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Status på PO-filer for sprogkode: sl_SI — Slovenian @tmpl_lang@ndash; Slovenia

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8844 strenge er oversat til dette sprog (fra 1153293). Pakkerne er opdelt i tre områder: oversættelser på vej, ajourførte oversættelser og ikke-oversatte.

I hver tabel er pakkerne sorteret jf. deres popcon-placering, så oversætterne kan fokusere på de mest populære pakker.

Du kan hente og oversætte disse PO-filer, og indsende dem som fejlrapporter til pakkevedligeholderne.

Sektion: main

Pakke Point Fil Oversætter Hold
cracklib2 93% (15t;0f;1u)po/sl_SI.poJanez Kreksl at li dot org
filezilla 98% (1868t;0f;21u)locales/sl_SI.pomilesmiles at filmsi dot net
calibre 0% (0t;0f;6383u)translations/calibre/sl_SI.poKovid GoyalSlovenian (Slovenia) (http://www dot transifex dot com/projects/p/calibre/language/sl_SI/)
calibre 0% (0t;0f;7707u)translations/iso_639/sl_SI.poKovid GoyalSlovenian (Slovenia) (http://www dot transifex dot com/projects/p/calibre/language/sl_SI/)
handbrake 14% (104t;0f;637u)gtk/po/sl_SI.poMartin SrebotnjakSlovenian (Slovenia) (https://app dot transifex dot com/HandBrakeProject/teams/92423/sl_SI/)
thonny 93% (426t;15f;16u)thonny/locale/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES/thonny.po
wordpress 60% (158t;0f;104u)debian/languages/admin-network-sl_SI.poMarko Zabreznik
wordpress 99% (2230t;0f;15u)debian/languages/admin-sl_SI.poMarko Zabreznik
wordpress 61% (300t;0f;187u)debian/languages/continents-cities-sl_SI.poMarko Zabreznik
imagination 46% (96t;50f;61u)po/sl_SI.potadeboroSlovenian
vdr 0% (0t;0f;6u)PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sl_SI.poMatjaz Thalervdr at linuxtv dot org
vdr 83% (451t;0f;91u)po/sl_SI.poMatjaz Thalervdr at linuxtv dot org
gwakeonlan 69% (25t;0f;11u)po/sl_SI.poAndrej MernikSlovenian (Slovenia)
onioncircuits 25% (4t;0f;12u)po/sl_SI.poDražen M.
vdr-plugin-epgsearch 0% (3t;1f;392u)po/sl_SI.poMatjaz Thalervdr at linuxtv dot org
w-scan-cpp 0% (0t;0f;6u)vdr/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sl_SI.poMatjaz Thalervdr at linuxtv dot org
w-scan-cpp 76% (29t;2f;7u)vdr/PLUGINS/src/wirbelscan-2023.10.15/po/sl_SI.powkvdr at linuxtv dot org
w-scan-cpp 83% (451t;0f;92u)vdr/po/sl_SI.poMatjaz Thalervdr at linuxtv dot org
openpgp-applet 94% (35t;0f;2u)po/sl_SI.porunasand
vdr-plugin-mp3 58% (68t;0f;49u)po/sl_SI.poStefan Huelswittvdr at linuxtv dot org
vdr-plugin-skinenigmang 0% (0t;0f;134u)po/sl_SI.poMatjaz Thalervdr at linuxtv dot org

Allerede oversatte pakker

Sektion: main

Pakke Point Fil Oversætter Hold
libfilezilla100% (76t;0f;0u)locales/sl_SI.poMartin Srebotnjakmiles at filmsi dot net
arduino100% (607t;0f;0u)arduino-core/src/processing/app/i18n/Resources_sl_SI.poArnold MarkoSlovenian (Slovenia) (http://www dot transifex dot com/mbanzi/arduino-ide-15/language/sl_SI/)
python-humanize100% (67t;0f;0u)src/humanize/locale/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES/humanize.podkrat7Slovenian
wordpress100% (1748t;0f;0u)debian/languages/sl_SI.poMarko Zabreznik
horizon100% (60t;0f;0u)horizon/locale/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES/django.poCopied by ZanataSlovenian (Slovenia)
django-reversion100% (23t;0f;0u)reversion/locale/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES/django.poBor Plestenjak

Packages POT files

For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:

Link to PO template files

Pakker uden PO-filer

Følg dette link for at se en liste over pakker uden PO-filer.

Denne side er genereret med data opsamlet den 16. juli 2024. Før du arbejder på disse filer, skal du forvisse dig om at de er ajourførte!