Nota: La página original es más nueva que esta traducción.

Estado de los archivos PO por código de idioma: be@latin — Belarusian

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50898 cadenas están traducidas a este idioma (de 1152410). Los paquetes están en tres almacenes: traducciones en curso, traducciones actualizadas y traducciones por hacer.

En cada tabla, los paquetes se ordenan según su puntuación en la encuesta de popularidad, de forma que los traductores se puedan centrar en los paquetes más populares.

Paquetes para los que la traducción está en curso

Puede descargar y traducir estos archivos PO, y remitirlos como informes de fallo a los responsables del paquete.

Sección: main

Paquete Puntuación Fichero Traductor Grupo
systemd 45% (107t;56f;70u)po/be@latin.poViktar Vaŭčkievič
at-spi2-core 99% (170t;1f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
glib2.0 46% (347t;104f;296u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gtk+2.0 86% (1490t;175f;54u)po-properties/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
gtk+2.0 92% (986t;39f;40u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
gtk+3.0 81% (1364t;228f;74u)po-properties/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
gtk+3.0 90% (743t;41f;37u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
gdk-pixbuf 91% (185t;12f;5u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
gcr 25% (59t;71f;97u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kdeclarative 28% (7t;6f;12u)po/be@latin/kdeclarative5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gedit-plugins 81% (384t;58f;27u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
evolution 97% (4925t;33f;95u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hračyškai18n at mova dot org
totem 99% (596t;3f;1u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 0% (0t;6f;15u)po/be@latin/kcm_autostart.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 21% (43t;96f;65u)po/be@latin/kcm_colors.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 13% (4t;12f;14u)po/be@latin/kcm_icons.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 16% (24t;69f;54u)po/be@latin/klipper.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 0% (0t;0f;1u)po/be@latin/krdb.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 50% (3t;3f;0u)po/be@latin/libkworkspace.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 0% (0t;3f;2u)po/be@latin/plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.analogclock.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 0% (0t;22f;38u)po/be@latin/plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.battery.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 0% (0t;7f;13u)po/be@latin/plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.devicenotifier.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 0% (0t;1f;1u)po/be@latin/plasma_engine_applicationjobs.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace 10% (5t;15f;26u)po/be@latin/plasma_wallpaper_org.kde.image.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-keyring 56% (62t;23f;24u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gobject-introspection 46% (347t;104f;296u)glib/po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
network-manager 0% (0t;16f;2235u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
libnma 10% (20t;77f;86u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kio 94% (1291t;77f;5u)po/be@latin/kio5.poDarafei PraliaskouskiBelarusian
cheese 90% (90t;0f;9u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gtk4 90% (743t;41f;37u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
xdg-user-dirs 92% (26t;2f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshka
gnome-terminal 99% (430t;0f;2u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-session 94% (108t;0f;6u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
gdm3 43% (38t;21f;28u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
knewstuff 9% (23t;116f;92u)po/be@latin/knewstuff5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
nautilus 97% (1287t;8f;19u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
yelp 99% (346t;0f;3u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
kcmutils 42% (16t;20f;2u)po/be@latin/kcmutils5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
mutter 99% (409t;2f;2u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kservice 28% (8t;16f;4u)po/be@latin/kservice5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kwin 15% (75t;113f;295u)po/be@latin/kwin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kiconthemes 52% (10t;5f;4u)po/be@latin/kiconthemes5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kxmlgui 91% (211t;19f;0u)po/be@latin/kxmlgui5.poAlaksandr SušaBelarusian
ki18n 98% (108t;1f;1u)po/be@latin/ki18n5.poDarafei PraliaskouskiBelarusian
kparts 53% (16t;10f;4u)po/be@latin/kparts5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
powerdevil 4% (4t;29f;53u)po/be@latin/powerdevil.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kconfigwidgets 99% (124t;1f;0u)po/be@latin/kconfigwidgets5.poDarafei PraliaskouskiBelarusian
synaptic 80% (589t;6f;141u)po/be@latin.pobe at latin at li dot org
ktextwidgets 73% (96t;9f;25u)po/be@latin/ktextwidgets5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
network-manager-applet 12% (112t;316f;446u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
khtml 79% (231t;21f;37u)po/be@latin/khtml5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gucharmap 74% (213t;0f;72u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
chromium 81% (1364t;228f;74u)third_party/wayland-protocols/gtk/po-properties/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
chromium 90% (743t;41f;37u)third_party/wayland-protocols/gtk/po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
kdelibs4support 36% (920t;767f;857u)po/be@latin/kdelibs4support.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
oxygen 1% (1t;1f;60u)po/be@latin/oxygen_style_config.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
oxygen 0% (0t;0f;157u)po/be@latin/oxygen_style_demo.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kross 80% (28t;7f;0u)po/be@latin/kross5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
konqueror 66% (4t;2f;0u)po/be@latin/kcmkonq.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
konqueror 62% (10t;3f;3u)po/be@latin/kfmclient.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
konqueror 69% (223t;43f;53u)po/be@latin/konqueror.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
konqueror 87% (7t;1f;0u)po/be@latin/kshellcmdplugin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
konqueror 73% (11t;1f;3u)po/be@latin/libkonq.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
knotifyconfig 88% (15t;2f;0u)po/be@latin/knotifyconfig5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
pidgin 76% (2454t;512f;225u)po/be@latin.poYOUR NAMEbe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
gnome-system-monitor 77% (184t;0f;54u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-calculator 67% (277t;0f;133u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-font-viewer 0% (0t;7f;11u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
gnome-video-effects 43% (10t;2f;11u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
cinnamon-desktop 37% (12t;1f;19u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
baobab 86% (109t;9f;8u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
kio-extras 75% (6t;0f;2u)po/be@latin/kio5_bookmarks.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kio-extras 57% (4t;1f;2u)po/be@latin/kio5_fish.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kio-extras 53% (16t;8f;6u)po/be@latin/kio5_man.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kio-extras 25% (2t;0f;6u)po/be@latin/kio5_nfs.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kio-extras 70% (14t;2f;4u)po/be@latin/kio5_smb.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kio-extras 90% (9t;1f;0u)po/be@latin/kio5_thumbnail.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
konsole 89% (755t;60f;25u)po/be@latin/konsole.poZmicierkde-i18n-doc at kde dot org
kde-cli-tools 81% (58t;8f;5u)po/be@latin/kcm5_filetypes.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kde-cli-tools 82% (34t;3f;4u)po/be@latin/kdesu5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kde-cli-tools 0% (0t;3f;4u)po/be@latin/kmimetypefinder5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kde-cli-tools 89% (26t;0f;3u)po/be@latin/kstart5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
dolphin 87% (657t;82f;12u)po/be@latin/dolphin.poSiarhei LiantsevichBelarusian
plasma-desktop 16% (4t;19f;2u)po/be@latin/kcm_desktoppaths.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-desktop 45% (15t;8f;10u)po/be@latin/kcmkclock.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-desktop 34% (25t;21f;26u)po/be@latin/kcmkeyboard.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-desktop 9% (10t;59f;38u)po/be@latin/plasma_applet_org.kde.desktopcontainment.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-desktop 14% (4t;9f;15u)po/be@latin/plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.pager.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-desktop 3% (4t;23f;97u)po/be@latin/plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.taskmanager.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-desktop 12% (1t;6f;1u)po/be@latin/plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.trash.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
muffin 99% (409t;2f;2u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-screenshot 71% (42t;15f;2u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
keditbookmarks 72% (96t;35f;1u)po/be@latin/keditbookmarks.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
systemsettings 7% (4t;6f;44u)po/be@latin/systemsettings.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kinit 54% (6t;4f;1u)po/be@latin/kinit5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
metacity 99% (403t;2f;2u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
light-locker 24% (9t;19f;9u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gcr4 25% (59t;71f;97u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
khelpcenter 80% (72t;10f;8u)po/be@latin/khelpcenter5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kfind 63% (74t;29f;14u)po/be@latin/kfind.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kdialog 53% (40t;15f;20u)po/be@latin/kdialog.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
libmateweather 98% (4319t;0f;72u)po-locations/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
vino 77% (87t;0f;25u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-panel 82% (417t;54f;37u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-applets 99% (788t;0f;5u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
cinnamon-translations 1% (8t;0f;542u)po-export/cinnamon-control-center/cinnamon-control-center-be@latin.poLaunchpad Translations Administratorspl at li dot org
cinnamon-translations 3% (1t;0f;26u)po-export/cinnamon-screensaver/cinnamon-screensaver-be@latin.poLaunchpad Translations Administratorsi18n at mova dot org
cinnamon-translations 46% (18t;0f;21u)po-export/cinnamon-session/cinnamon-session-be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
cinnamon-translations 0% (0t;0f;255u)po-export/cinnamon-settings-daemon/cinnamon-settings-daemon-be@latin.poLaunchpad Translations Administratorspl at li dot org
gnome-power-manager 71% (103t;8f;33u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
phpmyadmin 19% (668t;1372f;1387u)po/be@latin.poMaurício Meneghini Fauth
gnome-dictionary 94% (173t;4f;6u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
kjsembed 86% (38t;2f;4u)po/be@latin/kjsembed5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 0% (1t;0f;122u)po/be@latin.poChris
phpmyadmin-sql-parser 83% (44t;7f;2u)locale/be@latin/LC_MESSAGES/sqlparser.poliviuconcioiu
network-manager-pptp 25% (24t;8f;62u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
liferea 44% (240t;152f;144u)po/be@latin.poBelarusian Latin
network-manager-l2tp 13% (27t;0f;173u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
asunder 68% (63t;15f;14u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
network-manager-fortisslvpn 6% (4t;7f;49u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
poedit 10% (71t;103f;516u)locales/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navicki
gajim 8% (147t;1060f;611u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
caja-seahorse 97% (107t;3f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
elogind 77% (57t;13f;4u)po/be@latin.poViktar Vaŭčkievič
pluma-plugins 81% (384t;58f;27u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
network-manager-sstp 17% (25t;15f;102u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
seahorse-nautilus 97% (107t;3f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
ukwm 14% (11t;25f;38u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-sdk 57% (36t;16f;11u)po/be@latin/plasmaengineexplorer.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-sdk 17% (3t;6f;8u)po/be@latin/plasmoidviewer.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
sugar 0% (1t;0f;528u)po/be@latin.poChris
budgie-session 94% (108t;0f;6u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
exaile 48% (545t;134f;442u)po/be@latin.poViktar Vauchkevich
grimripper 69% (63t;15f;13u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org

Paquetes ya traducidos

Sección: main

Paquete Puntuación Fichero Traductor Grupo
gvfs100% (326t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-desktop100% (52t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
rhythmbox100% (987t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
evince100% (312t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkahttp://be-latin dot open-tran dot eu
plasma-workspace100% (6t;0f;0u)po/be@latin/kcminit.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace100% (3t;0f;0u)po/be@latin/kio5_applications.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace100% (2t;0f;0u)po/be@latin/phonon_kde_plugin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
plasma-workspace100% (1t;0f;0u)po/be@latin/soliduiserver5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
libwnck3100% (241t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
vte2.91100% (20t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
shared-mime-info100% (561t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkatranslation-team-be-latin at lists dot sourceforge dot net
libksysguard100% (6t;0f;0u)po/be@latin/ksysguardlsofwidgets.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
libgnomekbd100% (49t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
totem-pl-parser100% (7t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-menus100% (58t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
zenity100% (135t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
tracker100% (291t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
libgweather4100% (4381t;0f;0u)po-locations/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
libgweather4100% (179t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
gnome-control-center100% (770t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickipl at li dot org
gnome-settings-daemon100% (171t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickipl at li dot org
tracker-miners100% (291t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
yelp-xsl100% (92t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-icon-theme100% (38t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gedit100% (1099t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
konqueror100% (3t;0f;0u)po/be@latin/khtmltts.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
xdg-user-dirs-gtk100% (11t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
eog100% (285t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poYOUR NAMEbe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
file-roller100% (284t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
kpty100% (4t;0f;0u)po/be@latin/kpty5.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
seahorse100% (751t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
kio-extras100% (2t;0f;0u)po/be@latin/kio5_archive.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gtk2-engines100% (45t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
dialog100% (23t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkatranslation-team-be-latin at lists dot sourceforge dot net
vinagre100% (168t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
sound-juicer100% (198t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickibe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
lxmenu-data100% (37t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
nautilus-sendto100% (60t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-system-tools100% (391t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
alacarte100% (16t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
vte100% (20t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
epiphany-browser100% (918t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poAlaksandar Navickii18n at mova dot org
libcryptui100% (751t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu
devhelp100% (101t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
eog-plugins100% (7t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
gnome-screensaver100% (154t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkai18n at mova dot org
dasher100% (198t;0f;0u)po/be@latin.poIhar Hrachyshkabe-latin dot open-tran dot eu

Packages POT files

For packages, that are prepared for translation, but not yet translated into your language, you can find the POT files here:

Link to PO template files

Paquetes sin archivo PO

Siga este enlace para ver la lista de paquetes sin archivo PO.

Esta página se ha generado con los datos recogidos en: 28 de junio de 2024. Antes de trabajar en estos ficheros, ¡asegúrese de que están al día!