r-bioc-impute
- r-cran-natserv
- r-cran-wikidatar
- r-cran-wikitaxa
- rust-gio
- rust-tinyvec-macros
- rust-xml-rs
- rxp
- sphinx-intl
- stumpwm
- tpm2-initramfs-tool
- vagrant-mutate
- when
- xblast-tnt-sounds
- xflip
- yuma123
- arc-kde
- astap-cli
- astroalign
- b4
- bls-standalone
- chkservice
- chuck
- cmake-vala
- csv2latex
- dssp
- emacs-jedi
- emacs-python-environment
- epr-api
- fuzzyocr
- geolinks
- globus-gass-transfer
- glulxe
- golang-github-chzyer-readline
- golang-github-gorilla-websocket
- golang-gopkg-tomb.v1
- grabc
- harp
- haskell-gtk3
- haskell-lambdahack
- libaudio-mpd-perl
- libconvert-pem-perl
- libdata-section-simple-perl
- libio-all-lwp-perl
- liblexical-underscore-perl
- libnet-address-ip-local-perl
- libscalar-does-perl
- libthread-sigmask-perl
- linpac
- maven-invoker
- ocaml-ogg
- ocamlbuild
- ocean-sound-theme
- openmesh
- pageedit
- pbbam
- php-horde-date-parser
- php-maxminddb
- pooch
- python-ethtool
- pywps
- qdiskinfo
- qnetstatview
- qtop
- r-bioc-mofa
- r-cran-clustergeneration
- r-cran-shinydashboard
- r-cran-uwot
- rust-chrono
- rust-dfrs
- rust-iana-time-zone
- rust-serde-spanned
- rust-toml-datetime
- rust-winnow
- saclib
- spectrum2
- src2tex
- swaykbdd
- tty-solitaire
- ulex
- vtable-dumper
- xbattbar
- 9mount
- apache-mime4j
- debspawn
- dist
- driftnet
- flatlatex
- flwm
- gitso
- golang-github-hashicorp-errwrap
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-multierror
- golang-go.uber-atomic
- gr-dab
- gr-framework
- haskell-hspec-expectations
- haskell-vector-th-unbox
- haskell-yesod-core
- icom
- invaders
- jupyter-telemetry
- libauthen-simple-net-perl
- libbigwig
- libcrypt-dh-perl
- libcrypt-twofish-perl
- libdata-util-perl
- libemail-localdelivery-perl
- libfile-find-rule-vcs-perl
- libkexiv2
- libnet-dns-lite-perl
- libpoe-filter-ircd-perl
- libprogress-any-perl
- libsimple-validation-java
- libstring-expand-perl
- libtabixpp
- libtoml-parser-perl
- libtree
- libunivalue
- meterec
- mini-httpd
- node-uniq
- ntfs2btrfs
- ocaml-gen
- ocaml-logs
- ocaml-sedlex
- octave-level-set
- octave-ncarray
- pexec
- protozero
- pypeg2
- python-btrees
- python-can
- python-mechanicalsoup
- python-msgpack-numpy
- python-socksipychain
- qconf
- r-bioc-tximport
- rust-dlib
- rust-ptr-meta
- rust-ptr-meta-derive
- safecat
- sncosmo
- soundgrain
- tinydb
- ttf2ufm
- ucspi-unix
- virtnbdbackup
- acedb
- cd-hit
- deal.ii
- flake8-polyfill
- geomet
- ghmm
- gkrellshoot
- glyphsinfo
- glyphslib
- gm-assistant
- goldeneye
- haskell-hxt
- icingadb
- inputplug
- jam-lib
- jaxe
- jupyterlab
- kf6-modemmanager-qt
- libgd-svg-perl
- liblocale-maketext-gettext-perl
- libmodule-extract-perl
- libobject-pluggable-perl
- libpreludedb
- libproc-background-perl
- librose-datetime-perl
- libtest-file-perl
- libx11-guitest-perl
- libxml-grove-perl
- lmod
- mew-beta
- msp430mcu
- ncrystal
- ndg-httpsclient
- nslint
- ocamlweb
- octave-stk
- php-gettext-languages
- php-horde-mail-autoconfig
- pidgin-audacious
- planetary-system-stacker
- prometheus-snmp-exporter
- pugl
- python-anyqt
- python-certbot-dns-digitalocean
- python-microversion-parse
- python-octaviaclient
- python-venusian
- r-bioc-multtest
- r-cran-deoptim
- r-cran-rcppgsl
- ruby-puppet-forge
- rust-base64
- rust-bit-set
- rust-bytecheck-derive
- rust-derive-more
- rust-openssl-macros
- seqdiag
- spamassassin-heatu
- swtchart
- tiatracker
- ukui-panel
- vulture
- wafw00f
- wmcalc
- xmlformat
- xmonad-extras
- yorick-av
- zytrax
- 6tunnel
- aranym
- atf
- atlc
- cffsubr
- chkboot
- cl-unicode
- commonmark-bkrs
- debiandoc-sgml-doc
- disc-cover
- dns2tcp
- dogtag-pki
- dumpasn1
- eclipselink-jpa-2.1-spec
- eprover
- etktab
- expand-region-el
- farbfeld
- fimport
- fizmo-sdl2
- flake8-docstrings
- golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth
- hasciicam
- haskell-active
- haskell-diagrams-core
- haskell-diagrams-lib
- haskell-email-validate
- haskell-foldable1-classes-compat
- haskell-gi-gdk
- haskell-persistent-template
- igal2
- inspircd
- intelrdfpmath
- jebl2
- kubecolor
- libcaptcha-recaptcha-perl
- libclass-refresh-perl
- libdancer-perl
- libdevel-overrideglobalrequire-perl
- libio-capture-perl
- libmodule-math-depends-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-modsecurity
- libnss-extrausers
- libodb
- libperl6-form-perl
- libpoe-component-syndicator-perl
- librevisa
- libvideo-capture-v4l-perl
- matanza
- maven-enforcer
- mmsd-tng
- mrtg-ping-probe
- ms-gsl
- octave-cgi
- octave-octproj
- php-doc
- php-horde-timezone
- pixelize
- pmacct
- prometheus-process-exporter
- pxp
- pymad
- pynpoint
- python-click-option-group
- python-kyotocabinet
- python-memory-profiler
- python-mmcif-pdbx
- python-pyfaidx
- python-svglib
- r-bioc-qvalue
- r-bioc-sparsematrixstats
- r-cran-adephylo
- r-cran-conditionz
- r-cran-distory
- r-cran-redland
- r-cran-tmvnsim
- ruby-ffi-compiler
- ruby-http-parser
- ruby-notify
- ruby-snmp
- rust-rend
- rust-rkyv
- rust-rkyv-derive
- rust-sd
- rust-seahash
- rust-time
- saytime
- spampd
- squareness
- tcltrf
- uftrace
- w3-dtd-mathml
- wmweather+
- xblast-tnt-musics
- zenburn-emacs
- zope.deprecation
- activemq
- amavisd-milter
- apriltag
- aprx
- bidiui
- bpfmon
- chromono
- cream
- deheader
- dovecot-fts-xapian
- eglexternalplatform
- el-ixir
- emacs-posframe
- enemylines3
- epics-base
- faustworks
- forge
- fortran-language-server
- git-revise
- golang-github-nxadm-tail
- golang-github-opentracing-opentracing-go
- gomuks
- google-compute-engine-oslogin
- graphql-relay
- grml-debootstrap
- guetzli
- haskell-shelly
- imenu-list
- imgp
- jcal
- kdrill
- killer
- kylin-video
- leave
- libdata-formvalidator-perl
- libdbix-class-uuidcolumns-perl
- libirc-utils-perl
- liblinux-systemd-perl
- libmodule-install-authortests-perl
- libmodule-starter-perl
- libncursesada
- libpoe-component-irc-perl
- libpqtypes
- libpwizlite
- libregexp-optimizer-perl
- libtext-ansi-util-perl
- munin-c
- node-i18next
- node-read-pkg-up
- ocaml-alsa
- openapi-specification
- openstack-pkg-tools
- pinentry-x2go
- poco-doc
- python-bashate
- python-graphene
- r-bioc-beachmat
- r-bioc-delayedmatrixstats
- r-cran-blockmodeling
- r-cran-ddrtree
- raku-readline
- rbldnsd
- rdp-classifier
- rolo
- rs
- ruby-http-form-data
- rust-url
- shutdown-at-night
- silly
- slowhttptest
- systray-mdstat
- toon
- ucpp
- ussp-push
- vagrant-lxc
- vblade
- vimix
- woof-doom
- xless
- aewan
- apng2gif
- asedriveiiie
- autodock-vina
- bambamc
- brewtarget
- btm
- cl-reversi
- classmate
- cmor
- daa2iso
- dcap
- ddskk
- django-uwsgi
- gammaray
- git-delete-merged-branches
- golang-github-docker-go-units
- golang-go-flags
- haskell-quickcheck-io
- hunspell-en-med
- ibsim
- jboss-vfs
- libapache2-mod-auth-mellon
- libcompiler-lexer-perl
- libconvert-nls-date-format-perl
- libdigidoc
- libgclib
- libgeo-distance-perl
- liblog-contextual-perl
- liblog-handler-perl
- libmodule-inspector-perl
- libnet-github-perl
- libnxt
- libobject-event-perl
- libscrypt
- libtime-format-perl
- mesaflash
- mirtop
- multiwatch
- netmiko
- nn
- nwdiag
- oidc-agent
- opm-simulators
- pagekite
- pandoc-sidenote
- patroni
- pcm
- perlconsole
- python-csa
- python-digitalocean
- python-jpype
- python-quantities
- r-cran-genabel.data
- r-cran-luminescence
- r-cran-scatterd3
- raku-json-class
- raku-json-fast
- raku-json-marshal
- raku-json-name
- raku-json-optin
- raku-json-unmarshal
- raku-license-spdx
- raku-uri
- ruby-crack
- ruby-http
- ruby-parslet
- rust-idna
- sphinxtrain
- taskd
- tennix
- uid-wrapper
- xc3sprog
- amazon-ecr-credential-helper
- autosuspend
- beast-mcmc
- catch
- cif-api
- codequery
- d3-tip.js
- debian-pan
- debootstick
- deepin-sound-theme
- derivations
- dh-r
- djbdns
- ffindex
- findpython
- git-evtag
- gnupod-tools
- golang-gopkg-tomb.v2
- haskell-base-unicode-symbols
- haskell-gi-harfbuzz
- haskell-uri-bytestring
- haskell-yesod-form
- haskell-yesod-persistent
- iraf-fitsutil
- kconfig-frontends
- libcgi-expand-perl
- libcolor-rgb-util-perl
- libfile-dropbox-perl
- libfyaml
- libjama
- libnet-smtp-tls-butmaintained-perl
- libpath-finddev-perl
- libpath-isdev-perl
- liburi-db-perl
- liburi-nested-perl
- libwx-perl-processstream-perl
- mctc-lib
- monokai-emacs
- mpdscribble
- ng
- node-promise
- node-shiny-server
- ocaml-ffmpeg
- octave-doctest
- optlang
- parser
- pluto-lunar
- py-autopep8-el
- pysendfile
- python-ddt
- python-epc
- r-cran-animation
- r-cran-genabel
- r-cran-jsonld
- r-cran-phytools
- r-cran-rdflib
- raku-librarycheck
- relaxngcc
- reposurgeon
- reserialize
- rhinote
- rocblas
- seqan2
- set-crontab-perl
- signify
- sphinxcontrib-programoutput
- stardict-xmlittre
- sysrqd
- tlf
- totalopenstation
- tucnak
- vim-eblook
- vmfs6-tools
- wavesurfer
- xserver-xorg-input-mutouch
- abi-dumper
- autodir
- backoff
- ben
- bf-utf
- biogenesis
- bombadillo
- cryptsetup-nuke-password
- ctwm
- cvc5
- cvm
- dh-vim-addon
- eglot
- enki-aseba
- evil-el
- fastnetmon
- fortunes-ga
- fst
- funitroots
- git2cl
- gradle-debian-helper
- haskell-charset
- haskell-gtk
- haskell-hspec-core
- haskell-wai-app-static
- haskell-wl-pprint-text
- hpcc
- instaloader
- jpy
- libaudio-wav-perl
- libclass-csv-perl
- libconfig-onion-perl
- libcrypt-gcrypt-perl
- libdata-uuid-libuuid-perl
- libdatetime-format-oracle-perl
- libexporter-declare-perl
- libhtml-html5-parser-perl
- libinputsynth
- libio-pager-perl
- liblogger-syslog-perl
- libmeta-builder-perl
- libmonkey-patch-action-perl
- libmoosex-attributehelpers-perl
- libmuscle
- libnet-write-perl
- librdf-trinex-functions-perl
- libsnmp-mib-compiler-perl
- libterm-termkey-perl
- libxml-checker-perl
- libxml-rss-libxml-perl
- libxs-object-magic-perl
- lintex
- octave-secs1d
- ohcount
- openvas-scanner
- otpw
- package-notes
- php-zend-eventmanager
- popa3d
- poppassd
- propka
- pyresample
- python-aodhclient
- python-crontab
- python-gnocchiclient
- python-http-parser
- python-httptools
- python-networkmanager
- python-osc-placement
- r-bioc-biocsingular
- r-bioc-scuttle
- r-cran-shinyfiles
- raku-file-find
- raku-file-which
- raku-hash-merge
- raku-log
- raku-meta6
- ring-codec-clojure
- ruby-equalizer
- rust-concurrent-queue
- rust-gdk-pixbuf
- rust-num-threads
- rust-time-macros
- simile-timeline
- sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter
- taopm
- tcpspy
- tk-brief
- tktreectrl
- todo.txt-base
- vanessa-logger
- vonsh
- xr-hardware
- yabasic
- aa3d
- bfs
- btag
- charmtimetracker
- cproto
- crccheck
- dnsruby
- eclipselink
- emacs-ctable
- emms
- equalx
- fbb
- fccexam
- fenics-ffcx
- figtree
- gajim-antispam
- gitlab-ci-mode-el
- gmemusage
- golang-github-go-stack-stack
- haskell-configurator
- haskell-dav
- haskell-hspec
- haskell-json
- icingadb-web
- integrit
- libcss-minifier-perl
- libdbix-class-candy-perl
- libfilesys-statvfs-perl
- liblwp-useragent-chicaching-perl
- libnet-libdnet-perl
- libnet-nslookup-perl
- libpsortb
- libregexp-common-time-perl
- libsql-abstract-more-perl
- libstring-elide-parts-perl
- libx11-xcb-perl
- libxml-bare-perl
- libxml-compile-perl
- mysecureshell
- nats.c
- node-xmldom
- osdsh
- pesign
- php-stomp
- prometheus-libvirt-exporter
- python-igraph
- python-pybedtools
- python-rx
- python-transitions
- qutip
- r-bioc-biocneighbors
- r-bioc-hdf5array
- r-cran-ggdendro
- r-cran-gmaps
- r-cran-mfilter
- r-cran-rhandsontable
- r-cran-sparsesvd
- r-cran-wordcloud
- readseq
- rna-star
- ruby-magic
- ruby-rinku
- sgml-base-doc
- snmpsim
- spim
- syndication-domination
- sysnews
- tpp
- ttylog
- tvdb-api
- auto-dictionary-mode
- bootcd
- calamares-settings-debian
- cl-trivial-garbage
- codecgraph
- conserver
- console-log
- cvs-fast-export
- fcitx5-material-color
- fnonlinear
- gbdfed
- golang-github-dustin-go-humanize
- golang-github-hashicorp-golang-lru
- golang-golang-x-exp
- haskell-cryptohash-md5
- haskell-gi-atk
- haskell-js-jquery
- haskell-pointedlist
- haskell-puremd5
- haskell-sendfile
- haskell-tasty-hunit
- haskell-text-icu
- haskell-uuid
- hdrmerge
- http-icons
- hunspell-bo
- i18nspector
- java-policy
- khronos-opengl-man4
- leafnode
- libbpp-core
- libbpp-seq
- libchdr
- libcolor-ansi-util-perl
- libdrpm
- libhibernate3-java
- libio-prompt-perl
- libmoox-singleton-perl
- libprobe-perl-perl
- libprogress-any-output-termprogressbarcolor-perl
- lua-discount
- macs
- mod-mime-xattr
- mpdtoys
- mscgen
- node-esprima-fb
- node-jss
- nohang
- onscripter
- openstack-meta-packages
- opm-grid
- paho.mqtt.cpp
- pbcopper
- php-horde-service-gravatar
- plexus-digest
- pmbootstrap
- pyproject-metadata
- python-pymzml
- python-zaqarclient
- python3-proselint
- qepcad
- qosmic
- r-bioc-aroma.light
- r-cran-bio3d
- r-cran-gsa
- r-cran-qlcmatrix
- raku-test-meta
- rocrand
- rust-polling
- unearth
- vanessa-socket
- websocketd
- zegrapher
- camlbz2
- code2html
- comptext
- comptty
- debvm
- eclipse-debian-helper
- edfbrowser
- gajim-triggers
- golang-github-anacrolix-dms
- golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine
- golang-github-gorilla-mux
- haskell-cryptohash-sha1
- haskell-hmatrix
- haskell-microlens-ghc
- hl-todo-el
- htp
- iraf-rvsao
- kali
- le
- libapache2-mod-auth-cas
- libbpp-phyl
- libcypher-parser
- libdbix-introspector-perl
- libdispatch-class-perl
- libhook-lexwrap-perl
- libmoosex-followpbp-perl
- libnet-cli-interact-perl
- libosmium
- libsql-reservedwords-perl
- libtest-taint-perl
- libtime-clock-perl
- libxml-xslt-perl
- logstalgia
- mac-widgets
- massxpert
- node-ytdl-core
- numberstation
- ocaml-config-file
- ocaml-usb
- octave-zeromq
- otf2bdf
- pat
- pscan-chip
- python-absl
- python-hupper
- python-limits
- python-mistralclient
- python-openstep-plist
- python-xdo
- qdjango
- r-cran-downloader
- r-cran-powerlaw
- r-cran-rcarb
- r-cran-rlumshiny
- root-tail
- ruby-expression-parser
- ruby-org
- ruby-typhoeus
- ruby-wikicloth
- rust-prettyplease
- selektor
- sentinelsat
- seqtk
- tmfs
- topydo
- tvnamer
- ultracopier
- vite
- wmifs
- yubikey-agent
- zarchive
- zzuf
- apertium-eng-spa
- binoculars
- bytecode
- camera.app
- cheesecutter
- circos-tools
- cl-base64
- dashel
- dh-octave
- diamond-aligner
- dictem
- elvish
- entagged
- golang-github-urfave-cli
- golang-gopkg-mgo.v2
- haskell-diagrams-solve
- haskell-executable-path
- haskell-first-class-families
- haskell-io-storage
- haskell-threads
- hunspell-dz
- info2man
- interimap
- ipmctl
- iraf-mscred
- jid
- libdbix-class-helpers-perl
- libdbix-class-schema-populatemore-perl
- libfile-chmod-perl
- libfilesys-smbclient-perl
- libhtml-fillinform-perl
- libjgrapht0.6-java
- libmath-basecalc-perl
- libpackage-new-perl
- libperlio-via-dynamic-perl
- libqtdbusmock
- libsysadm-install-perl
- libtest-dbix-class-perl
- libusbgx
- libxml-catalog-perl
- lua-ldoc
- mussh
- nxt-firmware
- ocaml-mmap
- pdm-pep517
- prodigal
- pyqt-distutils
- python-nmea2
- python-sdnotify
- python-tinyrpc
- r-bioc-pcamethods
- r-bioc-snpstats
- r-cran-laeken
- r-cran-pscbs
- rust-clap
- rust-event-listener
- rust-parking
- rust-quick-xml
- scid-rating-data
- unicycler
- utidylib
- x-face-el
- xbanish
- zodbpickle
- 0xffff
- accessible-pygments
- animal-sniffer
- asmixer
- blkreplay
- bootp
- brian
- budgie-indicator-applet
- cl-split-sequence
- delve
- diskcache
- dmagnetic
- enlighten
- fig2sxd
- fontmanager.app
- fxt
- git-imerge
- golang-go.uber-multierr
- gramofile
- gtextfsm
- haskell-bindings-dsl
- haskell-doctest
- haskell-gi-gmodule
- haskell-regex-pcre
- hiccup-clojure
- hmmer2
- instaparse-clojure
- iraf-sptable
- jgrapht
- jheaps
- jheatchart
- jool
- libdata-munge-perl
- libdatetime-event-sunrise-perl
- libgenome
- libhibernate-commons-annotations-java
- liblingua-en-numbers-ordinate-perl
- libnet-oauth2-perl
- libsmart-comments-perl
- libsql-tokenizer-perl
- libsyntax-highlight-engine-kate-perl
- libxml-parser-lite-perl
- libxml-treebuilder-perl
- lsprotocol
- makepatch
- mhc
- minetest-mod-advmarkers-csm
- octave-bsltl
- ondir
- openjph
- opm-upscaling
- pdm
- pkgdiff
- pluto-jpl-eph
- prometheus-bird-exporter
- public-inbox
- pyftdi
- pyqso
- python-npx
- python-os-ken
- python-plaster
- python-plaster-pastedeploy
- python-troveclient
- r-cran-apcluster
- r-cran-ica
- ruby-creole
- ruby-dotenv
- rust-tempfile
- scythestat
- sherlock
- standardskriver
- strophejs
- sublime-music
- sword-text-kjv
- ulcc
- upass
- wlrctl
- xmake
- xssproxy
- xstr
- z80ex
- apngopt
- bidi-clojure
- bitstruct
- boxshade
- cl-closer-mop
- cl-usocket
- clout-clojure
- compojure-clojure
- comskip
- confclerk
- conman
- crystal-facet-uml
- cvsgraph
- debocker
- easygit
- elfeed
- emacs-epc
- endlessh
- epcr
- fonts-adobe-sourcesans3
- gcc-13-cross-mipsen
- git-build-recipe
- git-credential-oauth
- gnome-pass-search-provider
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-cleanhttp
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-retryablehttp
- golang-gopkg-vmihailenco-msgpack.v2
- gpx
- haskell-prelude-extras
- haskell-type-errors
- hdf5-filter-plugin
- hikaricp
- hipify
- hyprpaper
- ical2html
- javacc4
- kaptive
- libconfig-gitlike-perl
- libdevel-checklib-perl
- libextutils-xspp-perl
- libgraph-readwrite-perl
- liblatex-driver-perl
- libmath-base36-perl
- libmoosex-classattribute-perl
- libmseed
- libpoe-component-client-dns-perl
- libqtdbustest
- libsql-splitstatement-perl
- libtoml-perl
- libtry-tiny-byclass-perl
- libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl
- log4c
- maven-javadoc-plugin
- medley-clojure
- meson-mode
- minetest-mod-meshport
- mutt-vc-query
- octave-vibes
- pg-checksums
- php-directory-scanner
- pick
- pirs
- pkcs11-data
- pyro4
- python-aiohttp-session
- python-mastodon
- python-pam
- python-pyramid
- python-sarif-python-om
- python-slimmer
- python-wheezy.template
- python-zunclient
- r-bioc-rbgl
- r-cran-aplpack
- r-cran-bigmemory.sri
- r-cran-epitools
- r-cran-gridtext
- r-cran-samr
- r-cran-sdmtools
- resampy
- rust-difference
- rust-phf-shared
- snek
- social-auth-core
- sphinx-tabs
- texify
- ttysnoop
- versioneer-clojure
- virtualenvwrapper-el
- xcur2png
- yorick-full
- asterisk-prompt-it
- certinfo
- cl-anaphora
- deepin-music
- docbook-simple
- elscreen
- fclib
- fpart
- globus-rsl
- gmrender-resurrect
- haskell-debian
- haskell-directory-tree
- haskell-gi-gtk
- haskell-happstack-server
- haskell-status-notifier-item
- helpman
- hovercraft
- howm
- interception-tools
- java3ds-fileloader
- jschema-to-python
- krb5-sync
- libapache2-mod-authn-sasl
- libbio-db-ncbihelper-perl
- libcgi-ajax-perl
- libclass-measure-perl
- libdatetime-format-xsd-perl
- libfile-sharedir-projectdistdir-perl
- libfile-treecreate-perl
- libhtml-formfu-perl
- libjs-angular-gettext
- libjs-angularjs-smart-table
- libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl
- librose-db-perl
- libsnmp-extension-passpersist-perl
- libstring-truncate-perl
- libtext-lorem-perl
- libvmime
- localehelper
- lua-redis
- mdm
- minetest-mod-basic-robot-csm
- murasaki
- nats-server
- nextcloud-spreed-signaling
- node-fast-safe-stringify
- open-jtalk
- opentype-sanitizer
- p910nd
- pep8-naming
- potool
- pristine-lfs
- pympler
- pynfft
- python-ironicclient
- python-pyeclib
- python-pyscss
- qt5reactor
- r-cran-mixtools
- r-cran-scattermore
- r-cran-waveslim
- raku
- ros-osrf-pycommon
- ruby-clamp
- ruby-colored
- ruby-colored2
- ruby-get-process-mem
- ruby-github-markup
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery.slimscroll
- rust-async-channel
- rust-async-task
- rust-form-urlencoded
- rust-futures-lite
- rust-num-bigint
- rust-wayland-client
- sawfish-themes
- solo1-cli
- spades
- spaln
- textdraw
- toxic
- typesafe-config
- volumecontrol.app
- wmstickynotes
- xdvik-ja
- xplot
- xwax
- apache-upload-progress-module
- apngdis
- aprsdigi
- beckon-clojure
- cachelib
- clojure-mode
- closql-el
- codecrypt
- comidi-clojure
- commons-jci
- core-async-clojure
- flask-limiter
- frog
- globjects
- globus-gram-client
- globus-gram-protocol
- golang-github-benbjohnson-clock
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-hclog
- golang-github-kylelemons-godebug
- gpsim-doc
- gtksheet
- haskell-cmdargs
- haskell-keys
- hawtbuf
- ii
- java-jmx-clojure
- jss
- kmscube
- libcatmandu-perl
- libcddb-file-perl
- libenv-path-perl
- libgis-distance-perl
- libio-digest-perl
- libmoosex-attribute-chained-perl
- libnet-appliance-session-perl
- libprivileges-drop-perl
- libpuzzle
- libzc
- litecoin
- lua-leg
- magit-annex
- monty
- mpj
- node-estree-walker
- node-globule
- node-text-hex
- osdclock
- php-parsedown-extra
- php-slim
- py3exiv2
- pylint-django
- pysurfer
- pytest-cython
- pytest-repeat
- python-blazarclient
- python-csb
- python-fann2
- python-midiutil
- python-pbkdf2
- python-sphinxcontrib.plantuml
- python-vitrageclient
- r-bioc-gviz
- r-cran-genetics
- r-cran-leiden
- r-cran-spc
- r-cran-wdi
- rcm
- ruby-awesome-nested-set
- ruby-elasticsearch
- ruby-feedparser
- ruby-psych
- rust-async-io
- rust-async-lock
- rust-openssl-probe
- rust-same-file
- salmon
- shortuuid
- snowflake
- sublist3r
- sumalibs
- tailspin
- timbl
- tiny-initramfs
- udo
- uruk
- vc
- wc-mode
- x11-touchscreen-calibrator
- ytcc
- zbackup
- archlinux-keyring
- aspectc++
- blueprint-compiler
- compiz-bcop
- compiz-boxmenu
- diff-hl-el
- dujour-version-check-clojure
- eclipse-titan
- emacs-window-layout
- eureka
- fbless
- fiat-ecmwf
- getstream
- gnucap-python
- golang-github-vishvananda-netlink
- golang-github-vishvananda-netns
- gr-gsm
- h5z-zfp
- haskell-diagrams-svg
- haskell-erf
- haskell-hstringtemplate
- haskell-microlens-platform
- haskell-readable
- haskell-svg-builder
- ips
- janest-base
- knowthelist
- latex-coffee-stains
- lazymap-clojure
- libcitygml
- libclass-date-perl
- libfcgi-client-perl
- libfilter-template-perl
- liblemon
- liblwp-protocol-http-socketunix-perl
- libmems
- libmobi
- libmstoolkit
- libnet-tftp-perl
- libomemo-c
- libpam-x2go
- librcsb-core-wrapper
- libtext-qrcode-perl
- libthread-pool-simple-perl
- libui-dialog-perl
- libvamsas-client-java
- liwc
- lxqt-build-tools
- mapsforge
- midish
- nanopb
- ngircd
- noblenote
- octave-secs3d
- open-plc-utils
- openlp
- php-klogger
- php-zend-stdlib
- prismatic-plumbing-clojure
- pytaglib
- python-django-storages
- python-doc8
- python-pem
- python-sigmavirus24-urltemplate
- python-xstatic-font-awesome
- r-bioc-biocviews
- r-bioc-bluster
- r-cran-arsenal
- r-cran-bigmemory
- r-cran-calibrate
- r-cran-ratelimitr
- r-cran-snowfall
- r-cran-wavethresh
- r-cran-wikidataqueryservicer
- raspell
- rdtool
- ring-anti-forgery-clojure
- ring-defaults-clojure
- ring-headers-clojure
- ring-ssl-clojure
- rust-darling
- rust-hyphenation
- rust-nitrocli
- rust-walkdir
- scanlogd
- scikit-fmm
- sphinx-argparse
- sphinxcontrib-websupport
- tempest-for-eliza
- the
- ttyplot
- typesafe-config-clojure
- videogen
- wm2
- wmdiskmon
- xserver-xorg-input-aiptek
- zec
- adapterremoval
- ale
- android-sdk-helper
- anfo
- axmail
- cl-named-readtables
- cli11
- coz-profiler
- cwm
- data-json-clojure
- e2ps
- elisp-refs
- emacs-websocket
- evilwm
- explosive-c4
- fastforward
- fbonds
- fmtools
- fsm-el
- geronimo-j2ee-management-1.1-spec
- gffread
- git-remote-hg
- golang-github-avast-apkverifier
- golang-github-vmihailenco-tagparser
- golang-google-api
- hdf5-blosc
- helm-org
- jetring
- kel-agent
- libbenchmark-timer-perl
- libcatalyst-action-rest-perl
- libcrypt-ecb-perl
- libgeo-coordinates-itm-perl
- libgeo-googleearth-pluggable-perl
- libmethod-autoload-perl
- libmoosex-types-netaddr-ip-perl
- libmurmurhash
- libnet-libdnet6-perl
- libnetfilter-cttimeout
- libpam-encfs
- libpgplot-perl
- libpod-elemental-perl
- libquartz2-java
- libsieve
- libtext-patch-perl
- lookup-el
- mapnik-reference
- mbt
- mklibs
- ncbi-entrez-direct
- node-colorspace
- node-crypto-random-string
- node-is-obj
- nwg-look
- oneisenough
- pamela
- php-arthurhoaro-web-thumbnailer
- pisg
- policyrcd-script-zg2
- pycifrw
- pyee
- python-cloudkittyclient
- python-log-symbols
- python-pytest-benchmark
- python-spinners
- r-bioc-hsmmsinglecell
- r-bioc-scran
- r-cran-airr
- r-cran-alakazam
- r-cran-lexrankr
- r-cran-pwt
- r-cran-pwt8
- r-cran-rook
- r-cran-tcr
- r-cran-tfmpvalue
- rainbow-mode
- reactive-streams
- ros-eigen-stl-containers
- rshim-user-space
- ruby-httparty
- ruby-maruku
- rust-ansi-term
- rust-kmon
- rust-rusty-fork
- rust-sha2-asm
- rust-vivid
- simka
- sleepenh
- snap-aligner
- social-auth-app-django
- sshcommand
- superqt
- vertico
- vstream-client
- wmgtemp
- ws-butler
- xd
- a-el
- aclock.app
- afew
- aseba
- bacula-doc
- birthday
- bmusb
- bti
- buddy
- cdbfasta
- certipy
- cl-ironclad
- data-csv-clojure
- debian-edu-artwork-legacy
- dominate
- emacs-request
- flextra
- fonts-kode-mono
- genetic
- gkrellm-tz
- golang-github-armon-go-metrics
- golang-github-datadog-datadog-go
- golang-github-go-kit-kit
- golang-github-googleapis-gax-go
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-msgpack
- golang-github-opencontainers-specs
- golang-go.uber-zap
- gvidm
- haskell-brainfuck
- haskell-data-binary-ieee754
- haskell-geniplate-mirror
- haskell-oo-prototypes
- haskell-ordered-containers
- haskell-persistent-sqlite
- haskell-storable-complex
- haskell-utility-ht
- haskell-vector-binary-instances
- haskell-wcwidth
- hyprland-protocols
- jigl
- khmer
- last-align
- libdaemon-generic-perl
- libio-fdpass-perl
- libnet-bluetooth-perl
- libposix-2008-perl
- libreturn-multilevel-perl
- libsecondstring-java
- libtext-textile-perl
- libtoolkit-perl
- looptools
- lua-rings
- magit-forge-el
- node-cycle
- node-dabh-diagnostics
- node-enabled
- node-fecha
- node-fn.name
- node-js-sdsl
- node-kuler
- node-logform
- node-one-time
- node-rollup-pluginutils
- node-statsd-parser
- node-std-mocks
- node-tmatch
- node-triple-beam
- node-winston
- node-winston-compat
- node-winston-transport
- nrpe-ng
- ocurl
- openrefine-arithcode
- openrefine-vicino
- ordered-clojure
- pchar
- pcre2el
- perceptualdiff
- pgxnclient
- phosh-wallpapers
- php-netscape-bookmark-parser
- pidgin-mra
- psautohint
- pyspread
- python-gwebsockets
- python-line-profiler
- python-xstatic-roboto-fontface
- quicktext
- r-bioc-glmgampoi
- r-bioc-monocle
- r-cran-boolnet
- r-cran-epicalc
- r-cran-polycub
- r-cran-pwt9
- r-cran-rle
- r-cran-sctransform
- r-cran-seuratobject
- ring-json-clojure
- ring-mock-clojure
- rocsolver
- ros-angles
- ruby3.3
- rust-async-executor
- rust-atomic-waker
- rust-blocking
- rust-darling-core
- rust-futures
- rust-sequoia-sop
- rust-sha2
- rust-simdutf8
- rust-vec-map
- sccache
- sphinxcontrib-spelling
- tdbc
- typedload
- unworkable
- whizzytex
- abyss
- biojava4-live
- buthead
- ceni
- clj-yaml-clojure
- corekeeper
- cronometer
- debaux
- deepin-menu
- dpic
- e-wrapper
- eccodes-python
- ectrans
- euslisp
- evolvotron
- fapg
- feff85exafs
- fill-column-indicator
- fische
- flexpart
- floatbg
- gau2grid
- golang-github-circonus-labs-circonus-gometrics
- golang-github-circonus-labs-circonusllhist
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-immutable-radix
- golang-github-seccomp-libseccomp-golang
- golang-gocapability-dev
- haskell-crypto-pubkey-types
- haskell-newtype-generics
- haskell-parsers
- haskell-snap-core
- haskell-snap-server
- haskell-statestack
- haskell-test-framework
- im
- isoqlog
- javamorph
- libansilove
- libanyevent-termkey-perl
- libapache-gallery-perl
- libbpp-seq-omics
- libdkim
- libfile-bom-perl
- libhijk-perl
- libhinawa
- libibatis-java
- libjdo-api-java
- libjs-lrdragndrop
- libmail-deliverystatus-bounceparser-perl
- libmath-basecnv-perl
- libnet-radius-perl
- libseqlib
- libstat-lsmode-perl
- libtest-www-selenium-perl
- libxmlezout
- makefs
- melting
- mercurial-keyring
- mkdocs-material-extensions
- node-beeper
- node-configurable-http-proxy
- node-lynx
- node-mersenne
- node-strftime
- note
- openorienteering-mapper
- prometheus-bind-exporter
- pyferret
- pygtail
- pytest-django
- python-bugzilla
- python-canmatrix
- python-phabricator
- python-pysubs2
- python-pywebview
- python-restructuredtext-lint
- qcelemental
- r-bioc-hilbertvis
- r-bioc-seqlogo
- r-cran-dosnow
- r-cran-epibasix
- redfishtool
- relion
- rocsparse
- rust-coreutils
- rust-redox-syscall
- shasta
- shellia
- sphinx-autobuild
- sphinx-book-theme
- sword-text-web
- tk2
- tk5
- tldr-py
- uronode
- visual-fill-column
- wait-for-it
- weevely
- binutils-xtensa
- buildtorrent
- camp
- chromimpute
- cl-interpol
- cl-iterate
- cl-ptester
- critterding
- crypt++el
- deepin-picker
- dhcp-helper
- diffview-el
- dogtail
- elpa-migemo
- eot-utils
- fastaq
- fizmo-ncursesw
- fprobe
- fq
- golang-github-vbatts-tar-split
- haskell-concurrent-output
- haskell-lift-type
- haskell-monadrandom
- haskell-safecopy
- hcloud-cli
- helpful-el
- igmpproxy
- indexed-gzip
- jolokia
- kawari8
- khronos-opencl-man
- ksmbd-tools
- libbpp-phyl-omics
- libbpp-popgen
- libbssolv-perl
- libchemistry-elements-perl
- libcyaml
- libjs-angular-file-upload
- libjs-angular-schema-form
- libjs-jquery.quicksearch
- libjs-magic-search
- libjswingreader-java
- liblog-loglite-perl
- liblwp-online-perl
- libmoosex-types-uri-perl
- libpam-chroot
- libperl-minimumversion-perl
- libpoe-component-client-ping-perl
- libromana-perligata-perl
- librostlab
- libterm-prompt-perl
- libtest-compile-perl
- libtest-lwp-useragent-perl
- libtext-kakasi-perl
- lr
- lsm
- lua-curses
- mobile-atlas-creator
- music
- nageru
- nanostat
- netplug
- netty-reactive-streams
- ocaml-gstreamer
- olivetti-mode
- pdlzip
- pipectl
- presto
- propellor
- pycollada
- pygalmesh
- pytest-rerunfailures
- python-daphne
- python-django-crispy-forms
- python-glob2
- python-mrcfile
- python-yaql
- r-cran-shazam
- r-cran-spp
- r-cran-surveillance
- r-cran-wgcna
- ray
- rsgain
- rstcheck
- runit-services
- rust-ab-glyph-rasterizer
- rust-atomic-polyfill
- rust-derive-more-0.99
- sdf
- sfepy
- smalt
- theli
- tractor
- tran
- treeview
- treeviewx
- umoci
- wmmatrix
- wpan-tools
- xbase64
- yubihsm-shell
- 4g8
- 9wm
- apipkg
- apispec
- auto-editor
- bindechexascii
- cdargs
- cl-launch
- cl-plus-ssl
- clues-emacs
- das-watchdog
- devtodo
- django-cors-headers
- dodgy
- eflite
- emacs-jabber
- fadecut
- fregression
- gemmlowp
- gitsome
- gnuserv
- golang-github-form3tech-oss-jwt-go
- golang-github-gofrs-uuid
- golang-github-google-go-querystring
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-sockaddr
- golang-github-hashicorp-memberlist
- golang-github-ianlancetaylor-demangle
- golang-github-pascaldekloe-goe
- haskell-xmlhtml
- haskell-yi-language
- hiera-eyaml
- icon-naming-utils
- ipfm
- jodconverter
- jsonld-java
- kf6-kimageformats
- libautobox-core-perl
- libbio-graphics-perl
- libcatalyst-controller-html-formfu-perl
- libconfigreader-simple-perl
- libcrypt-openssl-pkcs12-perl
- libdatetime-format-duration-perl
- libenum-perl
- libfixbuf
- libgetopt-complete-perl
- libjs-jsxc
- liblatex-table-perl
- libmail-milter-perl
- libnet-frame-device-perl
- libnet-frame-dump-perl
- libnet-frame-layer-icmpv6-perl
- libnet-frame-layer-ipv6-perl
- libnet-frame-perl
- libnet-frame-simple-perl
- libnet-nessus-rest-perl
- libplack-middleware-debug-perl
- libsession-token-perl
- libspreadsheet-parseexcel-simple-perl
- libtest-class-perl
- libvideo-ivtv-perl
- libx11-freedesktop-desktopentry-perl
- lwip
- lwm
- mate-submodules
- mecab-naist-jdic
- neo-cli
- njplot
- node-transformers
- notus-scanner
- openjdk-11-jre-dcevm
- parsebib
- pgpainless
- php-pubsubhubbub-publisher
- plume-creator
- ptpython
- pyhunspell
- pyjokes
- pyode
- pyogrio
- pysword
- python-chameleon
- python-docxcompose
- qqc2-suru-style
- qspeakers
- r-cran-densityclust
- r-cran-diagnosismed
- r-cran-lamw
- r-cran-tsne
- repetier-host
- ruby-pastel
- ruby-tty-color
- rust-async-attributes
- rust-async-global-executor
- rust-async-process
- rust-async-std
- rust-hmac
- rust-home
- rust-kv-log-macro
- rust-quick-error
- rust-smol-str
- rust-utf8parse
- safe-hole-perl
- simplebayes
- smp-utils
- sphinx-autoapi
- sploitscan
- svn-load
- swe-data
- swiftlang
- uimaj
- utf8-locale
- wayout
- wfview
- wiredtiger
- wmwave
- wxmplot
- xe
- abacas
- activemq-protobuf
- aggdraw
- apgdiff
- apt-transport-s3
- datalad-next
- debian-timeline
- deutex
- dhcpcd-ui
- easy-format
- evolver
- fastp
- feed2imap
- flask-bcrypt
- gbrowse
- gemmi
- golang-github-google-pprof
- golang-github-tv42-httpunix
- golang-github-ugorji-go-codec
- golang-github-xeipuuv-gojsonpointer
- guzzle-sphinx-theme
- haskell-authenticate
- haskell-bytestring-lexing
- haskell-dyre
- haskell-hmatrix-gsl
- haskell-io-streams-haproxy
- haskell-path
- haskell-pwstore-fast
- haskell-yesod-auth
- hipblas
- ipqalc
- jpathwatch
- jpegqs
- keymapper
- level-zero
- libb-lint-perl
- libbio-coordinate-perl
- libbio-scf-perl
- libbpp-qt
- libcrypt-util-perl
- libdata-serializer-sereal-perl
- libdata-swap-perl
- libdbix-class-deploymenthandler-perl
- liberator-clojure
- libgtk3-webkit2-perl
- libhtml-template-pro-perl
- libjs-jsencrypt
- liblog-fast-perl
- libmethod-signatures-simple-perl
- libparse-distname-perl
- libprotocol-websocket-perl
- libqes
- librandombytes
- librecaptcha
- libtest-mockdbi-perl
- libxml-tidy-perl
- lsp-treemacs
- lua-iconv
- micropython
- mockito
- mothur
- nama
- netctl
- node-dot-prop
- node-has-gulplog
- notmuch-addrlookup
- ocaml-astring
- omnidb
- ovn
- pconsole
- php-malkusch-lock
- php-oscarotero-gettext
- php-voku-portable-ascii
- pidcat
- pscan
- py-lmdb
- pyocd
- pytest-forked
- python-authlib
- python-certbot-dns-google
- python-docx-template
- python-pamqp
- python-xstatic-jquery
- r-bioc-cummerbund
- r-cran-argparser
- r-cran-clisymbols
- r-cran-fail
- r-cran-ggvis
- r-cran-haplo.stats
- r-cran-rprotobuf
- r-cran-seurat
- r-cran-tiff
- robocut
- ruby-simpleidn
- ruby-webrobots
- rust-bitvec
- rust-funty
- rust-gdk4-sys
- rust-lscolors
- rust-radium
- rust-schannel
- rust-tap
- rust-traitobject
- rust-typemap
- rust-unsafe-any
- rust-wyz
- sc-im
- sec
- semver-clojure
- sispmctl
- slbackup
- sphinx-automodapi
- taskw
- tktray
- unagi
- xf86-input-xwiimote
- xmonad-wallpaper
- xsd
- abicheck
- aevol
- arpon
- bd
- cl-puri
- clearcut
- coinor-vol
- congruity
- consult-el
- crow-translate
- deps
- dh-fortran-mod
- dh-make-elpa
- elpher
- epic5
- ergo
- extractpdfmark
- ezquake
- fastdnaml
- fdb
- fspanel
- gcc-xtensa
- git-annex-el
- glbsp
- golang-github-containerd-console
- golang-github-mailru-easyjson
- golang-github-opencontainers-selinux
- golang-github-satori-go.uuid
- golang-github-yosssi-ace
- golang-uber-goleak
- grcompiler
- haskell-dynamic-state
- haskell-pipes-parse
- haskell-pointed
- haskell-postgresql-simple
- haskell-rio
- haskell-vector-instances
- haskell-yi-rope
- httpdirfs-fuse
- ignition-transport
- inputlirc
- kmscon
- libapache-ssllookup-perl
- libconvert-basen-perl
- libcpanplus-perl
- libgkarrays
- libhttp-oai-perl
- libjaba-client-java
- libjs-objectpath
- libjs-tv4
- libkqueue
- liblinux-usermod-perl
- liblog-dispatch-config-perl
- libmoosex-storage-perl
- libnet-freedb-perl
- libnet-sip-perl
- libpod-weaver-perl
- librose-db-object-perl
- librostlab-blast
- libslow5lib
- libsql-abstract-pg-perl
- libtest-classapi-perl
- libtext-asciitable-perl
- libtritonus-java
- libxray-absorption-perl
- libxray-scattering-perl
- libzdb
- mencal
- mkdocs-bootstrap
- morsegen
- mythtv-status
- node-array-differ
- node-gulp-util
- node-unique-string
- obs-pipewire-audio-capture
- obs-vintage-filter
- ocaml-charinfo-width
- pcalendar
- php-pinba
- plastex
- processing-core
- ptpd
- py-moneyed
- pylint-flask
- python-aioamqp
- python-certbot-dns-dnsimple
- python-cython-blis
- python-cytoolz
- python-gffutils
- python-icecream
- python-procrunner
- python-tokenize-rt
- python-vagrant
- quickplot
- r-bioc-ebseq
- r-cran-deal
- r-cran-findpython
- r-cran-kaos
- r-cran-vim
- rarpd
- rkflashtool
- ros2-colcon-cmake
- ros2-colcon-library-path
- ros2-colcon-test-result
- ruby-mechanize
- ruby-moneta
- ruby-rpam-ruby19
- ruby-tty-command
- seqkit
- shell-utils-clojure
- simhash
- skorch
- snpeff
- sphinx-multiversion
- sugar-datastore
- tcs
- trapperkeeper-comidi-metrics-clojure
- unyaffs
- velvetoptimiser
- visual-regexp-el
- xttitle
- yank
- zycore-c
- ansilove
- artemis
- assetfinder
- astropy-sphinx-theme
- bbmap
- bettercap-caplets
- btrfsd
- cl-parse-number
- dired-rsync
- dnsviz
- dpmb
- dropwatch
- eekboek
- eigensoft
- fizmo-console
- flake8-builtins
- flask-htmlmin
- fonts-tt2020
- golang-github-rogpeppe-fastuuid
- golang-github-xeipuuv-gojsonreference
- google-i18n-address
- grap
- guile-avahi
- haskell-code-page
- haskell-config-ini
- haskell-crypton
- haskell-curl
- haskell-iconv
- haskell-sdl2
- idlestat
- ignition-cmake
- java2html
- jenkins-job-builder
- kwalify
- ldapjdk
- lib25519
- libai-fann-perl
- libcrypt-hcesha-perl
- libdata-messagepack-stream-perl
- libdevice-usb-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-podweaver-perl
- libexpect-simple-perl
- libextutils-makemaker-cpanfile-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-wikkawiki-perl
- liblwp-authen-negotiate-perl
- libmath-combinatorics-perl
- libmath-gmp-perl
- libmojo-pg-perl
- libmonospaceif
- libnmap-parser-perl
- libperlio-layers-perl
- libpod-elemental-perlmunger-perl
- librcs-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-class-perl
- libthrift-java
- mando
- marginalia
- microsocks
- msva-perl
- node-basic-auth
- node-xml2js
- ospd-openvas
- owncloud-client-desktop-shell-integration-dolphin
- pass-tomb
- pfm
- php-constant-time
- php-horde-webmail
- picopore
- png2html
- prawcore
- purity-off
- pyfastx
- python-dmidecode
- python-ltfatpy
- python-mpiplus
- python-ncclient
- python-param
- python-ptrace
- python-xstatic-angular
- python-xstatic-angular-gettext
- python-xstatic-jquery-ui
- qmidictl
- r-bioc-mergeomics
- r-bioc-savr
- r-cran-metrics
- r-cran-rwave
- r-cran-semtools
- r-cran-tigger
- rome
- ros2-colcon-bash
- ros2-colcon-pkg-config
- ros2-colcon-python-setup-py
- ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl
- ros2-colcon-ros
- rows
- ruby-csv
- ruby-neovim
- ruby-powerpack
- rust-event-listener-strategy
- rust-gdk4
- rust-pure-rust-locales
- seascope
- serpent
- slony1-2
- smarty4
- sphinx-autodoc-typehints
- strophejs-plugin-chatstates
- strophejs-plugin-mam
- strophejs-plugin-rsm
- swarm-cluster
- ticcutils
- ttygif
- u-boot-menu
- ukui-screensaver
- usbrip
- vanessa-adt
- w1retap
- websploit
- wmshutdown
- yambar
- yaret
- yuview
- anymeal
- apiwrap-el
- bbpager
- bedops
- bomstrip
- bootstrap-icons
- cl-fad
- cl-portable-aserve
- cpanoutdated
- crasm
- exiflooter
- findlibs
- flake8-comprehensions
- flake8-import-order
- flash
- fonts-topaz-unicode
- freediameter
- freewnn
- ganglia-web
- golang-github-checkpoint-restore-go-criu
- golang-github-cilium-ebpf
- golang-github-coreos-bbolt
- golang-github-mitchellh-go-homedir
- golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2
- golang-github-xeipuuv-gojsonschema
- golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v1
- haskell-blaze-svg
- haskell-csv
- haskell-heist
- haskell-html-conduit
- haskell-system-fileio
- httpcode
- ipwatchd
- ircd-hybrid
- jlapack
- jtharness
- jupyterhub
- lcmaps
- libauthen-captcha-perl
- libcall-context-perl
- libdata-objectdriver-perl
- libemf2svg
- libgtextutils
- libhttp-proxy-perl
- libmoosex-types-path-tiny-perl
- libmoosex-types-stringlike-perl
- libnet-cidr-set-perl
- libnet-nessus-xmlrpc-perl
- libnet-route-perl
- libnetxap-perl
- libsendmail-pmilter-perl
- libsymbol-get-perl
- libunicode-escape-perl
- libuser-perl
- lua-moses
- makedepf90
- maven-resolver-1.6
- mercurial-extension-utils
- mrtdreader
- mutt-wizard
- net-acct
- netpipes
- node-genfun
- node-multipipe
- obs-3d-effect
- parprouted
- pcbasic
- policy-rcd-declarative
- progressivemauve
- proxy-switcher
- puf
- purple-rocketchat
- python-dugong
- python-gvm
- python-jsonrpc
- python-kaptan
- python-nxs
- python-wordcloud
- python-xstatic-angular-bootstrap
- python-xstatic-term.js
- python-yamlordereddictloader
- pythonpy
- qoauth
- r-bioc-metagenomeseq
- r-bioc-scaledmatrix
- r-cran-fdrtool
- r-cran-ggplot.multistats
- r-cran-qqman
- r-cran-readbrukerflexdata
- r-cran-tidygraph
- r-cran-webgestaltr
- racket-mode
- ros-catkin-lint
- ros-roslisp
- ros2-colcon-argcomplete
- ros2-colcon-cd
- ros2-colcon-defaults
- ros2-colcon-devtools
- ros2-colcon-metadata
- ros2-colcon-notification
- ros2-colcon-output
- ros2-colcon-package-information
- ros2-colcon-package-selection
- ros2-colcon-parallel-executor
- ros2-colcon-zsh
- ruby-puppetserver-ca-cli
- ruby-simple-oauth
- ruby-toml
- rust-clap-derive
- rust-graphene-sys
- rust-num-rational
- sen
- shiro
- stacks
- sumatra
- sword-dict-naves
- t50
- tcl9.0
- thefuzz
- tinyirc
- tksvg
- tmd710-tncsetup
- udt
- ufo-extractor
- vedo
- wiggle
- wmsysmon
- activemq-activeio
- activity-aware-firefox
- algol68g
- apache-opennlp
- apt-venv
- arename
- armnn
- beagle
- bglibs
- bilibop
- cgview
- cmdliner
- cxxtest
- dasm
- ddpt
- ddupdate
- dh-nss
- docbook-slides
- droopy
- emacs-doom-themes
- emacs-pg-el
- embark
- flask-silk
- flexcache
- flexparser
- ftnchek
- gbemol
- golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway
- golang-github-olekukonko-tablewriter
- google-guest-agent
- haskell-cmark-gfm
- haskell-dense-linear-algebra
- haskell-filemanip
- haskell-language-javascript
- haskell-nonce
- haskell-pipes-safe
- haskell-primes
- haskell-safesemaphore
- haskell-show-combinators
- haskell-tar
- haskell-web-routes
- hey
- ignition-msgs
- inetsim
- jp
- jqp
- jsonrpclib-pelix
- kbdd
- libaudio-wma-perl
- libcgi-session-driver-chi-perl
- libdanga-socket-perl
- libfile-util-perl
- libhtml-entities-numbered-perl
- libmarkdent-perl
- libmemcached-libmemcached-perl
- libnet-https-any-perl
- libnginx-mod-js
- libparse-nessus-nbe-perl
- libtest-files-perl
- libtest-minimumversion-perl
- libtheschwartz-perl
- libwww-dict-leo-org-perl
- meson-python
- multitime
- ncbi-seg
- node-de-indent
- node-get-stdin
- node-log4js
- ocaml-portaudio
- open-roms
- pgsphere
- php-nesbot-carbon
- pidgin-lastfm
- plotnetcfg
- pos-tip
- postgresql-q3c
- pqmarble
- pykdtree
- pykml
- python-potr
- python-whitenoise
- python-xstatic-angular-fileupload
- python-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop
- python-xstatic-angular-schema-form
- python-xstatic-tv4
- python-xtermcolor
- pyupgrade
- qml-mode
- qtltools
- r-bioc-biomformat
- r-bioc-dirichletmultinomial
- r-cran-argparse
- r-cran-exactranktests
- r-cran-getoptlong
- r-cran-medadherence
- r-cran-readmzxmldata
- repowerd
- ros-vcstool
- ruby-gemojione
- ruby-gherkin
- ruby-libxml
- ruby-rash-alt
- ruby-sd-notify
- ruby-version-gem
- rust-field-offset
- rust-jpeg-decoder
- rust-siphasher
- snimpy
- squirrel3
- tolua
- topline
- userv
- varna
- writegood-mode
- xserver-xorg-input-elographics
- abx
- antpm
- atomic-chrome-el
- autorenamer
- berkeley-express
- binutils-bpf
- canadian-ham-exam
- cl-chipz
- cl-chunga
- conv-tools
- creduce
- ddir
- droidlysis
- extrace
- flake8-deprecated
- foxyproxy-firefox-extension
- ftpcopy
- gff2ps
- ghub-plus-el
- gmotionlive
- goban
- golang-github-coreos-semver
- golang-github-gorilla-handlers
- golang-github-imdario-mergo
- golang-github-jonboulle-clockwork
- golang-github-stathat-go
- golang-k8s-sigs-yaml
- haskell-filestore
- haskell-path-io
- haskell-tasty-quickcheck
- haskell-yesod
- ilisp
- inform-mode
- libbitmask
- libcache-bdb-perl
- libclass-dbi-loader-perl
- libdigest-bcrypt-perl
- libfile-inplace-perl
- libfolia
- libgearman-client-perl
- libgeo-metar-perl
- libgetopt-lucid-perl
- libgrokj2k
- libhtml-restrict-perl
- libhtml-truncate-perl
- libloki
- libmidi-perl
- libmodule-corelist-perl
- libmodule-pluggable-fast-perl
- libparse-dmidecode-perl
- libtest-needs-perl
- libxml-handler-yawriter-perl
- llmnrd
- mash
- matchbox-common
- nini
- node-carto
- node-configstore
- node-lodash-reescape
- node-rdf-canonize
- node-split
- oasis
- obs-scene-as-transition
- ofxstatement
- oggfwd
- opgpcard
- pg-auto-failover
- postgresql-filedump
- pycallgraph
- python-certbot-dns-standalone
- python-django-imagekit
- python-easydev
- python-hdf5plugin
- python-hglib
- python-monascaclient
- python-mplexporter
- python-numpy-groupies
- python-parse-type
- python-priority
- python-promise
- python-xstatic-hogan
- qrtr
- r-bioc-htsfilter
- r-bioc-wrench
- r-cran-fitbitscraper
- r-cran-graphlayouts
- r-cran-kedd
- r-cran-suppdists
- rauc
- rnahybrid
- ros-catkin-tools
- ros-rosinstall-generator
- ruby-cucumber-core
- ruby-git
- rust-procs
- rust-time-core
- starpu
- tclcurl
- uacme
- undistract-me
- usbguard-notifier
- utfcheck
- waymore
- wmcdplay
- wmfire
- wormhole-william
- altdns
- altree
- audtty
- autoconf-dickey
- biniou
- bumblebee-status
- calculix-ccx-doc
- censys
- check-all-the-things
- cl-md5
- cog
- crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
- d52
- debarchiver
- dnaclust
- emacs-bash-completion
- fastcdr
- file-kanji
- flake8-black
- flake8-quotes
- flask-openid
- flexbar
- freebayes
- gbonds
- geophar
- gkrellkam
- gl-image-display
- golang-github-appc-cni
- golang-github-coreos-pkg
- golang-github-garyburd-redigo
- golang-github-google-martian
- golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse
- golang-github-moby-sys
- golang-github-mrunalp-fileutils
- golang-rsc-binaryregexp
- graudit
- greenbone-feed-sync
- gvm-libs
- haskell-diagrams-cairo
- haskell-hpack
- haskell-libffi
- haskell-logict
- haskell-map-syntax
- haskell-statistics
- hexbox
- hpsockd
- ilorest
- jalview
- javafxsvg
- jskeus
- libdevel-ptkdb-perl
- libhtml-simpleparse-perl
- libjs-webrtc-adapter
- libnet-bonjour-perl
- libnet-cisco-mse-rest-perl
- libnet-twitter-perl
- libnet-whois-raw-perl
- liboauth2
- libowasp-antisamy-java
- librdf-query-perl
- librdf-rdfa-parser-perl
- librg-utils-perl
- libstreamvbyte
- libthread-queue-any-perl
- libzeus-jscl-java
- lime-forensics
- lprint
- lua-geoip
- macfanctld
- mcpl
- miniflux
- minisat+
- mmseqs2
- mopidy-alsamixer
- node-camelcase-keys
- node-corepack
- node-deprecated
- node-lodash-reevaluate
- node-map-obj
- node-sequencify
- node-stream-consume
- node-tildify
- nyquist
- ofxstatement-plugins
- openslide-python
- orthanc-imagej
- paraclu
- parsinsert
- percol
- perdition
- php-validate
- pkcs11-dump
- pound
- preview.app
- probabel
- profphd-utils
- pyparallel
- pyprof2calltree
- pyroma
- python-django-pyscss
- python-ofxhome
- python-oslo.metrics
- python-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker
- python-xstatic-bootswatch
- python-xstatic-d3
- python-xstatic-jasmine
- python-xstatic-jquery-migrate
- python-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch
- python-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter
- python-xstatic-magic-search
- python-xstatic-mdi
- python-xstatic-smart-table
- r-cran-dosefinding
- r-cran-ggraph
- r-cran-goplot
- r-cran-maldiquant
- r-cran-princurve
- r-other-mott-happy
- restorecond
- rfcdiff
- ruby-ddmetrics
- ruby-hashdiff
- ruby-slim
- rust-anstyle
- rust-scoped-tls
- rust-wayland-scanner
- rust-wayland-sys
- samblaster
- sbbi-upnplib
- sbd
- sciplot
- securefs
- spectools
- sqlline
- ssh-cron
- system-packages-el
- tap-plugins-doc
- tap.py
- tickr
- vtwm
- vuls
- whatthepatch
- wiki2beamer
- wmbutton
- wmsun
- xgridfit
- xrootconsole
- zoph
- actdiag
- aragorn
- arsenic
- autoflake
- azure-functions-devops-build
- batmon.app
- behave
- binutils-z80
- brandy
- bui-el
- cc-tool
- cfourcc
- circe
- cobertura
- cppad
- cubemap
- cylc-flow
- debian-crossgrader
- dirsearch
- discord-rpc
- dissononce
- dosage
- dvbstreamer
- elisp-bug-hunter
- fast5
- fasta3
- fontcustom
- foonathan-memory
- gcli
- gff2aplot
- gitlab-shell
- golang-github-cyphar-filepath-securejoin
- grok
- hashcash
- haskell-bytestring-to-vector
- haskell-cryptonite-conduit
- haskell-generic-data
- haskell-hsopenssl
- haskell-skylighting-format-ansi
- haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html
- haskell-skylighting-format-context
- haskell-skylighting-format-latex
- ibus-avro
- idba
- iedit
- impass
- jaligner
- jellyfish1
- jenkins-debian-glue
- kconfiglib
- kiwi
- kmc
- libalgorithm-dependency-perl
- libanyevent-aio-perl
- libapp-stacktrace-perl
- libauthen-simple-ldap-perl
- libconvert-ber-perl
- libcurses-widgets-perl
- libdata-pageset-perl
- libdatetime-format-epoch-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-test-podspelling-perl
- libgo-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl
- libjazzy-java
- libjdns
- liblingua-en-sentence-perl
- liblog-any-adapter-log4perl-perl
- libmail-gnupg-perl
- libobject-multitype-perl
- libowasp-esapi-java
- libstring-tokenizer-perl
- libtest-spelling-perl
- libunix-mknod-perl
- libxml-smart-perl
- lua-lpty
- lua-uri
- maffilter
- mallard-ducktype
- micro-httpd
- modus-themes
- muchsync
- netstress
- nmrpflash
- node-orchestrator
- node-proxy-from-env
- node-strip-indent
- opari2
- opennds
- orthanc-webviewer
- page-break-lines-el
- pekwm-themes
- pg-repack
- php-phpseclib3
- plink2
- pocketsphinx-python
- progress-linux
- pslist
- purelibc
- python-cdsapi
- python-hdf4
- python-iptables
- python-saharaclient
- python-wsme
- python-xstatic-bootstrap-scss
- python-xstatic-jsencrypt
- python-xstatic-objectpath
- python-xstatic-rickshaw
- python-xstatic-spin
- r-bioc-phyloseq
- r-cran-ggtext
- r-cran-maldiquantforeign
- r-cran-maxstat
- r-cran-rdbnomics
- radioclk
- rainbow-identifiers-el
- rapmap
- rebar3
- repeatmasker-recon
- rsem
- ruby-asciidoctor-kroki
- ruby-espeak
- rust-csv-core
- rust-graphene-rs
- rust-gsk4-sys
- rust-gtk4-macros
- rust-png
- rust-protobuf-codegen
- signify-openbsd-keys
- soapdenovo2
- sqlfluff
- srv-el
- ssreflect
- stringtie
- stymulator
- textql
- theseus
- tintii
- tinymux
- toil
- txt2pdbdoc
- uc-micro-py
- uctodata
- utf8gen
- wmnut
- wmwork
- xarclock
- xlunzip
- ztree
- achilles
- alsa-scarlett-gui
- as31
- asmon
- astral
- biojava6-live
- cal3d
- cbp2make
- cdogs-sdl
- certspotter
- cl-metabang-bind
- clhep
- display-dhammapada
- django-sass
- dumb-init
- ecmwflibs
- emacs-git-messenger
- fastdds
- festival-czech
- flake8-class-newline
- fonts-atarist
- fonts-chomsky
- gitaly
- glam2
- golang-bindata
- golang-github-bgentry-speakeasy
- golang-github-josharian-intern
- golang-github-klauspost-cpuid
- golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean
- golang-github-opencontainers-go-digest
- golang-github-rcrowley-go-metrics
- goo
- goxkcdpwgen
- gtherm
- guile-zstd
- harmony
- haskell-boolean
- haskell-boring
- haskell-bz2
- haskell-hsp
- haskell-ini
- haskell-lucid
- haskell-numinstances
- haskell-pretty-simple
- haskell-terminal-progress-bar
- howdoi
- httpcomponents-core5
- hunt
- hypercorn
- ibuffer-vc
- ima-evm-utils
- key-chord-el
- libclass-gomor-perl
- libdancer-plugin-database-core-perl
- libdata-treedumper-perl
- libextutils-cppguess-perl
- libgetopt-declare-perl
- libio-captureoutput-perl
- libmsgcat-perl
- libnet-imap-client-perl
- liborlite-perl
- libowasp-encoder-java
- libparsington-java
- librole-commons-perl
- libstatistics-distributions-perl
- libtest-memory-cycle-perl
- libwww-mechanize-formfiller-perl
- libxray-spacegroup-perl
- lightdm-remote-session-x2go
- linkify-it-py
- litecli
- makey
- maude
- minia
- miniasm
- mlv-smile
- mplcursors
- mtj
- netconsole
- node-meow
- node-p-is-promise
- node-redent
- node-trim-newlines
- norsnet
- nsca-ng
- ocaml-uucp
- ocaml-uuseg
- ompl
- open-infrastructure-compute-tools
- perfmark-java
- pg-cron
- php-uopz
- piler
- ptex-base
- pwget
- python-cobra
- python-colormap
- python-dict2xml
- python-envs
- python-glad
- python-marshmallow-sqlalchemy
- python-meshzoo
- python-murmurhash
- python-ofxclient
- python-setuptools-rust
- python-versioneer
- python-wdlparse
- pytroll-schedule
- qlogo
- quickcal
- r-bioc-cner
- r-bioc-tfbstools
- r-cran-fftw
- r-cran-fitcoach
- r-cran-mutoss
- r-cran-prettyr
- r-cran-rlist
- racon
- rss-bridge
- ruby-gollum-rugged-adapter
- ruby-kgio
- ruby-memoizable
- ruby-narray-miss
- ruby-tty-which
- rust-async-signal
- rust-bit-vec
- rust-deranged
- rust-gtk4-sys
- rust-powerfmt
- rust-powerfmt-macros
- rust-process-viewer
- rust-thread-local
- screeninfo
- segno
- shapetools
- sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
- spi-tools
- statcvs
- taktuk
- telepathy-spec
- textual
- transdecoder
- ukopp
- veccore
- whichman
- wiredpanda
- wl-beta
- xml-rpc-el
- zcfan
- accounts-qml-module
- aioconsole
- ampliconnoise
- apache-jena
- blasr
- blosxom
- casync
- cctools
- cdbackup
- cl-py-configparser
- coinor-dylp
- collatinus
- concavity
- copyright-update
- cyanrip
- django-environ
- docbook-website
- doschk
- dotenv-cli
- doxyqml
- ecdsautils
- emacs-dashboard
- emacs-svg-lib
- env2
- exadrums
- fastlink
- fssync
- genomicsdb
- gnustep-examples
- golang-github-ghodss-yaml
- golang-github-hashicorp-serf
- golang-github-masterminds-semver-dev
- golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec
- golang-github-pierrec-lz4
- golang-github-xiang90-probing
- golang-gopkg-eapache-queue.v1
- golang-gopkg-inf.v0
- google-api-services-drive-java
- grabix
- guilt
- haskell-crypton-x509
- haskell-feed
- haskell-graphviz
- haskell-gridtables
- haskell-hdf5
- haskell-hspec-discover
- haskell-memotrie
- haskell-numtype-dk
- haskell-typst-symbols
- httpcomponents-client5
- ifeffit
- ignition-fuel-tools
- inifile
- intervalstorej
- kwstyle
- ldraw-parts-free
- libanyevent-irc-perl
- libaws-signature4-perl
- libcrypt-bcrypt-perl
- libdexx-java
- libfile-zglob-perl
- libglib-testing
- libhtml-html5-writer-perl
- libjsonp2-java
- libmath-tamuanova-perl
- libmoosex-clone-perl
- librtsp-server-perl
- libtest-base-perl
- libucimf
- libxml-easy-perl
- lua-cgi
- maqview
- maven-dependency-analyzer
- mmllib
- mutatormath
- neobio
- node-is-module
- norsp
- obs-ashmanix-blur-filter
- pgqd
- phyutility
- populations
- portlet-api-2.0-spec
- profbval
- pyfltk
- pyp
- python-django-debreach
- python-hpilo
- python-popcon
- python-prefixed
- python-qinlingclient
- python-xstatic-angular-ui-router
- qbrew
- r-bioc-multiassayexperiment
- r-bioc-scater
- r-cran-aweek
- r-cran-ff
- r-cran-ggrastr
- r-cran-glasso
- r-cran-km.ci
- r-cran-multilevel
- r-cran-satellite
- r-cran-seroincidence
- rampler
- rdp-readseq
- remote-logon-config-agent
- ruby-brandur-json-schema
- ruby-buftok
- ruby-ddplugin
- ruby-gyoku
- ruby-naught
- ruby-netcdf
- ruby-slack-notifier
- ruby-slow-enumerator-tools
- ruby-tty-platform
- ruby-twitter
- rust-gsk4
- rust-paste
- rust-tokio-rustls
- sblim-wbemcli
- servefile
- sibsim4
- sigma-align
- snooze
- soapdenovo
- sortmerna
- ssake
- svn-all-fast-export
- sword-dict-strongs-greek
- sword-dict-strongs-hebrew
- tdc
- terraphast
- tkabber
- tools-namespace-clojure
- uclibc
- unicrypto
- wp2x
- xnote
- 64tass
- adplay
- alien-hunter
- amp
- beast2-mcmc
- blupimania
- boxfort
- bppsuite
- bugwarrior
- cct
- clex
- clsync
- dehydrated-hook-ddns-tsig
- depthcharge-tools
- dhcpig
- discover-my-major
- distribution-gpg-keys
- dnssec-trigger
- dwgsim
- eluceo-ical
- emacs-cfrs
- epic4-help
- erlang-p1-sqlite3
- festvox-czech-ph
- flake8-blind-except
- ftp.app
- gemma
- git-publish
- gmplot
- golang-github-coreos-go-iptables
- golang-github-datadog-zstd
- golang-github-deckarep-golang-set
- golang-github-docker-libtrust
- golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-prometheus
- golang-github-jacobsa-oglematchers
- golang-github-klauspost-crc32
- golang-github-pquerna-ffjson
- gomoku.app
- gozer
- grfcodec
- gsort
- gztool
- haskell-bmp
- haskell-criterion-measurement
- haskell-data-clist
- haskell-dimensional
- haskell-exact-pi
- haskell-hjsmin
- haskell-http-media
- haskell-mutable-containers
- haskell-quickcheck-instances
- haskell-snap
- haskell-tagstream-conduit
- haskell-test-framework-hunit
- helm-projectile
- icmake
- intellij-community-idea
- jmagick
- kraken
- libbio-db-biofetch-perl
- libcgi-untaint-perl
- libcql-parser-perl
- libdata-buffer-perl
- libdata-clone-perl
- libdate-iso8601-perl
- libdbm-deep-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-config-git-perl
- libencoding-fixlatin-perl
- libezmorph-java
- libhttp-exception-perl
- libhttp-thin-perl
- libjibx1.2-java
- libmethod-signatures-perl
- libpath-dispatcher-perl
- libscalar-properties-perl
- libsubtitles-perl
- libtext-wikicreole-perl
- libtitanium-json-ld-java
- libversion-next-perl
- libxtc-rats-java
- lloconv
- lomiri-sounds
- magit-todos
- mailcheck
- mapsembler2
- matchbox-panel-manager
- maven-ant-helper
- mhap
- minizinc
- msgpack-java
- mysqmail
- netlib-java
- node-autoprefixer
- nutsqlite
- obs-color-monitor
- ocaml-taglib
- opari
- perm
- picolisp
- predictnls
- pybigwig
- pyclamd
- pyct
- pytest-qt
- python-fhs
- python-meshplex
- python-mongoengine
- python-pebble
- python-pex
- python-pweave
- python-pymummer
- python-pynetbox
- python-screed
- python-searchlightclient
- python-tackerclient
- python-tidylib
- python-truststore
- python-webargs
- qtads
- r-cran-grimport2
- r-cran-kmsurv
- r-cran-leidenbase
- r-cran-metap
- r-cran-tfisher
- rtax
- ruby-adsf
- ruby-levenshtein
- ruby-memo-wise
- ruby-nori
- ruby-rails-assets-punycode
- ruby-sidekiq
- rust-bzip2-sys
- rust-dirs-next
- rust-dirs-sys-next
- rust-downcast-rs
- rust-gtk4
- seccure
- socnetv
- sphinx-astropy
- sphinxcontrib-seqdiag
- spout
- sscg
- tdbcsqlite3
- transtermhp
- trydiffoscope
- uftp
- urlextractor
- vala-mode-el
- validns
- vera++
- victoriametrics
- wmanager
- wmitime
- wvkbd
- xwatch
- xwayland-run
- aegean
- aggressive-indent-mode
- aiocache
- barrnap
- binclock
- c-sig
- caspar
- cdist
- cen64-qt
- chess.app
- chordii
- christianriesen-base32
- christianriesen-otp
- ciftools-java
- cl-containers
- cl-metatilities-base
- clonalframe
- codesearch
- colorcet
- dap-mode
- dbf2mysql
- debpaste-el
- diffmon
- dis51
- discosnp
- dkimpy-milter
- dnsvi
- dt-utils
- eclipse-jdt-debug
- ffe
- flask-caching
- freebsd-manpages
- fweb
- gdspy
- git-autofixup
- golang-bugsnag-panicwrap
- golang-github-alexflint-go-filemutex
- golang-github-bugsnag-bugsnag-go
- golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5
- golang-github-ncw-swift
- golang-github-posener-complete
- golang-github-safchain-ethtool
- golang-pty
- google-api-services-sheets-java
- gphoto2-cffi
- gsw
- halide
- haskell-dlist-instances
- haskell-lrucache
- haskell-monadprompt
- haskell-sdl2-ttf
- haskell-th-data-compat
- haskell-th-extras
- haskell-yesod-static
- health-check
- hipercontracer
- hyphen-show
- javacc5
- jupyter-packaging
- kallisto
- libam7xxx
- libanyevent-fork-perl
- libapp-daemon-perl
- libchart-gnuplot-perl
- libcpuset
- libdatetime-event-cron-perl
- libdatetime-format-human-duration-perl
- libdigest-whirlpool-perl
- libencoding-fixlatin-xs-perl
- libfile-flat-perl
- libgraphics-toolkit-color-perl
- libhash-safekeys-perl
- libhtml-prototype-perl
- libhtml-widget-perl
- libinternals-perl
- libkcapi
- liblessen-java
- liblingua-en-fathom-perl
- liblingua-en-syllable-perl
- liblwp-useragent-progressbar-perl
- libmarc4j-java
- libmoe
- libmoosex-configfromfile-perl
- libmysql-diff-perl
- libnet-ip-xs-perl
- libnet-scp-perl
- libnss-cache
- libodfdom-java
- libperl-languageserver-perl
- libplack-middleware-session-perl
- libpoe-component-sslify-perl
- libproc-fastspawn-perl
- librdf-vcard-perl
- librdfa-java
- librdp-taxonomy-tree-java
- libregexp-debugger-perl
- libsweble-common-java
- libsweble-wikitext-java
- libtext-reflow-perl
- libtext-typography-perl
- libtext-worddiff-perl
- libx11-keyboard-perl
- libxml-csv-perl
- lm4tools
- lomiri-schemas
- loop-el
- mailmindr
- mauve-aligner
- maven-cache-cleanup
- maven-dependency-plugin
- metastudent-data
- mipe
- mmtf-java
- mosdepth
- node-axios
- node-cookies
- node-keygrip
- node-on-headers
- node-svg2ttf
- obs-command-source
- openfpgaloader
- openrefine-butterfly
- pandorafms-agent
- peg
- perltidier
- pforth
- phipack
- php-dragonmantank-cron-expression
- php-fxsl
- php-zeta-base
- plip
- plprofiler
- pmailq
- profisis
- prometheus-smokeping-prober
- python-databases
- python-dbussy
- python-dmsh
- python-dunamai
- python-hl7
- python-html5rdf
- python-irc
- python-ldappool
- python-pyepics
- python-ruyaml
- python-ssdeep
- python-typechecks
- pyzabbix
- qrterminal
- r-bioc-dexseq
- r-cran-distr
- r-cran-future.batchtools
- r-cran-knn.covertree
- r-cran-psychometric
- r-cran-startupmsg
- r-cran-trimcluster
- radon
- restrictedpython
- rmagic
- ruby-cucumber-wire
- ruby-escape-utils
- ruby-launchy-shim
- ruby-statsd
- ruby-webmock
- rust-anstream
- rust-anstyle-parse
- rust-anstyle-query
- rust-bzip2
- rust-colorchoice
- rust-dysk
- rust-hex
- rust-sequoia-sqv
- rust-tokio-util
- rust-ttf-parser
- rust-web-sys
- rust-weezl
- rust-xcb
- satellite-gtk
- scikit-build
- sent
- should.js
- sniproxy
- softflowd
- structure-synth
- swissknife
- sword-comm-mhcc
- t2html
- tcmu
- trf
- triehash
- trippy
- vbackup
- wav2cdr
- wmbubble
- wmcore
- xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland
- alttab
- asn
- bio-eagle
- blockui
- bolt-lmm
- bornagain
- cl-drakma
- cpptest
- cucumber
- cvsd
- deft
- drraw
- dte
- edtsurf
- efte
- embassy-domainatrix
- embassy-domalign
- embassy-domsearch
- epic4
- epix
- erlang-redis-client
- event-dance
- fcitx-dbus-status
- flvmeta
- fontparts
- gentle
- gexec
- gladtex
- glosstex
- gojq
- golang-github-armon-go-radix
- golang-github-dghubble-sling
- golang-github-google-gofuzz
- golang-github-gorilla-securecookie
- golang-github-hashicorp-mdns
- golang-github-mitchellh-cli
- golang-gopkg-eapache-go-resiliency.v1
- grabserial
- haproxy-log-analysis
- haskell-hakyll
- haskell-newtype
- haskell-sandi
- haskell-smallcheck
- haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2
- haskell-text-zipper
- haskell-typst
- haskell-yi-core
- highlight-numbers-el
- hintview
- hpanel
- indelible
- ipig
- json4s
- jupyter-server-mathjax
- kf6-kplotting
- kissplice
- kpatch
- libaudio-musepack-perl
- libbio-db-gff-perl
- libbio-db-seqfeature-perl
- libclass-dbi-plugin-retrieveall-perl
- libconfig-ini-reader-ordered-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-git-perl
- libhtml-defang-perl
- liblinux-dvb-perl
- libmail-checkuser-perl
- libmarc-file-marcmaker-perl
- libnet-ldap-server-perl
- libnet-ldns-perl
- libnet-server-mail-perl
- libnewuoa
- libnss-docker
- libokhttp-signpost-java
- libstring-tagged-perl
- libtext-formattable-perl
- libtext-trac-perl
- libusb-libusb-perl
- libwikidata-toolkit-java
- libwww-mechanize-gzip-perl
- libxml-compile-cache-perl
- linux-firewire-utils
- lptools
- minexpert2
- minimap-el
- mopidy-soundcloud
- mopidy-tunein
- morfessor
- msi-keyboard
- mumudvb
- node-bash
- oomd
- opa-fm
- openrefine
- openrefine-opencsv
- palettable
- parent-mode-el
- patat
- php-http-webdav-server
- php-league-mime-type-detection
- php-phpoption
- plasmidomics
- prime-phylo
- proalign
- proftmb
- prometheus-cpp
- prometheus-postfix-exporter
- puppet-mode
- pycangjie
- pyepr
- pytest-pylint
- python-altair
- python-django-extra-views
- python-icmplib
- python-jq
- python-network
- python-paginate
- python-poetry-dynamic-versioning
- python-tktreectrl
- python-txrequests
- qemu-web-desktop
- qterm
- r-bioc-all
- r-bioc-complexheatmap
- r-bioc-metapod
- r-bioc-mutationalpatterns
- r-cran-incidence
- r-cran-qqconf
- r-cran-rglwidget
- r-cran-survmisc
- radiant
- rate4site
- rebar
- redisearch
- rexima
- rkdeveloptool
- ruby-async
- ruby-awesome-print
- ruby-console
- ruby-fiber-local
- ruby-hikidoc
- ruby-mojo-magick
- ruby-multi-test
- ruby-powerbar
- ruby3.2
- rust-alsa-sys
- rust-cargo-debstatus
- rust-clap-builder
- rust-color-quant
- rust-dirs-sys
- rust-error-chain
- rust-gif
- rust-gstreamer-sys
- rust-is-terminal
- rust-rustc-serialize
- sacc
- saint
- seqprep
- sfnt2woff-zopfli
- shush
- sickle
- smenu
- sphinx-markdown-tables
- sqlalchemy-i18n
- taffybar
- tardy
- taxy-el
- tcpslice
- threeten-extra
- timblserver
- timingframework
- tk9.0
- trurl
- tzdiff
- vcfanno
- wmcliphist
- wmfsm
- xfoil
- xjdic
- xmppc
- xotcl
- xserver-xorg-video-glide
- xtv
- aiomcache
- alter-sequence-alignment
- asql
- avy-menu
- bamkit
- bcal
- binfmtc
- brag
- bumpversion
- cackey
- canu
- cbmc
- cde
- codonw
- conservation-code
- cpptasks
- dh-lisp
- dish
- dnss
- doxypypy
- drgeo-doc
- dummydroid
- ea-utils
- emacs-neotree
- emacs-openwith
- fastml
- frame
- fsm-lite
- fspy
- galileo
- gesftpserver
- globus-gass-copy
- gnustep-netclasses
- golang-github-armon-circbuf
- golang-github-docker-go-metrics
- golang-github-gin-contrib-sse
- golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3
- golang-github-tinylib-msgp
- gridlock.app
- grinder
- haml-elisp
- haskell-basic-prelude
- haskell-chunked-data
- haskell-crypton-connection
- haskell-crypton-x509-store
- haskell-crypton-x509-system
- haskell-crypton-x509-validation
- haskell-multimap
- haskell-names-th
- haskell-pipes-group
- ifd-gempc
- jzmq
- kbtin
- labelme
- lastz
- le-dico-de-rene-cougnenc
- leela-zero
- libanyevent-handle-udp-perl
- libaudio-file-perl
- libautobox-list-util-perl
- libclass-std-storable-perl
- libconfig-model-cursesui-perl
- libejml-java
- libfile-path-tiny-perl
- libfile-policy-perl
- libhat-trie
- libhtml-wikiconverter-dokuwiki-perl
- libhttp-headers-actionpack-perl
- libi18n-charset-perl
- libite
- libjs-toastr
- liblanguage-detector-java
- libmail-box-imap4-perl
- libmarc-lint-perl
- libmemory-usage-perl
- libmoosex-log-log4perl-perl
- libodb-sqlite
- libosmo-sccp
- libpal-java
- libparse-http-useragent-perl
- libpdf-fdf-simple-perl
- libpkgconfig-perl
- libpod-tests-perl
- librdf-icalendar-perl
- libstatgen
- libxsmm
- linux-minidisc
- lombok
- ltrsift
- lua-markdown
- lwipv6
- mailtextbody
- mastodon-el
- mbtserver
- metomi-isodatetime
- mgitstatus
- mp3roaster
- mptp
- nanopolish
- node-q
- nsntrace
- ocaml-fpath
- phast
- phing
- plast
- plz-el
- poke-elf
- ppx-deriving
- profile-cleaner
- proftpd-mod-clamav
- pycxx
- python-certbot-dns-linode
- python-cymem
- python-dbus-next
- python-discogs-client
- python-elgato-streamdeck
- python-enmerkar
- python-parasail
- python-plac
- python-pulsectl
- python-py2bit
- python-pysnmp4-mibs
- python-sphinx-issues
- python-text-unidecode
- python-vttlib
- qhttpengine
- qla-tools
- qtscrob
- r-cran-ctmcd
- r-cran-dslabs
- r-cran-ffield
- r-cran-isoweek
- r-cran-kutils
- r-cran-smoother
- r-cran-survminer
- r-cran-udunits2
- rdp-alignment
- rename-flac
- ruby-rsec
- ruby-termios
- rust-num-conv
- scikit-rf
- segemehl
- selinux-dbus
- snpsift
- socket-wrapper
- sphinx-rst-builder
- tack
- tcvt
- termtosvg
- tetradraw
- ticgit
- tinyscheme
- topgit
- toppred
- trinityrnaseq
- tryton-proteus
- umap-learn
- userbindmount
- vilistextum
- vim-rainbow
- webassets
- wikitrans
- wmcpu
- wmdrawer
- wofi-pass
- xelb
- xeus
- xjokes
- acheck-rules
- acr
- apertium-separable
- artfastqgenerator
- bdfresize
- beacon
- bgpdump
- cfi
- cgsi-gsoap
- choosewm
- cif-tools
- cl-dynamic-classes
- cl-global-vars
- cmor-tables
- cthumb
- darknet
- dasprid-enum
- dbskkd-cdb
- debdate
- debuerreotype
- detachtty
- dh-dist-zilla
- dired-du
- dmarcts-report-parser
- doctrine
- ebib
- ecopcr
- ediprolog-el
- emacs-anzu
- emacs-uuid
- exwm
- fastqtl
- flask-flatpages
- fsviewer-icons
- gdmd
- genometester
- geronimo-jacc-1.1-spec
- ggtags
- golang-github-containerd-cgroups
- golang-github-docker-go-connections
- golang-github-eapache-go-xerial-snappy
- golang-github-gin-gonic-gin
- golang-github-go-playground-locales
- golang-github-go-playground-universal-translator
- golang-github-go-playground-validator-v10
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-syslog
- golang-github-hashicorp-logutils
- golang-github-klauspost-pgzip
- golang-github-leodido-go-urn
- golang-github-montanaflynn-stats
- golang-github-ryanuber-columnize
- golang-github-shopify-sarama
- golang-gogottrpc
- gregwar-captcha
- gubbins
- gwama
- hachoir
- harvest-tools
- haskell-acid-state
- haskell-ap-normalize
- haskell-byte-order
- haskell-double-conversion
- haskell-hclip
- haskell-hxt-relaxng
- haskell-microstache
- haskell-mime-mail
- haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor
- haskell-primitive-unaligned
- haskell-recursion-schemes
- haskell-url
- haskell-vector-space
- haskell-websockets
- hyprwayland-scanner
- jets3t
- king-probe
- lambda-align
- ldp-docbook-stylesheets
- libarchive-any-perl
- libcatalyst-authentication-credential-http-perl
- libchild-perl
- libclass-virtual-perl
- libconvert-scalar-perl
- libcrypt-format-perl
- libdata-treedumper-oo-perl
- libdatetime-incomplete-perl
- libdevel-refactor-perl
- libexadrums
- libextutils-typemaps-default-perl
- libfile-mmagic-xs-perl
- libhttp-link-parser-perl
- libmail-sendeasy-perl
- libmarc-parser-raw-perl
- libmediascan
- libwx-scintilla-perl
- libxml-encoding-perl
- logtool
- lua-inotify
- maildirsync
- matthiasmullie-minify
- matthiasmullie-path-converter
- mdds
- metastudent
- move-text-el
- mwclient
- nmodl
- node-chroma-js
- node-compressible
- node-compression
- node-magic-string
- node-pend
- node-stable
- obs-scene-tree-view
- pagetools
- pbdagcon
- php-zeta-console-tools
- pilon
- pinpoint
- placnet
- plasmidseeker
- pngphoon
- pwman3
- py-isort-el
- pysolar
- python-ciso8601
- python-django-channels
- python-ilorest
- python-imgviz
- python-meld3
- python-nanoget
- python-nanomath
- python-pomegranate
- python-psycogreen
- python-spython
- python-sysv-ipc
- python-twilio
- qasync
- r-bioc-ctc
- r-cran-coarsedatatools
- r-cran-genoplotr
- r-cran-logging
- r-cran-openmx
- r-cran-qgraph
- r-cran-rpf
- r-cran-svunit
- ratmenu
- restartd
- roguenarok
- ruby-async-io
- ruby-msfrpc-client
- ruby-qr4r
- ruby-redis-namespace
- rust-image
- rust-tiff
- sac2mseed
- scrm
- scythe
- seer
- seqmagick
- sfwbar
- sfxr-qt
- snpomatic
- spaced
- streamdeck-ui
- taxy-magit-section-el
- transrate-tools
- twiggy
- umtp-responder
- uwsgi-plugin-php
- vsts-cd-manager
- vt
- waagent
- wig
- wmcube
- wmforecast
- yaha
- abpoa
- andi
- arjun
- art-nextgen-simulation-tools
- axe-demultiplexer
- baconqrcode
- bandage
- bashacks
- binutils-m68hc1x
- bio-rainbow
- bio-tradis
- boolector
- brig
- busco
- c-icap-modules
- chewmail
- chronicle
- cif2cell
- circuit-macros
- clonalorigin
- consensuscore
- cookietool
- crac
- cronie
- cycfx2prog
- dailystrips
- daligner
- dascrubber
- dazzdb
- delly
- dothost
- dumb-jump-el
- e-mem
- ecb
- efp
- emboss-explorer
- ement-el
- eshell-git-prompt
- estscan
- garli
- geonames
- git-reintegrate
- golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator
- golang-github-cenkalti-backoff
- golang-github-containerd-btrfs
- golang-github-docker-go-events
- golang-github-jcmturner-gofork
- golang-github-samuel-go-zookeeper
- golang-github-streadway-amqp
- golang-go-patricia
- golang-gopkg-square-go-jose.v2
- gosa-plugins-systems
- graphlan
- growlight
- gtkcrypto
- haskell-control-monad-loop
- haskell-criterion
- haskell-dependent-sum
- haskell-filepath-bytestring
- haskell-gsasl
- haskell-hdbc-session
- haskell-hs-bibutils
- haskell-hsx2hs
- haskell-quickcheck-text
- haskell-random-shuffle
- haskell-recv
- haskell-rsa
- haskell-some
- haskell-wide-word
- highwayhash
- hinawa-utils
- hp-search-mac
- httpbin
- icecream
- jawn
- json-tricks
- kma
- largetifftools
- libalgorithm-svm-perl
- libapfloat-java
- libcode-tidyall-perl
- libdbicx-sugar-perl
- libdevel-dumpvar-perl
- libfile-map-perl
- libhttp-async-perl
- liblwp-authen-oauth2-perl
- libmaus2
- libmojo-sqlite-perl
- libnet-mac-vendor-perl
- libparse-netstat-perl
- libreply-perl
- libs3
- libspecio-library-path-tiny-perl
- libsyntax-highlight-perl-improved-perl
- libtemplate-provider-encoding-perl
- libtest-notabs-perl
- libtext-simpletable-autowidth-perl
- libweb-machine-perl
- libzerg
- lua-systemd
- lumpy-sv
- matchbox-desktop
- matroxset
- megadepth
- mercurial-evolve
- minimac4
- mk-configure
- molmodel
- mrtparse
- nanook
- ncbi-acc-download
- netmate
- nginx-confgen
- nncp
- node-websocket-driver
- ocaml-expat
- ocproxy
- open-infrastructure-service-tools
- openkim-models
- patman
- pbsim
- php-net-whois
- php-tijsverkoyen-css-to-inline-styles
- php-vlucas-phpdotenv
- phybin
- physamp
- pip-requirements-el
- placement
- powerline-taskwarrior
- powersupply-gtk
- proteinortho
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-translate
- pycoast
- pylint-celery
- pyqwt3d
- pyspectral
- python-boltons
- python-deeptoolsintervals
- python-dpkt
- python-geneimpacts
- python-getdns
- python-opentracing
- python-opentype-sanitizer
- python-pygtrie
- pyxnat
- qvge
- r-bioc-biocbaseutils
- r-cran-covid19us
- r-cran-discriminer
- r-cran-epiestim
- r-cran-lisreltor
- r-cran-lsei
- r-cran-rockchalk
- r-cran-rpact
- r-cran-tokenizers
- rasterview
- ruby-et-orbi
- ruby-gsl
- ruby-parseconfig
- ruby-prof
- ruby-rack-ssl
- ruby-warden
- rust-async-trait
- rust-const-cstr
- rust-csv
- rust-freetype-rs
- rust-half
- rust-structopt
- rust-yeslogic-fontconfig-sys
- sbt-serialization
- scala-pickling
- sidedoor
- smartlist
- sniffles
- soapaligner
- soapsnp
- sphinx-panels
- spread-phy
- suitename
- sumaclust
- tanidvr
- tantan
- trueprint
- umis
- verse
- wbox
- wham-align
- wmload
- wmpinboard
- wrapperfactory.app
- xidle
- alire
- amqp-specs
- ansimarkup
- apt-listdifferences
- asmtools
- astroidmail
- bagel
- baitfisher
- bali-phy
- biomaj3-cli
- biomaj3-core
- bitstream
- bittwist
- bitwise
- cadubi
- centrifuge
- cht.sh
- cl-markdown
- cloudflare-ddns
- cyvcf2
- dawg
- dde-calendar
- debusine
- docbook-html-forms
- eagerpy
- elm-compiler
- elpa-ligature
- elph
- emacs-helm-ag
- engine-mode
- feed2exec
- festival-ca
- festvox-ca-ona-hts
- firewalk
- fonts-ottilie
- fuzz
- gasic
- genimage
- gftools
- glasscoder
- golang-github-antlr-antlr4
- golang-github-blang-semver
- golang-github-containerd-go-runc
- golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware
- golang-github-jtolds-gls
- golang-github-lib-pq
- golang-github-rs-xid
- golang-github-smartystreets-assertions
- golang-github-soheilhy-cmux
- golang-github-tmc-grpc-websocket-proxy
- golang-github-xlab-treeprint
- golang-honnef-go-tools
- gotest.tools
- gtklock
- gvm
- haskell-attoparsec-aeson
- haskell-binary-conduit
- haskell-control-monad-free
- haskell-filelock
- haskell-filepattern
- haskell-gi-cairo-render
- haskell-jmacro
- haskell-logging-facade
- haskell-mockery
- haskell-mono-traversable-instances
- haskell-nettle
- haskell-openssl-streams
- haskell-patience
- haskell-pipes-bytestring
- haskell-reducers
- haskell-singleton-bool
- haskell-stringprep
- haskell-tabular
- haskell-unixutils
- herculesstudio
- hilive
- hipsparse
- hyperic-sigar
- hyx
- iapws
- iva
- jodconverter-cli
- jsmath-fonts-sprite
- keyboards-rg
- knews
- kotlin-mode
- libanyevent-dbi-perl
- libapache-authznetldap-perl
- libapache2-mod-rivet
- libautobox-dump-perl
- libclass-dbi-pager-perl
- libclass-insideout-perl
- libcpan-audit-perl
- libcrypt-dsa-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-test-perl-critic-perl
- libebook-tools-perl
- libexception-class-trycatch-perl
- libfile-searchpath-perl
- libhtml-table-perl
- libmarc-spec-perl
- libperlmenu-perl
- libplack-middleware-deflater-perl
- libpod-minimumversion-perl
- libshell-posix-select-perl
- libsv
- libuev
- liburi-namespacemap-perl
- libwfa2
- libwww-shorten-perl
- libxml-atom-owl-perl
- lighter
- lomiri-notifications
- lsix
- lucy
- lzfse
- meshsdfilter
- netsend
- node-es6-set
- node-faye-websocket
- node-hsluv
- node-pause
- node-pinkyswear
- node-shiny-server-client
- ocaml-bos
- ocaml-lame
- ocaml-opus
- ocaml-rresult
- omgifol
- osmnx
- parsnp
- pdd
- pg8000
- phat
- php-brick-math
- php-graham-campbell-result-type
- php-league-flysystem
- porechop
- poretools
- prottest
- pyemd
- pystray
- python-aptly
- python-aws-xray-sdk
- python-cgecore
- python-expiringdict
- python-libnacl
- python-pbcore
- python-preshed
- r-bioc-genelendatabase
- r-cran-circular
- r-cran-gprofiler2
- r-cran-markovchain
- r-cran-minerva
- r-cran-mvnfast
- r-cran-npsurv
- r-cran-treespace
- r-cran-upsetr
- r-other-ascat
- r-other-rajewsky-dropbead
- reapr
- redet
- redtick
- restart-emacs
- roary
- ruby-asciidoctor-include-ext
- ruby-docile
- ruby-hashie-forbidden-attributes
- runcircos-gui
- rust-async-fs
- rust-phf-generator
- rust-serde-bytes
- samclip
- scid-spell-data
- search-citeseer
- simple-tpm-pk11
- sphinx-click
- sprai
- sqitch
- sspace
- statsvn
- surankco
- sweed
- sxid
- tolua++
- tone-generator
- trace2dbest
- traceshark
- tracetuner
- tudu
- tvc
- ufoprocessor
- unicorn
- voronota
- wasmedge
- wmdate
- wmrack
- wsl
- wuzz
- xcwd
- zgen
- aiocoap
- amazon-ec2-utils
- apertium-eval-translator
- ascd
- assemblytics
- atropos
- bdbvu
- bibcursed
- bidentd
- blender-doc
- bppphyview
- broker
- calculix-ccx-test
- citeproc-py
- cl-closure-common
- cl-cxml
- clonalframeml
- cnvkit
- contextfree
- continuity
- covtobed
- dasbus
- dask-sphinx-theme
- dh-di
- dnstwist
- docker-libkv
- docker-systemctl-replacement
- dphys-config
- dpkg-source-gitarchive
- drslib
- duma
- elkcode
- enscribe
- eshell-prompt-extras
- etherpuppet
- examl
- fcitx5-nord
- fitgcp
- fonts-sn-pro
- gcc-bpf
- germinate
- go-sendxmpp
- gob2
- golang-github-casbin-casbin
- golang-github-containerd-fifo
- golang-github-containerd-typeurl
- golang-github-gorilla-sessions
- golang-github-hanwen-usb
- golang-github-intel-goresctrl
- golang-github-jcmturner-aescts.v2
- golang-github-jcmturner-dnsutils.v2
- golang-github-jcmturner-goidentity.v6
- golang-github-jcmturner-rpc.v2
- golang-github-moby-term
- golang-github-openzipkin-zipkin-go
- golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey
- golang-github-sylabs-sif
- golang-golang-x-image
- golang-opentelemetry-otel
- growl-for-linux
- haskell-abstract-par
- haskell-brick
- haskell-gi-xlib
- haskell-hledger-interest
- haskell-hoogle
- haskell-mmap
- haskell-rvar
- haskell-sop-core
- haskell-string-conversions
- hm
- igor
- intel-vc-intrinsics
- ipv6pref
- jackson-module-jaxb-annotations
- java-xmlbuilder
- jclassinfo
- jdresolve
- jquery-caret.js
- juman
- junior-doc
- kafs-client
- lambda-align2
- ldap2zone
- ledger-wallets-udev
- libapache-session-browseable-perl
- libapache-sessionx-perl
- libclass-factory-perl
- libconfig-model-itself-perl
- libdoxygen-filter-perl
- libfile-xdg-perl
- libfiu
- libfunction-parameters-perl
- libgnupg-perl
- liblocale-subcountry-perl
- libmath-cephes-perl
- libmodule-build-withxspp-perl
- libnoise
- libpam-mklocaluser
- libperl-critic-pulp-perl
- libregexp-reggrp-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-posix-perl
- libtree-r-perl
- libwww-search-perl
- libx11-windowhierarchy-perl
- libxml-mini-perl
- libxml-nodefilter-perl
- libzonemaster-perl
- lookatme
- lua-svn
- makefile2graph
- memo
- mopidy-mpris
- mp3guessenc
- muon-meson
- nginx-mode
- nim-hts
- node-buffer-crc32
- node-morgan
- org-present
- pampi
- paredit-everywhere
- pasmo
- perspective-el
- phonopy
- php-league-commonmark
- php-ramsey-uuid
- php-text-wiki
- phpab
- phyx
- pius
- pscan-tfbs
- pycode-browser
- pypass
- python-bcbio-gff
- python-box
- python-crcelk
- python-datacache
- python-fissix
- python-pynndescent
- python-telethon
- python-xeddsa
- quart
- quicktree
- r-bioc-goseq
- r-bioc-rots
- r-cran-bdgraph
- r-cran-biwt
- r-cran-calibratr
- r-cran-ecosolver
- r-cran-ggm
- r-cran-ggseqlogo
- r-cran-parmigene
- r-cran-psyphy
- r-cran-regsem
- r-cran-semplot
- r-cran-unbalanced
- ruby-bson
- runoverssh
- rust-libudev-sys
- rust-netr
- rust-num-complex
- rust-rand-xorshift
- rust-rusty-tags
- rust-tokei
- rust-utf8-ranges
- rust-wayland-protocols
- safeclib
- sail
- sass-spec
- sbt-ivy
- sga
- slrnface
- smtpping
- spew
- sphinxext-opengraph
- squaremap
- stalin
- stlcmd
- timemon.app
- tiv
- topal
- tophat-recondition
- twittering-mode
- ukui-power-manager
- vagrant-cachier
- vagrant-hostmanager
- vimish-fold
- whereami
- whitakers-words
- wlgreet
- zoem
- zxing
- afterburner.fx
- aiohttp-jinja2
- arden
- aspic
- assembly-stats
- bbtime
- bearssl
- bio-vcf
- bitseq
- btllib
- buildapp
- bwbar
- caps2esc
- cat-bat
- cdcover
- circlator
- cl-local-time
- cloud-enum
- colorclass
- console-braille
- cxxopts
- debian-fbx
- dextractor
- dials
- docbook-slides-demo
- dradio
- emacs-memoize
- esh-help-el
- esnacc
- etl
- fcitx5-tmux
- fonts-weather-icons
- frama-c
- genomethreader
- gita
- gitleaks
- globus-proxy-utils
- golang-github-cockroachdb-datadriven
- golang-github-containerd-go-cni
- golang-github-gogo-googleapis
- golang-github-jcmturner-gokrb5.v8
- golang-github-knetic-govaluate
- golang-github-morikuni-aec
- golang-github-philhofer-fwd
- golang-github-stoewer-go-strcase
- golang-golang-x-arch
- gramophone2
- gsad
- gsocket
- gvm-tools
- haskell-aeson-qq
- haskell-boomerang
- haskell-cryptohash-sha256
- haskell-decimal
- haskell-gi-dbusmenu
- haskell-githash
- haskell-mersenne-random-pure64
- haskell-oeis
- haskell-prettyprinter-compat-ansi-wl-pprint
- haskell-sql-words
- haskell-tuple
- haskell-word-wrap
- haskell-x509-util
- haskell-xml-helpers
- ibuffer-projectile
- ido-ubiquitous
- imx-usb-loader
- indi-gphoto
- jflex
- jmodeltest
- jpylyzer
- jsdoc-toolkit
- jsonpath-ng
- kickpass
- lacme
- libalgorithm-backoff-perl
- libbpp-raa
- libbusiness-creditcard-perl
- libcatmandu-marc-perl
- libcdb-file-perl
- libcpan-requirements-dynamic-perl
- libcrypt-openssl-pkcs10-perl
- libdublincore-record-perl
- libemail-mime-createhtml-perl
- libextutils-hascompiler-perl
- libfile-cache-perl
- libfile-spec-native-perl
- libhtml-display-perl
- libi18n-acceptlanguage-perl
- libjamon-java
- libjs-dropzone
- liblouisxml
- liblwp-protocol-psgi-perl
- libmath-polygon-perl
- libmessage-passing-perl
- libmodule-want-perl
- libnet-amqp-perl
- libnet-traceroute-perl
- libpandoc-wrapper-perl
- libperl-critic-policy-variables-prohibitlooponhash-perl
- libpll
- libpod-xhtml-perl
- libpostscript-simple-perl
- libsml
- libsoldout
- libstatistics-pca-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-latex-perl
- libtest-inline-perl
- libtext-findindent-perl
- libtickit
- libwww-mechanize-shell-perl
- libxml-filter-xslt-perl
- libxml-libxml-iterator-perl
- libzbd
- libzonemaster-ldns-perl
- lz4tools
- mangler
- mapdamage
- megahit
- metabat
- mina2
- minicoredumper
- mintpy
- naturaldocs
- no-littering-el
- node-client-sessions
- node-ip-address
- node-nomnom
- node-sqlite3
- ocaml-ladspa
- org-tree-slide
- paramspider
- parsero
- pass-audit
- pgcopydb
- php-dflydev-dot-access-data
- php-opis-closure
- piglit
- postgresql-debversion
- presentty
- projecteur
- pygls
- pymap3d
- pystemd
- pytest-mpl
- python-aiohttp-oauthlib
- python-biplist
- python-bitcoinlib
- python-crossrefapi
- python-django-timezone-field
- python-expecttest
- python-intervaltree-bio
- python-omemo
- python-py-zipkin
- python-pyrss2gen
- python-redmine
- python-shelxfile
- python-smoke-zephyr
- python-treetime
- qcalcfilehash
- quorum
- r-cran-fingerprint
- r-cran-genie
- r-cran-genieclust
- r-cran-lsd
- r-cran-matlab
- r-cran-poissonbinomial
- r-cran-r2d2
- r-cran-r2html
- r-cran-shinycssloaders
- r-cran-tidytext
- ragout
- rake-compiler
- rapidxml
- ratfor
- reprounzip
- rocfft
- ros2-ament-cmake-ros
- ruby-base32
- ruby-fastimage
- ruby-hdfeos5
- ruby-ice-nine
- ruby-jekyll-sitemap
- ruby-orm-adapter
- ruby-raabro
- ruby-rack-attack
- ruby-responders
- ruby-rushover
- ruby-simplecov
- ruby-simplecov-html
- rust-backtrace-sys
- rust-cargo-c
- rust-dirs
- rust-float-ord
- rust-gstreamer-base-sys
- rust-pathfinder-geometry
- rust-pathfinder-simd
- rust-plotters-backend
- rust-plotters-svg
- rust-raw-window-handle
- rust-ring
- rust-signal-hook
- rust-untrusted
- rust-wait-timeout
- shelxle
- simgrid
- skiboot
- sockperf
- sollya
- spass
- ssocr
- survivor
- taggrepper
- tdiary
- texext
- tiddit
- tinyssh
- tllist
- toppic
- twms
- uc-echo
- uif
- wapua
- whatmaps
- xkbind
- yatm
- yubiserver
- aiomysql
- altos
- ap51-flash
- apache-log4j-extras1.2
- apk-parser
- apwal
- ariba
- auto64fto32f
- bcalm
- beads
- berrynet
- blahtexml
- bottlerocket
- bustools
- butteraugli
- ciftilib
- cl-csv
- cl-fftw3
- cl-trivial-utf-8
- coolmail
- cyclonedds
- deepin-album
- diff-pdf-wx
- doit
- efibootguard
- emacs-kv
- emacs-orgalist
- erlang-luerl
- festvox-kallpc8k
- filetraq
- filtlong
- fortune-zh
- fountain-mode
- fsmark
- gensim
- geventhttpclient
- ggd-utils
- git-repo-updater
- gitless
- gmailieer
- gnome-model-thumbnailer
- golang-github-glycerine-go-unsnap-stream
- golang-github-ishidawataru-sctp
- golang-github-moby-locker
- googleplay-api
- gprofng-gui
- graph-tool
- gsutil
- haserl
- haskell-authenticate-oauth
- haskell-classy-prelude
- haskell-gi-cairo-connector
- haskell-gi-gdkx11
- haskell-hindent
- haskell-js-flot
- haskell-markdown
- haskell-monoid-subclasses
- haskell-rate-limit
- haskell-say
- haskell-shake
- haskell-singletons
- haskell-time-units
- haskell-unlambda
- haskell-xml-hamlet
- haskell-yi-keymap-emacs
- holes
- hp48cc
- icecream-sundae
- ikarus
- istgt
- jupyter-kernel-test
- kew
- kmerresistance
- lcd4linux
- lektor
- libauthen-simple-passwd-perl
- libbio-searchio-hmmer-perl
- libcolor-library-perl
- libcolor-scheme-perl
- libcrypt-openssl-ec-perl
- libdancer2-plugin-database-perl
- libemail-reply-perl
- libextutils-cbuilder-perl
- libfile-dircompare-perl
- libfile-userconfig-perl
- libformat-human-bytes-perl
- libgeo-shapelib-perl
- libgraph-nauty-perl
- libhtml-formhandler-perl
- libhtml-template-pluggable-perl
- libipc-run-safehandles-perl
- libjaudiotagger-java
- libjs-qunit
- libjson-java
- liblinux-io-prio-perl
- libmarc-perl
- libnet-idn-nameprep-perl
- libnet-managesieve-perl
- libparse-exuberantctags-perl
- libpod-pandoc-perl
- libppix-editortools-perl
- librdf-trin3-perl
- libregexp-grammars-perl
- libscalar-defer-perl
- libschedule-cron-events-perl
- libtest-failwarnings-perl
- libunicode-casefold-perl
- libxeddsa
- lmdbxx
- lua-cosmo
- modem-cmd
- mpdcon.app
- mrmpi
- mypy-protobuf
- ngmlr
- nitpic
- node-ansi-font
- node-babel-loader
- node-bindings
- node-eventsource
- node-graphlibrary
- node-original
- node-pinkie
- node-pinkie-promise
- node-sockjs
- node-sockjs-client
- obitools
- only
- orca-sops
- orderless
- orthanc-dicomweb
- palbart
- perl-byacc
- pgstat
- php-laravel-serializable-closure
- php-nette-schema
- php-nette-utils
- php-ramsey-collection
- php-sql-formatter
- pimd
- pinfish
- pmw
- postmark
- pprofile
- prctl
- prinseq-lite
- procenv
- psortb
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt
- pygccjit
- pytest-flask
- pytest-xvfb
- python-bidi
- python-deeptools
- python-django-csp
- python-django-rest-framework-guardian
- python-drf-spectacular
- python-geotiepoints
- python-injector
- python-junit-xml
- python-pathvalidate
- python-serializable
- python-socketio-client
- python-stripe
- python-suntime
- python-threadloop
- qpsmtpd
- quickroute-gps
- qwertone
- r-bioc-purecn
- r-bioc-titancna
- r-cran-gwidgets
- r-cran-huge
- r-cran-ksamples
- r-cran-optimalcutpoints
- r-cran-propclust
- resfinder
- ripe-atlas-sagan
- ruby-devise
- ruby-fugit
- ruby-jmespath
- ruby-otr-activerecord
- ruby-state-machines
- ruby-twitter-text
- rust-async-net
- rust-bincode
- rust-font-kit
- rust-http
- rust-httpdate
- rust-markdown
- rust-meow-cli
- rust-num-iter
- rust-plotters
- rust-plotters-bitmap
- rust-pulldown-cmark
- rust-sha1collisiondetection
- scoary
- seergdb
- skesa
- skewer
- sphinx-press-theme
- sphinxcontrib-mermaid
- sphinxcontrib-restbuilder
- sphinxtesters
- spin
- sreview
- srst2
- stardict-czech
- stormlib
- suggest-el
- svtools
- test-check-clojure
- tkrzw
- tlog
- tomcat-jakartaee-migration
- tools-trace-clojure
- trojan
- tuigreet
- tup
- umps3
- usbauth
- vim-gruvbox
- virulencefinder
- vmatch
- w9wm
- wf-shell
- xininfo
- xir
- xmodem
- zonemaster-cli
- a56
- accel-config
- ace-link
- adaptive-wrap
- adwaita-icon-theme-legacy
- aewm++
- any2fasta
- apertium-anaphora
- aspell-or
- bioawk
- biobambam2
- biomaj3-zipkin
- braillefont
- charts4j
- cl-garbage-pools
- cl-utilities
- clj-tuple-clojure
- cloud-sptheme
- crossfire-maps
- daps
- debpear
- django-pipeline
- django-redis
- dl10n
- draai
- dumpet
- elpa-snakemake
- emacs-lintian
- emacs-smeargle
- enum
- eztrace
- fcitx5-solarized
- ferret
- flask-peewee
- flycheck-package
- foomuuri
- fwsnort
- golang-github-acarl005-stripansi
- golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer
- golang-github-go-openapi-jsonreference
- golang-github-go-openapi-swag
- golang-github-google-cel-go
- golang-github-munnerz-goautoneg
- golang-github-roaringbitmap-roaring
- golang-github-ulikunitz-xz
- gom
- haskell-abstract-deque
- haskell-base-prelude
- haskell-cmark
- haskell-dependent-sum-template
- haskell-foldl
- haskell-generic-random
- haskell-gtk-strut
- haskell-monad-par-extras
- haskell-network-multicast
- haskell-operational
- haskell-parseargs
- haskell-refact
- haskell-simple-reflect
- haskell-text-show
- haskell-yi-misc-modes
- hexwalk
- hitch
- html2wml
- hydroffice.bag
- icheck
- importmagic
- jitterdebugger
- junitparser
- klaus
- kleborate
- lamarc
- ledger-autosync
- lfortran
- libahp-gt
- libapache-session-wrapper-perl
- libapache2-mod-log-slow
- libclass-dbi-fromcgi-perl
- libclass-dbi-plugin-type-perl
- libconfig-autoconf-perl
- libcrypt-unixcrypt-perl
- libdata-alias-perl
- libdbix-safe-perl
- libdigest-md2-perl
- libdns-zoneparse-perl
- libgeo-google-mapobject-perl
- libhtml-tagcloud-perl
- libidna-punycode-perl
- libio-async-ssl-perl
- libjloda-java
- liblwp-authen-oauth-perl
- libmail-verp-perl
- libmarc-crosswalk-dublincore-perl
- libmarpa-r2-perl
- libmath-prime-util-gmp-perl
- libmath-prime-util-perl
- libmessage-passing-zeromq-perl
- libminion-perl
- libmkdoc-xml-perl
- libmoosex-poe-perl
- liborlite-migrate-perl
- libpgf
- libredis-fast-perl
- libsisimai-perl
- libstring-interpolate-perl
- libsvn-notify-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-number-format-perl
- libtest-synopsis-perl
- libtext-csv-unicode-perl
- libvbz-hdf-plugin
- libxml-sax-machines-perl
- lua-nginx-string
- lunar
- lutok
- lzd
- macsyfinder
- magics-python
- makepp
- matchbox
- mecat2
- meli
- message-templ
- microbegps
- mindthegap
- mininet
- mle
- nanofilt
- nanolyse
- nanosv
- netscript-2.4
- nitrokey-authenticator
- node-crc
- node-iconv
- node-plugin-error
- node-vlq
- o3dgc
- ocaml-mad
- ocaml-vorbis
- octave-video
- openmotor
- php-league-config
- phylonium
- pizzly
- postfix-gld
- postgresql-mysql-fdw
- potemkin-clojure
- prokka
- promod3
- pyconfigure
- pygac
- pymatgen
- pyscanfcs
- python-airr
- python-asyncio-mqtt
- python-crayons
- python-django-braces
- python-jaeger-client
- python-multipledispatch
- python-multisplitby
- python-sphinx-feature-classification
- python-sqt
- python-tmdbsimple
- qcat
- qt-avif-image-plugin
- r-bioc-consensusclusterplus
- r-cran-cmdfun
- r-cran-d3network
- r-cran-jrc
- r-cran-multidimbio
- r-cran-nozzle.r1
- r-cran-pkgcond
- r-cran-randomglm
- r-cran-robustrankaggreg
- resfinder-db
- riddley-clojure
- ripe-atlas-cousteau
- routine-update
- ruby-aws-eventstream
- ruby-aws-sigv4
- ruby-axiom-types
- ruby-coercible
- ruby-descendants-tracker
- ruby-jar-dependencies
- ruby-licensee
- ruby-nenv
- ruby-sentry-raven
- ruby-train
- ruby-virtus
- rust-darling-macro
- rust-getopts
- rust-hkdf
- rust-hostname
- rust-ident-case
- rust-match-cfg
- rust-qoi
- rust-rustls
- rust-rustls-native-certs
- rust-rustls-pemfile
- rust-sct
- rust-tinytemplate
- rust-tre-command
- salmid
- scrappie
- select-xface
- sesman
- sibelia
- sphinxcontrib-autoprogram
- squidtaild
- st-console
- stone
- sword-comm-scofield
- sysconftool
- terminews
- testrepository
- thesias
- ukui-greeter
- uprightdiff
- vmdk-stream-converter
- wmfrog
- x4d-icons
- xjobs
- abi-monitor
- abydos
- aephea
- aiohttp-cors
- aiohttp-wsgi
- alevt
- ani-cli
- aribas
- asmix
- autosize.js
- bdebstrap
- beginend-el
- bfh-metapackages
- biomaj3
- biomaj3-download
- biomaj3-process
- biomaj3-user
- bpftop
- bytes-circle
- cado
- caffeine-cache
- capsule-nextflow
- cdkr
- cl-command-line-arguments
- cl-regex
- cl-yason
- cpan-listchanges
- crashme
- cwebx
- damapper
- dasel
- dbf
- dds2tar
- drop-seq
- emacs-db
- emacs-lsp-haskell
- emacs-web-server
- emacs-world-time-mode
- emmax
- evil-paredit-el
- finbin
- fonts-schraubenkiste
- gajim-lengthnotifier
- golang-github-cheekybits-genny
- golang-github-influxdata-yarpc
- golang-github-juju-ansiterm
- golang-github-opencontainers-runtime-tools
- golang-github-opennota-urlesc
- golang-github-puerkitobio-purell
- golang-github-vividcortex-ewma
- golang-go-zfs
- golang-gvisor-gvisor
- gosa-plugins-sudo
- haskell-bencode
- haskell-constraints-extras
- haskell-dec
- haskell-dependent-map
- haskell-ed25519
- haskell-esqueleto
- haskell-finite-field
- haskell-gtk-sni-tray
- haskell-hcwiid
- haskell-hsemail
- haskell-hsyslog
- haskell-http-common
- haskell-incremental-parser
- haskell-integer-conversion
- haskell-ixset-typed
- haskell-monadlib
- haskell-network-control
- haskell-numeric-extras
- haskell-persistent-postgresql
- haskell-random-fu
- haskell-scanner
- haskell-timeit
- haskell-toml-parser
- haskell-warp-tls
- haskell-wl-pprint-annotated
- haskell-xdg-desktop-entry
- icingaweb2-module-reactbundle
- iptotal
- konfont
- landslide
- laserboy
- lefse
- libatomic-queue
- libb-compiling-perl
- libcache-memcached-libmemcached-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-dbh-perl
- libconvert-ascii85-perl
- libconvert-color-xterm-perl
- libcrypt-cast5-perl
- libdata-hexdumper-perl
- libdata-walk-perl
- libdate-leapyear-perl
- libdatetime-format-db2-perl
- libdatetime-timezone-systemv-perl
- libdbicx-testdatabase-perl
- libgraphics-color-perl
- libgraphics-colornames-www-perl
- libhtml-template-expr-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-mediawiki-perl
- libitl-gobject
- liblingua-stopwords-perl
- libmarkdown-php
- libmojolicious-plugin-i18n-perl
- libnet-async-http-perl
- libnet-ip-minimal-perl
- libnet-twitter-lite-perl
- libparse-bbcode-perl
- libreoffice-canzeley-client
- libspreadsheet-wright-perl
- libstring-diff-perl
- libsvn-look-perl
- libsyntax-keyword-gather-perl
- libtest-exception-lessclever-perl
- libtest-expect-perl
- libtest-trap-perl
- libtex-encode-perl
- libtie-refhash-weak-perl
- libtk-filedialog-perl
- libwarnings-illegalproto-perl
- libwebservice-validator-html-w3c-perl
- libwww-mechanize-treebuilder-perl
- libxml-rsslite-perl
- libxml-semanticdiff-perl
- libxml-um-perl
- libxml-validator-schema-perl
- linum-relative
- lua-lxc
- lua-unit
- luola-nostalgy
- memkind
- mona
- node-first-chunk-stream
- node-rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- node-sourcemap-codec
- node-split2
- node-vue-resource
- nsscache
- obs-time-source
- olpc-powerd
- ontospy
- open-font-design-toolkit
- openmsx-debugger
- opsin
- optimir
- pairtools
- paleomix
- perlbal
- php-geos
- phpcpd
- pilercr
- powa-archivist
- proxy-vole
- pybel
- pygmsh
- pyreflink
- python-depinfo
- python-django-split-settings
- python-flaky
- python-halo
- python-kanboard
- python-mailer
- python-msoffcrypto-tool
- python-netdisco
- python-pyglfw
- python-roundrobin
- python-scitrack
- python-trx-python
- python-ws4py
- qcumber
- qoi
- r-cran-statcheck
- rambo-k
- readucks
- reprozip
- rex
- ripe-atlas-tools
- ruby-dry-inflector
- ruby-rack-cache
- ruby-rack-cors
- ruby-rails-assets-emojione
- ruby-re2
- ruby-sshkit
- ruby-typed-array
- runsnakerun
- rust-ab-glyph
- rust-approx
- rust-block-padding
- rust-cast
- rust-cipher
- rust-elfx86exts
- rust-native-tls
- rust-netlink-sys
- rust-onig
- rust-oorandom
- rust-owned-ttf-parser
- rust-rustdoc-stripper
- rust-smol
- rust-ufmt-write
- rust-wayland-backend
- sasdata
- sass-elisp
- seqsero
- shellex
- smrtanalysis
- sms4you
- sphinxcontrib-actdiag
- sphinxcontrib-nwdiag
- spinner
- svim
- tika
- tnseq-transit
- todo.txt-gtd
- tombo
- traittypes
- travis
- tuiwidgets
- uncalled
- undertime
- vdesk
- vectorgraphics2d
- wmxres
- yabar
- yanagiba
- zigpy
- zmakebas
- ace-popup-menu
- afnix
- aioftp
- aiosmtplib
- amiga-fdisk
- ansi
- apertium-eng-cat
- asciimathtml
- ataqv
- auto-install-el
- bazel-platforms
- bdf2sfd
- bigdoc
- bitlbee-mastodon
- bitshuffle
- carrotsearch-hppc
- char-menu-el
- cl-lparallel
- cl-sqlite
- compreffor
- cvise
- dh-perl6
- dimmer-el
- django-downloadview
- elan
- emacs-haskell-tab-indent
- emacs-pass-mode
- erlang-p1-oauth2
- etm
- eurephia
- falselogin
- fetch-crl
- finalcif
- fookb
- ftpmirror
- gmsl
- gnome-kiosk
- golang-bazil-fuse
- golang-github-bits-and-blooms-bitset
- golang-github-boltdb-bolt
- golang-github-fullsailor-pkcs7
- golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo
- golang-github-oklog-run
- golang-github-youmark-pkcs8
- gradle-apt-plugin
- hadori
- haskell-cond
- haskell-ghc-lib-parser
- haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3
- haskell-gloss-rendering
- haskell-knob
- haskell-language-c
- haskell-recaptcha
- haskell-sbv
- haskell-tasty-rerun
- haskell-th-reify-compat
- haskell-torrent
- haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson
- ipadic
- iwgtk
- jarchivelib
- jbbp
- kanboard
- libapache-mod-removeip
- libchado-perl
- libclass-autoloadcan-perl
- libclass-dbi-asform-perl
- libcpan-mini-perl
- libcrypt-u2f-server-perl
- libdbix-class-encodedcolumn-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-changelogfromgit-perl
- libgeometry-primitive-perl
- libhtml-escape-perl
- libhttp-request-params-perl
- libjmac-java
- libjs-edit-area
- libjung-free-java
- libla4j-java
- liblinux-pid-perl
- libmail-listdetector-perl
- libmath-cartesian-product-perl
- libmath-utils-perl
- libmemoize-memcached-perl
- liboggplay
- libperl-critic-community-perl
- libpod-abstract-perl
- libpoe-component-resolver-perl
- libsoftware-release-perl
- libstatistics-r-perl
- libsys-info-base-perl
- libtest-fork-perl
- libtest-kwalitee-perl
- libtest-without-module-perl
- libxml-rss-feed-perl
- libxml-rss-simplegen-perl
- libxml-sax-expat-incremental-perl
- libyaml-appconfig-perl
- libzeep
- logtools
- lua-psl
- matekbd-keyboard-display
- maven-antrun-plugin
- maven-plugin-testing
- md2term
- mpl-sphinx-theme
- mu-cite
- mwparserfromhell
- nagios-plugins-rabbitmq
- nat-rtsp
- node-debug-fabulous
- node-fuzzaldrin-plus
- node-jquery-ujs
- nqc
- nwg-displays
- openqa
- openvanilla-modules
- orocos-bfl
- paxtest
- perlimports
- php-excimer
- plasmidid
- plexus-resources
- plopfolio.app
- pmuninstall
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-concat
- py-stringmatching
- pyrad
- pysodium
- pysubnettree
- pytest-pep8
- python-aiohttp-security
- python-bel-resources
- python-django-rules
- python-djangosaml2
- python-dnsq
- python-easysnmp
- python-flask-sockets
- python-msmb-theme
- python-pbcommand
- python-rpaths
- python-tablib
- python-testfixtures
- python-time-machine
- python-wsgilog
- python-xapian-haystack
- qdl
- r-bioc-destiny
- r-bioc-dropletutils
- r-bioc-hypergraph
- r-cran-dendsort
- r-cran-gwidgetstcltk
- r-cran-isospecr
- r-cran-mediana
- r-cran-postlogic
- r-cran-rcdklibs
- reclass
- recursive-narrow
- rhonabwy
- ruby-aes-key-wrap
- ruby-aws-partitions
- ruby-aws-sdk-core
- ruby-bindata
- ruby-chronic-duration
- ruby-declarative
- ruby-delayer
- ruby-emot
- ruby-gon
- ruby-icalendar
- ruby-journey
- ruby-rack-accept
- ruby-redis-client
- ruby-reverse-markdown
- ruby-rspec-logsplit
- ruby-rsync
- ruby-saml
- ruby-sidekiq-cron
- ruby-state-machines-activemodel
- ruby-state-machines-activerecord
- ruby-timfel-krb5-auth
- ruby-vmstat
- rust-aes
- rust-annotate-snippets
- rust-cargo-binutils
- rust-core-maths
- rust-criterion
- rust-defmt
- rust-defmt-macros
- rust-defmt-parser
- rust-encoding-index-tests
- rust-eyre
- rust-hash32
- rust-heapless
- rust-libwebp-sys
- rust-rand-distr
- rust-term-size
- s3curl
- satdump
- search-ccsb
- seqan-raptor
- sop-java
- spatial4j
- sphinxcontrib-doxylink
- sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet
- splitpatch
- subtle
- suck
- sup
- super-save-el
- termpaint
- tty-share
- uap-core
- ui-utilcpp
- ukui-biometric-manager
- upse
- vg
- abi-tracker
- aewm++-goodies
- amideco
- appstream-generator
- aspell-kn
- augur
- biomaj3-daemon
- bip
- bootstrap-flask
- buildstream
- capistrano
- cdde
- citar
- cl-abnf
- cl-asdf-finalizers
- datapacker
- debgpt
- depqbf
- dh-ada-library
- dired-quick-sort
- docbook-ebnf
- duecredit
- emacs-debase
- fauhdlc
- faultstat
- feedbackd-device-themes
- flask-ldapconn
- flexml
- fusefile
- glirc
- golang-github-bmizerany-assert
- golang-github-bwesterb-go-ristretto
- golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql
- golang-github-mattn-go-shellwords
- golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2
- golang-github-tidwall-pretty
- golden-ratio-el
- haskell-bimap
- haskell-broadcast-chan
- haskell-dbus-hslogger
- haskell-gi-gtk-hs
- haskell-git-mediate
- haskell-hledger-lib
- haskell-hopenpgp
- haskell-libxml-sax
- haskell-mueval
- haskell-options
- haskell-reform
- haskell-scotty
- haskell-storable-record
- haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb
- hasktags
- hinge
- hostsed
- httest
- insilicoseq
- kcc
- kephra
- kytos-sphinx-theme
- lecm
- lhs2tex
- libauthen-sasl-scram-perl
- libbash
- libcatalyst-model-adaptor-perl
- libcatmandu-store-elasticsearch-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-autorunmode-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-devpopup-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl
- libdata-parsebinary-perl
- libdbix-recordset-perl
- libdebug
- libdevel-declare-parser-perl
- libdist-zilla-app-command-cover-perl
- libemail-folder-perl
- libextutils-xsbuilder-perl
- libfile-extattr-perl
- libfile-monitor-perl
- libjavascript-packer-perl
- libjorbis-java
- libkysdk-applications
- libkysdk-base
- liblocales-perl
- libmceliece
- libmodule-extract-version-perl
- libmonitoring-livestatus-perl
- libmoosex-insideout-perl
- libmoosex-undeftolerant-perl
- libmoox-role-logger-perl
- libnet-scp-expect-perl
- libnet-whois-parser-perl
- libodb-pgsql
- libperldoc-search-perl
- libpetal-utils-perl
- libpoe-component-server-simplehttp-perl
- librdf-prefixes-perl
- libregexp-shellish-perl
- librouteros
- libscalar-util-numeric-perl
- libswish-api-common-perl
- libsyntax-keyword-match-perl
- libtest-http-server-simple-perl
- libtext-affixes-perl
- libtext-mediawikiformat-perl
- libtk-objscanner-perl
- libuemf
- libur-perl
- libversion-compare-perl
- libweb-simple-perl
- libxml-hash-lx-perl
- libxml-node-perl
- libxml-parser-lite-tree-perl
- lisaac
- litmus
- logzero
- lusernet.app
- memtool
- mha4mysql-node
- mkdocs-autorefs
- mkdocs-literate-nav
- mobile-tweaks
- mod-vhost-ldap
- mruby
- mtail
- node-dagre-layout
- node-gulp-sourcemaps
- node-is-reference
- node-mysql
- node-test
- node-three-stl-loader
- nsync
- ocaml-fileutils
- ocaml-pulseaudio
- offpunk
- parafly
- pen
- phploc
- pique
- plr
- posixsignalmanager
- postgresql-unit
- powerdebug
- previsat
- progressbar2
- prometheus-ipmi-exporter
- prometheus-mqtt-exporter
- pv-grub-menu
- pycoqc
- pycorrfit
- pyicloud
- pyprojroot
- pyqi
- python-aioopenssl
- python-catalogue
- python-cigar
- python-cogent
- python-flask-jwt-extended
- python-flask-marshmallow
- python-inject
- python-maison
- python-nh3
- python-pylatexenc
- python-pylibdmtx
- python-pyspoa
- python-requirements-detector
- python-simplenote
- python-srsly
- python-x3dh
- qt-advanced-docking-system
- qtxdg-tools
- r-bioc-lpsymphony
- r-cran-fancova
- r-cran-gsubfn
- r-cran-hash
- r-cran-logger
- r-cran-rcdk
- r-cran-rslurm
- radlib
- randmac
- recan
- requests-aws
- ruby-attr-required
- ruby-aws-sdk-kms
- ruby-aws-sdk-s3
- ruby-citrus
- ruby-declarative-option
- ruby-delayer-deferred
- ruby-diva
- ruby-fog-local
- ruby-hoe
- ruby-inline
- ruby-instance-storage
- ruby-mail-room
- ruby-nokogumbo
- ruby-password
- ruby-pluggaloid
- ruby-premailer
- ruby-redis-actionpack
- ruby-redis-rack
- ruby-redis-store
- ruby-retriable
- ruby-rufus-scheduler
- ruby-uber
- ruptime
- rust-anes
- rust-ascii
- rust-ciborium
- rust-ciborium-io
- rust-ciborium-ll
- rust-gl-generator
- rust-h2
- rust-khronos-api
- rust-mime
- rust-miow
- rust-phf-codegen
- rust-users
- rust-webp
- rust-xkbcommon
- savvy
- sexplib310
- sfront
- shelr
- sphinx-notfound-page
- sphinx-paramlinks
- sphinxcontrib-asyncio
- spigot
- sword-comm-tdavid
- syrep
- tkdnd
- trac-wysiwyg
- transmission-el
- txdbus
- ukui-control-center
- urweb
- wmmisc
- wmtv
- xcite
- xdg-terminal-exec
- xmpp-dns
- zemberek
- zzz-to-char
- aft
- amispammer
- apertium-fr-es
- atomes
- bamclipper
- binutils-or1k-elf
- bitlbee-facebook
- borgstore
- brickos
- brutefir
- btchip-python
- btyacc
- calypso
- capstats
- cconv
- changeo
- chartkick.js
- cl-heredoc
- cl-log
- cl-mssql
- cl-qmynd
- click-man
- codegroup
- confusable-homoglyphs
- dbar
- deepin-gettext-tools
- django-classy-tags
- dkopp
- dvdtape
- edict-el
- emacs-buttercup
- emacs-discomfort
- emacs-fossil
- emelfm2-svg-icons
- eshell-up
- fcitx5-fbterm
- firefox-esr-mobile-config
- flye
- fortunate.app
- git-pw
- golang-github-14rcole-gopopulate
- golang-github-apex-log
- golang-github-cloudflare-circl
- golang-github-docopt-docopt-go
- golang-github-go-logr-logr
- golang-github-mdlayher-socket
- golang-github-oklog-ulid
- golang-github-rs-cors
- golang-github-xdg-go-pbkdf2
- golang-github-xdg-go-scram
- golang-github-xdg-go-stringprep
- halibut
- haskell-aws
- haskell-bloomfilter
- haskell-data-accessor
- haskell-exception-transformers
- haskell-fdo-notify
- haskell-heaps
- haskell-hedgehog
- haskell-hxt-http
- haskell-iso8601-time
- haskell-lazy-csv
- haskell-memoize
- haskell-misfortune
- haskell-ormolu
- haskell-pipes-attoparsec
- haskell-psqueue
- haskell-swish
- haskell-tasty-hedgehog
- haskell-tls-session-manager
- haskell-trifecta
- haskell-vector-hashtables
- haskell-wai-websockets
- haskell-wizards
- haskell-yesod-test
- haskell-yi-mode-haskell
- home-assistant-bluetooth
- ibus-zhuyin
- idm-console-framework
- ido-vertical-mode
- ignition-plugin
- imap-tools
- ippl
- jakarta-annotation-api
- jardiff
- l2tpns
- lasi
- libapp-cli-perl
- libauthen-krb5-simple-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-forward-perl
- libclass-dbi-fromform-perl
- libclass-default-perl
- libcm256cc
- libcommonmark-perl
- libconfig-merge-perl
- libconfigreader-perl
- libdaemon-control-perl
- libdata-rmap-perl
- libdata-validate-email-perl
- libdebug-trace-perl
- libdumbtts
- libfile-finder-perl
- libgeo-coordinates-utm-perl
- libgetopt-argparse-perl
- libio-bufferedselect-perl
- libisfreetype-java
- liblib-abs-perl
- liblog-dispatch-configurator-any-perl
- libmail-rbl-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-authentication-perl
- libmoosex-meta-typeconstraint-forcecoercion-perl
- libmoosex-simpleconfig-perl
- libmoox-log-any-perl
- libmp3spi-java
- libnet-httpserver-perl
- libpandoc-elements-perl
- libparse-errorstring-perl-perl
- libpdf-report-perl
- libpgp-sign-perl
- libregexp-stringify-perl
- libscgi-perl
- libset-tiny-perl
- libsndifsdl2
- libsort-key-top-perl
- libsphinx
- libspreadsheet-writeexcel-simple-perl
- libtemplate-autofilter-perl
- libterm-clui-perl
- libterm-slang-perl
- libtime-progress-perl
- libtk-gbarr-perl
- libtk-splashscreen-perl
- libtypes-datetime-perl
- libwebservice-solr-perl
- libxml-atom-simplefeed-perl
- libxml-opml-simplegen-perl
- loadwatch
- locust
- lsp-java
- lua-lemock
- midge
- mini-buildd
- mmark
- mojoshader
- mopidy-beets
- mopidy-scrobbler
- morfologik-stemming2
- mseed2sac
- msolve
- mtbl
- nagios-check-xmppng
- ngetty
- node-dagre-d3-renderer
- nototools
- ocaml-cohttp
- ocaml-odoc
- ocaml-qtest
- ocaml-samplerate
- ocamlviz
- ol-notmuch
- osicat
- pasdoc
- pg-qualstats
- pg-stat-kcache
- php-embed
- pnopaste
- postgresql-plsh
- pybind11-json
- pybj
- python-ansicolors
- python-biotools
- python-cassandra-driver
- python-cloudscraper
- python-doubleratchet
- python-isoweek
- python-lupa
- python-measurement
- python-openapi-spec-validator
- python-orderedmultidict
- python-pallets-sphinx-themes
- python-pmw
- python-pyepsg
- python-pytest-flake8
- python-setoptconf
- python-termstyle
- python-ua-parser
- r-bioc-altcdfenvs
- r-bioc-degreport
- r-bioc-ihw
- r-bioc-makecdfenv
- r-bioc-megadepth
- r-bioc-sva
- r-cran-cmstatr
- r-cran-gb2
- r-cran-kohonen
- r-cran-mixsqp
- r-cran-sqldf
- radsecproxy
- reflex
- rime-double-pinyin
- roodi
- ros-bloom
- rsass
- ruby-fogbugz
- ruby-grape-entity
- ruby-hamlit
- ruby-ice-cube
- ruby-jsonpath
- ruby-net-dns
- ruby-omniauth-facebook
- ruby-omniauth-github
- ruby-omniauth-kerberos
- ruby-omniauth-multipassword
- ruby-omniauth-oauth
- ruby-rabl
- ruby-rack-oauth2
- ruby-recaptcha
- ruby-representable
- ruby-sasl
- ruby-stackprof
- ruby-svg-graph
- ruby-toml-rb
- ruby-version-sorter
- rust-alloc-no-stdlib
- rust-alloc-stdlib
- rust-c2-chacha
- rust-cfg-aliases
- rust-cookie
- rust-encoding-index-simpchinese
- rust-filetime
- rust-httparse
- rust-ipnet
- rust-libgit2-sys
- rust-libssh2-sys
- rust-names
- rust-opaque-debug
- rust-pangocairo-sys
- rust-remove-dir-all
- rust-sequoia-wot
- rust-sudo-rs
- rust-trust-dns-server
- rust-yansi-term
- rust-zstd-sys
- s3backer
- scaphandre
- sedparse
- shovill
- sphinx-reredirects
- sql-ledger
- stda
- svgpp
- swagger-spec-validator
- sympathy
- synadm
- talksoup.app
- tdbcodbc
- termineter
- tilemaker
- transforms3d
- trollimage
- trove
- ttyd
- twopaco
- varnam-schemes
- vdr-plugin-dvbsddevice
- vim-autopairs
- vkroots
- vtgrab
- vulkan-memory-allocator
- windows-el
- wtf-peewee
- xbrzscale
- xfaces
- yamdi
- yanosim
- yokadi
- zope.proxy
- agnostic-lizard
- apertium-spa-cat
- apertium-spa-ita
- arc-gui-clients
- ats2-lang
- bazel-rules-cc
- blur-effect
- botch
- catgirl
- cc1541
- ccbuild
- cd-circleprint
- cl-asdf-system-connections
- cl-esrap
- cl-ieee-floats
- cleo
- cplay-ng
- cricket
- cudf
- dianara
- dimbl
- django-sekizai
- djangorestframework-filters
- dlang-openssl
- dnscap
- doclifter
- donfig
- dotdrop
- dotty-dict
- drf-extensions
- dsmidiwifi
- dt-schema
- eegdev
- elfrc
- exec-path-from-shell-el
- fastani
- fastq-pair
- fava
- fonts-pretendard
- gcc-or1k-elf
- generator-scripting-language
- golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter
- golang-github-containers-ocicrypt
- golang-github-go-openapi-errors
- golang-github-go-openapi-spec
- golang-github-go-openapi-strfmt
- golang-github-google-blueprint
- golang-github-lucasb-eyer-go-colorful
- golang-github-protonmail-go-crypto
- golang-github-vbauerster-mpb
- golang-google-appengine
- golang-mongodb-mongo-driver
- gradle-propdeps-plugin
- grail
- haskell-annotated-wl-pprint
- haskell-categories
- haskell-cereal-conduit
- haskell-disk-free-space
- haskell-from-sum
- haskell-gd
- haskell-ghc-lib-parser-ex
- haskell-hsopenssl-x509-system
- haskell-libbf
- haskell-markdown-unlit
- haskell-retry
- haskell-servant
- haskell-stateref
- haskell-text-postgresql
- haskell-vty-unix
- hipfft
- ice-builder-gradle
- ifcplusplus
- ifupdown-multi
- ignition-physics
- imgsizer
- infnoise
- intake
- jabberd2
- jigsaw-generator
- jquery.sparkline
- jtex-base
- kas
- krb5-strength
- kyua
- legit
- libapache-asp-perl
- libarray-printcols-perl
- libattribute-storage-perl
- libbot-basicbot-perl
- libcgi-application-dispatch-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-configauto-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-fillinform-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-stream-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-viewcode-perl
- libclass-std-utils-perl
- libcpucycles
- libcrypt-cracklib-perl
- libdatetime-timezone-tzfile-perl
- libdbd-excel-perl
- libdirectory-scratch-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-githubmeta-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-ourpkgversion-perl
- libdjconsole
- libevhtp
- libextutils-f77-perl
- libforest-perl
- libgeography-countries-perl
- libgff
- libgit-pureperl-perl
- libgraphics-primitive-perl
- libhash-util-fieldhash-compat-perl
- libinfluxdb-lineprotocol-perl
- libirc-formatting-html-perl
- libjavascript-beautifier-perl
- libjson-pointer-perl
- libjson-types-perl
- libmail-thread-perl
- libmonkey-patch-perl
- libmoosex-method-signatures-perl
- libnet-openssh-compat-perl
- libpdb-redo
- libperlio-via-symlink-perl
- libsyntax-keyword-dynamically-perl
- libsys-info-driver-linux-perl
- libtest-eol-perl
- libtest-file-contents-perl
- libtest-script-perl
- libtgowt
- libthread-pool
- libunix-processors-perl
- libxml-parser-easytree-perl
- lodepng
- ltpanel
- m-buffer-el
- micropython-mpremote
- miwm
- node-clarinet
- node-fd-slicer
- node-generic-pool
- node-match-at
- node-postcss-load-config
- node-rollup-plugin-typescript
- node-strip-bom-stream
- node-three-orbit-controls
- ntcard
- nwg-clipman
- ocaml-angstrom
- ocaml-bigstringaf
- ocaml-parsexp
- ocaml-stringext
- ocaml-uri
- opentracker
- org-appear
- org-make-toc
- pass-tomb-basic
- performous-composer
- persepolis-lib
- php-ml-iri
- php-ml-json-ld
- php-oscarotero-html-parser
- php-phpstan-phpdoc-parser
- php-sabre-uri
- picotool
- pkg-haskell-tools
- pkwalify
- plyvel
- poe.app
- postal
- protobuf-java-format
- publican-debian
- pullseq
- pydrive2
- pyjdata
- python-chartkick
- python-commentjson
- python-django-babel
- python-duckpy
- python-easy-ansi
- python-fluids
- python-gtfparse
- python-lsp-ruff
- python-magcode-core
- python-memoized-property
- python-mne
- python-moderngl
- python-moderngl-window
- python-orderedset
- python-periphery
- python-phx-class-registry
- python-pyfakefs
- python-refurb
- python-rst2ansi
- python-saneyaml
- python-scruffy
- python-securesystemslib
- python-usb-devices
- python-xsdata
- quantlib-swig
- r-bioc-dupradar
- r-cran-bios2cor
- r-cran-rmutil
- r-cran-shapes
- r-cran-simplermarkdown
- r-other-wasabi
- restricted-ssh-commands
- roundcube-plugin-contextmenu
- roundcube-plugin-listcommands
- ruby-acts-as-taggable-on
- ruby-attr-encrypted
- ruby-babosa
- ruby-browser
- ruby-celluloid-extras
- ruby-curb
- ruby-dbus
- ruby-encryptor
- ruby-flexmock
- ruby-fog-google
- ruby-google-cloud-env
- ruby-grape
- ruby-json-jwt
- ruby-json-schema
- ruby-omniauth-google-oauth2
- ruby-premailer-rails
- ruby-rabl-rails
- rust-brotli-decompressor
- rust-clap-2
- rust-cloudabi
- rust-cookie-store
- rust-data-encoding
- rust-encoding-index-tradchinese
- rust-gl
- rust-goblin
- rust-http-body
- rust-hyper
- rust-inout
- rust-libslirp
- rust-psl-types
- rust-publicsuffix
- rust-rustversion
- rust-sequoia-openpgp
- rust-tower-service
- rust-try-lock
- rust-unarray
- rust-waker-fn
- rust-want
- rust-wayland-commons
- rust-zstd-safe
- scheme9
- sentineldl
- solid-pop3d
- sorl-thumbnail
- sphinx-autorun
- sphinx-celery
- sphinx-qt-documentation
- sphinx-testing
- sqlgrey
- stdsyslog
- tpm-quote-tools
- trollsift
- tryton-modules-account-de-skr03
- tweeper
- vdr-plugin-svdrposd
- volume-el
- windowlab
- winrmcp
- wokkel
- xandikos
- xml-maven-plugin
- xperia-flashtool
- xraylib
- zdbsp
- ziproxy
- acorn-fdisk
- aiopg
- alice
- ants
- apache-directory-api
- apache-directory-jdbm
- autoimport
- autorevision
- bats-support
- blag
- c-munipack
- c2x
- cecil
- centreon-plugins
- cfgrib
- cgvg
- cil
- cl-db3
- cl-mustache
- cl-quri
- cl-uuid
- clfswm
- commit-patch
- cpu-features
- debbugs
- debian-design
- debiancontributors
- density-fitness
- diod
- django-python3-ldap
- ecbuild
- eclipse-remote
- efingerd
- elpa-darkroom
- emacs-desktop-notification-center
- eshell-z
- eyebrowse-el
- findent
- flask-jwt-simple
- flask-mongoengine
- flask-multistatic
- gla11y
- golang-github-buger-jsonparser
- golang-github-fatih-structs
- golang-github-go-openapi-analysis
- golang-github-go-openapi-loads
- golang-github-go-openapi-runtime
- golang-github-go-openapi-validate
- golang-github-josharian-native
- golang-github-juju-ratelimit
- golang-github-mdlayher-netlink
- golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact
- golang-github-nfnt-resize
- golang-github-pborman-uuid
- gtg-trace
- gudhi
- guncat
- haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi
- haskell-gi-vte
- haskell-hackage-security
- haskell-hxt-tagsoup
- haskell-lens-aeson
- haskell-lzma
- haskell-mountpoints
- haskell-numbers
- haskell-quickcheck-simple
- haskell-rank2classes
- haskell-tasty-th
- haskell-termonad
- haskell-uuagc-cabal
- haskell-yi-frontend-vty
- hypopg
- icingaweb2-module-pdfexport
- icingaweb2-module-statusmap
- ignition-tools
- imsprog
- indi-eqmod
- ino-headers
- jacal
- jblas
- lamassemble
- larch
- libapache2-authcookie-perl
- libattean-perl
- libcal-dav-perl
- libcatalyst-view-petal-perl
- libcgi-application-basic-plugin-bundle-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-logdispatch-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-validaterm-perl
- libclass-inner-perl
- libdata-validate-perl
- libdate-holidays-de-perl
- libfile-tee-perl
- libgenome-perl
- libgetargs-long-perl
- libgoby-java
- libhtml-calendarmonthsimple-perl
- libhtml-packer-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-moinmoin-perl
- libinline-python-perl
- libmath-gradient-perl
- libmoosex-hasdefaults-perl
- libnet-ldap-sid-perl
- libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl
- librdf-ns-curated-perl
- libsphinx-search-perl
- libsvg-tt-graph-perl
- libtext-flow-perl
- libtext-ngram-perl
- libtext-sass-perl
- libtry-tiny-smartcatch-perl
- liburi-ws-perl
- libvorbisspi-java
- libwww-facebook-api-perl
- libxml-filter-sort-perl
- libxml-handler-composer-perl
- lttng-modules
- madness
- maven-assembly-plugin
- maven-source-plugin
- memchan
- mig
- mkdocstrings
- mmh
- msc-generator
- myproxy
- nanoflann
- ncdc
- nemo-compare
- neo
- nftlb
- node-callback-stream
- node-commist
- node-copy-webpack-plugin
- node-es6-map
- node-knockout
- node-markdown-it
- node-node-sass
- node-timeago.js
- node-uri-path
- node-vinyl-sourcemaps-apply
- ocaml-ao
- ocaml-dbus
- ocaml-xmlplaylist
- ocsipersist
- openmolcas
- openstack-cluster-installer
- openstereogram
- openstreetmap-carto
- oslo-sphinx
- pastel
- pg-catcheck
- pg-gvm
- pg-partman
- prjtrellis
- provean
- pyagentx
- pyaps3
- pybindgen
- pyric
- pyrr
- pysolid
- python-arabic-reshaper
- python-bioframe
- python-cgelib
- python-emmet-core
- python-furl
- python-hacking
- python-hdf5storage
- python-javaobj
- python-openapi-schema-validator
- python-pynlpl
- python-pysolr
- python-tinyalign
- python-urlobject
- qmk
- qt-color-widgets
- r-bioc-qusage
- r-bioc-s4arrays
- r-bioc-tcgabiolinksgui.data
- r-bioc-tximeta
- r-bioc-ucsc.utils
- r-cran-prevalence
- r-cran-rcppdist
- r-cran-sparr
- r-other-amsmercury
- robin-map
- rockhopper
- ros-image-transport-plugins
- roundcube-plugin-fail2ban
- roundcube-plugin-message-highlight
- roundcube-plugin-thunderbird-labels
- rttool
- ruby-ace-rails-ap
- ruby-akismet
- ruby-carrierwave
- ruby-celluloid-essentials
- ruby-celluloid-fsm
- ruby-celluloid-pool
- ruby-celluloid-supervision
- ruby-character-set
- ruby-devise-two-factor
- ruby-doorkeeper
- ruby-facade
- ruby-fssm
- ruby-graphql
- ruby-health-check
- ruby-htree
- ruby-macaddr
- ruby-murmurhash3
- ruby-omniauth-ldap
- ruby-omniauth-saml
- ruby-omniauth-twitter
- ruby-openssl-signature-algorithm
- ruby-pathname2
- ruby-threach
- ruby-thrift
- ruby-uuid
- runawk
- rust-array-init
- rust-chunked-transfer
- rust-env-logger-0.7
- rust-eui48
- rust-iovec
- rust-libsqlite3-sys
- rust-magic-wormhole-cli
- rust-memmap
- rust-net2
- rust-option-ext
- rust-pangocairo
- rust-phf-macros
- rust-rustls-webpki
- rust-sequoia-keyring-linter
- rust-serde-urlencoded
- rust-sniffglue
- rust-tokio-native-tls
- rust-zstd
- seqan-needle
- shoogle
- simplematch
- speakup-tools
- tdbcmysql
- theme-d
- tl-expected
- tortoize
- tracy
- uhttpmock0
- unity-java
- usbsdmux
- uwsgi-apparmor
- vdr-plugin-osdserver
- virt-firmware
- w3cam
- weechat-el
- wmail
- wmressel
- wxformbuilder
- xfpt
- xppaut
- xr-el
- alpine-chroot-install
- ample
- anorack
- api-sanity-checker
- asused
- audiolink
- bluraybackup
- blurhash-python
- bongo
- calife
- care
- cl-ixf
- cl-uax-15
- clj-stacktrace-clojure
- comet-ms
- cutesv
- deepin-log-viewer
- dh-rust
- didiwiki
- dircproxy
- dita-ot
- divxcomp
- django-wkhtmltopdf
- dnarrange
- dpb
- eclipse-cdt
- elm-mode
- esup-el
- factory-boy
- fbterm-ucimf
- flask-talisman
- fyi
- g10k
- gfxreconstruct
- git-auto-commit-mode
- golang-github-andybalholm-brotli
- golang-github-calmh-xdr
- golang-github-dimchansky-utfbom
- golang-github-google-go-intervals
- golang-github-huandu-xstrings
- golang-github-minio-sha256-simd
- golang-github-proglottis-gpgme
- golang-k8s-klog
- govarnam
- gradle-plugin-protobuf
- haskell-cereal-vector
- haskell-chart
- haskell-config-value
- haskell-data-accessor-mtl
- haskell-deepseq-generics
- haskell-focuslist
- haskell-generics-sop
- haskell-happstack-hsp
- haskell-hedis
- haskell-hierarchical-clustering
- haskell-hsyaml-aeson
- haskell-idna
- haskell-intern
- haskell-js-dgtable
- haskell-pqueue
- haskell-punycode
- haskell-servant-server
- haskell-show
- haskell-snap-templates
- haskell-template-haskell-compat-v0208
- haskell-text-binary
- haskell-xcb-types
- hdup
- hungry-delete-el
- indi-gpsd
- ip4r
- ispc
- jdim
- jglobus
- journal-brief
- jsdebugger
- jtreg7
- kcptun
- kthresher
- lcm
- libalgorithm-permute-perl
- libapp-cmd-plugin-prompt-perl
- libarchive-ar-perl
- libb-hooks-op-annotation-perl
- libbio-db-hts-perl
- libcatalyst-model-cdbi-perl
- libclass-perl
- libcss-packer-perl
- libcss-tiny-perl
- libdata-dmp-perl
- libdata-password-zxcvbn-perl
- libdata-showtable-perl
- libdatetime-format-dbi-perl
- libdbix-class-introspectablem2m-perl
- libdbix-class-schema-config-perl
- libdbix-class-tree-nestedset-perl
- libdevel-callsite-perl
- libdist-zilla-app-command-authordebs-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-run-perl
- libgraphics-primitive-driver-cairo-perl
- libhtml-tidy5-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-usemod-perl
- libhttp-response-encoding-perl
- libimglib2-java
- libjava-jdbc-clojure
- libjspeex-java
- libkdumpfile
- liblingua-identify-perl
- libmail-verify-perl
- libmojo-rabbitmq-client-perl
- libmoosex-types-json-perl
- libnamespace-sweep-perl
- libnet-mqtt-simple-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-set-misc
- libnhgri-blastall-perl
- libodb-boost
- libosmo-abis
- libphp-jabber
- libpixels-java
- libproc-fork-perl
- libprotocol-http2-perl
- librole-eventemitter-perl
- librose-uri-perl
- libstring-trim-more-perl
- libswe
- libsys-hostip-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-yaml-perl
- libterm-readline-zoid-perl
- libtest-class-most-perl
- libtest-command-perl
- libtest-harness-perl
- libtie-array-sorted-perl
- libtie-dbi-perl
- libunicode-japanese-perl
- liburi-query-perl
- libvpoll-eventfd
- libxisf
- libxml-dtdparser-perl
- libxml-opml-perl
- libxml-struct-perl
- localizer
- logapp
- luma.core
- makexvpics
- malt
- megan-ce
- minizinc-ide
- mkalias
- mrcal
- mwc
- mypager
- nbc
- newlisp
- node-buffers
- node-help-me
- node-mousetrap
- node-mqtt-packet
- node-normalize-range
- node-private
- node-reinterval
- node-rollup-plugin-terser
- node-vali-date
- node-yauzl
- nxtrim
- oasis3
- ocaml-csexp
- oflib
- ognl
- omd
- opencu
- opustags
- orafce
- pandoc-filter-diagram
- pass-update
- pdb-tools
- pg-snakeoil
- php-net-nntp
- php-psr-clock
- php-roundcube-rtf-html-php
- postgresql-numeral
- poweralertd
- ppx-import
- proftpd-mod-tar
- proxycheck
- pydecorate
- python-aalib
- python-aiohttp-openmetrics
- python-arpy
- python-braintree
- python-ete3
- python-exchangelib
- python-hmmlearn
- python-imapclient
- python-memprof
- python-mp-api
- python-noise
- python-oslo.limit
- python-pgpdump
- python-pysnmp4-apps
- python-streamz
- python-thinc
- python-transliterate
- python-upsetplot
- python-validate-pyproject
- qcom-phone-utils
- qrisk2
- quickjs
- quicktun
- r-bioc-bladderbatch
- r-cran-dirmult
- r-cran-labdsv
- r-cran-m2r
- r-cran-maotai
- r-cran-mpoly
- r-cran-orthopolynom
- r-cran-partitions
- r-cran-prophet
- r-cran-sampling
- r-cran-stable
- r-other-curvefdp
- r-other-iwrlars
- r-other-nitpick
- redshift-qt
- roundcube-plugin-dovecot-impersonate
- roundcube-plugin-html5-notifier
- roundcube-plugin-keyboard-shortcuts
- ruby-acme-client
- ruby-bio
- ruby-discordrb-webhooks
- ruby-dry-configurable
- ruby-dry-container
- ruby-dry-core
- ruby-dry-equalizer
- ruby-dry-logic
- ruby-dry-types
- ruby-extlib
- ruby-fixwhich
- ruby-flowdock
- ruby-fog-aws
- ruby-git-bump
- ruby-github-linguist
- ruby-jekyll-redirect-from
- ruby-mustermann-grape
- ruby-omniauth-auth0
- ruby-pdf-inspector
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery-nicescroll
- ruby-recursive-open-struct
- ruby-seed-fu
- ruby-traces
- ruby-truncato
- ruby-webfinger
- rust-arrayref
- rust-constant-time-eq
- rust-derive-more-impl
- rust-encoding-index-japanese
- rust-fuchsia-zircon
- rust-fuchsia-zircon-sys
- rust-geo-types
- rust-hyper-rustls
- rust-lru-cache
- rust-lzma-sys
- rust-memsec
- rust-mime-guess
- rust-pleaser
- rust-postgres-derive
- rust-postgres-protocol
- rust-postgres-types
- rust-proc-macro-crate-1
- rust-rgb
- rust-rust-decimal
- rust-serde-yaml
- rust-stringprep
- rust-toml-0.5
- rust-xattr
- sass-stylesheets-compass
- scrollz
- sffview
- shut-up
- ska
- sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme
- spiped
- starjava-auth
- straight.plugin
- systraq
- taglog
- tdbcpostgres
- tdiary-theme
- teseq
- testng7
- tryton-modules-account-payment-sepa-cfonb
- tz-converter
- ufl
- uhttpmock
- unidic-mecab
- usagestats
- vtprint
- wcc
- whalebuilder
- wiipdf
- wmxmms2
- wshowkeys
- xcolmix
- xmotd
- xraydb
- yi
- abcl
- alfred
- apertium-get
- archmbox
- argus-clients
- aseqjoy
- austin
- autotiling
- axmlrpc
- babel-minify
- babeld
- bats-assert
- bazel-rules-proto
- biboumi
- bison++
- bnfc
- bosh
- btest
- cachy
- ciso
- cognitive-complexity
- compass-blend-modes-plugin
- consfigurator
- couriergraph
- cppy
- cvsdelta
- darcsum
- delimmatch
- disk-filltest
- djangorestframework-gis
- dns-flood-detector
- dogecoin
- drawterm
- dvbackup
- ecflow
- elastix
- emacs-bind-map
- erlang-folsom
- extra-window-functions
- fangfrisch
- fcheck
- flake8-cognitive-complexity
- flake8-mutable
- ftxui
- gap-nq
- gap-radiroot
- gd4o
- geoalchemy2
- getdata
- golang-github-azure-go-autorest
- golang-github-go-errors-errors
- golang-github-gotk3-gotk3
- golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder
- golang-github-paypal-gatt
- golang-github-shopspring-decimal
- golang-github-tklauser-go-sysconf
- golang-github-tklauser-numcpus
- gox
- gtamsanalyzer.app
- haskell-bytedump
- haskell-bytestring-progress
- haskell-cassava-megaparsec
- haskell-chasingbottoms
- haskell-cipher-camellia
- haskell-crypto-cipher-tests
- haskell-deriving-aeson
- haskell-dice-entropy-conduit
- haskell-dns
- haskell-formatting
- haskell-generic-lens-core
- haskell-git-lfs
- haskell-here
- haskell-hspec-wai
- haskell-http-download
- haskell-hxt-curl
- haskell-indexed-profunctors
- haskell-interpolate
- haskell-panic
- haskell-parameterized-utils
- haskell-prettyclass
- haskell-prim-uniq
- haskell-resolv
- haskell-rio-prettyprint
- haskell-tasty-golden
- haskell-tasty-hspec
- haskell-uglymemo
- haskell-utf8-light
- haskell-what4
- haskell-yesod-auth-oauth
- haskell-yesod-default
- hlins
- hoel
- hsmwiz
- ibus-table-extraphrase
- iipimage
- imaptool
- inform6-compiler
- inform6-library
- inheritenv
- iog
- isbnlib
- jasmin-sable
- jhove
- jtreg
- kgb-bot
- komposter
- ldap-git-backup
- levee
- libastro-fits-header-perl
- libbio-das-lite-perl
- libbio-tools-phylo-paml-perl
- libbio-tools-run-alignment-tcoffee-perl
- libcache-ref-perl
- libcarp-fix-1-25-perl
- libcatalyst-modules-extra-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-captcha-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-log-dispatch-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-setenv-perl
- libcdk-perl
- libcgi-ssi-perl
- libcgi-xml-perl
- libchart-clicker-perl
- libclass-tiny-chained-perl
- libcolor-calc-perl
- libcommandable-perl
- libconfig-identity-perl
- libcutl
- libcwd-guard-perl
- libdata-ical-datetime-perl
- libdbix-abstract-perl
- libdevice-modem-perl
- libdist-zilla-role-modulemetadata-perl
- libencode-base58-perl
- libeval-context-perl
- libfinance-quotehist-perl
- libfortune-perl
- libgeo-constants-perl
- libgeo-ellipsoids-perl
- libgeo-functions-perl
- libgit-raw-perl
- libgps-point-perl
- libhash-storediterator-perl
- libhostfile-manager-perl
- libhtml-widgets-selectlayers-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-oddmuse-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-pmwiki-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-snipsnap-perl
- libhttp-parser-perl
- libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl
- libisnativec-java
- libisrt-java
- libjs-jquery-timeago
- liblayout-manager-perl
- libmacaroons
- libnet-proxy-perl
- libosmo-netif
- libperl6-caller-perl
- libpgobject-perl
- libpoe-component-client-http-perl
- libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl
- libsmpp34
- libterm-query-perl
- libtest-email-perl
- libtest-unit-perl
- libtext-hunspell-perl
- libthread-serialize-perl
- libtickit-perl
- libtickit-widget-scroller-perl
- libtickit-widget-tabbed-perl
- libtickit-widgets-perl
- libtie-hash-indexed-perl
- libtime-stopwatch-perl
- libvar-pairs-perl
- libvcs-lite-perl
- libvdeslirp
- libxml-compacttree-perl
- libxml-compile-tester-perl
- libxml-dt-perl
- libxml-filter-saxt-perl
- litl
- lizzie
- looktxt
- lua-xmlrpc
- lwt-ssl
- manimpango
- matchbox-themes-extra
- mavibot
- mdbook
- mgen
- mon-contrib
- nanobind
- nextepc
- node-emotion
- node-expect.js
- node-file-loader
- node-grunt-contrib-uglify
- node-has-yarn
- node-headjs
- node-jake
- node-marked-man
- node-output-file-sync
- node-prosemirror-model
- node-raw-loader
- node-rollup-plugin-commonjs
- node-webpack-stats-plugin
- node-window-size
- nvpy
- ocaml-base64
- ocaml-faad
- ocsigenserver
- openstack-debian-images
- opt
- osmo-iuh
- paje.app
- palo
- plpgsql-check
- plsense
- pop3browser
- ppx-sexp-conv
- proglog
- psst
- pybdsf
- pydoctor
- pyhamtools
- pyninjotiff
- pynx
- pysrs
- pytest-instafail
- pytest-tempdir
- python-cs
- python-decouple
- python-diskimage-builder
- python-django-js-asset
- python-django-ratelimit
- python-docformatter
- python-gammu
- python-markuppy
- python-moderngl-glcontext
- python-ncls
- python-oldmemo
- python-oracledb
- python-orderedattrdict
- python-pairix
- python-pretend
- python-project-generator
- python-project-generator-definitions
- python-pymetar
- python-releases
- python-twomemo
- python-untokenize
- python-webdavclient
- python-xmlsec
- quantlib-refman-html
- quickflux
- r-bioc-affxparser
- r-bioc-bioccheck
- r-bioc-chemminer
- r-bioc-deseq
- r-bioc-edaseq
- r-bioc-fmcsr
- r-bioc-rwikipathways
- r-bioc-sparsearray
- r-bioc-tcgabiolinks
- r-cran-cutpointr
- r-cran-kernelheaping
- r-cran-rlinsolve
- r-cran-rnaturalearthdata
- r-cran-skimr
- r-cran-statip
- rcs-blame
- readlike
- reniced
- restfuldb
- robert-hooke
- roundcube-plugin-authres-status
- rpki-trust-anchors
- ruby-android-key-attestation
- ruby-cbor
- ruby-cfpropertylist
- ruby-faraday-follow-redirects
- ruby-fftw3
- ruby-fog-openstack
- ruby-github-markdown
- ruby-kramdown-rfc2629
- ruby-lapack
- ruby-mp3tag
- ruby-oily-png
- ruby-pg-query
- ruby-rails-i18n
- ruby-rbtrace
- ruby-regexp-property-values
- ruby-swd
- rust-aead
- rust-atlatl
- rust-ctr
- rust-diffr
- rust-encoding-index-korean
- rust-grcov
- rust-gstreamer-video-sys
- rust-hyper-tls
- rust-lru
- rust-new-debug-unreachable
- rust-quinn
- rust-quinn-proto
- rust-quinn-udp
- rust-redox-termios
- rust-reqwest
- rust-rustfilt
- rust-scroll
- rust-tokio-openssl
- rust-wayland-server
- rust-winreg
- rust-xz2
- sfftobmp
- sharness
- slgdbm
- sorted-nearest
- spatial4j-0.4
- sphinx-a4doc
- spview
- spyder-line-profiler
- step.js
- tapecalc
- tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese
- threeb
- tkabber-plugins
- tlswrapper
- tophide
- topplot
- torrequest
- trace-summary
- tree-sitter-c
- treelib
- tryton-modules-sale-credit-limit
- tryton-modules-stock-supply-forecast
- ttconv
- ui-auto
- ukui-bluetooth
- unicode-idna
- unikmer
- valabind
- vish
- wayfire-shadows
- web-cache
- wlcs
- wlmaker
- writeroom-mode
- xdffileio
- yubikey-touch-detector
- zmk
- zope.testing
- aasvg
- ahcpd
- apache2-mod-xforward
- apertium-recursive
- apparix
- argus
- ascii-patrol
- avro-java
- bankstown-lv2
- bazel-rules-java
- bbmail
- bgoffice-computer-terms
- bind-dyndb-ldap
- bioxtasraw
- build-helper-maven-plugin
- camlpdf
- chr
- cl-nibbles
- cl-zs3
- clearsilver
- clitest
- clj-http-clojure
- compass-blueprint-plugin
- compass-normalize-plugin
- compass-toolkit-plugin
- crosshurd
- data-xml-clojure
- django-housekeeping
- dnsproxy
- dokujclient
- donkey
- drawterm-9front
- drgn
- dvhtool
- efm-langserver
- el-x
- eln
- emacs-format-all-the-code
- emacs-language-id
- emacs-noflet
- eshell-bookmark
- eta
- exwm-mff
- festvox-czech-dita
- fis-gtm
- flask-dance
- fosfat
- fqterm
- freeboard
- ftpgrab
- fwanalog
- gap-aclib
- gap-cryst
- gap-crystcat
- gap-scscp
- gbgoffice
- gertty
- gfapy
- gfarm
- git-subrepo
- gitbatch
- glewlwyd
- goby
- golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo
- golang-github-manifoldco-promptui
- golang-github-shirou-gopsutil
- golang-gomemcache
- golang-k8s-sigs-structured-merge-diff
- gopacket
- gpg-remailer
- haskell-aeson-diff
- haskell-bytestring-conversion
- haskell-classy-prelude-conduit
- haskell-deriving-compat
- haskell-dotgen
- haskell-flexible-defaults
- haskell-gloss
- haskell-haxr
- haskell-hslua-typing
- haskell-http-streams
- haskell-inline-c
- haskell-jwt
- haskell-raw-strings-qq
- haskell-reactive-banana
- haskell-readargs
- haskell-regex-applicative
- haskell-secret-sharing
- haskell-storable-tuple
- haskell-tasty-smallcheck
- haskell-unexceptionalio
- haskell-versions
- haskell-vty-crossplatform
- haskell-web-routes-boomerang
- haskell-xml-conduit-writer
- haskell-yesod-bin
- haskell-yi-keymap-vim
- hawtdispatch
- homesick
- i2util
- i810switch
- icingaweb2-module-incubator
- ikiwiki-hosting
- ioport
- its-playback-time
- jackson-jaxrs-providers
- java-imaging-utilities
- jenkins-trilead-ssh2
- jsjac
- jsmn
- kalamine
- kanif
- kanjidraw
- kappanhang
- kdc2tiff
- lexd
- libanyevent-rabbitmq-perl
- libapache2-mod-lisp
- libarchive-peek-perl
- libauthen-smb-perl
- libbasicplayer-java
- libbio-mage-perl
- libbio-mage-utils-perl
- libcarp-clan-share-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-json-perl
- libclang-perl
- libclass-whitehole-perl
- libcpan-checksums-perl
- libcpan-sqlite-perl
- libdancer-plugin-database-perl
- libdbix-datasource-perl
- libdevel-checkcompiler-perl
- libdevel-leak-perl
- libdevice-i2c-perl
- libdfp
- libdist-zilla-plugin-metaprovides-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-test-reportprereqs-perl
- libdist-zilla-util-configdumper-perl
- libemail-filter-perl
- libemail-mime-attachment-stripper-perl
- libembperl-perl
- libexperimental-perl
- libfile-flock-retry-perl
- libfile-loadlines-perl
- libgoogle-protocolbuffers-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-kwiki-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-tikiwiki-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-wakkawiki-perl
- libhttp-server-simple-authen-perl
- libjgoodies-animation-java
- libkinosearch1-perl
- liblastfm-java
- libmarc-parser-xml-perl
- libmarc-schema-perl
- libmath-mpfr-perl
- libmodule-build-xsutil-perl
- libnet-subnets-perl
- libnet-z3950-simple2zoom-perl
- libpam-alreadyloggedin
- libpdl-stats-perl
- libpod-pom-view-restructured-perl
- libpostscriptbarcode
- libregexp-pattern-defhash-perl
- librg-blast-parser-perl
- libstring-tagged-terminal-perl
- libstruct-compare-perl
- libsx
- libtemplate-plugin-lingua-en-inflect-perl
- libterm-choose-perl
- libtest-deep-fuzzy-perl
- libtest-deep-type-perl
- libtest-regexp-perl
- libtest-time-perl
- libtest-www-mechanize-psgi-perl
- libtext-layout-perl
- libtext-markup-perl
- libtext-undiacritic-perl
- libtext-wagnerfischer-perl
- libweb-query-perl
- libwww-oauth-perl
- libxml-atom-service-perl
- lua-copas
- make-dynpart-mappings
- maven-shared-jar
- misspell-fixer
- mmake
- nat-traverse
- nim-kexpr
- nim-lapper
- node-combine-source-map
- node-compression-webpack-plugin
- node-concat-with-sourcemaps
- node-exports-loader
- node-http-server
- node-inline-source-map
- node-mqtt
- node-postcss-cli
- node-postcss-reporter
- node-prosemirror-state
- node-prosemirror-transform
- node-raven-js
- node-url-loader
- nrn-mod2c
- nsf
- ocaml-cstruct
- ocaml-domain-name
- ocaml-ipaddr
- ocamlpam
- omnidb-plpgsql-debugger
- ox-texinfo-plus
- packup
- panoramisk
- phoenix-firmware
- php-horde-groupware
- picom-conf
- png2svg
- ponyorm
- purple-mm-sms
- pycirkuit
- pyensembl
- pypuppetdb
- pyroman
- pytest-datadir
- pytest-sugar
- python-aafigure
- python-aiohttp-apispec
- python-anndata
- python-bx
- python-certbot-dns-gehirn
- python-confection
- python-ping3
- python-railroad-diagrams
- python-reno
- python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface
- python-sentinels
- python-spur
- python-stomp
- python-strict-rfc3339
- python-testing.common.database
- python-wasabi
- python-zipstream
- qabc
- queue-async
- r-bioc-fishpond
- r-bioc-genomicfiles
- r-bioc-grohmm
- r-bioc-pwmenrich
- r-bioc-residualmatrix
- r-bioc-tximportdata
- r-cran-benchmarkme
- r-cran-benchmarkmedata
- r-cran-mclustcomp
- r-cran-modeest
- r-cran-rgooglemaps
- r-cran-susier
- randomplay
- relint-el
- ries
- rime-emoji
- ros2-osrf-testing-tools-cpp
- roundcube-plugin-compose-addressbook
- roundcube-plugin-sauserprefs
- ruby-airbrussh
- ruby-async-http
- ruby-async-pool
- ruby-flipper
- ruby-gettext-i18n-rails
- ruby-gitlab-labkit
- ruby-i18n-data
- ruby-jaeger-client
- ruby-jekyll-paginate-v2
- ruby-js-regex
- ruby-kubeclient
- ruby-memory-profiler
- ruby-openid-connect
- ruby-opentracing
- ruby-protocol-hpack
- ruby-protocol-http
- ruby-protocol-http1
- ruby-protocol-http2
- ruby-pry-byebug
- ruby-serialport
- ruby-slop
- ruby-validate-email
- ruby-validate-url
- rust-aes-gcm
- rust-bigdecimal
- rust-brotli
- rust-bytesize
- rust-cargo-outdated
- rust-crossbeam-queue
- rust-encode-unicode
- rust-encoding-index-singlebyte
- rust-enum-as-inner
- rust-ghash
- rust-globset
- rust-inotify
- rust-polyval
- rust-precomputed-hash
- rust-pyo3-build-config
- rust-pyo3-macros
- rust-resolv-conf
- rust-ripcalc
- rust-string-cache
- rust-termion
- rust-tokio-stream
- rust-trawld
- rust-tree-sitter
- rust-uncased
- rust-universal-hash
- rust-vte
- sacad
- satpy
- sbt-launcher-interface
- slcurl
- slxfig
- sma
- snakeyaml-engine
- sphinx-design
- sphinx-prompt
- sphinx-sitemap
- sphinxcontrib-ditaa
- spip
- spline
- sptk
- sqlitecpp
- srf
- surgescript
- sword-text-sparv
- taurus
- tds-fdw
- tenshi
- terraintool
- tkcalendar
- torrus
- trabucco
- trac-xmlrpc
- unilog
- unorm.js
- unuran
- vf1
- wmlongrun
- wmpuzzle
- xarray-sentinel
- xmrig
- zeparser.js
- zsh-antidote
- aionotify
- aioxmlrpc
- apertium-es-pt
- asis
- autolog
- awardeco
- bash-argsparse
- bugz
- cbmconvert
- cidr
- cofoja
- core-match-clojure
- cppo
- cryptojs
- curvedns
- dicelab
- django-modeltranslation
- dmucs
- dwarf2sources
- e2wm
- eancheck
- easybind
- elki
- elpa-subed
- emptty
- erlang-bitcask
- fades
- fast-cpp-csv-parser
- fastkml
- flake8-2020
- flufl.enum
- fullquottel
- gant
- gearman-server
- gitlab-rulez
- gniall
- golang-github-alecthomas-chroma
- golang-github-anacrolix-envpprof
- golang-github-anacrolix-ffprobe
- golang-github-anacrolix-tagflag
- golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go
- golang-github-bradfitz-iter
- golang-github-docker-spdystream
- golang-github-eknkc-amber
- golang-github-go-ini-ini
- golang-github-google-shlex
- golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit
- golang-github-rakyll-statik
- golang-github-ryszard-goskiplist
- golang-goleveldb
- goldendict-ng
- graypy
- gtml
- haskell-aeson-extra
- haskell-blaze-textual
- haskell-boundedchan
- haskell-cabal-doctest
- haskell-commutative-semigroups
- haskell-cpu
- haskell-data-functor-logistic
- haskell-fb
- haskell-filtrable
- haskell-floatinghex
- haskell-generic-lens
- haskell-http-client-restricted
- haskell-http-link-header
- haskell-infinite-list
- haskell-input-parsers
- haskell-inspection-testing
- haskell-lens-family-core
- haskell-monad-par
- haskell-netwire
- haskell-reinterpret-cast
- haskell-semirings
- haskell-static-hash
- haskell-string-interpolate
- haskell-text-metrics
- haskell-time-parsers
- haskell-validity
- haskell-vector-builder
- hazwaz
- honeysql-clojure
- hut
- iaito
- icmptx
- ideep
- indi-sx
- injeqt
- intercal
- jello
- jenkins-json
- jgrep
- json-schema-test-suite
- jsquery
- lavacli
- ledger2beancount
- ledgerhelpers
- libalias-perl
- libanyevent-fcgi-perl
- libaudio-flac-decoder-perl
- libaunit
- libbio-chado-schema-perl
- libbio-db-embl-perl
- libbio-primerdesigner-perl
- libbit-vector-minimal-perl
- libboulder-perl
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-perl
- libcatalyst-actionrole-acl-perl
- libcatalyst-model-cdbi-crud-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-authentication-credential-openid-perl
- libclass-dbi-plugin-perl
- libcoap3
- libcobra-java
- libcpan-reporter-perl
- libcrypt-rsa-parse-perl
- libdata-types-perl
- libdatetime-tiny-perl
- libdbix-class-resultset-recursiveupdate-perl
- libdbix-dbstag-perl
- libdevel-autoflush-perl
- libdevel-simpletrace-perl
- libfailures-perl
- libfile-counterfile-perl
- libfilesys-virtual-perl
- libfirefox-marionette-perl
- libgeo-inverse-perl
- libgit-objectstore-perl
- libhtml-wikiconverter-phpwiki-perl
- libinline-java-perl
- libjs-favico.js
- libload-perl
- libloc-database
- liblog-dispatch-perl-perl
- liblog4ada
- libmastodon-client-perl
- libmime-explode-perl
- libmojo-ioloop-readwriteprocess-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-authorization-perl
- libmozilla-ca-perl
- libnet-dns-async-perl
- libnet-https-nb-perl
- libnet-ldap-filterbuilder-perl
- libnet-openssh-parallel-perl
- libnet-smpp-perl
- libnet-ssh-authorizedkeysfile-perl
- libnews-article-perl
- libnumber-phone-perl
- libodb-mysql
- libois-perl
- libparse-mime-perl
- libpdl-netcdf-perl
- libplucene-perl
- libpoe-component-server-soap-perl
- libreadonlyx-perl
- libset-intervaltree-perl
- libshell-command-perl
- libshell-config-generate-perl
- libshell-guess-perl
- libstatistics-normality-perl
- libstring-compare-constanttime-perl
- libstring-interpolate-named-perl
- libtest-distmanifest-perl
- libtest-distribution-perl
- libtest-mojibake-perl
- libtext-dhcpleases-perl
- libtie-dxhash-perl
- libtime-y2038-perl
- libtrue-perl
- libwebservice-youtube-perl
- libwx-perl-datawalker-perl
- libxml-filter-detectws-perl
- libxml-libxml-debugging-perl
- libzerg-perl
- lice5
- lightbox2.js
- lua-nginx-cookie
- lutefisk
- m2l-pyqt
- maliit-inputcontext-gtk
- math-combinatorics-clojure
- mediawiki-extension-youtube
- metaphlan
- metrics-clojure
- mkdocs-section-index
- mocker-el
- mpv.el
- mtpolicyd
- netrek-client-cow
- nfstest
- node-browser-resolve
- node-browserify-lite
- node-cache-loader
- node-cron-validator
- node-cross-fetch
- node-duplexer
- node-ejs
- node-eslint-plugin-es
- node-eslint-plugin-html
- node-grunt-contrib-concat
- node-has-ansi
- node-prosemirror-view
- node-require-relative
- node-shasum
- node-sink-test
- node-traverse
- ocaml-conduit
- ocaml-expect
- ocaml-flac
- ocaml-inifiles
- octave-jnifti
- openchemlib
- opengv
- openmrac
- openmrac-data
- ora2pg
- org-d20
- pako
- papersway
- pari-nflistdata
- pem
- peptidebuilder
- perlnavigator
- pg-wait-sampling
- pgpcre
- php-symfony-security-acl
- phpwebcounter
- phpwebcounter-extra
- picojson
- pigx-rnaseq
- pistache
- pmars
- postgres-decoderbufs
- postgresql-pllua
- princeprocessor
- proftpd-mod-msg
- psi-plugins
- pumpa
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-inifile
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-mysql
- pyacidobasic
- pyecm
- pyjks
- pysatellites
- pytest-dependency
- pytest-helpers-namespace
- pytest-httpbin
- pytest-localserver
- pytest-order
- pytest-twisted
- python-aioxmpp
- python-aws-requests-auth
- python-certbot-dns-sakuracloud
- python-changelog
- python-channels-redis
- python-deepmerge
- python-enigma
- python-flask-seeder
- python-fysom
- python-gpsoauth
- python-griffe
- python-igor
- python-jsonext
- python-libpulse
- python-lunardate
- python-milc
- python-mpegdash
- python-onewire
- python-os-api-ref
- python-peakutils
- python-plyer
- python-pskc
- python-pyani
- python-pyld
- python-pyluach
- python-pytest-random-order
- python-pytest-subtests
- python-rtf-tokenize
- python-spectral
- python-trustme
- python-ulmo
- python-websocketd
- python-xstatic-js-yaml
- pyvkfft
- pywebdav
- pyxdameraulevenshtein
- qmath3d
- r-bioc-ggbio
- r-bioc-gosemsim
- r-bioc-oligo
- r-bioc-oligoclasses
- r-bioc-organismdbi
- r-bioc-singler
- r-cran-emayili
- r-cran-gunifrac
- r-cran-keyring
- r-cran-rcppmlpack
- r-cran-rcppspdlog
- r-cran-shades
- recap
- redict
- rtl-ais
- ruby-awrence
- ruby-base64
- ruby-batch-loader
- ruby-bootstrap-form
- ruby-cose
- ruby-device-detector
- ruby-fast-blank
- ruby-gitlab
- ruby-graphql-client
- ruby-hangouts-chat
- ruby-html2text
- ruby-invisible-captcha
- ruby-ipaddr
- ruby-jekyll-polyglot
- ruby-librarian
- ruby-mail-gpg
- ruby-mixlib-versioning
- ruby-net-http-pipeline
- ruby-nokogiri-diff
- ruby-numru-misc
- ruby-numru-units
- ruby-omniauth-openid-connect
- ruby-prometheus-client-mmap
- ruby-rack-livereload
- ruby-rack-timeout
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery-fullscreen-plugin
- ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it
- ruby-safety-net-attestation
- ruby-sentry-ruby
- ruby-tdiff
- ruby-tpm-key-attestation
- ruby-webauthn
- rust-base64ct
- rust-camino
- rust-cargo-lock
- rust-cid-npm
- rust-enumflags2
- rust-enumflags2-derive
- rust-foreign-types
- rust-foreign-types-shared
- rust-grep-searcher
- rust-im-rc
- rust-inventory
- rust-mio-0.6
- rust-mio-uds
- rust-ntpd
- rust-swtchr
- rust-tar
- rust-void
- rust-vte-generate-state-changes
- safe-iop
- sbmltoolbox
- scim-m17n
- secsipidx
- sedsed
- serialdv
- simgear
- smpq
- staticsite
- stealth
- stx2any
- sugarplum
- switchsh
- tclodbc
- tinymembench
- tkinspect
- trompeloeil-cpp
- tryton-meta
- tsung
- turing
- ufo2otf
- variantslib
- vdo
- vectorscan
- welcome2l
- xlbiff
- xmlbeans-maven-plugin
- xtb
- zomg
- adasockets
- anonip
- asterisk-espeak
- at-at-clojure
- bcron
- bmtk
- cl-rfc2388
- clipf
- codenarc
- critcl
- debugbreak
- dhcpy6d
- diff-cover
- django-assets
- django-ldapdb
- django-setuptest
- django-webpack-loader
- dnapi
- dtmf2num
- ecaccess
- el-mock-el
- eldav
- emacs-corfu
- envstore
- erlang-erlware-commons
- erlang-getopt
- eyes17-manuals
- faceup
- farpd
- fast-float
- fast-zip-clojure
- fast-zip-visit-clojure
- faucc
- fcm
- feature-check
- feed2toot
- flake8-noqa
- flask-paginate
- flowgrind
- freetable
- gap-congruence
- genparse
- gitbrute
- globus-gass-server-ez
- glue
- gnustep-corebase
- golang-blackfriday
- golang-github-anacrolix-log
- golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap
- golang-github-emicklei-go-restful
- golang-github-gdamore-encoding
- golang-github-gdamore-tcell.v2
- golang-github-go-git-go-git
- golang-github-goccy-go-yaml
- golang-github-mightyguava-jl
- golang-github-ostreedev-ostree-go
- golang-github-peterh-liner
- golang-github-suapapa-go-eddystone
- golang-gopkg-square-go-jose.v1
- golang-gopkg-telebot.v3
- golang-refraction-networking-utls
- golang-sslmate-src-go-pkcs12
- gophernicus
- guider
- h5sparse
- haskell-barbies
- haskell-copilot-core
- haskell-copilot-prettyprinter
- haskell-cryptostore
- haskell-data-inttrie
- haskell-data-memocombinators
- haskell-data-ordlist
- haskell-dhall
- haskell-gtk-traymanager
- haskell-heterocephalus
- haskell-hspec-smallcheck
- haskell-http-reverse-proxy
- haskell-lens-action
- haskell-optparse-simple
- haskell-pcap
- haskell-quickcheck-safe
- haskell-repline
- haskell-should-not-typecheck
- haskell-soap
- haskell-store-core
- haskell-stringbuilder
- haskell-tasty-discover
- haskell-tasty-kat
- haskell-th-utilities
- haskell-xml-html-qq
- haskell-yi-frontend-pango
- heatshrink
- hippotat
- icingaweb2-module-reporting
- iddawc
- ignition-utils
- indie-wiki-buddy
- intellij-java-compatibility
- invidtui
- jxgrabkey
- letterize
- libapache2-mod-auth-tkt
- libapache2-mod-form
- libauthen-webauthn-perl
- libb-hooks-parser-perl
- libbacktrace
- libbioparser-dev
- libcatalyst-engine-apache-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-tt-perl
- libchemistry-formula-perl
- libclass-accessor-class-perl
- libclass-accessor-lvalue-perl
- libdirectory-scratch-structured-perl
- libdist-metadata-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-readmefrompod-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugins-cjm-perl
- libemail-thread-perl
- libfile-find-wanted-perl
- libfile-monitor-lite-perl
- libfile-write-rotate-perl
- libgcr410
- libgenome-model-tools-music-perl
- libgetopt-usaginator-perl
- libhtml-tableparser-perl
- libio-stream-perl
- libjs-mousetrap
- libjson-multivalueordered-perl
- libkeepalive
- libmason-perl
- libmetacpan-client-perl
- libmime-lite-tt-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-assetpack-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-basicauth-perl
- libmoox-traits-perl
- libnet-abuse-utils-perl
- libnet-ldapapi-perl
- libopengl-image-perl
- libpackage-pkg-perl
- libpasswd-unix-perl
- libperl-metrics-simple-perl
- libplack-handler-anyevent-fcgi-perl
- libplack-middleware-expires-perl
- libpod-simple-wiki-perl
- libpostfix-parse-mailq-perl
- libppi-html-perl
- libquartz-java
- librem-ec-acpi
- librg-exception-perl
- librole-rest-client-perl
- libscalar-listify-perl
- libsendmail-milter-perl
- libstatistics-lite-perl
- libstring-trim-perl
- libsys-info-perl
- libtemplates-parser
- libterm-extendedcolor-perl
- libtest-cmd-perl
- libtest-json-perl
- libtest-log4perl-perl
- libtest-more-utf8-perl
- libtest-tempdir-tiny-perl
- libtest-useallmodules-perl
- libtest-yaml-perl
- libtickit-async-perl
- libtransmission-client-perl
- libtree-xpathengine-perl
- libwww-mediawiki-client-perl
- libwwwbrowser-perl
- libxml-filter-reindent-perl
- libxml-saxon-xslt2-perl
- libxml-xupdate-libxml-perl
- libyang
- lightvalue
- load-relative-el
- markdown-callouts
- maven-war-plugin
- mcaller
- mcron
- meshtastic
- minica
- mkdocs-redirects
- mobian-keyring
- molds
- mwrap
- navarp
- newpid
- node-browser-pack
- node-buble
- node-cjson
- node-detective
- node-duration
- node-imagemagick
- node-inflected
- node-istextorbinary
- node-miragejs
- node-mkdirp-classic
- node-opencv
- node-prosemirror-markdown
- node-require-all
- node-route-recognizer
- node-tad
- node-tar-fs
- node-umd
- node-xmlhttprequest
- node-xoauth2
- objcryst-fox
- ocaml-frei0r
- ocaml-intrinsics-kernel
- ocaml-magic
- ocaml-theora
- oci-image-tools
- onionbalance
- opencl-clang-17
- orthanc-postgresql
- osk-sdl
- oz
- pajeng
- pam-geoip
- pccts
- pcscada
- pg-dirtyread
- pglogical
- pgmemcache
- php-letodms-core
- php-yac
- pinyin-database
- pldebugger
- plover-stroke
- power
- prefix
- ptunnel-ng
- puppet-module-nanliu-staging
- pyrle
- pytds
- pytest-aiohttp
- pytest-mpi
- pytest-regressions
- pytest-tornado
- python-aiohttp-retry
- python-aioinflux
- python-aioresponses
- python-construct-classes
- python-django-health-check
- python-ghostscript
- python-hjson
- python-json-log-formatter
- python-keepalive
- python-marshmallow-polyfield
- python-maturin
- python-mbstrdecoder
- python-openapi-core
- python-restless
- python-rfc3161ng
- python-setuptools-protobuf
- python-typepy
- python-user-agents
- python-yubiotp
- qnetload
- qt-material
- r-bioc-arrayexpress
- r-bioc-demixt
- r-bioc-drimseq
- r-bioc-rgsepd
- r-cran-jinjar
- r-cran-rtweet
- r-cran-sparql
- r-cran-spdl
- r-cran-uniqtag
- rccl
- remaster-iso
- rerun
- riece
- rime-pinyin-simp
- rocprim
- roffit
- ruby-atlassian-jwt
- ruby-aws-sdk-cloudformation
- ruby-countries
- ruby-crb-blast
- ruby-doorkeeper-openid-connect
- ruby-ecma-re-validator
- ruby-exif
- ruby-fakefs
- ruby-file-tail
- ruby-fog-aliyun
- ruby-gnuplot
- ruby-grape-path-helpers
- ruby-hrx
- ruby-immutable-ruby
- ruby-ipynbdiff
- ruby-jekyll-asciidoc
- ruby-jekyll-compose
- ruby-jekyll-toc
- ruby-jira
- ruby-linked-list
- ruby-marginalia
- ruby-mixlib-install
- ruby-net-ntp
- ruby-omniauth-authentiq
- ruby-omniauth-oauth2-generic
- ruby-puma-worker-killer
- ruby-rb-sys
- ruby-sentry-rails
- ruby-sixarm-ruby-unaccent
- ruby-ssh-data
- ruby-ssrf-filter
- ruby-unleash
- ruby-vips
- ruby-webpack-rails
- rust-async-compression
- rust-backdown
- rust-calloop
- rust-core-foundation-sys
- rust-derivative
- rust-filespooler
- rust-indoc
- rust-inflector
- rust-libdbus-sys
- rust-matches
- rust-password-hash
- rust-pbkdf2
- rust-semver-parser-0.7
- rust-serde-repr
- rust-signal-hook-mio
- rust-strum
- rust-strum-macros
- rust-sync-wrapper
- rust-term
- rust-unindent
- rust-utf-8
- rust-widestring
- rust-xdg
- rust-zvariant
- rust-zvariant-derive
- s3ql
- samtools-legacy
- sbt-template-resolver
- sbt-test-interface
- scalene
- seqan3
- shards
- slt
- specter-clojure
- sphinx-remove-toctrees
- sredird
- syllabipy
- tablelog
- tdiary-contrib
- tetex-brev
- tk-fsdialog
- toybox
- tree-sitter-lua
- tree-sitter-vim
- trilead-putty-extension
- trinity
- ugene
- ui-gxmlcpp
- vanguards
- vim-nftables
- virtualgps
- voctomix-outcasts
- voltron
- w2do
- wadc
- weupnp
- wmget
- wordpress-xrds-simple
- wsjtx-improved
- xmpi
- xpore
- ylva
- zope.exceptions
- adacgi
- adlibtracker2
- aioprocessing
- air-quality-sensor
- alsa-ucm-conf-asahi
- apache-curator
- apertium-all-dev
- apertium-eo-en
- apertium-mkd-eng
- apertium-regtest
- autofdo
- awesomeversion
- bam
- barnowl
- bazel-skylib
- bison-mode
- boolstuff
- bootterm
- boxer
- boxer-data
- brailleutils
- bro-aux
- byacc-j
- cadabra2
- canl-java
- cd5
- ceph-iscsi
- chez-srfi
- chiark-tcl-applet
- chordpro
- citation-style-language-locales
- clc-intercal
- cloudsql-proxy
- compartment
- conmux
- cpptoml
- dbix-easy-perl
- dbus-deviation
- dbusada
- debian-codesearch-cli
- dh-builtusing
- django-dbbackup
- django-fsm
- django-maintenancemode
- drf-haystack
- drogon
- dune-functions
- easyloggingpp
- ensmallen
- erlang-cowboy
- extension-helpers
- festvox-czech-machac
- file-read-backwards
- filter
- fpdf2
- freedict-tools
- fsvs
- ftpwatch
- fuse-umfuse-iso9660
- gadap
- gap-hap
- gitlabracadabra
- gmetrics
- gokey
- golang-filippo-edwards25519
- golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2
- golang-github-alecthomas-repr
- golang-github-buger-goterm
- golang-github-francoispqt-gojay
- golang-github-juju-loggo
- golang-github-odeke-em-ripper
- golang-github-ogier-pflag
- golang-github-sergi-go-diff
- golang-github-u-root-uio
- golang-gopkg-freddierice-go-losetup.v1
- granule-manual
- haskell-bitwise
- haskell-bv-sized
- haskell-clash-lib
- haskell-concurrent-extra
- haskell-generic-trie
- haskell-graphscc
- haskell-heredoc
- haskell-hookup
- haskell-hspec-contrib
- haskell-publicsuffixlist
- haskell-readline
- haskell-simple-smt
- haskell-sockaddr
- haskell-th-bang-compat
- haskell-th-constraint-compat
- haskell-th-desugar
- haskell-validity-containers
- haskell-wai-app-file-cgi
- haskell-wai-conduit
- haskell-wai-handler-launch
- haskell-zenc
- hcloud-python
- headache
- hjson-go
- hoteldruid
- ibus-braille
- icingaweb2-module-boxydash
- icingaweb2-module-cube
- icingaweb2-module-graphite
- in-toto
- irker
- itango
- ivy-debian-helper
- jreen
- junos-eznc
- kanboard-cli
- kcov
- libacme-bleach-perl
- libalog
- libanyevent-xmpp-perl
- libapache2-mod-lookup-identity
- libapp-cache-perl
- libauthen-simple-dbi-perl
- libauthen-simple-smb-perl
- libcatmandu-importer-getjson-perl
- libclass-dbi-sweet-perl
- libclass-loader-perl
- libconfig-augeas-perl
- libconfig-crontab-perl
- libconfig-properties-perl
- libconstant-generate-perl
- libconvert-units-perl
- libcpanplus-dist-build-perl
- libdata-table-perl
- libdata-yaml-perl
- libdatetime-calendar-discordian-perl
- libdbix-class-inflatecolumn-serializer-perl
- libdbix-xml-rdb-perl
- libdevel-mat-perl
- libdevel-profile-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-bugtracker-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-mojibaketests-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-repository-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-test-eol-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-test-kwalitee-perl
- libemail-received-perl
- libevent-distributor-perl
- libfile-copy-recursive-reduced-perl
- libfixmath
- libgedcom-perl
- libgeo-coder-googlev3-perl
- libgeo-helmerttransform-perl
- libgmpada
- libgraph-writer-graphviz-perl
- libhash-asobject-perl
- libhash-defhash-perl
- libhtml-formfu-model-dbic-perl
- libhtml-tagfilter-perl
- libhttp-server-simple-mason-perl
- libhttp-server-simple-static-perl
- libjpedal-jbig2-java
- liblingua-en-namecase-perl
- libmasonx-request-withapachesession-perl
- libmath-numbercruncher-perl
- libmodule-build-using-pkgconfig-perl
- libmoosex-attributeshortcuts-perl
- libmoosex-traitfor-meta-class-betteranonclassnames-perl
- libmoosex-util-perl
- libnet-dns-resolver-mock-perl
- libnet-google-authsub-perl
- libnetconf2
- libnginx-mod-http-memc
- libnop
- libntruprime
- libodb-qt
- libparse-cpan-packages-perl
- libperl-destruct-level-perl
- libperlbal-xs-httpheaders-perl
- libpj-java
- libplack-builder-conditionals-perl
- libplack-middleware-header-perl
- libplack-request-withencoding-perl
- libppi-xs-perl
- libprotocol-irc-perl
- librandom123
- librarian-puppet
- librdata
- librdf-kml-exporter-perl
- librdf-query-client-perl
- libreturn-type-perl
- libscriptalicious-perl
- libsemver-perl
- libsession-storage-secure-perl
- libsmacker
- libsocket-multicast6-perl
- libstring-koremutake-perl
- libtelephony-asterisk-ami-perl
- libterm-filter-perl
- libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl
- libtest-cpan-meta-yaml-perl
- libtest-deep-json-perl
- libtext-diff-formattedhtml-perl
- libtexttools
- libtime-human-perl
- libtwitter-api-perl
- libvalidate-net-perl
- libxml-atom-fromowl-perl
- libxml-autowriter-perl
- libxml-handler-printevents-perl
- libxml-treepuller-perl
- loggedfs
- lua-soap
- lyskom-elisp-client
- mccode
- mdformat
- mdtraj
- ministocks
- mkautodoc
- monitoring-plugins-check-logfiles
- mrb
- mussort
- nb2plots
- nbsphinx-link
- nml
- nmzmail
- node-cors
- node-eslint-plugin-eslint-plugin
- node-eslint-plugin-node
- node-extract-zip
- node-fbjs
- node-hoek
- node-isomorphic-fetch
- node-jquery-textcomplete
- node-number-allocator
- node-nunjucks
- node-package
- node-rollup-plugin-replace
- node-unbzip2-stream
- nwg-hello
- nyacc
- ocaml-atd
- ocaml-voaacenc
- opencl-clang-18
- openjson
- openmcdf
- opensmtpd-filter-rspamd
- organize
- orthanc-mysql
- osc-plugins-dput
- pagein
- perl4caml
- perlrdf
- pg-fact-loader
- pg-similarity
- pg-track-settings
- pgsql-ogr-fdw
- php-cache-tag-interop
- php-net-publicsuffix
- pico-sdk
- policyd-rate-limit
- pollinate
- postgresql-hll
- postgresql-rum
- precious
- procserv
- proftpd-mod-fsync
- psd-tools
- pspresent
- publib
- puppet-module-camptocamp-kmod
- puppet-strings
- purl
- pylzss
- pyment
- pynag
- pyranges
- pyssim
- pytest-expect
- python-banal
- python-btsocket
- python-django-crum
- python-django-netfields
- python-dynaconf
- python-evtx
- python-fitbit
- python-flor
- python-freecontact
- python-intervals
- python-janus
- python-motor
- python-odoorpc
- python-omegaconf
- python-opentimestamps
- python-pangolearn
- python-pattern
- python-pycdlib
- python-pyclustering
- python-pyghmi
- python-pyhanko-certvalidator
- python-pymbar
- python-questplus
- python-raccoon
- python-schedutils
- python-scripttest
- python-titlecase
- python-truncnorm
- python-urwid-utils
- python-xkcd
- qcengine
- r-bioc-gseabase
- resolv-wrapper
- resteasy3.0
- restinio
- ros2-performance-test-fixture
- route-rnd
- ruby-activerecord-explain-analyze
- ruby-algebrick
- ruby-apollo-upload-server
- ruby-asana
- ruby-azure-storage-blob
- ruby-azure-storage-common
- ruby-cvss-suite
- ruby-delayed-job
- ruby-diff-match-patch
- ruby-elasticsearch-model
- ruby-elasticsearch-rails
- ruby-email-reply-trimmer
- ruby-font-awesome-rails
- ruby-foreman
- ruby-gitlab-markup
- ruby-grape-logging
- ruby-graphlient
- ruby-hana
- ruby-image-science
- ruby-jekyll-archives
- ruby-jekyll-include-cache
- ruby-jekyll-last-modified-at
- ruby-json-schemer
- ruby-lockbox
- ruby-lograge
- ruby-minitest-reporters
- ruby-nfnetlink
- ruby-ole
- ruby-omniauth-alicloud
- ruby-omniauth-azure-activedirectory-v2
- ruby-omniauth-dingtalk-oauth2
- ruby-peek
- ruby-rubocop-performance
- ruby-ruby-magic-static
- ruby-slack-messenger
- ruby-snowplow-tracker
- ruby-uri-template
- ruby-validates-hostname
- rust-bytecount
- rust-cargo-lichking
- rust-core-foundation
- rust-crossfont
- rust-cursor-icon
- rust-droid-juicer
- rust-dyn-clone
- rust-ena
- rust-encoding
- rust-ghost
- rust-h3
- rust-h3-quinn
- rust-hickory-proto
- rust-hickory-resolver
- rust-lalrpop
- rust-numtoa
- rust-onig-sys
- rust-pest
- rust-scoped-threadpool
- rust-serde-cbor
- rust-sharded-slab
- rust-thiserror-core
- rust-thiserror-core-impl
- rust-tokio-socks
- rust-ucd-trie
- rust-unreachable
- rust-webpki
- rust-zbus
- rust-zbus-macros
- s390-tools
- sagan-rules
- scala-tools-sbinary
- sezpoz
- shake
- slexpat
- slimbox
- slsqlite
- slwildcard
- speechd-up
- sphinxcontrib-trio
- squishyball
- srm-ifce
- sshesame
- stimfit
- surpyvor
- switchconf
- sxiv-el
- sysconfig
- tclws
- tercpp
- themole
- tina
- tmperamental
- tools-gitlibs-clojure
- transaction
- tree-sitter-query
- tree-sitter-vimdoc
- ukui-menu
- undercover-el
- userv-utils
- utalk
- virtme-ng
- vramsteg
- webjars-locator
- webjars-locator-core
- wmauda
- wmppp.app
- ycm-cmake-modules
- zope.location
- zope.security
- aiooui
- all-knowing-dns
- amdgcn-tools-18
- argagg
- asmail
- assess-el
- asterisk-flite
- authprogs
- base16384
- bgw-replstatus
- binkd
- bluetooth-auto-recovery
- bluetooth-data-tools
- boxbackup
- braillegraph
- brp-pacu
- canna-shion
- cbootimage
- cereal
- charactermanaj
- check-manifest
- checkpw
- chiark-tcl
- circuits
- cl-getopt
- click-completion
- clikit
- cobra-cli
- crdt-el
- cython-legacy
- debputy-lsp
- debug-me
- dh-shell-completions
- django-qr-code
- django-sass-processor
- django-shortuuidfield
- domain2idna
- dpath-python
- dpdk-kmods
- dragonbox
- drf-generators
- due
- dune-typetree
- durdraw
- eclipse-linuxtools
- elfkickers
- erlang-asciideck
- ert-async-el
- ert-expectations-el
- esekeyd
- eye
- faiss
- fcitx-fbterm
- fcitx-imlist
- filetea
- first-last-agg
- gap-autodoc
- gle-graphics-library
- gnumed-server
- golang-github-azure-go-ntlmssp
- golang-github-bmizerany-pat
- golang-github-d2r2-go-i2c
- golang-github-etcd-io-gofail
- golang-github-felixge-httpsnoop
- golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient
- golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice
- golang-github-glendc-go-external-ip
- golang-github-gobwas-glob
- golang-github-influxdb-usage-client
- golang-github-jacobsa-oglemock
- golang-github-jacobsa-ogletest
- golang-github-jacobsa-reqtrace
- golang-github-jsimonetti-rtnetlink
- golang-github-jsternberg-zap-logfmt
- golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf
- golang-github-mdlayher-raw
- golang-github-mitchellh-copystructure
- golang-github-mitchellh-reflectwalk
- golang-github-nytimes-gziphandler
- golang-github-pelletier-go-buffruneio
- golang-github-retailnext-hllpp
- golang-github-shiena-ansicolor
- golang-github-sylabs-json-resp
- golang-github-viant-toolbox
- golang-gopkg-tylerb-graceful.v1
- golang-k8s-kube-openapi
- gosop
- haskell-binary-instances
- haskell-chimera
- haskell-clash-ghc
- haskell-contravariant-extras
- haskell-dice
- haskell-djinn-lib
- haskell-failure
- haskell-hoauth2
- haskell-hspec-attoparsec
- haskell-hsx-jmacro
- haskell-lambdabot-core
- haskell-log-domain
- haskell-monad-memo
- haskell-peano
- haskell-presburger
- haskell-project-template
- haskell-protobuf
- haskell-servant-client
- haskell-twitter-types
- haskell-twitter-types-lens
- haskell-type-level-numbers
- haskell-wai-cors
- haskell-weigh
- haskell-yesod-newsfeed
- haskell-zxcvbn-c
- hessian
- htag
- ifetch-tools
- igdiscover
- inotify-info
- iredis
- isbg
- java-allocation-instrumenter
- jinja-vanish
- libaccessors-perl
- libalien-gnuplot-perl
- libanyevent-dbd-pg-perl
- libapache-session-ldap-perl
- libarchive-any-create-perl
- libbarcode-datamatrix-perl
- libbio-alignio-stockholm-perl
- libcatalyst-controller-actionrole-perl
- libcatalyst-manual-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-captcha-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-config-simple-perl
- libconfig-apacheformat-perl
- libcriticism-perl
- libdancer-plugin-auth-extensible-perl
- libdancer2-plugin-ajax-perl
- libdata-dump-oneline-perl
- libdata-javascript-perl
- libdata-paginator-perl
- libdbix-class-datetime-epoch-perl
- libdevel-strictmode-perl
- libdevice-cdio-perl
- libdevice-gsm-perl
- libdigest-ssdeep-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-metaprovides-package-perl
- libemail-mime-kit-perl
- libemail-valid-loose-perl
- libexport-attrs-perl
- libfduserdata
- libhtml-formhandler-model-dbic-perl
- libhttp-recorder-perl
- libio-interactive-tiny-perl
- libio-socket-portstate-perl
- libjs-jquery-flot-axislabels
- libjs-twitter-bootstrap-wizard
- libkeyword-simple-perl
- liblist-rotation-cycle-perl
- liblist-utilsby-xs-perl
- liblog-any-adapter-tap-perl
- libmail-bulkmail-perl
- libmath-gsl-perl
- libmetabase-fact-perl
- libmodule-pluggable-ordered-perl
- libmoosex-app-cmd-perl
- libmoosex-daemonize-perl
- libmoosex-meta-typeconstraint-mooish-perl
- libmoosex-types-laxnum-perl
- libmu-tiny-perl
- libnet-fastcgi-perl
- libnet-irr-perl
- libnet-rendezvous-publish-perl
- libnet-sieve-perl
- libnet-syslogd-perl
- libnet-vnc-perl
- libnginx-mod-http-srcache-filter
- libobjcryst
- libobject-insideout-perl
- libobject-lazy-perl
- libparse-dia-sql-perl
- libperl-critic-freenode-perl
- libpg-hstore-perl
- libpg-query
- libpgobject-simple-perl
- libpithub-perl
- libpod-wsdl-perl
- librdf-doap-lite-perl
- librdf-rdfa-generator-perl
- librespeed-cli
- libshell-perl-perl
- libstatistics-linefit-perl
- libsystem-info-perl
- libtap-formatter-junit-perl
- libtcl-perl
- libterm-readline-ttytter-perl
- libtest-checkdeps-perl
- libtest-command-simple-perl
- libtest-mock-lwp-perl
- libtest-object-perl
- libtest-regexp-pattern-perl
- libtest-tempdir-perl
- libtest-xml-simple-perl
- libthread-conveyor-perl
- libthread-tie-perl
- libtypec
- libxml-feedpp-mediarss-perl
- libxml-generator-perldata-perl
- libxml-hash-xs-perl
- libxsettings
- localslackirc
- logswan
- lua-augeas
- lua-messagepack
- luma.oled
- maven-mapping
- maven-verifier
- merecat
- meta-plasma-mobile
- mhz
- mimeo
- minetest-mod-colour-chat-56-csm
- minetest-mod-ltool
- mkdocstrings-python-handlers
- mlgmp
- mojarra
- mopidy-dleyna
- morbig
- mqtt-client
- nautic
- netkit-bootparamd
- nodau
- node-after
- node-cached-path-relative
- node-cookie-parser
- node-debbundle-insert-module-globals
- node-escope
- node-eslint-plugin-flowtype
- node-file-sync-cmp
- node-i18next-http-backend
- node-is-accessor-descriptor
- node-is-data-descriptor
- node-pretty-bytes
- node-read-only-stream
- node-rollup-plugin-buble
- node-stream-combiner2
- node-subarg
- node-zx
- nrn-iv
- ocp-indent
- onetimepass
- orthanc-gdcm
- osmo-mgw
- pantalaimon
- papyrus
- pg-rational
- pgpointcloud
- pgq
- phosh-antispam
- php-code-lts-u2f-php-server
- php-horde-service-urlshortener
- piccolo
- pocsuite3
- prefixfree
- preprepare
- proftpd-mod-case
- proftpd-mod-proxy
- prometheus-haproxy-exporter
- properties-maven-plugin
- psi-notify
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-apache
- py-macaroon-bakery
- py3c
- pyglossary
- pyprind
- pytest-salt
- python-ansible-pygments
- python-argparse-addons
- python-async-interrupt
- python-bitmath
- python-bluetooth-adapters
- python-cotyledon
- python-crc32c
- python-datetimerange
- python-django-dbconn-retry
- python-django-libsass
- python-duniterpy
- python-eliot
- python-febelfin-coda
- python-hashids
- python-hurry.filesize
- python-ipmi
- python-k8sclient
- python-legacy-cgi
- python-libconf
- python-libtrace
- python-libzim
- python-netfilter
- python-openidc-client
- python-podman
- python-portpicker
- python-ptk
- python-pylxd
- python-pyorick
- python-pypump
- python-pytest-click
- python-stestr
- python-uart-devices
- python-xrt
- pytorch-ignite
- qcodeeditor
- qdwizard
- qttinysa
- quark-sphinx-theme
- r-bioc-bsseq
- r-bioc-dss
- r-other-chbutils
- renattach
- rhsrvany
- robustirc-bridge
- ruby-aliyun-sdk
- ruby-bootstrap-sass
- ruby-database-cleaner
- ruby-dataobjects
- ruby-declarative-policy
- ruby-faraday-middleware-aws-sigv4
- ruby-faraday-middleware-multi-json
- ruby-gitlab-experiment
- ruby-gitlab-fog-azure-rm
- ruby-google-apis-compute-v1
- ruby-google-apis-core
- ruby-google-apis-dns-v1
- ruby-google-apis-iamcredentials-v1
- ruby-google-apis-monitoring-v3
- ruby-google-apis-pubsub-v1
- ruby-google-apis-sqladmin-v1beta4
- ruby-google-apis-storage-v1
- ruby-graphviz
- ruby-indentation
- ruby-jekyll-relative-links
- ruby-jekyll-test-plugin
- ruby-jekyll-test-plugin-malicious
- ruby-lru-redux
- ruby-nfqueue
- ruby-oj-introspect
- ruby-omniauth-atlassian-oauth2
- ruby-redis-activesupport
- ruby-redis-rails
- ruby-ruby-openai
- ruby-sentry-sidekiq
- ruby-settingslogic
- ruby-spreadsheet
- ruby-tanuki-emoji
- ruby-useragent
- ruby-valid-email
- ruby-warning
- rust-crossterm
- rust-diff
- rust-enumset
- rust-enumset-derive
- rust-expat-sys
- rust-float-cmp
- rust-gdk4-wayland-sys
- rust-indenter
- rust-ipconfig
- rust-matchers
- rust-nu-ansi-term
- rust-pathdiff
- rust-pest-meta
- rust-python3-dll-a
- rust-rmp
- rust-servo-fontconfig-sys
- rust-socks
- rust-syslog
- rust-threadpool
- rust-tracing-log
- rust-tracing-serde
- rust-tracing-subscriber
- rust-xcursor
- sass-stylesheets-typey
- scriv
- sedutil
- sfeed
- shelltestrunner
- shove
- sinfo
- skksearch
- sks
- sortmail
- srg
- stardicter
- superkb
- tao-pegtl
- tart
- tcl-sugar
- tdigest
- tiktoken
- tiles
- tkagif
- tralics
- trscripts
- twodict
- units-cpp
- vdetelweb
- verilog-mode
- vimb
- vtgamma
- wal2json
- wcm
- with-simulated-input-el
- wrapsrv
- xraylarch
- yte
- zfec
- zstd-jni-java
- accessodf
- aether-ant-tasks
- aghermann
- aiozmq
- arbiterjs
- arpeggio
- atitvout
- bleak-retry-connector
- bqplot
- budgie-backgrounds
- buteo-syncfw
- capirca
- catcodec
- checkit-tiff
- chibicc
- chuffed
- cif2hkl
- compass-fancy-buttons-plugin
- compass-h5bp-plugin
- compass-sassy-maps-plugin
- controku
- cppgir
- cram
- custodia
- cwlformat
- cycle-quotes
- daemonlogger
- debcraft
- denss
- django-memoize
- django-paintstore
- dnstap-ldns
- dotmap
- dune-grid-glue
- empire-lafe
- erlang-bear
- ethflux
- fanwor
- fastchunking
- festvox-czech-krb
- ffproxy
- fl-cow
- fling
- flit-scm
- flotr
- fnott
- gaffitter
- gap-polymaking
- geronimo-commonj-spec
- gobgp
- golang-android-soong
- golang-collectd
- golang-github-alecthomas-assert
- golang-github-alecthomas-kong
- golang-github-armon-go-socks5
- golang-github-bitly-go-simplejson
- golang-github-coredhcp-coredhcp
- golang-github-gofrs-flock
- golang-github-golang-freetype
- golang-github-hashicorp-yamux
- golang-github-hexops-gotextdiff
- golang-github-jmhodges-clock
- golang-github-kubernetes-gengo
- golang-github-marten-seemann-qpack
- golang-github-mdlayher-ethernet
- golang-github-mdlayher-packet
- golang-github-patrickmn-go-cache
- golang-github-pkg-profile
- golang-github-pkg-xattr
- golang-github-rootless-containers-proto
- golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate
- golang-github-urfave-cli-v2
- golang-github-vbatts-go-mtree
- golang-github-viant-assertly
- golang-golang-x-vuln
- golang-gopkg-hlandau-configurable.v1
- golang-gopkg-hlandau-easyconfig.v1
- golang-gopkg-hlandau-svcutils.v1
- golang-gopkg-sourcemap.v1
- golang-goptlib
- gradle-jflex-plugin
- gradle-kotlin-dsl
- gvars3
- h2orestart
- habluetooth
- hashcheck
- haskell-atomic-write
- haskell-chart-cairo
- haskell-clash-prelude
- haskell-concurrent-supply
- haskell-copilot-interpreter
- haskell-copilot-language
- haskell-copilot-libraries
- haskell-copilot-theorem
- haskell-crypton-conduit
- haskell-ghc-events
- haskell-ghc-tcplugins-extra
- haskell-ghc-typelits-extra
- haskell-ghc-typelits-knownnat
- haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise
- haskell-hslua-list
- haskell-hspec-api
- haskell-infer-license
- haskell-iospec
- haskell-language-c99
- haskell-language-c99-simple
- haskell-language-c99-util
- haskell-language-python
- haskell-list
- haskell-lucid-svg
- haskell-monadlist
- haskell-multistate
- haskell-musicbrainz
- haskell-natural-transformation
- haskell-network-conduit-tls
- haskell-ofx
- haskell-optional-args
- haskell-quickcheck-classes-base
- haskell-servant-client-core
- haskell-shell-conduit
- haskell-spool
- haskell-store
- haskell-strict-list
- haskell-universe-base
- hexec
- hnswlib
- hts-nim-tools
- hugo-mx-gateway
- icingaweb2-module-idoreports
- icu-ext
- ifile
- imgvtopgm
- impressive-display
- indi-starbook-ten
- inn
- ionit
- ircmarkers
- jabber-muc
- jesd
- jqapi
- jquery-reflection
- jquery-watermark
- kind
- ktls-utils
- kup
- kuvert
- libamplsolver
- libanyevent-httpd-perl
- libanyevent-yubico-perl
- libarray-group-perl
- libarray-iterator-perl
- libauthen-simple-kerberos-perl
- libauthen-u2f-perl
- libb-perlreq-perl
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-authorizenet-perl
- libcatalystx-leakchecker-perl
- libcgi-session-expiresessions-perl
- libclass-ehierarchy-perl
- libconfig-find-perl
- libconfig-model-backend-augeas-perl
- libconfig-mvp-slicer-perl
- libcrypt-openssl-guess-perl
- libctapimkt
- libdata-hal-perl
- libdata-validate-struct-perl
- libdate-convert-perl
- libdevel-refcount-perl
- libdist-inkt-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-autometaresources-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-installguide-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-makemaker-awesome-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny-fallback-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-test-notabs-perl
- libevdevplus
- libextutils-cchecker-perl
- libfcgi-ev-perl
- libfile-countlines-perl
- libfilesys-virtual-plain-perl
- libflorist
- libhitaki
- libhtml-microformats-perl
- libhttp-lrdd-perl
- libimage-scale-perl
- libimdb-film-perl
- libjavascript-rpc-perl
- libjdom2-intellij-java
- libjs-graphael
- libleidenalg
- libmail-field-received-perl
- libminion-backend-sqlite-perl
- libmodule-compile-perl
- libmodule-reader-perl
- libmoosex-blessed-reconstruct-perl
- libmoosex-configuration-perl
- libnet-akismet-perl
- libnet-amazon-signature-v4-perl
- libnet-async-irc-perl
- libnet-openid-server-perl
- libnss-unknown
- libogg-vorbis-decoder-perl
- libopensmtpd
- liboptimade-filter-perl
- libparanoid-perl
- libperl-osnames-perl
- libperl6-say-perl
- libpgobject-simple-role-perl
- libpgobject-type-bytestring-perl
- libpgobject-type-datetime-perl
- libpgobject-util-dbmethod-perl
- libplack-middleware-crossorigin-perl
- libpod-thread-perl
- libproc-terminator-perl
- librdf-ldf-perl
- libsecrecy
- libshell-perl
- libsru-perl
- libsystem-sub-perl
- libterm-twiddle-perl
- libtest-block-perl
- libtest-checkmanifest-perl
- libtest-http-localserver-perl
- libtest-log-log4perl-perl
- libtest-perl-critic-progressive-perl
- libtest-utf8-perl
- libthread-conveyor-monitored-perl
- libthread-pool-perl
- libtie-cache-lru-perl
- libvalidation-class-perl
- libvariable-disposition-perl
- libweasel-driverrole-perl
- libweasel-perl
- libweb-solid-auth-perl
- libxml-compile-dumper-perl
- libxml-tmx-perl
- libxml-writer-simple-perl
- libxrd-parser-perl
- londiste-sql
- lua-ljsyscall
- lua-orbit
- mac-fdisk
- mailto
- maven-ejb-plugin
- maven-invoker-plugin
- maven-script-interpreter
- md-toc
- metamonger
- micro-evtd
- mkdocs-click
- mmtf-python
- mpl-animators
- multimail
- mwic
- nbclassic
- neotoma
- node-babylon
- node-boom
- node-deps-sort
- node-ebnf-parser
- node-jison
- node-jison-lex
- node-jose
- node-labeled-stream-splicer
- node-lex-parser
- node-locate-character
- node-module-deps
- node-npmrc
- node-parents
- node-postgres
- node-repeating
- node-static
- node-stream-splicer
- node-stylus
- node-syntax-error
- node-telegram-bot-api
- node-temp
- node-theming
- node-utilities
- ntldd
- nutcracker
- nwg-bar
- ocaml-inotify
- ocaml-soundtouch
- odb
- odr-dabmux
- olap4j
- opendrop
- osmo-bsc
- osmo-hlr
- paexec
- pagure
- pass-report
- pdm-backend
- pg-bsd-indent
- pgauditlogtofile
- pgfincore
- pgq-node
- pgreplay
- php-doctrine-data-fixtures
- php-hamcrest
- php-mockery
- phpdox
- postgresql-periods
- postgresql-semver
- postgresql-set-user
- procdump
- proftpd-mod-counter
- proftpd-mod-geoip2
- proftpd-mod-statsd
- puppet-module-camptocamp-openssl
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-xinetd
- pyfribidi
- pytest-httpserver
- pytest-skip-markers
- pytest-vcr
- python-aiosasl
- python-bip32utils
- python-bottle-sqlite
- python-cmaes
- python-django-casclient
- python-django-navtag
- python-django-rest-hooks
- python-dracclient
- python-envparse
- python-ewah-bool-utils
- python-flickrapi
- python-fudge
- python-lesscpy
- python-louvain
- python-markdown-include
- python-mt-940
- python-ppmd
- python-pyaml-env
- python-pybadges
- python-pycosat
- python-pyflow
- python-pytest-djangoapp
- python-pytest-xprocess
- python-quamash
- python-questionary
- python-sure
- python-sushy
- python-term-image
- python-xstatic-angular-uuid
- python-xstatic-angular-vis
- python-xstatic-json2yaml
- python3-onelogin-saml2
- qgis3-survex-import
- qt-qml-models
- r-bioc-basilisk
- r-bioc-basilisk.utils
- r-bioc-decoupler
- r-bioc-dir.expiry
- r-bioc-eir
- r-bioc-gsva
- r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer
- r-bioc-netsam
- r-bioc-noiseq
- r-bioc-progeny
- r-bioc-qtlizer
- r-bioc-rcpi
- r-bioc-stringdb
- r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation
- r-cran-influencer
- raven
- reparser
- requirejs-text
- rmtfs
- ros2-test-interface-files
- rtfilter
- ruby-app-store-connect
- ruby-bsearch
- ruby-circuitbox
- ruby-classifier
- ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3
- ruby-deb-version
- ruby-digest-crc
- ruby-duo-api
- ruby-faker
- ruby-ffaker
- ruby-fog-rackspace
- ruby-google-api-client
- ruby-influxdb
- ruby-jekyll-avatar
- ruby-jekyll-default-layout
- ruby-jekyll-mentions
- ruby-jekyll-multiple-languages
- ruby-jekyll-optional-front-matter
- ruby-jquery-ui-rails
- ruby-jsonb-accessor
- ruby-semver-dialects
- runlim
- rust-as-raw-xcb-connection
- rust-ascii-canvas
- rust-axum
- rust-bitmaps
- rust-blight
- rust-castaway
- rust-colored
- rust-console
- rust-crossbeam
- rust-doc-comment
- rust-filedescriptor
- rust-findutils
- rust-fragile
- rust-gstreamer
- rust-ignore
- rust-khronos-egl
- rust-libudev
- rust-mac
- rust-maplit
- rust-mint
- rust-muldiv
- rust-nodrop
- rust-option-operations
- rust-ordered-float
- rust-pam-sys
- rust-parse-zoneinfo
- rust-pest-derive
- rust-pest-generator
- rust-pyo3-ffi
- rust-pyo3-macros-backend
- rust-radix-trie
- rust-rand-xoshiro
- rust-smithay-clipboard
- rust-spytrap-adb
- rust-ureq
- rust-valuable-serde
- rust-wayland-cursor
- rust-zip
- s2geometry
- salt-pylint
- sass-stylesheets-gutenberg
- scheme2c
- sctk
- secnet
- selint
- sepia
- serp
- setop
- sgml-spell-checker
- simple-revision-control
- singleapplication
- slcfitsio
- snibbetracker
- spamoracle
- sqlacodegen
- sqlitedict
- sqlmodel
- sqlsmith
- squashfs-mount
- st
- storm
- sunpy-sphinx-theme
- tahoe-lafs
- tiny-dnn
- toml11
- tools-deps-clojure
- tqftpserv
- tunnelx
- tvoe
- ucrpf1host
- voluptuous-serialize
- voms-api-java
- wavtool-pl
- wego
- wmf
- xbuilder
- xrt
- xymonq
- yajl-tcl
- ygl
- zpaqfranz
- ztex-bmp
- zzzeeksphinx
- ahven
- aiohttp-mako
- almond
- anytree
- anytun
- aobook
- aoeui
- apertium-fra-cat
- apertium-streamparser
- apt-transport-in-toto
- arpys
- bats-file
- bcm2835
- betamax
- bitsnpicas
- blazeblogger
- bme280
- boats
- bucardo
- camelot-py
- caml2html
- cgreen
- ch5m3d
- cl-github-v3
- cl-pg
- cl-xmls
- classycle
- coco-cpp
- compass-breakpoint-plugin
- compass-layoutgala-plugin
- d-itg
- dav-text
- dde-account-faces
- delay
- dh-puredata
- dj-database-url
- django-ajax-selects
- django-bitfield
- django-cachalot
- django-dirtyfields
- django-impersonate
- django-js-reverse
- django-macaddress
- django-prometheus
- django-redis-sessions
- django-tastypie
- djangorestframework-api-key
- dlmodelbox
- docknot
- eclipse-xsd
- eigenbase-resgen
- elbe-keyring
- emacspeak-ss
- erlang-cowlib
- erlang-meck
- erlang-ranch
- extra-data
- facet-analyser
- fact++
- flog
- fpyutils
- funnelweb
- fypp
- g-golf
- gcc-snapshot
- gentlyweb-utils
- gettext.js
- globus-xio-pipe-driver
- gnarwl
- go-cve-dictionary
- go-mmproxy
- golang-barcode
- golang-github-akavel-rsrc
- golang-github-alecthomas-kong-hcl
- golang-github-andybalholm-cascadia
- golang-github-azure-azure-pipeline-go
- golang-github-azure-azure-sdk-for-go
- golang-github-containers-gvisor-tap-vsocks
- golang-github-cznic-mathutil
- golang-github-danwakefield-fnmatch
- golang-github-dgryski-go-bitstream
- golang-github-disiqueira-gotree
- golang-github-fortytw2-leaktest
- golang-github-frankban-quicktest
- golang-github-go-jose-go-jose
- golang-github-go-playground-assert-v2
- golang-github-go-test-deep
- golang-github-gorilla-csrf
- golang-github-gregjones-httpcache
- golang-github-hlandau-xlog
- golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog
- golang-github-influxdata-yamux
- golang-github-insomniacslk-dhcp
- golang-github-j-keck-arping
- golang-github-jinzhu-copier
- golang-github-jwilder-encoding
- golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go
- golang-github-mattn-go-ieproxy
- golang-github-mitchellh-go-wordwrap
- golang-github-nsf-termbox-go
- golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner
- golang-github-paulbellamy-ratecounter
- golang-github-paulrosania-go-charset
- golang-github-peterbourgon-diskv
- golang-github-remyoudompheng-bigfft
- golang-github-robertkrimen-otto
- golang-github-rs-zerolog
- golang-github-shogo82148-go-shuffle
- golang-github-valyala-bytebufferpool
- golang-github-varlink-go
- golang-github-xanzy-ssh-agent
- golang-github-zmap-zlint
- golang-gopkg-bufio.v1
- golang-gopkg-natefinch-lumberjack.v2
- golang-gopkg-neurosnap-sentences.v1
- golang-k8s-utils
- golang-petname
- gosa-plugins-ldapmanager
- gosa-plugins-mailaddress
- gosa-plugins-netgroups
- gosa-plugins-pwreset
- hamradio-maintguide
- haskell-copilot
- haskell-copilot-c99
- haskell-csv-conduit
- haskell-data-reify
- haskell-edit-distance-vector
- haskell-futhark
- haskell-happstack-jmacro
- haskell-managed
- haskell-mime-mail-ses
- haskell-neat-interpolation
- haskell-pandoc-server
- haskell-parsec-numbers
- haskell-qrencode
- haskell-quickcheck-unicode
- haskell-sdl2-image
- haskell-set-extra
- haskell-smtlib
- haskell-src-exts-util
- haskell-system-posix-redirect
- haskell-tar-conduit
- haskell-tasty-lua
- haskell-text-manipulate
- haskell-with-location
- haskell-xmlgen
- haskell-yi-mode-javascript
- hipsolver
- icingaweb2-module-metapackages
- icingaweb2-module-nagvis
- indi-limesdr
- indi-starbook
- ipip
- itamae
- jcm
- jgrowl
- jquery-at.js
- jquery-coolfieldset
- json2file-go
- jsrender
- karabo-bridge
- kilo
- klustakwik
- kylin-nm
- latte-int
- lenovolegionlinux
- lesana
- leveldb-java
- libacme-brainfck-perl
- libalgorithm-naivebayes-perl
- libalien-build-perl
- libanyevent-aggressiveidle-perl
- libanyevent-processor-perl
- libanyevent-tools-perl
- libapache-admin-config-perl
- libapache-session-memcached-perl
- libapache2-mod-oauth2
- libapogee3
- libargs
- libaudio-ecasound-perl
- libauthen-htpasswd-perl
- libauthen-simple-radius-perl
- libautobox-junctions-perl
- libbind-confparser-perl
- libbiosoup-dev
- libcanary-stability-perl
- libcatmandu-mods-perl
- libcatmandu-rdf-perl
- libcatmandu-sru-perl
- libcatmandu-xls-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-actiondispatch-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-debugscreen-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-requiressl-perl
- libcgi-compress-gzip-perl
- libchatbot-eliza-perl
- libclass-pluggable-perl
- libcode-tidyall-plugin-uniquelines-perl
- libcode-tidyall-plugin-yaml-perl
- libconfig-scoped-perl
- libconfig-zomg-perl
- libconvert-ytext-perl
- libcpandb-perl
- libdancer-plugin-dbic-perl
- libdancer-session-cookie-perl
- libdata-dumper-compact-perl
- libdata-tablereader-perl
- libdate-jd-perl
- libdate-range-perl
- libdbix-fulltextsearch-perl
- libdbix-password-perl
- libdevel-checkbin-perl
- libdigest-elf-perl
- libdir-self-perl
- libdist-zilla-config-slicer-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-checkbin-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-makemaker-fallback-perl
- libdist-zilla-role-pluginbundle-pluginremover-perl
- libfax-hylafax-client-perl
- libfile-checktree-perl
- libfile-find-object-rule-perl
- libfile-read-perl
- libgeo-coordinates-osgb-perl
- libgit-sub-perl
- libh3
- libhttp-server-simple-cgi-prefork-perl
- libibtk
- libjira-rest-perl
- libjs-material-design-lite
- liblocale-us-perl
- libmath-symbolic-perl
- libmock-quick-perl
- libmodem-vgetty-perl
- libmods-record-perl
- libmodule-build-pluggable-perl
- libmodule-extract-use-perl
- libmodule-install-readmefrompod-perl
- libmodule-starter-pbp-perl
- libmodule-used-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-bcrypt-perl
- libmoosex-declare-perl
- libmoosex-multiinitarg-perl
- libnet-async-matrix-perl
- libnet-gpsd3-perl
- libnet-ipaddress-perl
- libnet-traceroute-pureperl-perl
- libnet-works-perl
- libnetdot-client-rest-perl
- libnfo
- liborlite-mirror-perl
- libouch-perl
- libparams-callbackrequest-perl
- libparse-mediawikidump-perl
- libperl6-export-attrs-perl
- libpgobject-type-bigfloat-perl
- libpgobject-util-dbadmin-perl
- libqt6pas
- librdf-aref-perl
- librepcb
- libscrappy-perl
- libsearch-queryparser-perl
- libsocket-linux-perl
- libstring-tt-perl
- libtangence-perl
- libterm-title-perl
- libtest-carp-perl
- libtest-hexstring-perl
- libtest-is-perl
- libtest-mockrandom-perl
- libtest-tabs-perl
- libtest-xml-perl
- libtext-greeking-perl
- libtickit-console-perl
- libtickit-widget-floatbox-perl
- liburi-find-delimited-perl
- libvalidate-yubikey-perl
- libwww-bugzilla-perl
- libxml-atom-microformats-perl
- libxml-structured-perl
- libxml-validate-perl
- libxmlenc-java
- libzt
- logstash-logback-encoder
- lomiri-session
- lru-dict
- lua-nginx-dns
- lumin
- mapbox-geometry
- maven-antrun-extended-plugin
- metamath
- milksnake
- mimefilter
- misery
- mkdepend
- modello-maven-plugin
- mom
- mrc
- msgpuck
- murphy-clojure
- mustache-java
- mvel
- namecheap
- nanosvg
- net-cpp
- node-abstract-leveldown
- node-base64id
- node-batch
- node-boolbase
- node-browserify
- node-cookiejar
- node-css-select
- node-css-what
- node-diacritics
- node-es6-shim
- node-eslint-plugin-requirejs
- node-grunt-contrib-clean
- node-grunt-contrib-copy
- node-gulp-plumber
- node-htmlescape
- node-i18next-browser-languagedetector
- node-microsoft-fast
- node-nth-check
- node-resolve-pkg
- node-rollup-plugin-babel
- node-rollup-plugin-inject
- node-rollup-plugin-json
- node-shelljs
- node-symbol-observable
- node-webfont
- node-websocket-stream
- node-with
- normality
- o2
- objconv
- ocaml-topkg
- odr-dabmod
- odr-padenc
- onak
- onionprobe
- ont-fast5-api
- orthanc-python
- oxigraph
- pacman.c
- paq
- parsimonious
- pep8-simul
- pgsql-asn1oid
- php-httpful
- plum
- podiff
- port-for
- postgresql-plproxy
- postgresql-prioritize
- pplacer
- prads
- proftpd-mod-autohost
- progress-linux-metapackages
- prometheus-mailexporter
- protection-domain-mapper
- ps-watcher
- psocksxx
- puppet-module-duritong-sysctl
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-postgresql
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-rsync
- pyim-basedict-el
- pyim-el
- pyimagetool
- pytest-cookies
- pytest-sourceorder
- python-aioice
- python-beziers
- python-bioblend
- python-bottle-beaker
- python-clickhouse-driver
- python-codegen
- python-command-runner
- python-cooler
- python-diagrams
- python-dicompylercore
- python-django-cache-machine
- python-django-ical
- python-django-modelcluster
- python-gbulb
- python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme
- python-hatch-nodejs-version
- python-hatch-requirements-txt
- python-hgapi
- python-librtmp
- python-model-bakery
- python-openflow
- python-openid-teams
- python-openshift
- python-oslotest
- python-panwid
- python-pathable
- python-persist-queue
- python-pot
- python-pyqtconsole
- python-pytest-toolbox
- python-pyzipper
- python-serverfiles
- python-ssdpy
- python-stdlib-list
- python-stringtemplate3
- python-undetected-chromedriver
- python-xstatic-angular-cookies
- python-xstatic-angular-mock
- qmc
- r-bioc-ballgown
- r-bioc-degnorm
- r-bioc-ioniser
- r-other-x4r
- reqwest
- rsshfs
- ruby-amazon-ec2
- ruby-commander
- ruby-contracts
- ruby-coveralls
- ruby-default-value-for
- ruby-faye-websocket
- ruby-ffi-bit-masks
- ruby-gir-ffi
- ruby-google-apis-androidpublisher-v3
- ruby-google-apis-cloudbilling-v1
- ruby-google-apis-cloudresourcemanager-v1
- ruby-google-apis-container-v1
- ruby-google-apis-container-v1beta1
- ruby-google-apis-iam-v1
- ruby-google-apis-serviceusage-v1
- ruby-image-processing
- ruby-jekyll-readme-index
- ruby-jekyll-titles-from-headings
- ruby-jquery-scrollto-rails
- ruby-neighbor
- ruby-odbc
- ruby-pcaprub
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery-idletimer
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery-textchange
- ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-sup
- ruby-rbvmomi
- ruby-rqrcode-rails3
- ruby-schash
- ruby-select2-rails
- ruby-telesign
- ruby-telesignenterprise
- ruby-twitter-stream
- rust-adler32
- rust-async-broadcast
- rust-atomic-refcell
- rust-base32
- rust-bkt
- rust-cargo-platform
- rust-chrono-tz
- rust-chrono-tz-build
- rust-compact-str
- rust-deflate64
- rust-derive-builder-core
- rust-directories
- rust-dlv-list
- rust-endian-type
- rust-find-crate
- rust-foreign-types-macros
- rust-futf
- rust-gdk4-wayland
- rust-gstreamer-base
- rust-hashlink
- rust-ipnetwork
- rust-libnghttp2-sys
- rust-markup5ever
- rust-md5
- rust-nanorand
- rust-nibble-vec
- rust-ordered-multimap
- rust-peg
- rust-pico-args
- rust-pikchr
- rust-pin-project
- rust-pin-project-internal
- rust-pyo3
- rust-rsop
- rust-rust-ini
- rust-safe-arch
- rust-schemars
- rust-schemars-derive
- rust-serde-derive-internals
- rust-servo-fontconfig
- rust-shared-library
- rust-shell-escape
- rust-shell-words
- rust-smithay-client-toolkit
- rust-string-cache-codegen
- rust-tendril
- rust-unsafe-libyaml
- rust-utf8-width
- rust-wayland-egl
- rust-wide
- rust-wild
- rust-xkeysym
- sass-stylesheets-sass-extras
- sdpa
- settle
- sic
- simple-image-filter
- siphashc
- sluice
- smarty-validate
- smiles-scripts
- spectra
- spock
- stenc
- structured-logging-clojure
- t2n
- tiles-request
- timeout-decorator
- tmate-ssh-server
- tntdb
- toastinfo
- traildb
- trantor
- txzmq
- vows
- vue-router.js
- west-chamber
- xeus-zmq
- xlax
- xtensor-blas
- yaggo
- zope.deferredimport
- 3d-ascii-viewer-c
- a2d
- adr-tools
- advocate
- alqalam
- ampr-ripd
- analizo
- anet
- anomaly
- anymarkup
- anymarkup-core
- apertium-es-ro
- apertium-mkd-bul
- apertium-por-cat
- backupchecker
- backward-cpp
- badger
- batmand
- binpac
- binutils-sh-elf
- blaeu
- boilerpipe
- cadical
- cafeobj
- cam2ip
- catfishq
- cedar-backup3
- ckbuilder
- cl-cluck
- cl-curry-compose-reader-macros
- cl-lw-compat
- courier-filter-perl
- cppimport
- crazywa
- crust-firmware
- csvjdbc
- ctapi
- cube2font
- dawgdic
- dde-store
- dh-haskell
- dh-rebar
- dhcpstarv
- digup
- dioptas
- display-mail-user-agent
- django-anymail
- django-auto-one-to-one
- django-notification
- django-organizations
- django-simple-redis-admin
- dm-writeboost
- edlin
- emacs-xdg-appmenu
- email-reminder
- emd
- empire-hub
- erlang-cuttlefish
- erlang-uuid
- etherdfs-server
- fastentrypoints
- fcoe-utils
- fennel
- finit
- flufl.password
- freesas
- fwupd-armhf-signed
- gap-hapcryst
- gauche-c-wrapper
- gauche-gl
- gdb-bpf
- genht
- gifwrap
- glowing-bear
- gmastermind.app
- gocc
- golang-github-antchfx-xpath
- golang-github-aymerick-douceur
- golang-github-azure-azure-storage-blob-go
- golang-github-d2r2-go-logger
- golang-github-daaku-go.zipexe
- golang-github-disintegration-imaging
- golang-github-erikdubbelboer-gspt
- golang-github-evanphx-json-patch
- golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector
- golang-github-google-wire
- golang-github-hashicorp-raft
- golang-github-hlandau-buildinfo
- golang-github-hlandau-dexlogconfig
- golang-github-influxdata-influxdb1-client
- golang-github-influxdata-influxql
- golang-github-jamesclonk-vultr
- golang-github-jouyouyun-hardware
- golang-github-kardianos-osext
- golang-github-kballard-go-shellquote
- golang-github-klauspost-reedsolomon
- golang-github-miekg-pkcs11
- golang-github-mohae-deepcopy
- golang-github-mxk-go-flowrate
- golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org
- golang-github-peterhellberg-link
- golang-github-pires-go-proxyproto
- golang-github-puerkitobio-goquery
- golang-github-rivo-tview
- golang-github-segmentio-ksuid
- golang-github-skratchdot-open-golang
- golang-github-valyala-fasttemplate
- golang-github-vitrun-qart
- golang-github-vividcortex-gohistogram
- golang-github-weppos-dnsimple-go
- golang-github-xrash-smetrics
- golang-godebiancontrol-dev
- golang-gopkg-hlandau-service.v2
- golang-lukechampine-blake3
- golang-tags.cncf-container-device-interface
- gost
- gost-crypto
- haskell-deque
- haskell-genvalidity
- haskell-genvalidity-containers
- haskell-genvalidity-hspec
- haskell-genvalidity-property
- haskell-getopt-generics
- haskell-github
- haskell-hex
- haskell-hsini
- haskell-hspec-hedgehog
- haskell-irc-core
- haskell-lumberjack
- haskell-multiset-comb
- haskell-open-browser
- haskell-raaz
- haskell-sdl2-mixer
- haskell-static-bytes
- haskell-stm-delay
- haskell-unsafe
- haskell-word-trie
- haskell-zeromq4-haskell
- hsail-tools
- hunchentoot
- image-factory
- imagetooth
- imx-code-signing-tool
- indi-gpsnmea
- ipband
- iprutils
- ircd-irc2
- irclog2html
- jakarta-mail
- japitools
- jaraco.itertools
- joypy
- json-editor.js
- jsonm
- jupytext
- knockpy
- konclude
- kross-interpreters
- kubernetes-split-yaml
- lcmaps-plugins-basic
- leds-alix
- libapache-htgroup-perl
- libapache-session-sqlite3-perl
- libapache2-mod-authn-yubikey
- libaudiomask
- libauthen-simple-dbm-perl
- libauthen-simple-http-perl
- libbarcode-datamatrix-png-perl
- libbsd-arc4random-perl
- libbusiness-paypal-api-perl
- libcache-mmap-perl
- libcatalyst-actionrole-checktrailingslash-perl
- libcatalyst-actionrole-requiressl-perl
- libcds
- libcgi-application-extra-plugin-bundle-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-dbiprofile-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-formstate-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-linkintegrity-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-messagestack-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-protectcsrf-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-ratelimit-perl
- libcgi-ssi-parser-perl
- libcgi-test-perl
- libcode-tidyall-plugin-sortlines-naturally-perl
- libcode-tidyall-plugin-yamlfrontmatter-perl
- libconfig-model-tester-perl
- libcucumber-tagexpressions-perl
- libdancer2-plugin-passphrase-perl
- libdata-faker-perl
- libdata-sah-normalize-perl
- libdata-uriencode-perl
- libdate-tiny-perl
- libdbix-class-optimisticlocking-perl
- libdecentxml-java
- libdefhash-perl
- libdevice-usb-pcsensor-hidtemper-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-bootstrap-lib-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-prepender-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-test-compile-perl
- libdist-zilla-role-bootstrap-perl
- libdist-zilla-util-test-kentnl-perl
- libequihash
- libextutils-libbuilder-perl
- libextutils-modulemaker-perl
- libextutils-typemap-perl
- libfile-queue-perl
- libhtml-element-library-perl
- libhtml-html5-builder-perl
- libhtml-prettyprinter-perl
- libigloo
- libio-file-withpath-perl
- libkmlframework-java
- liblatex-decode-perl
- liblaxjson
- liblist-keywords-perl
- liblocale-hebrew-perl
- liblog-dispatch-filewriterotate-perl
- libmail-box-pop3-perl
- libmason-plugin-htmlfilters-perl
- libmath-calculus-expression-perl
- libmath-fibonacci-perl
- libmedia-convert-perl
- libmime-util-java
- libmmmulti
- libmodule-install-xsutil-perl
- libmodule-optional-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-mailexception-perl
- libmoosex-attributetags-perl
- libmoosex-yaml-perl
- libmousex-getopt-perl
- libmousex-types-perl
- libnet-async-tangence-perl
- libnet-ldap-server-test-perl
- libnet-sieve-script-perl
- libnetsds-kannel-perl
- libnetsds-perl
- libnetsds-util-perl
- libobject-tiny-perl
- libparse-plainconfig-perl
- libpass-otp-perl
- libpath-iter-perl
- libpath-router-perl
- libpdl-linearalgebra-perl
- libperlanet-perl
- libpicocontainer1-java
- libplack-handler-fcgi-ev-perl
- libpod-projectdocs-perl
- libpod-weaver-plugin-ensureuniquesections-perl
- libpod-weaver-section-contributors-perl
- libpoe-filter-ssl-perl
- libprpc-perl
- libqofonoext
- librdf-trinex-compatibility-attean-perl
- librecommended-perl
- libregexp-log-perl
- libschedule-ratelimiter-perl
- libstatistics-welford-perl
- libstorj
- libtcod
- libterm-sk-perl
- libterm-visual-perl
- libtest-deep-unorderedpairs-perl
- libtest-dependencies-perl
- libtest-dir-perl
- libtest-fixme-perl
- libtest-identity-perl
- libtest-memorygrowth-perl
- libtest-mock-time-perl
- libtest-requires-git-perl
- libtest-script-run-perl
- libtext-metaphone-perl
- libtext-unicode-equivalents-perl
- libtickit-widget-entry-plugin-completion-perl
- libtie-ical-perl
- libtime-hr-perl
- libtime-mock-perl
- libtime-tiny-perl
- libtime-warp-perl
- libversion-util-perl
- libwww-finger-perl
- libxml-grddl-perl
- libxml-rpc-fast-perl
- lisgd
- lojban-common
- lola
- lua-nginx-kafka
- m4api
- magic-wormhole-transit-relay
- manuel
- meep-mpi-default
- metalang99
- metview-python
- mha4mysql-manager
- microprofile
- multex-base
- muscle3
- networking-bagpipe
- node-ast-types
- node-base64url
- node-bash-match
- node-character-parser
- node-connect
- node-consolidate
- node-constantinople
- node-findit2
- node-get
- node-grunt-babel
- node-grunt-contrib-requirejs
- node-gulp-concat
- node-gulp-load-plugins
- node-html-webpack-plugin
- node-keese
- node-kew
- node-libpq
- node-mess
- node-multimatch
- node-music-library-index
- node-ncp
- node-nodeunit
- node-normalize-git-url
- node-pkg-up
- node-redis
- node-rollup-plugin-node-polyfills
- node-serve-favicon
- node-serve-index
- node-superagent
- node-yazl
- notary
- nvme-stas
- ocaml-bjack
- ocaml-duppy
- ocaml-getopt
- ocaml-lo
- ocaml-mm
- ocaml-sha
- ocaml-shine
- ocamldap
- opencfu
- opencsv
- opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign
- openwince-include
- optee-client
- orthanc-neuro
- oss-preserve
- persistent-cache-cpp
- pgextwlist
- pgl-ddl-deploy
- pglogical-ticker
- php-cache-integration-tests
- php-http-httplug
- php-http-promise
- php-laravel-lumen-framework
- polyline
- postgresql-pgmp
- pre-commit-hooks
- preggy
- prometheus-nextcloud-exporter
- prometheus-sql-exporter
- prometheus-squid-exporter
- protobuf2
- prt
- puppet-module-asciiduck-sssd
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-firewall
- puppet-module-voxpupuli-ssh-keygen
- pyao
- pynauty
- pyobjcryst
- pytest-multihost
- pytest-tornasync
- python-acora
- python-aioitertools
- python-aiortc
- python-babelgladeextractor
- python-baron
- python-fakeredis
- python-file-encryptor
- python-fints
- python-flexmock
- python-git-os-job
- python-globus-sdk
- python-griddataformats
- python-gsd
- python-guess-language
- python-jsonschema-path
- python-kajiki
- python-loompy
- python-mbed-host-tests
- python-mongomock
- python-openstackdocstheme
- python-parsl
- python-parsley
- python-prison
- python-pyforge
- python-pyknon
- python-q
- python-repoze.tm2
- python-scantree
- python-scramp
- python-sdbus
- python-sepaxml
- python-sievelib
- python-skytools
- python-socketpool
- python-sqlite-migrate
- python-srp
- python-testing.postgresql
- python-udatetime
- python-vega-datasets
- python3-dmm
- python3-simpletal
- pytkdocs
- pyuca
- qpack
- qtcontacts-sqlite
- qwo
- r-cran-oaqc
- rdf4j
- remrun
- repopush
- rocthrust
- rpki-client
- ruby-acts-as-list
- ruby-after-commit-queue
- ruby-cliver
- ruby-docker-api
- ruby-email-reply-parser
- ruby-ffi-libarchive
- ruby-hipchat
- ruby-jekyll-commonmark
- ruby-jekyll-data
- ruby-jquery-atwho-rails
- ruby-nested-form
- ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-sub
- ruby-rails-assets-perfect-scrollbar
- ruby-ref
- ruby-roo
- ruby-rr
- ruby-rspec-rails
- ruby-rubocop-rspec
- ruby-tokyocabinet
- ruby-tty-screen
- ruby-u2f
- ruby-xmpp4r
- ruby-yell
- rust-ansi-colours
- rust-argon2rs
- rust-arrayvec-0.5
- rust-atoi
- rust-blake3
- rust-csv2svg
- rust-dashmap
- rust-diffutils
- rust-dns-parser
- rust-dunce
- rust-encoding-rs-io
- rust-endi
- rust-flume
- rust-gdk4-x11
- rust-gdk4-x11-sys
- rust-grep-matcher
- rust-gstreamer-audio-sys
- rust-gstreamer-video
- rust-gumdrop
- rust-gumdrop-derive
- rust-locale-config
- rust-markup
- rust-markup-proc-macro
- rust-merge3
- rust-num-derive
- rust-osmesa-sys
- rust-pq-sys
- rust-protobuf
- rust-rmp-serde
- rust-rockusb
- rust-scroll-derive
- rust-serde-path-to-error
- rust-sized-chunks
- rust-structopt-derive
- rust-text-size
- rust-whoami
- rust-x11rb
- rust-xkbcommon-sys
- rust-zbus-names
- rust-zvariant-utils
- sadisplay
- sardana
- sass-stylesheets-bulma
- scikit-build-core
- secilc
- seirsplus
- senpai
- shanty
- simple-xml
- sipxtapi
- slgsl
- snac2
- solarpowerlog
- speakup
- spnavcfg
- spyne
- ssshtest
- storymaps
- supysonic
- syslog-ocaml
- tb-goodies
- tcpbench
- termdebug
- tiles-autotag
- tinyframe
- tml
- towncrier
- trocla
- uhub
- utm
- vcheck
- vfit
- vip-manager
- voms-clients-java
- wmusic
- xhk
- xlassie
- xtel
- aboot
- acpi-override
- activities-el
- aiodogstatsd
- allow-html-temp
- android-platform-build-kati
- annotation-indexer
- anosql
- antelope
- apache-commons-rdf
- apertium-bel-rus
- apertium-br-fr
- apertium-cat-ita
- apertium-en-gl
- apertium-eo-es
- apertium-hbs-eng
- apertium-ind-zlm
- apertium-spa-ast
- apycula
- assertj-core
- avr-evtd
- azote
- bergman
- bluetooth-sensor-state-data
- bmagic
- box64
- brightnesspicker
- c2go
- calamares-extensions
- chaos-marmosets
- check-pgactivity
- cider
- cl-rss
- clippoly
- compass-color-schemer-plugin
- complete-clojure
- concurrentqueue
- coq-quickchick
- coqprime
- cppnumericalsolvers
- crashmail
- ctdopts
- cvs-mailcommit
- dacco
- darts
- datatype99
- debroster
- desproxy
- dh-raku
- diagnostics
- dials-data
- django-ckeditor
- django-graphene
- djinn
- docstring-parser
- dpaste
- easydict
- easygen
- eclipse-tracecompass
- eliom
- elpi
- emacs-dart-mode
- entropybroker
- erlang-cf
- espctag
- ethflop
- exhale
- felix-scr
- festvox-kdlpc8k
- fiche
- fp16
- funnelweb-doc
- garlic-doc
- gcc-sh-elf
- gcl27
- genx
- gl4es
- globus-authz
- globus-authz-callout-error
- globus-gfork
- globus-gridftp-server
- gnss-share
- go-exploitdb
- goawk
- golang-github-abbot-go-http-auth
- golang-github-apparentlymart-go-openvpn-mgmt
- golang-github-aws-smithy-go
- golang-github-azure-go-ansiterm
- golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl
- golang-github-bkaradzic-go-lz4
- golang-github-btcsuite-btcd-btcec
- golang-github-btcsuite-btcd-chaincfg-chainhash
- golang-github-btcsuite-fastsha256
- golang-github-cavaliergopher-grab
- golang-github-containers-psgo
- golang-github-cznic-fileutil
- golang-github-d2r2-go-bsbmp
- golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb
- golang-github-fogleman-gg
- golang-github-gdamore-tcell
- golang-github-getkin-kin-openapi
- golang-github-go-logr-stdr
- golang-github-google-gnostic-models
- golang-github-google-go-github
- golang-github-google-subcommands
- golang-github-gucumber-gucumber
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-memdb
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-rootcerts
- golang-github-hashicorp-hil
- golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb
- golang-github-hlandau-goutils
- golang-github-howeyc-gopass
- golang-github-inconshreveable-muxado
- golang-github-invopop-yaml
- golang-github-jacobsa-bazilfuse
- golang-github-jdkato-prose
- golang-github-jinzhu-inflection
- golang-github-joho-godotenv
- golang-github-kyokomi-emoji
- golang-github-mdlayher-genetlink
- golang-github-mreiferson-go-httpclient
- golang-github-netflix-go-expect
- golang-github-openshift-api
- golang-github-oschwald-maxminddb-golang
- golang-github-perimeterx-marshmallow
- golang-github-revel-revel
- golang-github-rfjakob-eme
- golang-github-sahilm-fuzzy
- golang-github-sjoerdsimons-ostree-go
- golang-github-stefanberger-go-pkcs11uri
- golang-github-tarm-serial
- golang-github-templexxx-cpu
- golang-github-thejerf-suture
- golang-github-tjfoc-gmsm
- golang-github-traefik-yaegi
- golang-github-unknwon-com
- golang-github-xi2-xz
- golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt
- golang-github-xtaci-kcp
- golang-gocolorize
- golang-gopkg-warnings.v0
- golang-k8s-sigs-json
- golang-pathtree
- golang-rsc-qr
- gophian
- got
- graide
- grapefruit
- haskell-casa-client
- haskell-casa-types
- haskell-charsetdetect-ae
- haskell-config-schema
- haskell-cryptohash-conduit
- haskell-cryptol
- haskell-curve25519
- haskell-deferred-folds
- haskell-exception-mtl
- haskell-expiring-cache-map
- haskell-fold-debounce
- haskell-isomorphism-class
- haskell-load-env
- haskell-monad-chronicle
- haskell-pager
- haskell-prettyprinter-interp
- haskell-rio-orphans
- haskell-s-cargot
- haskell-smtp-mail
- haskell-soap-tls
- haskell-tasty-checklist
- haskell-tasty-expected-failure
- haskell-text-ansi
- haskell-text-builder
- haskell-text-builder-dev
- haskell-token-bucket
- haskell-twitter-conduit
- haskell-web-routes-happstack
- haskell-web-routes-th
- hiredict
- hppcrt
- hurd
- idl-font-lock-el
- ismobilejs
- ivyplusplus
- jaxrpc-api
- josql
- jshash
- jverein
- lazyarray
- lcrq
- libai-decisiontree-perl
- libamazon-s3-perl
- libany-template-processdir-perl
- libanyevent-connector-perl
- libanyevent-websocket-client-perl
- libapache-authenhook-perl
- libapache-dbilogger-perl
- libapache-singleton-perl
- libapp-control-perl
- libapp-options-perl
- libapp-termcast-perl
- libapp-wdq-perl
- libauth-yubikey-decrypter-perl
- libauthen-simple-cdbi-perl
- libauthen-tacacsplus-perl
- libbgcode
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-payflowpro-perl
- libbusiness-us-usps-webtools-perl
- libcarp-datum-perl
- libcatmandu-atom-perl
- libcatmandu-store-mongodb-perl
- libcatmandu-template-perl
- libcatmandu-wikidata-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl
- libcgi-formalware-perl
- libcgi-xmlapplication-perl
- libclass-accessor-classy-perl
- libclass-multimethods-perl
- libclass-type-enum-perl
- libcss-compressor-perl
- libcss-lessp-perl
- libdata-flow-perl
- libdata-sorting-perl
- libdatapager-perl
- libdatetimex-auto-perl
- libdbix-oo-perl
- libdbix-profile-perl
- libdevel-gdb-perl
- libdir-purge-perl
- libdist-inkt-doap-perl
- libdist-inkt-profile-tobyink-perl
- libdist-inkt-role-hg-perl
- libdist-inkt-role-release-perl
- libdist-inkt-role-test-kwalitee-perl
- libdist-inkt-role-test-perl
- libdivide
- libeconf
- libenv-ps1-perl
- libextractor-python
- libfile-kdbx-perl
- libfile-sharedir-par-perl
- libflickr-api-perl
- libgraphviz2-perl
- libhttp-throwable-perl
- libimage-math-constrain-perl
- libimage-seek-perl
- libio-async-loop-glib-perl
- libiterator-simple-perl
- libjs-cssrelpreload
- libjs-jstorage
- libjs-sdp
- libkainjow-mustache
- liblatex-tom-perl
- liblog-any-adapter-dispatch-perl
- libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl
- libmath-vector-real-perl
- libmediawiki-bot-perl
- libmessage-passing-amqp-perl
- libmime-ecoencode-perl
- libmodule-build-pluggable-ppport-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-cgi-perl
- libmoosex-app-perl
- libmoosex-logdispatch-perl
- libmoosex-relatedclassroles-perl
- libmoosex-role-strict-perl
- libmoosex-singlearg-perl
- libmoosex-types-portnumber-perl
- libnet-async-fastcgi-perl
- libnet-dns-native-perl
- libnet-facebook-oauth2-perl
- libnet-gmail-imap-label-perl
- libnet-prometheus-perl
- libnews-newsrc-perl
- libnumber-tolerant-perl
- libpam-net
- libpdl-graphics-gnuplot-perl
- libperl-critic-toomuchcode-perl
- libperlx-assert-perl
- libplack-middleware-logerrors-perl
- libpod-weaver-section-legal-complicated-perl
- libpoe-component-pcap-perl
- libpoe-filter-xml-perl
- libpoe-test-loops-perl
- libproc-queue-perl
- libproc-syncexec-perl
- libquantum
- librdf-doap-perl
- librdf-endpoint-perl
- librdf-trinex-serializer-mockturtlesoup-perl
- librinci-perl
- librtf-writer-perl
- libsharyanto-string-util-perl
- libspctag
- libstring-bufferstack-perl
- libtaint-runtime-perl
- libtemplate-alloy-perl
- libtemplate-declare-perl
- libtemplate-multilingual-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-calendar-simple-perl
- libterm-ttyrec-plus-perl
- libtest-abortable-perl
- libtest-html-w3c-perl
- libtest-needsdisplay-perl
- libtest-pod-content-perl
- libtest-portability-files-perl
- libtest-prereq-perl
- libtest-roo-perl
- libtest-signature-perl
- libtest-subcalls-perl
- libtest-timer-perl
- libtest-version-perl
- libtext-context-eitherside-perl
- libtickit-app-plugin-escapeprefix-perl
- libtickit-widget-scrollbox-perl
- libtree-redblack-perl
- libuio
- libuniversal-ref-perl
- libutil-h2o-perl
- libvdestack
- libverilog-perl
- libwebservice-validator-css-w3c-perl
- libwww-wikipedia-perl
- lice
- logilab-constraint
- luma.lcd
- luma.led-matrix
- madonctl
- mantis-xray
- mapbox-polylabel
- math-numeric-tower-clojure
- mediawiki-skin-greystuff
- mercurial-crecord
- mescc-tools
- metainf-services
- molly-brown
- mongrel2
- mvdsv
- netlabel-tools
- node-applause
- node-babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx
- node-base62
- node-bufferlist
- node-chrono
- node-copy-paste
- node-cryptiles
- node-cson-parser
- node-css-color-names
- node-daemon
- node-deep-for-each
- node-dom-helpers
- node-domino
- node-graphql
- node-grunt-replace
- node-grunt-webpack
- node-gulp-babel
- node-gulp-flatten
- node-gulp-newer
- node-gulp-postcss
- node-is-docker
- node-lastfm
- node-load-grunt-tasks
- node-mysticatea-eslint-plugin
- node-node-rest-client
- node-oauth-1.0a
- node-policyfile
- node-posix-getopt
- node-random-bytes
- node-recast
- node-rollup-plugin-string
- node-security
- node-sntp
- node-stringstream
- node-tunein
- node-uvu
- node-wikibase-edit
- node-wikibase-sdk
- node-ws-iconv
- node-yajsml
- node-yarn-tool-resolve-package
- ocaml-extunix
- ocaml-gavl
- ocaml-lastfm
- ocaml-merlin
- octave-iso2mesh
- opengnb
- openstack-dashboard-debian-theme
- osra
- pa-dlna
- packmol
- painintheapt
- parsewiki
- pd.build-cmake-module
- pdudaemon
- pgcluu
- pglast
- phnxdeco
- php-async-aws-core
- php-async-aws-ses
- php-faker
- php-horde-scheduler
- php-htmlawed
- php-http-message-factory
- php-league-html-to-markdown
- piperka-client
- portio
- pplatex
- prover9-manual
- psimd
- ptl
- puppet-module-openstack-extras
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-rabbitmq
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-vcsrepo
- puppet-module-richardc-datacat
- puppet-module-saz-memcached
- pusimp
- put-dns
- pycognito
- pycrc
- pyjavaproperties
- pyjunitxml
- pypureomapi
- pyserial-asyncio-fast
- pytest-bdd
- pytest-lazy-fixtures
- pytest-testinfra
- python-aio-pika
- python-aiomeasures
- python-alignlib
- python-beartype
- python-collections-extended
- python-cramjam
- python-darts.lib.utils.lru
- python-django-postgres-extra
- python-edgegrid
- python-funcy
- python-gabbi
- python-influxdb-client
- python-jenkinsapi
- python-jieba
- python-leidenalg
- python-libais
- python-mbed-ls
- python-morris
- python-multiurl
- python-nixio
- python-opcodes
- python-pager
- python-pkcs11
- python-prettylog
- python-pylatex
- python-pylibsrtp
- python-pyvista
- python-schwifty
- python-scooby
- python-tuspy
- python-u2flib-server
- python-ulid
- python-volatile
- python-wsgi-intercept
- python-xstatic-filesaver
- pyxrd
- qbe
- rainbow.js
- rapiddisk
- redmine-plugin-custom-css
- reform-firedecor
- regex-clojure
- rg-el
- rime-ipa
- rime-wubi
- rt-extension-jsgantt
- ruby-aws-sdk
- ruby-cookiejar
- ruby-dataobjects-postgres
- ruby-ddmemoize
- ruby-geocoder
- ruby-grit
- ruby-html-proofer
- ruby-minitest-utils
- ruby-mongo
- ruby-mousetrap-rails
- ruby-open-uri-redirections
- ruby-packetfu
- ruby-paranoia
- ruby-poltergeist
- ruby-puppet-syntax
- ruby-rspec-puppet
- ruby-shoulda-context
- ruby-six
- ruby-sshkey
- ruby-standalone
- ruby-text-table
- ruby-timeliness
- ruby-tty-cursor
- ruby-uniform-notifier
- ruby-vcr
- ruby-wisper
- ruby-zoom
- rust-arc-swap
- rust-base-x
- rust-binary-heap-plus
- rust-blake2-rfc
- rust-buffered-reader
- rust-cargo-auditable
- rust-cassowary
- rust-chumsky
- rust-crates-io
- rust-crc
- rust-cty
- rust-dbus
- rust-derive-builder
- rust-easy-cast
- rust-fancy-regex
- rust-fast-srgb8
- rust-fmt2io
- rust-gettext-rs
- rust-gettext-sys
- rust-git2-curl
- rust-html5ever
- rust-hyphenation-commons
- rust-is-executable
- rust-lalrpop-util
- rust-mac-address
- rust-netlink-proto
- rust-nettle
- rust-nettle-sys
- rust-numbat-cli
- rust-number-prefix
- rust-opener
- rust-ordered-stream
- rust-palette
- rust-palette-derive
- rust-pcsc-sys
- rust-pretty-env-logger
- rust-prometheus
- rust-prr
- rust-psm
- rust-quoted-printable
- rust-rand-hc
- rust-ratatui
- rust-rtnetlink
- rust-rustfix
- rust-serde-value
- rust-serde-with
- rust-serde-with-macros
- rust-serde-xml-rs
- rust-sha3
- rust-stacker
- rust-tiny-http
- rust-tokio-vsock
- rust-udev
- rust-unic-char-property
- rust-unic-char-range
- rust-unic-common
- rust-unic-ucd-version
- rust-unicode-categories
- rust-unicode-truncate
- rust-vsock
- rust-xdg-home
- rust-xkb
- rust-xmlparser
- sbox-dtc
- schleuder-cli
- scmutils
- securestring
- sensor-state-data
- sepp
- silkaj
- silver-platter
- sinntp
- sisc
- sixer
- skales
- statnews
- stex
- stomper
- subuser
- surf-display
- tagcloud
- theme-d-intr
- trac-wikiprint
- triton
- tthsum
- turbocase
- ukui-app-widget
- ukui-notebook
- ukui-notification-daemon
- ukui-system-monitor
- ultimateultimateguitar
- unibetacode
- usepackage
- utf8.h
- uuidm
- uwsgi-plugin-luajit
- valijson
- vim-link-vim
- vvmd
- vvmplayer
- weirdx
- whiff
- wims-help
- writeboost
- xbyak
- yarsync
- z8530-utils2
- zenlisp
- zkg
- zope.testrunner
- zpb-ttf
- adv-17v35x
- apertium-eu-en
- apertium-fra-frp
- apertium-isl-eng
- aptly-api-client
- autothemer-el
- awesomplete
- awit-dbackup
- balboa
- balloon
- bdflib
- bin-prot
- bluebrain-hpc-coding-conventions
- bmt
- bosixnet
- bst-external
- cachey
- camlidl-doc
- caveconverter
- cerealizer
- chaosread
- charliecloud
- chewing-editor
- chip-seq
- cl-pipes
- cl-who
- clojure-maven-plugin
- coq-dpdgraph
- corrosion
- croaring
- cubature
- cyclades-serial-client
- dbeacon
- dep-logic
- desktop-autoloader
- dh-coq
- dh-ros
- dictdiffer
- diet-ng
- dirty-equals
- django-measurement
- django-pagination
- django-pglocks
- django-render-block
- django-rich
- dm-zoned-tools
- dxchange
- dygraphs
- eclipse-collections
- eg25-manager
- eigenbase-farrago
- ereandel
- erlang-horse
- erlang-mimerl
- eweouz
- extsmail
- fbtftp
- fcitx-autoeng-ng
- felix-shell-tui
- field3d
- filtergen
- flask-debugtoolbar
- fluster
- force-ip-protocol
- freepwing
- freespeech
- friso
- frozen-flask
- fteqcc
- fxdiv
- ga
- gatk-bwamem
- gir-rust-code-generator
- globus-gridftp-server-control
- globus-net-manager
- glue-schema
- gntp-send
- golang-github-ajstarks-svgo
- golang-github-apparentlymart-go-textseg
- golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go-v2
- golang-github-ccding-go-stun
- golang-github-cloudflare-go-metrics
- golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober
- golang-github-containers-luksy
- golang-github-coreos-go-oidc
- golang-github-cznic-b
- golang-github-cznic-sortutil
- golang-github-cznic-strutil
- golang-github-d4l3k-messagediff
- golang-github-data-dog-go-sqlmock
- golang-github-distribution-reference
- golang-github-dlclark-regexp2
- golang-github-dropbox-dropbox-sdk-go-unofficial
- golang-github-dtylman-scp
- golang-github-elazarl-go-bindata-assetfs
- golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt
- golang-github-geertjohan-go.incremental
- golang-github-go-chi-chi
- golang-github-go-macaron-inject
- golang-github-go-macaron-macaron
- golang-github-guptarohit-asciigraph
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-version
- golang-github-inconshreveable-log15
- golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime
- golang-github-kisom-goutils
- golang-github-libvirt-libvirt-go
- golang-github-masterzen-simplexml
- golang-github-mdlayher-wifi
- golang-github-micromdm-scep
- golang-github-minio-md5-simd
- golang-github-mitchellh-colorstring
- golang-github-mitchellh-go-ps
- golang-github-mitchellh-hashstructure
- golang-github-moby-patternmatcher
- golang-github-muesli-termenv
- golang-github-nkovacs-streamquote
- golang-github-oschwald-geoip2-golang
- golang-github-petermattis-goid
- golang-github-pion-dtls.v2
- golang-github-pion-logging
- golang-github-pion-randutil
- golang-github-pion-transport
- golang-github-pquerna-cachecontrol
- golang-github-rwcarlsen-goexif
- golang-github-sasha-s-go-deadlock
- golang-github-surma-gocpio
- golang-github-templexxx-xorsimd
- golang-github-vincent-petithory-dataurl
- golang-github-vmware-govmomi
- golang-github-x448-float16
- golang-github-xtaci-smux
- golang-go-cache
- golang-go4
- golang-gonum-v1-gonum
- golang-gonum-v1-plot
- golang-gopkg-asn1-ber.v1
- golang-gopkg-errgo.v2
- golang-h12-socks
- golang-k8s-api
- golang-k8s-apimachinery
- golang-k8s-client-go
- gordon
- haskell-assert-failure
- haskell-base64
- haskell-cabal-install-solver
- haskell-cborg
- haskell-cborg-json
- haskell-ghc-exactprint
- haskell-hosc
- haskell-hslua-module-doclayout
- haskell-hslua-repl
- haskell-isocline
- haskell-lua-arbitrary
- haskell-minimorph
- haskell-monad-journal
- haskell-mustache
- haskell-nanospec
- haskell-primitive-addr
- haskell-quickcheck-classes
- haskell-quote-quot
- haskell-selective
- haskell-tasty-hslua
- haskell-text-builder-linear
- haskell-wreq
- herisvm
- herold
- hickle
- hiki
- hishel
- httmock
- httpunit
- hypothesis-auto
- icingaweb2-module-fileshipper
- ignition
- iisemulator
- iitii
- illustrate
- immer
- indi-astromechfoc
- ispell-tl
- jarjar-maven-plugin
- jayway-jsonpath
- jgromacs
- jh71xx-tools
- jquery-geo
- json-smart
- jtreg6
- jube
- jupyter-cache
- kapidox
- ktx
- lazy
- lem
- libacme-poe-knee-perl
- libajaxtags-java
- libapache2-sitecontrol-perl
- libapp-cell-perl
- libappconfig-std-perl
- libarray-refelem-perl
- libaspect-perl
- libatomicbitvector
- libaudio-mixer-perl
- libauth-yubikey-webclient-perl
- libauthcas-perl
- libbadger-perl
- libbloom-filter-perl
- libbread-board-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-redis-perl
- libcatalyst-view-csv-perl
- libcatmandu-mab2-perl
- libcatmandu-xml-perl
- libcatmandu-xsd-perl
- libcgi-application-server-perl
- libcgi-github-webhook-perl
- libcgi-untaint-date-perl
- libcgi-xmlform-perl
- libchi-memoize-perl
- libclass-accessor-named-perl
- libclass-dbi-loader-relationship-perl
- libclass-dbi-plugin-abstractcount-perl
- libclass-meta-perl
- libclass-mixinfactory-perl
- libclass-tiny-antlers-perl
- libcli-framework-perl
- libcode-tidyall-plugin-clangformat-perl
- libconvert-ascii-armour-perl
- libcpan-inject-perl
- libcvs-perl
- libdancer-plugin-rest-perl
- libdata-dumpxml-perl
- libdata-streamdeserializer-perl
- libdata-streamserializer-perl
- libdbix-class-inflatecolumn-fs-perl
- libdbix-xmlmessage-perl
- libdevel-stacktrace-withlexicals-perl
- libdist-inkt-role-git-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-requiresexternal-perl
- libest
- libfile-data-perl
- libfile-find-rule-filesys-virtual-perl
- libfile-wildcard-perl
- libformvalidator-simple-perl
- libfreecontact-perl
- libfunction-fallback-coreorpp-perl
- libgeo-postcode-perl
- libheimdal-kadm5-perl
- libhtml-auto-perl
- libhtml-highlight-perl
- libhtml-template-compiled-perl
- libio-epoll-perl
- libjregex-java
- libjs-jquery-fixedtableheader
- libjs-spectre
- libjson-hyper-perl
- libjson-rpc-common-perl
- libjxl-testdata
- liblinux-prctl-perl
- liblmdb-file-perl
- liblong-jump-perl
- liblucene-queryparser-perl
- libmason-plugin-cache-perl
- libmath-calculus-differentiate-perl
- libmath-calculus-newtonraphson-perl
- libmath-random-free-perl
- libmath-random-oo-perl
- libmmap-allocator
- libmoosex-mungehas-perl
- libmoosex-types-iso8601-perl
- libmoosex-types-set-object-perl
- libmoosex-xsaccessor-perl
- libmoox-cmd-perl
- libmousex-types-path-class-perl
- libmsoffice-word-html-writer-perl
- libnativecall-perl
- libnet-easytcp-perl
- libnet-epp-perl
- libnet-finger-perl
- libnet-tclink-perl
- libnumber-fraction-perl
- liboqs
- libparams-coerce-perl
- libparse-binary-perl
- libparse-fixedlength-perl
- libpath-class-file-stat-perl
- libpdl-io-hdf5-perl
- libperinci-sub-util-perl
- libperl-minimumversion-fast-perl
- libplack-app-proxy-perl
- libplack-middleware-test-stashwarnings-perl
- libpod-pseudopod-perl
- libpod-weaver-section-support-perl
- libpoe-component-pool-thread-perl
- libpoe-component-server-jsonrpc-perl
- libppix-documentname-perl
- libquantum-superpositions-perl
- librdf-generator-void-perl
- librtf-document-perl
- libsearch-gin-perl
- libsms-aql-perl
- libsort-fields-perl
- libstring-scanf-perl
- libstropt
- libsvn-dump-perl
- libtap-formatter-html-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-clickable-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-datetime-format-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-datetime-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-digest-md5-perl
- libterm-vt102-perl
- libtest-async-http-perl
- libtest-hasversion-perl
- libtest-if-perl
- libtest-name-fromline-perl
- libtest-postgresql-perl
- libtest-rdf-doap-version-perl
- libtest-synopsis-expectation-perl
- libtest-www-mechanize-cgiapp-perl
- libtest-xpath-perl
- libtext-bibtex-validate-perl
- libtfbs-perl
- libtie-encryptedhash-perl
- libtie-hash-expire-perl
- libtk-objeditor-perl
- libtwin
- liburl-search-perl
- libvpl-tools
- libwiki-toolkit-formatter-usemod-perl
- libwiki-toolkit-perl
- libwww-shorten-5gp-perl
- logging-tree
- lombok-patcher
- madwimax
- magic-wormhole-mailbox-server
- mailfront
- markdown-exec
- maven-jaxb2-plugin
- maven-processor-plugin
- mcstrans
- medialibrary
- mender-cli
- metalfinder
- metastudent-data-2
- mlpcap
- mockery
- mpvqt
- napari-plugin-engine
- natlog
- nield
- node-active-x-obfuscator
- node-babel-plugin-array-includes
- node-backoff
- node-basic-auth-parser
- node-caller
- node-chai-as-promised
- node-channels
- node-cheerio
- node-css-tree
- node-dequeue
- node-dot
- node-fastcgi
- node-fastcgi-stream
- node-grunt-contrib-coffee
- node-grunt-contrib-nodeunit
- node-gulp-rename
- node-hash-sum
- node-jasmine
- node-keypress
- node-lazy-debug-legacy
- node-libravatar
- node-lightgallery
- node-macaddress
- node-mdn-data
- node-mqtt-connection
- node-node-rsa
- node-platform
- node-preact
- node-proxyquire
- node-redux
- node-require-inject
- node-response-time
- node-rollup-plugin-alias
- node-rollup-plugin-sourcemaps
- node-rollup-plugin-typescript2
- node-sdp-jingle-json
- node-sinon-chai
- node-streamtest
- node-stringmap
- node-supertest
- node-trust-json-document
- node-trust-keyto
- node-ts-loader
- node-uid-safe
- node-unicode-data
- node-vue-style-loader
- node-webfinger
- node-wikibase-cli
- node-wikidata-lang
- node-yamlish
- nom
- oaklisp
- ocaml-cry
- ocaml-hmap
- ocaml-magic-mime
- ocaml-speex
- ocaml-stdio
- open-infrastructure-storage-tools
- openjpa
- orange-spectroscopy
- ordered-map
- org-caldav
- orsopy
- os-autoinst
- osmo-trx
- owlapi
- passportjs
- pegjs
- php-brick-varexporter
- php-fig-link-util
- php-mf2
- php-shellcommand
- pinto
- pkcs11-provider
- pktanon
- pmon-update
- pnc
- posixtestsuite
- ppxlib-jane
- prometheus-flask-exporter
- prospector
- protoaculous
- psmt2-frontend
- psygnal
- puppet-module-aodh
- puppet-module-arioch-redis
- puppet-module-barbican
- puppet-module-camptocamp-augeas
- puppet-module-ceilometer
- puppet-module-ceph
- puppet-module-cinder
- puppet-module-cloudkitty
- puppet-module-designate
- puppet-module-glance
- puppet-module-gnocchi
- puppet-module-heat
- puppet-module-horizon
- puppet-module-ironic
- puppet-module-joshuabaird-ipaclient
- puppet-module-keystone
- puppet-module-manila
- puppet-module-michaeltchapman-galera
- puppet-module-neutron
- puppet-module-nova
- puppet-module-octavia
- puppet-module-openstacklib
- puppet-module-oslo
- puppet-module-ovn
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-haproxy
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-tftp
- puppet-module-rodjek-logrotate
- puppet-module-saz-rsyslog
- puppet-module-saz-ssh
- puppet-module-sbitio-monit
- puppet-module-swift
- puppet-module-voxpupuli-alternatives
- puppet-module-voxpupuli-corosync
- puppet-module-vswitch
- pydle
- pyeapi
- pyethash
- pyml
- pystaticconfiguration
- pysyncobj
- pytermgui
- pytest-golden
- python-activipy
- python-asn1
- python-asyncclick
- python-bottle-cork
- python-cads-api-client
- python-cykhash
- python-daiquiri
- python-diaspy
- python-dictobj
- python-dirhash
- python-django-swapper
- python-djantic
- python-exotel
- python-fastparquet
- python-fingerprints
- python-gflanguages
- python-gplearn
- python-httpsig
- python-intbitset
- python-iowait
- python-klein
- python-linetable
- python-lti
- python-mercantile
- python-minimock
- python-ml-collections
- python-mockito
- python-mujson
- python-nameparser
- python-opt-einsum
- python-os-testr
- python-patch-ng
- python-pgq
- python-proliantutils
- python-pyasn1-lextudio
- python-pyperform
- python-pyutil
- python-qtpynodeeditor
- python-redbaron
- python-scrapy-djangoitem
- python-sop
- python-sparkpost
- python-static3
- python-sushy-cli
- python-timeline
- python-untangle
- python-waiting
- python-xstatic-jquery.bootstrap.wizard
- python-xstatic-qunit
- pyunitsystem
- r-bioc-pwalign
- rapidcheck
- readsb
- rebound
- redis-py-cluster
- reentry
- rlottie-qml
- robtk
- ruby-bacon
- ruby-beaker-hostgenerator
- ruby-benchmark-ips
- ruby-bullet
- ruby-cssbundling-rails
- ruby-directory-watcher
- ruby-em-http-request
- ruby-em-socksify
- ruby-faraday-cookie-jar
- ruby-fuubar
- ruby-gitlab-flowdock-git-hook
- ruby-in-parallel
- ruby-jekyll-github-metadata
- ruby-libnotify
- ruby-mab
- ruby-maven-libs
- ruby-nfc
- ruby-ogginfo
- ruby-ox
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery
- ruby-romkan
- ruby-rubytorrent
- ruby-shoulda
- ruby-shoulda-matchers
- ruby-timecop
- ruby-tty-prompt
- ruby-tty-reader
- ruby-unicorn-worker-killer
- rust-alacritty-config
- rust-alacritty-config-derive
- rust-aliasable
- rust-argparse
- rust-blake2b-simd
- rust-block-cipher-trait
- rust-byte-unit
- rust-calloop-wayland-source
- rust-cargo
- rust-clap-complete
- rust-criterion-plot
- rust-cssparser-macros
- rust-ctrlc
- rust-difflib
- rust-email-address
- rust-etcetera
- rust-fallible-streaming-iterator
- rust-fd-lock
- rust-fs-extra
- rust-gloo-timers
- rust-glutin
- rust-glutin-egl-sys
- rust-glutin-glx-sys
- rust-grep-printer
- rust-gst-plugin-version-helper
- rust-gtk-rs-lgpl-docs
- rust-html-escape
- rust-image-webp
- rust-inotify-sys
- rust-lexical-core
- rust-libadwaita
- rust-libadwaita-sys
- rust-libsystemd
- rust-lz4-flex
- rust-natord
- rust-notify
- rust-num
- rust-pam
- rust-pcsc
- rust-plain
- rust-plist
- rust-pocket-resources
- rust-pretty-assertions
- rust-rfc822-like
- rust-roxmltree
- rust-rusqlite
- rust-rustyline
- rust-serde-ignored
- rust-slotmap
- rust-stackvector
- rust-starship-module-config-derive
- rust-stfu8
- rust-strict-num
- rust-strip-ansi-escapes
- rust-strsim-0.10
- rust-tiny-skia
- rust-tiny-skia-path
- rust-tree-sitter-highlight
- rust-urlencoding
- rust-wayland-csd-frame
- rust-wayland-protocols-wlr
- rust-x11-clipboard
- rust-x11-dl
- rust-yansi
- rust-zune-core
- rust-zune-jpeg
- salt-pepper
- sass-stylesheets-purecss
- sbws
- scikit-misc
- scolasync
- simple-whip-client
- skypat
- slick
- smartleia
- speechd-el
- sqlite-modern-cpp
- stayrtr
- tao-config
- tea-cli
- tempest
- textarea-caret.js
- tinyusb
- tkrzw-python
- tl-parser
- tty-record
- ukui-sidebar
- upb
- usgs
- vart
- vorbis-java
- vzlogger
- xdoctest
- xenium
- xrprof
- yaramod
- yosys-plugin-ghdl
- yotta
- zc.buildout
- zemberek-ooo
- zip4j
- zktop
- zonefs-tools
- zurl
- aac-tactics
- access-modifier-checker
- adabrowse
- android-platform-external-jsilver
- apertium-eo-fr
- apertium-es-gl
- apertium-eu-es
- apertium-isl-swe
- app-model
- argparse4j
- aspectj-maven-plugin
- batalert
- bdist-nsi
- beanbag-docutils
- bifcl
- bifrost
- bluemaestro-ble
- borghash
- bridge-method-injector
- browser-request
- bsdowl
- camo
- capsule-maven-nextflow
- cl-daemon
- cl-ftp
- cl-graph
- cl-irc
- cl-lml2
- cl-modlisp
- cl-photo
- cl-salza2
- click-help-colors
- coco-java
- codfis
- combat
- con-duct
- coq-bignums
- cpp-jwt
- credential-sheets
- csaps
- css2xslfo
- cvelib
- debiman
- decko
- delight
- dh-make-raku
- dirty.js
- dj-static
- django-bleach
- django-cacheops
- django-graphiql-debug-toolbar
- django-select2
- django-templated-email
- django-yarnpkg
- dlpack
- dlt-viewer
- dnsjit
- dnswire
- dyda
- edlio
- eiskaltdcpp-web
- emacs-bazel-mode
- eoconv
- eprosima-idl-parser
- erlang-bbmustache
- erlang-metrics
- erlang-poolboy
- errbot
- fakesleep
- fannj
- fastddsgen
- fcitx-fullwidthchar-enhance
- fcitx-punc-ng
- flufl.testing
- focalinux
- foolscap
- freeipa-healthcheck
- freesasa
- gap-browse
- gcin-voice
- gfal2-util
- gir-to-d
- glgrib
- globus-xio-udt-driver
- glome
- golang-blitiri-go-systemd
- golang-eclipse-paho
- golang-github-adrianmo-go-nmea
- golang-github-aead-poly1305
- golang-github-aelsabbahy-gonetstat
- golang-github-albenik-go-serial
- golang-github-anmitsu-go-shlex
- golang-github-armon-consul-api
- golang-github-atotto-clipboard
- golang-github-audriusbutkevicius-pfilter
- golang-github-avast-retry-go
- golang-github-awalterschulze-gographviz
- golang-github-blynn-nex
- golang-github-bmatcuk-doublestar
- golang-github-burntsushi-locker
- golang-github-chmduquesne-rollinghash
- golang-github-cli-browser
- golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs
- golang-github-containerd-errdefs
- golang-github-containerd-log
- golang-github-containerd-nri
- golang-github-containerd-platforms
- golang-github-corpix-uarand
- golang-github-creack-goselect
- golang-github-cznic-bufs
- golang-github-cznic-lldb
- golang-github-cznic-ql
- golang-github-cznic-zappy
- golang-github-dgryski-go-farm
- golang-github-dylanmei-iso8601
- golang-github-elazarl-goproxy
- golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth
- golang-github-emirpasic-gods
- golang-github-flynn-json5
- golang-github-fxamacker-cbor
- golang-github-gabriel-vasile-mimetype
- golang-github-geoffgarside-ber
- golang-github-gliderlabs-ssh
- golang-github-go-log-log
- golang-github-google-certificate-transparency
- golang-github-gorilla-css
- golang-github-gorilla-schema
- golang-github-gosuri-uilive
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-bexpr
- golang-github-hirochachacha-go-smb2
- golang-github-intel-tfortools
- golang-github-jackpal-gateway
- golang-github-jdkato-syllables
- golang-github-jedisct1-go-minisign
- golang-github-jmoiron-sqlx
- golang-github-juju-clock
- golang-github-juju-errors
- golang-github-juju-testing
- golang-github-k0kubun-go-ansi
- golang-github-kisielk-sqlstruct
- golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc
- golang-github-konsorten-go-windows-terminal-sequences
- golang-github-kubernetes-cri-api
- golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-x11-client
- golang-github-mattn-go-pointer
- golang-github-mdlayher-vsock
- golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday
- golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7
- golang-github-muesli-reflow
- golang-github-mvo5-goconfigparser
- golang-github-ncw-swift-v2
- golang-github-op-go-logging
- golang-github-openprinting-goipp
- golang-github-phpdave11-gofpdi
- golang-github-pion-datachannel
- golang-github-pion-ice.v2
- golang-github-pion-interceptor
- golang-github-pion-mdns
- golang-github-pion-rtcp
- golang-github-pion-rtp
- golang-github-pion-sctp
- golang-github-pion-srtp.v2
- golang-github-pion-stun
- golang-github-pion-turn.v2
- golang-github-pion-udp
- golang-github-pion-webrtc.v3
- golang-github-pquerna-otp
- golang-github-protonmail-go-autostart
- golang-github-rainycape-unidecode
- golang-github-sabhiram-go-gitignore
- golang-github-schollz-progressbar
- golang-github-sevlyar-go-daemon
- golang-github-smallstep-truststore
- golang-github-tidwall-gjson
- golang-github-tidwall-match
- golang-github-ttacon-chalk
- golang-github-ugorji-go-msgpack
- golang-github-urfave-negroni
- golang-github-valyala-tcplisten
- golang-github-yosssi-gohtml
- golang-github-zalando-go-keyring
- golang-github-zclconf-go-cty
- golang-github-zmap-rc2
- golang-github-zyedidia-glob
- golang-gopkg-eapache-channels.v1
- golang-gopkg-macaroon.v1
- golang-gopkg-redis.v2
- golang-gopkg-retry.v1
- golang-howett-plist
- golang-mvdan-xurls
- golang-opentelemetry-proto
- golang-robfig-config
- golang-vhost
- gotestsum
- gross
- guile-semver
- haskell-argon2
- haskell-bool-extras
- haskell-cracknum
- haskell-echo
- haskell-hgmp
- haskell-language-c-quote
- haskell-mainland-pretty
- haskell-mime
- haskell-mtlparse
- haskell-pandoc-lua-engine
- haskell-pid1
- haskell-posix-pty
- haskell-reform-happstack
- haskell-srcloc
- hdmf
- hdrhistogram
- hyperspy
- icingaweb2-module-businessprocess
- igor2
- imaprowl
- importlab
- in-n-out
- indi-aok
- indi-armadillo-platypus
- indi-astrolink4
- indi-maxdomeii
- install-mimic
- iroffer
- jattach
- jdeb
- jesred
- jhighlight
- jikespg
- jquery-i18n.js
- jupyter-sphinx
- kamcli
- kelbt
- knitpy
- lager
- ldap2dns
- libacme-constant-perl
- libacme-eyedrops-perl
- libalgorithm-lbfgs-perl
- libanyevent-redis-perl
- libapache2-authcassimple-perl
- libb-cow-perl
- libbest-perl
- libbind-config-parser-perl
- libcatalystx-injectcomponent-perl
- libcatalystx-simplelogin-perl
- libcatmandu-zotero-perl
- libcgi-cookie-splitter-perl
- libcgi-untaint-email-perl
- libchemistry-isotope-perl
- libchemistry-opensmiles-perl
- libchi-driver-redis-perl
- libcidr
- libclass-spiffy-perl
- libcorona-perl
- libcpan-mini-inject-perl
- libcrypt-xxhash-perl
- libcss-inliner-perl
- libdancer-plugin-email-perl
- libdancer-plugin-flashmessage-perl
- libdata-formvalidator-constraints-datetime-perl
- libdata-phrasebook-loader-yaml-perl
- libdata-phrasebook-perl
- libdata-treedumper-renderer-dhtml-perl
- libdbix-class-htmlwidget-perl
- libdbix-multistatementdo-perl
- libdbix-sequence-perl
- libdebian-package-html-perl
- libdevel-backtrace-perl
- libdevel-callparser-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-minimumperlfast-perl
- libencode-zapcp1252-perl
- libexporter-renaming-perl
- libextractor-java
- libfcgi-async-perl
- libfcgi-procmanager-maxrequests-perl
- libfile-fu-perl
- libfile-type-webimages-perl
- libfinance-qif-perl
- libflickr-upload-perl
- libformfactor
- libgoto-file-perl
- libgraphics-libplot-perl
- libgraphql-perl
- libhash-sharedmem-perl
- libhbaapi
- libhpptools
- libhtml-query-perl
- libhttp-link-perl
- libics
- libje-perl
- libjira-client-perl
- libjs-blazy
- libjs-emojify
- libjs-jquery-center
- libjs-jquery-markitup
- libjstun-java
- libkiokudb-perl
- libkiokux-model-perl
- liblexical-var-perl
- liblinux-fd-perl
- liblog-agent-rotate-perl
- liblog-any-adapter-filehandle-perl
- libmagpie-perl
- libmakefile-dom-perl
- libmason-plugin-routersimple-perl
- libmasonx-processdir-perl
- libmath-random-tt800-perl
- libmath-randomorg-perl
- libmawk
- libmodule-install-authorrequires-perl
- libmodule-install-automanifest-perl
- libmodule-starter-plugin-cgiapp-perl
- libmoosex-runnable-perl
- libmoox-thunking-perl
- libnest2d
- libnet-dhcpv6-duid-parser-perl
- libnet-dns-resolver-unbound-perl
- libnet-duo-perl
- libnet-nis-perl
- libnet-rendezvous-publish-backend-avahi-perl
- libnet-server-coro-perl
- libnet-socks-perl
- libnet-trac-perl
- libnews-scan-perl
- liboauth-lite2-perl
- libobject-declare-perl
- libobject-pad-fieldattr-trigger-perl
- libparallel-iterator-perl
- libparse-man-perl
- libpdl-ccs-perl
- libpdl-io-matlab-perl
- libpdl-vectorvalued-perl
- libpod-elemental-transformer-list-perl
- libpoe-component-jabber-perl
- libpoe-component-pubsub-perl
- libpoe-component-schedule-perl
- libpoe-filter-http-parser-perl
- libpog
- libproc-guard-perl
- libprometheus-tiny-perl
- libpysal
- librdf-closure-perl
- librdf-helper-properties-perl
- librdf-linkeddata-perl
- librdf-trine-serializer-rdfa-perl
- libreadonly-tiny-perl
- librecast
- libsharyanto-file-util-perl
- libsharyanto-utils-perl
- libsignatures-perl
- libsort-maker-perl
- libstatistics-regression-perl
- libstring-crc-cksum-perl
- libsvn-class-perl
- libsvn-hooks-perl
- libsyntax-highlight-perl-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-ipaddr-perl
- libtest-inter-perl
- libtest-module-used-perl
- libtest-rdf-perl
- libtest-spec-perl
- libtest2-harness-perl
- libtest2-plugin-memusage-perl
- libtest2-plugin-uuid-perl
- libtest2-tools-explain-perl
- libtext-context-perl
- libtext-header-perl
- libtext-micromason-perl
- libtext-ngrams-perl
- libtk-codetext-perl
- libtokyocabinet-perl
- libtypes-xsd-lite-perl
- libuinputplus
- liburi-normalize-perl
- libweb-api-perl
- libweb-id-perl
- libweb-mrest-cli-perl
- libweb-mrest-perl
- libwordnet-querydata-perl
- libwww-google-calculator-perl
- libwww-indexparser-perl
- libwww-shorten-simple-perl
- libwww-zotero-perl
- libxmlcatalog-java
- libxpertmass
- lua-nginx-memcached
- lua-nginx-redis-connector
- lua-nginx-websocket
- mariadb-connector-python
- matlab-mode
- matomo-php-tracker
- maven-remote-resources-plugin
- maven-replacer-plugin
- mender-client
- mes
- minilla
- minlog
- mirrorbits
- mockldap
- mstch
- mymake
- myst-nb
- nabu
- nanopass-framework-scheme
- nanovna-saver
- nfsometer
- nim-d3
- nim-regex
- nim-unicodedb
- nim-unicodeplus
- node-addon-api
- node-address
- node-ansi-up
- node-any-promise
- node-async-stacktrace
- node-autolinker
- node-blob
- node-buf-compare
- node-chainsaw
- node-coffeeify
- node-colormin
- node-compare-versions
- node-cpr
- node-csv-spectrum
- node-dargs
- node-define-lazy-prop
- node-gulp-changed
- node-gulp-sass
- node-hawk
- node-icss-replace-symbols
- node-inflection
- node-is-wsl
- node-jsdoc2
- node-leveldown
- node-multiparty
- node-nodemailer
- node-open
- node-pikaday
- node-ramda
- node-react-transition-group
- node-read-file
- node-reserved
- node-smart-buffer
- node-snapdragon-node
- node-snapdragon-util
- node-starttls
- node-stream-array
- node-tacks
- node-ultron
- node-unicode-loose-match
- node-unicode-property-aliases
- node-unicode-property-value-aliases
- node-unicode-property-value-aliases-ecmascript
- node-url-join
- node-vasync
- node-webpack-env
- noggit
- nulib2
- nxtomo
- ocaml-obuild
- opam-file-format
- ormar
- osmo-libasn1c
- ott
- owasp-java-html-sanitizer
- oxref
- padaos
- pam-krb5-migrate
- pantomime-clojure
- parmed
- parser-mysql
- pebble
- pg-statviz
- pgsql-http
- pgvector
- php-async-aws-sns
- php-dapphp-radius
- php-easyrdf
- php-lorenzo-pinky
- php-mikey179-vfsstream
- php-mock
- php-nyholm-psr7
- php-pda-pheanstalk
- php-phpspec-prophecy-phpunit
- pkb-client
- plait
- pmarkdown
- pokrok
- poppass-cgi
- ppx-compare
- prelude-lml
- proftpd-mod-sftp-ldap
- prolix
- prometheus-mongodb-exporter
- proxsmtp
- pubpaste
- puppet-module-aboe-chrony
- puppet-module-congress
- puppet-module-cristifalcas-etcd
- puppet-module-deric-zookeeper
- puppet-module-etcddiscovery
- puppet-module-heini-wait-for
- puppet-module-icann-quagga
- puppet-module-icann-tea
- puppet-module-magnum
- puppet-module-murano
- puppet-module-panko
- puppet-module-placement
- puppet-module-puppet-archive
- puppet-module-sahara
- puppet-module-tempest
- puppet-module-theforeman-dns
- puppet-module-voxpupuli-collectd
- pymia
- pyro5
- python-a38
- python-aiohttp-proxy
- python-aiormq
- python-bayesian-optimization
- python-bincopy
- python-bitbucket-api
- python-ceilometermiddleware
- python-chacha20poly1305-reuseable
- python-changelogd
- python-cmake-build-extension
- python-coards
- python-djangorestframework-flex-fields
- python-duo-client
- python-ephemeral-port-reserve
- python-feather-format
- python-fluent-logger
- python-freesasa
- python-fsquota
- python-gjson
- python-handy-archives
- python-hug
- python-ibm-cloud-sdk-core
- python-mashumaro
- python-moreorless
- python-npe2
- python-ntc-templates
- python-openid-cla
- python-pyaarlo
- python-pyramid-chameleon
- python-pysmi-lextudio
- python-ring-doorbell
- python-sinfo
- python-sybil
- python-tcolorpy
- python-tktooltip
- python-tubes
- python-vulndb
- python-weblogo
- python-whiteboard
- python-wither
- python-xmlrunner
- python-xstatic-dagre
- python-xstatic-graphlib
- python-xstatic-lodash
- python-xstatic-moment
- python3-simpleobsws
- pyvows
- pywavefront
- qdacco
- quickfix
- quintuple
- r-cran-fastdummies
- raintpl
- raritan-json-rpc-sdk
- rawdns
- re2j
- readerwriterqueue
- redberry-pipe
- refmac-dictionary
- remotetea
- rime-combo-pinyin
- ringdove
- rio
- rocketcea
- ruby-avl-tree
- ruby-barby
- ruby-beaneater
- ruby-beefcake
- ruby-binding-ninja
- ruby-dalli
- ruby-dbf
- ruby-enumerable-statistics
- ruby-ffi-rzmq
- ruby-ffi-rzmq-core
- ruby-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher
- ruby-instantiator
- ruby-liquid-c
- ruby-minitest-focus
- ruby-minitest-hooks
- ruby-minitest-stub-const
- ruby-money
- ruby-mtrc
- ruby-netaddr
- ruby-omniauth-wordpress
- ruby-peach
- ruby-po-to-json
- ruby-pry-rails
- ruby-rails-assets-highlightjs
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery-colorbox
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery-ui
- ruby-rails-tokeninput
- ruby-rake-ant
- ruby-rbnacl
- ruby-rubocop-packaging
- ruby-spdx-licenses
- ruby-statistics
- ruby-stringify-hash
- ruby-to-regexp
- ruby-validatable
- ruby-with-env
- ruby-xmlhash
- rust-alacritty-terminal
- rust-ansiterm
- rust-async-stream
- rust-async-stream-impl
- rust-bs58
- rust-build-const
- rust-byte-tools
- rust-cargo-metadata
- rust-cargo-util
- rust-cbc
- rust-cookie-factory
- rust-copypasta
- rust-countme
- rust-crc-catalog
- rust-crosstermion
- rust-debugid
- rust-der
- rust-der-derive
- rust-derive-new
- rust-des
- rust-document-features
- rust-dotenvy
- rust-dtoa
- rust-enum-map
- rust-enum-map-derive
- rust-euclid
- rust-faster-hex
- rust-fern
- rust-flagset
- rust-futures-intrusive
- rust-gix-actor
- rust-gix-date
- rust-gix-features
- rust-gix-fs
- rust-gix-hash
- rust-gix-lock
- rust-gix-path
- rust-gix-sec
- rust-gix-tempfile
- rust-gix-trace
- rust-gix-utils
- rust-greetd-ipc
- rust-grep-cli
- rust-gstreamer-allocators
- rust-gstreamer-allocators-sys
- rust-gstreamer-gl
- rust-gstreamer-gl-egl
- rust-gstreamer-gl-egl-sys
- rust-gstreamer-gl-sys
- rust-gstreamer-gl-wayland
- rust-gstreamer-gl-wayland-sys
- rust-gstreamer-gl-x11
- rust-gstreamer-gl-x11-sys
- rust-handlebars
- rust-hex-literal
- rust-hidapi-sys
- rust-human-format
- rust-jwalk
- rust-keccak
- rust-laurel
- rust-libpulse-sys
- rust-line-wrap
- rust-litrs
- rust-locale
- rust-mio-extras
- rust-mysqlclient-sys
- rust-nb-connect
- rust-os-display
- rust-os-info
- rust-ouroboros
- rust-pcre2-sys
- rust-pem-rfc7468
- rust-pkcs5
- rust-pkcs8
- rust-prodash
- rust-ron
- rust-rustix-openpty
- rust-safemem
- rust-salsa20
- rust-scrypt
- rust-sctk-adwaita
- rust-send-wrapper
- rust-sha1-smol
- rust-signature
- rust-similar
- rust-spki
- rust-sqlformat
- rust-sqlx-core
- rust-sqlx-postgres
- rust-sqlx-sqlite
- rust-std-prelude
- rust-syntect
- rust-tabwriter
- rust-tikv-jemalloc-sys
- rust-time-0.1
- rust-toml2json
- rust-tree-sitter-loader
- rust-tree-sitter-tags
- rust-trust-dns-proto
- rust-trust-dns-resolver
- rust-tui-react
- rust-wayland-sys-0.29
- rust-winapi-build
- rust-wincolor
- rust-winit
- rust-x11rb-protocol
- rust-xi-unicode
- rust-xml5ever
- rust-xmlwriter
- rust-xxhash-rust
- rust-zmq
- rust-zmq-sys
- sablecc
- scala-asm
- schleuder
- scout-clojure
- sdml
- shapeit4
- simplemonitor
- skeema
- slinkwatch
- smallerc
- smash
- sn
- soju
- sopv-gpgv
- sphinxcontrib-phpdomain
- srpc
- swift-im
- t-code
- takari-polyglot-maven
- tao-json
- taskflow
- tboot
- tclsoldout
- td
- tippecanoe
- tmexpand
- tomoscan
- translitcodec
- trololio
- uaputl
- ufo-tofu
- ums2net
- usemod-wiki
- valkey
- vasttrafik-cli
- vibes
- vspline
- wcag-contrast-ratio
- webdis
- webissues
- wraplinux
- wsgiproxy2
- wtforms-alchemy
- wtforms-components
- wtforms-test
- wys
- xringd
- xsunpinyin
- yadifa
- yaskkserv
- zug
- adapt
- airlift-slice
- akuma
- alertmanager-irc-relay
- amphp-amp
- android-androresolvd
- android-platform-system-tools-hidl
- antlr-maven-plugin
- apertium-afr-nld
- apertium-apy
- apertium-arg-cat
- apertium-dan-nor
- apertium-hbs-mkd
- apertium-hbs-slv
- apertium-nno-nob
- apertium-oc-es
- apertium-oci-fra
- apertium-rus-ukr
- apertium-spa-arg
- apertium-srd-ita
- apertium-swe-dan
- apertium-swe-nor
- apertium-urd
- apertium-urd-hin
- aresponses
- asfsmd
- asterisk-prompt-es-co
- autobahn-cpp
- barectf
- bashbro
- bdii
- blaspp
- bmf
- booth
- bpftrace-mode
- brebis
- bundlewrap
- burrow
- buskill
- c-vtapi
- cached-ipaddress
- camltemplate
- camping
- canid
- carrotsearch-randomizedtesting
- cava
- cccolutils
- chalow
- chasquid
- cl-contextl
- cl-pubmed
- cl-xlunit
- clap
- clirr
- coco-doc
- codicefiscale
- coinst
- com-hypirion-io-clojure
- comitup
- coq-ext-lib
- coq-menhirlib
- coq-simple-io
- critnib
- crowdsec-custom-bouncer
- ctdconverter
- damo
- dhcpoptinj
- dicteval
- django-any-js
- django-cache-memoize
- django-cte
- django-otp-yubikey
- django-polymodels
- django-widget-tweaks
- djstub
- dkim-rotate
- dmrgpp
- domdf-python-tools
- dot-forward
- drool
- dxfile
- dynalang
- dyssol
- easyh10
- egctl
- emacs-corfu-terminal
- emacs-popon
- endesive
- esh
- fenicsx-performance-tests
- fieldslib
- filecheck
- find-libpython
- flocq
- foremancli
- fort-validator
- fparser
- francine
- gatk-fermilite
- geronimo-concurrent-1.0-spec
- geronimo-jcache-1.0-spec
- gfarm2fs
- glean-parser
- glyphspkg
- gmenuharness
- golang-code.rocketnine-tslocum-cbind
- golang-github-a8m-tree
- golang-github-aalpar-deheap
- golang-github-aead-chacha20
- golang-github-agext-levenshtein
- golang-github-antchfx-jsonquery
- golang-github-apparentlymart-go-dump
- golang-github-araddon-dateparse
- golang-github-armon-go-proxyproto
- golang-github-audriusbutkevicius-go-nat-pmp
- golang-github-avast-apkparser
- golang-github-aymanbagabas-go-osc52
- golang-github-aymanbagabas-go-osc52-v2
- golang-github-azuread-microsoft-authentication-library-for-go
- golang-github-bep-goat
- golang-github-bep-godartsass
- golang-github-calmh-du
- golang-github-calmh-luhn
- golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite
- golang-github-charmbracelet-bubbletea
- golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl
- golang-github-cheggaaa-pb.v3
- golang-github-christrenkamp-goxpath
- golang-github-cli-safeexec
- golang-github-cloudflare-backoff
- golang-github-cockroachdb-apd
- golang-github-containerd-imgcrypt
- golang-github-coreos-go-oidc-v3
- golang-github-darkhz-mpvipc
- golang-github-ddevault-go-libvterm
- golang-github-dgraph-io-ristretto
- golang-github-dgryski-go-bits
- golang-github-dgryski-go-metro
- golang-github-djherbis-times
- golang-github-dkolbly-wl
- golang-github-edsrzf-mmap-go
- golang-github-emersion-go-smtp
- golang-github-evilsocket-islazy
- golang-github-evilsocket-recording
- golang-github-fernet-fernet-go
- golang-github-gcla-gowid
- golang-github-go-git-go-billy
- golang-github-go-ldap-ldap
- golang-github-go-openapi-inflect
- golang-github-go-redis-redis
- golang-github-goburrow-serial
- golang-github-golang-leveldb
- golang-github-google-gousb
- golang-github-google-renameio
- golang-github-gorhill-cronexpr
- golang-github-graylog2-go-gelf
- golang-github-hailocab-go-hostpool
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-plugin
- golang-github-hashicorp-golang-lru-v2
- golang-github-hashicorp-net-rpc-msgpackrpc
- golang-github-hashicorp-scada-client
- golang-github-icrowley-fake
- golang-github-inconshreveable-mousetrap
- golang-github-jackc-chunkreader
- golang-github-jackc-fake
- golang-github-jackc-pgio
- golang-github-jackc-pgproto3
- golang-github-jackc-pgservicefile
- golang-github-jacobsa-crypto
- golang-github-jacobsa-fuse
- golang-github-jacobsa-syncutil
- golang-github-jacobsa-timeutil
- golang-github-jacobsa-util
- golang-github-jbenet-go-context
- golang-github-jinzhu-now
- golang-github-jlaffaye-ftp
- golang-github-k0swe-wsjtx-go
- golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config
- golang-github-kimor79-gollectd
- golang-github-kisielk-gotool
- golang-github-koofr-go-httpclient
- golang-github-koofr-go-koofrclient
- golang-github-kr-binarydist
- golang-github-labstack-gommon
- golang-github-lithammer-dedent
- golang-github-malfunkt-iprange
- golang-github-masterminds-goutils
- golang-github-masterzen-winrm
- golang-github-mendersoftware-openssl
- golang-github-mgutz-ansi
- golang-github-miekg-mmark
- golang-github-minio-minio-go
- golang-github-mitchellh-go-testing-interface
- golang-github-moby-docker-image-spec
- golang-github-moby-pubsub
- golang-github-mreiferson-go-snappystream
- golang-github-muesli-ansi
- golang-github-nbutton23-zxcvbn-go
- golang-github-ncw-go-acd
- golang-github-nrdcg-goinwx
- golang-github-okzk-sdnotify
- golang-github-packethost-packngo
- golang-github-pborman-getopt
- golang-github-pion-sdp
- golang-github-prometheus-community-go-runit
- golang-github-restic-chunker
- golang-github-sanity-io-litter
- golang-github-scylladb-termtables
- golang-github-smartystreets-go-aws-auth
- golang-github-smartystreets-gunit
- golang-github-src-d-gcfg
- golang-github-stacktic-dropbox
- golang-github-stevvooe-resumable
- golang-github-syncthing-notify
- golang-github-tevino-abool
- golang-github-theckman-yacspin
- golang-github-thoj-go-ircevent
- golang-github-transparency-dev-merkle
- golang-github-twinj-uuid
- golang-github-unknwon-goconfig
- golang-github-valyala-fasthttp
- golang-github-veraison-go-cose
- golang-github-weppos-publicsuffix-go
- golang-github-youpy-go-riff
- golang-github-youpy-go-wav
- golang-github-yuin-gopher-lua
- golang-github-zaf-g711
- golang-github-zenhack-go.notmuch
- golang-github-zmap-zcrypto
- golang-github-zyedidia-clipboard
- golang-github-zyedidia-tcell
- golang-go-xdg
- golang-gopkg-jcmturner-aescts.v1
- golang-gopkg-jcmturner-dnsutils.v1
- golang-gopkg-jcmturner-goidentity.v2
- golang-gopkg-jcmturner-rpc.v0
- golang-gopkg-lxc-go-lxc.v2
- golang-gopkg-olivere-elastic.v2
- golang-gopkg-vansante-go-ffprobe.v2
- golang-k8s-apiserver
- golang-layeh-gopher-luar
- golang-oras-oras-go
- golang-pault-go-topsort
- golang-sourcehut-emersion-gqlclient
- golang-starlark
- goss
- gossip
- goval-dictionary
- grokmirror
- groovycsv
- hackage-tracker
- haskell-aeson-warning-parser
- haskell-companion
- haskell-crypto-random-api
- haskell-doctest-parallel
- haskell-enummapset
- haskell-fgl-arbitrary
- haskell-fgl-visualize
- haskell-hedgehog-classes
- haskell-hi-file-parser
- haskell-hslua-module-zip
- haskell-kvitable
- haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins
- haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins
- haskell-lambdabot-reference-plugins
- haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins
- haskell-lambdabot-trusted
- haskell-language-glsl
- haskell-lukko
- haskell-microlens-aeson
- haskell-microspec
- haskell-miniutter
- haskell-mod
- haskell-network-run
- haskell-nothunks
- haskell-pantry
- haskell-rfc5051
- haskell-serialise
- haskell-src-exts-simple
- haskell-string-qq
- haskell-tasty-ant-xml
- haskell-th-env
- haskell-topograph
- haskell-wai-http2-extra
- haskell-wai-middleware-static
- haskell-witch
- hiera-py
- hipcub
- hippomocks
- hiro
- hopm
- icingaweb2-module-audit
- icingaweb2-module-x509
- indi-avalon
- indi-bresserexos2
- indi-gige
- indi-nightscape
- indi-rtklib
- indi-shelyak
- indi-weewx-json
- iraf-st4gem
- ircd-ircu
- jakarta-el-api
- jakarta-validation-api
- japi-compliance-checker
- javatuples
- jax-maven-plugin
- jaxb2-maven-plugin
- jep
- jmock
- jpeg-compressor-cpp
- jquery-areyousure
- jsonb-api
- kf6-kapidox
- kickoff
- kiwix-zim-updater
- kokkos
- kotlinx-coroutines
- kxd
- lablie
- lambdabot
- lcsync
- libalt-perl
- libanyevent-feed-perl
- libanyevent-serialize-perl
- libanyevent-xspromises-perl
- libapache2-mod-intercept-form-submit
- libapp-repl-perl
- libastro-perl
- libauthen-u2f-tester-perl
- libautobox-transform-perl
- libbenchmark-apps-perl
- libbultitude-clojure
- libcache-memcached-managed-perl
- libcatmandu-filestore-perl
- libcgi-formbuilder-source-perl-perl
- libchemistry-mol-perl
- libchi-driver-memcached-perl
- libcircle-fe-term-perl
- libcitadel
- libclass-dbi-plugin-pager-perl
- libclass-delegator-perl
- libclass-field-perl
- libclass-objecttemplate-perl
- libcleri
- libcommons-jexl3-java
- libconfig-record-perl
- libcourriel-perl
- libcpan-reporter-smoker-perl
- libcps-perl
- libcuckoo
- libdancer-logger-psgi-perl
- libdancer-logger-syslog-perl
- libdata-format-html-perl
- libdata-javascript-anon-perl
- libdata-miscellany-perl
- libdata-report-perl
- libdata-show-perl
- libdatabase-dumptruck-perl
- libdebian-dep12-perl
- libdeclare-constraints-simple-perl
- libdevel-caller-ignorenamespaces-perl
- libdime-tools-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-checkextratests-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-templatefiles-perl
- libdr-sundown-perl
- libend-perl
- libexporter-autoclean-perl
- libfile-save-home-perl
- libfind-lib-perl
- libgit-annex-perl
- libhbalinux
- libhtml-html5-outline-perl
- libio-callback-perl
- libipc-filter-perl
- libjgoodies-binding-java
- libjs-autonumeric
- libjs-jquery-stupidtable
- libjs-require-css
- libjson-schema-modern-perl
- libkiokudb-backend-dbi-perl
- liblexical-accessor-perl
- liblexical-failure-perl
- liblingua-es-numeros-perl
- liblinux-kernelsort-perl
- liblist-objects-withutils-perl
- liblog-agent-logger-perl
- liblog-any-adapter-callback-perl
- libmarc-transform-perl
- libmath-nocarry-perl
- libmath-random-mt-auto-perl
- libmath-vectorreal-perl
- libmediawiki-dumpfile-perl
- libmessage-passing-filter-regexp-perl
- libmodule-build-cleaninstall-perl
- libmodule-build-parse-yapp-perl
- libmodule-faker-perl
- libmodule-install-autolicense-perl
- libmodule-install-manifestskip-perl
- libmodule-install-rdf-perl
- libmodule-install-substitute-perl
- libmodule-package-perl
- libmonitoring-icinga2-client-rest-perl
- libmoosex-async-perl
- libmoosex-types-varianttable-perl
- libmoox-shorthas-perl
- libnet-iptrie-perl
- libnet-jabber-loudmouth-perl
- libnet-opensrs-perl
- libnet-statsd-perl
- libntru
- libobject-container-perl
- libobject-forkaware-perl
- libobject-pad-fieldattr-final-perl
- libobject-pad-fieldattr-isa-perl
- libobject-pad-fieldattr-lazyinit-perl
- libonemind-commons-java-java
- liboprf
- liborlite-statistics-perl
- libperlude-perl
- libplack-middleware-status-perl
- libpod-index-perl
- libponapi-client-perl
- libproxool-java
- libquantum-entanglement-perl
- libradsec
- librelative-perl
- librscode
- librtpi
- libscalar-type-perl
- libsrm
- libstatistics-contingency-perl
- libstatistics-online-perl
- libstatistics-r-io-perl
- libsub-recursive-perl
- libsub-wrappackages-perl
- libsvn-svnlook-perl
- libsyntax-keyword-multisub-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-cycle-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-textile2-perl
- libtemplate-stash-autoescaping-perl
- libtest-cleannamespaces-perl
- libtest-cpan-meta-json-perl
- libtest-effects-perl
- libtest-filename-perl
- libtest-fitesque-perl
- libtest-html-content-perl
- libtest-mockdatetime-perl
- libtest-valgrind-perl
- libtest-www-mechanize-mojo-perl
- libtest2-tools-command-perl
- libtext-capitalize-perl
- libthumbor
- libtie-cphash-perl
- libtie-hash-regex-perl
- libtie-persistent-perl
- libtravel-routing-de-vrr-perl
- libtree-rb-perl
- libtruth-java
- libtut
- liburi-title-perl
- libuser-simple-perl
- libvi-quickfix-perl
- libvolatilestream
- libvuser-google-api-perl
- libwiki-toolkit-plugin-categoriser-perl
- libwiki-toolkit-plugin-diff-perl
- libwiki-toolkit-plugin-locator-grid-perl
- libyahc-perl
- lift
- lockout
- logdata-anomaly-miner
- loki-ecmwf
- lua-cmsgpack
- lua-lsqlite3
- lua-struct
- magicgui
- mapclassify
- mathcomp-analysis
- mbed-test-wrapper
- mdanalysis
- mediawiki-extension-codemirror
- meta-exwm
- metadata-json-lint
- mina
- miniaudio
- mirmon
- mkdocs-gen-files
- mlucas
- mojo-executor
- mondrian
- mopac
- morty
- mp4parser
- mrbuild
- munge-maven-plugin
- napari
- network-runner
- networking-l2gw
- networking-sfc
- nim-docopt
- node-argv
- node-ast-util
- node-async-limiter
- node-big-integer
- node-blacklist
- node-bufferjs
- node-bunyan
- node-canvas-confetti
- node-catty
- node-chance
- node-classnames
- node-config
- node-crc32
- node-create-react-class
- node-date-now
- node-deflate-js
- node-delve
- node-dtrace-provider
- node-errorhandler
- node-errs
- node-expat
- node-falafel
- node-file-uri-to-path
- node-fn-name
- node-googlediff
- node-grunt-contrib-internal
- node-gulp-coffee
- node-gulp-mocha
- node-gulp-tap
- node-gulp-tsb
- node-gzip-size
- node-has-binary
- node-has-cors
- node-hashish
- node-is-node
- node-json-schema-merge-allof
- node-less-loader
- node-less-plugin-clean-css
- node-luxon
- node-markdown-it-html5-embed
- node-mutate-fs
- node-node-dir
- node-nwmatcher
- node-object-key
- node-openpgp-seek-bzip
- node-popper2
- node-postcss-loader
- node-postcss-preset-evergreen
- node-preserve
- node-propagate
- node-propget
- node-rai
- node-react-fast-compare
- node-react-highlighter
- node-react-lifecycles-compat
- node-react-popper
- node-react-redux
- node-rewire
- node-should-sinon
- node-socks
- node-solid-rest
- node-static-eval
- node-static-module
- node-stats-webpack-plugin
- node-stream-assert
- node-string.prototype.codepointat
- node-thenify
- node-thenify-all
- node-turndown
- node-uglify-save-license
- node-vhost
- node-vue-hot-reload-api
- nthash
- nvchecker
- nxmx
- oauth2token
- ocaml-crunch
- ocaml-dtools
- ocaml-gnuplot
- ocaml-luv
- ocaml-mccs
- ocaml-rope
- ocaml-shout
- ocaml-visitors
- ocamlagrep
- openiked
- opennlp-maxent
- opentsne
- padatious
- pagodacf
- panflute
- paraglob
- parsyncfp2
- pass-extension-copyq
- pcpp
- pcre2-ocaml
- persp-projectile
- pfzy
- pglistener
- php-async-aws-sqs
- php-mock-integration
- php-mock-phpunit
- php-symfony-mercure
- pk4
- pointpats
- pomegranate-clojure
- postgresfixture
- ppft
- ppx-bin-prot
- ppx-custom-printf
- ppx-here
- ppx-tools
- praelector
- prelude-lml-rules
- prody
- prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter
- puppet-module-adrienthebo-filemapper
- puppet-module-antonlindstrom-powerdns
- puppet-module-puppet-community-mcollective
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-mongodb
- pwdsphinx
- pychopper
- pydantic-settings
- pydenticon
- pyequihash
- pyfg
- pyiqvia
- pynn
- pynwb
- pyodc
- pyrlp
- pytest-env
- pytest-mypy-plugins
- python-adb-shell
- python-aiounittest
- python-allpairspy
- python-art
- python-azure-devtools
- python-bonsai
- python-broadlink
- python-cloup
- python-cluster
- python-colorful
- python-corner
- python-countrynames
- python-crispy-bootstrap5
- python-deprecation-alias
- python-dirq
- python-dist-meta
- python-django-analytical
- python-django-object-actions
- python-django-push-notifications
- python-docopt-ng
- python-easy-enum
- python-esmre
- python-first
- python-genty
- python-gql
- python-hardware
- python-headerparser
- python-hexbytes
- python-http-ece
- python-isosurfaces
- python-keycloak
- python-kgb
- python-languagecodes
- python-laspy
- python-lepl
- python-littleutils
- python-logassert
- python-makefun
- python-marathon
- python-marshmallow-dataclass
- python-memoize
- python-memray
- python-mock-open
- python-molotov
- python-morph
- python-nubia
- python-nvchecker
- python-offtrac
- python-paypal
- python-peachpy
- python-pook
- python-pubchempy
- python-pyahocorasick
- python-pykmip
- python-pyngus
- python-pyramid-multiauth
- python-pyramid-tm
- python-pyramid-zcml
- python-pysnmp-lextudio
- python-pytest-trio
- python-pytray
- python-pyxs
- python-ratelimitqueue
- python-rdflib-endpoint
- python-respx
- python-rt
- python-scienceplots
- python-sphinxcontrib-django
- python-syrupy
- python-test-server
- python-test-stages
- python-txi2p-tahoe
- python-virustotal-api
- python-wikkid
- python-xstatic-moment-timezone
- python-youtubeaio
- pytweening
- pywayland
- qingping-ble
- r-other-disgenet2r
- r-other-kcha-psiplot
- rapt-ble
- receptor
- redmine-plugin-redhopper
- refnx
- relic
- rime-middle-chinese
- ripser
- rnc2rng
- rocalution
- rocdbgapi
- rpma
- rt-extension-commandbymail
- rt-extension-customfieldsonupdate
- rt-extension-resetpassword
- ru-tts
- ruby-abstract-type
- ruby-aruba
- ruby-benchmark-memory
- ruby-bluefeather
- ruby-cabin
- ruby-celluloid-io
- ruby-climate-control
- ruby-cmath
- ruby-color
- ruby-dataobjects-mysql
- ruby-delayed-job-active-record
- ruby-dependor
- ruby-e2mmap
- ruby-eim-xml
- ruby-escape
- ruby-factory-bot
- ruby-faraday-multipart
- ruby-faye
- ruby-gd
- ruby-generator-spec
- ruby-gettext-i18n-rails-js
- ruby-graffiti
- ruby-gruff
- ruby-insist
- ruby-introspection
- ruby-mina
- ruby-minitest-around
- ruby-multipart-parser
- ruby-omniauth-tumblr
- ruby-parse-cron
- ruby-pathspec
- ruby-prawn-manual-builder
- ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper
- ruby-rack-google-analytics
- ruby-rack-mobile-detect
- ruby-rails-assets-blueimp-gallery
- ruby-rails-assets-bootstrap
- ruby-rails-assets-bootstrap-markdown
- ruby-rails-assets-jakobmattsson-jquery-elastic
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery-fullscreen
- ruby-rails-assets-jquery.are-you-sure
- ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-diaspora-mention
- ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-sanitizer
- ruby-rails-timeago
- ruby-retryable
- ruby-rgfa
- ruby-riemann-client
- ruby-rspec-collection-matchers
- ruby-ruby2ruby
- ruby-rubydns
- ruby-rubyvis
- ruby-scanf
- ruby-semverse
- ruby-sentry-ruby-core
- ruby-shindo
- ruby-socksify
- ruby-stud
- ruby-thwait
- ruby-voight-kampff
- ruby-whitewash
- ruby-will-paginate
- ruby-ya2yaml
- ruby-zip-zip
- rudecgi
- rulex
- rust-addchain
- rust-ammonia
- rust-ascii-table
- rust-ashpd
- rust-assert
- rust-bare-metal
- rust-base16ct
- rust-bcder
- rust-block
- rust-box-drawing
- rust-byte-slice-cast
- rust-capnp
- rust-capnp-futures
- rust-capnp-rpc
- rust-clircle
- rust-cntr
- rust-commoncrypto
- rust-commoncrypto-sys
- rust-compare
- rust-const-format
- rust-const-format-proc-macros
- rust-content-inspector
- rust-cpp
- rust-cpp-build
- rust-cpp-common
- rust-cpp-macros
- rust-crypto-bigint
- rust-crypto-hash
- rust-cssparser
- rust-cursive
- rust-cursive-core
- rust-curve25519-dalek
- rust-data-encoding-macro
- rust-data-encoding-macro-internal
- rust-datetime
- rust-debian-changelog
- rust-debversion
- rust-der-parser
- rust-derive-builder-macro
- rust-deunicode
- rust-diesel-derives
- rust-dns-lookup
- rust-dogged
- rust-ecdsa
- rust-elliptic-curve
- rust-enumn
- rust-exec
- rust-extprim
- rust-fasteval
- rust-fat-macho
- rust-ff
- rust-ff-derive
- rust-fs-err
- rust-fs2
- rust-futures-timer
- rust-fwdansi
- rust-gethostname
- rust-git-cinnabar
- rust-gix-attributes
- rust-gix-command
- rust-gix-config-value
- rust-gix-credentials
- rust-gix-discover
- rust-gix-glob
- rust-gix-macros
- rust-gix-mailmap
- rust-gix-object
- rust-gix-packetline
- rust-gix-pathspec
- rust-gix-prompt
- rust-gix-quote
- rust-gix-ref
- rust-gix-transport
- rust-gix-url
- rust-gix-validate
- rust-globwalk
- rust-group
- rust-gstreamer-audio
- rust-http-range-header
- rust-humansize
- rust-hypothesis
- rust-imara-diff
- rust-indicatif
- rust-intervaltree
- rust-iri-string
- rust-is-docker
- rust-iso8601
- rust-json
- rust-lazy-regex
- rust-leb128
- rust-libmimalloc-sys
- rust-libsensors-sys
- rust-libspa-sys
- rust-linear-map
- rust-linescroll
- rust-lua52-sys
- rust-macaddr
- rust-macro-attr
- rust-markup5ever-rcdom
- rust-matrixmultiply
- rust-memuse
- rust-mimalloc
- rust-netlink-packet-core
- rust-netlink-packet-route
- rust-netlink-packet-utils
- rust-no-std-net
- rust-nonempty
- rust-normalize-line-endings
- rust-normpath
- rust-ntest-test-cases
- rust-nvml-wrapper
- rust-nvml-wrapper-sys
- rust-oauth2
- rust-p384
- rust-pad
- rust-path-abs
- rust-pcre2
- rust-pipewire-sys
- rust-pkg-version
- rust-pkg-version-impl
- rust-predicates
- rust-predicates-core
- rust-predicates-tree
- rust-primeorder
- rust-proc-macro-nested
- rust-pulldown-cmark-escape
- rust-rand-pcg
- rust-rawpointer
- rust-regalloc2
- rust-rfc6979
- rust-rlp
- rust-rlp-derive
- rust-rowan
- rust-rustc-hex
- rust-rustc-workspace-hack
- rust-sec1
- rust-secrecy
- rust-sensors
- rust-serde-big-array
- rust-serdect
- rust-servo-arc
- rust-signal-hook-tokio
- rust-simba
- rust-slug
- rust-smallbitvec
- rust-sqlx
- rust-sqlx-macros
- rust-sqlx-macros-core
- rust-stream-cipher
- rust-symbolic-common
- rust-symbolic-demangle
- rust-symphonia-core
- rust-symphonia-format-isomp4
- rust-symphonia-metadata
- rust-symphonia-utils-xiph
- rust-sysinfo
- rust-term-grid
- rust-terminfo
- rust-termtree
- rust-tokio-postgres
- rust-tower
- rust-tower-http
- rust-tower-layer
- rust-tracing-journald
- rust-tree-sitter-config
- rust-trust-dns-client
- rust-tungstenite
- rust-typeid
- rust-ucd-util
- rust-unic-emoji-char
- rust-unic-segment
- rust-unic-ucd-segment
- rust-unicode-bom
- rust-wayland-protocols-plasma
- rust-webbrowser
- rust-wildmatch
- rust-wrapcenum-derive
- rust-xz
- rust-yaml
- sass-stylesheets-bourbon
- sass-stylesheets-neat
- scmail
- sensorpro-ble
- sensorpush-ble
- seriousproton
- shibboleth-resolver
- sia
- signal-estimator
- sigsum-go
- simplemde-markdown-editor
- sisu-mojos
- slapi-nis
- sortable-tablesort.js
- sortablejs
- spd
- sphinx-mdinclude
- sphinxext-rediraffe
- swugenerator
- syncache
- systemfixtures
- tbox
- tcl-syslog
- terraform-switcher
- tess
- thermopro-ble
- thunk-gen
- tiledarray
- tilt-ble
- tnat64
- topparser
- toro
- trac-subcomponents
- trml2pdf
- turbosearch
- turtlefmt
- tweeny
- txacme
- txsni
- tycho
- tzc
- uanytun
- uima-addons
- uncommons-watchmaker
- universal-detector
- valinor
- vdeplug-slirp
- vdeplug-vdesl
- vdeplug-vlan
- vdk2-tutorial
- vmmlib
- vncdotool
- voacapl
- vxi
- webdeploy
- wtforms-json
- xgboost-predictor-java
- xilinx-bootgen
- xxsds-dynamic
- yapra
- yubihsm-connector
- zipflinger
- zlmdb
- aiortsp
- aiotask-context
- aiozipkin
- aiozoneinfo
- airlift-airline
- allelecount
- android-platform-external-doclava
- android-platform-external-rappor
- apertium-cat-srd
- apertium-eo-ca
- apertium-hin
- apertium-pol-szl
- apertium-pt-gl
- argh
- arriero
- asahi-fwextract
- asahi-scripts
- ascdc
- asgi-lifespan
- asmjit
- asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle
- asyncio-dgram
- auxilium
- aws-nuke
- bbhash
- bthome-ble
- buteo-syncfw-qml
- byteman
- callisto
- camlmix
- carrotsearch-procfork
- cc-cedict
- celery-progress
- check-pgbackrest
- cifxom
- citadel-client
- ckon
- cl-hyperobject
- cl-zip
- cmdreader
- colorthief
- commons-email
- concurrent-log-handler
- coq-elpi
- coq-gappa
- coq-hammer
- coq-hierarchy-builder
- coq-reglang
- coremltools
- cppdap
- cssparser
- ctffind
- cumin
- customidenticon
- data-fressian-clojure
- data-generators-clojure
- dcontainers
- dctrl2xml
- dde-network-utils
- deepboof
- deepdish
- deets
- dh-clojure
- diaspora-installer
- dirspec
- django-cleanup
- django-iconify
- django-rq
- dlang-libevent
- dm-tree
- dnsdbq
- dpo-tools
- drs4eb
- dtdparse
- dustmite
- eql
- erc
- escapism
- etlcpp
- evolution-data-server-lomiri
- ewipe
- ez-vcard
- fair
- fest-assert
- fest-util
- ffcv
- flake8-pytest
- flux-led
- freehep-chartableconverter-plugin
- freenub
- fressian
- frogdata
- fuzzysort
- gappa
- gbutils
- gcpegg
- gdnsd
- gecode-snapshot
- geojson-pydantic
- gerritlib
- getmac
- gettext-maven-plugin
- gfal2-bindings
- gftl
- git-credential-azure
- gitgraph.js
- gjh-asl-json
- globus-gram-client-tools
- go-containerregistry
- golang-bitbucket-creachadair-shell
- golang-bitbucket-pkg-inflect
- golang-blitiri-go-log
- golang-coreos-log
- golang-github-0xax-notificator
- golang-github-adrg-xdg
- golang-github-akamai-akamaiopen-edgegrid-golang
- golang-github-aleksi-pointer
- golang-github-alessio-shellescape
- golang-github-altree-bigfloat
- golang-github-antchfx-xmlquery
- golang-github-antonini-golibjpegturbo
- golang-github-artyom-mtab
- golang-github-audriusbutkevicius-recli
- golang-github-axgle-mahonia
- golang-github-bowery-prompt
- golang-github-briandowns-spinner
- golang-github-buengese-sgzip
- golang-github-charmbracelet-bubbles
- golang-github-charmbracelet-harmonica
- golang-github-charmbracelet-lipgloss
- golang-github-cheekybits-is
- golang-github-chifflier-nfqueue-go
- golang-github-chzyer-logex
- golang-github-cloudflare-cbpfc
- golang-github-cockroachdb-cockroach-go
- golang-github-common-nighthawk-go-figure
- golang-github-containers-libtrust
- golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io
- golang-github-coreos-stream-metadata-go
- golang-github-ctdk-chefcrypto
- golang-github-ctdk-go-trie
- golang-github-d2g-dhcp4
- golang-github-d2g-dhcp4client
- golang-github-darkhz-tview
- golang-github-dataence-porter2
- golang-github-davidmytton-url-verifier
- golang-github-denverdino-aliyungo
- golang-github-digitalocean-godo
- golang-github-docker-go
- golang-github-dop251-scsu
- golang-github-dpotapov-go-spnego
- golang-github-dvsekhvalnov-jose2go
- golang-github-emersion-go-message
- golang-github-emersion-go-textwrapper
- golang-github-emicklei-go-restful-swagger12
- golang-github-etherlabsio-go-m3u8
- golang-github-euank-go-kmsg-parser
- golang-github-evilsocket-ftrace
- golang-github-facebookgo-atomicfile
- golang-github-facebookgo-clock
- golang-github-facebookgo-ensure
- golang-github-facebookgo-stack
- golang-github-facebookgo-stats
- golang-github-facebookgo-subset
- golang-github-gammazero-deque
- golang-github-gcla-deep
- golang-github-getsentry-sentry-go
- golang-github-gin-contrib-cors
- golang-github-git-lfs-gitobj
- golang-github-git-lfs-go-netrc
- golang-github-git-lfs-pktline
- golang-github-git-lfs-wildmatch
- golang-github-go-delve-liner
- golang-github-go-jose-go-jose.v3
- golang-github-go-macaron-session
- golang-github-go-resty-resty
- golang-github-go-task-slim-sprig
- golang-github-go-xorm-core
- golang-github-goburrow-modbus
- golang-github-gocql-gocql
- golang-github-goji-param
- golang-github-gomarkdown-markdown
- golang-github-gomodule-redigo
- golang-github-googleapis-gnostic
- golang-github-gophercloud-gophercloud
- golang-github-gosnmp-gosnmp
- golang-github-gravitational-trace
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-discover
- golang-github-hawkular-hawkular-client-go
- golang-github-hdrhistogram-hdrhistogram-go
- golang-github-heroku-docker-registry-client
- golang-github-hodgesds-perf-utils
- golang-github-iguanesolutions-go-systemd
- golang-github-inetaf-tcpproxy
- golang-github-iovisor-gobpf
- golang-github-itchyny-timefmt-go
- golang-github-jackc-pgconn
- golang-github-jackc-pgmock
- golang-github-jackc-pgpassfile
- golang-github-jackc-puddle
- golang-github-jacobsa-gcloud
- golang-github-jamiealquiza-envy
- golang-github-jarcoal-httpmock
- golang-github-jeffail-gabs
- golang-github-jefferai-jsonx
- golang-github-jellydator-ttlcache
- golang-github-jeromer-syslogparser
- golang-github-jesseduffield-asciigraph
- golang-github-jesseduffield-lazycore
- golang-github-jinzhu-gorm
- golang-github-jpillora-go-tld
- golang-github-juju-qthttptest
- golang-github-jzelinskie-whirlpool
- golang-github-k-sone-critbitgo
- golang-github-karrick-godirwalk
- golang-github-kjk-lzma
- golang-github-korandiz-v4l
- golang-github-kotakanbe-go-pingscanner
- golang-github-labstack-echo
- golang-github-leemcloughlin-gofarmhash
- golang-github-linuxkit-virtsock
- golang-github-lithammer-fuzzysearch
- golang-github-logrusorgru-aurora
- golang-github-lunny-log
- golang-github-mailgun-minheap
- golang-github-mailgun-multibuf
- golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc
- golang-github-matryer-try
- golang-github-max-sum-base32768
- golang-github-maxatome-go-testdeep
- golang-github-minio-highwayhash
- golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin
- golang-github-muesli-sasquatch
- golang-github-muesli-smartcrop
- golang-github-nats-io-nkeys
- golang-github-nrdcg-desec
- golang-github-odeke-em-cache
- golang-github-odeke-em-command
- golang-github-olekukonko-ts
- golang-github-oneofone-xxhash
- golang-github-otiai10-copy
- golang-github-ovh-go-ovh
- golang-github-pbnjay-pixfont
- golang-github-pkg-browser
- golang-github-pkg-term
- golang-github-putdotio-go-putio
- golang-github-rclone-ftp
- golang-github-remyoudompheng-go-liblzma
- golang-github-robfig-cron
- golang-github-rubyist-tracerx
- golang-github-ryanuber-go-glob
- golang-github-samalba-dockerclient
- golang-github-samber-lo
- golang-github-seancfoley-bintree
- golang-github-seancfoley-ipaddress-go
- golang-github-secure-systems-lab-go-securesystemslib
- golang-github-seiflotfy-cuckoofilter
- golang-github-shibukawa-configdir
- golang-github-shibumi-go-pathspec
- golang-github-sigstore-fulcio
- golang-github-sigstore-protobuf-specs
- golang-github-sourcegraph-jsonrpc2
- golang-github-ssgelm-cookiejarparser
- golang-github-tcnksm-go-gitconfig
- golang-github-tdewolff-parse
- golang-github-tealeg-xlsx
- golang-github-templexxx-cpufeat
- golang-github-tent-canonical-json-go
- golang-github-thales-e-security-pool
- golang-github-thalesignite-crypto11
- golang-github-thedevsaddam-gojsonq
- golang-github-thoas-go-funk
- golang-github-tideland-golib
- golang-github-tidwall-sjson
- golang-github-valyala-fastjson
- golang-github-vmware-photon-controller-go-sdk
- golang-github-vmware-vmw-guestinfo
- golang-github-vulcand-predicate
- golang-github-vultr-govultr
- golang-github-wsxiaoys-terminal
- golang-github-zclconf-go-cty-debug
- golang-github-zeebo-xxh3
- golang-github-ziutek-mymysql
- golang-go.mau-mauview
- golang-gopkg-alexcesaro-statsd.v1
- golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v2
- golang-gopkg-errgo.v1
- golang-gopkg-fatih-pool.v2
- golang-gopkg-gcfg.v1
- golang-gopkg-gorp.v1
- golang-gopkg-guregu-null.v3
- golang-gopkg-hlandau-acmeapi.v2
- golang-gopkg-httprequest.v1
- golang-gopkg-jarcoal-httpmock.v1
- golang-gopkg-jcmturner-gokrb5.v5
- golang-gopkg-olivere-elastic.v5
- golang-gopkg-pg.v5
- golang-gopkg-testfixtures.v2
- golang-gopkg-xmlpath.v2
- golang-maunium-go-mauflag
- golang-maunium-go-maulogger
- golang-maunium-go-mautrix
- golang-mvdan-gofumpt
- golang-opentelemetry-contrib
- golang-pault-go-debian
- golang-raven-go
- golang-rsc-pdf
- golang-siphash-dev
- golang-sourcehut-emersion-go-scfg
- golang-webpki-org-jsoncanonicalizer
- gral
- grequests
- gtklock-userinfo-module
- gtsam
- harmonypy
- haskell-file-location
- haskell-futhark-data
- haskell-futhark-manifest
- haskell-futhark-server
- haskell-hadrian
- haskell-hslua-cli
- haskell-hspec-megaparsec
- haskell-regexpr
- haskell-web-routes-hsp
- haversine
- hopscotch-map
- htmx
- htrace
- icingaweb2-module-generictts
- idseq-bench
- iir1
- in-place
- indi-aagcloudwatcher-ng
- indi-apogee
- indi-beefocus
- indi-dreamfocuser
- indi-ffmv
- indi-fli
- indi-mgen
- indi-nexdome
- indi-orion-ssg3
- indi-spectracyber
- indi-talon6
- infomas-asl
- jackson-datatype-joda
- jakarta-interceptor-api
- jamm
- java-comment-preprocessor
- jboss-classfilewriter
- jboss-modules
- jboss-xnio
- jengelman-shadow
- jmock2
- jsurf-alggeo
- jug
- kdgcommons-java
- kiwi-boxed-plugin
- kore
- korean-lunar-calendar
- kotlinx-atomicfu
- krb5-wallet
- kuttypy
- leaflet-geometryutil
- lfanew
- liac-arff
- libalgorithm-numerical-sample-perl
- libalt-base-perl
- libanyevent-callback-perl
- libanyevent-connection-perl
- libanyevent-forkobject-perl
- libapache-session-mongodb-perl
- libapache2-mod-authn-yolo
- libapi-gitforge-perl
- libapp-info-perl
- libapp-rad-perl
- libarray-base-perl
- libatompub-perl
- libatteanx-parser-jsonld-perl
- libatteanx-serializer-rdfa-perl
- libatteanx-store-lmdb-perl
- libaudio-moosic-perl
- libaxiom-java
- libb-hooks-op-check-entersubforcv-perl
- libbenchmark-progressbar-perl
- libbio-procedural-perl
- libbot-basicbot-pluggable-perl
- libcache-historical-perl
- libcarp-object-perl
- libcatalyst-authentication-store-htpasswd-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-fillinform-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-smarturi-perl
- libcatalyst-view-pdf-reuse-perl
- libcatmandu-mendeley-perl
- libcgi-formbuilder-source-yaml-perl
- libcgi-uploader-perl
- libchart-strip-perl
- libchemistry-file-mdlmol-perl
- libclass-contract-perl
- libcolor-palette-perl
- libconfig-pit-perl
- libdancer-session-memcached-perl
- libdansguardian-perl
- libdata-fake-perl
- libdata-find-perl
- libdata-methodproxy-perl
- libdata-pond-perl
- libdata-transformer-perl
- libdata-validate-type-perl
- libdevel-calltrace-perl
- libdevel-pragma-perl
- libdigest-murmurhash3-pureperl-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-emailnotify-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-signature-perl
- libdist-zilla-plugin-twitter-perl
- libencode-arabic-perl
- libeval-linenumbers-perl
- libexcel-template-perl
- libexception-handler-perl
- libextutils-makemaker-dist-zilla-develop-perl
- libfcgi-engine-perl
- libfile-localizenewlines-perl
- libfile-sharedir-tiny-perl
- libfilehandle-fmode-perl
- libfilter-eof-perl
- libfinance-streamer-perl
- libflathashmap
- libfli
- libfortran-format-perl
- libgeo-converter-wkt2kml-perl
- libgeo-gdal-ffi-perl
- libgraph-moreutils-perl
- libgraph-writer-dsm-perl
- libhdr-histogram
- libhtml-autopagerize-perl
- libhtml-gentoc-perl
- libhtml-linklist-perl
- libhtml-stream-perl
- libhtml-tagtree-perl
- libhtml-toc-perl
- libhttp-server-simple-recorder-perl
- libio-file-withfilename-perl
- libio-termios-perl
- libipc-pubsub-perl
- libips4o
- libjgroups-java
- libjifty-dbi-perl
- libjira-client-automated-perl
- libjs-autolink
- libjs-jquery-tmpl
- libjs-milligram
- libjsonld-perl
- libjt400-java
- libkwargs-perl
- liblingua-sentence-perl
- liblinux-distribution-packages-perl
- liblinux-termios2-perl
- liblog-ger-perl
- liblogger-simple-perl
- libmail-chimp3-perl
- libmarc-fast-perl
- libmarc-mir-perl
- libmarkdown-render-perl
- libmath-clipper-perl
- libmath-vector-real-kdtree-perl
- libmaxmind-db-writer-perl
- libmethod-alias-perl
- libmocked-perl
- libmodule-build-pluggable-cpanfile-perl
- libmodule-install-contributors-perl
- libmodule-install-copyright-perl
- libmodule-install-doap-perl
- libmodule-install-doapchangesets-perl
- libmodule-install-rtx-perl
- libmodule-install-trustmetayml-perl
- libmodule-package-rdf-perl
- libmodule-starter-smart-perl
- libmonitoring-livestatus-class-perl
- libmoosex-abstractmethod-perl
- libmoosex-has-options-perl
- libmoosex-multimethods-perl
- libmoosex-role-timer-perl
- libmoox-buildargs-perl
- libmsoffice-word-surgeon-perl
- libmsoffice-word-template-perl
- libmu-perl
- libnet-async-mpd-perl
- libnet-jabber-bot-perl
- libnet-tftpd-perl
- libnumber-recordlocator-perl
- libobject-result-perl
- libonemind-commons-invoke-java
- libopaque
- libopenapi-client-perl
- liboxford-calendar-perl
- libpackage-locator-perl
- libparallel-runner-perl
- libperinci-sub-normalize-perl
- libperlx-define-perl
- libplack-middleware-logany-perl
- libpod-2-docbook-perl
- libpod-sax-perl
- libpod-tree-perl
- libpod-webserver-perl
- libpoe-component-jobqueue-perl
- libpoe-component-rssaggregator-perl
- libpragmatic-perl
- libproc-reliable-perl
- libprometheus-tiny-shared-perl
- libprotocol-osc-perl
- librdf-generator-http-perl
- libre-graph-api-cpp-qt-client
- librest-application-perl
- libreverseproxy-formfiller-perl
- librivescript-perl
- librole-hooks-perl
- librunning-commentary-perl
- libsah-schemas-rinci-perl
- libscalar-readonly-perl
- libscram-java
- libset-nestedgroups-perl
- libshrinkwrap
- libsoftware-license-orlaterpack-perl
- libsoptions-java
- libspi-java
- libsql-tiny-perl
- libstatistics-test-randomwalk-perl
- libstatistics-test-sequence-perl
- libstring-binary-interpolation-perl
- libstring-hexconvert-perl
- libstring-parity-perl
- libstringprep-java
- libsvn-notify-mirror-perl
- libtap-harness-junit-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-clickable-email-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-comma-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-utf8decode-perl
- libtemplate-provider-fromdata-perl
- libtest-bits-perl
- libtest-consistentversion-perl
- libtest-dbic-expectedqueries-perl
- libtest-debian-perl
- libtest-diaginc-perl
- libtest-exit-perl
- libtest-fake-httpd-perl
- libtest-fitesque-rdf-perl
- libtest-indistdir-perl
- libtest-json-schema-acceptance-perl
- libtest-lectrotest-perl
- libtest-lib-perl
- libtest-mocktime-datecalc-perl
- libtest-mocktime-hires-perl
- libtest-moose-more-perl
- libtest-nicedump-perl
- libtest-poe-server-tcp-perl
- libtest-sys-info-perl
- libtest-www-declare-perl
- libtest2-plugin-nowarnings-perl
- libtext-markdowntable-perl
- libtitanium-perl
- libtree-multinode-perl
- libtwiggy-tls-perl
- libtypes-xsd-perl
- liburi-find-simple-perl
- liburi-smarturi-perl
- libv-perl
- libvideo-fourcc-info-perl
- libvt-ldap-java
- libwebservice-cia-perl
- libwiki-toolkit-plugin-json-perl
- libwiki-toolkit-plugin-ping-perl
- libwin32-exe-perl
- libwww-mechanize-autopager-perl
- libwww-telegram-botapi-perl
- libx500-dn-perl
- linaro-bcb-util
- lincredits
- lltsv
- lnpd
- loggerhead
- londiste
- ltx
- ludevit
- luma.emulator
- lx-gdb
- lyskom-server
- magic-enum
- manderlbot
- massivethreads
- mautrix-python
- medcom-ble
- mender-connect
- meteocalc
- mighttpd2
- milib
- mimerender
- mini-soong
- mir-core
- mistral
- mithril
- mkcal
- moat-ble
- mssql-django
- mustache-d
- nagzilla
- nattable
- neon-2-sse
- node-addressparser
- node-ap
- node-arr-exclude
- node-array-equal
- node-assertive
- node-assume
- node-atomico-rollup-plugin-sizes
- node-bash-color
- node-benchmark
- node-blueprintjs-colors
- node-bootstrap-switch
- node-brfs
- node-brotli-size
- node-browser-unpack
- node-caniuse-api
- node-caniuse-db
- node-charm
- node-coa
- node-code
- node-coffee-loader
- node-component-consoler
- node-console-group
- node-cronstrue
- node-css-vendor
- node-cuint
- node-difflet
- node-dom4
- node-dommatrix
- node-dottie
- node-dryice
- node-everything.js
- node-filesize
- node-flow-remove-types
- node-generator-supported
- node-gitlab-favicon-overlay
- node-grunt-sass
- node-hook-std
- node-html-comment-regex
- node-immutable
- node-immutable-tuple
- node-is-directory
- node-is-finite
- node-is-path-in-cwd
- node-is-redirect
- node-jmespath
- node-knockout-sortable
- node-leche
- node-miller-rabin
- node-mocha-lcov-reporter
- node-mock-fs
- node-mocks-http
- node-modern-syslog
- node-mz
- node-netmask
- node-nock
- node-obj-util
- node-opentip
- node-package-preamble
- node-peek-readable
- node-pg-hstore
- node-postcss-modules
- node-prosemirror-schema-basic
- node-prosemirror-schema-list
- node-prosemirror-test-builder
- node-pruddy-error
- node-pseudorandombytes
- node-quickjs-emscripten
- node-quote-stream
- node-require-dir
- node-resize-observer-polyfill
- node-retape
- node-rollup-plugin-sass
- node-rollup-plugin-strip
- node-rollup-plugin-uglify
- node-schlock
- node-seedrandom
- node-shallow-equal
- node-simple-string-table
- node-single-line-log
- node-socket.io-parser
- node-split-string
- node-throttleit
- node-tilejson
- node-tippex
- node-token-types
- node-trysound-sax
- node-uniqid
- node-uniqs
- node-urlgrey
- node-utml
- node-when
- node-wildemitter
- node-write-file-promise
- node-xxhashjs
- node-y-websocket
- node-zen-observable
- node-zrender
- nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins
- nurpawiki
- nwall
- nxt-python
- obsub
- ocaml-gmap
- ocaml-res
- ocamlify
- ocamlmod
- ocamlwc
- ocplib-simplex
- octocatalog-diff
- ojalgo
- openguides
- openhft-affinity
- openhft-chronicle-core
- opentelemetry-proto
- optuna
- orange-canvas-core
- oscache
- osmo-ggsn
- panicparse
- parallel-fastq-dump
- parsley-clojure
- pg-ldap-sync
- php-algo26-idna-convert
- php-http-interop-http-factory-tests
- php-http-psr7-integration-tests
- php-jakeasmith-http-build-url
- php-lcobucci-jwt
- php-league-uri-src
- php-zeta-unit-test
- piespy
- planetfilter
- plf-colony
- plyara
- ppp-gatekeeper
- practicalxml-java
- prefixdate
- prelude-manager
- presets
- projectreactor
- prometheus-xmpp-alerts
- puppet-module-alteholz-tdc
- puppet-module-camptocamp-postfix
- puppet-module-camptocamp-systemd
- puppet-module-cirrax-gitolite
- puppet-module-debian-archvsync
- puppet-module-pcfens-filebeat
- puppet-module-voxpupuli-posix-acl
- pushpin
- py-nextbusnext
- py-rnp
- pyautogui
- pydantic-extra-types
- pygml
- pygubu
- pymetno
- pymsgbox
- pyscreeze
- pytest-freezer
- pytest-httpx
- python-airspeed
- python-amply
- python-apischema
- python-asv-runner
- python-asyncio-throttle
- python-autodoc-traits
- python-autodocsumm
- python-autoray
- python-base36
- python-bids-validator
- python-cai
- python-calendra
- python-certbot-dns-infomaniak
- python-certvalidator
- python-circuitbreaker
- python-convertertools
- python-covdefaults
- python-cyborgclient
- python-didl-lite
- python-django-pint
- python-django-structlog
- python-django-test-migrations
- python-dom-toml
- python-enum-tools
- python-epimodels
- python-fnvhash
- python-georss-client
- python-ghdiff
- python-glyphsets
- python-graphene-directives
- python-graphene-federation
- python-humps
- python-inquirerpy
- python-ipfix
- python-jsonlines
- python-kdcproxy
- python-libcst
- python-lua
- python-mergedict
- python-mistral-lib
- python-mockupdb
- python-mouseinfo
- python-msgspec
- python-mutf8
- python-netsnmpagent
- python-octavia-lib
- python-openqa-client
- python-os-apply-config
- python-os-collect-config
- python-os-faults
- python-pantomime
- python-pauvre
- python-pgbouncer
- python-pkce
- python-protobix
- python-pygerrit2
- python-pypartpicker
- python-pyspike
- python-rdata
- python-returns
- python-shippinglabel
- python-sphinx-code-include
- python-sphinx-contributors
- python-sphinx-examples
- python-sphinx-jinja
- python-spoon
- python-statmake
- python-stubserver
- python-synologydsm-api
- python-transmission-rpc
- python-ulid-transform
- python-varlink
- python-watson-developer-cloud
- python-xstatic-dagre-d3
- python-yamlfix
- python-zc.customdoctests
- pytorch-geometric
- pyvesync
- qatlib
- qiskit-terra
- quantum-espresso-data-sssp
- quickml
- qunit-selenium
- quoin-clojure
- qviaggiatreno
- r-cran-latte
- r-cran-locfdr
- r-cran-yulab.utils
- rabbitsign
- radicale-dovecot-auth
- rapache
- rapidfuzz-cpp
- rexical
- rime-array
- rime-cantonese
- rime-loengfan
- rime-wugniu
- ring-basic-authentication-clojure
- rl-renderpm
- rt-extension-mergeusers
- rtsp-to-webrtc
- ruby-acts-as-api
- ruby-acts-as-tree
- ruby-adamantium
- ruby-appraisal
- ruby-appraiser-rubocop
- ruby-asetus
- ruby-async-process
- ruby-base62
- ruby-beautify
- ruby-cancancan
- ruby-capture-output
- ruby-case-transform
- ruby-cassiopee
- ruby-cocoon
- ruby-concord
- ruby-cssminify
- ruby-em-mongo
- ruby-equatable
- ruby-errbase
- ruby-fakeweb
- ruby-gelf
- ruby-google-cloud-core
- ruby-heapy
- ruby-http-connection
- ruby-innertube
- ruby-joiner
- ruby-jsonapi-renderer
- ruby-license-finder
- ruby-localhost
- ruby-logger-application
- ruby-lumberjack
- ruby-maven-tools
- ruby-mini-histogram
- ruby-minitest-excludes
- ruby-minitest-global-expectations
- ruby-minitest-power-assert
- ruby-minitest-shared-description
- ruby-mmap2
- ruby-net-irc
- ruby-omniauth-ultraauth
- ruby-procto
- ruby-rack-rewrite
- ruby-rails-assets-autosize
- ruby-rails-assets-corejs-typeahead
- ruby-rails-assets-favico.js
- ruby-rails-assets-fine-uploader
- ruby-rails-assets-jeresig-jquery.hotkeys
- ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it--markdown-it-for-inline
- ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-hashtag
- ruby-rails-assets-underscore
- ruby-remcached
- ruby-riddle
- ruby-riot
- ruby-roxml
- ruby-rspec-retry
- ruby-rugments
- ruby-solve
- ruby-source-map
- ruby-sprockets-export
- ruby-table-print
- ruby-test-unit-notify
- ruby-twitter-oauth
- ruby-unicode-plot
- ruby-unicode-utils
- ruby-url-safe-base64
- ruby-whenever
- ruby-zentest
- rust-actix-derive
- rust-addr
- rust-aes-siv
- rust-alsa
- rust-ansi-width
- rust-antidote
- rust-ar
- rust-array-macro
- rust-asn1
- rust-asn1-derive
- rust-assert-cmd
- rust-async-mutex
- rust-audio-checker
- rust-automod
- rust-average
- rust-beef
- rust-bencher
- rust-bet
- rust-better-panic
- rust-binascii
- rust-bitfield
- rust-bitstream-io
- rust-blake2
- rust-blake2s-simd
- rust-botan
- rust-botan-sys
- rust-buildlog-consultant
- rust-bytelines
- rust-capstone
- rust-capstone-sys
- rust-cargo-credential
- rust-cargo-credential-libsecret
- rust-cargo-util-schemas
- rust-charset
- rust-checked-int-cast
- rust-chic
- rust-clap-complete-3
- rust-clap-mangen
- rust-clicolors-control
- rust-clru
- rust-cmac
- rust-color-print
- rust-color-print-proc-macro
- rust-combine
- rust-config
- rust-configparser
- rust-console-error-panic-hook
- rust-conv
- rust-core2
- rust-cpp-syn
- rust-cpp-synom
- rust-crypto-mac
- rust-ct-codecs
- rust-cursive-macros
- rust-data-url
- rust-dbl
- rust-deb822-derive
- rust-deb822-lossless
- rust-debian-control
- rust-debian-copyright
- rust-debian-watch
- rust-deflate
- rust-discard
- rust-dissimilar
- rust-dtoa-short
- rust-ed25519-compact
- rust-educe
- rust-ego-tree
- rust-embedded-io
- rust-enum-ordinalize
- rust-evdev-sys
- rust-fake-simd
- rust-fiat-crypto
- rust-fips203-ffi
- rust-four-cc
- rust-fxhash
- rust-gix
- rust-gix-archive
- rust-gix-bitmap
- rust-gix-chunk
- rust-gix-commitgraph
- rust-gix-config
- rust-gix-diff
- rust-gix-dir
- rust-gix-filter
- rust-gix-hashtable
- rust-gix-ignore
- rust-gix-index
- rust-gix-negotiate
- rust-gix-odb
- rust-gix-pack
- rust-gix-packetline-blocking
- rust-gix-protocol
- rust-gix-refspec
- rust-gix-revision
- rust-gix-revwalk
- rust-gix-status
- rust-gix-submodule
- rust-gix-traverse
- rust-gix-worktree
- rust-gix-worktree-state
- rust-gix-worktree-stream
- rust-glib-sys-0.18
- rust-glycin
- rust-glycin-utils
- rust-gtk4-layer-shell
- rust-gtk4-layer-shell-sys
- rust-gufo-common
- rust-gufo-exif
- rust-gzip-header
- rust-harfbuzz-rs
- rust-harfbuzz-sys
- rust-headers
- rust-headers-core
- rust-heapsize
- rust-hexf-parse
- rust-html2pango
- rust-http-auth
- rust-i18n-config
- rust-i18n-embed-impl
- rust-id-arena
- rust-input
- rust-input-sys
- rust-insta
- rust-io-close
- rust-is-wsl
- rust-jargon-args
- rust-js-int
- rust-js-option
- rust-lab
- rust-lcms2
- rust-lcms2-sys
- rust-lexical-parse-float
- rust-lexical-parse-integer
- rust-lexical-util
- rust-libcst
- rust-libcst-derive
- rust-libheif-rs
- rust-libheif-sys
- rust-liboverdrop
- rust-libpulse-binding
- rust-libseccomp
- rust-libseccomp-sys
- rust-libslirp-sys
- rust-libsodium-sys
- rust-libspa
- rust-link-cplusplus
- rust-linkify
- rust-lliw
- rust-llvm-bitcode
- rust-lmdb-sys
- rust-m-lexer
- rust-mailparse
- rust-matchit
- rust-maybe-async
- rust-mbox
- rust-memfd
- rust-multer
- rust-nalgebra
- rust-nalgebra-macros
- rust-nitrokey
- rust-nitrokey-sys
- rust-ntapi
- rust-ntest
- rust-ntest-proc-macro-helper
- rust-ntest-timeout
- rust-ntp-os-clock
- rust-ntp-proto
- rust-num-bigint-dig
- rust-num-enum
- rust-num-enum-derive
- rust-num-modular
- rust-ordermap
- rust-orion
- rust-ouroboros-macro
- rust-overload
- rust-parity-wasm
- rust-parsec-tool
- rust-pasetors
- rust-pem
- rust-pep440-rs
- rust-pep508-rs
- rust-pipewire
- rust-platform-info
- rust-pledge
- rust-pmac
- rust-prettytable-rs
- rust-procedural-masquerade
- rust-procfs
- rust-protoc
- rust-psl
- rust-pyo3-log
- rust-pyproject-toml
- rust-python-pkginfo
- rust-qrcode
- rust-r2d2
- rust-rctree
- rust-ref-cast
- rust-ref-cast-impl
- rust-reference-counted-singleton
- rust-resource-proof
- rust-retain-mut
- rust-rfc2047-decoder
- rust-rio
- rust-roff
- rust-rpassword
- rust-rtoolbox
- rust-ruma-common
- rust-ruma-identifiers-validation
- rust-ruma-macros
- rust-rustc-cfg
- rust-rustpython-ast
- rust-rustpython-common
- rust-rustpython-compiler-core
- rust-rustpython-parser
- rust-safe-transmute
- rust-scheduled-thread-pool
- rust-scratch
- rust-scriptisto
- rust-section-testing
- rust-security-framework-sys
- rust-selectors
- rust-self-cell
- rust-selinux
- rust-selinux-sys
- rust-sequoia-ipc
- rust-serde-untagged
- rust-shellexpand
- rust-simplelog
- rust-slog-term
- rust-sm3
- rust-stdweb-derive
- rust-supports-hyperlinks
- rust-supports-unicode
- rust-svgtypes
- rust-symphonia
- rust-symphonia-bundle-flac
- rust-symphonia-bundle-mp3
- rust-symphonia-codec-aac
- rust-symphonia-codec-adpcm
- rust-symphonia-codec-alac
- rust-symphonia-codec-pcm
- rust-symphonia-codec-vorbis
- rust-symphonia-format-mkv
- rust-symphonia-format-ogg
- rust-symphonia-format-wav
- rust-take-mut
- rust-tcmalloc-sys
- rust-tera
- rust-tikv-jemallocator
- rust-tiny-bip39
- rust-tiny-dfr
- rust-tinystr
- rust-tls-parser
- rust-tokio-serde
- rust-tokio-tungstenite
- rust-tracing-futures
- rust-trait-variant
- rust-typed-arena
- rust-ulid
- rust-uluru
- rust-unic-langid
- rust-unic-langid-impl
- rust-unic-langid-macros
- rust-unic-langid-macros-impl
- rust-unic-ucd-category
- rust-unic-ucd-ident
- rust-unicode-names2
- rust-unicode-script
- rust-unscanny
- rust-usb-disk-probe
- rust-volatile-0.3
- rust-vt100
- rust-wayland-client-0.29
- rust-wayland-scanner-0.29
- rust-winutil
- rust-xkbcommon-dl
- rust-xmltree
- rust-z85
- rust-zoneinfo-compiled
- ruy
- rx-java
- s2-geometry-library
- sachesi
- scannotation
- science.js
- scikit-optimize
- seriation
- shoelaces
- simrisc
- simstring
- siridb-connector
- sjacket-clojure
- smarty-lexer
- smlsharp
- sp800-90b-entropy-assessment
- sphinx-theme-builder
- sphinxcontrib-images
- sphinxcontrib-openapi
- spotipy
- sqlreduce
- sqwebmail-de
- srcpd
- stencil-clojure
- strcase
- string-template-maven-plugin
- sxmo-utils
- tcl-unix-sockets
- tcode
- tiarra
- tinyarray
- tinycon.js
- tinydyndns
- tirex
- todoist-api-python
- tomcatjss
- tplink-omada-client
- transip
- trinculo
- trivial-macroexpand-all
- truss-clojure
- tuxblocs
- txws
- u-boot-efi-dtb
- uapevent
- ucspi-proxy
- unit-translator
- uuagc
- visp-images
- vst3sdk
- watchtower-clojure
- wchartype
- webcomponentsjs-custom-element-v0.js
- wimsapi
- wordpress-plugin-http-authentication
- wsgicors
- wstroke
- wtdbg2
- x52pro
- xphyle
- yaku-ns
- yalexs-ble
- yamm3
- yample
- ykush-control
- abbtr
- ada-bar-codes
- aeonbits-owner
- aioairzone
- aiocomelit
- aioelectricitymaps
- aiohttp-fast-url-dispatcher
- aioimaplib
- aiotankerkoenig
- android-platform-external-nist-sip
- apertium-oc-ca
- aqipy
- arm-compute-library
- armci-mpi
- asahi-audio
- asf-search
- asgi-csrf
- async-upnp-client
- autolink
- azure-kusto-python
- bernhard
- bisect-ppx
- blinkpy
- btas
- budgie-desktop-environment
- caml-crush
- camljava
- carbon-c-relay
- cevomapgen
- check-smart-attributes
- chemonomatopist
- cl-fiasco
- cl-irc-logger
- cl-lml
- cldump
- cmock
- compile-command-annotations
- coq-interval
- coq-libhyps
- coq-math-classes
- coq-reduction-effects
- coq-relation-algebra
- coq-serapi
- coq-stdpp
- coq-unicoq
- coqeal
- coquelicot
- crowbar
- cryptacular
- cthreadpool
- cxxheaderparser
- dataproperty
- dataset-fashion-mnist
- dbcsr
- debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br
- dewalls
- django-celery-email
- django-compression-middleware
- django-favicon-plus-reloaded
- django-haystack-redis
- django-maintenance-mode
- django-menu-generator-ng
- django-titofisto
- dnssecjava
- dolfinx-mpc
- drmaa
- dtl
- dumbster
- dxtool
- elenv
- emacs-eat
- emulated-roku
- encore-clojure
- env-assert
- erlang-hex
- evremap
- exchange-calendars
- faadelays
- fastdtw
- fastobj
- fcitx5-varnam
- fest-reflect
- fest-test
- flake8-spellcheck
- flox
- folder-account
- forecast-solar
- fracatux
- frozen
- frugally-deep
- g2o
- gap-anupq
- garagemq
- gftl-shared
- gitlike-commands
- globus-gridmap-callout-error
- gnocchi
- goda
- goiardi
- golang-ariga-atlas
- golang-blitiri-go-spf
- golang-code.cloudfoundry-bytefmt
- golang-code.rocketnine-tslocum-cview
- golang-connectrpc-connect
- golang-debian-vasudev-gospake2
- golang-ed25519-dev
- golang-github-adam-hanna-arrayoperations
- golang-github-advancedlogic-goose
- golang-github-aead-serpent
- golang-github-agnivade-levenshtein
- golang-github-akosmarton-papipes
- golang-github-akrennmair-gopcap
- golang-github-alcortesm-tgz
- golang-github-alecaivazis-survey
- golang-github-alecthomas-jsonschema
- golang-github-alexcesaro-log
- golang-github-alexflint-go-arg
- golang-github-alexflint-go-scalar
- golang-github-allan-simon-go-singleinstance
- golang-github-antonmedv-expr
- golang-github-apparentlymart-go-cidr
- golang-github-appleboy-gin-jwt
- golang-github-appleboy-gofight
- golang-github-approvals-go-approval-tests
- golang-github-aquasecurity-go-dep-parser
- golang-github-aybabtme-rgbterm
- golang-github-aymanbagabas-go-udiff
- golang-github-badgerodon-collections
- golang-github-beevik-etree
- golang-github-beevik-ntp
- golang-github-bep-debounce
- golang-github-bep-gitmap
- golang-github-bep-golibsass
- golang-github-bettercap-gatt
- golang-github-bettercap-nrf24
- golang-github-bettercap-readline
- golang-github-bgentry-go-netrc
- golang-github-biogo-biogo
- golang-github-biogo-graph
- golang-github-biogo-hts
- golang-github-biogo-store
- golang-github-bndr-gotabulate
- golang-github-brentp-bix
- golang-github-bshuster-repo-logrus-logstash-hook
- golang-github-burntsushi-xgb
- golang-github-caddyserver-certmagic
- golang-github-casbin-govaluate
- golang-github-cavaliergopher-rpm
- golang-github-cenk-hub
- golang-github-cenk-rpc2
- golang-github-charmbracelet-glamour
- golang-github-charmbracelet-x
- golang-github-chromedp-sysutil
- golang-github-chzyer-test
- golang-github-cloudfoundry-gosigar
- golang-github-codahale-hdrhistogram
- golang-github-codegangsta-negroni
- golang-github-confluentinc-confluent-kafka-go
- golang-github-coreos-gexpect
- golang-github-coreos-ioprogress
- golang-github-cosiner-argv
- golang-github-creasty-defaults
- golang-github-crossdock-crossdock-go
- golang-github-cryptix-wav
- golang-github-cyberdelia-go-metrics-graphite
- golang-github-d2r2-go-sht3x
- golang-github-dave-jennifer
- golang-github-davecgh-go-xdr
- golang-github-daviddengcn-go-colortext
- golang-github-dchest-safefile
- golang-github-dcso-bloom
- golang-github-dennwc-btrfs
- golang-github-dennwc-ioctl
- golang-github-derekparker-trie
- golang-github-desertbit-timer
- golang-github-dgryski-go-minhash
- golang-github-digitalocean-go-libvirt
- golang-github-digitalocean-go-qemu
- golang-github-djherbis-atime
- golang-github-dlasky-gotk3-layershell
- golang-github-dnaeon-go-vcr
- golang-github-docker-go-plugins-helpers
- golang-github-dop251-goja
- golang-github-dpapathanasiou-go-recaptcha
- golang-github-dsnet-golib
- golang-github-eapache-go-resiliency
- golang-github-edwvee-exiffix
- golang-github-ekzhu-minhash-lsh
- golang-github-emersion-go-maildir
- golang-github-emersion-go-mbox
- golang-github-emersion-go-milter
- golang-github-erikstmartin-go-testdb
- golang-github-exponent-io-jsonpath
- golang-github-facebookgo-freeport
- golang-github-facebookgo-httpdown
- golang-github-facebookgo-inject
- golang-github-facebookgo-pidfile
- golang-github-farsightsec-golang-framestream
- golang-github-fatih-set
- golang-github-felixge-fgprof
- golang-github-flosch-pongo2.v4
- golang-github-fluent-fluent-logger-golang
- golang-github-flytam-filenamify
- golang-github-franela-goblin
- golang-github-franela-goreq
- golang-github-gedex-inflector
- golang-github-ghjm-cmdline
- golang-github-gigawattio-window
- golang-github-gizak-termui
- golang-github-glacjay-goini
- golang-github-go-chi-cors
- golang-github-go-co-op-gocron
- golang-github-go-macaroon-bakery-macaroonpb
- golang-github-go-ozzo-ozzo-validation.v4
- golang-github-go-ping-ping
- golang-github-go-piv-piv-go
- golang-github-go-restruct-restruct
- golang-github-go-webauthn-webauthn
- golang-github-go-webauthn-x
- golang-github-go-xorm-builder
- golang-github-gobuffalo-envy
- golang-github-gobuffalo-flect
- golang-github-gobwas-httphead
- golang-github-gocarina-gocsv
- golang-github-gokyle-fswatch
- golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt-v5
- golang-github-google-go-dap
- golang-github-google-go-pkcs11
- golang-github-google-go-tpm
- golang-github-google-jsonapi
- golang-github-google-nftables
- golang-github-goombaio-namegenerator
- golang-github-gopacket-gopacket
- golang-github-gopasspw-pinentry
- golang-github-gopherjs-gopherjs
- golang-github-gosuri-uiprogress
- golang-github-gosuri-uitable
- golang-github-greatroar-blobloom
- golang-github-grokify-html-strip-tags-go
- golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-opentracing
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-checkpoint
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-envparse
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-getter
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-reap
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-safetemp
- golang-github-hashicorp-hcl-v2
- golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect
- golang-github-hhatto-gorst
- golang-github-hinshun-vt10x
- golang-github-hjfreyer-taglib-go
- golang-github-hmrc-vmware-govcd
- golang-github-hugelgupf-p9
- golang-github-huin-goupnp
- golang-github-hydrogen18-stalecucumber
- golang-github-hydrogen18-stoppablelistener
- golang-github-iancoleman-orderedmap
- golang-github-iancoleman-strcase
- golang-github-icza-gox
- golang-github-iglou-eu-go-wildcard
- golang-github-influxdb-enterprise-client
- golang-github-integrii-flaggy
- golang-github-ivanpirog-coloredcobra
- golang-github-jackc-pgtype
- golang-github-jackc-pgx
- golang-github-jackpal-go-nat-pmp
- golang-github-jaytaylor-html2text
- golang-github-jedib0t-go-pretty
- golang-github-jedisct1-dlog
- golang-github-jedisct1-go-clocksmith
- golang-github-jedisct1-go-dnsstamps
- golang-github-jedisct1-xsecretbox
- golang-github-jesseduffield-go-git
- golang-github-joshuarubin-go-sway
- golang-github-joshuarubin-lifecycle
- golang-github-juju-cmd
- golang-github-juju-collections
- golang-github-juju-gnuflag
- golang-github-juju-httpprof
- golang-github-juju-mutex
- golang-github-juju-utils
- golang-github-justinas-alice
- golang-github-k0kubun-colorstring
- golang-github-k0kubun-pp
- golang-github-kalafut-imohash
- golang-github-kardianos-service
- golang-github-karlseguin-ccache
- golang-github-karlseguin-expect
- golang-github-kelseyhightower-envconfig-dev
- golang-github-knqyf263-go-deb-version
- golang-github-kori-go-listenbrainz
- golang-github-la5nta-wl2k-go
- golang-github-leemcloughlin-jdn
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-envload
- golang-github-libdns-libdns
- golang-github-likexian-gokit
- golang-github-lk4d4-joincontext
- golang-github-lpabon-godbc
- golang-github-machinebox-graphql
- golang-github-magisterquis-connectproxy
- golang-github-mailgun-timetools
- golang-github-mailgun-ttlmap
- golang-github-makeworld-the-better-one-go-isemoji
- golang-github-masterminds-sprig
- golang-github-matryer-is
- golang-github-mattn-go-unicodeclass
- golang-github-mattn-go-xmlrpc
- golang-github-mattn-go-zglob
- golang-github-mb0-glob
- golang-github-mcuadros-go-version
- golang-github-mdlayher-dhcp6
- golang-github-mdlayher-ethtool
- golang-github-mendersoftware-progressbar
- golang-github-mesos-mesos-go
- golang-github-mgutz-logxi
- golang-github-mgutz-minimist
- golang-github-mgutz-str
- golang-github-mgutz-to
- golang-github-mholt-acmez
- golang-github-michaeltjones-walk
- golang-github-mikesmitty-edkey
- golang-github-miolini-datacounter
- golang-github-miscreant-miscreant.go
- golang-github-mitchellh-panicwrap
- golang-github-mozillazg-go-httpheader
- golang-github-mssola-user-agent
- golang-github-muesli-cancelreader
- golang-github-muesli-mango
- golang-github-muesli-roff
- golang-github-mvo5-uboot-go
- golang-github-namsral-flag
- golang-github-nats-io-jwt
- golang-github-nats-io-nuid
- golang-github-nebulouslabs-go-upnp
- golang-github-nebulouslabs-merkletree
- golang-github-neelance-astrewrite
- golang-github-neelance-sourcemap
- golang-github-ngaut-sync2
- golang-github-nicksnyder-go-i18n.v2
- golang-github-nlopes-slack
- golang-github-nozzle-throttler
- golang-github-nu7hatch-gouuid
- golang-github-nwidger-jsoncolor
- golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-grpc
- golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-stdlib
- golang-github-oxtoacart-bpool
- golang-github-pbnjay-memory
- golang-github-pd0mz-go-maidenhead
- golang-github-performancecopilot-speed
- golang-github-pierrec-xxhash
- golang-github-pivotal-golang-clock
- golang-github-pjbgf-sha1cd
- golang-github-pointlander-peg
- golang-github-prometheus-prom2json
- golang-github-protonmail-go-mime
- golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia
- golang-github-qor-inflection
- golang-github-r3labs-diff
- golang-github-rabbitmq-amqp091-go
- golang-github-racksec-srslog
- golang-github-raintank-met
- golang-github-rakyll-globalconf
- golang-github-reviewdog-errorformat
- golang-github-rhnvrm-simples3
- golang-github-rican7-retry
- golang-github-riywo-loginshell
- golang-github-ruudk-golang-pdf417
- golang-github-sajari-fuzzy
- golang-github-sap-go-hdb
- golang-github-schollz-logger
- golang-github-schollz-mnemonicode
- golang-github-schollz-pake
- golang-github-schollz-peerdiscovery
- golang-github-sebdah-goldie
- golang-github-segmentio-fasthash
- golang-github-shenwei356-bio
- golang-github-shenwei356-bpool
- golang-github-shenwei356-breader
- golang-github-shenwei356-bwt
- golang-github-shenwei356-natsort
- golang-github-shenwei356-util
- golang-github-shenwei356-xopen
- golang-github-shopify-logrus-bugsnag
- golang-github-showmax-go-fqdn
- golang-github-sigstore-sigstore
- golang-github-skarademir-naturalsort
- golang-github-skeema-knownhosts
- golang-github-smira-commander
- golang-github-smira-flag
- golang-github-songgao-water
- golang-github-spaolacci-murmur3
- golang-github-spf13-fsync
- golang-github-spf13-nitro
- golang-github-ssor-bom
- golang-github-stvp-go-udp-testing
- golang-github-svanharmelen-jsonapi
- golang-github-svent-go-flags
- golang-github-tailscale-tscert
- golang-github-tatsushid-go-prettytable
- golang-github-tdewolff-argp
- golang-github-tdewolff-test
- golang-github-tent-http-link-go
- golang-github-thcyron-uiprogress
- golang-github-thecreeper-go-notify
- golang-github-theupdateframework-go-tuf
- golang-github-thlib-go-timezone-local
- golang-github-throttled-throttled
- golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil
- golang-github-tonistiigi-units
- golang-github-toorop-go-dkim
- golang-github-traefik-paerser
- golang-github-tscholl2-siec
- golang-github-twmb-murmur3
- golang-github-ulule-limiter
- golang-github-ungerik-go-sysfs
- golang-github-unrolled-render
- golang-github-valyala-fastrand
- golang-github-valyala-gozstd
- golang-github-valyala-histogram
- golang-github-valyala-quicktemplate
- golang-github-vaughan0-go-ini
- golang-github-victoriametrics-metrics
- golang-github-victoriametrics-metricsql
- golang-github-vimeo-go-magic
- golang-github-vividcortex-godaemon
- golang-github-vmihailenco-msgpack.v5
- golang-github-vmihailenco-tagparser.v2
- golang-github-vulcand-oxy
- golang-github-wader-readline
- golang-github-willf-bloom
- golang-github-x86kernel-htmlcolor
- golang-github-xanzy-go-gitlab
- golang-github-xhit-go-simple-mail
- golang-github-xhit-go-str2duration
- golang-github-xorpaul-uiprogress
- golang-github-yuin-goldmark-emoji
- golang-github-yuin-goldmark-highlighting
- golang-github-zeebo-errs
- golang-github-zenazn-goji
- golang-github-zitadel-logging
- golang-github-zitadel-schema
- golang-github-zyedidia-terminal
- golang-gitlab-yawning-edwards25519-extra
- golang-gocloud
- golang-gopkg-editorconfig-editorconfig-core-go.v1
- golang-gopkg-godo.v2
- golang-gopkg-guregu-null.v2
- golang-gopkg-h2non-filetype.v1
- golang-gopkg-mail.v2
- golang-gopkg-validator.v2
- golang-honnef-go-augeas
- golang-inet-netstack
- golang-k8s-sigs-release-utils
- golang-mvdan-editorconfig
- golang-nhooyr-websocket
- golang-pault-go-gecos
- golang-pault-go-macchanger
- golang-pault-go-technicolor
- golang-sourcehut-rjarry-go-opt
- golang-sourcehut-sircmpwn-getopt
- golang-uber-automaxprocs
- golang-uber-ratelimit
- govee-ble
- govee-local-api
- graxxia
- gtklock-playerctl-module
- guile-commonmark
- guile-reader
- haproxy-cmd
- haskell-arithmoi
- haskell-integer-roots
- haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins
- haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins
- haskell-regex-applicative-text
- haskell-tagshare
- hatch-jupyter-builder
- hddemux
- hera
- homer-api
- in-toto-golang
- inkbird-ble
- isatapd
- isochron
- ivar
- jackson-modules-java8
- jacksum-sugar
- java-sip-api
- jboss-logmanager
- jboss-threads
- jcabi-aspects
- jcabi-log
- jquery-datetimepicker
- jquery-sortablejs
- js-of-ocaml-ocamlbuild
- jugglinglab
- justbackoff
- justbuild
- kazocsaba-imageviewer
- kegtron-ble
- kissat
- klepto
- knowl.js
- kothic
- lambdaisland-uri-clojure
- lapackpp
- ldh-gui-suite
- leaone-ble
- led-ble
- less.php
- libafs-pag-perl
- libalgorithm-hyperloglog-perl
- libalzabo-perl
- libamazon-sqs-simple-perl
- libanyevent-http-scopedclient-perl
- libanyevent-memcached-perl
- libapp-perlrdf-command-query-perl
- libargparse
- libatombus-perl
- libatteanx-compatibility-trine-perl
- libatteanx-endpoint-perl
- libatteanx-store-ldf-perl
- libatteanx-store-sparql-perl
- libauthen-sasl-xs-perl
- libbiblio-citation-parser-perl
- libbiblio-counter-perl
- libbiblio-isis-perl
- libbiblio-thesaurus-perl
- libbio-db-refseq-perl
- libbio-db-swissprot-perl
- libbitarray
- libbot-training-perl
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-ippay-perl
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-payconnect-perl
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-tclink-perl
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-viaklix-perl
- libbusiness-tax-vat-validation-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-scheduler-perl
- libcatalyst-view-component-subinclude-perl
- libcatmandu-bibtex-perl
- libcatmandu-mediawiki-perl
- libcatmandu-z3950-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-authorization-perl
- libchemistry-ring-perl
- libclass-accessor-children-perl
- libclass-handle-perl
- libclass-ooorno-perl
- libclass-prototyped-perl
- libclasslojure-clojure
- libcmtspeechdata
- libdata-compactreadonly-perl
- libdata-downsample-largesttrianglethreebuckets-perl
- libdata-uuid-mt-perl
- libdbix-class-inflatecolumn-ip-perl
- libdbix-dr-perl
- libdevel-cover-report-clover-perl
- libdevel-findperl-perl
- libdist-build-perl
- libdontdie
- libervia-pubsub
- libexception-class-dbi-perl
- libextutils-builder-compiler-perl
- libextutils-builder-perl
- libffi-c-perl
- libffi-platypus-type-enum-perl
- libfinance-bank-ie-permanenttsb-perl
- libfuture-queue-perl
- libgen-test-rinci-funcresult-perl
- libgeo-hash-perl
- libgeo-hash-xs-perl
- libgeo-wkt-simple-perl
- libgraph-grammar-perl
- libgraph-maker-perl
- libhac-java
- libham-locator-perl
- libhinoko
- libhipi-perl
- libhtml-copy-perl
- libhtml-dashboard-perl
- libhtml-embedded-turtle-perl
- libhtml-html5-microdata-parser-perl
- libhtml-popuptreeselect-perl
- libhtml-template-dumper-perl
- libhtml-widgets-navmenu-perl
- libideviceactivation
- libio-async-loop-mojo-perl
- libio-lcdproc-perl
- libioth
- libirclib-java
- libiscwt-java
- libjenkins-api-perl
- libjs-backbone-deep-model
- libjs-backbone.stickit
- libjs-cocktail
- libjs-img.srcset
- libjs-jquery-backstretch
- libjs-php-date-formatter
- libjtype-java
- libjxp-java
- libkal
- libkaz
- liblib-relative-perl
- liblist-maker-perl
- liblivejournal-perl
- libmango-perl
- libmarc-loader-perl
- libmarc-loop-perl
- libmath-amoeba-perl
- libmath-convexhull-perl
- libmath-matrix-maybegsl-perl
- libmath-vector-real-xs-perl
- libmcfp
- libmdock-java
- libmidi-alsa-perl
- libmixin-extrafields-param-perl
- libmixin-extrafields-perl
- libmock-sub-perl
- libmodule-install-extratests-perl
- libmodule-starter-plugin-simplestore-perl
- libmodule-starter-plugin-tt2-perl
- libmojolicious-plugin-templatetoolkit-perl
- libmoosex-compiletime-traits-perl
- libmoosex-param-perl
- libmoosex-types-email-perl
- libmoox-role-cloneset-perl
- libmousex-configfromfile-perl
- libmqdb-perl
- libmusic-chord-namer-perl
- libnanomsg-raw-perl
- libnet-dict-perl
- libnet-hotline-perl
- libnet-ssl-expiredate-perl
- libnetapp-perl
- libobject-pad-classattr-struct-perl
- libofono-qt
- liboptions-java
- liboverload-filecheck-perl
- libowl-directsemantics-perl
- libperinci-object-perl
- libperinci-sub-util-propertymodule-perl
- libpktriggercord
- libplack-test-agent-perl
- libplack-test-anyevent-perl
- libpoe-component-client-ident-perl
- libpoe-component-dbiagent-perl
- libppr-perl
- libpromise-xs-perl
- libr3
- librdf-queryx-lazy-perl
- librunapp-perl
- libsearch-elasticsearch-client-2-0-perl
- libsigmf
- libstdc++-riscv64-unknown-elf
- libstoragedisplay-perl
- libstore-opaque-perl
- libsub-strictdecl-perl
- libswarmcache-java
- libtainting-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-gravatar-perl
- libtemplate-plugin-html-strip-perl
- libtest-database-perl
- libtest-databaserow-perl
- libtest-expander-perl
- libtest-expectandcheck-perl
- libtest-exports-perl
- libtest-hexdifferences-perl
- libtest-http-server-simple-stashwarnings-perl
- libtest-log-dispatch-perl
- libtest-mock-cmd-perl
- libtest-mockfile-perl
- libtest-net-ldap-perl
- libtest-nobreakpoints-perl
- libtest-redisserver-perl
- libtest-regression-perl
- libtest-skip-unlessexistsexecutable-perl
- libtest-weaken-perl
- libtext-chasen-perl
- libtext-mecab-perl
- libtext-names-perl
- libtext-rewriterules-perl
- libtie-array-iterable-perl
- libtie-shadowhash-perl
- libvendorlib-perl
- libvpd
- libwiki-toolkit-plugin-rss-reader-perl
- libwww-orcid-perl
- lingua-franca
- lintian-ssg
- lsvpd
- lua-vips
- m1n1
- macaulay2-jupyter-kernel
- mailio
- masakari
- masakari-monitors
- materialize
- mathcomp-algebra-tactics
- mathcomp-bigenough
- mathcomp-finmap
- mathcomp-multinomials
- mathcomp-real-closed
- mathcomp-zify
- matomo-component-ini
- matomo-referrer-spam-list
- matomo-searchengine-and-social-list
- maven-jflex-plugin
- mdns-reflector
- metamath-databases
- meteofrance-api
- mfem
- millheater
- mini-httpd-run
- mir-eval
- mkdocs-macros-plugin
- mkdocstrings-python-legacy
- mochiweb
- modest
- mopeka-iot-ble
- mujoco
- mwoauth
- mystic
- nagios-tang
- nanovg
- net-luminis-build-plugin
- neutron-dynamic-routing
- neutron-taas
- nihstro
- nippy-clojure
- nlinline
- node-astw
- node-devtools-protocol
- node-fontsource-inconsolata
- node-hash-test-vectors
- node-html5-qrcode
- node-jsan
- node-ldapjs
- node-lexical-scope
- node-license-webpack-plugin
- node-mdn-browser-compat-data
- node-monaco-languageclient
- node-openpgp-asmcrypto.js
- node-parse-base64vlq-mappings
- node-path-scurry
- node-postcss-load-options
- node-postcss-load-plugins
- node-seq
- node-stream-to-observable
- node-trust-webcrypto
- node-y-codemirror
- npd6
- nproc
- nsncd
- ocaml-afl-persistent
- ocaml-alcotest
- ocaml-ansi-terminal
- ocaml-asn1-combinators
- ocaml-ca-certs
- ocaml-cinaps
- ocaml-containers
- ocaml-cpu
- ocaml-digestif
- ocaml-domain-local-await
- ocaml-duration
- ocaml-eqaf
- ocaml-hex
- ocaml-kdf
- ocaml-linenoise
- ocaml-mem-usage
- ocaml-mirage-clock
- ocaml-mirage-crypto
- ocaml-mirage-kv
- ocaml-mirage-kv-mem
- ocaml-mtime
- ocaml-multicore-magic
- ocaml-ohex
- ocaml-optint
- ocaml-parany
- ocaml-pbkdf
- ocaml-pp
- ocaml-pprint
- ocaml-ptime
- ocaml-randomconv
- ocaml-spdx-licenses
- ocaml-stdlib-random
- ocaml-thread-table
- ocaml-time-now
- ocaml-unix-errno
- ocaml-uucd
- ocaml-uunf
- ocaml-version
- ocaml-x509
- ocamlcreal
- ocamlrss
- oci-seccomp-bpf-hook
- octave-brain2mesh
- opam-0install-cudf
- openbgpd
- opencl-clang-19
- openhft-chronicle-bytes
- openhft-chronicle-network
- openhft-chronicle-queue
- openhft-chronicle-threads
- openhft-chronicle-wire
- openhft-compiler
- openhft-lang
- openid4java
- openoverlayrouter
- opensmtpd-filter-senderscore
- opentelemetry-cpp
- openwebifpy
- orange-widget-base
- orange3
- oscar4
- osmo-msc
- ourgroceries
- pam-session-timelimit
- paper-css
- parallel-hashmap
- paramcoq
- paryfor
- pathos
- pdbg
- pdqsort
- pg-roaringbitmap
- pg-rrule
- pgaudit-17
- pgtt
- php-di
- php-di-invoker
- php-wmerrors
- php-zumba-json-serializer
- picobox
- plexus-testing
- plib-doc
- plume-hashmap-util-java
- plume-reflection-util-java
- plume-util-java
- powa-collector
- pox
- ppa-dev-tools
- ppx-assert
- ppx-enumerate
- ppx-globalize
- ppx-let
- ppx-optcomp
- ppx-stable-witness
- prelude-correlator
- priv-wrapper
- proguard-core
- prometheus-frr-exporter
- prometheus-openstack-exporter
- prometheus-trafficserver-exporter
- pyairnow
- pycec
- pycsspeechtts
- pydataverse
- pydeconz
- pydiscovergy
- pyduotecno
- pyeverlights
- pyforked-daapd
- pygeofilter
- pygopherd
- pyhaversion
- pyiss
- pyjvcprojector
- pylabels
- pylaunches
- pylutron-caseta
- pymatgen-test-files
- pymbolic
- pynormaliz
- pyotgw
- pypinyin
- pypjlink2
- pyprosegur
- pyrituals
- pyrundeck
- pysignalclirestapi
- pysqm
- pystac-client
- pyswitchbot
- pytest-check
- pytest-mypy-testing
- pytest-services
- pytest-subprocess
- python-a2wsgi
- python-aenum
- python-aioambient
- python-aioapns
- python-aiodhcpwatcher
- python-aioesphomeapi
- python-aiojobs
- python-aiolifx
- python-aiolifx-themes
- python-aiopyarr
- python-aioserial
- python-airgradient
- python-apeye-core
- python-async-property
- python-auroranoaa
- python-blacken-docs
- python-bsblan
- python-cfg-diag
- python-cirpy
- python-cogapp
- python-connio
- python-consolekit
- python-contextily
- python-cotengrust
- python-crispy-bootstrap3
- python-curies
- python-dict2css
- python-dicttoxml2
- python-django-adminplus
- python-django-pgschemas
- python-django-zeal
- python-djangorestframework-yaml
- python-duet
- python-ecobee-api
- python-energyzero
- python-firehose
- python-flanker
- python-fnv-hash-fast
- python-freenom
- python-gfloat
- python-glances-api
- python-googlemaps
- python-graphene-mongo
- python-hatch-mypyc
- python-hole
- python-huum
- python-jsonrpc-async
- python-jsonrpc-base
- python-jsonrpc-websocket
- python-libguess
- python-localzone
- python-luftdaten
- python-maggma
- python-mapbox-earcut
- python-mboot
- python-mda-xdrlib
- python-monasca-statsd
- python-moto
- python-noiseprotocol
- python-noseofyeti
- python-ntruprime
- python-opendata-transport
- python-opuslib
- python-ovoenergy
- python-pandas-flavor
- python-parse-stages
- python-pdoc
- python-picnic-api
- python-prodigy
- python-psutil-home-assistant
- python-pvo
- python-pyconify
- python-pydash
- python-pyproject-parser
- python-pystow
- python-pytest-socket
- python-re-assert
- python-rpcq
- python-samsung-mdc
- python-scciclient
- python-semantic-release
- python-soxr
- python-sphinx-autodoc2
- python-sphobjinv
- python-srptools
- python-suitesparse-graphblas
- python-tabledata
- python-taskipy
- python-tksheet
- python-tosca-parser
- python-twitchapi
- python-whey
- python-wyoming
- python-yalexs
- python-yarg
- python-yolink-api
- pytrafikverket
- r-cran-diagrammer
- r-cran-fadist
- r-cran-visnetwork
- rabbitmq-java-client
- rail
- rainbows
- rally
- rang
- redmine-plugin-local-avatars
- redmine-plugin-pretend
- rekor
- rime-quick
- rime-scj
- rime-soutzoe
- riscemu
- rosbags
- rsendmail
- rt-extension-smsnotify
- ruby-actionpack-page-caching
- ruby-active-model-serializers
- ruby-activerecord-import
- ruby-activerecord-nulldb-adapter
- ruby-ae
- ruby-aggregate
- ruby-ahoy-matey
- ruby-amqp
- ruby-anima
- ruby-async-rspec
- ruby-attribute-normalizer
- ruby-aws
- ruby-backbone-on-rails
- ruby-blade-qunit-adapter
- ruby-blockenspiel
- ruby-bogus
- ruby-brass
- ruby-certificate-authority
- ruby-configurate
- ruby-contest
- ruby-cool.io
- ruby-cssmin
- ruby-damerau-levenshtein
- ruby-data-uri
- ruby-devise-lastseenable
- ruby-devise-token-authenticatable
- ruby-diaspora-federation-json-schema
- ruby-ejs
- ruby-enumerize
- ruby-faraday-net-http-persistent
- ruby-faraday-retry
- ruby-fix-trinity-output
- ruby-gh
- ruby-glob
- ruby-grack
- ruby-guard
- ruby-hkdf
- ruby-http-2
- ruby-humanize
- ruby-i18n-spec
- ruby-integration
- ruby-iso
- ruby-jquery-datatables-rails
- ruby-json-spec
- ruby-jsonify
- ruby-kyotocabinet
- ruby-markerb
- ruby-mathml
- ruby-maxitest
- ruby-maxminddb
- ruby-mdurl-rb
- ruby-metaid
- ruby-metriks
- ruby-middleware
- ruby-minispec-metadata
- ruby-mono-logger
- ruby-morpher
- ruby-motion-require
- ruby-multibitnums
- ruby-nakayoshi-fork
- ruby-net-ssh-krb
- ruby-notiffany
- ruby-oedipus-lex
- ruby-omniauth-openid
- ruby-omniauth-rails-csrf-protection
- ruby-origin
- ruby-parallel-tests
- ruby-pgplot
- ruby-png-quantizator
- ruby-ponder
- ruby-postmark
- ruby-proc-to-ast
- ruby-pundit
- ruby-rack-flash3
- ruby-rails-controller-testing
- ruby-rantly
- ruby-rblineprof
- ruby-remotipart
- ruby-rjb
- ruby-rspec-files
- ruby-rspec-junit-formatter
- ruby-rspec-memory
- ruby-rspec-parameterized
- ruby-ruby-version
- ruby-safely-block
- ruby-scarf
- ruby-securecompare
- ruby-serverengine
- ruby-shellany
- ruby-sigdump
- ruby-simple-captcha2
- ruby-spring-commands-rspec
- ruby-spy
- ruby-test-construct
- ruby-test-unit-context
- ruby-test-unit-rr
- ruby-test-xml
- ruby-thinking-sphinx
- ruby-tool
- ruby-tty-spinner
- ruby-uc.micro-rb
- ruby-unparser
- ruby-valid
- ruby-versionomy
- rumur
- rust-adblock
- rust-alloc-traits
- rust-app-dirs2
- rust-arg-enum-proc-macro
- rust-argfile
- rust-argh-shared
- rust-argmax
- rust-as-result
- rust-assert-approx-eq
- rust-assert-fs
- rust-assert-impl
- rust-assert-json-diff
- rust-assert-matches
- rust-assign
- rust-associative-cache
- rust-assorted-debian-utils
- rust-async-generic
- rust-async-recursion
- rust-async-std-resolver
- rust-async-zip
- rust-asynchronous-codec
- rust-atk-0.18
- rust-atk-sys-0.18
- rust-atom
- rust-av-metrics
- rust-av1-grain
- rust-backoff
- rust-backon
- rust-bit-field
- rust-blanket
- rust-blowfish
- rust-bounded-static
- rust-breezyshim
- rust-bson
- rust-buffer-redux
- rust-cachedir
- rust-cairo-rs-0.18
- rust-cairo-sys-rs-0.18
- rust-camellia
- rust-capnpc
- rust-card-backend
- rust-card-backend-pcsc
- rust-cargo-config2
- rust-cargo-mutants
- rust-cargo-options
- rust-cascade
- rust-cast5
- rust-cfb-mode
- rust-char-reader
- rust-chrono-humanize
- rust-cint
- rust-clearscreen
- rust-cli-log
- rust-codespan-reporting
- rust-colored-json
- rust-colorsys
- rust-compiletest-rs
- rust-concolor
- rust-concolor-query
- rust-confy
- rust-console-log
- rust-coolor
- rust-core-affinity
- rust-core-error
- rust-cpp-synmap
- rust-cpuid-bool
- rust-cradle
- rust-criterion-0.3
- rust-csscolorparser
- rust-cstr
- rust-cstr-argument
- rust-custom-error
- rust-cvss
- rust-cvt
- rust-cxx
- rust-cxx-build
- rust-cxxbridge-flags
- rust-cxxbridge-macro
- rust-dav1d-sys
- rust-dbus-tree
- rust-debbugs
- rust-debian-analyzer
- rust-defmac
- rust-deltae
- rust-deluxe
- rust-deluxe-core
- rust-deluxe-macros
- rust-dep3
- rust-dhcproto
- rust-dialoguer
- rust-dircpy
- rust-dirty-tracker
- rust-distro-info
- rust-dockerfile
- rust-document-tree
- rust-downcast
- rust-doxygen-rs
- rust-drm
- rust-drm-ffi
- rust-drm-fourcc
- rust-drm-sys
- rust-drop-bomb
- rust-drt-tools
- rust-dsa
- rust-eax
- rust-ecb
- rust-ed25519
- rust-edit-distance
- rust-effective-limits
- rust-elf-rs
- rust-enum-primitive
- rust-env-proxy
- rust-environment
- rust-epoll
- rust-eww-shared-util
- rust-exacl
- rust-executable-path
- rust-expect-test
- rust-fax
- rust-fax-derive
- rust-fernet
- rust-file-diff
- rust-file-size
- rust-findshlibs
- rust-flex-grow
- rust-fluent
- rust-fluent-bundle
- rust-fluent-langneg
- rust-fluent-pseudo
- rust-fluent-syntax
- rust-forensic-adb
- rust-fs-at
- rust-fs4
- rust-fts-sys
- rust-fundu
- rust-fuzzy-matcher
- rust-gag
- rust-gat-std
- rust-gat-std-proc
- rust-gcd
- rust-gdk-0.18
- rust-gdk-pixbuf-0.18
- rust-gdk-pixbuf-sys-0.18
- rust-gdk-sys-0.18
- rust-getset
- rust-gio-0.18
- rust-gio-sys-0.18
- rust-git-testament
- rust-git-testament-derive
- rust-glib-0.18
- rust-glib-macros-0.18
- rust-gobject-sys-0.18
- rust-gpg-error
- rust-gpgme
- rust-gpgme-sys
- rust-grep
- rust-grep-pcre2
- rust-grep-regex
- rust-gsettings-macro
- rust-gst-plugin-gif
- rust-gstreamer-pbutils
- rust-gstreamer-pbutils-sys
- rust-gtk-0.18
- rust-gtk-sys-0.18
- rust-gtk3-macros-0.18
- rust-heed
- rust-heed-traits
- rust-heed-types
- rust-hex-slice
- rust-hickory-client
- rust-hidapi
- rust-histo
- rust-i18n-embed
- rust-i18n-embed-fl
- rust-idea
- rust-if-addrs
- rust-if-chain
- rust-imagepipe
- rust-imap-codec
- rust-impls
- rust-include-dir
- rust-include-dir-macros
- rust-inflate
- rust-input-linux
- rust-input-linux-sys
- rust-insta-cmd
- rust-interprocess
- rust-intl-memoizer
- rust-intl-pluralrules
- rust-intmap
- rust-intrusive-collections
- rust-iptables
- rust-is-macro
- rust-iso7816-tlv
- rust-isolang
- rust-jemalloc-sys
- rust-joinery
- rust-jpegxl-rs
- rust-jpegxl-sys
- rust-jsonwebtoken
- rust-k9
- rust-kurbo
- rust-kvm-bindings
- rust-language-tags
- rust-lddtree
- rust-leptonica-sys
- rust-lev-distance
- rust-lexiclean
- rust-lexopt
- rust-libbpf-cargo
- rust-libflate
- rust-libgpg-error-sys
- rust-libpulse-glib-binding
- rust-libpulse-mainloop-glib-sys
- rust-librsvg
- rust-lifeguard
- rust-line-numbers
- rust-linux-perf-event-reader
- rust-listenfd
- rust-lmdb
- rust-lmdb-master-sys
- rust-lopdf
- rust-lv2-atom
- rust-lyon-geom
- rust-lz4-sys
- rust-lzma-rs
- rust-lzw
- rust-magnus
- rust-magnus-macros
- rust-makefile-lossless
- rust-maxminddb
- rust-memmem
- rust-minimad
- rust-mio-named-pipes
- rust-mpris-server
- rust-multibase
- rust-multicache
- rust-multimap
- rust-nasm-rs
- rust-nohash-hasher
- rust-nom-derive
- rust-nom-derive-impl
- rust-non-zero-byte-slice
- rust-noop-proc-macro
- rust-ntp-udp
- rust-num-format
- rust-numbat-exchange-rates
- rust-obey
- rust-oid
- rust-opam-file-rs
- rust-openpgp-card
- rust-openpgp-card-state
- rust-openpgp-cert-d
- rust-openpgp-keylist
- rust-openssh
- rust-openssh-mux-client
- rust-openssh-mux-client-error
- rust-output-vt100
- rust-oxhttp
- rust-p256
- rust-packed-simd
- rust-page-size
- rust-pango-0.18
- rust-pango-sys-0.18
- rust-parse-datetime
- rust-parsec-service
- rust-patchkit
- rust-path-absolutize
- rust-path-dedot
- rust-path-slash
- rust-patiencediff
- rust-pcap
- rust-picky-asn1
- rust-picky-asn1-der
- rust-picky-asn1-x509
- rust-pinger
- rust-pkcs1
- rust-pktparse
- rust-pmutil
- rust-pnet-base
- rust-pnet-datalink
- rust-pnet-sys
- rust-podio
- rust-pprof
- rust-privdrop
- rust-proc-status
- rust-profiling-procmacros
- rust-proptest-derive
- rust-prost
- rust-prost-build
- rust-prost-derive
- rust-prost-types
- rust-protobuf-codegen-pure
- rust-protoc-rust
- rust-psa-crypto
- rust-psa-crypto-sys
- rust-pulsectl-rs
- rust-pwhash
- rust-pyo3-filelike
- rust-pythonize
- rust-qrcodegen
- rust-quick-junit
- rust-r-description
- rust-radix-heap
- rust-rand-isaac
- rust-random
- rust-rawloader
- rust-rb-sys
- rust-rb-sys-build
- rust-rb-sys-env
- rust-regex-test
- rust-result-like
- rust-result-like-derive
- rust-retry
- rust-rfc822-sanitizer
- rust-ripemd
- rust-rle-decode-fast
- rust-rlimit
- rust-roots
- rust-route-recognizer
- rust-rs-tracing
- rust-rsa
- rust-rspec
- rust-rst-parser
- rust-rst-renderer
- rust-rstest
- rust-rstest-macros
- rust-rust-cast
- rust-rust-embed
- rust-rust-embed-impl
- rust-rust-embed-utils
- rust-rusticata-macros
- rust-rustls-pki-types
- rust-rustybuzz
- rust-rustyline-derive
- rust-ryu-floating-decimal
- rust-sanitize-filename
- rust-scraper
- rust-sd-notify
- rust-secular
- rust-select
- rust-sendfd
- rust-seq-macro
- rust-sequoia-directories
- rust-sequoia-gpg-agent
- rust-sequoia-keystore
- rust-sequoia-keystore-backend
- rust-sequoia-keystore-gpg-agent
- rust-sequoia-keystore-openpgp-card
- rust-sequoia-keystore-softkeys
- rust-sequoia-keystore-tpm
- rust-sequoia-tpm
- rust-serial-test
- rust-serial-test-derive
- rust-servo-freetype-sys
- rust-shellwords
- rust-shrinkwraprs
- rust-simple-asn1
- rust-simplecss
- rust-slice-group-by
- rust-slice-ring-buffer
- rust-slog-async
- rust-smartstring
- rust-snafu
- rust-snafu-derive
- rust-snap
- rust-snapbox-macros
- rust-soup3
- rust-soup3-sys
- rust-souper-ir
- rust-sourceview5
- rust-sourceview5-sys
- rust-speakersafetyd
- rust-speedate
- rust-spinning
- rust-splitty
- rust-ssh-format
- rust-ssh-format-error
- rust-ssh2
- rust-stackdriver-logger
- rust-stalkerware-indicators
- rust-static-alloc
- rust-statistical
- rust-statsd
- rust-streaming-stats
- rust-strict
- rust-string
- rust-substring
- rust-subtile
- rust-suggest
- rust-svg
- rust-svg-metadata
- rust-sw-composite
- rust-swayipc-types
- rust-swaysome
- rust-syn-ext
- rust-synchronoise
- rust-sys-info
- rust-sysctl
- rust-target
- rust-tcmalloc
- rust-termios
- rust-termsize
- rust-test-case
- rust-test-casing-macro
- rust-test-log
- rust-test-log-macros
- rust-tester
- rust-thin-slice
- rust-thin-vec
- rust-timeago
- rust-titlecase
- rust-to-method
- rust-tokio-io-utility
- rust-tokio-test
- rust-tr
- rust-tracing-appender
- rust-tracing-tunnel
- rust-transformation-pipeline
- rust-trash
- rust-try-or
- rust-trybuild
- rust-tss-esapi
- rust-tss-esapi-sys
- rust-twofish
- rust-type-map
- rust-typed-builder
- rust-typed-builder-macro
- rust-ucd-generate
- rust-ucd-parse
- rust-unicode-bidi-mirroring
- rust-unicode-ccc
- rust-unicode-properties
- rust-unicode-vo
- rust-unix-socket
- rust-unsigned-varint
- rust-unwrap
- rust-unzip
- rust-uom
- rust-upstream-ontologist
- rust-uucore
- rust-uucore-procs
- rust-uuhelp-parser
- rust-uutils-term-grid
- rust-v-frame
- rust-version-sync
- rust-virtio-bindings
- rust-voca-rs
- rust-vtparse
- rust-wasm-bindgen-futures
- rust-wasm-encoder
- rust-wasmparser
- rust-wezterm-bidi
- rust-wezterm-blob-leases
- rust-wezterm-color-types
- rust-wezterm-dynamic
- rust-wezterm-dynamic-derive
- rust-wezterm-input-types
- rust-wu-diff
- rust-zbus-1
- rust-zbus-macros-1
- rust-zvariant-2
- rust-zvariant-derive-2
- safe
- sauce
- schoolkit
- sd-mux-ctrl
- searx-admin
- session-token
- setcover
- shimdandy
- sireader
- slowloris
- snippy
- soplex
- sphinx-argparse-cli
- sphinx-favicon
- sphinx-jinja2-compat
- sphinxcontrib-emojicodes
- sphinxcontrib-github-alt
- sphinxcontrib-moderncmakedomain
- sphinxcontrib-towncrier
- sphinxygen
- sptag
- stac-check
- stac-validator
- stackview
- stactools
- stdgpu
- stdio-mgr
- stenographer
- stookwijzer
- striprtf
- sunweg
- t-digest
- tabnet
- taurus-pyqtgraph
- td2planet
- tdiary-style-gfm
- tdiary-style-rd
- tempest-horizon
- templating-maven-plugin
- test-chuck-clojure
- test-generative-clojure
- testsweeper
- thermobeacon-ble
- thumbor-plugins-gifv
- timescaledb
- tox-current-env
- trac-httpauth
- tree-sitter-sdml
- trillian
- twinvoicerecalc
- typerep
- u-config
- u2o
- ubelt
- uber-pom
- ucimf-openvanilla
- udm
- uncommons-maths
- undertow
- unicode-rbnf
- vagrant-librarian-puppet
- vdens
- vdeplug-pcap
- verdigris
- veristat
- vincenty
- vixl
- voluptuous-openapi
- vrfydmn
- wildfly-client-config
- wildfly-common
- wss4j
- xarray-datatree
- yamale
- yc-el
- yydebug
- zuo
- aioaseko
- aiobafi6
- aioeagle
- aioecowitt
- aionotion
- aiopegelonline
- aiopurpleair
- aioruuvigateway
- aiosteamist
- aiowatttime
- airthings-ble
- airthings-cloud
- antimeridian
- apt-verify
- asyncfuture
- atig
- baler
- blebox-uniapi
- bpack
- brottsplatskartan
- calamares-settings-mobian
- camlp5-buildscripts
- ceilometer-instance-poller
- ceph-tools
- chake
- check-patroni
- chemicaltagger
- chise-base
- cl-xptest
- cloudkitty
- codetiming
- copy-rename-maven-plugin
- coq-corn
- coq-deriving
- coq-equations
- coq-extructures
- coq-hott
- coq-iris
- coq-mtac2
- coq-record-update
- cothreads
- cpptraj
- credcheck
- crochet
- custodian
- cwltest
- dd-opentracing-cpp
- ddogleg
- debian-edu-fai
- deck
- derpconf
- devicexlib
- devolo-home-control-api
- discodos
- drat-trim
- easyconf
- elixir-earmark-parser
- elixir-ex-doc
- elixir-makeup
- elixir-makeup-c
- elixir-makeup-elixir
- elixir-makeup-erlang
- elixir-nimble-parsec
- esda
- eternalegypt
- facile
- facterdb
- fapolicyd
- fever
- filtermail
- fjaraskupan
- flamethrower
- flexit-bacnet
- fritzconnection
- fscacher
- g2p-sk
- georegression
- git-ubuntu
- glktermw
- globus-gass-cache
- globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error
- globus-gridmap-verify-myproxy-callout
- globus-xioperf
- glvis
- gmavenplus
- go-rpmdb
- golang-airbrake-go
- golang-code-gitea-sdk
- golang-codeberg-gusted-mcaptcha
- golang-debian-mdosch-xmppsrv
- golang-gitea-noerw-unidiff-comments
- golang-github-abadojack-whatlanggo
- golang-github-abdullin-seq
- golang-github-abeconnelly-autoio
- golang-github-achannarasappa-term-grid
- golang-github-adam-lavrik-go-imath
- golang-github-adtac-go-akismet
- golang-github-aead-minisign
- golang-github-ajg-form
- golang-github-alecthomas-binary
- golang-github-alecthomas-colour
- golang-github-alecthomas-mango-kong
- golang-github-alecthomas-participle
- golang-github-alexliesenfeld-health
- golang-github-aliyun-aliyun-oss-go-sdk
- golang-github-allegro-bigcache
- golang-github-anacrolix-fuse
- golang-github-andreykaipov-goobs
- golang-github-andreyvit-diff
- golang-github-andybalholm-crlf
- golang-github-ant0ine-go-json-rest
- golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery
- golang-github-apparentlymart-go-shquot
- golang-github-apparentlymart-go-userdirs
- golang-github-apparentlymart-go-versions
- golang-github-apptainer-container-key-client
- golang-github-apptainer-container-library-client
- golang-github-aquasecurity-go-version
- golang-github-aquasecurity-table
- golang-github-araddon-gou
- golang-github-arceliar-ironwood
- golang-github-arceliar-phony
- golang-github-areyoulazy-libhosty
- golang-github-arran4-golang-ical
- golang-github-aryann-difflib
- golang-github-atomicgo-cursor
- golang-github-atomicgo-keyboard
- golang-github-atomicgo-schedule
- golang-github-aydinnyunus-blockchain
- golang-github-azuread-microsoft-authentication-extensions-for-go
- golang-github-badgerodon-peg
- golang-github-bboreham-go-loser
- golang-github-benbjohnson-immutable
- golang-github-bep-clock
- golang-github-bep-clocks
- golang-github-bep-godartsass-v2
- golang-github-bep-gowebp
- golang-github-bep-helpers
- golang-github-bep-lazycache
- golang-github-bep-logg
- golang-github-bep-mclib
- golang-github-bep-overlayfs
- golang-github-bep-tmc
- golang-github-bifurcation-mint
- golang-github-blackfireio-osinfo
- golang-github-blevesearch-go-porterstemmer
- golang-github-blevesearch-segment
- golang-github-bradenaw-juniper
- golang-github-bradenhilton-cityhash
- golang-github-bradenhilton-mozillainstallhash
- golang-github-bradleyjkemp-cupaloy
- golang-github-brentp-goluaez
- golang-github-brentp-irelate
- golang-github-brentp-vcfgo
- golang-github-bruth-assert
- golang-github-bsipos-thist
- golang-github-bsm-pool
- golang-github-bsm-redeo
- golang-github-bsphere-le-go
- golang-github-c-robinson-iplib
- golang-github-caarlos0-env
- golang-github-cactus-go-statsd-client
- golang-github-calmh-incontainer
- golang-github-calmh-randomart
- golang-github-catppuccin-go
- golang-github-cenkalti-hub
- golang-github-cenkalti-rpc2
- golang-github-cention-sany-utf7
- golang-github-centrifugal-centrifuge
- golang-github-chappjc-logrus-prefix
- golang-github-charlievieth-fastwalk
- golang-github-charmbracelet-huh
- golang-github-charmbracelet-keygen
- golang-github-charmbracelet-log
- golang-github-charmbracelet-wish
- golang-github-chromedp-cdproto
- golang-github-cjoudrey-gluaurl
- golang-github-clbanning-mxj
- golang-github-cli-go-gh
- golang-github-cli-oauth
- golang-github-cli-shurcool-graphql
- golang-github-client9-reopen
- golang-github-cloudflare-sidh
- golang-github-cloudflare-tableflip
- golang-github-cloudfoundry-jibber-jabber
- golang-github-cloudsoda-go-smb2
- golang-github-clusterhq-flocker-go
- golang-github-cnf-structhash
- golang-github-confluentinc-bincover
- golang-github-coreos-go-json
- golang-github-coreos-vcontext
- golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql
- golang-github-creekorful-mvnparser
- golang-github-cretz-bine
- golang-github-crewjam-httperr
- golang-github-cristalhq-hedgedhttp
- golang-github-cronokirby-saferith
- golang-github-crowdsecurity-dlog
- golang-github-crowdsecurity-grokky
- golang-github-crowdsecurity-machineid
- golang-github-d-tux-go-fstab
- golang-github-danverbraganza-varcaser
- golang-github-dchest-blake2b
- golang-github-dchest-cssmin
- golang-github-dchest-uniuri
- golang-github-dcso-fluxline
- golang-github-deanthompson-ginpprof
- golang-github-delthas-go-libnp
- golang-github-delthas-go-localeinfo
- golang-github-dennwc-varint
- golang-github-dgryski-go-rendezvous
- golang-github-dgryski-go-sip13
- golang-github-digitalocean-go-smbios
- golang-github-disintegration-gift
- golang-github-disposaboy-jsonconfigreader
- golang-github-dlintw-goconf
- golang-github-dnsimple-dnsimple-go
- golang-github-dominikbraun-graph
- golang-github-donovanhide-eventsource
- golang-github-drone-envsubst
- golang-github-dsnet-compress
- golang-github-eiannone-keyboard
- golang-github-elliotwutingfeng-asciiset
- golang-github-ema-qdisc
- golang-github-emersion-go-imap
- golang-github-emersion-go-imap-idle
- golang-github-emersion-go-imap-sortthread
- golang-github-emersion-go-imap-uidplus
- golang-github-emersion-go-pgpmail
- golang-github-emersion-go-sasl
- golang-github-emersion-go-vcard
- golang-github-enescakir-emoji
- golang-github-esiqveland-notify
- golang-github-expediadotcom-haystack-client-go
- golang-github-facebookgo-structtag
- golang-github-facette-natsort
- golang-github-farsightsec-go-nmsg
- golang-github-fatih-camelcase
- golang-github-fatih-semgroup
- golang-github-ffuf-pencode
- golang-github-fhs-go-netrc
- golang-github-fhs-gompd
- golang-github-florianl-go-nfqueue
- golang-github-flowstack-go-jsonschema
- golang-github-fluffle-goirc
- golang-github-flynn-noise
- golang-github-foxboron-go-tpm-keyfiles
- golang-github-fsmiamoto-git-todo-parser
- golang-github-fvbommel-sortorder
- golang-github-fzambia-sentinel
- golang-github-gatherstars-com-jwz
- golang-github-getlantern-context
- golang-github-getlantern-errors
- golang-github-getlantern-hex
- golang-github-getlantern-hidden
- golang-github-getlantern-ops
- golang-github-gin-contrib-gzip
- golang-github-gin-contrib-static
- golang-github-github-smimesign
- golang-github-gitleaks-go-gitdiff
- golang-github-go-enry-go-oniguruma
- golang-github-go-fed-httpsig
- golang-github-go-git-go-git-fixtures
- golang-github-go-macaron-toolbox
- golang-github-go-macaroon-bakery-macaroon-bakery
- golang-github-go-sourcemap-sourcemap
- golang-github-go-task-template
- golang-github-go-viper-mapstructure
- golang-github-gogits-chardet
- golang-github-gogits-go-gogs-client
- golang-github-goji-httpauth
- golang-github-gokyle-twofactor
- golang-github-gologme-log
- golang-github-gomagedon-expectate
- golang-github-gomodule-oauth1
- golang-github-gonvenience-bunt
- golang-github-gonvenience-neat
- golang-github-gonvenience-term
- golang-github-gonvenience-text
- golang-github-gonvenience-wrap
- golang-github-gonvenience-ytbx
- golang-github-google-goterm
- golang-github-google-safetext
- golang-github-googleapis-enterprise-certificate-proxy
- golang-github-googlecloudplatform-guest-logging-go
- golang-github-gookit-color
- golang-github-gopherjs-jsbuiltin
- golang-github-grafana-regexp
- golang-github-graph-gophers-graphql-go
- golang-github-gtank-cryptopasta
- golang-github-h2non-parth
- golang-github-hairyhenderson-go-codeowners
- golang-github-hansrodtang-randomcolor
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-azure-helpers
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-raftchunking
- golang-github-haya14busa-go-checkstyle
- golang-github-haya14busa-go-sarif
- golang-github-hectane-go-acl
- golang-github-henrybear327-go-proton-api
- golang-github-henrybear327-proton-api-bridge
- golang-github-henrydcase-nobs
- golang-github-henvic-httpretty
- golang-github-hetznercloud-hcloud-go
- golang-github-hillu-go-yara
- golang-github-howeyc-crc16
- golang-github-htcat-htcat
- golang-github-huandu-go-assert
- golang-github-hydrogen18-memlistener
- golang-github-iafan-cwalk
- golang-github-ianbruene-go-difflib
- golang-github-ibm-sarama
- golang-github-igm-pubsub
- golang-github-igm-sockjs-go
- golang-github-inconshreveable-go-update
- golang-github-inexio-go-monitoringplugin
- golang-github-influxdata-go-syslog
- golang-github-influxdata-tdigest
- golang-github-influxdata-toml
- golang-github-influxdata-wlog
- golang-github-intel-go-cpuid
- golang-github-issue9-assert
- golang-github-issue9-identicon
- golang-github-itchyny-go-flags
- golang-github-ivpusic-grpool
- golang-github-jaguilar-vt100
- golang-github-jaksi-sshutils
- golang-github-jamesruan-go-rfc1924
- golang-github-jamiealquiza-tachymeter
- golang-github-jaypipes-pcidb
- golang-github-jedisct1-go-hpke-compact
- golang-github-jeremija-gosubmit
- golang-github-jesseduffield-go-getter
- golang-github-jesseduffield-pty
- golang-github-jesseduffield-roll
- golang-github-jesseduffield-termbox-go
- golang-github-jfbus-httprs
- golang-github-jhoonb-archivex
- golang-github-jimstudt-http-authentication
- golang-github-jkeiser-iter
- golang-github-jochenvg-go-udev
- golang-github-johanneskaufmann-html-to-markdown
- golang-github-jonas-p-go-shp
- golang-github-jroimartin-gocui
- golang-github-jszwec-csvutil
- golang-github-jtacoma-uritemplates
- golang-github-juju-aclstore
- golang-github-juju-persistent-cookiejar
- golang-github-juju-retry
- golang-github-juju-schema
- golang-github-juju-simplekv
- golang-github-juju-usso
- golang-github-juju-version
- golang-github-juju-webbrowser
- golang-github-junegunn-go-shellwords
- golang-github-kardianos-minwinsvc
- golang-github-karrick-goswarm
- golang-github-kata-containers-govmm
- golang-github-keltia-archive
- golang-github-kelvins-sunrisesunset
- golang-github-kentik-patricia
- golang-github-keybase-go-ps
- golang-github-knadh-go-pop3
- golang-github-knadh-koanf
- golang-github-knq-snaker
- golang-github-knqyf263-go-apk-version
- golang-github-knqyf263-go-rpm-version
- golang-github-knqyf263-go-version
- golang-github-knqyf263-nested
- golang-github-komkom-toml
- golang-github-kong-go-kong
- golang-github-kotakanbe-logrus-prefixed-formatter
- golang-github-kr-logfmt
- golang-github-kyoh86-xdg
- golang-github-leanovate-gopter
- golang-github-leodido-ragel-machinery
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-backoff
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-blackmagic
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-httpcc
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-httprc
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-iter
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-jwx
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-option
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-pdebug
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-strftime
- golang-github-liamg-clinch
- golang-github-libvirt-libvirt-go-xml
- golang-github-liggitt-tabwriter
- golang-github-lightstep-lightstep-tracer-common
- golang-github-linkedin-goavro
- golang-github-linode-linodego
- golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-dbus-factory
- golang-github-lmittmann-tint
- golang-github-logrusorgru-grokky
- golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc-v2
- golang-github-makeworld-the-better-one-dither
- golang-github-makeworld-the-better-one-go-gemini
- golang-github-manyminds-api2go
- golang-github-maraino-go-mock
- golang-github-marekm4-color-extractor
- golang-github-markbates-goth
- golang-github-marstr-collection
- golang-github-martinlindhe-base36
- golang-github-maruel-natural
- golang-github-masahiro331-go-mvn-version
- golang-github-masterminds-vcs-dev
- golang-github-mattermost-xml-roundtrip-validator
- golang-github-mattetti-filebuffer
- golang-github-mattn-go-ciede2000
- golang-github-mattn-go-tty
- golang-github-mattn-go-xmpp
- golang-github-mazznoer-csscolorparser
- golang-github-mckael-madon
- golang-github-mcuadros-go-gin-prometheus
- golang-github-mcuadros-go-lookup
- golang-github-mdlayher-arp
- golang-github-mdlayher-netx
- golang-github-mendersoftware-go-lib-micro
- golang-github-meowgorithm-babyenv
- golang-github-meowgorithm-babylogger
- golang-github-mesilliac-pulse-simple
- golang-github-mhilton-openid
- golang-github-microsoft-dev-tunnels
- golang-github-mimuret-golang-iij-dpf
- golang-github-minio-blake2b-simd
- golang-github-minio-colorjson
- golang-github-minio-dsync
- golang-github-minio-filepath
- golang-github-minio-madmin-go
- golang-github-minio-mux
- golang-github-minio-pkg
- golang-github-mitchellh-go-fs
- golang-github-mitchellh-go-linereader
- golang-github-mitchellh-go-vnc
- golang-github-mitchellh-hashstructure-v2
- golang-github-mitchellh-iochan
- golang-github-mitchellh-multistep
- golang-github-mitchellh-pointerstructure
- golang-github-mitchellh-prefixedio
- golang-github-mkrautz-goar
- golang-github-mmcdole-gofeed
- golang-github-mmcdole-goxpp
- golang-github-monochromegane-go-gitignore
- golang-github-mostynb-go-grpc-compression
- golang-github-moul-http2curl
- golang-github-mrjones-oauth
- golang-github-msteinert-pam
- golang-github-mudler-docker-companion
- golang-github-muesli-combinator
- golang-github-muesli-crunchy
- golang-github-muesli-gitcha
- golang-github-muesli-go-app-paths
- golang-github-muesli-goprogressbar
- golang-github-muesli-toktok
- golang-github-muhammadmuzzammil1998-jsonc
- golang-github-muhlemmer-gu
- golang-github-muhlemmer-httpforwarded
- golang-github-naoina-go-stringutil
- golang-github-naoina-toml
- golang-github-nats-io-go-nats
- golang-github-nbio-st
- golang-github-nbrownus-go-metrics-prometheus
- golang-github-ncabatoff-go-seq
- golang-github-nebulouslabs-bolt
- golang-github-nebulouslabs-demotemutex
- golang-github-nebulouslabs-ed25519
- golang-github-nebulouslabs-entropy-mnemonics
- golang-github-nebulouslabs-errors
- golang-github-nebulouslabs-fastrand
- golang-github-neowaylabs-wabbit
- golang-github-nesv-go-dynect
- golang-github-newrelic-go-agent
- golang-github-nf-cr2
- golang-github-ngaut-deadline
- golang-github-ngaut-log
- golang-github-ngaut-pools
- golang-github-nginxinc-nginx-plus-go-client
- golang-github-nightlyone-lockfile
- golang-github-notedit-janus-go
- golang-github-oleiade-reflections
- golang-github-openpeedeep-xdg
- golang-github-opentracing-basictracer-go
- golang-github-parnurzeal-gorequest
- golang-github-pauloo27-go-mpris
- golang-github-petar-dambovaliev-aho-corasick
- golang-github-petar-gollrb
- golang-github-peterbourgon-ff
- golang-github-peterbourgon-unixtransport
- golang-github-pin-tftp
- golang-github-pingcap-check
- golang-github-pointlander-compress
- golang-github-pointlander-jetset
- golang-github-powerman-check
- golang-github-powerman-deepequal
- golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter
- golang-github-prometheus-community-pro-bing
- golang-github-protonmail-bcrypt
- golang-github-protonmail-gluon
- golang-github-protonmail-go-mbox
- golang-github-protonmail-go-srp
- golang-github-protonmail-gopenpgp
- golang-github-pterm-pterm
- golang-github-quobyte-api
- golang-github-radovskyb-watcher
- golang-github-raitonoberu-lyricsapi
- golang-github-rancher-go-rancher-metadata
- golang-github-relvacode-iso8601
- golang-github-remeh-sizedwaitgroup
- golang-github-renekroon-ttlcache
- golang-github-rickb777-date
- golang-github-rickb777-plural
- golang-github-rifflock-lfshook
- golang-github-rjeczalik-notify
- golang-github-rkoesters-xdg
- golang-github-robfig-go-cache
- golang-github-rodaine-table
- golang-github-rsc-devweb
- golang-github-russellhaering-goxmldsig
- golang-github-saracen-walker
- golang-github-sassoftware-go-rpmutils
- golang-github-schachmat-ingo
- golang-github-schollz-closestmatch
- golang-github-sean--pager
- golang-github-sean--seed
- golang-github-seandolphin-bqschema
- golang-github-sebest-xff
- golang-github-secure-io-sio-go
- golang-github-sendgrid-rest
- golang-github-serenize-snaker
- golang-github-serialx-hashring
- golang-github-sethvargo-go-fastly
- golang-github-shenwei356-kmers
- golang-github-shenwei356-stable
- golang-github-shenwei356-unik.v5
- golang-github-sherclockholmes-webpush-go
- golang-github-shurcool-githubv4
- golang-github-shurcool-gopherjslib
- golang-github-shurcool-graphql
- golang-github-shurcool-httpfs
- golang-github-shurcool-httpgzip
- golang-github-shurcool-octicon
- golang-github-siddontang-go
- golang-github-skeema-mybase
- golang-github-slack-go-slack
- golang-github-smallfish-simpleyaml
- golang-github-smallstep-assert
- golang-github-smallstep-certificates
- golang-github-smallstep-cli
- golang-github-smallstep-nosql
- golang-github-smira-go-aws-auth
- golang-github-smira-go-ftp-protocol
- golang-github-smira-go-xz
- golang-github-socketplane-libovsdb
- golang-github-soniakeys-quant
- golang-github-sourcegraph-annotate
- golang-github-sourcegraph-go-lsp
- golang-github-sourcegraph-syntaxhighlight
- golang-github-spacejam-loghisto
- golang-github-spiffe-go-spiffe
- golang-github-spkg-bom
- golang-github-steveyen-gtreap
- golang-github-stratoberry-go-gpsd
- golang-github-stvp-tempredis
- golang-github-svent-go-nbreader
- golang-github-t3rm1n4l-go-mega
- golang-github-teambition-rrule-go
- golang-github-templexxx-reedsolomon
- golang-github-teris-io-shortid
- golang-github-terra-farm-udnssdk
- golang-github-texttheater-golang-levenshtein
- golang-github-thomasrooney-gexpect
- golang-github-thomsonreuterseikon-go-ntlm
- golang-github-tidwall-btree
- golang-github-tidwall-buntdb
- golang-github-tidwall-grect
- golang-github-tidwall-rtree
- golang-github-tidwall-tinyqueue
- golang-github-timberio-go-datemath
- golang-github-tmc-scp
- golang-github-tombuildsstuff-giovanni
- golang-github-tomnomnom-linkheader
- golang-github-toqueteos-webbrowser
- golang-github-twotwotwo-sorts
- golang-github-twpayne-go-pinentry
- golang-github-twpayne-go-shell
- golang-github-twpayne-go-vfs
- golang-github-twpayne-go-xdg
- golang-github-twstrike-otr3
- golang-github-ua-parser-uap-go
- golang-github-uber-go-tally
- golang-github-unrolled-secure
- golang-github-vektah-gqlparser
- golang-github-victoriametrics-easyproto
- golang-github-victoriametrics-fastcache
- golang-github-viki-org-dnscache
- golang-github-virtuald-go-ordered-json
- golang-github-vjeantet-grok
- golang-github-vmware-vmw-ovflib
- golang-github-voxelbrain-goptions
- golang-github-vtolstov-go-ioctl
- golang-github-wader-gojq
- golang-github-weaveworks-mesh
- golang-github-wildducktheories-go-csv
- golang-github-will-rowe-nthash
- golang-github-willabides-kongplete
- golang-github-x-cray-logrus-prefixed-formatter
- golang-github-xanzy-go-cloudstack
- golang-github-xlab-handysort
- golang-github-xlzd-gotp
- golang-github-xorcare-pointer
- golang-github-xtaci-tcpraw
- golang-github-xyproto-pinterface
- golang-github-xyproto-simpleredis
- golang-github-yl2chen-cidranger
- golang-github-ymomoi-goval-parser
- golang-github-yohcop-openid-go
- golang-github-yosssi-ace-proxy
- golang-github-yourbasic-graph
- golang-github-yudai-gojsondiff
- golang-github-yudai-golcs
- golang-github-yuin-gluare
- golang-github-zclconf-go-cty-yaml
- golang-github-zeebo-assert
- golang-github-zeebo-wyhash
- golang-github-zitadel-oidc
- golang-github-zyedidia-clipper
- golang-gitlab-gitlab-org-labkit
- golang-gitlab-golang-commonmark-puny
- golang-gitlab-jonas.jasas-condchan
- golang-gitlab-lupine-go-mimedb
- golang-go.cypherpunks-recfile
- golang-go.uber-mock
- golang-goji
- golang-gopkg-go-playground-colors.v1
- golang-gopkg-h2non-gock.v1
- golang-gopkg-irc.v4
- golang-gopkg-juju-environschema.v1
- golang-gopkg-macaroon.v2
- golang-gopkg-redis.v5
- golang-gopkg-src-d-go-billy.v4
- golang-gopkg-src-d-go-git.v4
- golang-k8s-system-validators
- golang-modernc-internal
- golang-pault-go-config
- golang-sorcix-irc-dev
- golang-sourcehut-rockorager-go-jmap
- golang-sourcehut-rockorager-tcell-term
- golang-sourcehut-rockorager-vaxis
- golang-sourcehut-sircmpwn-go-bare
- golang-step-cli-utils
- golang-step-crypto
- golang-step-linkedca
- golang-vbom-util
- google-common-protos-java
- grammatica
- grengine
- gridtools
- groonga-normalizer-mysql
- growattserver
- guava-mini
- guerillabackup
- h3-pg
- haskell-elm-bridge
- hatasmota
- hellfire
- hlk-sw16
- http-relay
- httpie-aws-authv4
- iaqualink
- interface99
- intrusive-shared-ptr
- iraf-xdimsum
- jabber-querybot
- jamnntpd
- java-sdp-api
- jboss-bridger
- jellyfin-apiclient-python
- jinjax
- jna-inchi
- jnr-a64asm
- jollyday
- jruby-maven-plugins
- jruby-mavengem
- jumbo
- junit5-system-exit
- kworkflow
- lacrosse-view
- langtable
- laniakea-spark
- laundrify-aio
- lbcd
- lbfgspp
- lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface
- lgooddatepicker
- libanyevent-forkmanager-perl
- libatteanx-store-dbi-perl
- libaudio-rpld-perl
- libbiblio-citation-compare-perl
- libbiblio-lcc-perl
- libbiblio-sici-perl
- libbiblio-thesaurus-modrewrite-perl
- libbio-biblio-perl
- libbtm-java
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-openecho-perl
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-paymentech-perl
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-transactioncentral-perl
- libcache-memcached-getparserxs-perl
- libcallstats-java
- libcaptcha-recaptcha-v3-perl
- libcatalyst-action-serialize-data-serializer-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-compress-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-customerrormessage-perl
- libcatalyst-plugin-redirect-perl
- libcatalyst-view-excel-template-plus-perl
- libcatalyst-view-gd-perl
- libcatmandu-aat-perl
- libcatmandu-breaker-perl
- libcatmandu-cmd-repl-perl
- libcatmandu-crossref-perl
- libcatmandu-dbi-perl
- libcatmandu-exporter-table-perl
- libcatmandu-fedoracommons-perl
- libcatmandu-fix-cmd-perl
- libcatmandu-fix-datahub-perl
- libcatmandu-html-perl
- libcatmandu-identifier-perl
- libcatmandu-inspire-perl
- libcatmandu-markdown-perl
- libcatmandu-oai-perl
- libcatmandu-plos-perl
- libcatmandu-pubmed-perl
- libcatmandu-pure-perl
- libcatmandu-ris-perl
- libcatmandu-stat-perl
- libcatmandu-viaf-perl
- libcgi-application-plugin-anytemplate-perl
- libcgi-tiny-perl
- libcircle-be-perl
- libcolor-spectrum-multi-perl
- libcolor-spectrum-perl
- libconcurrentunit-java
- libcontra
- libcoro-twiggy-perl
- libdancer-plugin-catmandu-oai-perl
- libdata-checks-perl
- libdata-session-perl
- libdate-hijri-perl
- libdbix-admin-createtable-perl
- libdbix-bulkloader-mysql-perl
- libdbix-class-factory-perl
- libdbix-class-tree-perl
- libecpint
- libeddsa-java
- libexcel-template-plus-perl
- libexcel-valuereader-xlsx-perl
- libexternalsortinginjava-java
- libfailsafe-java
- libfdf
- libfennec-lite-perl
- libfennec-perl
- libfile-findlib-perl
- libfplus
- libgeo-libproj-ffi-perl
- libgeohash-perl
- libgetopt-ex-hashed-perl
- libhook-wrapsub-perl
- libhtml-diff-perl
- libhttp-cookiemonster-perl
- libhttp-nio-java
- libinfluxdb-http-perl
- libjavascript-quickjs-perl
- libjose4j-java
- libjpam-java
- libjxmpp-java
- liblocale-maketext-extract-dbi-perl
- liblog-dispatch-dir-perl
- liblog-dispatch-message-passing-perl
- libmath-quaternion-perl
- libmath-sparsematrix-perl
- libmath-sparsevector-perl
- libmina-sshd-java
- libminidns-java
- libmr-tarantool-perl
- libmusic-scales-perl
- libnbcompat
- libnet-akamai-perl
- libnet-citadel-perl
- libnet-daap-dmap-perl
- libnet-dpap-client-perl
- libnet-kafka-perl
- libnews-article-nocem-perl
- libobject-cloner-java
- libobject-destroyer-perl
- libobject-extend-perl
- libobject-remote-perl
- libomp-jonathonl
- libpath-class-uri-perl
- libperinci-cmdline-perl
- libpf4j-java
- libpf4j-update-java
- libpgobject-util-pseudocsv-perl
- libplack-middleware-cache-perl
- libplack-middleware-csrfblock-perl
- libplack-middleware-file-sass-perl
- libpod-wordlist-hanekomu-perl
- libpoe-component-client-mpd-perl
- libpoet-perl
- librdf-acl-perl
- libsearch-elasticsearch-client-1-0-perl
- libservicelog
- libsms-send-aql-perl
- libstatistics-topk-perl
- libstatistics-zscore-perl
- libstring-dirify-perl
- libsyntax-infix-smartmatch-perl
- libsyntax-keyword-assert-perl
- libsyntax-operator-equ-perl
- libsyntax-operator-in-perl
- libsyntax-operator-is-perl
- libtangram-perl
- libtap-simpleoutput-perl
- libtenjin-perl
- libtest-cukes-perl
- libtest-data-perl
- libtest-image-gd-perl
- libtest-pod-no404s-perl
- libtest-poe-client-tcp-perl
- libtest-randomresult-perl
- libtest-sharedobject-perl
- libtest-snapshot-perl
- libtest-tabledriven-perl
- libtest-unixsock-perl
- libtest2-plugin-ioevents-perl
- libtie-aliashash-perl
- libtie-cycle-sinewave-perl
- libtime-olsontz-download-perl
- libtrexio
- libunix-configfile-perl
- liburi-todisk-perl
- libvitacilina-perl
- libvmod-re2
- libvmod-redis
- libvmod-selector
- libweasel-widgets-dojo-perl
- libwebservice-s3-tiny-perl
- libx12-parser-perl
- linear-garage-door
- lomiri-polkit-agent
- lphdisk
- lqa
- lucene9
- lupupy
- matomo-component-network
- mbddns
- mcl14
- meater-python
- mistral-dashboard
- mobilitydb
- monitoring-plugins-check-smart
- monzopy
- morfologik-stemming
- napari-plugin-manager
- natbraille
- nbgitpuller
- ndms2-client
- nemo-qml-plugin-contacts
- netconsd
- networking-baremetal
- neutron-ha-tool
- node-fontsource-lato
- node-fontsource-merriweather
- node-functional.js
- node-geojson
- node-grunt-timer
- node-html-loader
- node-import-meta-resolve
- node-juggle-resize-observer
- node-node-pty
- node-sixel
- node-solid-keychain
- node-sort-package-json
- node-xregexp
- not-ocamlfind
- notifications-android-tv
- nsdiff
- numericalchameleon
- oas
- ocaml-augeas
- ocaml-backoff
- ocaml-benchmark
- ocaml-dscheck
- ocaml-dssi
- ocaml-iter
- ocaml-metadata
- ocaml-multicore-bench
- ocaml-oseq
- ocaml-ptmap
- ocaml-qcheck
- ocaml-reins
- ocamlformat
- olpc-kbdshim
- open-garage
- oras
- oscs
- osmo-pcu
- osmo-sgsn
- ostree-push
- pandoc-include
- pg-failover-slots
- pg-permissions
- pg-rage-terminator
- pg-show-plans
- pg-squeeze
- pgfaceting
- pgnodemx
- php-enum
- php-giggsey-locale
- php-guzzlehttp-uri-template
- php-jshrink
- php-laravel-prompts
- php-lcobucci-clock
- php-league-csv
- php-nunomaduro-termwind
- php-sparkline
- php-spyc
- pint-xarray
- pkcs11-proxy
- plotsauce
- pollen
- postgresql-16-age
- ppc64-diag
- ppx-hash
- precis
- proftpd-mod-kafka
- progettihwsw
- prometheus-dnsmasq-exporter
- prometheus-homeplug-exporter
- protobuild
- puppet-module-extlib
- puppet-module-puppet
- puppet-module-rally
- puppet-module-voxpupuli-kmod
- py-aosmith
- py-canary
- py-dormakaba-dkey
- py-improv-ble-client
- pyaehw4a1
- pyatag
- pyatmo
- pybalboa
- pybotvac
- pybrowsers
- pycomfoconnect
- pydantic-compat
- pyecoforest
- pyeconet
- pyegps
- pyelectra
- pyevilgenius
- pyfibaro
- pyflic
- pyfritzhome
- pygti
- pyhomematic
- pyhomeworks
- pyisy
- pykira
- pykmtronic
- pykodi
- pykulersky
- pylgnetcast
- pylibrespot-java
- pymailgunner
- pymicrobot
- pymonoprice
- pynobo
- pynuki
- pynx584
- pyoctoprintapi
- pypoint
- pyreadstat
- pyrfxtrx
- pyrisco
- pyroon
- pyschlage
- pysma
- pysmartapp
- pystac
- pysuez
- pyswitchbee
- pytedee-async
- pytest-codeblocks
- pytest-codspeed
- pytest-console-scripts
- pytest-emoji
- pytest-flake8-path
- pytest-jupyter
- pytest-pretty
- pytest-recording
- pytest-relaxed
- pytest-snapshot
- python-accuweather
- python-aemet-opendata
- python-aio-geojson-client
- python-aio-geojson-generic-client
- python-aio-geojson-usgs-earthquakes
- python-aio-georss-client
- python-aio-georss-gdacs
- python-aioapcaccess
- python-aioazuredevops
- python-aiobotocore
- python-aiohue
- python-aiolifx-effects
- python-aioopenexchangerates
- python-aioredlock
- python-aioshutil
- python-aiosolaredge
- python-aiovlc
- python-aiowaqi
- python-apeye
- python-array-api-compat
- python-ast-decompiler
- python-asv-bench-memray
- python-auto-pytabs
- python-awair
- python-awkward
- python-bioregistry
- python-calendarweek
- python-chacha20poly1305
- python-chemspipy
- python-chocolate
- python-coincidence
- python-crc
- python-crispy-bootstrap4
- python-czt
- python-dbutils
- python-dcos
- python-devialet
- python-dib-utils
- python-directv
- python-django-dynamic-fixture
- python-django-guid
- python-django-timescaledb
- python-dlt
- python-elgato
- python-elmax-api
- python-enocean
- python-etesync
- python-evalidate
- python-expandvars
- python-foscam
- python-freebox-api
- python-freezerclient
- python-fullykiosk
- python-gios
- python-goodwe
- python-grpcio-status
- python-homeassistant-analytics
- python-httpx-sse
- python-hypothesmith
- python-ibeacon-ble
- python-id
- python-inline-snapshot
- python-ionoscloud
- python-ironic-inspector-client
- python-ironic-lib
- python-iso639
- python-justnimbus
- python-laszip
- python-lazy-model
- python-markdown-rundoc
- python-masakariclient
- python-mbedtls
- python-moarchiving
- python-moehlenhoff-alpha2
- python-motionmount
- python-mrcz
- python-ms-cv
- python-mystrom
- python-nextdns
- python-nuheat
- python-ocspbuilder
- python-odp-amsterdam
- python-ondilo
- python-opem
- python-open-meteo
- python-openerz-api
- python-os-refresh-config
- python-otbr-api
- python-p1monitor
- python-package-smoke-test
- python-pdbfixer
- python-peco
- python-persisting-theory
- python-phone-modem
- python-picologging
- python-procset
- python-pure-pcapy3
- python-pure-python-adb
- python-pycm
- python-pycrowdsec
- python-pykube-ng
- python-pyproject-examples
- python-pyrgg
- python-pytest-freezegun
- python-pytest-retry
- python-qnapstats
- python-quart-trio
- python-rabbitair
- python-radios
- python-ratelimit
- python-renault-api
- python-roborock
- python-rocksdb
- python-rokuecp
- python-romy
- python-rova
- python-rxv
- python-scpi
- python-scrapli
- python-scrapli-replay
- python-sdjson
- python-seamicroclient
- python-seedir
- python-sharkiq
- python-simplehound
- python-simplepush
- python-songpal
- python-sphinx-codeautolink
- python-sse-starlette
- python-starline
- python-tailscale
- python-technove
- python-tempestconf
- python-test-tunnel
- python-thumbhash
- python-tiny-proxy
- python-toonapi
- python-ttls
- python-ttn-client
- python-twentemilieu
- python-umodbus
- python-vehicle
- python-voip-utils
- python-whey-pth
- python-wiffi
- python-wolf-comm
- python-xknx
- python-xypattern
- python-youless-api
- python-yubihsm
- pythonprop
- pytile
- pytrydan
- pyvolumio
- pyws66i
- pyxiaomigateway
- pyyardian
- qad
- qtilitools
- r-bioc-densvis
- r-bioc-pfamanalyzer
- r-bioc-saturn
- r-cran-rnaturalearth
- rachiopy
- radiotherm
- rally-openstack
- rcheevos
- rdflib-sqlalchemy
- regenmaschine
- relacy
- remotezip
- renson-endura-delta
- resteasy
- rl-accel
- robber
- rpavlik-cmake-modules
- rpi-bad-power
- rt-app
- rt-extension-assetautoname
- rt-extension-assets-import-csv
- rt-extension-nagios
- ruby-activerecord-precounter
- ruby-ahoy-email
- ruby-ammeter
- ruby-api-pagination
- ruby-appraiser
- ruby-appraiser-reek
- ruby-arbre
- ruby-arr-pm
- ruby-barrier
- ruby-behance
- ruby-benchmark-suite
- ruby-bert
- ruby-blade
- ruby-blade-sauce-labs-plugin
- ruby-bootstrap-switch-rails
- ruby-cat
- ruby-cleanroom
- ruby-client-side-validations
- ruby-clockwork
- ruby-combustion
- ruby-cstruct
- ruby-cucumber-expressions
- ruby-cutest
- ruby-data-migrate
- ruby-delorean
- ruby-diaspora-prosody-config
- ruby-dirty-memoize
- ruby-discourse-diff
- ruby-discriminator
- ruby-distribution
- ruby-dry-cli
- ruby-eb
- ruby-em-spec
- ruby-em-synchrony
- ruby-email-spec
- ruby-exception-notification
- ruby-factory-bot-rails
- ruby-faraday-typhoeus
- ruby-fauxhai
- ruby-feature
- ruby-file-validators
- ruby-flores
- ruby-fog-profitbricks
- ruby-fog-storm-on-demand
- ruby-fog-terremark
- ruby-friendly-id
- ruby-ftw
- ruby-gaffe
- ruby-github-pages-health-check
- ruby-gitlab-sdk
- ruby-gravtastic
- ruby-grib
- ruby-grit-ext
- ruby-growl
- ruby-guard-compat
- ruby-guard-shell
- ruby-haml-rails
- ruby-handlebars-assets
- ruby-has-scope
- ruby-has-secure-token
- ruby-hiredis
- ruby-http-accept-language
- ruby-httpauth
- ruby-i18n-inflector
- ruby-inflecto
- ruby-inherited-resources
- ruby-jaro-winkler
- ruby-jnunemaker-matchy
- ruby-js-image-paths
- ruby-js-routes
- ruby-kakasi-ffi
- ruby-kdl
- ruby-kpeg
- ruby-launchy
- ruby-leaflet-rails
- ruby-letter-opener
- ruby-logging-rails
- ruby-logify
- ruby-markdown-it-html5-embed
- ruby-messagebus-api
- ruby-minimization
- ruby-mizuho
- ruby-mobile-fu
- ruby-model-tokenizer
- ruby-momentjs-rails
- ruby-nanotest
- ruby-necromancer
- ruby-oembed
- ruby-omniauth-shibboleth-redux
- ruby-packable
- ruby-paper-trail
- ruby-path-expander
- ruby-peek-gc
- ruby-peek-host
- ruby-peek-performance-bar
- ruby-peek-rblineprof
- ruby-peek-redis
- ruby-process-daemon
- ruby-puppetfile-resolver
- ruby-rack-parser
- ruby-rack-piwik
- ruby-rack-session
- ruby-rackup
- ruby-raemon
- ruby-rails-assets-diaspora-jsxc
- ruby-redis-cluster-client
- ruby-referer-parser
- ruby-rollout
- ruby-rpatricia
- ruby-rspec-block-is-expected
- ruby-rspec-instafail
- ruby-rspec-parameterized-core
- ruby-rspec-parameterized-table-syntax
- ruby-rspec-pending-for
- ruby-rspec-profiling
- ruby-rspec-set
- ruby-rspec-stubbed-env
- ruby-rspec-temp-dir
- ruby-ruby-engine
- ruby-samuel
- ruby-scientist
- ruby-seamless-database-pool
- ruby-secure-headers
- ruby-sequenced
- ruby-sham-rack
- ruby-silent-stream
- ruby-slowpoke
- ruby-snorlax
- ruby-spoon
- ruby-stamp
- ruby-string-direction
- ruby-strptime
- ruby-subexec
- ruby-symboltable
- ruby-test-prof
- ruby-test-unit-ruby-core
- ruby-torquebox-no-op
- ruby-unicode-blocks
- ruby-unidecode
- ruby-unindent
- ruby-user-agent-parser
- ruby-versionist
- ruby-wait-for-it
- rust-abnf
- rust-abnf-core
- rust-abnf-to-pest
- rust-abscissa-derive
- rust-actix-macros
- rust-actix-rt
- rust-aes-kw
- rust-always-assert
- rust-ansi-escapes
- rust-ansi-parser
- rust-ansi-str
- rust-ansi-to-tui
- rust-ansitok
- rust-anstyle-lossy
- rust-anstyle-svg
- rust-aom-sys
- rust-apr
- rust-arboard
- rust-archery
- rust-argh
- rust-argh-derive
- rust-argon2
- rust-as-slice
- rust-asahi-nvram
- rust-askama
- rust-askama-derive
- rust-askama-escape
- rust-assert-matches2
- rust-async-dup
- rust-async-fn-stream
- rust-async-h1
- rust-async-native-tls
- rust-async-oneshot
- rust-async-tar
- rust-async-tls
- rust-async-tungstenite
- rust-auditable-extract
- rust-auditable-serde
- rust-awaitable
- rust-awaitable-error
- rust-az
- rust-backslash
- rust-backtrace-ext
- rust-barrel
- rust-base16
- rust-basic-toml
- rust-bcrypt
- rust-bcrypt-pbkdf
- rust-bgzip
- rust-binary-merge
- rust-binfarce
- rust-biquad
- rust-bit
- rust-bit-utils
- rust-bitreader
- rust-bitter
- rust-bk-tree
- rust-bmap-parser
- rust-btoi
- rust-bugreport
- rust-build-rs
- rust-build-time
- rust-byte-string
- rust-bytecodec
- rust-byteorder-slice
- rust-cab
- rust-cached-proc-macro
- rust-canonical-path
- rust-capng
- rust-caps
- rust-carapace-spec-clap
- rust-cargo-emit
- rust-caseless
- rust-cfb
- rust-chacha20
- rust-chacha20poly1305
- rust-chbs
- rust-chronoutil
- rust-cid
- rust-circular
- rust-circular-buffer
- rust-clap-complete-fig
- rust-clap-help
- rust-clap-num
- rust-clap-verbosity-flag
- rust-clio
- rust-clipboard
- rust-clock-steering
- rust-clone-file
- rust-cntr-fuse
- rust-cntr-fuse-abi
- rust-cntr-fuse-sys
- rust-cobs
- rust-codepage-437
- rust-color-eyre
- rust-color-spantrace
- rust-color-thief
- rust-color-to-tui
- rust-colorful
- rust-comfy-table
- rust-command-group
- rust-compound-duration
- rust-comrak
- rust-concat-idents
- rust-concat-string
- rust-concread
- rust-concurrent-arena
- rust-condtype
- rust-condure
- rust-config-file
- rust-const-fn
- rust-container-pid
- rust-copyless
- rust-counter
- rust-cov-mark
- rust-cp-r
- rust-cpal
- rust-crc24
- rust-crc32c
- rust-crdts
- rust-criterion-cycles-per-byte
- rust-crokey
- rust-crokey-proc-macros
- rust-crossterm-winapi
- rust-crypto-secretbox
- rust-cryptoki
- rust-cryptoki-sys
- rust-cryptovec
- rust-cxx-gen
- rust-daemonize
- rust-darling-0.14
- rust-darling-core-0.14
- rust-darling-macro-0.14
- rust-dary-heap
- rust-dasp-sample
- rust-dateparser
- rust-dbus-secret-service
- rust-dbus-udisks2
- rust-delegate
- rust-delog
- rust-der-oid-macro
- rust-derive-destructure2
- rust-derive-getters
- rust-derive-into-owned
- rust-deser-hjson
- rust-destructure-traitobject
- rust-device-tree
- rust-devicemapper
- rust-devicemapper-sys
- rust-dhcp4r
- rust-dhcproto-macros
- rust-diesel
- rust-diesel-migrations
- rust-directories-next
- rust-display-error-chain
- rust-displaydoc
- rust-docmatic
- rust-docopt
- rust-dot-writer
- rust-drop-tracker
- rust-duct
- rust-dysk-cli
- rust-easy-ext
- rust-easy-parallel
- rust-edit
- rust-elsa
- rust-emojis
- rust-enclose
- rust-enquote
- rust-entities
- rust-enum-dispatch
- rust-enum-iterator
- rust-enum-iterator-derive
- rust-enum-primitive-derive
- rust-enum-to-u8-slice-derive
- rust-enum-unitary
- rust-enumber
- rust-env-filter
- rust-envy
- rust-erbium-core
- rust-erbium-net
- rust-escape8259
- rust-escargot
- rust-etherparse
- rust-ethtool
- rust-evdev-rs
- rust-exitcode
- rust-expectrl
- rust-faccess
- rust-fdlimit
- rust-fehler
- rust-fehler-macros
- rust-femme
- rust-file-id
- rust-fips203
- rust-fix-getters-rules
- rust-flexiber
- rust-float-eq
- rust-float-eq-derive
- rust-fomat-macros
- rust-fontconfig-parser
- rust-fork
- rust-framehop
- rust-fsevent-sys
- rust-fst
- rust-fuchsia-cprng
- rust-futures-codec
- rust-futures-locks
- rust-futures-micro
- rust-futures-ringbuf
- rust-futures-test
- rust-genawaiter
- rust-genawaiter-macro
- rust-genawaiter-proc-macro
- rust-generator
- rust-genetlink
- rust-geojson
- rust-getch
- rust-gg-alloc
- rust-gir-format-check
- rust-git-state
- rust-glib-build-tools
- rust-globalcache
- rust-gnuplot
- rust-goldenfile
- rust-gperftools
- rust-gstreamer-play
- rust-gstreamer-play-sys
- rust-gufo-jpeg
- rust-gvdb
- rust-gvdb-macros
- rust-gweather-sys
- rust-hamming
- rust-hash
- rust-hashbag
- rust-hex-fmt
- rust-hex-view
- rust-hexplay
- rust-hickory-recursor
- rust-hickory-server
- rust-histogram
- rust-hmac-sha256
- rust-hollow
- rust-home-dir
- rust-hprof
- rust-html2md
- rust-html2text
- rust-http-types
- rust-human-panic
- rust-human-sort
- rust-humantime-serde
- rust-hyper-timeout
- rust-iai
- rust-iai-macro
- rust-if-watch
- rust-image-hasher
- rust-imagesize
- rust-imap-client
- rust-imap-next
- rust-impl-trait-for-tuples
- rust-implib
- rust-indefinite
- rust-infer
- rust-inplace-vec-builder
- rust-input-event-codes
- rust-inquire
- rust-interim
- rust-interpolate-name
- rust-io-operations
- rust-io-uring
- rust-ioctl-rs
- rust-ioctl-sys
- rust-is-ci
- rust-is-debug
- rust-is-match
- rust-isocountry
- rust-iter-read
- rust-itertools-num
- rust-itoap
- rust-ivf
- rust-jiff-tzdb
- rust-jiff-tzdb-platform
- rust-jiter
- rust-jod-thread
- rust-json-event-parser
- rust-json5
- rust-k256
- rust-kamadak-exif
- rust-kdl
- rust-keyring
- rust-koibumi-base32
- rust-kuznyechik
- rust-kvm-ioctls
- rust-la-arena
- rust-launchpadlib
- rust-lebe
- rust-levenshtein
- rust-lewton
- rust-lfs-core
- rust-libbpf-rs
- rust-libbpf-sys
- rust-libc-print
- rust-libflate-lz77
- rust-libgweather
- rust-liblzma
- rust-liblzma-sys
- rust-libmount
- rust-libnotcurses-sys
- rust-libp2p-identity
- rust-libraw-rs
- rust-libraw-rs-sys
- rust-librsvg-rebind
- rust-librsvg-rebind-sys
- rust-libshumate
- rust-libshumate-sys
- rust-libtest-mimic
- rust-libusb1-sys
- rust-libyml
- rust-linemux
- rust-linux-keyutils
- rust-linux-perf-data
- rust-local-ipaddress
- rust-lockfree-object-pool
- rust-lofty
- rust-lofty-attr
- rust-log-mdc
- rust-log-reroute
- rust-log4rs
- rust-loggerv
- rust-logos
- rust-logos-codegen
- rust-logos-derive
- rust-loom
- rust-loopdev
- rust-lsp-server
- rust-lsp-types
- rust-lv2
- rust-lv2-core
- rust-lv2-core-derive
- rust-lv2-midi
- rust-lv2-state
- rust-lv2-sys
- rust-lv2-time
- rust-lv2-units
- rust-lv2-urid
- rust-lv2-worker
- rust-lyon-path
- rust-lz4
- rust-lzxd
- rust-mach-o-sys
- rust-macho-unwind-info
- rust-magic-wormhole
- rust-magma
- rust-magnet-uri
- rust-malachite-base
- rust-malloc-buf
- rust-man
- rust-manifest-dir-macros
- rust-maybe-owned
- rust-mdns
- rust-memo-map
- rust-merge
- rust-merge-derive
- rust-merlin
- rust-miette
- rust-miette-derive
- rust-migrations-internals
- rust-migrations-macros
- rust-minijinja
- rust-minspan
- rust-minus
- rust-mnt
- rust-mock-instant
- rust-mockall
- rust-mockall-derive
- rust-mockall-double
- rust-mockstream
- rust-mozim
- rust-mptcp-pm
- rust-mt19937
- rust-multiaddr
- rust-multihash
- rust-murmurhash3
- rust-mutants
- rust-mutate-once
- rust-named-lock
- rust-nbd
- rust-needletail
- rust-neli-proc-macros
- rust-netlink-packet-audit
- rust-netlink-packet-generic
- rust-netlink-packet-wireguard
- rust-newtype-derive
- rust-nftables
- rust-nias
- rust-niffler
- rust-nispor
- rust-no-std-compat
- rust-nodrop-union
- rust-noise-protocol
- rust-noise-rust-crypto
- rust-nom-locate
- rust-nom-permutation
- rust-nomcup
- rust-notify-debouncer-full
- rust-notify-debouncer-mini
- rust-notify-rust
- rust-nucleo
- rust-nucleo-matcher
- rust-num-prime
- rust-numbat
- rust-nutmeg
- rust-ocb3
- rust-octocrab
- rust-ofiles
- rust-ogg
- rust-ogg-pager
- rust-oo7
- rust-open
- rust-openpgp-card-rpgp
- rust-openssh-sftp-client
- rust-openssh-sftp-client-lowlevel
- rust-openssh-sftp-error
- rust-openssh-sftp-protocol
- rust-openssh-sftp-protocol-error
- rust-ord-subset
- rust-os-release
- rust-owo-colors
- rust-oxilangtag
- rust-oxiri
- rust-p521
- rust-pager
- rust-pamsm
- rust-pandoc-ast
- rust-papergrid
- rust-parity-scale-codec
- rust-parity-scale-codec-derive
- rust-parse-arg
- rust-parsec-client
- rust-parsec-interface
- rust-partition-identity
- rust-paste-impl
- rust-path-clean
- rust-pathsearch
- rust-pbr
- rust-pcap-file
- rust-pcap-sys
- rust-pci-driver
- rust-pdb
- rust-pdf-derive
- rust-pe-unwind-info
- rust-peekread
- rust-permutohedron
- rust-pest-vm
- rust-pgp
- rust-pidfile-rs
- rust-pipeline
- rust-piz
- rust-platforms
- rust-poly1305
- rust-polyline
- rust-pool
- rust-portpicker
- rust-pretty
- rust-pretty-bytes
- rust-pretty-dtoa
- rust-pretty-hex
- rust-primal
- rust-primal-bit
- rust-primal-check
- rust-primal-estimate
- rust-primal-sieve
- rust-primal-slowsieve
- rust-proc-mounts
- rust-proc-quote
- rust-proc-quote-impl
- rust-process-control
- rust-progressing
- rust-protobuf-support
- rust-pty-process
- rust-ptyprocess
- rust-pyo3-asyncio-macros
- rust-qr2term
- rust-qrcode-generator
- rust-qrencode
- rust-quantiles
- rust-quick-protobuf
- rust-quickcheck-macros
- rust-quitters
- rust-railway-api
- rust-railway-api-derive
- rust-railway-core
- rust-railway-provider-hafas
- rust-railway-provider-motis
- rust-railway-provider-search-ch
- rust-random-number-macro-impl
- rust-random-trait
- rust-range-collections
- rust-rangemap
- rust-rasciigraph
- rust-rcgen
- rust-read-color
- rust-rebuilderd-common
- rust-reduce
- rust-ref-filter-map
- rust-regex-cursor
- rust-regex-lite
- rust-reis
- rust-relative-path
- rust-remain
- rust-repro-env
- rust-resize
- rust-reword
- rust-rfc2047
- rust-rhai
- rust-rhai-codegen
- rust-ringbuf
- rust-ripasso
- rust-roadmap
- rust-roaring
- rust-rockfile
- rust-roff-0.1
- rust-ropey
- rust-rpds
- rust-rpgpie
- rust-rpgpie-sop
- rust-ruma-push-gateway-api
- rust-ruma-state-res
- rust-runtime-format
- rust-rusb
- rust-rust-apt
- rust-rust-argon2
- rust-rustc-std-workspace-std
- rust-rustdct
- rust-rustfft
- rust-rusttype
- rust-rusty-pool
- rust-salsa-macros
- rust-sc
- rust-scala-native-demangle
- rust-scale-info-derive
- rust-scan-fmt
- rust-scopetime
- rust-scrawl
- rust-search-path
- rust-search-provider
- rust-seccomp-sys
- rust-secret-service
- rust-secstr
- rust-semver-0.9
- rust-semver-parser
- rust-separator
- rust-sequoia-autocrypt
- rust-sequoia-cert-store
- rust-sequoia-net
- rust-sequoia-openpgp-mt
- rust-sequoia-policy-config
- rust-serde-html-form
- rust-serde-norway
- rust-serde-qs
- rust-serde-regex
- rust-serde-stacker
- rust-serde-yml
- rust-serial
- rust-serial-core
- rust-serial-unix
- rust-sftp
- rust-sha1-checked
- rust-shadow-rs
- rust-shannon
- rust-shared-child
- rust-simd-adler32
- rust-simd-helpers
- rust-similar-asserts
- rust-simple-error
- rust-simple-logger
- rust-simple-moving-average
- rust-sixel-image
- rust-sixel-tokenizer
- rust-size-format
- rust-skeptic
- rust-smart-default
- rust-smol-timeout2
- rust-smtp-proto
- rust-snapbox
- rust-snow
- rust-sop
- rust-sourcefile
- rust-spake2
- rust-sptr
- rust-sql-builder
- rust-srcsrv
- rust-sshkeys
- rust-ssri
- rust-starship-battery
- rust-statrs
- rust-stderrlog
- rust-str-indices
- rust-str-stack
- rust-streebog
- rust-strength-reduce
- rust-strfmt
- rust-string-cache-shared
- rust-strobe-rs
- rust-struct-patch
- rust-struct-patch-derive
- rust-structmeta
- rust-structmeta-derive
- rust-stun-codec
- rust-subprocess
- rust-subunit
- rust-subversion
- rust-supports-color
- rust-swayipc
- rust-syn-derive
- rust-synstructure-test-traits
- rust-syntect-no-panic
- rust-sys-locale
- rust-sys-mount
- rust-syscallz
- rust-sysexits
- rust-systemstat
- rust-tabled
- rust-tabled-derive
- rust-take
- rust-talktosc
- rust-temp-testdir
- rust-temporary
- rust-temptree
- rust-termbg
- rust-termimad
- rust-terminal-clipboard
- rust-terminal-light
- rust-termini
- rust-tesseract-sys
- rust-test-dir
- rust-test-strategy
- rust-test-with
- rust-testing-logger
- rust-text-trees
- rust-thiserror-impl-no-std
- rust-thiserror-no-std
- rust-thousands
- rust-thread-priority
- rust-threadfin
- rust-thrussh-libsodium
- rust-tikv-jemalloc-ctl
- rust-timerfd
- rust-timestamped-socket
- rust-timsort
- rust-tint
- rust-tiny-bench
- rust-tokio-io-timeout
- rust-tokio-pipe
- rust-tokio-uring
- rust-toml-span
- rust-tonic
- rust-topological-sort
- rust-totp-lite
- rust-totp-rs
- rust-tower-test
- rust-tracing-error
- rust-trackable
- rust-trackable-derive
- rust-transpose
- rust-tree-magic-db
- rust-tree-magic-mini
- rust-treediff
- rust-treeline
- rust-triomphe
- rust-triple-accel
- rust-trivialdb
- rust-trust-dns-recursor
- rust-try-from
- rust-trybuild2
- rust-trycmd
- rust-ttrpc
- rust-tui-input
- rust-typemap-ors
- rust-ucd
- rust-ufmt
- rust-ufmt-macros
- rust-umask
- rust-uname
- rust-unchecked-index
- rust-unescape
- rust-ungrammar
- rust-unic-ucd-age
- rust-unic-ucd-bidi
- rust-unic-ucd-hangul
- rust-unic-ucd-normal
- rust-unicode-casing
- rust-unicode-general-category
- rust-unsafe-any-ors
- rust-unsize
- rust-unveil
- rust-urid
- rust-urid-derive
- rust-urlocator
- rust-urlshortener
- rust-usb-ids
- rust-uzers
- rust-varbincode
- rust-varint
- rust-vec-strings
- rust-vergen
- rust-versionize-derive
- rust-versions
- rust-vhost
- rust-vhost-user-backend
- rust-virtio-queue
- rust-vm-memory
- rust-vm-superio
- rust-vmm-sys-util
- rust-volatile
- rust-vsort
- rust-vsprintf
- rust-wadl
- rust-warp
- rust-wasmtime
- rust-wast
- rust-wat
- rust-wayland-cursor-0.29
- rust-wayland-egl-0.29
- rust-wayland-protocols-0.29
- rust-wayland-protocols-misc
- rust-wayland-server-0.29
- rust-webpki-roots
- rust-weedle
- rust-wio
- rust-wl-clipboard-rs
- rust-wmidi
- rust-write-json
- rust-xflags
- rust-xflags-macros
- rust-xor-name
- rust-xterm-query
- rust-y4m
- rust-yamux
- rust-yasna
- rust-yaxpeax-arch
- rust-yaxpeax-x86
- rust-yubico
- rust-z-base-32
- rust-zbar-rust
- rust-zbase32
- rust-zopfli
- rust-zune-inflate
- rust-zxcvbn
- ruuvitag-ble
- s3switch
- safe-vdash
- safeint
- sasa
- scopt
- segment
- serverspec-runner
- servicelog
- simple-whip-server
- simplisafe-python
- siridb-server
- sitemesh
- slidge
- slidge-matridge
- slixmpp-omemo
- smart-meter-texas
- somfy-mylink-synergy
- sonos-websocket
- soundcraft-utils
- spaghetti
- sphinx-code-tabs
- sphinx-hoverxref
- sphinx-removed-in
- sphinx-thebe
- spullara-cli-parser
- spymemcached
- stompserver
- stookalert
- stream-lib
- stream-zip
- streamex
- stylebook
- subarch-select
- sugarjar
- surepy
- swift-tools
- switchbot-api
- sylseg-sk
- symfit
- symfpu
- symmetrize
- systembridgemodels
- target-factory
- telemetry-tempest-plugin
- telepathy-ofono
- tesla-powerwall
- tesla-wall-connector
- tessie-api
- texhyphj
- tfk8s
- tl-optional
- trimesh
- tuning-library
- ucimf-sunpinyin
- uim-chewing
- uima-as
- ultraheat-api
- umegaya
- unbescape
- unl0kr
- user-agent-utils
- uucpsend
- vacuum-map-parser-roborock
- varnish-vmod-digest
- vdeplug-agno
- vertx-docgen
- veryfasttree
- vinnie
- virtme
- vitrage
- vitrage-dashboard
- voms-mysql-plugin
- wala
- webmin-xmlrpc
- wims-lti
- wyhash
- x-loader
- xstrp4
- zemberek-server
- zigpy-xbee
- zigpy-zigate
- zmodemjs
- zpspell
- zt-exec
- zwave-js-server-python
- zwave-me-ws
- adios4dolfinx
- aio-eapi
- amazon-ec2-net-utils
- anta
- averell
- azure-vm-utils
- barada-pam
- barbican-tempest-plugin
- bterm-unifont
- buteo-sync-plugin-carddav
- buteo-sync-plugins
- buteo-syncml
- cdiff
- cdsetool
- celery-haystack-ng
- cinder-tempest-plugin
- cloudkitty-tempest-plugin
- contactsd
- coq-unimath
- cvprac
- cyborg
- danmaq
- debian-cloud-images
- debian-parl
- deblur
- designate-tempest-plugin
- designate-tlds
- dh-puppet
- dltlyse
- ecmwf-api-client
- efi-reader
- ezurio-qcacld-2.0-dkms
- feersum
- freeart
- geneagrapher-core
- glance-tempest-plugin
- globus-gass-cache-program
- globus-gatekeeper
- globus-gram-audit
- globus-gram-job-manager
- globus-gram-job-manager-condor
- globus-gram-job-manager-fork
- globus-gram-job-manager-lsf
- globus-gram-job-manager-pbs
- globus-gram-job-manager-scripts
- globus-gram-job-manager-sge
- globus-gram-job-manager-slurm
- globus-gridmap-eppn-callout
- globus-scheduler-event-generator
- globus-simple-ca
- globus-xio-gridftp-driver
- globus-xio-gridftp-multicast
- globus-xio-rate-driver
- gmtsar
- golang-1.21
- golang-entgo-ent
- golang-github-adamkorcz-go-fuzz-headers-1
- golang-github-apparentlymart-go-rundeck-api
- golang-github-azure-go-amqp
- golang-github-backblaze-blazer
- golang-github-bep-simplecobra
- golang-github-bluebreezecf-opentsdb-goclient
- golang-github-boj-redistore
- golang-github-bsm-go-vlq
- golang-github-bugst-go-serial
- golang-github-c-bata-go-prompt
- golang-github-canonical-candid
- golang-github-ccoveille-go-safecast
- golang-github-centrifugal-protocol
- golang-github-centurylinkcloud-clc-sdk
- golang-github-cli-go-gh-v2
- golang-github-container-orchestrated-devices-container-device-interface
- golang-github-crc-org-crc
- golang-github-crowdsecurity-go-cs-bouncer
- golang-github-cyberdelia-heroku-go
- golang-github-digitorus-pkcs7
- golang-github-digitorus-timestamp
- golang-github-docker-leadership
- golang-github-dreamitgetit-statuscake
- golang-github-dylanmei-winrmtest
- golang-github-ensighten-udnssdk
- golang-github-filosottile-b2
- golang-github-fzambia-eagle
- golang-github-gambol99-go-marathon
- golang-github-gen2brain-beeep
- golang-github-gmazoyer-peeringdb
- golang-github-go-chef-chef
- golang-github-go-zookeeper-zk
- golang-github-google-s2a-go
- golang-github-gophercloud-utils
- golang-github-grafana-gomemcache
- golang-github-harenber-ptc-go
- golang-github-hashicorp-atlas-go
- golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-registry-address
- golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-svchost
- golang-github-heroku-rollrus
- golang-github-in-toto-attestation
- golang-github-influxdata-line-protocol
- golang-github-ionos-cloud-sdk-go
- golang-github-jasonish-go-idsrules
- golang-github-joyent-gocommon
- golang-github-joyent-gosdc
- golang-github-joyent-gosign
- golang-github-juju-gomaasapi
- golang-github-juju-names
- golang-github-knqyf263-go-cpe
- golang-github-lensesio-schema-registry
- golang-github-letsencrypt-challtestsrv
- golang-github-m3db-prometheus-client-model
- golang-github-masterzen-xmlpath
- golang-github-mdlayher-ndp
- golang-github-mitch000001-go-hbci
- golang-github-mna-redisc
- golang-github-networkplumbing-go-nft
- golang-github-ngaut-go-zookeeper
- golang-github-openfga-go-sdk
- golang-github-optiopay-kafka
- golang-github-ovn-org-libovsdb
- golang-github-pearkes-cloudflare
- golang-github-pearkes-dnsimple
- golang-github-protonmail-gopenpgp-v3
- golang-github-rafaeljusto-redigomock
- golang-github-rluisr-mysqlrouter-go
- golang-github-satta-ifplugo
- golang-github-scaleway-scaleway-sdk-go
- golang-github-segmentio-kafka-go
- golang-github-sercand-kuberesolver
- golang-github-sigstore-timestamp-authority
- golang-github-soniah-dnsmadeeasy
- golang-github-stvp-roll
- golang-github-tillitis-tkeyclient
- golang-github-tillitis-tkeysign
- golang-github-tillitis-tkeyutil
- golang-github-vividcortex-mysqlerr
- golang-github-wenerme-astgo
- golang-github-willfaught-gockle
- golang-github-yvasiyarov-newrelic-platform-go
- golang-github-zorkian-go-datadog-api
- golang-go.mau-zeroconfig
- golang-gopkg-goose.v1
- golang-gopkg-rethinkdb-rethinkdb-go.v6
- golang-k8s-metrics
- golang-pault-go-archive
- golang-pault-go-blobstore
- gosa-plugins-rolemanagement
- haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint
- heat-tempest-plugin
- iconnect-tools
- identity4c
- ikvswitch
- innduct
- installation-locale
- ipp-crypto
- ironic-python-agent
- ironic-tempest-plugin
- itkadaptivedenoising
- itkgenericlabelinterpolator
- jane-street-headers
- jeepyb
- jeolib-miallib
- jquery
- jst-config
- jupyter-ydoc
- k3conf
- kalkun
- kbd-chooser
- keystone-tempest-plugin
- kickseed
- kwartz-client
- kylin-process-manager
- kytos-utils
- lcas
- lcmaps-plugins-jobrep
- lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy
- lcmaps-plugins-voms
- ldaptive
- lib60870
- libahp-xc
- libanyevent-riperedis-perl
- libapache2-mod-sts
- libbiblio-rfid-perl
- libbio-db-ace-perl
- libbuiltin-compat-perl
- libbusiness-br-ids-perl
- libbusiness-edi-perl
- libbusiness-edifact-interchange-perl
- libbusiness-isin-perl
- libcassandra-client-perl
- libcatmandu-alephx-perl
- libcatmandu-blacklight-perl
- libcatmandu-ldap-perl
- libcatmandu-solr-perl
- libdate-pregnancy-perl
- libdbd-cassandra-perl
- libdbd-multi-perl
- libe131
- libelixirfm-perl
- libgraph-d3-perl
- libgridxc
- libheinz
- libica
- libkibi
- libmbd
- libmlocale
- libmsnumpress
- libocxl
- libosmo-cc
- libpam-ufpidentity
- libpgobject-type-json-perl
- libpgobject-util-dbchange-perl
- libpoe-filter-stomp-perl
- libpsml
- librarian-puppet-simple
- libreligion-islam-prayertimes-perl
- libscout
- libstring-glob-permute-perl
- libtest-autoloader-perl
- libtest-corpus-audio-mpd-perl
- libtest-future-io-impl-perl
- libtest-mock-redis-perl
- libtest-routine-perl
- libvecpf
- live-installer
- lomiri-abook2cal-syncd
- lowmem
- magnum-cluster-api
- magnum-tempest-plugin
- manif
- manila-tempest-plugin
- masakari-dashboard
- matomo-device-detector
- metaeuk
- metpy
- miniramfs
- mistral-tempest-plugin
- mlat-client-adsbfi
- morsmall
- mountmedia
- mts-esp
- multispeech
- nadoka
- napari-console
- napari-svg
- ne10
- net-telnet-cisco
- networking-generic-switch
- neutron-tempest-plugin
- ngspetsc
- node-blueprintjs
- obus
- ocaml-mdx
- ocaml-swhid-core
- octavia-tempest-plugin
- ognibuild
- oldsys-preseed
- olpc-xo1
- opensearch
- openssl-ibmca
- opm-models
- optee-os
- optee-test
- osmo-bts
- osmocom-dahdi-linux
- ospray
- ovn-bgp-agent
- ovn-octavia-provider
- paflib
- partconf
- partman-multipath
- partman-prep
- pgagroal
- pgocaml
- php-codeigniter-framework
- php-datto-json-rpc
- php-datto-json-rpc-http
- php-fig-log-test
- php-fruitcake-php-cors
- php-giggsey-libphonenumber
- php-kissifrot-php-ixr
- php-maxmind-web-service-common
- php-symfony-mercure-bundle
- pi-tm1638
- polyseed
- poolcounter
- ppx-base
- ppx-cold
- ppx-deriving-yojson
- ppx-expect
- ppx-fields-conv
- ppx-inline-test
- ppx-string
- ppx-variants-conv
- prometheus-hacluster-exporter
- prometheus-mysqlrouter-exporter
- prometheus-pgbackrest-exporter
- prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter
- puppet-module-mistral
- pveclib
- pybravia
- pyina
- python-adax-local
- python-adext
- python-adguardhome
- python-advantage-air
- python-afsapi
- python-agent-py
- python-agilent
- python-aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes
- python-aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano
- python-aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents
- python-aioairq
- python-aioairzone-cloud
- python-aioaseko
- python-aioasuswrt
- python-aioeafm
- python-aioemonitor
- python-aioguardian
- python-aioharmony
- python-aiohomekit
- python-aiolivisi
- python-aiomodernforms
- python-aiomusiccast
- python-aionanoleaf
- python-aionut
- python-aiooncue
- python-aiopulse
- python-aiopvapi
- python-aiopvpc
- python-aioqsw
- python-aiorecollect
- python-aioridwell
- python-aioruckus
- python-aiosenz
- python-aioshelly
- python-aioskybell
- python-aiosomecomfort
- python-aiotractive
- python-aiounifi
- python-aiowebostv
- python-aiowithings
- python-airtouch4pyapi
- python-airtouch5py
- python-alarmdecoder
- python-amberelectric
- python-androidtv
- python-androidtvremote2
- python-anova-wifi
- python-anthemav
- python-aprslib
- python-apsystems-ez1
- python-aranet4
- python-arcam-fmj
- python-aristaproto
- python-asyncarve
- python-asyncmy
- python-asyncsleepiq
- python-beanie
- python-bellows
- python-bimmer-connected
- python-bleak-esphome
- python-bluecurrent-api
- python-bond-async
- python-boschshcpy
- python-bring-api
- python-coriolisclient
- python-crownstone-cloud
- python-disptrans
- python-django-pgtrigger
- python-extranormal3
- python-foobot-async
- python-gardena-bluetooth
- python-goodvibes
- python-google-api-python-client
- python-gradientmodel
- python-gridnet
- python-haproxyadmin
- python-homeconnect
- python-homematicip
- python-hyperion-py
- python-idasen
- python-idasen-ha
- python-incomfort-client
- python-infoblox-client
- python-intellifire4py
- python-lib25519
- python-mceliece
- python-momepy
- python-mullvad-api
- python-mutesync
- python-mypermobil
- python-myuplink
- python-nexpy
- python-nexusformat
- python-observabilityclient
- python-pyasn1-modules-lextudio
- python-pycotap
- python-pyflume
- python-pyfunceble
- python-pynetgear
- python-pyomop
- python-qmix
- python-renishawwire
- python-rosettasciio
- python-samsungctl
- python-sanix
- python-sherlock
- python-sidpy
- python-super-collections
- python-sushy-oem-idrac
- python-uiprotect
- python-vsure
- python-vultr
- python-wallbox
- python-xiaomi-ble
- python-xkbcommon
- pytorch-cluster
- pytorch-scatter
- pytorch-sparse
- pyusid
- qbootctl
- qpid-proton-j
- qpid-proton-j-extensions
- qtorganizer-eds
- r-bioc-alabaster.base
- r-bioc-alabaster.matrix
- r-bioc-alabaster.ranges
- r-bioc-alabaster.sce
- r-bioc-alabaster.schemas
- r-bioc-alabaster.se
- r-bioc-decontam
- r-bioc-golubesets
- r-bioc-gsvadata
- r-bioc-gypsum
- r-bioc-hgu95a.db
- r-bioc-rcwl
- r-bioc-spatialexperiment
- r-bioc-txdbmaker
- rbootd
- reform-setup-wizard
- refstack-client
- resource-agents-paf
- rkcommon
- rnetclient
- rootskel
- rootskel-gtk
- rt-extension-elapsedbusinesstime
- ruby-activemodel-serializers-xml
- ruby-asset-sync
- ruby-autoparse
- ruby-doorkeeper-i18n
- ruby-em-redis
- ruby-email-validator
- ruby-fakeredis
- ruby-google-cloud-errors
- ruby-googleapis-common-protos
- ruby-i18n-inflector-rails
- ruby-knapsack
- ruby-mpi
- ruby-open-graph-reader
- ruby-openstack
- ruby-peek-pg
- ruby-redis-clustering
- ruby-rethtool
- ruby-rspec-puppet-facts
- ruby-test-declarative
- ruby-with-advisory-lock
- rust-adaptive-barrier
- rust-aperture
- rust-apple-nvram
- rust-asahi-bless
- rust-asahi-btsync
- rust-asahi-wifisync
- rust-async-compat
- rust-base64-url
- rust-bitvec-helpers
- rust-calloop-0.10
- rust-cast-sender
- rust-cdylib-link-lines
- rust-copypasta-ext
- rust-core-graphics
- rust-core-graphics-types
- rust-datasize
- rust-datasize-derive
- rust-dockworker
- rust-embed-doc-image
- rust-erbium
- rust-fake-instant
- rust-fontdb
- rust-fun-time
- rust-fun-time-derive
- rust-futures-rustls
- rust-gpt
- rust-hafas-rs
- rust-hyperlocal
- rust-imperative
- rust-irc-proto
- rust-istring
- rust-juniper-codegen
- rust-leptess
- rust-leptonica-plumbing
- rust-libhandy-0.11
- rust-libhandy-sys-0.11
- rust-multihash-codetable
- rust-multihash-derive
- rust-multihash-derive-impl
- rust-nitrokey-test
- rust-opendal
- rust-openssh-keys
- rust-pdf
- rust-perfrecord-mach-ipc-rendezvous
- rust-postcard
- rust-postgres
- rust-prometheus-client
- rust-prometheus-client-derive-encode
- rust-reqsign
- rust-rstest-test
- rust-rust-lzma
- rust-rust-unixfs
- rust-rusty-paserk
- rust-rusty-paseto
- rust-scanlex
- rust-sequoia-keystore-server
- rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp
- rust-smithay-client-toolkit-0.16
- rust-soketto
- rust-sorted-iter
- rust-speculoos
- rust-sqlx-mysql
- rust-tesseract-plumbing
- rust-tracing-chrome
- rust-transmission-client
- rust-udevrs
- rust-uriparse
- rust-vec-collections
- rust-wasm-bindgen-test
- rust-wasm-bindgen-test-macro
- rust-wycheproof
- rust-xshell-macros
- rust-xxhash-c-sys
- rust-yoke
- rust-zerofrom
- s390-sysconfig-writer
- s390-zfcp
- sarsen
- schleuder-gitlab-ticketing
- senlin-tempest-plugin
- sisl
- smifb2
- snap7
- snowball-data
- speechpy-fast
- sphde
- spopt
- supernovas
- swift-bench
- taningia
- te923con
- tfdocgen
- tftp-proxy
- tipp
- tomogui
- tox-uv
- trove-tempest-plugin
- ucimf-chewing
- udpkg
- usb-discover
- vip-manager2
- vitrage-tempest-plugin
- watcher-tempest-plugin
- weakforced
- workflow
- xarray-safe-rcm
- xarray-safe-s1
- xradarsat2
- xsar
- ypy
- zaqar-tempest-plugin
Sektion: contrib
- zfs-linux
- glx-alternatives
- nvidia-support
- msttcorefonts
- nvidia-modprobe
- nvidia-persistenced
- nvidia-settings
- virtualbox
- nvidia-egl-gbm
- winetricks
- gcc-doc-defaults
- libdvd-pkg
- b43-fwcutter
- game-data-packager
- nvidia-xconfig
- gamescope
- virtualbox-ext-pack
- java-package
- geoipupdate
- nvidia-settings-tesla-470
- mbrola
- festvox-mbrola
- protontricks
- fonts-ibm-plex
- translate-shell
- alex4
- repo
- nvidia-settings-legacy-390xx
- vice
- yquake2
- zfs-auto-snapshot
- gemrb
- nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules
- fdkaac
- python-pynvml
- openrct2
- openvr
- rust-proton-call
- thunar-dropbox-plugin
- dhewm3
- crafty-books-medtosmall
- zfsnap
- gpustat
- pycuda
- nvidia-cudnn
- alien-arena
- nvidia-settings-legacy-340xx
- festvox-rablpc16k
- atari800
- vmware-manager
- astrometry-data-2mass
- uqm
- hyperspec
- spectemu
- corsix-th
- iortcw
- festvox-don
- unrardll
- openrct2-objects
- openrct2-title-sequences
- rocksndiamonds
- astromenace
- basilisk2
- frogatto
- wolf4sdl
- vcmi
- hannah-foo2zjs
- xserver-xorg-video-ivtvdev
- opentyrian
- play.it
- hwloc-contrib
- uhexen2
- hashcat-meta
- nvidia-nccl
- fbzx
- gnuboy
- nvidia-cuda-samples
- cytadela
- ocaml-fdkaac
- nvitop
- libdbd-oracle-perl
- crafty-books-medium
- gobi-loader
- openrct2-openmsx
- sqldeveloper-package
- josm-installer
- openrct2-opensfx
- simplesnap
- amoeba
- sus
- rott
- cltl
- python-cx-oracle
- crafty-bitmaps
- exult
- odpic
- openjazz
- astra-toolbox
- bcbio
- xtrs
- molotov
- play.it-community
- pokemmo-installer
- hts-voice-nitech-jp-atr503-m001
- freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher
- play.it-vv221
- magma
- zsnapd
- nvidia-settings-tesla
- nvidia-settings-tesla-450
- reminiscence
- pytorch-cuda
- starpu-contrib
- indi-asi
- gxr-openvr
- libydpdict
- slurm-wlm-contrib
- ruby-graphiql-rails
- muttdown
- py-libzfs
- 1oom
- librem5-flash-image
- pvpgn
- relion-cuda
- amgcl
- gitlab-agent
- ruby-spamcheck
- ruby-view-component
- uqm-russian
- casparcg-server
- mathjax-siunitx
- nvidia-settings-tesla-418
- tensorpipe-cuda
- bgoffice-dict-downloader
- festvox-rablpc8k
- gloo-cuda
- google-android-m2repository-installer
- python-seqcluster
- esix
- play.it-adventure
- pyhst2
- sugar-etoys-activity
- crafty-books-small
- kinect-audio-setup
- llm
- dbab
- horae
- wdq2wav
- mumax3
- ruby-googlecharts
- sqlcl-package
- tomopy
- indi-mi
- nvidia-cutlass
- indi-fishcamp
- libdemeter-perl
- nvidia-settings-tesla-460
- python-vertica
- doris
- indi-inovaplx
- indi-pentax
- indi-playerone
- nvidia-cudnn-frontend
- publicfile-installer
- pyvkfft-cuda
- wnn7egg
- cl-umlisp
- cl-umlisp-orf
- geogram
- indi-sbig
- stdgpu-contrib
- bart-cuda
- eos-downloader
- eztrace-contrib
- r4d
- stravalib
Sektion: non-free
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470
- unrar-nonfree
- intel-mkl
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx
- rar
- fdk-aac
- faac
- snmp-mibs-downloader
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx
- p7zip-rar
- manpages-posix
- xfonts-scalable-nonfree
- gcc-12-doc
- fonts-ubuntu
- intel-media-driver-non-free
- broadcom-sta
- fonts-larabie
- svox
- doc-rfc
- icc-profiles
- cuneiform
- hfsprogs
- virtualbox-guest-additions-iso
- iozone3
- glibc-doc-reference
- steamcmd
- scribus-doc
- emacs-non-dfsg
- nautilus-dropbox
- google-android-installers
- nvidia-cg-toolkit
- intel-vaapi-driver-shaders
- libclamunrar
- gsl-doc
- sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree
- bison-doc
- r8168
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450
- gcc-13-doc
- gcc-14-doc
- renderdoc
- 7zip-rar
- gsl-ref-psdoc
- foiltex
- gawk-doc
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418
- hevea-doc
- libmath-random-perl
- tar-doc
- nikto
- uqm-content
- unace-nonfree
- gcc-11-doc
- dynamips
- gsfonts-other
- gsl-ref-html
- mame-extra
- fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208
- moe-standard-fonts
- crafty
- mbrola-en1
- parmetis
- mbrola-fr4
- gmp-doc
- sauerbraten
- pgplot5
- mbrola-us1
- bsdgames-nonfree
- mbrola-fr1
- spectrum-roms
- festlex-oald
- mbrola-us2
- fonts-mikachan
- mbrola-us3
- lmbench
- fonts-ipafont-nonfree
- org-mode-doc
- zangband
- doom-wad-shareware
- ocaml-doc
- alien-arena-data
- openboard-extras-nonfree
- assaultcube
- xfractint
- ldraw-parts
- cpio-doc
- astromenace-data
- ft2-clone
- genesisplusgx
- d1x-rebirth
- etoys
- out-of-order
- xfonts-naga10
- hwb
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460
- d2x-rebirth
- ooohg
- album
- gccintro
- mbrola-de7
- coq-doc
- mbrola-fr2
- mbrola-de6
- mbrola-de4
- mbrola-de5
- mbrola-fr3
- context-nonfree
- fex
- mbrola-fr6
- mbrola-fr5
- mbrola-fr7
- album-data
- mbrola-de1
- testu01
- mbrola-de2
- mbrola-de3
- intel-acm
- kstars-data-extra-tycho2
- madfuload
- mbrola-de8
- festvox-ellpc11k
- inform
- tome
- greenbone-security-assistant
- nttcp
- r8125
- triangle
- powder
- metis-edf
- irpas
- amoeba-data
- gliese
- arb
- ebook-dev-alp
- mbrola-es1
- xml2rfc
- yale
- runescape
- mbrola-es2
- trn4
- amiwm
- titantools
- sgb
- stardict-english-czech
- mbrola-it4
- lgrind
- mbrola-es3
- cufflinks
- mbrola-it3
- picon-domains
- hijra
- office2003-schemas
- pynliner
- freespace2
- mbrola-pl1
- snaphu
- libasi
- maple-latex
- mbrola-es4
- mbrola-br1
- mbrola-br3
- os8
- libxml-compile-soap-perl
- mbrola-vz1
- mpi-specs
- picon-weather
- vienna-rna
- libxml-compile-wsdl11-perl
- mbrola-mx2
- picon-misc
- varscan
- wap-wml-tools
- mbrola-la1
- picon-unknown
- nvda2speechd
- stardict-german-czech
- mbrola-it1
- mbrola-it2
- mbrola-pt1
- picon-news
- x13as
- mbrola-nl2
- mbrola-sw2
- picon-users
- mbrola-br2
- mbrola-mx1
- trnascan-se
- blimps
- distributed-net
- drf-yasg-nonfree
- mbrola-br4
- mbrola-jp3
- mbrola-sw1
- nastran
- picon-usenix
- tegrarcm
- cclib-data
- firebuild
- mbrola-ca1
- mbrola-ca2
- mbrola-hu1
- mbrola-jp1
- mbrola-jp2
- python-drf-spectacular-sidecar-nonfree
- tinyows
- mbrola-cr1
- mbrola-cz2
- mbrola-gr1
- mbrola-gr2
- sisu-markup-samples
- libfishcamp
- mbrola-af1
- mbrola-ro1
- openzwave-controlpanel
- pgcharts
- solvate
- libvideo-info-perl
- mbrola-id1
- mbrola-nl3
- php-horde-javascriptminify-jsmin
- php-horde-text-filter-jsmin
- aseba-plugin-blockly
- cluster3
- kic
- libsbig
- libstar-parser-perl
- mbrola-ee1
- mbrola-ic1
- mbrola-in1
- mbrola-ir1
- mbrola-nl1
- mbrola-tr2
- seq-gen
- mbrola-ar1
- mbrola-cn1
- mbrola-tr1
- nspark
- groops
- libricohcamerasdk
- mbrola-ar2
- mbrola-bz1
- mbrola-in2
- mbrola-lt1
- mbrola-lt2
- okasha
- sift
- spellcast-doc
- vdjtools
- angband-audio
- gpu-burn
- mbrola-cz1
- mbrola-hb1
- mbrola-hb2
- mbrola-hn1
- mbrola-ma1
- mbrola-nz1
- mbrola-tl1
- jabsorb
- libelas
- libinovasdk
- libplayerone
- odr-audioenc
- shapetools-tutorial
- libmicam
- mssstest
- sl-modem
- ikos
Denne side er genereret med data opsamlet den 15. november 2024. Før du arbejder på disse filer, skal du forvisse dig om at de er ajourførte!