Note : le document original est plus récent que cette traduction.
État des fichiers PO pour la langue de code : fr_FR — French @tmpl_lang@ndash; France
[ Localisation ] [ Liste des langues ] [ Classement ] [ Fichiers POT ]État d'avancement
38612 chaînes sont traduites dans cette langue (sur 1181559 existantes). Les paquets sont classés en trois catégories : les traductions à mettre à jour, les traductions à jour et les traductions à faire.
Pour chaque tableau, les paquets sont triés en fonction de leur résultat popcon, de manière à ce que les traducteurs puissent se concentrer sur les paquets les plus utilisés.
Les paquets pour lesquels la traduction n'est pas à jour
Vous pouvez télécharger et traduire ces fichiers PO, puis les envoyer en rapport de bogue au responsable du paquet concerné. Pour la traduction en français, veuillez consulter la page du projet de traduction des logiciels spécifiques à Debian.
Section : main
Paquet | Note | Fichier | Traducteur | Équipe |
qemu | 94% (18t;0f;1u) | po/fr_FR.po | Aurelien Jarno | FR at li dot org |
sphinx | 0% (0t;0f;838u) | sphinx/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po | French (France) (http://app dot transifex dot com/sphinx-doc/sphinx-1/language/fr_FR/) | |
light-locker | 0% (0t;0f;37u) | po/fr_FR.po | Peter de Ridder | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/the_cavalry/light-locker/language/fr_FR/) |
grantlee5 | 16% (1t;0f;5u) | examples/contacts/themes/gettext/dopey/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/dopey.po | Stephen Kelly | kde-i18n-doc at kde dot org |
mate-themes | 0% (0t;0f;23u) | po/fr_FR.po | French (France) (http://app dot transifex dot com/mate/MATE/language/fr_FR/) | |
duplicity | 93% (332t;0f;22u) | po/fr_FR.po | French | |
jupyter-notebook | notebook/i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/nbui.po | Jocelyn Delalande | ||
jupyter-notebook | 0% (0t;0f;96u) | notebook/i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/notebook.po | ||
scilab | 43% (17t;0f;22u) | scilab/modules/arnoldi/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (100t;0f;2u) | scilab/modules/ast/locales/fr_FR.po | Jean-Marc | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (244t;0f;3u) | scilab/modules/atoms/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 99% (391t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/cacsd/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 99% (262t;0f;2u) | scilab/modules/console/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 96% (175t;0f;6u) | scilab/modules/core/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | localization at scilab dot org |
scilab | 96% (26t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/data_structures/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 28% (68t;0f;168u) | scilab/modules/differential_equations/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 93% (135t;0f;9u) | scilab/modules/dynamic_link/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 72% (143t;0f;53u) | scilab/modules/elementary_functions/locales/fr_FR.po | | localization at scilab dot org |
scilab | 94% (126t;0f;7u) | scilab/modules/fileio/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 90% (30t;0f;3u) | scilab/modules/functions/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 96% (28t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/graphic_export/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 92% (516t;0f;40u) | scilab/modules/graphics/locales/fr_FR.po | Stéphane Mottelet | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 96% (769t;0f;25u) | scilab/modules/gui/locales/fr_FR.po | Jean-Marc | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 88% (75t;0f;10u) | scilab/modules/helptools/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (50t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/history_manager/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 61% (44t;0f;28u) | scilab/modules/interpolation/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 64% (90t;0f;50u) | scilab/modules/linear_algebra/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 92% (253t;0f;22u) | scilab/modules/m2sci/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 89% (43t;0f;5u) | scilab/modules/matio/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 93% (40t;0f;3u) | scilab/modules/modules_manager/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 57% (253t;0f;186u) | scilab/modules/optimization/locales/fr_FR.po | François Granade | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 79% (83t;0f;22u) | scilab/modules/overloading/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 90% (56t;0f;6u) | scilab/modules/polynomials/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (75t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/randlib/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 95% (311t;0f;13u) | scilab/modules/scicos/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 29% (219t;0f;512u) | scilab/modules/scicos_blocks/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (359t;0f;4u) | scilab/modules/scinotes/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 53% (100t;0f;88u) | scilab/modules/signal_processing/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 72% (54t;0f;20u) | scilab/modules/sound/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 97% (120t;0f;3u) | scilab/modules/sparse/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 54% (19t;0f;16u) | scilab/modules/special_functions/locales/fr_FR.po | Jean-Marc | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 98% (89t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/spreadsheet/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 81% (73t;0f;17u) | scilab/modules/statistics/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 39% (22t;0f;34u) | scilab/modules/tclsci/locales/fr_FR.po | jojolebestof | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 82% (62t;0f;13u) | scilab/modules/time/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 82% (114t;0f;25u) | scilab/modules/ui_data/locales/fr_FR.po | Stéphane Mottelet | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 51% (68t;0f;64u) | scilab/modules/umfpack/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 99% (431t;0f;1u) | scilab/modules/xcos/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
pulseeffects | 11% (43t;118f;224u) | po/fr_FR.po | Nathan Graule | |
kf6-ktexttemplate | 16% (1t;0f;5u) | examples/contacts/themes/gettext/dopey/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/dopey.po | Stephen Kelly | kde-i18n-doc at kde dot org |
nala | 99% (329t;2f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Emerick Biron | traduc at traduc dot org |
budgie-desktop | 85% (410t;0f;71u) | po/fr_FR.po | Joshua Strobl | French (France) (https://app dot transifex dot com/buddiesofbudgie/teams/129844/fr_FR/) |
soundconverter | 88% (104t;0f;13u) | po/fr_FR.po | AO | en at li dot org |
thonny | 99% (464t;1f;0u) | thonny/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/thonny.po | ||
python-humanize | 82% (55t;12f;0u) | src/humanize/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/humanize.po | Olivier Cortès | |
mate-tweak | 0% (0t;0f;103u) | po/fr_FR.po | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/mate/MATE/language/fr_FR/) | |
encfs | 78% (107t;3f;27u) | po/fr_FR.po | John McGuckian | fr_FR at li dot org |
mp3splt | 84% (131t;7f;17u) | libmp3splt/po/fr_FR.po | Chris38 | |
mp3splt | 72% (202t;43f;35u) | mp3splt-gtk/po/fr_FR.po | Chris38 | |
mp3splt | 80% (88t;12f;9u) | mp3splt/po/fr_FR.po | Chris38 | |
partclone | 75% (40t;6f;7u) | po/fr_FR.po | traduc at traduc dot org | |
input-remapper | 36% (36t;14f;49u) | po/fr_FR.po | ||
wordpress | 43% (214t;17f;256u) | debian/languages/continents-cities-fr_FR.po | Xavier B. | traduction at wordpress-fr dot net |
znc | 17% (3t;0f;14u) | modules/po/clientnotify.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 49% (83t;0f;84u) | modules/po/controlpanel.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/corecaps.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;32u) | modules/po/crypt.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;12u) | modules/po/ctcpflood.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;14u) | modules/po/cyrusauth.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;2u) | modules/po/disconkick.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;18u) | modules/po/flooddetach.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;17u) | modules/po/identfile.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;2u) | modules/po/imapauth.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;10u) | modules/po/keepnick.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;11u) | modules/po/kickrejoin.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;13u) | modules/po/lastseen.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;23u) | modules/po/listsockets.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/missingmotd.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/modperl.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/modpython.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/modules_online.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;16u) | modules/po/nickserv.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;26u) | modules/po/notes.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;4u) | modules/po/notify_connect.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;23u) | modules/po/perform.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;4u) | modules/po/perleval.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;2u) | modules/po/pyeval.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;11u) | modules/po/route_replies.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;26u) | modules/po/sample.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/samplewebapi.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;39u) | modules/po/sasl.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;11u) | modules/po/savebuff.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;4u) | modules/po/shell.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;17u) | modules/po/simple_away.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;22u) | modules/po/stickychan.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 0% (0t;0f;1u) | modules/po/stripcontrols.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 6% (3t;0f;42u) | modules/po/watch.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 95% (262t;0f;13u) | modules/po/webadmin.fr_FR.po | French | |
speedcrunch | 0% (0t;0f;8u) | doc/src/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/extra-doc-strings.po | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/polwel/test-439/language/fr_FR/) | |
speedcrunch | 0% (0t;0f;8u) | doc/src/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po | Pol Welter | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/polwel/test-439/language/fr_FR/) |
speedcrunch | 0% (0t;0f;13u) | doc/src/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/installation.po | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/polwel/test-439/language/fr_FR/) | |
speedcrunch | 0% (0t;0f;138u) | doc/src/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/reference.po | Pol Welter | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/polwel/test-439/language/fr_FR/) |
solvespace | 78% (317t;0f;86u) | res/locales/fr_FR.po | whitequark | none |
bpython | 55% (37t;0f;30u) | bpython/translations/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/bpython.po | Sebastian Ramacher | bpython developers |
pcsxr | 73% (546t;61f;134u) | po/fr_FR.po | Jean-André Santoni | jean dot andre dot santoni at gmail dot com |
cacti | 99% (4542t;14f;6u) | locales/po/fr-FR.po | Nicolas BUTIN | http://translate dot cacti dot net/projects/cacti/core-v1-2-x/fr/ |
gnubiff | 99% (220t;1f;1u) | po/fr_FR.po | Rougier | fr at li dot org |
vdr | 96% (528t;0f;18u) | po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
pacpl | po/fr_FR.po | |||
opencpn | 99% (1960t;0f;2u) | po/opencpn_fr_FR.po | French | |
xtrkcad | 94% (2854t;98f;55u) | app/i18n/fr_FR.po | Martin Fischer | |
flask-security | 47% (120t;1f;131u) | flask_security/translations/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/flask_security.po | Alexandre Bulté | |
4pane | 2% (38t;0f;1847u) | locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/fr_FR.po | DavidGH | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/davidgh/4Pane/language/fr_FR/) |
gnome-shell-extension-flypie | 98% (367t;0f;4u) | po/fr_FR.po | Zekovski | |
vdr-plugin-streamdev | 53% (8t;0f;7u) | client/po/fr_FR.po | micky979 | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
vdr-plugin-streamdev | 53% (14t;0f;12u) | server/po/fr_FR.po | micky979 | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
w-scan-cpp | 73% (28t;1f;9u) | vdr/PLUGINS/src/wirbelscan-2023.10.15/po/fr_FR.po | wk | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
w-scan-cpp | 97% (528t;0f;15u) | vdr/po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
fvwm-crystal | 94% (535t;8f;24u) | fvwm/locale/fr_FR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/fvwm-crystal.po | Dominique Michel | French |
desktopfolder | 48% (56t;0f;59u) | po/fr_FR.po | Olivier Colpin | French (France) (https://www dot transifex dot com/ubuntu-budgie/teams/72251/fr_FR/) |
3depict | 42% (620t;4f;840u) | translations/3Depict_fr_FR.po | mycae | French (http://www dot transifex dot com/mycae/3depict/language/fr/) |
vdr-plugin-epgsearch | 85% (341t;21f;36u) | po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
colorhug-client | 55% (162t;0f;132u) | po/fr_FR.po | Richard Hughes | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/projects/p/colorhug-client/language/fr_FR/) |
txt2regex | 95% (76t;0f;4u) | po/fr_FR.po | wwp | |
nagvis | 95% (482t;0f;25u) | share/frontend/nagvis-js/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/nagvis.po | Nicolas Chancereul | nicolas dot chancereul at gmail dot com |
ganyremote | 97% (145t;0f;3u) | po/fr_FR.po | Pierre Dumot | French |
cmake-fedora | 92% (59t;0f;5u) | test/data/po/fr_FR.po | ||
kanyremote | 90% (131t;11f;3u) | po/fr_FR.po | Pierre Dumot | French |
vdr-plugin-live | 57% (209t;27f;129u) | po/fr_FR.po | Nicolas Huillard | see developers in README |
matchbox-panel | 68% (13t;2f;4u) | po/fr_FR.po | Brice | Info at Substantiel dot fr |
vdr-plugin-mp3 | 96% (113t;0f;4u) | po/fr_FR.po | Stefan Huelswitt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
kooha | 85% (82t;1f;13u) | po/fr_FR.po | Anonymous | |
vdr-plugin-osdteletext | 16% (15t;0f;74u) | po/fr_FR.po | Nival Michaël | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
anope | 99% (1735t;0f;1u) | language/anope.fr_FR.po | Thomas Fargeix | French |
vdr-plugin-fritzbox | 51% (39t;20f;17u) | po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
ledgersmb | 0% (0t;0f;1798u) | locale/po/fr_FR.po | ||
vdr-plugin-skinenigmang | 80% (108t;4f;22u) | po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
Section : non-free
Paquet | Note | Fichier | Traducteur | Équipe |
libretro-snes9x | 46% (202t;39f;189u) | gtk/po/fr_FR.po | tukuyomi |
Les paquets pour lesquels la traduction est à jour
Section : main
Paquet | Note | Fichier | Traducteur | Équipe |
python-tornado | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | tornado/test/gettext_translations/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tornado_test.po | ||
grantlee5 | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | examples/contacts/fr_FR.po | Stephen Kelly | kde-i18n-doc at kde dot org |
proftpd-dfsg | 100% (176t;0f;0u) | locale/fr_FR.po | Davy Defaud | none |
brisk-menu | 100% (21t;0f;0u) | subprojects/translations/fr_FR.po | Pierre-Yves | |
jupyter-notebook | 100% (446t;0f;0u) | notebook/i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/nbjs.po | Mathis HAMMEL | |
scilab | 100% (8t;0f;0u) | scilab/contrib/toolbox_skeleton/locales/fr_FR.po | ||
scilab | 100% (6t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/action_binding/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (67t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/api_scilab/locales/fr_FR.po | Michel Hua | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (9t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/boolean/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/call_scilab/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/commons/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (9t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/completion/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/coverage/locales/fr_FR.po | CARNIS Adeline | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/demo_tools/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (70t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/development_tools/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (48t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/external_objects/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (18t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/external_objects_java/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (35t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/fftw/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/functions_manager/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (13t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/graph/locales/fr_FR.po | Clément David | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (3t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/graphic_objects/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (216t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/hdf5/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (16t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/history_browser/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (14t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/integer/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (62t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/io/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (50t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/jvm/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (16t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/localization/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/mexlib/locales/fr_FR.po | ycollet | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (23t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/mpi/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (42t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/output_stream/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/parallel/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (37t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/parameters/locales/fr_FR.po | Mickael Albertus | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (29t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/preferences/locales/fr_FR.po | | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/renderer/locales/fr_FR.po | Julie PAUL | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (89t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/slint/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/startup/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (88t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/string/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (20t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/types/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (18t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/webtools/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (24t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/windows_tools/locales/fr_FR.po | Paul Bignier | fr at li dot org |
scilab | 100% (89t;0f;0u) | scilab/modules/xml/locales/fr_FR.po | davidcl | fr at li dot org |
kf6-ktexttemplate | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | examples/contacts/fr_FR.po | Stephen Kelly | kde-i18n-doc at kde dot org |
scummvm | 100% (2458t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Thierry Crozat | |
clipit | 100% (78t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Cristian Henzel | French (France) (http://www dot transifex dot com/shantzu/clipit/language/fr_FR/) |
grsync | 100% (162t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Philippe Corbes | ersplus at free dot fr, ianare at gmail dot com |
wordpress | 100% (2245t;0f;0u) | debian/languages/admin-fr_FR.po | Xavier B. | traduction at wordpress-fr dot net |
wordpress | 100% (262t;0f;0u) | debian/languages/admin-network-fr_FR.po | Xavier B. | traduction at wordpress-fr dot net |
wordpress | 100% (1746t;0f;0u) | debian/languages/fr_FR.po | Xavier B. | traduction at wordpress-fr dot net |
znc | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | modules/po/admindebug.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (14t;0f;0u) | modules/po/adminlog.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (27t;0f;0u) | modules/po/alias.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (18t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autoattach.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (14t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autocycle.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (38t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autoop.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (7t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autoreply.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (24t;0f;0u) | modules/po/autovoice.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (23t;0f;0u) | modules/po/awaystore.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | modules/po/block_motd.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (21t;0f;0u) | modules/po/blockuser.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (26t;0f;0u) | modules/po/bouncedcc.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (9t;0f;0u) | modules/po/buffextras.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (14t;0f;0u) | modules/po/cert.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (23t;0f;0u) | modules/po/certauth.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | modules/po/chansaver.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (1t;0f;0u) | modules/po/clearbufferonmsg.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (24t;0f;0u) | modules/po/fail2ban.fr_FR.po | French | |
znc | 100% (6t;0f;0u) | modules/po/partyline.fr_FR.po | Various people | French |
znc | 100% (67t;0f;0u) | modules/po/q.fr_FR.po | Various people | French |
easyeffects | 100% (210t;0f;0u) | po/news/fr_FR.po | Bundy01 | |
kubernetes | 100% (16t;0f;0u) | translations/kubectl/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/k8s.po | Brendan Burns | |
aegisub | 100% (1382t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | César Alexanian | cerkil at free dot fr |
typespeed | 100% (101t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Charles Clément | French |
vdr | 100% (6t;0f;0u) | PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
vdr | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | PLUGINS/src/pictures/po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
mlmmj | 100% (23t;0f;0u) | contrib/web/php-moderation/translations/fr_FR.po | Thomas Goirand | thomas at goirand dot fr |
opencpn | 100% (102t;0f;0u) | plugins/chartdldr_pi/po/fr_FR.po | French | |
opencpn | 100% (131t;0f;0u) | plugins/dashboard_pi/po/fr_FR.po | French | |
opencpn | 100% (306t;0f;0u) | plugins/grib_pi/po/fr_FR.po | French | |
opencpn | 100% (47t;0f;0u) | plugins/wmm_pi/po/fr_FR.po | French | |
searchmonkey | 100% (366t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Adam Cottrell | cottrela at users dot sf dot net |
keyman | 100% (72t;0f;0u) | linux/keyman-config/locale/fr_FR.po | French | |
gplanarity | 100% (79t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Lerique Julien | ljpupfr at gmail dot com |
w-scan-cpp | 100% (6t;0f;0u) | vdr/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
w-scan-cpp | 100% (5t;0f;0u) | vdr/PLUGINS/src/pictures/po/fr_FR.po | Patrice Staudt | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
fvwm-crystal | 100% (40t;0f;0u) | fvwm/locale/fr_FR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/fvwm-crystal-script.po | Dominique Michel | French |
lazygal | 100% (87t;0f;0u) | locale/fr_FR.po | Alexandre Rossi | |
vdr-plugin-femon | 100% (125t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Bernard Jaulin | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
sphinxcontrib-httpdomain | 100% (12t;0f;0u) | sphinxcontrib/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/httpdomain.po | ||
vdr-plugin-remote | 100% (11t;0f;0u) | po/fr_FR.po | Pierre Briec | vdr at linuxtv dot org |
python-cron-descriptor | 100% (43t;0f;0u) | cron_descriptor/locale/fr_FR.po | Adam Schubert |
Packages POT files
For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:
Link to PO template filesPaquets sans fichiers PO
Suivez ce lien pour voir la liste des paquets non internationalisés.
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