Nota: El document original és més nou que aquesta traducció.

Estat dels fitxers PO per al codi de llengua: tl — Tagalog

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5154 cadenes han estat traduïdes a aquesta llengua (de 1181559). Els paquets estan en tres categories: traduccions en curs, traduccions al dia i traduccions a fer.

En cada taula, els paquets estan ordenats segons la seva puntuació popcon, per a que els traductors es puguin concentrar en els paquets més populars.

Paquets que s'estan traduïnt

Podeu descarregar-vos i traduir aquests fitxers PO, i després enviar-los com a un informes d'error al mantenidor del paquet.

Secció: main

Paquet Puntuació Fitxer Traductor Equip
tasksel 0% (0t;1f;1u)tasks/po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
glib2.0 20% (150t;129f;468u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
apt 48% (351t;165f;209u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
debconf 85% (66t;7f;4u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
dpkg 78% (207t;37f;20u)dselect/po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
dpkg 22% (276t;620f;306u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
gobject-introspection 20% (150t;129f;468u)glib/po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
software-properties 24% (26t;16f;63u)po/tl.poAriel S. Betantl at li dot org
shadow 27% (184t;248f;245u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
iso-codes 90% (385t;23f;17u)iso_3166-1/tl.poChris Leonard
iso-codes 3% (1t;14f;16u)iso_3166-3/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
gnome-menus 15% (7t;8f;30u)debian/po-up/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
aptitude 28% (454t;630f;501u)po/tl.poRyan Escarezdebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
lightdm 0% (0t;0f;17u)po/tl.potl at li dot org
synaptic 0% (0t;0f;360u)po-manual/tl.poLaunchpad Translations Administratorstl at li dot org
synaptic 0% (0t;0f;736u)po/tl.potl at li dot org
mate-control-center 2% (13t;0f;623u)po/tl.poMartin WimpressTagalog (https://www dot transifex dot com/mate/teams/13566/tl/)
gdebi 9% (13t;0f;121u)po/tl.poIrvin Piramantl at li dot org
cwidget 71% (10t;0f;4u)po/tl.poRyan Escarezdebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
audacity 0% (0t;0f;4463u)locale/tl.poTagalog (https://app dot transifex dot com/audacity/teams/164520/tl/)
libmatekbd 0% (0t;0f;43u)po/tl.poinfiritTagalog (http://www dot transifex dot com/mate/MATE/language/tl/)
menu 37% (25t;13f;29u)po-sections/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
ufw 0% (1t;0f;180u)locales/po/tl.poJamie Strandbogetl at li dot org
mate-themes 0% (0t;0f;23u)po/tl.poTagalog (http://app dot transifex dot com/mate/MATE/language/tl/)
deluge 0% (4t;0f;1337u)deluge/i18n/tl.potl at li dot org
cinnamon-translations 0% (2t;0f;517u)po-export/cinnamon-control-center/cinnamon-control-center-tl.poUelitontl at li dot org
cinnamon-translations 18% (5t;0f;22u)po-export/cinnamon-screensaver/cinnamon-screensaver-tl.poUelitontl at li dot org
cinnamon-translations 2% (1t;0f;38u)po-export/cinnamon-session/cinnamon-session-tl.poUelitontl at li dot org
cinnamon-translations 9% (184t;0f;1700u)po-export/cinnamon/cinnamon-tl.poLaunchpad Translations Administratorstl at li dot org
cinnamon-translations 0% (4t;0f;1374u)po-export/nemo/nemo-tl.poUelitontl at li dot org
policycoreutils 0% (0t;0f;1078u)po/tl.po
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;124u)po/wesnoth-anl/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;956u)po/wesnoth-did/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;731u)po/wesnoth-dm/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;464u)po/wesnoth-dw/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 2% (3t;11f;104u)po/wesnoth-editor/tl.poJoset Anthony Zamoranone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;1835u)po/wesnoth-ei/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 15% (109t;113f;483u)po/wesnoth-help/tl.poeve
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;1227u)po/wesnoth-httt/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;434u)po/wesnoth-l/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 3% (48t;417f;1099u)po/wesnoth-lib/tl.poJoset Anthony Zamoranone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;719u)po/wesnoth-low/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;332u)po/wesnoth-manpages/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (1t;1f;431u)po/wesnoth-manual/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;329u)po/wesnoth-multiplayer/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;1210u)po/wesnoth-nr/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;666u)po/wesnoth-sof/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;644u)po/wesnoth-sota/tl.po
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;640u)po/wesnoth-sotbe/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;224u)po/wesnoth-tb/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;353u)po/wesnoth-thot/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;96u)po/wesnoth-tools/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;1010u)po/wesnoth-trow/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;629u)po/wesnoth-tsg/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;282u)po/wesnoth-tutorial/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;831u)po/wesnoth-units/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;2019u)po/wesnoth-utbs/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;514u)po/wesnoth-wc/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 0% (0t;0f;817u)po/wesnoth-wof/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
wesnoth-1.18 13% (182t;305f;910u)po/wesnoth/tl.poeve
granite 0% (0t;0f;58u)po/extra/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
granite 38% (23t;6f;31u)po/tl.poanjelo del carmen
tuxpaint 14% (89t;50f;465u)src/po/tl.pononenone
onboard 0% (2t;0f;508u)po/tl.poArielle B Cruztl at li dot org
command-not-found 6% (2t;0f;27u)po/tl.poAriel S. Betantl at li dot org
gui-ufw 0% (8t;0f;1009u)po/tl.poDennis Esternontl at li dot org
tuxmath 67% (167t;26f;56u)po/tl.po
pmount 0% (0t;0f;63u)po/tl.potl at li dot org
mate-tweak 24% (25t;0f;78u)po/tl.poMartin WimpressTagalog (http://www dot transifex dot com/mate/MATE/language/tl/)
asunder 4% (4t;0f;88u)po/tl.po dot ca/ostd/
josm 0% (0t;0f;13555u)i18n/po/tl.poLaunchpad Translations Administratorstl at li dot org
granite-7 0% (0t;0f;51u)po/extra/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
granite-7 22% (9t;5f;26u)po/tl.poanjelo del carmen
mate-menu 4% (5t;0f;105u)po/tl.poMartin WimpressTagalog (http://www dot transifex dot com/mate/MATE/language/tl/)
budgie-extras 0% (0t;0f;31u)budgie-applications-menu/applications-menu/po/extra/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
budgie-extras 27% (23t;4f;56u)budgie-applications-menu/applications-menu/po/tl.poAxel Philip Advento
budgie-extras 0% (0t;0f;5u)budgie-network-manager/budgie-network-applet/po/extra/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
budgie-extras 45% (10t;6f;6u)budgie-network-manager/budgie-network-applet/po/tl.poyavinfourtl at li dot org
mtpaint 39% (395t;0f;614u)po/tl.poyavinfourtl at li dot org
bookworm 0% (0t;0f;149u)po/tl.po
godot 0% (52t;26f;11845u)doc/translations/tl.poNapstaguy04
godot 18% (1153t;1352f;3590u)editor/translations/tl.poNapstaguy04
blendsel 50% (1t;0f;1u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
elementary-icon-theme 0% (0t;0f;63u)po/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
onionshare 0% (0t;0f;163u)docs/source/locale/tl/LC_MESSAGES/advanced.poAutomatically generatednone
pppconfig 91% (126t;9f;2u)po/tl.poRick Bahague Jrdebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
android-platform-external-libselinux 0% (0t;0f;1078u)policycoreutils/po/tl.po
mate-netbook 4% (1t;0f;24u)po/tl.poMartin WimpressTagalog (https://www dot transifex dot com/mate/teams/13566/tl/)
rednotebook 4% (13t;0f;264u)po/tl.poJendrik Seipptl at li dot org
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;19u)po/tl/administrivia.po
installation-guide 66% (6t;1f;2u)po/tl/bookinfo.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
installation-guide 0% (1t;0f;273u)po/tl/boot-installer.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;29u)po/tl/boot-new.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;58u)po/tl/gpl.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;222u)po/tl/hardware.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;88u)po/tl/install-methods.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;43u)po/tl/installation-howto.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;96u)po/tl/partitioning.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;69u)po/tl/post-install.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;230u)po/tl/preparing.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;229u)po/tl/preseed.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;178u)po/tl/random-bits.po
installation-guide 0% (0t;0f;419u)po/tl/using-d-i.po
installation-guide 13% (10t;8f;58u)po/tl/welcome.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
qreator 0% (1t;0f;110u)po/tl.poDavid Planellatl at li dot org
easyssh 0% (0t;0f;47u)po/extra/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
easyssh 0% (0t;0f;99u)po/tl.poAutomatically generatednone
go-for-it 0% (0t;0f;11u)po/extra/tl.po
go-for-it 0% (0t;0f;181u)po/tl.po
grimripper 4% (4t;0f;87u)po/tl.po dot ca/ostd/
exaile 0% (2t;0f;1120u)po/tl.poDustin Spicuzzatl at li dot org

Paquets ja tranduïts

Secció: main

Paquet Puntuació Fitxer Traductor Equip
tasksel100% (2t;0f;0u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
newt100% (4t;0f;0u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
python-apt100% (118t;0f;0u)po/tl.poAriel S. Betantl at li dot org
console-common100% (13t;0f;0u)po/tl.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
installation-guide100% (4t;0f;0u)po/tl/preface.poEric Parejadebian-tl at banwa dot upm dot edu dot ph
gnunet100% (19t;0f;0u)doc/handbook/html/_static/locales/tl/LC_MESSAGES/booktheme.po

Packages POT files

For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:

Link to PO template files

Paquets sense fitxers PO

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Aquesta pàgina ha estat generada amb les dades recollides el 9 de març de 2025. Abans de treballar amb aquests fitxers assegureu-vos de que estan al dia!