Debian in Swedish


The intention of these pages are to collect specific information interesting for Swedish speaking Debian users in Sweden, Finland and the whole world. If you have tips or ideas for improvement, or find anything wrong, please contact Andreas Rönnquist,

Denna sida är också tillgänglig på svenska, och om din webbläsare varit korrekt konfigurerad hade du fått den versionen istället.

Table of contents

Here is an index of what is available on these pages:

Mailing lists and other support
Here you can find information about the mailing lists that might be of interest for Swedish Debian users, plus information about other ways of getting support.
Swedish speaking contributors to the Debian Project
A list of projects in Debian related to the Swedish language. We always need help, here you can find what projects suit you.
Related resources
Links that may be of interest for Swedish speaking Debian and Linux users.
Debian dictionary
A dictionary over how Debian specific terms are translated into Swedish, on these web pages and in other places, as well as some links to other related translation projects.

Please also see our pages about Debian in Finnish, Norwegian and Danish.