Status of PO files for language code: hu_HU — Hungarian @tmpl_lang@ndash; Hungary

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14649 strings are translated to this language (from 1181006). The packages are in three pools: translations underway, translations uptodate and translations to do.

In each table, packages are sorted according to their popcon score, so that translators can focus on the most popular packages.

Packages for which translation is underway

You can download and translate these PO files, and submit them as bug reports to package maintainers.

Section: main

Package Score File Translator Team
powertop 50% (104t;33f;67u)po/hu_HU.poMargie Foster
duplicity 48% (171t;0f;183u)po/hu_HU.poHungarian
scummvm 77% (1905t;333f;220u)po/hu_HU.poGeorge Kormendi
thonny 84% (386t;0f;71u)thonny/locale/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES/thonny.po
python-humanize 97% (65t;2f;0u)src/humanize/locale/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES/humanize.poBálint GyarmathyHungarian
grsync 97% (158t;2f;2u)po/hu_HU.poGabor Kelemenopenscope at googlegroups dot com
pcsxr 85% (637t;42f;62u)po/hu_HU.poDeliriousdelirious at freemail dot hu
vdr 0% (0t;0f;6u)PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hu_HU.poIstvan Koenigsbergervdr at linuxtv dot org
vdr 99% (543t;0f;3u)po/hu_HU.poIstván FüleyHungarian
opencpn 99% (101t;0f;1u)plugins/chartdldr_pi/po/hu_HU.poHungarian
opencpn 86% (113t;0f;18u)plugins/dashboard_pi/po/hu_HU.poHungarian
opencpn 71% (219t;0f;87u)plugins/grib_pi/po/hu_HU.poHungarian
opencpn 23% (11t;0f;36u)plugins/wmm_pi/po/hu_HU.poHungarian
opencpn 76% (1506t;0f;456u)po/opencpn_hu_HU.poHungarian
flask-security 68% (172t;0f;80u)flask_security/translations/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES/flask_security.po
teg 83% (303t;26f;34u)po/hu_HU.poLENART Janoshu at li dot org
w-scan-cpp 0% (0t;0f;6u)vdr/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hu_HU.poIstvan Koenigsbergervdr at linuxtv dot org
w-scan-cpp 76% (29t;2f;7u)vdr/PLUGINS/src/wirbelscan-2023.10.15/po/hu_HU.powkvdr at linuxtv dot org
w-scan-cpp 97% (528t;0f;15u)vdr/po/hu_HU.poIstván Füleyvdr at linuxtv dot org
vdr-plugin-epgsearch 1% (4t;0f;394u)po/hu_HU.poIstvan Koenigsbergervdr at linuxtv dot org
ganyremote 95% (141t;0f;7u)po/hu_HU.poMiklos VajnaHungarian
vdr-plugin-femon 99% (124t;0f;1u)po/hu_HU.poFüley Istvánifuley at tigercomp dot ro
kanyremote 94% (137t;3f;5u)po/hu_HU.poMiklos VajnaHungarian
anope 19% (344t;1020f;371u)language/anope.hu_HU.poAdamHungarian
vdr-plugin-skinenigmang 97% (130t;0f;4u)po/hu_HU.pojvvdr at linuxtv dot org

Section: non-free

Package Score File Translator Team
frogatto-data 66% (895t;0f;458u)modules/frogatto/po/hu_HU.poMarcos Avila IsidoroHungarian (Hungary) (http://www dot transifex dot com/projects/p/Frogatto/language/hu_HU/)

Packages already translated

Section: main

Package Score File Translator Team
filezilla100% (1780t;0f;0u)locales/hu_HU.poGyörgy BataGyörgy Bata
libfilezilla100% (76t;0f;0u)locales/hu_HU.poGyörgy BataGyörgy Bata
wordpress100% (487t;0f;0u)debian/languages/continents-cities-hu_HU.poLakatos Zsoltforditas at word-press dot hu
wordpress100% (3491t;0f;0u)debian/languages/hu_HU.poFYGureouthu at li dot org
fvwm-crystal100% (89t;0f;0u)fvwm/locale/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES/fvwm-crystal.poSZERVÁC Attilahu

Packages POT files

For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:

Link to PO template files

Packages without PO files

Follow this link to see the list of packages without PO files.

This page was generated with data collected on: March 1st, 2025. Before working on these files, make sure they are up to date!