注意: 原文はこの翻訳よりも新しくなっています。
言語コード fr_FR — French @tmpl_lang@ndash; France の PO ファイルの状況
[ 地域化 ] [ 言語一覧 ] [ ランキング ] [ POT ファイル ]状況
(1181559 個のうち) 38612 個の文字列がこの言語に翻訳されています。 パッケージは以下の3つに分類されています: 翻訳途中, 翻訳済, 未翻訳。
各テーブルでは、パッケージはそれぞれの人気コンテスト (popcon) のスコア順に並んでいるので、 翻訳者はより人気のあるパッケージに注目することができます。
以下の PO ファイルをダウンロードして翻訳し、 パッケージメンテナ宛にバグ報告としてそれを提出できます。
セクション main
パッケージ | 割合 | ファイル | 翻訳者 | チーム |
qemu | 94% (18t;0f;1u) | po/fr_FR.po | Aurelien Jarno | FR at li dot org |
sphinx | 0% (0t;0f;838u) | sphinx/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | French (France) (http://app dot transifex dot com/sphinx-doc/sphinx-1/language/fr_FR/) | |
light-locker | 0% (0t;0f;37u) | po/fr_FR.po | Peter de Ridder | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/the_cavalry/light-locker/language/fr_FR/) |
grantlee5 | 16% (1t;0f;5u) | examples/contacts/themes/gettext/dopey/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/dopey.po | Stephen Kelly | kde-i18n-doc at kde dot org |
mate-themes | 0% (0t;0f;23u) | po/fr_FR.po | French (France) (http://app dot transifex dot com/mate/MATE/language/fr_FR/) | |
duplicity | 93% (332t;0f;22u) | po/fr_FR.po | French | |
jupyter-notebook | notebook/i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/nbui.po | Jocelyn Delalande | ||
jupyter-notebook | 0% (0t;0f;96u) | notebook/i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/notebook.po | ||
scilab | 43% (17t;0f;22u) | scilab/modules/arnoldi/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (100t;0f;2u) | scilab/modules/ast/locales/fr_FR.po | Jean-Marc | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (244t;0f;3u) | scilab/modules/atoms/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 99% (391t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/cacsd/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 99% (262t;0f;2u) | scilab/modules/console/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 96% (175t;0f;6u) | scilab/modules/core/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | localization at scilab dot org |
scilab | 96% (26t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/data_structures/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 28% (68t;0f;168u) | scilab/modules/differential_equations/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 93% (135t;0f;9u) | scilab/modules/dynamic_link/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 72% (143t;0f;53u) | scilab/modules/elementary_functions/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | localization at scilab dot org |
scilab | 94% (126t;0f;7u) | scilab/modules/fileio/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 90% (30t;0f;3u) | scilab/modules/functions/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 96% (28t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/graphic_export/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 92% (516t;0f;40u) | scilab/modules/graphics/locales/fr_FR.po | Stéphane Mottelet | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 96% (769t;0f;25u) | scilab/modules/gui/locales/fr_FR.po | Jean-Marc | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 88% (75t;0f;10u) | scilab/modules/helptools/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (50t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/history_manager/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 61% (44t;0f;28u) | scilab/modules/interpolation/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 64% (90t;0f;50u) | scilab/modules/linear_algebra/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 92% (253t;0f;22u) | scilab/modules/m2sci/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 89% (43t;0f;5u) | scilab/modules/matio/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 93% (40t;0f;3u) | scilab/modules/modules_manager/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 57% (253t;0f;186u) | scilab/modules/optimization/locales/fr_FR.po | François Granade | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 79% (83t;0f;22u) | scilab/modules/overloading/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 90% (56t;0f;6u) | scilab/modules/polynomials/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (75t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/randlib/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 95% (311t;0f;13u) | scilab/modules/scicos/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 29% (219t;0f;512u) | scilab/modules/scicos_blocks/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (359t;0f;4u) | scilab/modules/scinotes/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 53% (100t;0f;88u) | scilab/modules/signal_processing/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 72% (54t;0f;20u) | scilab/modules/sound/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 97% (120t;0f;3u) | scilab/modules/sparse/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 54% (19t;0f;16u) | scilab/modules/special_functions/locales/fr_FR.po | Jean-Marc | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (89t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/spreadsheet/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 81% (73t;0f;17u) | scilab/modules/statistics/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 39% (22t;0f;34u) | scilab/modules/tclsci/locales/fr_FR.po | jojolebestof | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 82% (62t;0f;13u) | scilab/modules/time/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 82% (114t;0f;25u) | scilab/modules/ui_data/locales/fr_FR.po | Stéphane Mottelet | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 51% (68t;0f;64u) | scilab/modules/umfpack/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 99% (431t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/xcos/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
pulseeffects | 11% (43t;118f;224u) | po/fr_FR.po | Nathan Graule | |
kf6-ktexttemplate | 16% (1t;0f;5u) | examples/contacts/themes/gettext/dopey/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/dopey.po | Stephen Kelly | kde-i18n-doc at kde dot org |
nala | 99% (329t;2f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Emerick Biron | traduc at traduc dot org |
budgie-desktop | 85% (410t;0f;71u) | po/fr_FR.po | Joshua Strobl | French (France) (https://app dot transifex dot com/buddiesofbudgie/teams/129844/fr_FR/) |
soundconverter | 88% (104t;0f;13u) | po/fr_FR.po | AO | en at li dot org |
thonny | 99% (464t;1f;0u) | thonny/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/thonny.po | ||
python-humanize | 82% (55t;12f;0u) | src/humanize/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/humanize.po | Olivier Cortès | |
mate-tweak | 0% (0t;0f;103u) | po/fr_FR.po | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/mate/MATE/language/fr_FR/) | |
encfs | 78% (107t;3f;27u) | po/fr_FR.po | John McGuckian | fr_FR at li dot org |
mp3splt | 84% (131t;7f;17u) | libmp3splt/po/fr_FR.po | Chris38 | |
mp3splt | 72% (202t;43f;35u) | mp3splt-gtk/po/fr_FR.po | Chris38 | |
mp3splt | 80% (88t;12f;9u) | mp3splt/po/fr_FR.po | Chris38 | |
partclone | 75% (40t;6f;7u) | po/fr_FR.po | traduc at traduc dot org | |
input-remapper | 36% (36t;14f;49u) | po/fr_FR.po | ||
wordpress | 43% (214t;17f;256u) | debian/languages/continents-cities-fr_FR.po | Xavier B. | traduction at wordpress-fr dot net |
znc | 17% (3t;0f;14u) | modules/po/clientnotify.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 49% (83t;0f;84u) | modules/po/controlpanel.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/corecaps.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;32u) | modules/po/crypt.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;12u) | modules/po/ctcpflood.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;14u) | modules/po/cyrusauth.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;2u) | modules/po/disconkick.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;18u) | modules/po/flooddetach.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;17u) | modules/po/identfile.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;2u) | modules/po/imapauth.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;10u) | modules/po/keepnick.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;11u) | modules/po/kickrejoin.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;13u) | modules/po/lastseen.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;23u) | modules/po/listsockets.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/missingmotd.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/modperl.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/modpython.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/modules_online.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;16u) | modules/po/nickserv.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;26u) | modules/po/notes.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;4u) | modules/po/notify_connect.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;23u) | modules/po/perform.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;4u) | modules/po/perleval.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;2u) | modules/po/pyeval.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;11u) | modules/po/route_replies.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;26u) | modules/po/sample.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/samplewebapi.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;39u) | modules/po/sasl.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;11u) | modules/po/savebuff.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;4u) | modules/po/shell.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;17u) | modules/po/simple_away.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;22u) | modules/po/stickychan.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/stripcontrols.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 6% (3t;0f;42u) | modules/po/watch.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 95% (262t;0f;13u) | modules/po/webadmin.fr_FR.po | French | |
speedcrunch | 0% (0t;0f;8u) | doc/src/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/extra-doc-strings.po | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/polwel/test-439/language/fr_FR/) | |
speedcrunch | 0% (0t;0f;8u) | doc/src/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po | Pol Welter | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/polwel/test-439/language/fr_FR/) |
speedcrunch | 0% (0t;0f;13u) | doc/src/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/installation.po | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/polwel/test-439/language/fr_FR/) | |
speedcrunch | 0% (0t;0f;138u) | doc/src/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/reference.po | Pol Welter | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/polwel/test-439/language/fr_FR/) |
solvespace | 78% (317t;0f;86u) | res/locales/fr_FR.po | whitequark | none |
bpython | 55% (37t;0f;30u) | bpython/translations/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/bpython.po | Sebastian Ramacher | bpython developers |
pcsxr | 73% (546t;61f;134u) | po/fr_FR.po | Jean-André Santoni | jean dot andre dot santoni at gmail dot com |
cacti | 99% (4542t;14f;6u) | locales/po/fr-FR.po | Nicolas BUTIN | http://translate dot cacti dot net/projects/cacti/core-v1-2-x/fr/ |
gnubiff | 99% (220t;1f;1u) | po/fr_FR.po | Rougier | fr at li dot org |
vdr | 96% (528t;0f;18u) | po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
pacpl | po/fr_FR.po | |||
opencpn | 99% (1960t;0f;2u) | po/opencpn_fr_FR.po | French | |
xtrkcad | 94% (2854t;98f;55u) | app/i18n/fr_FR.po | Martin Fischer | |
flask-security | 47% (120t;1f;131u) | flask_security/translations/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/flask_security.po | Alexandre Bulté | |
4pane | 2% (38t;0f;1847u) | locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/fr_FR.po | DavidGH | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/davidgh/4Pane/language/fr_FR/) |
gnome-shell-extension-flypie | 98% (367t;0f;4u) | po/fr_FR.po | Zekovski | |
vdr-plugin-streamdev | 53% (8t;0f;7u) | client/po/fr_FR.po | micky979 | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
vdr-plugin-streamdev | 53% (14t;0f;12u) | server/po/fr_FR.po | micky979 | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
w-scan-cpp | 73% (28t;1f;9u) | vdr/PLUGINS/src/wirbelscan-2023.10.15/po/fr_FR.po | wk | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
w-scan-cpp | 97% (528t;0f;15u) | vdr/po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
fvwm-crystal | 94% (535t;8f;24u) | fvwm/locale/fr_FR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/fvwm-crystal.po | Dominique Michel | French |
desktopfolder | 48% (56t;0f;59u) | po/fr_FR.po | Olivier Colpin | French (France) (https://www dot transifex dot com/ubuntu-budgie/teams/72251/fr_FR/) |
3depict | 42% (620t;4f;840u) | translations/3Depict_fr_FR.po | mycae | French (http://www dot transifex dot com/mycae/3depict/language/fr/) |
vdr-plugin-epgsearch | 85% (341t;21f;36u) | po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
colorhug-client | 55% (162t;0f;132u) | po/fr_FR.po | Richard Hughes | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/projects/p/colorhug-client/language/fr_FR/) |
txt2regex | 95% (76t;0f;4u) | po/fr_FR.po | wwp | |
nagvis | 95% (482t;0f;25u) | share/frontend/nagvis-js/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/nagvis.po | Nicolas Chancereul | nicolas dot chancereul at gmail dot com |
ganyremote | 97% (145t;0f;3u) | po/fr_FR.po | Pierre Dumot | French |
cmake-fedora | 92% (59t;0f;5u) | test/data/po/fr_FR.po | ||
kanyremote | 90% (131t;11f;3u) | po/fr_FR.po | Pierre Dumot | French |
vdr-plugin-live | 57% (209t;27f;129u) | po/fr_FR.po | Nicolas Huillard | see developers in README |
matchbox-panel | 68% (13t;2f;4u) | po/fr_FR.po | Brice | Info at Substantiel dot fr |
vdr-plugin-mp3 | 96% (113t;0f;4u) | po/fr_FR.po | Stefan Huelswitt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
kooha | 85% (82t;1f;13u) | po/fr_FR.po | Anonymous | |
vdr-plugin-osdteletext | 16% (15t;0f;74u) | po/fr_FR.po | Nival Michaël | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
anope | 99% (1735t;0f;1u) | language/anope.fr_FR.po | Thomas Fargeix | French |
vdr-plugin-fritzbox | 51% (39t;20f;17u) | po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
ledgersmb | 0% (0t;0f;1798u) | locale/po/fr_FR.po | ||
vdr-plugin-skinenigmang | 80% (108t;4f;22u) | po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
セクション non-free
パッケージ | 割合 | ファイル | 翻訳者 | チーム |
libretro-snes9x | 46% (202t;39f;189u) | gtk/po/fr_FR.po | tukuyomi |
セクション main
パッケージ | 割合 | ファイル | 翻訳者 | チーム |
python-tornado | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | tornado/test/gettext_translations/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tornado_test.po | ||
grantlee5 | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | examples/contacts/fr_FR.po | Stephen Kelly | kde-i18n-doc at kde dot org |
proftpd-dfsg | 100% (176t;0f;0u) | locale/fr_FR.po | Davy Defaud | none |
brisk-menu | 100% (21t;0f;0u) | subprojects/translations/fr_FR.po | Pierre-Yves | |
jupyter-notebook | 100% (446t;0f;0u) | notebook/i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/nbjs.po | Mathis HAMMEL | |
scilab | 100% (8t;0f;0u) | scilab/contrib/toolbox_skeleton/locales/fr_FR.po | ||
scilab | 100% (6t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/action_binding/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (67t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/api_scilab/locales/fr_FR.po | Michel Hua | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (9t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/boolean/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/call_scilab/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/commons/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (9t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/completion/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/coverage/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/demo_tools/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (70t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/development_tools/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (48t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/external_objects/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (18t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/external_objects_java/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (35t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/fftw/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/functions_manager/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (13t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/graph/locales/fr_FR.po | Clément David | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (3t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/graphic_objects/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (216t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/hdf5/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (16t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/history_browser/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (14t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/integer/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (62t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/io/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (50t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/jvm/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (16t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/localization/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/mexlib/locales/fr_FR.po | ycollet | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (23t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/mpi/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (42t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/output_stream/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/parallel/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (37t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/parameters/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (29t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/preferences/locales/fr_FR.po | Scilab.team | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/renderer/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (89t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/slint/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/startup/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (88t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/string/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (20t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/types/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (18t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/webtools/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (24t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/windows_tools/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (89t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/xml/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
kf6-ktexttemplate | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | examples/contacts/fr_FR.po | Stephen Kelly | kde-i18n-doc at kde dot org |
scummvm | 100% (2458t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Thierry Crozat | |
clipit | 100% (78t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Cristian Henzel | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/shantzu/clipit/language/fr_FR/) |
grsync | 100% (162t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Philippe Corbes | ersplus at free dot fr, ianare at gmail dot com |
wordpress | 100% (2245t;0f;0u) | debian/languages/admin-fr_FR.po | Xavier B. | traduction at wordpress-fr dot net |
wordpress | 100% (262t;0f;0u) | debian/languages/admin-network-fr_FR.po | Xavier B. | traduction at wordpress-fr dot net |
wordpress | 100% (1746t;0f;0u) | debian/languages/fr_FR.po | Xavier B. | traduction at wordpress-fr dot net |
znc | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | modules/po/admindebug.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (14t;0f;0u) | modules/po/adminlog.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (27t;0f;0u) | modules/po/alias.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (18t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autoattach.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (14t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autocycle.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (38t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autoop.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (7t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autoreply.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (24t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autovoice.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (23t;0f;0u) | modules/po/awaystore.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | modules/po/block_motd.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (21t;0f;0u) | modules/po/blockuser.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (26t;0f;0u) | modules/po/bouncedcc.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (9t;0f;0u) | modules/po/buffextras.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (14t;0f;0u) | modules/po/cert.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (23t;0f;0u) | modules/po/certauth.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | modules/po/chansaver.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | modules/po/clearbufferonmsg.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (24t;0f;0u) | modules/po/fail2ban.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (6t;0f;0u) | modules/po/partyline.fr_FR.po | Various people | French |
znc | 100% (67t;0f;0u) | modules/po/q.fr_FR.po | Various people | French |
easyeffects | 100% (210t;0f;0u) | po/news/fr_FR.po | Bundy01 | |
kubernetes | 100% (16t;0f;0u) | translations/kubectl/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/k8s.po | Brendan Burns | |
aegisub | 100% (1382t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | César Alexanian | cerkil at free dot fr |
typespeed | 100% (101t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Charles Clément | French |
vdr | 100% (6t;0f;0u) | PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
vdr | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | PLUGINS/src/pictures/po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
mlmmj | 100% (23t;0f;0u) | contrib/web/php-moderation/translations/fr_FR.po | Thomas Goirand | thomas at goirand dot fr |
opencpn | 100% (102t;0f;0u) | plugins/chartdldr_pi/po/fr_FR.po | French | |
opencpn | 100% (131t;0f;0u) | plugins/dashboard_pi/po/fr_FR.po | French | |
opencpn | 100% (306t;0f;0u) | plugins/grib_pi/po/fr_FR.po | French | |
opencpn | 100% (47t;0f;0u) | plugins/wmm_pi/po/fr_FR.po | French | |
searchmonkey | 100% (366t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Adam Cottrell | cottrela at users dot sf dot net |
keyman | 100% (72t;0f;0u) | linux/keyman-config/locale/fr_FR.po | French | |
gplanarity | 100% (79t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Lerique Julien | ljpupfr at gmail dot com |
w-scan-cpp | 100% (6t;0f;0u) | vdr/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
w-scan-cpp | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | vdr/PLUGINS/src/pictures/po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
fvwm-crystal | 100% (40t;0f;0u) | fvwm/locale/fr_FR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/fvwm-crystal-script.po | Dominique Michel | French |
lazygal | 100% (87t;0f;0u) | locale/fr_FR.po | Alexandre Rossi | |
vdr-plugin-femon | 100% (125t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
sphinxcontrib-httpdomain | 100% (12t;0f;0u) | sphinxcontrib/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/httpdomain.po | ||
vdr-plugin-remote | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Pierre Briec | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
python-cron-descriptor | 100% (43t;0f;0u) | cron_descriptor/locale/fr_FR.po | Adam Schubert |
Packages POT files
For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:
Link to PO template filesPO ファイルが存在しないパッケージ
PO ファイルを持たないパッケージの一覧は、 こちらを参照してください。
このページは 2025 年 3 月 9 日に収集した情報に基づき作成されました。 これらのファイルについて作業するときは、最新のものであることを確認してください!