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Debian 10, van inleiding tot systeembeheer
Tekijä: Koen Wybo
Debian Release: 10/Buster
Julkaisija: pumbo

Debian 9 is the must-have handbook for learning Linux. Start on the beginners level and learn how to deploy the system with graphical interface and terminal. This book provides the basic knowledge to grow and become a 'junior' systems administrator. Start off with exploring the GNOME desktop interface and adjust it to your personal needs. Overcome your fear of using the Linux terminal and learn the most essential commands in administering Debian. Expand your knowledge of system services (systemd) and learn how to adapt them. Get more out of the software in Debian and outside of Debian. Manage your home-network with network-manager, etc. 10 percent of the profits on this book will be donated to the Debian Project.


The Debian Administrator's Handbook, Debian Buster from Discovery to Mastery
Tekijä: Raphaël Hertzog, Roland Mas
Debian Release: 10/Buster
Julkaisija: Freexian
Saatavilla: Lulu

Written by two Debian developers, this free book started as a translation of their French best-seller known as Cahier de l'admin Debian (published by Eyrolles). Accessible to all, this book teaches the essentials to anyone who wants to become an effective and independent Debian GNU/Linux administrator. It covers all the topics that a competent Linux administrator should master, from the installation and the update of the system, up to the creation of packages and the compilation of the kernel, but also monitoring, backup and migration, without forgetting advanced topics like SELinux setup to secure services, automated installations, or virtualization with Xen, KVM or LXC.

Debian GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
Tekijä: Graham J Williams
Debian Release: 9/Stretch
Julkaisija: Togaware

The aim of this freely available book is to get you up to speed with Debian. It is comprehensive with basic support for the user who installs and maintains the system themselves (whether in the home, office, club, or school). Some Debian specific information are very old.


Debian 8 Jessie : GNU/Linux
Tekijä: Raphaël Hertzog, Roland Mas
Debian Release: 8/Jessie
Julkaisija: Eyrolles
Saatavilla: Amazon, Eyrolles

Ensimmäine ranskankielinen Debian-kirja on jo viidennessä laitoksessaan. Kirjassa käsitellään kaikkia Debianin ylläpidon aiheita asennuksesta verkkopalvelujen räätälöintiin. Koska kirjan on kirjoittanut kaksi Debian-kehittäjää, teos voi kiinnostaa monia henkilöitä: aloittelijoita, jotka tutkivat Debiania, kokeneempia käyttäjiä, jotka etsivät vinkkejä Debian-työkalujen käyttötaitojen kehittämiseen sekä ylläpitäjiä, jotka haluavat rakentaa luotettavan verkon Debianin varaan.


Tekijä: Axel Beckert, Frank Hofmann
Debian Release: 9/Stretch
Julkaisija: Onyx Neon

The book covers topics ranging from concepts of package management over the available tools and how they're used to concrete problems which may occur in real life and how they can be solved. The book is written in German, an English translation is planned. Format: e-book (Online, HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi), printed book planned.

Debian GNU/Linux: Das umfassende Handbuch (aktuell zu »Jessie«)
Tekijä: Heike Jurzik
Debian Release: 8/Jessie
Julkaisija: Rheinwerk Computing
Saatavilla: Amazon, Rheinwerk

This book teaches you how to install and configure the system and also how to use Debian in a professional environment. It shows the full potential of the distribution (in its current version 8) and provides a practical manual for all users who want to learn more about Debian and its range of services.

Debian GNU/Linux Anwenderhandbuch
Tekijä: Frank Ronneburg
Debian Release: 7/Wheezy
Julkaisija: Addison Wesley


Debian 管理者ハンドブック、Debian Jessie との出会いから習熟まで
Tekijä: Raphaël Hertzog, Roland Mas
Debian Release: 8/Jessie
Julkaisija: Freexian
Saatavilla: Lulu

Written by two Debian developers, this free book started as a translation of their French best-seller known as Cahier de l'admin Debian (published by Eyrolles). Accessible to all, this book teaches the essentials to anyone who wants to become an effective and independent Debian GNU/Linux administrator. It covers all the topics that a competent Linux administrator should master, from the installation and the update of the system, up to the creation of packages and the compilation of the kernel, but also monitoring, backup and migration, without forgetting advanced topics like SELinux setup to secure services, automated installations, or virtualization with Xen, KVM or LXC.


데비안 리눅스 활용과 보안 [칼리 리눅스의 원조]
Tekijä: 오 동진, 이 태희
Debian Release: 8/Jessie
Julkaisija: AcornPub
Saatavilla: Yes24, Kyobobook, Aladin

Written by two penetration researcher - Annihilator, Firstblood. This book teaches you how to build and configure Debian 8.x server system security hardening using Kali Linux and Debian simultaneously. DNS, FTP, SAMBA, DHCP, Apache2 webserver, etc. From the perspective that 'the origin of Kali Linux is Debian', it explains how to enhance Debian's security by applying the method of penetration testing. This book covers various security issues like SSL certificates, UFW firewall, MySQL Vulnerability, commercial Symantec antivirus, including Snort intrusion detection system.


El manual del Administrador de Debian
Tekijä: Raphaël Hertzog, Roland Mas
Debian Release: 8/Jessie
Julkaisija: Freexian
Saatavilla: Lulu, Amazon

Written by two Debian developers, this free book started as a translation of their French best-seller known as Cahier de l'admin Debian (published by Eyrolles). Accessible to all, this book teaches the essentials to anyone who wants to become an effective and independent Debian GNU/Linux administrator. It covers all the topics that a competent Linux administrator should master, from the installation and the update of the system, up to the creation of packages and the compilation of the kernel, but also monitoring, backup and migration, without forgetting advanced topics like SELinux setup to secure services, automated installations, or virtualization with Xen, KVM or LXC.

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