Pacotes requisitados
Essa lista também está disponível ordenada por idade.
- 0bin: A client-side encrypted pastebin., requisitado há 3871 dias.
- 2mandvd: Video DVD creator, requisitado há 4449 dias.
- 3proxy: tiny free proxy server, requisitado há 4163 dias.
- abduco: lightweight session manager with {de,at}tach support, requisitado há 2397 dias.
- abimap: A helper for library maintainers to use symbol versioning, requisitado há 2278 dias.
- aces2: Advanced Concepts in Electronic Structure II, requisitado há 4838 dias.
- acpilight: backward-compatible replacement for xbacklight that uses the ACPI interface, requisitado há 1450 dias.
- activitywatch: automated and extensible privacy-focused time tracker, requisitado há 1278 dias.
- ad2openldap: Replication tool to populate OpenLDAP with objects from AD, requisitado há 4349 dias.
- adafruit-blinka: CircuitPython API for devices running CPython, requisitado há 1325 dias.
- adagios: Adagios is an alternative web configuration (and status) interface to nagios/icinga/shinken, requisitado há 3903 dias.
- adbfuse: fuse layer for ADB, requisitado há 4058 dias.
- adderall: a miniKanren implementation in Hy, requisitado há 3803 dias.
- addon-sdk: development environment for Iceweasel add-ons, requisitado há 4288 dias.
- adk2tool: Android accessory development kit tools, requisitado há 4088 dias.
- adriconf: GUI tool to configure open source graphics drivers, requisitado há 1548 dias.
- aerofoil: Multiplatform port of 1994 Macintosh game 'Glider PRO', requisitado há 578 dias.
- aerospike-database: Distributed, scalable NoSQL database that supports both strict and eventual consistency, requisitado há 259 dias.
- afaq-dl: Download/update the sources of anarchism book, requisitado há 2854 dias.
- affiliatefox-fsfe: iceweasel plugin for fsfe, requisitado há 5365 dias.
- afl-utils: collection of utilities for American Fuzzy Lop, requisitado há 2952 dias.
- aften: ATSC A/52 (AC3 audio) encoder, requisitado há 4541 dias.
- afterwriting: Afterwriting provides post-processing tools for Fountain screenplays, requisitado há 1685 dias.
- ags: Please add 'ags' (adventure game studio) to Debian games, requisitado há 2961 dias.
- aguilas: A web-based LDAP user management system, requisitado há 4752 dias.
- ai-sdc: A collection of tools and resources for managing the statistical disclosure control of trained machine learning models., requisitado há 260 dias.
- aiohttp-csrf: The library provides csrf (xsrf) protection for aiohttp.web, requisitado há 1737 dias.
- aiohttp-debugtoolbar: debugtoolbar for aiohttp.web, requisitado há 3065 dias.
- aiotdlib: Python asyncio Telegram client, requisitado há 280 dias.
- airdcpp-webclient: Direct Connect file-sharing client with web front-end, requisitado há 3075 dias.
- airflow: Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines, requisitado há 3186 dias.
- airoscript-ng: User interface for aircrack-ng, requisitado há 4972 dias.
- airsonic-advance: a web based media stream server, requisitado há 6197 dias.
- airspeed-velocity: Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting, requisitado há 2895 dias.
- ajaxometer: web-based download and upload speed test utility, requisitado há 3975 dias.
- ajenti: multilingual web-based server administration panel, requisitado há 3452 dias.
- akvcam-dkms: Virtual camera driver for Linux, requisitado há 1201 dias.
- alaveteli: free software to help citizens write Freedom of Information requests and automatically publish any responses, requisitado há 3920 dias.
- aldor: The Aldor Programming Language, requisitado há 1768 dias.
- alephone: marathon engine for related data games, requisitado há 8435 dias.
- alexvsbus: a platform runner game, requisitado há 310 dias.
- alfanous: Quranic search engine, requisitado há 2790 dias.
- alienfeed: Reddit command-line client, requisitado há 4062 dias.
- amazfish: Companion application for the Huami Amazfit Bip, Cor, MiBand2/3 and GTS, requisitado há 1436 dias.
- amazon-chalice: Python microframework for AWS Lambda, requisitado há 2941 dias.
- amazon-dsstne: deep scalable sparse tensor network engine, requisitado há 3138 dias.
- amazon-ec2-hibinit-agent: Amazon EC2 instance hibernation support, requisitado há 628 dias.
- amber-lang: A programming language that compiles to Bash, requisitado há 188 dias.
- ambix-plugins: ambiX Ambisonic plug-in suite, requisitado há 3207 dias.
- amdgpu-opencl: Open-source OpenCL support for AMD GPUs, requisitado há 755 dias.
- amdgpu-pro: proprietary AMD graphics drivers, requisitado há 2948 dias.
- amdpal: Platform Abstraction Library, requisitado há 2197 dias.
- amdvlk: AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan, requisitado há 2197 dias.
- amnesia-amachineforpigs: A survival horror adventure video game, requisitado há 1546 dias.
- amnesia-thedarkdescent: A survival horror adventure video game, requisitado há 1546 dias.
- amphp-serialization: Serialization tools for IPC and data storage, requisitado há 933 dias.
- amphp-socket: Async socket connection / server tools for Amp, requisitado há 933 dias.
- amphp-sync: Mutex, Semaphore, and other synchronization tools for Amp, requisitado há 932 dias.
- anarch: oldschool first-person-shooter game, requisitado há 698 dias.
- android-platform-external-conscrypt: Java Security Provider that uses OpenSSL, requisitado há 3138 dias.
- android-platform-frameworks-compile: Android compiler frameworks, requisitado há 3413 dias.
- android-studio: An integrated development environment for Android, requisitado há 3878 dias.
- android: Android SDK (mobile phone platform), requisitado há 6195 dias.
- androiddeployqt: Build Qt applications for Android, requisitado há 2144 dias.
- anew: Tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates (program), requisitado há 315 dias.
- angle-grinder: Slice and dice logs on the command line, requisitado há 1850 dias.
- anglerfish: helper library for Python applications, requisitado há 2932 dias.
- angular-base64: Base64 conversion for AngularJS, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angular-dashboard-framework: Dashboard framework with Angular.js and Twitter Bootstrap, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angular-dialog-service: AngularJS service with controllers and templates for generating application modals and dialogs, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angular-google-chart: Google Chart Tools AngularJS Directive Module, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angular-input-dropdown: Angular directive for creating an input field with a dropdown list, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angular-local-storage: AngularJS module that gives you access to the browsers local storage with cookie fallback, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angular-ui-router: companion suite(s) to the AngularJS framework, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angular-ui-sortable: allows you to sort an array with drag & drop, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angular-ui-tree: tree component for AngularJS, without jQuery as dependency, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- angularjs-batarang: AngularJS WebInspector Extension for Chrome, requisitado há 4042 dias.
- animeeffects: 2D keyframe animation tool based on deformation of polygon meshes, requisitado há 2808 dias.
- anki-sync-server: a personal synchronisation server for Anki (a flashcard learning program), requisitado há 3308 dias.
- annealmail: Icedove pqcrypto add-on, requisitado há 2917 dias.
- annex: anime themed real time strategy game, requisitado há 3698 dias.
- anox: anoX permits to run an application in, requisitado há 4767 dias.
- antu-icon-theme: smooth theme designed for Plasma and KDE, requisitado há 802 dias.
- anura: 2D game engine, requisitado há 412 dias.
- anyenv: development environment setup tools for various languages, requisitado há 2667 dias.
- anything-sync-daemon: Symlink and sync user specified directories into RAM, requisitado há 2977 dias.
- apache-arrow: cross-language development platform for in-memory analytics, requisitado há 1563 dias.
- apache-directory-studio: The Eclipse-based LDAP, requisitado há 4014 dias.
- apache-karaf: A small OSGi based application server provisioned from maven, and with an integrated SSH server., requisitado há 2598 dias.
- apache-mesos: Cluster manager for sharing distributed application frameworks, requisitado há 3762 dias.
- apache-spark: lightning-fast cluster computing, requisitado há 3352 dias.
- apfs-fuse: FUSE driver for Apple File System (APFS), requisitado há 2379 dias.
- apg-gui: GUI for Automated Password Generator (APG), requisitado há 3821 dias.
- apparmor.d: Full set of AppArmor profiles (~ 1500 profiles), requisitado há 289 dias.
- appfap: reduce priority of desktop applications in the background, requisitado há 3173 dias.
- apr-json: JSON serializer / deserializer for use with Apache Portable Runtime (APR), requisitado há 4341 dias.
- apt-wishlist: Utility that allows users to request their sysadmin to install some package, requisitado há 4142 dias.
- aptkit: Transaction based package management service, requisitado há 97 dias.
- arangodb: ArangoDB is a multi-model mostly-memory database with a flexible data model for documents and graphs., requisitado há 3749 dias.
- arasan: xboard-compatible chess engine, requisitado há 3677 dias.
- arasuite: set of tools useful for working with people with communication disabilities, requisitado há 2575 dias.
- archivebox: open source self-hosted web archive, requisitado há 2114 dias.
- arctic: high performance datastore for time series and tick data, requisitado há 3453 dias.
- arduide: Qt-based IDE for Arduino development, requisitado há 4429 dias.
- arduino-reference-en: English reference documentation for Arduino IDE, requisitado há 2750 dias.
- arista-go: Arista Go Library, requisitado há 2827 dias.
- arrayfire-cuda: CUDA backend for ArrayFire, requisitado há 3291 dias.
- arrowhead: micro-framework for flowchart-like computing, requisitado há 3868 dias.
- asar: Simple extensive tar-like archive format with indexing, requisitado há 2819 dias.
- asciiflowqt: draw and edit any ascii art diagram, requisitado há 2005 dias.
- asciiportal: puzzle jump'n'run adventure game, requisitado há 5567 dias.
- asciiquarium: Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!, requisitado há 3149 dias.
- aspell-dsb: Lower Sorbian dictionary for GNU Aspell, requisitado há 3734 dias.
- aspell-lang: dictionary creation tools for aspell, requisitado há 5645 dias.
- aspsms-t: aspsms-t is an open source /*GPL*/ jabber2sms transport written in perl //, requisitado há 4818 dias.
- aspy.yaml: extensions to pyyaml, requisitado há 3436 dias.
- asset-collector: collect information about the used hardware/software, requisitado há 3234 dias.
- asusctl: A control daemon, CLI tools, and a collection of crates for interacting with ASUS ROG laptops, requisitado há 1089 dias.
- async-core: Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (core), requisitado há 4163 dias.
- async-extra: Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (extra), requisitado há 4163 dias.
- async-unix: Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (unix), requisitado há 4163 dias.
- async: a library for OCaml asynchronous programming, requisitado há 4163 dias.
- asynk: Contacts synchronization for Google Contacts, BBDB and Outlook, requisitado há 4232 dias.
- atom: hackable editor, requisitado há 3876 dias.
- atomic: Atomic Run Tool for installing/running/managing container images, requisitado há 2775 dias.
- atomsk: A tool for manipulating and converting atomic data files, requisitado há 2628 dias.
- atomtopubsub: parse Atom feeds and send them to XMPP PubSub nodes, requisitado há 2527 dias.
- ats2-mode: Emacs major mode to edit ATS2 source code, requisitado há 3891 dias.
- audacity-manual: This is the user manual for Audacity audio editor, requisitado há 1692 dias.
- audela: Astro-imaging software, requisitado há 3906 dias.
- audioseg: audio segmentation toolkit, requisitado há 4469 dias.
- audiveris: Optical Music Recognition module, requisitado há 5569 dias.
- authentication-milter: A Perl implementation of email authentication standards rolled up into a single easy to use milter., requisitado há 583 dias.
- authenticator: Generate Two-Factor Codes, requisitado há 878 dias.
- auto-cpufreq: Automatic CPU speed & power optimizer, requisitado há 447 dias.
- auto-resize-image: Resizer for inline and attachment images (thunderbird), requisitado há 2917 dias.
- autoforwardportergit: Tool for automatically merging local changes with new distro packages., requisitado há 2766 dias.
- autoglade: automagic application generation using Glade, requisitado há 5965 dias.
- automx2: Email client configuration made easy (replaces automx), requisitado há 1636 dias.
- autosubmit: Manage weather and climate experiments on supercomputers, requisitado há 3517 dias.
- avant-window-navigator: MacOS X like panel for GNOME, requisitado há 4041 dias.
- avt: Aviation Tools, requisitado há 4110 dias.
- awlsim: S7 compatible soft-PLC, requisitado há 3227 dias.
- awslogs: AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans, requisitado há 3345 dias.
- axolotl: Signal Private Messenger unofficial client, requisitado há 1223 dias.
- axosyslog: cloud-native, syslog-ng compatible logging agent, requisitado há 200 dias.
- b2sum: BLAKE2 family of hash functions -- command-line tool, requisitado há 4004 dias.
- b43-asm: assembler and disassembler for Broadcom BCM43xx firmware, requisitado há 5800 dias.
- backdrop: A full-featured content management system, requisitado há 2222 dias.
- backlightctl: Lightweight monitor backlight control utility, requisitado há 831 dias.
- baculum: Baculum WebGUI tool for Bacula Community program, requisitado há 3574 dias.
- baka-mplayer: A libmpv based media player, requisitado há 3243 dias.
- bakefile: cross-platform, cross-compiler native makefiles, requisitado há 5959 dias.
- bandwhich: Terminal bandwidth utilization tool, requisitado há 1795 dias.
- bangsh: framework for easy shell scripting, requisitado há 3396 dias.
- base91: base91 encoder/decoder, requisitado há 4258 dias.
- basenji: A cross-platform media indexing/search tool, requisitado há 3015 dias.
- bash-it: collection of community Bash commands and scripts for Bash, requisitado há 900 dias.
- bashdb: bash debugger, requisitado há 570 dias.
- battop: interactive batteries viewer, requisitado há 883 dias.
- bauble-installer: bauble is a botanic collection manager, requisitado há 3380 dias.
- bazel-java-tools: Bazel Tools for Java, requisitado há 1572 dias.
- bbcp: Parallel SSH transfer, requisitado há 245 dias.
- bccontrib: Skein hash, Threefish encryption and, requisitado há 3818 dias.
- bdreader: An e-comics reader, requisitado há 3771 dias.
- bdsync: bdsync is a fast block device synchronizing tool, requisitado há 4106 dias.
- be-shell: lightweight kde shell, requisitado há 4547 dias.
- beaker-notebook: Data Scientist Notebook, requisitado há 3412 dias.
- beanstool: Dependency free beanstalkd admin tool, requisitado há 3053 dias.
- beautify-bash: Beautifier for Bash shell scripts written in Python, requisitado há 2721 dias.
- beaver: lightweight log shipper to logstash, requisitado há 4061 dias.
- begin: an output modifier, requisitado há 4345 dias.
- behave-html-formatter: HTML formatter for Behave, requisitado há 1182 dias.
- beluga: Functional programming language designed for formal reasoning, requisitado há 3419 dias.
- beret: A 2D puzzle platformer game, requisitado há 4751 dias.
- betterbird: Betterbird is a fine-tuned version of Mozilla Thunderbird with exclusive bugfixes, additional features and fewer regressions., requisitado há 195 dias.
- bfg-repo-cleaner: simpler, faster alternative to git-filter-branch for cleansing bad data out of your Git repository history, requisitado há 3553 dias.
- bgs: back ground setter, requisitado há 3896 dias.
- bhyve: hypervisor/virtual machine manager for FreeBSD, requisitado há 3366 dias.
- bigsdb: Bacterial Isolate Genome Sequence Database, requisitado há 5931 dias.
- billiards: Billiards is a free cue sports simulator, requisitado há 5624 dias.
- bindinator: generates C# binding projects from gir files, requisitado há 482 dias.
- biosdevname: takes a kernel device name as an argument, and returns the BIOS-given name., requisitado há 5033 dias.
- birdie: A native Twitter client for GNU/Linux, requisitado há 3663 dias.
- bisq: The P2P exchange network, requisitado há 3662 dias.
- bitcoin-explorer: Bitcoin Command Line Tool, requisitado há 3588 dias.
- bitcoinj: A Java implementation of a Bitcoin client-only node, requisitado há 4950 dias.
- bitcointrader: Bitcoin trading application, requisitado há 3772 dias.
- bitfighter: A fast-paced team-based multi-player space combat game, requisitado há 4270 dias.
- bitlbee-discord: Bitlbee plugin for Discord, requisitado há 413 dias.
- bitwarden: fully open-source, cross-platform, requisitado há 1710 dias.
- black-hole-solver: Solver (C API + CLI program) for "Black Hole" Solitaire and "All in a Row" Solitaire, requisitado há 3721 dias.
- blat: BLAST-Like Alignment Tool, requisitado há 3945 dias.
- Bash Line Editor - Syntax highlighting, auto suggestions, vim modes, etc. in Bash interactive sessions, requisitado há 988 dias.
- bleufear-gtk-theme: A dark theme with a wild streak of electric blue, requisitado há 3838 dias.
- blingfire: lightning fast Finite State machine and, requisitado há 2073 dias.
- blockcheck: Russian ISP blocking type checker, requisitado há 1705 dias.
- blockify: mute spotify adverts on linux, requisitado há 2160 dias.
- blockly: web-based, visual programming editor, requisitado há 1540 dias.
- bloomd: High-performance bloom filter service, requisitado há 3305 dias.
- bluegriffon: Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML editor based on Gecko, requisitado há 4880 dias.
- bokeh: interactive visualization for web browsers, requisitado há 3801 dias.
- bomi: GUI multimedia player based on mpv, requisitado há 3381 dias.
- bonzomatic: Live shader coding tool, requisitado há 1787 dias.
- booktype: Web application for collaborative book production, requisitado há 3851 dias.
- bool2cnf: tool for converting a boolean formula into CNF, requisitado há 5039 dias.
- boot-clj: Build tooling for Clojure, requisitado há 2687 dias.
- boot-repair-common: libraries for OS-uninstaller and Boot-repair, requisitado há 4884 dias.
- boot-repair: Simple tool to repair boot problems, requisitado há 4884 dias.
- boringtun: userspace WireGuard implementation in Rust, requisitado há 1780 dias.
- bottles: Bottles gaming environment comes preconfigured to play a large number of windows games in linux, requisitado há 531 dias.
- bottom: system monitoring widgets, requisitado há 383 dias.
- bower: Package manager for the Web, requisitado há 2780 dias.
- bquery: simple cli tool to quickly parse html streams with a jQuery-like expression, requisitado há 3973 dias.
- brackets: open source code editor for web, requisitado há 4128 dias.
- brahms: Modular execution framework for SystemML, requisitado há 3924 dias.
- braingl: exploring and visualizing anatomical and functional connectivity in the brain., requisitado há 4210 dias.
- brave-browser: web browser with privacy and micropayment features, requisitado há 2746 dias.
- breseq: Find mutations relative to reference sequences, requisitado há 1887 dias.
- briar: Briar Instant Messenger, requisitado há 826 dias.
- brickutils: Utility for organizing your collection of LEGO(R) bricks, requisitado há 4187 dias.
- brl-cad: A Combinatorial/Constructive Solid Geometry, solid modeling system, requisitado há 7285 dias.
- brogue: Roguelike game by Brian Walker, requisitado há 4348 dias.
- brother-inkjet-dcpj952n: printer driver for Brother Inkjet printers, requisitado há 2930 dias.
- brother-ql: Python package for the protocol of Brother QL label printers, requisitado há 2267 dias.
- browsh: Fully interactive, realtime, and modern text-based browser, requisitado há 2349 dias.
- bruce: Producer daemon for Apache Kafka, requisitado há 3541 dias.
- brumbrumrally: 2D racing game with a new track each time you play, requisitado há 3066 dias.
- brython: implementation of Python 3 running in the browser, requisitado há 2782 dias.
- bsod: curses Blue Screen of Death Simulator., requisitado há 4581 dias.
- bt747: GPS data logger software, allows download, convert, and configure MTK Chipset Based Devices, requisitado há 5664 dias.
- btdu: stochastic disk use analyzer for btrfs, requisitado há 1000 dias.
- btrfs-diff-go: analyze differences between two BTRFS snapshots (like GNU diff for directories), requisitado há 626 dias.
- btrfs-profilers: btrfs-profilers is a collection of BCC based btrfs performance analyse tools, requisitado há 2080 dias.
- bubblemail: An extensible mail notification service, requisitado há 1729 dias.
- buck: Facebook's build system for large Java projects, requisitado há 4161 dias.
- bugdom: open-source port of Pangea Software's Bugdom for modern systems, requisitado há 1294 dias.
- bugzilla4: web-based bug tracking system, requisitado há 4627 dias.
- bukuserver: bukuserver exposes a browseable front-end on a local web host server, for buku, requisitado há 1832 dias.
- bun: All in one JavaScript runtime written in zig language, requisitado há 898 dias.
- burpsuite: platform for security testing of web applications, requisitado há 3066 dias.
- butter-desktop: Torrent movie streamer, requisitado há 3931 dias.
- c-script: c++ script language, requisitado há 3720 dias.
- c501checkers: A checker game, requisitado há 5225 dias.
- c: Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go!, requisitado há 3578 dias.
- caas: XMPP compliance tester, requisitado há 1690 dias.
- cabocha: A Japenese dependency/case structure analysis system, requisitado há 4059 dias.
- cachet: status page system, requisitado há 2899 dias.
- cado-nfs: implementation of the Number Field Sieve algorithm, requisitado há 2263 dias.
- cafe-desktop: This desktop environment is MATE desktop fork, and works with CTK (GTK3 fork)., requisitado há 610 dias.
- cagou: Desktop frontend for Salut à Toi XMPP client, requisitado há 2426 dias.
- caiman: A Python toolbox for large scale Calcium Imaging data Analysis and behavioral analysis, requisitado há 1957 dias.
- calcelestial: calcelestial calculates positions, rise & set times of celestial bodies., requisitado há 4247 dias.
- caldavzap: CalDAV web client with a powerful event/todo editor, requisitado há 4349 dias.
- calibre-web: web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks using an existing Calibre database, requisitado há 1406 dias.
- california: calendar application for GNOME 3, requisitado há 2976 dias.
- caligula: Caligula is a user-friendly, lightweight TUI for imaging disks., requisitado há 17 dias.
- caliper: framework for writing, running and viewing Java microbenchmarks, requisitado há 3684 dias.
- camotics: simulate and visualize GCode programs for CNCs in 3D, requisitado há 510 dias.
- canokey-qemu: virtual canokey to the guest OS, requisitado há 181 dias.
- capitan: Remake of the classic 80s platform game, requisitado há 3190 dias.
- capnet-assist: captive login detector, requisitado há 3519 dias.
- captain: Collection of APT tools, requisitado há 97 dias.
- capturer: Easily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses, requisitado há 1740 dias.
- caravel: data exploration platform, requisitado há 3127 dias.
- carbonate: some primitive tools to help you manage your graphite clusters, requisitado há 4001 dias.
- carbonyl: a Chromium based browser built to run in a terminal, requisitado há 681 dias.
- carddavmate: CardDAV web client, requisitado há 4349 dias.
- cargo-c: cargo applet to build and install C-ABI-compatible dynamic and static libraries, requisitado há 1265 dias.
- cargo-deb: A cargo subcommand that generates Debian packages from information in Cargo.toml, requisitado há 1926 dias.
- carla: audio plugin host supporting LADSPA, DSSI,LV2, VST2/3 and AU formats, requisitado há 3390 dias.
- carml: command-line tool to query and control a running Tor, requisitado há 2506 dias.
- cars-sports-racing: Cars Sports Racing Speed Dreams fork, requisitado há 242 dias.
- casacore-data-eop: Earth Orientation Parameters database for casacore, requisitado há 2970 dias.
- casacore-data-predict: Earth orientation parameter prediction tables for casacore, requisitado há 2970 dias.
- casadi: symbolic framework for algorithmic differentiation and numerical optimization, requisitado há 3893 dias.
- casarest: old AIPS++ code not included in casacore, mainly lwimager, requisitado há 3090 dias.
- casasynthesis: CASA modules needed for processing synthesis data, requisitado há 3090 dias.
- cashier: A self-service CA for OpenSSH, requisitado há 2742 dias.
- cask: project management tool for Emacs, requisitado há 3018 dias.
- casperjs: navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS, requisitado há 3964 dias.
- cassandra: highly scalable distributed datastore, requisitado há 5303 dias.
- castnow: command-line chromecast player, requisitado há 3242 dias.
- catboost: Gradient boosting machine learning library, requisitado há 1627 dias.
- cathy: a xmms2 client, requisitado há 984 dias.
- cavif: Encoder/converter for AVIF images, requisitado há 536 dias.
- cbootimage-configs: cbootimage configuration files for various NVIDIA Tegra boards, requisitado há 3760 dias.
- ccd2cue: GNU CCD (CloneCD) sheet to CUE sheet converter, requisitado há 3929 dias.
- ccl: Clozure CL, requisitado há 5098 dias.
- ccons: Interactive Console for the C Programming Language, requisitado há 4309 dias.
- ccv: C-based computer vision library, requisitado há 1867 dias.
- cdesktopenv: CDE, the classic unix desktop, requisitado há 4466 dias.
- cellml-api: The CellML API Reference Implementation lets you manipulate and simulate mathematical models in the CellML modelling language, requisitado há 4581 dias.
- cellprofiler: quantitatively measure phenotypes, requisitado há 4792 dias.
- celt051: The CELT codec v0.5.1, requisitado há 5148 dias.
- cepces: Enroll machine certificates through Active Directory Certificate Services with winbind credentials, requisitado há 78 dias.
- certlint: X.509 certificate linter, requisitado há 1318 dias.
- ceti-2-theme: theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell, requisitado há 2780 dias.
- cfn-lint: Validate AWS CloudFormation yaml/json templates against the AWS CloudFormation, requisitado há 908 dias.
- cgrates: Real-time Charging System for Telecom & ISP environments, requisitado há 3490 dias.
- Python bindings for Chafa, requisitado há 318 dias.
- chaoticrage: Unusual 3D shooter game, requisitado há 3516 dias.
- charybdefs: fuse based fault injection filesystem with a Thrift RPC interface for instrumentation, requisitado há 2286 dias.
- checkbox: The checkbox project coordinates various testing and certification activities in Ubuntu, requisitado há 1333 dias.
- cherokee: Very fast, flexible and easy to, requisitado há 4790 dias.
- chibitracker: music tracker, requisitado há 2200 dias.
- chinese-checkers: Multiplayer implementation of the chinese checkers game, requisitado há 4272 dias.
- choose: human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk, requisitado há 874 dias.
- chromium-adblock-plus: advertisement blocking extension for web browsers, requisitado há 2785 dias.
- chromium-breakpad: NSA/Microsoft GitHub clone of the breakpad used by NSA/Alphabet Chromium, requisitado há 2280 dias.
- chromium-chromevox: chromevox extension, requisitado há 2954 dias.
- chromium-doc: documentation of command line switches, requisitado há 2370 dias.
- chromium-embedded-framework: embeddable web browser library, requisitado há 2209 dias.
- chromium-pickle-js: facilities for basic binary value packing and unpacking, requisitado há 759 dias.
- chrono: An Open Source Multi-physics Simulation Engine, requisitado há 2407 dias.
- ciasdis: a reverse engineering assembler, requisitado há 1880 dias.
- cid: Scripts to automate and optimize the configuration of a Linux in an AD domain, requisitado há 2933 dias.
- cider-nrepl: nREPL middleware for CIDER, requisitado há 2551 dias.
- cilium: BPF & XDP for containers, requisitado há 2832 dias.
- cim-schema: The DMTF Common Information Model Schema, requisitado há 3816 dias.
- cinecred: Cinecred produces credit sequences for film, TV and animations from spreadsheet input., requisitado há 159 dias.
- cinnamon-applet-gpaste-reloaded: GPaste support for Cinnamon, requisitado há 2460 dias.
- cinnamon-applet-multicore-sys-monitor: System monitor applet (CPU, Memory, Network, Disk IO) for Cinnamon, requisitado há 2460 dias.
- cinnamon-applets-hwmonitor: Cinnamon Applet Graphical Hardware Monitor, requisitado há 1216 dias.
- cinnamon-applets-sensors-monitor: Cinnamon Applet Sensors Monitor, requisitado há 1216 dias.
- cis-tools: CIS file tools from pcmcia-cs, requisitado há 199 dias.
- ciscocmd: Expect script to send a set of commands to a set of Cisco devices, requisitado há 3245 dias.
- citra: Citra is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo 3DS capable of playing many of your favorite games., requisitado há 2700 dias.
- ckylark: phrase structure parser based on PCFG-LA, requisitado há 3655 dias.
- clang-tags: Indexing tool for C/C++ source code, requisitado há 4085 dias.
- clash-meta: A rule-based tunnel / proxy in Go, requisitado há 526 dias.
- classpath-explorer: Java library which allows you, requisitado há 3122 dias.
- cld3: Compact Language Detector v3, requisitado há 756 dias.
- clean-ubiquity-common: common libraries for Boot-repair, OS-Uninstaller and Clean-Ubiquity, requisitado há 4884 dias.
- clewn: gdb support for the vim editor: breakpoints, watch, requisitado há 5772 dias.
- cli-docs-tool: A library containing utilities to generate documentation for Docker, requisitado há 463 dias.
- cli-visualizer: console alasa/pipewire spectrum visualizer, requisitado há 474 dias.
- cli53: Command line tool for Amazon AWS Route 53, requisitado há 1304 dias.
- clickshare: Linux driver for ClickShare screen share system, requisitado há 3177 dias.
- clifm: shell-like, command line file manager, requisitado há 675 dias.
- clipboard: unified terminal clipboard tool, requisitado há 710 dias.
- clipcat: Clipcat is a clipboard manager which supports X11 and Wayland., requisitado há 324 dias.
- clipmenu/3.2.0: Clipboard management using dmenu, requisitado há 2761 dias.
- clj-postal: internet email library for Clojure, requisitado há 3708 dias.
- clojurehelper: Helper scripts for packaging Clojure programs, requisitado há 4156 dias.
- cloudabi-utils: Utilities and libraries for starting CloudABI programs, requisitado há 3214 dias.
- cloudflare-zlib: compression library - cloudflare optimized version, requisitado há 2382 dias.
- cloudflare: CloudFlare command line tool and Go client, requisitado há 3244 dias.
- cloudfuse: FUSE filesystem for Swift object storage., requisitado há 4292 dias.
- cloudy: Simulations of non-equilibrium plasmas and, requisitado há 4090 dias.
- clrng: OpenCL pseudo-random number generation library, requisitado há 3427 dias.
- cls: a clearscreen utility with an option to specify the number of lines to clear, requisitado há 2772 dias.
- cmake-d: integration of D language for CMake, requisitado há 544 dias.
- cmykilluminatigames: Many popular and fun games, requisitado há 448 dias.
- cnagios: terminal interface for viewing nagios host, requisitado há 5126 dias.
- co2mon: CLI for MasterKit CO2 Monitor, requisitado há 3255 dias.
- cobang: QR Code scanner application, requisitado há 1126 dias.
- cocalc: CoCalc: Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud, requisitado há 1821 dias.
- cockpit-filesharing: A plugin for Cockpit to manage Samba and NFS shares, requisitado há 201 dias.
- cockpit-identities: user and group management plugin for Houston UI (Cockpit), requisitado há 17 dias.
- cockpit-navigator: Web based file browser for cockpit to navigate filesystem, requisitado há 201 dias.
- cockpit-zfs-manager: interactive ZFS on Linux admin package for Cockpit, requisitado há 17 dias.
- cocos2d-x: Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world., requisitado há 2163 dias.
- cocot: Character code converter on tty, requisitado há 4870 dias.
- code-maat: Command line tool used to mine and analyze data from version-control systems, requisitado há 3185 dias.
- codebraid: A pandoc wrapper enablong code execution in Markdown documents., requisitado há 1909 dias.
- codernitydb: fast schema-less NoSQL database engine, requisitado há 2680 dias.
- codexl: comprehensive CPU/GPU profilig suite with GUI., requisitado há 2826 dias.
- codimd: Web based real time collaborative markdown editing, requisitado há 1576 dias.
- codium: Code editing. Redefined., requisitado há 1689 dias.
- coffeelint: static code analyser for CoffeeScript, requisitado há 3886 dias.
- colibri-core: Colibri Core is a Natural Language Processing tool to quickly and efficiently count and extract patterns from large corpus data., requisitado há 3237 dias.
- commandbox: CFML REPL, CLI, Package Manager, and Embedded Server, requisitado há 3452 dias.
- commit-helper: Helps you create and maintain your, requisitado há 1981 dias.
- commitizen: Git command that helps format commit messages correctly, requisitado há 2538 dias.
- commix: Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool, requisitado há 3061 dias.
- company-irony: C, C++ and Objective-C completion tooltips for emacs., requisitado há 2479 dias.
- complete-alias: BASH Completion for shell aliases, requisitado há 1699 dias.
- completely: Bash Completions Generator, requisitado há 207 dias.
- conan: dependency manager for C/C++/golang, requisitado há 2949 dias.
- condetri: Perl-based trimming of Illumina FASTQ files, requisitado há 3211 dias.
- confctl: Utility to access C-like configuration files from shell scripts., requisitado há 4518 dias.
- confidantmail: Secure GPG-based non-SMTP email and large file transfer, requisitado há 2664 dias.
- confiture: Python library to parse configuration files, requisitado há 3876 dias.
- connid: framework for provisioning identities to repositories, requisitado há 2938 dias.
- consent-o-matic: browser extension to automatically fill out cookie popups, requisitado há 385 dias.
- container-diff: Diff your Docker containers, requisitado há 2019 dias.
- container-selinux: SELinux policy module for containers, requisitado há 554 dias.
- contour-terminal: modern virtual terminal emulator, requisitado há 277 dias.
- convergence: An agile, distributed, and secure strategy for replacing Certificate Authorities., requisitado há 4854 dias.
- convert3d: tool(s) for converting 3D images between common file formats, requisitado há 2741 dias.
- cookie-autodelete: delete cookies not used by any open tab, requisitado há 2296 dias.
- cookieculler: browser extension to manage cookies, requisitado há 5422 dias.
- coolreader: cross platform open source e-book reader, requisitado há 804 dias.
- coova-chilli: (Wireless) LAN Access Point Controller, requisitado há 5772 dias.
- coq-areamethod: coq library for the area method decision procedure, requisitado há 3359 dias.
- cora: command line application to play internet radio streams, requisitado há 100 dias.
- core-moos: Mission Oriented Operating Suite, requisitado há 2667 dias.
- core-setup: Helper library for MSbuild .NET Core support, requisitado há 1697 dias.
- coreclr: .NET Core Runtime, requisitado há 3577 dias.
- coredns: pluggable DNS server in Go, requisitado há 2604 dias.
- corefx: .NET Core Libraries, requisitado há 3577 dias.
- corridor: a Tor traffic whitelisting gateway, requisitado há 3090 dias.
- cotp: command line totp/hotp authenticator, requisitado há 282 dias.
- couchdb: Document-oriented database with RESTful JSON API, requisitado há 1111 dias.
- courier-zdkimfilter: DKIM filter for Courier-MTA, requisitado há 2987 dias.
- cows-and-bulls: Words-based version of the cows and bulls game, requisitado há 4534 dias.
- cpupowerd: daemon for frequency and voltage control of AMD K8 CPUs with undervolting/overvolting capability, requisitado há 5288 dias.
- cr3: Cool Reader 3, an e-book reader, requisitado há 4183 dias.
- cracktunes: hassle-free, highly performant Discord music bot, requisitado há 322 dias.
- crashpad: a crash-reporting system, requisitado há 2280 dias.
- cream-pim: Personal Information Manager for the Cream Desktop Environment, requisitado há 4533 dias.
- crelay: Controlling different relay cards for home automation with a Linux software, requisitado há 2405 dias.
- crfpp: A Simple Implementation of Conditional Random Fields, requisitado há 4059 dias.
- cri-dockerd: a shim for Docker Engine that lets you control Docker via the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface, requisitado há 952 dias.
- cri-o: Lightweight container runtime for Kubernetes, requisitado há 1441 dias.
- croc: easily and securely send things from one computer to another, requisitado há 851 dias.
- crontab-ui: web interface for managing scheduled jobs (crontab), requisitado há 813 dias.
- cropgui: GUI frontend for lossless cropping (and rotating) of JPEG images, requisitado há 3225 dias.
- crosslibs: A cross-platform library designed to simplify C++ development and provide useful utility functions, requisitado há 4308 dias.
- crosstool-ng: tool to build toolchains, requisitado há 4394 dias.
- crosswalk: Crosswalk is an app runtime based on Chromium/Blink, requisitado há 3622 dias.
- crqt-ng: cross-platform open source e-book reader using crengine-ng, requisitado há 634 dias.
- crsx-java: Higher Order Rewriting Engine with Extensions for Compiler Generation, requisitado há 3767 dias.
- crush: data reduction and imaging tool for astronomical cameras, requisitado há 3223 dias.
- crux-el: A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs, requisitado há 2282 dias.
- cryptolog: A tool for anonymizing webserver logs, requisitado há 2461 dias.
- cryptreboot: Convenient reboot for Linux systems with encrypted root partition., requisitado há 68 dias.
- crystfel: Suite of programs for processing "serial" diffraction data "snapshots", requisitado há 3917 dias.
- csdr: DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio, requisitado há 3171 dias.
- cspice: C implementation of The SPICE Toolkit, requisitado há 2986 dias.
- css-html-js-minify: obfuscator/minimiser for CSS, HTML, JavaScript, requisitado há 2932 dias.
- ctf-gameserver: Gameserver for A/D IT-Sec CTFs, requisitado há 3282 dias.
- cuba: library for multidimensional numerical, requisitado há 2543 dias.
- cubism: D3 plugin for visualizing time series, requisitado há 3010 dias.
- cucumber.js: test runner from Gherkin feature descriptions, requisitado há 2561 dias.
- cudatext: Cross-platform GUI code editor, requisitado há 1425 dias.
- cuelang: language and tooling for defining, generating, and validating data in multiple formats, requisitado há 1302 dias.
- cupy/2.5.0: NumPy-like API accelerated with CUDA, requisitado há 2454 dias.
- curl-loader: application load simulator, requisitado há 5901 dias.
- cursynth: a curses musical synthesizer, requisitado há 3990 dias.
- cutepaste: Client application for written in Qt, requisitado há 4095 dias.
- cutmp3: small and fast command line MP3 editor, requisitado há 5019 dias.
- cvars: C++ run-time variable tweaking, requisitado há 3345 dias.
- cw-driver: Driver and utilities for the Catweasel versatile floppy disk controller, requisitado há 4274 dias.
- cwtch: Privacy Preserving Infrastructure for Asynchronous, Decentralized, Multi-Party, and Metadata Resistant Applications, requisitado há 2129 dias.
- cxlflash: Provides configuration and device management services for CAPI flash accelerators., requisitado há 2697 dias.
- cyberduck: Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 & OpenStack Swift browser, requisitado há 3782 dias.
- cygwin: library and headers providing POSIX functionality on Windows, requisitado há 1455 dias.
- czkawka: remove unnecessary files from your computer, requisitado há 1034 dias.
- d0-blind-id: library for user identification using RSA blind signatures, requisitado há 4637 dias.
- daal: Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library, requisitado há 1971 dias.
- dabtools: DAB/DAB+ software for RTL-SDR dongles and the Psion Wavefinder, requisitado há 2521 dias.
- dagr: deviantArt gallery ripper, requisitado há 2680 dias.
- danecheck: DANE SMTP checker, requisitado há 996 dias.
- darkhttpd: A small and secure static webserver, requisitado há 3632 dias.
- darkreader: enable Dark Mode on many websites, requisitado há 1491 dias.
- dat: Distributed Dataset Synchronization And Versioning, requisitado há 2500 dias.
- datajoint: a framework for scientific workflow management based on relational principles, requisitado há 1683 dias.
- datanommer: a storage consumer for the fedmsg bus, requisitado há 3920 dias.
- dbeaver: universal database tool, requisitado há 4547 dias.
- dbvisualizer: multi-database management tool, requisitado há 4567 dias.
- dcache-srmclient: SRM protocol clients, requisitado há 4868 dias.
- dcl-c: Dennou Club Library - C version, requisitado há 2984 dias.
- dde-control-center: Control center for Deepin Desktop Environment, requisitado há 2687 dias.
- dde-dock: dock module for Deepin Desktop Environment, requisitado há 2687 dias.
- dde-launcher: Launcher module for Deepin Desktop Environment, requisitado há 2687 dias.
- dduper: Fast block-level out-of-band BTRFS deduplication tool., requisitado há 1029 dias.
- deadbeef: Ultimate Music Player, requisitado há 5370 dias.
- debsources: index and publish Debian source code on the Web, requisitado há 3722 dias.
- debugger-ruby-core-source: Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them., requisitado há 4438 dias.
- deefuzzer: an easy and instant media streaming tool, requisitado há 4165 dias.
- deepin-clone: Disk and partition backup/restore tool, requisitado há 2676 dias.
- deepin-draw: Deepin Draw for Deepin Desktop Environment, requisitado há 2687 dias.
- deepin-metacity: Default 2D window manager for DDE (deepin desktop environment), requisitado há 2686 dias.
- deepin-wallpapers: Default wallpapers for Deepin Desktop Environment, requisitado há 2680 dias.
- deepin-wm: Default window manager for DDE (deepin desktop environment), requisitado há 2686 dias.
- deerportal: A hybrid of a card and a board game where you have to challenge four classical elements., requisitado há 3119 dias.
- deltachat-desktop: chat client, uses any email server as a backend, requisitado há 192 dias.
- denote: simple note-taking tool for Emacs, requisitado há 399 dias.
- denyhosts-server: Denyhosts synchronisation server, requisitado há 3368 dias.
- dephell: project management for Python, requisitado há 1655 dias.
- depix: recovers passwords from pixelized screenshots, requisitado há 703 dias.
- derelict3: A collection of dynamic D bindings to C libraries, useful for multimedia and game development., requisitado há 4221 dias.
- desktop-base-oldies: packages containing theming from past releases’ desktop-base package, requisitado há 4286 dias.
- desktop-sound-themes: made for freedesktop, requisitado há 1102 dias.
- desync: Data Synchronization Tool, requisitado há 771 dias.
- deviced: Daemon for communicating with development devices., requisitado há 2340 dias.
- devilutionx: Native engine for the Diablo video game, requisitado há 26 dias.
- devpi: PyPI-compatible package server, requisitado há 3589 dias.
- dh-copyright: debhelper extension to aid in tracking copyright and licensing info, requisitado há 3048 dias.
- dhcpd-snmp: monitor DHCP through SNMP, requisitado há 5786 dias.
- dhrystone: a popular benchmark for CPU/compiler performance measurement, requisitado há 4418 dias.
- diacli: diaspora command line interface, requisitado há 2014 dias.
- diaspora-gems-compat: provide gems for diaspora when corresponding deb package is incompatible, requisitado há 3517 dias.
- diff-so-fancy: make your diffs human readable, requisitado há 1996 dias.
- diffsitter: AST-aware difftool, requisitado há 150 dias.
- digitd: A simple, flexible and safe finger daemon, requisitado há 4204 dias.
- dio: I/O analysis tool, requisitado há 2852 dias.
- dippi: Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio, requisitado há 349 dias.
- disperse: Automatic feature identification in 2D and 3D, requisitado há 2411 dias.
- dispersy: A database designed for P2P-like scenarios, requisitado há 827 dias.
- distkeys: Distkeys - upload SSH keys to servers and more, requisitado há 3896 dias.
- ditaa-addons: EPS and JavaDoc support for ditaa, requisitado há 4902 dias.
- dive: A tool to start processes employing some advanced Linux features., requisitado há 4081 dias.
- divxenc: shell script to encode DVDs to FMP4/DivX, requisitado há 5593 dias.
- djabberd: Distributed Jabber server, requisitado há 4448 dias.
- django-campaign: Newsletter management for the Django webframework, requisitado há 2397 dias.
- django-colorful: database and form RGB color fields for Django, requisitado há 4186 dias.
- django-extensions: collection of custom extensions for the Django Framework, requisitado há 385 dias.
- django-mailbox: Import mail from several sources into your Django project, requisitado há 3504 dias.
- django-model2puml: Generator of project models structure in PlantUML class notation , requisitado há 695 dias.
- django-oauth2-provider: Provide OAuth2 access to django application, requisitado há 4071 dias.
- django-piston3: a django mini-framework for creating apis., requisitado há 3367 dias.
- django-remote-forms: Platform independent form serializer for Django, requisitado há 3913 dias.
- django-rest-framework-httpsignature: HTTP Signature support for Django REST framework, requisitado há 2384 dias.
- django-tinymce: TinyMCE integration for Django, requisitado há 2646 dias.
- django-user-accounts: infrastructure for dealing with user accounts, requisitado há 3297 dias.
- django-watchman: fetch status information on Django services, requisitado há 3266 dias.
- djbfft: extremely fast library for floating-point convolution, requisitado há 6083 dias.
- dl: Download Ticket Service, requisitado há 3074 dias.
- dns-over-https: Client and server software to query DNS over HTTPS, requisitado há 2432 dias.
- dnscrypt-wrapper: A server-side dnscrypt proxy, requisitado há 3544 dias.
- dnsgraph: trace and graph all resolution paths for DNS names, requisitado há 4319 dias.
- dnsleak: Local utility to test for DNS leaks, requisitado há 2621 dias.
- dnt: DccNiTghtmare (aka DNT) is a project to make a Free (as in free speech) 3D single player RPG in a satirical post-apocalyptical world., requisitado há 5080 dias.
- docbook-el: Info-like viewer for DocBook, requisitado há 1382 dias.
- docbook-xsl2: stylesheets for processing DocBook XML to various output formats, requisitado há 4841 dias.
- dockbarx: Lightweight taskbar/panel replacement, requisitado há 1957 dias.
- docker-buildx: docker CLI plugin for BuildKit, requisitado há 1284 dias.
- docker-compose-v2: tool for running multi-container applications on Docker, requisitado há 184 dias.
- docker-credential-helpers: A suite of programs to use native stores to keep Docker credentials safe, requisitado há 1296 dias.
- docklight: dock launcher for GNOME 3 desktops, requisitado há 2905 dias.
- doctl: official DigitalOcean services CLI tool, requisitado há 3294 dias.
- docusaurus: Docusaurus is a project for building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites easily, requisitado há 424 dias.
- dog: command-line DNS client with colorful output and support for DoH and DoT, requisitado há 875 dias.
- domoticz-plugin-zigate: Domoticz plugin for the Zigbee transceiver, requisitado há 2192 dias.
- domoticz: Home automation system, requisitado há 2408 dias.
- dont-track-me-google: browser extension to prevent Google from making links ugly, requisitado há 1621 dias.
- dooble: WebKit based light browser, requisitado há 4077 dias.
- dotdee: convert a flat file to a file, requisitado há 4147 dias.
- dotnet-core-setup: Helper library for MSBuild .NET Core support, requisitado há 1369 dias.
- dotnet8: .NET 8.0 Runtime and Software Development Kit (SDK), requisitado há 136 dias.
- dotpagemod: Firefox add-on to load local CSS and JavaScript from your dotfiles into websites, requisitado há 1621 dias.
- douane: personal firewall with application whitelisting, requisitado há 1420 dias.
- dovecot-fts-flatcurve: Dovecot full text search plugin using the Xapian search engine, requisitado há 954 dias.
- dovecot-trees: Dovecot individually encrypted email storage plugin, requisitado há 2472 dias.
- down: A simple game written in Ruby/SDL, requisitado há 3435 dias.
- doxia-1.0: 1.0 alpha version of Doxia from codehaus, requisitado há 4135 dias.
- dparser: a scannerless GLR parser generator, requisitado há 4635 dias.
- dragonfire: Virtual assistant project for Debian based Linux distributions, requisitado há 2710 dias.
- drawsvg: Programmatically generates SVG images and renders or displays them in a Jupyter notebook, requisitado há 1509 dias.
- drbdmanage: DRBD distributed resource management utility, requisitado há 3712 dias.
- drive: Google Drive tool, requisitado há 3459 dias.
- drl: fast and furious coffee-break Roguelike game, requisitado há 2930 dias.
- dropwizard: A Java library for building production-ready RESTful web services, requisitado há 3699 dias.
- druid: fast column-oriented distributed data store, requisitado há 3127 dias.
- drupal-console-launcher: DrupalConsole global executable aka Launcher, requisitado há 2048 dias.
- drush-launcher: A small wrapper around Drush for your global $PATH, requisitado há 2048 dias.
- drwright: monitors your typing and forces you to periodically take typing breaks, requisitado há 4761 dias.
- dsocks: SOCKS client wrapper for *BSD / MacOS X, requisitado há 2286 dias.
- dt: DNS tool - display information about your domain, requisitado há 2132 dias.
- dtiprep: automatic pipeline for DWI/DTI QC and preparation, requisitado há 3277 dias.
- dualword: foreign language vocabulary trainer, requisitado há 4398 dias.
- duelyst: digital collectible card and turn-based strategy hybrid game, requisitado há 706 dias.
- dune-alugrid: toolbox for solving PDEs -- unstructured simplicial and cube grids, requisitado há 3740 dias.
- duplicati: user-friendly remote, encrypted, incremental backups; capable GUI via built-in local server, requisitado há 1575 dias.
- duppy: implements both a subset of RFC2136 and offers a simple HTTP API for performing dynamic DNS updates, requisitado há 528 dias.
- durations: Python durations parsing library, requisitado há 1352 dias.
- durruter: NAT/PAT routing helper, requisitado há 2764 dias.
- dvc: Version Control System for Machine Learning, requisitado há 1982 dias.
- dvdstyler: DVD authoring and burning tool, requisitado há 4896 dias.
- dwarf: little and powerful object file manipulation tool, requisitado há 5074 dias.
- dwarftherapist: Helper tool for Dwarf Fortress game, requisitado há 5013 dias.
- dwv-orthanc-plugin: DICOM Web Viewer (DWV) plugin for Orthanc, requisitado há 3347 dias.
- dylandotnet: This is the dylan.NET compiler., requisitado há 4975 dias.
- dynomite: A generic dynamo implementation for different k-v storage engines (memcache and redis), requisitado há 2978 dias.
- dynsim: DynamicSimulator is an open source, requisitado há 1847 dias.
- dypgen: a GLR parser and lexer generator for OCaml, requisitado há 5296 dias.
- dzip: Quake demo compression program, requisitado há 3857 dias.
- e-foto: Educational Digital Photogrammetry Workstation, requisitado há 2405 dias.
- eagle: non-free electronic design automation by Autodesk, requisitado há 2945 dias.
- easea: EAsy specification of evolutionary algorithms, requisitado há 3532 dias.
- easel: a library of C functions for biological sequence analysis, requisitado há 2802 dias.
- easy-wg-quick: Creates Wireguard configuration for hub and peers with ease, requisitado há 1524 dias.
- easydoneit: command line task manager, requisitado há 3712 dias.
- easyrpg-player: RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG game interpreter., requisitado há 698 dias.
- eatmonkey: Stupid download manager for monkeys and Capuchins!, requisitado há 4152 dias.
- eatmydata-sc: eatmydata replacement using seccomp, requisitado há 1052 dias.
- echarts: powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser, requisitado há 899 dias.
- eclipse-jdt-ls: Java language server, requisitado há 766 dias.
- eclipse-plugin-avr: tools for developing C programs for the ATMEL AVR series of embedded processors, requisitado há 5019 dias.
- ecp: copies files with checksum on the fly", requisitado há 4140 dias.
- ecukes: Cucumber for Emacs, requisitado há 2972 dias.
- edeploy: new way to provision/update systems, requisitado há 4168 dias.
- edit-indirect: Edit regions in separate buffers, like `org-edit-src-code' but for arbitrary regions, requisitado há 2148 dias.
- edit-tf: teletext frame editor for use within web browsers, requisitado há 635 dias.
- editorconfig-geany: editorconfig plugin for geany, requisitado há 2503 dias.
- eduvpn-client: VPN client for educational networks, requisitado há 1494 dias.
- eeglab: toolbox for processing and visualization of electrophysiological data, requisitado há 5132 dias.
- efifs: EFI File System Drivers, requisitado há 19 dias.
- egd: Entropy Gathering Daemon, requisitado há 5248 dias.
- egpg: Wrapper tool to easily use and manage GPG, requisitado há 2458 dias.
- eibd-server: KNX/EIB server, requisitado há 5555 dias.
- eiffelstudio: The EiffelStudio IDE and tools for the Eiffel language., requisitado há 4103 dias.
- ekam: ekam build system, requisitado há 2471 dias.
- elan: A professional tool for the creation of complex annotations on video and audio resources, requisitado há 2933 dias.
- elasticsearch: "Open Source" (but non-free and not OSI-compliant), Distributed, RESTful Search Engine, requisitado há 1809 dias.
- electron-cash: Lightweight Bitcoin Cash client, requisitado há 2551 dias.
- electron: Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, requisitado há 2975 dias.
- electronic-wechat: A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron., requisitado há 1604 dias.
- electrum-ltc: Lightweight Litecoin client, requisitado há 2564 dias.
- element-web: web-based matrix client, requisitado há 2731 dias.
- elf-statifier: compiles C programs into a single static executable, requisitado há 5349 dias.
- elisp-es: Spanish version of An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp, requisitado há 3343 dias.
- elixir-bcrypt_elixir: Bcrypt password hashing algorithm for Elixir, requisitado há 88 dias.
- elixir-comeonin: A specification for password hashing libraries, requisitado há 12 dias.
- elixir-earmark: Markdown to HTML conversion library, requisitado há 3416 dias.
- elixir-gettext: Internationalization and localization support for Elixir, requisitado há 828 dias.
- elixir-json_ld: An implementation of JSON-LD for Elixir and RDF.ex, requisitado há 88 dias.
- elixir-make: A Make compiler for Mix, requisitado há 4 dias.
- elixir-phoenix-pubsub: Distributed PubSub and Presence platform, requisitado há 4 dias.
- elixir-phoenix: Phoenix Framework - Peace of mind from prototype to production, requisitado há 780 dias.
- elixir-poison: Fast JSON library for Elixir, requisitado há 14 dias.
- elixir-streamdata: Data generation and property testing for Elixir, requisitado há 2484 dias.
- elixir-tesla: Tesla Elixir Library, requisitado há 1682 dias.
- elixir-websockex: An Elixir WebSocket client, requisitado há 4 dias.
- elkarbackup: backup solution with an easy-to-use web interface based on Rsync / RSnapshot, requisitado há 2742 dias.
- elpa-annotate: annotate files without changing them, requisitado há 1351 dias.
- elpa-babel: translate for emacs, requisitado há 5373 dias.
- elpa-casual: a transient-based porcelain for Emacs Calc, requisitado há 232 dias.
- elpa-coffee-mode: Emacs mode for editing CoffeeScript, requisitado há 4084 dias.
- elpa-commander: Command line parsing for Emacs, requisitado há 2655 dias.
- elpa-company-quickhelp: add documentation popups to company completion candidates, requisitado há 1496 dias.
- elpa-ethan-wspace: opinionate whitespace helper mode for emacs, requisitado há 2032 dias.
- elpa-evil-numbers: increment and decrement numerical literals, requisitado há 2234 dias.
- elpa-gdscript-mode: Emacs mode for editing GDScript program code, requisitado há 445 dias.
- elpa-git-gutter-fringe: provide git diff alongside opened files in Emacs, requisitado há 2157 dias.
- elpa-home-end: emacs functions home-end-end and home-end, requisitado há 3766 dias.
- elpa-hyperbole: hypertextual information manager, requisitado há 2591 dias.
- elpa-literate-calc-mode: Inline calculations in any Emacs buffer, requisitado há 1451 dias.
- elpa-moody: tabs and ribbons for the Emacs mode line, requisitado há 1496 dias.
- elpa-multiple-cursors: Multiple cursors for emacs., requisitado há 2797 dias.
- elpa-nagios-mode: An Emacs mode for Nagios configuration files, requisitado há 5174 dias.
- elpa-nhexl: Emacs minor mode to edit files via hex-dump format, requisitado há 1330 dias.
- elpa-nopaste: submitting buffers or regions to various nopaste sites from emacs, requisitado há 5344 dias.
- elpa-om-to-xml: convert Emacs org-mode files to XML, requisitado há 1367 dias.
- elpa-org-journal: maintain a simple personal diary/journal in Emacs, requisitado há 1368 dias.
- elpa-org-ml: functional API for org-mode, requisitado há 1367 dias.
- elpa-osm: OpenStreetMap viewer for Emacs, requisitado há 998 dias.
- elpa-persistent-scratch: preserve scratch buffers across Emacs sessions, requisitado há 1228 dias.
- elpa-poetry: Poetry writing aids for Emacs, requisitado há 2794 dias.
- elpa-rainbow-blocks: highlight paren/bracket/brace delimited blocks in Emacs according to depth, requisitado há 1798 dias.
- elpa-rfcview: rfcview, requisitado há 2352 dias.
- elpa-tc: Japanese input method with T-code on Emacs, requisitado há 2337 dias.
- elpa-template: Template Package for Emacs, requisitado há 7641 dias.
- elpa-tramp: Transparent Remote Access, Multiple Protocol, requisitado há 1855 dias.
- elpa-ws-trim: various sorts of whitespace trimming for emacs, requisitado há 4696 dias.
- elpa-xrdb-mode: xrdb from elpa, requisitado há 2566 dias.
- emacs-dvc: Emacs front-end to distributed version control systems, requisitado há 5958 dias.
- emacs-eask: CLI for building, running, testing, and managing your Emacs Lisp dependencies, requisitado há 432 dias.
- emacs-ipython-notebook: IPython notebooks in Emacs, requisitado há 4397 dias.
- emacs-snapshot: The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot), requisitado há 6395 dias.
- emacs-textmate: Basic emulation of awesome TextMate features for Emacs, requisitado há 4754 dias.
- emacs-theme-gruvbox: retro groove colour scheme for Emacs, requisitado há 2326 dias.
- email-oauth2-proxy: transparently add OAuth 2.0 support to IMAP/POP/SMTP client applications, requisitado há 94 dias.
- email-spec: Easily test email in RSpec, Cucumber, and MiniTest, requisitado há 4136 dias.
- emailrelay: SMTP email proxy and relay server, requisitado há 954 dias.
- embroidermodder: Free machine embroidery software, requisitado há 3064 dias.
- empty-epsilon: a spaceship bridge simulator game, requisitado há 2869 dias.
- emulationstation-de: Emulator Front-end, requisitado há 1227 dias.
- emulationstation-theme-simple: Simple theme for EmulationStation, requisitado há 3175 dias.
- emulationstation: Graphical emulator front-end, requisitado há 3175 dias.
- enemy-territory: GPL version of the id software game Enemy Territory, requisitado há 5122 dias.
- enhanced-duc: dynamic DNS update client and daemon, requisitado há 3242 dias.
- ensembl-tools: Ensembl tools for genomic data processing, requisitado há 3317 dias.
- ensime: ENhanced Scala Interaction Mode for Emacs, requisitado há 4860 dias.
- entityx: A fast, type-safe C++ Entity Component System, requisitado há 3667 dias.
- envoy: A ssh/gpg-agent wrapper leveraging cgroups and systemd/socket activation, requisitado há 3776 dias.
- envoyproxy: high performance C++ distributed proxy designed for single services and applications, requisitado há 1335 dias.
- eo: evolving objects: evolutionary computation framework, requisitado há 2793 dias.
- epub-tools: A suite of command-line utilities for creating and manipulating epub book files., requisitado há 2773 dias.
- epy: CLI ebook reader, requisitado há 981 dias.
- erbot: A bot that can currently talk to you through InternetRelayChat (IRC), requisitado há 4249 dias.
- erlang-esasl: Erlang SASL library needed for GSSAPI support in ejabberd., requisitado há 4118 dias.
- errol: Automatic XMPP file sender and directory watcher, requisitado há 2545 dias.
- ert-runner: Opinionated Ert testing workflow, requisitado há 2655 dias.
- esmf: Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF), requisitado há 3407 dias.
- esmp: Python Interface for the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF), requisitado há 3407 dias.
- esteidcerts: Estonian ID card root, intermediate and OCSP certificates, requisitado há 4310 dias.
- esteidpkcs11loader: Loads pkcs#11 module for web authentication with smart cards, requisitado há 4310 dias.
- estonianidcard: Metapackage installing all the packages for Estonian ID card support, requisitado há 4311 dias.
- etesync-dav: DAV-bridge for etesync, a secure, end-to-end encrypted, and privacy respecting sync for contacts, calendars, tasks and notes., requisitado há 754 dias.
- etesync-server: A basic EteSync service (so you can run your own), requisitado há 1772 dias.
- eth-bloom: An implementation of the Ethereum bloom filter, requisitado há 2532 dias.
- eth-utils: Utility functions for working with ethereum related codebases, requisitado há 2582 dias.
- ethereum-harmony: Ethereum Independent Peer, requisitado há 2088 dias.
- ethereum-serpent: Ethereum Serpent language compiler, requisitado há 2500 dias.
- etherpad-lite: collaborative real-time editor, requisitado há 5370 dias.
- eu-dss: EU Digital Signature Service implementation, requisitado há 567 dias.
- evacuated-flow: static typechecker for javascript, requisitado há 1926 dias.
- evacuated-gulp: a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow., requisitado há 2053 dias.
- evacuated-property-accessors: A mixin for declaring property accessors, requisitado há 2082 dias.
- everpad: Evernote client for GNU/Linux, requisitado há 3956 dias.
- evil-collection: collection of missing Evil bindings for Emacs M-x calendar, Eshell, and more, requisitado há 1834 dias.
- evil-leader: Emacs addon providing 'leader' feature from Vim, requisitado há 3098 dias.
- evm-jit: The Ethereum EVM JIT, requisitado há 2819 dias.
- eww: A widget system written in Rust, requisitado há 400 dias.
- exciting: All-electron full-potential electronic-structure code, requisitado há 5163 dias.
- execpermfix: Fixes executable permissions, requisitado há 3869 dias.
- exercism: learn programming in more than 30 languages by solving practical problems, requisitado há 2901 dias.
- exodus-standalone: εxodus CLI client for local APK static analysis, requisitado há 2303 dias.
- expect-lite: easy to use version of expect, requisitado há 4054 dias.
- explain-pause-mode-el: Emacs mode for session profiling and identification of poorly performing code, requisitado há 1275 dias.
- external-editor-revived: Thunderbird MailExtension which allows using external editors, requisitado há 671 dias.
- fabtools: tools for writing awesome Fabric files, requisitado há 4309 dias.
- facebook-insights: CLI to interact with Insights metrics in the Facebook Graph API, requisitado há 3118 dias.
- factorio-server: headless server for the game Factorio, requisitado há 2734 dias.
- fail2ban-prometheus-exporter: collect and export Prometheus metrics on Fail2Ban, requisitado há 297 dias.
- fail2go: Go library for communication with fail2ban via its server socket, requisitado há 3725 dias.
- fail2rest: REST server for fail2ban, requisitado há 3728 dias.
- faircoin: a digital currency that is powered by a cooperative grassroots movement, requisitado há 2271 dias.
- fairsim: ImageJ plugin for SIM reconstruction, requisitado há 2689 dias.
- falco: Sysdig Falco is a behavioral activity monitor designed to detect anomalous activity in your applications, requisitado há 2976 dias.
- fancon: High performance, configurable system & NVIDIA fan controller, requisitado há 2811 dias.
- fanshim-python: Controlling Raspberry SHIM Fan, requisitado há 1996 dias.
- farbfeld-util: Programs for converting and working with pictures (with farbfeld), requisitado há 2441 dias.
- fasterxml-oss-parent: parent pom, requisitado há 3757 dias.
- fatx: Complete XBOX filesystem support (FATX), requisitado há 3091 dias.
- fawkes: privacy-preserving tool against facial recognition systems, requisitado há 780 dias.
- fbkeyboard: on screen keyboard for fbdev, requisitado há 2750 dias.
- fcgi-daemon: Perl-aware FastCGI daemon, requisitado há 4772 dias.
- fdmf: find duplicate music files, requisitado há 6008 dias.
- feature-mode: major mode for editing Gherkin user stories in Emacs, requisitado há 3134 dias.
- fedora-liveusb-creator: Cross-platform tool for installing live operating systems on to USB flash drives, requisitado há 4162 dias.
- fedora-messaging: A framework for declaring message schemas, requisitado há 1351 dias.
- feincms-elephantblog: simplistic blog engine for FeinCMS, requisitado há 4606 dias.
- ferdi: All your messaging services in one place, requisitado há 1235 dias.
- fermat: Computer Algebra System for Polynomial and Matrix Computation, requisitado há 2320 dias.
- fff: micro-framework for creating fake C functions for tests, requisitado há 878 dias.
- ffmpeg-python: Python bindings for FFmpeg with complex filtering support, requisitado há 619 dias.
- ffmulticonverter: graphical multi format converter, requisitado há 3575 dias.
- ffsubsync: Language-agnostic automatic synchronization of subtitles with video, so that subtitles are aligned to the correct starting point within the video., requisitado há 1070 dias.
- fgsl: A Fortran interface to the GNU Scientific Library, requisitado há 2875 dias.
- fidocadj: a multi-platform editor for electronics, requisitado há 4238 dias.
- fidus-writer: online collaborative editor for academics, requisitado há 563 dias.
- fiji: "batteries-included" distribution of ImageJ2, requisitado há 1080 dias.
- file-uploader: file upload library for webpages, requisitado há 4145 dias.
- filebench: file system and storage benchmark with flexible workload specification, requisitado há 4729 dias.
- filmulator: Simplified raw editing with the power of film, requisitado há 1426 dias.
- finalterm: Modern terminal emulator, requisitado há 4197 dias.
- findjava: java application startup script helper, requisitado há 544 dias.
- firebird-emu: Third-party emulator of the ARM-based TI-Nspire calculators, requisitado há 2603 dias.
- firecracker: micro KVM-based virtual machine monitor, requisitado há 586 dias.
- firedm: internet download manager GUI, requisitado há 1019 dias.
- firefox-syncserver: Firefox Sync storage and token server, requisitado há 2390 dias.
- firefox-tab-groups: Mozilla announced discontinuing the Tab Groups feature with firefox 45, requisitado há 3250 dias.
- firetable: An iptables firewall management script, written in PHP, requisitado há 4489 dias.
- fizmo-remglk: Remglk-Frontend to the fizmo Z-Machine interpreter, requisitado há 2966 dias.
- flac123: command-line program for playing FLAC audio files, requisitado há 3771 dias.
- flacon: audio file encoder, requisitado há 2235 dias.
- flashrom-stable: Identify, read, write, erase, and verify BIOS/ROM/flash chips, requisitado há 676 dias.
- flask-restless: Flask extension which provides simple generation of ReSTful JSON APIs, requisitado há 3054 dias.
- flat-manager: Manager for flatpak repositories, requisitado há 1740 dias.
- flatpickr: datetime picker written in JavaScript, requisitado há 855 dias.
- flatseal: a graphical utility to review and modify flatpak permissions, requisitado há 1405 dias.
- flex-sdk: Framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications, requisitado há 5250 dias.
- flexget: multipurpose automation tool for torrents, nzbs, podcasts, etc, requisitado há 4103 dias.
- flipcoin: flip an adjustable coin for random exit status, requisitado há 3165 dias.
- fllog: Amateur Radio Logbook Server, requisitado há 3634 dias.
- flnet: Amateur Radio Net Control Station Software, requisitado há 3634 dias.
- flocker: Flocker is an open-source Container Data Volume Manager for Dockerized applications., requisitado há 3436 dias.
- floorp: powerful Firefox fork with more customization and features, requisitado há 270 dias.
- flot-plugin-byte: plugin for Flot plotting library to display byte values on a chart, requisitado há 3684 dias.
- flot-plugin-collection: collection of miscellaneous flot plugins, requisitado há 3684 dias.
- fluttersdk: Cross-platform UI toolkit for natively-compiled applications, requisitado há 1990 dias.
- fluxgui: f.lux indicator applet is an indicator applet to control xflux, requisitado há 3080 dias.
- flwkey: Interface to the Winkeyer series of CW code generators, requisitado há 3634 dias.
- flycheck-grammalecte: Adds support for Grammalecte (a french grammar checker) to flycheck., requisitado há 817 dias.
- folly: library of C++11 components designed with practicality and efficiency in mind, requisitado há 4003 dias.
- font-ttf-scripts-perl: TTF font support scripts for Perl, requisitado há 5049 dias.
- fontdiff: tool for finding visual differences between two font versions, requisitado há 2321 dias.
- fontedit: edit fonts as byte arrays for use in embedded systems, requisitado há 1662 dias.
- fonts-ambrosia: An old Art Nouveau font, requisitado há 2172 dias.
- fonts-arsenal: zeitgeist, practical, and Ukrainian typeface, requisitado há 1873 dias.
- fonts-autonym: A font that can render all language autonyms, requisitado há 4051 dias.
- fonts-churchslavonic: This package provides OpenType and TrueType fonts for Church Slavonic (cu), requisitado há 2954 dias.
- fonts-ekmukta: humanist, mono-linear typeface for Devanagari and Latin scripts, requisitado há 3789 dias.
- fonts-fira: sans-serif font family released with FirefoxOS, requisitado há 4104 dias.
- fonts-gandhi: A sans serif and serif version of, requisitado há 4147 dias.
- fonts-genericons: vector icons embedded in a webfont, requisitado há 2955 dias.
- fonts-iosevka: Slender typeface for code, from code, requisitado há 1503 dias.
- fonts-labiryntowy-0.4: Font looking like a maze, requisitado há 3858 dias.
- fonts-mntch-script: Open-source font for barcodes on Linux, requisitado há 1601 dias.
- fonts-neucha: A sans serif font available on Google Fonts, requisitado há 980 dias.
- fonts-new-athena-unicode: Multilingual font distributed by the American Philological Association., requisitado há 4115 dias.
- fonts-newscycle: realist, sans-serif typeface based primarily on a revival of the 1908-era News Gothic, requisitado há 981 dias.
- fonts-old-hungarian: Font for Old Hungarian (Rovásírás), requisitado há 2289 dias.
- fonts-orbitron: geometric sans-serif typeface intended for display purposes, requisitado há 3713 dias.
- fonts-overpass: Font family inspired by Highway Gothic, requisitado há 715 dias.
- fonts-parmaite: Tengwar TrueType font, requisitado há 3566 dias.
- fonts-pompiere: a playful script font, requisitado há 3337 dias.
- fonts-pt-astra: metric-compatible Times New Roman and Arial alternatives, requisitado há 2993 dias.
- fonts-raleway: elegant sans-serif typeface designed in a single thin weight, requisitado há 3813 dias.
- fonts-recursive: Recursive Mono & Sans variable font family, requisitado há 1872 dias.
- fonts-red-hat: Red Hat type family, requisitado há 1346 dias.
- fonts-reemkufi: Fatimid Kufic typeface, requisitado há 3105 dias.
- fonts-sahl-naskh: a fork of Droid Arabic Naskh font, requisitado há 3957 dias.
- fonts-selawik: font family metrics-compatible with Microsoft Segoe UI, requisitado há 2827 dias.
- fonts-sil-douloscipher: Cipher Music Notation font, requisitado há 3355 dias.
- fonts-sil-unicodebmpfallback: debugging font for Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane, requisitado há 3355 dias.
- fonts-source-code-pro: set of fonts designed to work well in GUI, requisitado há 3982 dias.
- fonts-source-han-sans: A sans-serif Pan-CJK font family that is offered in seven weights, requisitado há 3807 dias.
- fonts-source-serif-pro: set of serif OpenType fonts designed to complement Source Sans Pro, requisitado há 3853 dias.
- fonts-tuladhajejeg: Javanese smart Unicode fonts, requisitado há 3569 dias.
- foobnix: a free music player written on Python 3, requisitado há 437 dias.
- force-bind: forcer-bind is a shared object that is loaded with LD_PRELOAD and hooks 'bind' function, requisitado há 3865 dias.
- foreman: puppet dashboard and node classifier, requisitado há 4670 dias.
- foswiki-caslogincontrib: CAS LoginManager for Foswiki, requisitado há 5970 dias.
- foundationdb: distributed, transactional, key-value store, requisitado há 2420 dias.
- fox-1.7: FOX C++ GUI toolkit, 1.7 (development) branch, requisitado há 1660 dias.
- fpm: Effing Package Management, requisitado há 4468 dias.
- framadate: online service for planning an appointment, requisitado há 2646 dias.
- framework-system: Rust libraries and tools to interact with the Framework Computer systems, requisitado há 128 dias.
- franz: Franz is your messaging app for WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram and many many more., requisitado há 2053 dias.
- freap: audio converter and CD ripper, requisitado há 2975 dias.
- freebasic: 32-bit BASIC compiler with MS QuickBasic compatibility, requisitado há 6511 dias.
- freedict-ara-eng: Dict package for Arabic-English Freedict dictionary, requisitado há 5883 dias.
- freedict-eng-ara: Dict package for English-Arabic Freedict dictionary, requisitado há 5882 dias.
- freefall: daemon to protect disk for laptops with supported sensors, requisitado há 3505 dias.
- freehearingtest: Free Hearing Test Software, requisitado há 3005 dias.
- freenginx: a fork of nginx maintained by Maxim Dounin and the development community, requisitado há 310 dias.
- freenom-dns-updater: Tool written in Python to update Freenom DNS records, requisitado há 917 dias.
- freeroi: a tool for defining region of interest in fMRI analysis, requisitado há 3724 dias.
- freerouter: routing suite in java, requisitado há 3525 dias.
- freesurfer: analysis and visualization of functional brain imaging data, requisitado há 4956 dias.
- freeswitch: Modular Media Switching Software Library and Soft-Switch Application., requisitado há 6660 dias.
- freesynd: Free implementation of the Syndicate engine, requisitado há 6568 dias.
- freetube: An Open Source YouTube app for privacy, requisitado há 90 dias.
- freight: easy-to-understand shell script to handle APT repositories, requisitado há 2969 dias.
- freshrss: self-hosted RSS feed aggregator, requisitado há 650 dias.
- friendica: PHP/MySQL based decentral social network platform, requisitado há 4756 dias.
- fsleyes: feature-rich viewer for volumetric images, requisitado há 2794 dias.
- fsmap: Graphical description in a concept map of the free software world, requisitado há 5371 dias.
- fsniper: daemon to run scripts based on changes in files monitored by inotify, requisitado há 4401 dias.
- fsthost: A linux VST host using winelib, fork of FreeST, requisitado há 4298 dias.
- fsyringe: command line tool to inject or extract data from a file, requisitado há 4026 dias.
- fudgit: A double-precision multi-purpose fitting program, requisitado há 5780 dias.
- fuel-ui: OpenStack Fuel deployment server - Web GUI, requisitado há 3201 dias.
- fuel: data wrangler for Blocks (deep learning framework), requisitado há 3036 dias.
- fuidshift: remap a filesystem tree to shift one set of UID/GID ranges to another, requisitado há 1986 dias.
- fullcalendar: jQuery plugin providing a full-sized, drag & drop calendar, requisitado há 5122 dias.
- funcdesigner: Python module for rapid prototyping of functions with AD, requisitado há 4931 dias.
- funkwhale: federated audio sharing platform, requisitado há 331 dias.
- fuse-google-drive: A fuse filesystem wrapper for Google Drive., requisitado há 4187 dias.
- fuseloop: loopback mount using FUSE, requisitado há 3994 dias.
- fusenfs: fuse command to mount nfs shares, requisitado há 1131 dias.
- fusuma: multitouch gestures with libinput driver, requisitado há 1156 dias.
- fw-ectool: Framework laptop embedded controller tool, requisitado há 805 dias.
- fwts: firmware test suite PC firmware, requisitado há 3867 dias.
- fx: terminal JSON viewer, requisitado há 843 dias.
- gadgetron: an open source framework for medical image reconstruction, requisitado há 4022 dias.
- gajim-otr: Off-The-Record encryption for Gajim, requisitado há 4122 dias.
- gala: Pantheon Window Manager, requisitado há 3850 dias.
- galleria: Responsive JavaScript Image Gallery, requisitado há 2484 dias.
- gallium-nine-standalone: A standalone version of Gallium Nine, requisitado há 2201 dias.
- gambatte: Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator, requisitado há 3494 dias.
- gamera-psaltiki: Psaltic Byzantine chant notation addon for Gamera (document recognition system), requisitado há 3179 dias.
- ganeti-instance-image: guest OS definition for Ganetiusing images, requisitado há 3689 dias.
- ganttproject: Gantt chart based project, requisitado há 6344 dias.
- garrymander: command-line client and python modules for interacting with the Gerrit code review system, requisitado há 3872 dias.
- gawkextlib: Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU Awk, requisitado há 3023 dias.
- gcadapter-oc-kmod: Kernel module for overclocking the Nintendo Wii U/Mayflash GameCube adapter., requisitado há 813 dias.
- gcc-riscv32-none: GCC cross compiler for 32-bit RISC-V processors, requisitado há 2438 dias.
- gcc-xtensa: toolchain for xtensa, requisitado há 2711 dias.
- gccgo-go: Go tool for use with gccgo, requisitado há 3716 dias.
- gccintro-es: Spanish Introduction to GCC by Brian J. Gough, requisitado há 3349 dias.
- gcstar: Desktop application to manage of various types of collections, requisitado há 760 dias.
- gdb-exploitable: GDB extension for classification of bugs, requisitado há 2710 dias.
- gdb-heap: gdb extension to debug dynamic memory allocation problems, requisitado há 4344 dias.
- gdbgui: A browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger), requisitado há 728 dias.
- geany-themes: collection of color schemes for the Geany IDE/editor, requisitado há 3897 dias.
- geckodriver: proxy for using W3C WebDriver compatible clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers, requisitado há 1296 dias.
- gedit-plugin-copy-file-path: Provides a way to copy the current file path to the clipboard, requisitado há 1918 dias.
- gedit-rest-plugin: reStructuredText Plugin for gedit, requisitado há 3120 dias.
- gedraa-dsh: Data mine Internet catalogs to find double starts candidates double starts candidates, requisitado há 3913 dias.
- gedraa-duplex: double star observers a tool to make easier a basic astrophysical analysis of both components of a given pair., requisitado há 3912 dias.
- gemget: A command line downloader for the Gemini protocol, requisitado há 751 dias.
- gendev: Sega Genesis development environment for Linux, requisitado há 2701 dias.
- genealogy data from US Census 1990, requisitado há 2835 dias.
- geneva: high performance parallel optimization library, requisitado há 3522 dias.
- genmkfile: Generic Makefile, requisitado há 2822 dias.
- gens-gs: Sega Genesis / Sega CD / Sega 32X emulator, requisitado há 5663 dias.
- geoapi: Set of Java interfaces for geospatial applications, requisitado há 3253 dias.
- geomyidae: gopher server for Linux/BSD, requisitado há 2028 dias.
- gephi: The Open Graph Viz Platform, requisitado há 4768 dias.
- gerbil: novel interactive visualization and analysis framework for multispectral and hyperspectral images, requisitado há 4250 dias.
- geronimo-j2ee-deployment-1.1-spec: Geronimo API implementation of the J2EE deployment 1.1 spec, requisitado há 4128 dias.
- geronimo-servlet-3.0-spec: Geronimo API implementation of the Servlet 3.0 spec, requisitado há 3148 dias.
- gerrit: Web based code review and project management for Git based projects, requisitado há 5270 dias.
- gestioip: Web-based IP address management software, requisitado há 3930 dias.
- ghidra: software reverse engineering framework, requisitado há 2117 dias.
- ghost: platform for building and running online publications, requisitado há 2482 dias.
- gimp-qmlexporter: GIMP plugin to export layers and Text as QT-Quick (QML), requisitado há 4424 dias.
- girl: GNOME Internet Radio Locator, requisitado há 2917 dias.
- gismo: Geometry plus Simulation modules, requisitado há 2398 dias.
- git-arr: git repository browser that can generate static HTML, requisitado há 3220 dias.
- git-bug: Distributed bug tracker embedded in Git, requisitado há 2271 dias.
- git-credential-manager: provides multi-factor authentication support for Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps Server, GitHub, and Bitbucket., requisitado há 1095 dias.
- git-latexdiff: Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file., requisitado há 2698 dias.
- git-machete: manage sets of related git branches, requisitado há 865 dias.
- git-mount: Mount a specific revision of a git repo as FUSE filesystem, requisitado há 1768 dias.
- git-remote-codecommit: An implementation of Git Remote Helper that makes it easier to interact with AWS CodeCommit, requisitado há 1585 dias.
- git-repo: CLI utility to manage git services from your workspace, requisitado há 2993 dias.
- git-versioning: Managing releases from a git repository, requisitado há 1870 dias.
- gitfs: Version controlled file system, requisitado há 1768 dias.
- github-backup-utils: Backup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise, requisitado há 3711 dias.
- github-release: Command line app to create and edit releases on Github (and upload artifacts), requisitado há 2868 dias.
- gitignorer: A simple utility that aids in the creation of .gitignore files., requisitado há 4075 dias.
- gitlab-linguist: GitLab Language detection, requisitado há 3446 dias.
- gitlab-webhook-xmpp: multi-user chat notifications about GitLab events, requisitado há 2545 dias.
- gitprep: Git repository management application, requisitado há 4014 dias.
- gkamus: Offline Indonesian-English dictionary., requisitado há 4857 dias.
- glamour: beautiful 2D game with princesses for young girls, requisitado há 3943 dias.
- globus-connect-personal: a client to establish a (personal) Globus endpoint, requisitado há 1901 dias.
- glpi: GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software, requisitado há 928 dias.
- glshim: Shim that translates OpenGL 1.x into OpenGL ES., requisitado há 3025 dias.
- glsof: Two graphical frontends to lsof (Filemonitor and Queries), requisitado há 2959 dias.
- gluco-control: Diabetes management application, requisitado há 2917 dias.
- glue-vispy-viewers: Glue VisPy plugin, requisitado há 2966 dias.
- glui: GLUT-based C++ user interface library which provides controls such as buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and spinners to OpenGL applications, requisitado há 3355 dias.
- gly: Flexible Gregorian notation format compiling to canonical gabc, requisitado há 3137 dias.
- gmat: spacecraft mission analysis, design and simulation, requisitado há 2983 dias.
- gmqcc: Improved QuakeC compiler, requisitado há 4209 dias.
- gneural-network: GNU neural network, requisitado há 3145 dias.
- gnome-break-timer: A break timer application for GNOME, requisitado há 996 dias.
- gnome-breeze: A GTK Theme Built to Match KDE's Breeze, requisitado há 3389 dias.
- gnome-crosswords: crossword player and editor, requisitado há 521 dias.
- gnome-globalmenu: global menu plug-in for gnome-shell, requisitado há 4846 dias.
- gnome-pdf-tool: GUI tool to edit PDF metadata, requisitado há 3412 dias.
- gnome-schedule: GUI for vixie-cron, dcron and at to manage your crontab file, requisitado há 3133 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-apt-update-indicator: GNOME Shell update indicator for apt-based distributions, requisitado há 2932 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-backslide: wallpaper slideshow extension for GNOME Shell, requisitado há 2511 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-icon-hider: GNOME Shell's status area icons manager, requisitado há 4206 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-lock-keys: Display Capslock/NumLock status in Gnome Shell top panel, requisitado há 2938 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-proxy-switcher: gnome-shell-extension-proxy-switcher, requisitado há 2972 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-radio: GNOME shell extension for listening to internet radio streams, requisitado há 2915 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor-next: Display system information in GNOME Shell status bar, requisitado há 49 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-unite: makes GNOME Shell look like Ubuntu's Unity Shell, requisitado há 802 dias.
- gnome-shell-extension-wsmatrix: GNOME shell extension to arrange workspaces in a two dimensional grid with workspace thumbnails, requisitado há 988 dias.
- gnome-shell-frippery: Frippery GNOME Shell extensions, requisitado há 4788 dias.
- gnome-theme-clearlooks-flat-compact: Compact GTK+ 2, GTK+ 3 and Metacity theme, requisitado há 4221 dias.
- gnomecast: a GUI for casting local files to Chromecast devices - supports MKV, subtitles, 5.1 sound and 4K, requisitado há 1812 dias.
- gns3-converter: GNS3 topology converter, requisitado há 3489 dias.
- gns3-gui: GNS3 graphical interface for the GNS3 server, requisitado há 3714 dias.
- gns3-server: GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators, requisitado há 3714 dias.
- gnucheese: Modern chess engine based on GNU Chess 5.07., requisitado há 3671 dias.
- gnuhealth: a hospital information system, requisitado há 1965 dias.
- gnukhata: Free Accounting Software, requisitado há 3841 dias.
- gnusocial: social networking platform, requisitado há 3535 dias.
- go-flint: Linting tool to check your project for common sources of contributor friction, requisitado há 3282 dias.
- goatcounter: easy, meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics, requisitado há 1623 dias.
- gofish: Small gopher server in C, requisitado há 4599 dias.
- golang-bombardier: Fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go, requisitado há 1880 dias.
- golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-memsize: computes the size of your object graph, requisitado há 821 dias.
- golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-xhandler-dev: bridge between net/context and http.Handler, requisitado há 832 dias.
- golang-gg6zxtreajiijztyy5g6bt5o6l3qu32nrg7eulyemlhxwwl6enk6ghad-themusicgod1-wmi: WQL interface to Windows WMI, requisitado há 3 dias.
- golang-github-abiosoft-ishell: Library for creating interactive cli applications, requisitado há 809 dias.
- golang-github-ammario-ipisp: Golang IP to ISP library utilizing team cymru's IP to ASN service, requisitado há 2132 dias.
- golang-github-cheat-cheat: cheat allows us to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command line, requisitado há 1476 dias.
- golang-github-cjbassi-drawille-go: Pixel graphics in terminal with unicode braille characters (golang), requisitado há 2147 dias.
- golang-github-codedellemc-goscaleio: ScaleIO API bindings for Go, requisitado há 2762 dias.
- golang-github-creack-termios: Multi Platform Golang terminal management: Raw mode, TTY size., requisitado há 3281 dias.
- golang-github-distatus-battery-dev: cross-platform, normalized battery information library, requisitado há 2147 dias.
- golang-github-erroneousboat-slack-term: Slack client for your terminal, requisitado há 2053 dias.
- golang-github-gengo-grpc-gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator, requisitado há 3092 dias.
- golang-github-go-ethereum: Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol, requisitado há 2500 dias.
- golang-github-grafana-dskit: Distributed systems kit, requisitado há 1097 dias.
- golang-github-influxdata-platform: InfluxDB 2.0: The community version of the InfluxData Platform for Time Series, requisitado há 2216 dias.
- golang-github-jawher-mow.cli: CLI arguments parsing and validation, requisitado há 3074 dias.
- golang-github-jen20-riviera: Azure Resource Manager SDK library for Go, requisitado há 3170 dias.
- golang-github-jgeewax-cli: small package for building command line apps in Go, requisitado há 3436 dias.
- golang-github-kennygrant-sanitize: Functions for sanitizing text in golang strings, requisitado há 3264 dias.
- golang-github-lusis-go-artifactory: Go library and utilities to interact with Artifactory, requisitado há 3170 dias.
- golang-github-makenotabuggreatagain-com-dev: an open source project for commonly used functions for the Go programming language, requisitado há 2227 dias.
- golang-github-maruel-ut-dev: Compact testing utilities to shorten Go unit tests, requisitado há 2744 dias.
- golang-github-mattn-go-localereader: CodePage decoder for Windows, requisitado há 783 dias.
- golang-github-maxmind-geoipupdate-v6: golang GeoIP update client and library, requisitado há 143 dias.
- golang-github-missinglink-pbf: utilities for parsing OpenStreetMap PBF files and extracting geographic data, requisitado há 1809 dias.
- golang-github-mitchellh-goamz: Golang Amazon Library, requisitado há 3244 dias.
- golang-github-mwitkow-go-grpc-middleware: Golang gRPC Middlewares, requisitado há 2687 dias.
- golang-github-nats-io-nats-streaming-server: NATS Streaming System Server, requisitado há 2221 dias.
- golang-github-ncabatoff-fakescraper: scrape Prometheus metrics from inside the app, requisitado há 1495 dias.
- golang-github-openconfig-gnmi: gRPC Network Management Interface, requisitado há 2268 dias.
- golang-github-pearkes-mailgun: Go library for using Mailgun (email service), requisitado há 3170 dias.
- golang-github-pierrec-cmdflag: augment the flag package with commands, requisitado há 958 dias.
- golang-github-protonmail-go-appdir: Minimalistic Go package to get application directories such as config and cache, requisitado há 2147 dias.
- golang-github-stevenroose-gonfig: Go package for program configuration, requisitado há 1641 dias.
- golang-github-stripe-krl: OpenSSH Key Revocation List support for Go, requisitado há 2722 dias.
- golang-github-tenox7-wrp: Web Rendering Proxy, requisitado há 1257 dias.
- golang-github-tylerb-graceful: graceful shutdown of an http.Handler server, requisitado há 2222 dias.
- golang-github-xo-dburl: URL style mechanism for parsing and opening SQL database connection strings, requisitado há 958 dias.
- golang-gopkg-clog.v1-dev: channel-based logging package for Go, requisitado há 2249 dias.
- golang-notabug-hp-gogs: A painless, self-hosted git service, requisitado há 2254 dias.
- golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-barcode-dev: A barcode creation lib for golang, requisitado há 2248 dias.
- golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-git-module-dev: Package git-module is a Go module for Git access through shell commands, requisitado há 2246 dias.
- golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-go-gogs-client: API for gogs, requisitado há 2225 dias.
- golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-ldap-dev: Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language., requisitado há 2246 dias.
- golang-notabug-themusicgod1-cookiejar: A contestant's algorithm toolbox, requisitado há 2260 dias.
- golang-notabug-themusicgod1-cp-dev: File Copying, requisitado há 2805 dias.
- golang-notabug-themusicgod1-ratelimit: Simple, thread-safe Go rate-limiter, requisitado há 2266 dias.
- golang-openprivacy-libcwtch-go-dev: libcwtch-go / C-bindings for the Go Cwtch Library, requisitado há 795 dias.
- golang-openprivacy-openrpivacy-log-dev: Simple configurable logging tool, requisitado há 1777 dias.
- golang-qml.v0: Graphical QML application support for the Go language, requisitado há 3771 dias.
- golang-salsa-themusicgod1-guest-go-duktape-dev: Duktape JavaScript engine bindings for Go, requisitado há 2082 dias.
- golang-storj-io-uplink: Go library for Storj V3 Network, requisitado há 1545 dias.
- golang-urlconnection: Go library to connect to targets given as URLs, requisitado há 4065 dias.
- goldbug: secure fully decentralized instant messaging, chat and email client, requisitado há 4065 dias.
- gollum: simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend, requisitado há 1636 dias.
- google-auto-factory-java: Source code generator for JSR-330-compatible factories, requisitado há 1690 dias.
- google-caja: Compiler for making third-party HTML, CSS and JavaScript safe for embedding, requisitado há 3524 dias.
- google-cloud-sdk: easily create and manage resources on Google Cloud, requisitado há 3767 dias.
- google-compile-testing-java: Testing tools for javac and annotation processors, requisitado há 1666 dias.
- google-drive-ocamlfuse: FUSE filesystem over Google Drive, requisitado há 3511 dias.
- googleplaydownloader: A graphical frontend to download APKs from Google Play store, requisitado há 3634 dias.
- goreplay: GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic, requisitado há 2672 dias.
- gosh: Do everything from the terminal, requisitado há 1829 dias.
- gostack-stack: utilities to capture, manipulate, and format call stacks, requisitado há 2773 dias.
- gotop: A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop, requisitado há 2147 dias.
- gowhois: A simple WHOIS library for Go, requisitado há 3725 dias.
- gpcslots2: text console casino for *nix, requisitado há 3683 dias.
- gpgstats: GPGstats calculates statistics on the keys in your key-ring., requisitado há 5248 dias.
- gps-share: Utility to share your GPS device on local network, requisitado há 1313 dias.
- gpsmaster: application to create, view, edit and analyse GPX files, requisitado há 3073 dias.
- gpu-basis-universal: Basis Universal GPU Texture Codec, requisitado há 553 dias.
- gpvdm: General-purpose Photovoltaic Device Model, requisitado há 3197 dias.
- gpxsee: GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports GPX, TCX, KML, FIT, IGC and NMEA files, requisitado há 2565 dias.
- grab-site: The archivist's web crawler: WARC output, dashboard for all crawls, dynamic ignore patterns, requisitado há 2210 dias.
- grab: simple but very fast grep, requisitado há 1503 dias.
- gradle-git-version-plugin: allows gradle to find source tree version in git, requisitado há 2669 dias.
- grafana-dashboard-manager: Import and export Grafana dashboards for backup and dynamic provisioning, requisitado há 1068 dias.
- grafana: feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor, requisitado há 2116 dias.
- grails: An open-source web application framework that leverages the Groovy language, requisitado há 6111 dias.
- graphmonkey: a GTK#-based graphic calculator, requisitado há 7139 dias.
- grive2: Google Drive client with support for new Drive REST API and partial sync, requisitado há 3235 dias.
- grocy: web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution, requisitado há 1577 dias.
- grub-efi-arm-signed: armhf counterpart of grub-efi-arm64-signed, requisitado há 1507 dias.
- gruvbox-gtk-theme: GTK+ gruvbox theme, requisitado há 362 dias.
- gshhg-gshhs-bindata: GSHHS binary datafiles and the C header file, requisitado há 3823 dias.
- gsi-openssh: secure shell client and server with GSI authentication, requisitado há 4481 dias.
- gsignond: gSSO daemon and default plugins, requisitado há 3077 dias.
- gst-debug-viewer: GStreamer Debug Viewer, requisitado há 4850 dias.
- gst-plugins-rs: GStreamer plugins written in Rust, requisitado há 1894 dias.
- gstreamer-sharp-1.0: new revamped GStreamer CLI bindings that target gstreamer-1.x, requisitado há 3922 dias.
- gtabview: simple graphical tabular data viewer, requisitado há 3260 dias.
- gtk-ppp: GTK front-end to wvDial, requisitado há 2279 dias.
- gtk-theme-qogir: Qogir GTK, requisitado há 295 dias.
- guayadeque: lightweight music player, requisitado há 2902 dias.
- guitarexerciser: A program to help guitarists develop their skills, requisitado há 4688 dias.
- gur: (GNU Usage Recorder); A script written in bash to record computer usage, requisitado há 3670 dias.
- gvls: GNOME Vala Language Server library, requisitado há 1071 dias.
- gwamar: genome-wide assessment of mutations associated with drug resistance in bacteria, requisitado há 3300 dias.
- gwaveedit: Sound file editor, requisitado há 474 dias.
- gwt-maven-plugin: maven plugin to compile Google Web Toolkit applications, requisitado há 4523 dias.
- gwt: Google Web Toolkit, requisitado há 3386 dias.
- gx: A package management tool, requisitado há 2901 dias.
- gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing, requisitado há 2198 dias.
- gypsy: GPS multiplexing daemon, requisitado há 5979 dias.
- gzdoom: Enhanced Doom engine, requisitado há 5095 dias.
- habdec: RTTY Decoder for SDR and HAB, requisitado há 2088 dias.
- hackpad: Web-based realtime wiki, requisitado há 3409 dias.
- hacs: Pedagogic Compiler Generator, requisitado há 3767 dias.
- hadoop: Apache Hadoop distributed processing framework, requisitado há 3436 dias.
- hakuneko: Manga Downloader based on GTK, requisitado há 4246 dias.
- hamara-themes: A GTK2/3, metacity and xwfm4 theme and an icon theme used by Hamara Linux., requisitado há 3299 dias.
- handlr: application default handler, requisitado há 1019 dias.
- hardened-malloc: hardened memory allocator, requisitado há 1853 dias.
- harper: grammar checker for developers, requisitado há 103 dias.
- harpoon: CLI tool for open source and threat intelligence, requisitado há 413 dias.
- harpwise: a commandline-tool to learn harmonica using microphone and speaker, requisitado há 36 dias.
- haskell-gitlib-libgit2: Libgit2 backend for gitlib (haskell), requisitado há 3294 dias.
- haskell-process: Process libraries in Haskell, requisitado há 4316 dias.
- haskell-wai-routing: Declarative routing for WAI, requisitado há 3273 dias.
- hawk: HA Web Konsole, requisitado há 4904 dias.
- hawkmoth: minimalistic Sphinx C Domain autodoc directive extension, requisitado há 1164 dias.
- hazelcast: distributed cache, requisitado há 3894 dias.
- hdhomerun-config-gui: GUI Configuration utility for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun, requisitado há 4368 dias.
- hdmi2usb-firmware: gateware for FPGA on HDMI2USB hardware, requisitado há 3406 dias.
- hdmi2usb-src: Sources of components, requisitado há 3407 dias.
- hdump: Hexadecimal and ASCII dumper for binary files, requisitado há 3442 dias.
- headoverheels: remake of the classical game from the '80s, requisitado há 4323 dias.
- hebrew-cal: Hebrew Calendar, requisitado há 3650 dias.
- hedera-icon-theme: A classic icon theme for Linux desktops, requisitado há 3062 dias.
- hedgehog: visualisation tool for DNS, requisitado há 3511 dias.
- hekate: Protein crosslink analysis by mass spectrometry, requisitado há 3726 dias.
- heketi: RESTful based volume management framework for GlusterFS, requisitado há 2357 dias.
- helm-kubernetes: Kubernetes Package Manager, requisitado há 2262 dias.
- helm-synth: polyphonic synthesiser, requisitado há 3240 dias.
- helmfile: Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts, requisitado há 2110 dias.
- hera-vm: Hera VM: eWASM virtual machine conforming to the Ethereum VM C API, requisitado há 2500 dias.
- herbie: Synthesis for floating-point expressions, requisitado há 2540 dias.
- heroku: Client library and CLI to deploy apps on Heroku, requisitado há 2784 dias.
- heybuddy: light microblogging client, requisitado há 4691 dias.
- hg-evolve: Mutable history for mercurial, requisitado há 2087 dias.
- hid4java: A cross-platform Java Native Access wrapper for the hidapi library, requisitado há 731 dias.
- highlight-chars-el: highlight specified sets of characters, including whitespace, requisitado há 2362 dias.
- hindent: automatic Haskell code formatter, requisitado há 2752 dias.
- historyblock: browser extension for hist. control, requisitado há 5422 dias.
- histring: Generic command line tool to highlight arbitrary strings, requisitado há 3771 dias.
- hls+ghcide: Haskell Development Environment and Language Server, requisitado há 1590 dias.
- hobbits: a GUI toolkit for reverse engineering of binary formats, requisitado há 1430 dias.
- hogan.js: compiler for the Mustache templating language, requisitado há 4282 dias.
- holoviews: visualization library for scientific or engineering data, requisitado há 3222 dias.
- homer-ui: HOMER / SIPCapture node web UI, requisitado há 3020 dias.
- homer: Video Conferencing System, requisitado há 3491 dias.
- honeytrap: low-interaction network honeypot, requisitado há 6322 dias.
- honk: Honk is an ActivityPub server with minimal setup requirements., requisitado há 487 dias.
- hoppscotch: Web API development environment, requisitado há 1003 dias.
- host-spawn: Run commands on your host machine from inside your flatpak sandbox, toolbox or distrobox containers, requisitado há 62 dias.
- hotdoc: documentation tool using CommonMark, requisitado há 2989 dias.
- hotswap-agent: Java unlimited redefinition of classes at runtime, requisitado há 1960 dias.
- how2: stackoverflow from the terminal, requisitado há 3209 dias.
- hpccsystems: HPCC (High Performance Computing Cluster), requisitado há 4139 dias.
- hpx: C++ Standard library for parallelism and concurrency, requisitado há 2008 dias.
- hsakmt: thunk library for AMD's HSA Linux kernel driver (amdkfd), requisitado há 3338 dias.
- hsenv: Haskell virtual environment tool, requisitado há 3693 dias.
- hstspreload: Chromium HSTS Preload list as a Python package, requisitado há 1686 dias.
- ht5streamer: Youtube/Dailymotion streamer without need of flashplugin, requisitado há 4100 dias.
- html-minifier: HTML compressor/minifier, requisitado há 2845 dias.
- htmlq: uses CSS selectors to extract bits of content from HTML file, requisitado há 844 dias.
- http-kit: minimalist, efficient, Ring-compatible HTTP client/server for Clojure, requisitado há 3708 dias.
- http-message-signatures: implementation of RFC 9421, HTTP Message Signatures, requisitado há 211 dias.
- http-prompt: interactive command-line HTTP client, requisitado há 3088 dias.
- httpauthenticationoverxmpp: provide an HTTP authentication over XMPP, requisitado há 2155 dias.
- httplab: An interactive web server, requisitado há 2845 dias.
- httpolice: validator for HTTP requests and responses, requisitado há 1019 dias.
- humanized-opening-hours: A parser for the opening_hours fields from OpenStreetMap, requisitado há 1504 dias.
- hunspell-gu: Gujarati dictionary for hunspell, requisitado há 4310 dias.
- hunspell-ie: Interlingue dictionary for Hunspell, requisitado há 3204 dias.
- hunspell-tlh: Klingon dictionary for Hunspell and Nuspell, requisitado há 2257 dias.
- hwgen: A Handwriting Generator For Presentation Design, requisitado há 2998 dias.
- hydrogen-doc: Manual and Tutorial for the Hydrogen drum machine, requisitado há 814 dias.
- hyphanet: peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant and privacy-respecting publishing and communication, requisitado há 6065 dias.
- hypnotix: IPTV player, requisitado há 782 dias.
- hyprland-per-window-layout: Daemon providing per-window keyboard layout for Hyprland, requisitado há 123 dias.
- i-nex: an application that gathers information for hardware components, requisitado há 3968 dias.
- i3-py: tools for i3 users and developers, requisitado há 2231 dias.
- ibus-bogo: A Vietnamese input engine for IBus., requisitado há 4291 dias.
- ibus-sayura: Sinhala Transe IME engine for ibus, requisitado há 4050 dias.
- ice4j: ICE/STUN/TURN Java library used by Jitsi, requisitado há 4355 dias.
- icecat: GNU version of the Firefox browser, requisitado há 4881 dias.
- icedove-thunderlink: Link to email by Message-ID, requisitado há 3444 dias.
- iceweasel-uxp: Firefox XUL (pre-Quantum) fork from Hyperbola , requisitado há 2117 dias.
- idemptables: idempotent iptables wrapper, requisitado há 2530 dias.
- igb: dkms source for the igb network driver, requisitado há 3332 dias.
- iiu: iiu (is it up?) is a command line tool that checks if a website is up, requisitado há 3992 dias.
- ijulia: Julia kernel for Jupyter, requisitado há 3548 dias.
- ilias: Web-based LCMS, requisitado há 7873 dias.
- img: unprivileged OCI-compatible container image builder, requisitado há 1697 dias.
- imm: Execute arbitrary actions for each unread element of RSS/Atom feeds, requisitado há 2853 dias.
- implicitcad: Powerful, Open-Source, Programmatic CAD, requisitado há 3922 dias.
- incus-ui-canonical: Incus-UI-Canonical is a browser frontend for Incus (patched LXD-UI), requisitado há 277 dias.
- indicator-keylock: indicator that displays the status of the keyboard lock keys, requisitado há 4232 dias.
- indicator-multiload: A port of the gnome multiload panel applet to appindicators and vala., requisitado há 4227 dias.
- ineptepub: decrypt Adobe ADEPT-encrypted EPUB books, requisitado há 4551 dias.
- infamous-plugins: Infamous Plugins is a collection of open-source LV2 plugins, requisitado há 1328 dias.
- infer: static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C, requisitado há 3474 dias.
- influxdb-relay: a basic high availability layer for InfluxDB, requisitado há 2990 dias.
- inform6-contrib: community contributed tools for Inform 6, requisitado há 3116 dias.
- inform7: Inform 7 interactive fiction design system, requisitado há 6322 dias.
- inkscape-plugin-qrcode: Inkscape plugin for generating QR codes, requisitado há 4064 dias.
- innernet: Wireguard-based private network, requisitado há 459 dias.
- innotop: monitor MySQL in real time, requisitado há 4692 dias.
- insomnia: Intuitive REST API client, requisitado há 2441 dias.
- inspec: compliance checking tool, requisitado há 2531 dias.
- intel-me-cleaner: deblobs Intel ME/TXE, requisitado há 2553 dias.
- intel-opencl-sdk: Intel(R) OpenCL SDK, requisitado há 4604 dias.
- intellij-idea: An integrated development environment for Java and other Java VM languages, requisitado há 3878 dias.
- interfacetable-v3t: Nagios / Icinga plugin to monitor network interfaces via SNMP, requisitado há 4124 dias.
- involucro: build and deliver software with containers, requisitado há 3117 dias.
- ioflo: Automated reasoning engine and flow based programming python framework, requisitado há 3547 dias.
- ior: parallel storage IO benchmark, requisitado há 301 dias.
- iotivity: Seamless device-to-device connectivity IoT framework, requisitado há 3144 dias.
- ip2location: Get IP address information from IP2Location BIN data file, requisitado há 3657 dias.
- ipad-charge: Utility to make iPad charge with the, requisitado há 3911 dias.
- ipify-cli: Get your public IP address, requisitado há 2145 dias.
- ipsilon: Identity Provider server and toolkit, requisitado há 3117 dias.
- ipyleaflet: A Jupyter-Leaflet.js bridge, requisitado há 1822 dias.
- irccat: cat to IRC, requisitado há 1709 dias.
- iroffer-dinoex: IRC file distribution bot, requisitado há 5341 dias.
- ironbar: wlroots/sway bar, requisitado há 357 dias.
- irssi-plugin-matrix: Matrix plugin for Irssi, requisitado há 921 dias.
- iruby: Ruby kernel for Jupyter/IPython Notebook, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- isabelle: Generic theorem proving environment, requisitado há 5977 dias.
- isce2: Interferometric SAR Scientific Computing Environment, requisitado há 2126 dias.
- isse: An Interactive Source Separation Editor, requisitado há 3133 dias.
- istsos: Sensor Observation Service Data Management System, requisitado há 3752 dias.
- itd: daemon to control watches running InfiniTime (such as PineTime), requisitado há 463 dias.
- itktools: command line tools based on the ITK, intended for image processing, requisitado há 3016 dias.
- j-lawyer: office app for German lawyers, requisitado há 1657 dias.
- jackal: high performance XMPP server, requisitado há 993 dias.
- jackson-modules-base: JAVA XML libraries, requisitado há 2384 dias.
- jackson-parent: Jackson parent pom, requisitado há 3757 dias.
- jadx: Android Dex decompiler, requisitado há 2076 dias.
- jailhouse: Jailhouse partitioning Hypervisor based on Linux, requisitado há 14 dias.
- jain-sip: A low level Java API speicification for SIP Signaling (used by ice4j), requisitado há 3816 dias.
- jami-greenscreen-plugin: a greenscrenn plugin for jami, requisitado há 328 dias.
- jamovi: SPSS-like statistics package with a spreadsheet editor and R support, requisitado há 1351 dias.
- jampal: mp3 song library management system and player, requisitado há 4453 dias.
- janeclone: JaneClone is a simple browser for the Internet bulletin board by GUI., requisitado há 3872 dias.
- jarifa: System for grid computing on organizational resources, using BOINC., requisitado há 5506 dias.
- jasper: JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library, requisitado há 2776 dias.
- java-digital: A digital logic designer and circuit simulator, requisitado há 284 dias.
- javolution: Real-time java library, requisitado há 3065 dias.
- jazz2-resurrection: Native engine for the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 video game, requisitado há 26 dias.
- jbibtex: Java BibTeX and LaTeX parser and formatter library, requisitado há 2762 dias.
- jchardet: Java port of Mozilla charset detector, requisitado há 4127 dias.
- jdownloader: download manager for one-click hosting sites, requisitado há 5476 dias.
- jellyfin-server: The Free Software Media System, requisitado há 1194 dias.
- jellyfin-web: jellyfin media server web ui, requisitado há 331 dias.
- jenv: manages multiple Java installations, requisitado há 1611 dias.
- jetrix: TetriNET Server, requisitado há 3985 dias.
- jhelioviewer: Visualization software for solar image, requisitado há 4270 dias.
- jidanni: a natural intelligence to find many bugs, requisitado há 5378 dias.
- jitsi-meet: WebRTC video conferencing application, requisitado há 3760 dias.
- jitsi-videobridge: a WebRTC compatible Selective, requisitado há 3785 dias.
- jkcemu: Java KC-Emulator, requisitado há 2639 dias.
- jless: command-line JSON viewer, requisitado há 856 dias.
- jmork: Mork database parser for Java, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- jnetmap: Network planner and scanner with nice, requisitado há 4133 dias.
- joclyboard: A collection of atm 96 various boardgames., requisitado há 2782 dias.
- joplin: open source note-taking app with sync, requisitado há 1999 dias.
- joshuto: ranger-like filemanager, requisitado há 358 dias.
- joyce: Amstrad PCW Emulator, requisitado há 4987 dias.
- joyent-mdata-client: Metadata tools for interacting with SmartOS datasources, requisitado há 4064 dias.
- jpf: Java Pathfinder virtual machine for Java, requisitado há 3320 dias.
- jpilot: GUI app to view & edit your old Palm device's data, requisitado há 822 dias.
- tool for Firefox add-on development without Node.js dependencies, requisitado há 2705 dias.
- jrommanager: Java Rom Manager, requisitado há 2343 dias.
- js-beautify: library & script to beautify JavaScript code, requisitado há 3212 dias.
- jsbsim: the JSBSim flight dynamics model, requisitado há 4107 dias.
- jscience: Java science library (algebra, matrices, physical models), requisitado há 3253 dias.
- jscover: Javascript code coverage, requisitado há 3853 dias.
- jshint: static analysis tool for JavaScript code, requisitado há 4597 dias.
- json5-parser: C++ library to parse JSON5, requisitado há 2965 dias.
- jsonpb-go: Modified Protobuf to JSON serializer in Go, requisitado há 2845 dias.
- jsontestsuite: comprehensive test suite for RFC 8259 compliant JSON parsers, requisitado há 519 dias.
- jspdf: A library to generate PDFs in JavaScript, requisitado há 1144 dias.
- jspecview: viewer for spectral data in the JCAMP-DX format, requisitado há 4128 dias.
- jsqsh: Console based database query tool, featuring command line editing, piping of output to other programs, and much much more., requisitado há 3517 dias.
- jsr-275: Java package for the programmatic handling of physical quantities, requisitado há 3419 dias.
- jszip: A library for creating, reading and editing .zip files with JavaScript, requisitado há 1144 dias.
- jtransforms: A multithreaded FFT library written in pure Java, requisitado há 4728 dias.
- jtsdk: Build System for WSJT Applications, requisitado há 3502 dias.
- jubatus: jubatus: Distributed Online Machine Learning Framework, requisitado há 4286 dias.
- jujutsu: Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful, requisitado há 326 dias.
- julia-gadfly: plotting and data visualization system written in Julia, requisitado há 3352 dias.
- julius-speech: speech recognition engine, requisitado há 5872 dias.
- just-gtfs-cpp: single header to parse the General, requisitado há 384 dias.
- jwm-menu: a menu generator for JWM, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- jwm-settings-manager: a graphical settings manager for JWM, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- jworldwindearth: Java visual interface for NASA WorldWind SDK, requisitado há 719 dias.
- k3s: Lightweight Kubernetes. Easy to install, half the memory, all in a binary less than 40mb., requisitado há 2018 dias.
- k6: A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript, requisitado há 2831 dias.
- k9s: Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!, requisitado há 444 dias.
- kadeploy: Scalable, efficient and reliable cluster provisioning solution, requisitado há 3796 dias.
- kafka: Distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service, requisitado há 3501 dias.
- kaitai-struct-compiler: Kaitai Struct: compiler to translate .ksy => .cpp / .cs / .dot / .java / .js / .php / .pm / .py / .rb, requisitado há 2163 dias.
- kaldi: Kaldi speech recognition toolkit, requisitado há 3289 dias.
- kaleido: Static image export for web-based visualization libraries with zero dependencies, requisitado há 177 dias.
- kalendas: Calculations of calendar and Julian Date, requisitado há 3795 dias.
- kali-undercover: Windows 10 like theme for Gnome, requisitado há 1814 dias.
- kalliope: personal voice assintant, requisitado há 1618 dias.
- karapulse: Linux karaoke player, requisitado há 1885 dias.
- karma: A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers., requisitado há 2095 dias.
- kawa: general-purpose programming language of the lisp family, that runs on the Java platform, requisitado há 3204 dias.
- kbdlight: simple application that changes MacBooks' keyboard backlight level, requisitado há 4010 dias.
- kcm-grub2: KDE Control Module for configuring the GRUB2 bootloader, requisitado há 917 dias.
- kdbg: graphical debugger interface, requisitado há 405 dias.
- kde-service-menu-reimage, requisitado há 820 dias.
- kdis: The KDIS Distributed Interactive Simulation library (IEEE 1278.1), requisitado há 4115 dias.
- keepass2-plugin-application-indicator: Provides an application indicator tray icon for KeePass., requisitado há 3997 dias.
- kenlm: faster and smaller language model queries, requisitado há 3984 dias.
- keops: Kernel Operations on the GPU, with autodiff, without memory overflows, requisitado há 1407 dias.
- keycloak: Identity and Access Management, requisitado há 24 dias.
- keydb: persistent key-value database with network interface, requisitado há 275 dias.
- keyleds: Logitech Gaming keyboard per-key lighting support, requisitado há 2711 dias.
- keysigningpartytools: create a better formatted list in PDF format by reading a FOSDEM key list, requisitado há 3978 dias.
- keysnail: bind commands to key sequences in Iceweasel, requisitado há 3261 dias.
- kfilebox: Unofficial KDE Dropbox client developed in QT. KFilebox (previously called KDropbox) offers almost the same, requisitado há 4182 dias.
- kibana: is a user friendly way to view your log data., requisitado há 4330 dias.
- kicad-packages3d-generator: generate 3D models for kicad from the commandline, requisitado há 223 dias.
- kiwiirc: Web based IRC client, requisitado há 4804 dias.
- klee: symbolic virtual machine built on top of LLVM, requisitado há 5378 dias.
- klogg: Really fast log explorer based on glogg project, requisitado há 1200 dias.
- knime: graphical analytics tool for data mining, requisitado há 1497 dias.
- kodi-addon-webinterface-chorus2: Chorus2 web interface for Kodi, requisitado há 2894 dias.
- kodi-adsp-freesurround: FreeSurround AudioDSP add-on for Kodi, requisitado há 2894 dias.
- kodi-visualization-projectm: ProjectM visualizer for Kodi, requisitado há 3056 dias.
- koha: Koha Integrated Library System, requisitado há 4311 dias.
- kolla: containers and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clouds, requisitado há 3334 dias.
- komac: The Community Manifest Creator for WinGet, requisitado há 150 dias.
- kommit: Git client GUI for Plasma Desktop from KDE, requisitado há 429 dias.
- kpassgen: password generator written in Qt, requisitado há 5080 dias.
- kpdftool: GUI interface for managing PDFs with GhostView and ImageMagick, requisitado há 4822 dias.
- kplex: NMEA-0183 (GPS data) multiplexer, requisitado há 2705 dias.
- kqoauth: Library for OAuth 1.0 implementation, requisitado há 4121 dias.
- krew: krew is the package manager for kubectl plugins., requisitado há 2110 dias.
- krokus: program for printing photos, requisitado há 3533 dias.
- krudio-qml: simple radio tray app for Linux on QML, requisitado há 437 dias.
- krudio: simple radio tray app for Linux on Qt, requisitado há 437 dias.
- ksig: KSig is a graphical tool for keeping track of many different email signatures., requisitado há 4195 dias.
- kss-node: living style guide generator from KSS markup, requisitado há 3220 dias.
- kte-collaborative: Collaborative Text Editor support for KDE, requisitado há 4098 dias.
- kubernetes-addon-dns: DNS service addon for Kubernetes, requisitado há 2878 dias.
- kvasd-installer: Utility to Install, Remove and Test KVASD Decoder from K1JT, requisitado há 3715 dias.
- kvmcs: kvm in client/server environment, requisitado há 3754 dias.
- kyklop: Finds, tracks, and characterizes tropical cyclones in climate simulation data, requisitado há 3069 dias.
- kytos: conceived to ease SDN controllers development and deployment, requisitado há 2824 dias.
- kzorp: KZorp is kernel space helper for application level gateways, especially Zorp, requisitado há 4200 dias.
- la-capitaine-icon-theme: icon theme inspired by macOS and Google's material design, requisitado há 802 dias.
- label-studio: multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format, requisitado há 735 dias.
- lablgtk3-extras: modules for OCaml/LablGtk3 apps, requisitado há 1604 dias.
- labwc-menu-generator, requisitado há 178 dias.
- labwc-tweaks-gtk, requisitado há 125 dias.
- lac: new incarnation of a "classic" flight game GL-117, requisitado há 2886 dias.
- lacaml: Linear Algebra for OCaml, requisitado há 4246 dias.
- lact: Linux AMDGPU Configuration Tool, requisitado há 108 dias.
- laika-boss: object scanner and intrusion detection system, requisitado há 2962 dias.
- lantern: A popular Internet censorship circumvention tool, requisitado há 3097 dias.
- lapdog: Take actions when specific devices appear/disappear from your LAN, requisitado há 2644 dias.
- largelavenderlink: A web conferencing system designed for online learning, requisitado há 1717 dias.
- lastfm-desktop: The official desktop application suite, requisitado há 5637 dias.
- latte-integrale: Lattice point Enumeration is a computer software dedicated to the problems of counting lattice points and integration inside convex polytopes., requisitado há 1768 dias.
- lazr.authentication: library providing middleware basic and OAuth authentication, requisitado há 3794 dias.
- lbry-desktop: Destkop client for the decentralized content sharing and publishing platform., requisitado há 1687 dias.
- ldglite: Display, edit and render 3D LEGO(R) LDraw models, requisitado há 4186 dias.
- ldid: tool to (pseudo-)codesign Mach-O files, requisitado há 1162 dias.
- ldview: OpenGL based viewer and renderer for LEGO LDraw 3D models, requisitado há 4184 dias.
- leaflet-tilejson: leaflet-tilejson adds support for the TileJSON specification to the Leaflet map client, requisitado há 4410 dias.
- lean: theorem prover from Microsoft Research, requisitado há 2732 dias.
- leansdr: Lightweight, portable software-defined radio with leandvb for DVB, requisitado há 2533 dias.
- leechcraft: modular "Internet client" application, requisitado há 5116 dias.
- lemonade-gtk: follow discussions on lemmy, requisitado há 295 dias.
- lemur: TLS certification manager, requisitado há 3277 dias.
- lenmus: music education software to learn music, requisitado há 6068 dias.
- lerna: A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages., requisitado há 1112 dias.
- lessfs: A high performance inline data, requisitado há 5419 dias.
- lesspass: password manager and generator, requisitado há 2963 dias.
- levmar: Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares, requisitado há 5579 dias.
- lexconvert: convert phoneme codes and lexicon formats for English speech synths, requisitado há 964 dias.
- lfdk: Linux Firmware Debug Kit - a tool to help debug PCI, IO and memory spaces, requisitado há 3483 dias.
- lhendraw: cdx/cdxml compatible chemical drawing program, requisitado há 3157 dias.
- lib-healpix-c++: C++ library for Healpix representation of spherical data, requisitado há 17 dias.
- liba2i: String-to-numeric library, requisitado há 163 dias.
- libagar: a portable GUI toolkit, requisitado há 4890 dias.
- libalien-autotools-perl: Perl module for locating binaries for the, GNU build system, requisitado há 3014 dias.
- libalien-base-perl: Perl base classes for Alien modules, requisitado há 3595 dias.
- libalien-ffi-perl: Perl interface to libffi, requisitado há 3595 dias.
- libalt-crypt-rsa-bigint-perl: Alt::Crypt::RSA::BigInt pure perl implementation of RSA asymmetric cryptography, requisitado há 72 dias.
- libamf: Advanced Media Framework (AMF) SDK, requisitado há 1604 dias.
- libanltao: Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO), requisitado há 4513 dias.
- libapache2-controller-perl: fast MVC-style Apache2 handler apps, requisitado há 3878 dias.
- libapache2-mod-dav-access: Extends a WebDAV server to provide RFC3744 WebDav ACLs, requisitado há 955 dias.
- libapache2-mod-dav-calendar: Extends a WebDAV server to provide RFC4791 CalDav, requisitado há 955 dias.
- libapache2-mod-ical: Filter iCalendar data and convert it to xCal/jCal, requisitado há 954 dias.
- libapache2-mod-log-ipmask: Apache module to remove IP addresses (or part thereof) from request data, requisitado há 2732 dias.
- libapache2-mod-socket-policy-server: serving Adobe socket policies, requisitado há 4840 dias.
- libaparapi-java: framework for executing native Java code on the GPU, requisitado há 1640 dias.
- libapp-ddflare-perl: Provides ddflare, a command line Dynamic DNS utility that updates with the latest IP every 5 minutes, requisitado há 3944 dias.
- libarray-heap-perl: perl module implementing heaps/priority queues, requisitado há 3675 dias.
- libas-tlf: Text Layout Framework, requisitado há 4433 dias.
- libassimp: libassimp -- Open Asset Import Library is a portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner., requisitado há 2228 dias.
- libaudio-taglib-perl: Perl bindings to the TagLib C++ library, requisitado há 2851 dias.
- libbackpan-index-perl: Perl interface to the BackPAN index, requisitado há 4003 dias.
- libblendsplitter2: BlendSplitter library, version 2, requisitado há 3133 dias.
- libcatalyst-actionrole-queryparameter-perl: Dispatch rules using query parameters, requisitado há 4039 dias.
- libcatalyst-controller-soap-perl: Catalyst SOAP Controller, requisitado há 4305 dias.
- libcds-astro-java: CDS Astronomical Units conversions, requisitado há 3201 dias.
- libchromiumcontent: content module, requisitado há 3275 dias.
- libciteproc-java: A Citation Style Language (CSL) processor for Java, requisitado há 2987 dias.
- libcityhash1: CityHash is a fast hashing algorithm, requisitado há 1908 dias.
- libclassgraph-java: uber-fast parallelized classpath scanner and module scanner for Java, requisitado há 91 dias.
- libclassindex-java: a run-time annotation scanning library for Java, requisitado há 3266 dias.
- libcmime: libcmime is a lightweight mime library, written in C, requisitado há 4275 dias.
- libcometd2-java: scalable comet (server push) implementation for the web, requisitado há 3353 dias.
- libcommons-imaging-java: Apache Commons Imaging - Pure-Java Image Library, requisitado há 814 dias.
- libcoro-mock-java: Mock library for compiling JVM coroutine-utilizing code on JVMs without coroutines, requisitado há 3620 dias.
- libcouchbase: Couchbase protocol library, requisitado há 4434 dias.
- libcredis: Credis is a client library in plain C for communicating with Redis servers. Redis is a high performance key-value database., requisitado há 4461 dias.
- libcrypt-openssl-ca-perl: module to issue X509 certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRL), requisitado há 863 dias.
- libcxf2-java: open source services framework, requisitado há 3353 dias.
- libdata-spreadpagination-perl: page numbering and spread pagination, requisitado há 4067 dias.
- libdatetime-format-atom-perl: Parse and format Atom datetime strings, requisitado há 2654 dias.
- libdesktop-agnostic: Desktop-agnostic library for GLib-based projects, requisitado há 4041 dias.
- libdigidocpp: C++ library for processing BDOC digital, requisitado há 4706 dias.
- libdynamic-graph: Dynamic graph C++ library development package, requisitado há 3161 dias.
- libervia-web: web frontend for Libervia, requisitado há 4092 dias.
- libetebase: C library for Etebase, an end-to-end encrypted open source backend as a service, requisitado há 526 dias.
- libfastparse-scala: writing fast parsers fast in scala, requisitado há 2826 dias.
- libfelix-configadmin: An implementation of the OSGi Componendium Configuration Admin Service, requisitado há 2504 dias.
- libfelix-fileinstall: File Install is a directory based OSGi management agent., requisitado há 2504 dias.
- libfelix-metatype: An implementation of the OSGi metatype specification, requisitado há 2504 dias.
- libff: C++ library for Finite Fields and Elliptic Curves, requisitado há 2472 dias.
- libfm-qt5: Build tools for the LXQt desktop environment (QT5-based), requisitado há 74 dias.
- libgdamm: C++ binding for libgda, which is already in the repository., requisitado há 2794 dias.
- libgdx: cross-platform java game development framework, requisitado há 1588 dias.
- libgetoptionkit-php: Commandline options parser for PHP 5.3., requisitado há 4386 dias.
- libgigi: GUI library for OpenGL, requisitado há 5935 dias.
- libgit-cpan-patch-perl: Git commands for CPAN distributions, requisitado há 4006 dias.
- libglkif: Interface for fizmo-to-Glk connectivity, requisitado há 2966 dias.
- libgourou: free implementation of Adobe's ADEPT protocol used to add DRM on ePub/PDF files, requisitado há 270 dias.
- libgstreamer-java: Java interface to the gstreamer framework, requisitado há 5370 dias.
- libgtkflow: flow graphs for gtk3, requisitado há 3442 dias.
- libguasi: Asynchronous syscall library, requisitado há 3755 dias.
- libhash-inflator-perl: Access hash entries through methods, requisitado há 2654 dias.
- libhdt-cpp: Library for RDF HDT file manipulation, requisitado há 3861 dias.
- libiconv-dev: library to convert character encoding, requisitado há 3454 dias.
- libimlib2-webp: A WebP loader for Imlib2, requisitado há 1889 dias.
- libjavaee7-api-java: JavaEE 7.0 Full API, requisitado há 3771 dias.
- libjgrapht0.9-java: mathematical graph theory library for Java, versions 0.9.x, requisitado há 3831 dias.
- libjitsi: advanced Java media library, requisitado há 3785 dias.
- libjlargearrays-java: Java library for one dimensional arrays up to 2^63 elements, requisitado há 2720 dias.
- libjparsec-java: parser combinator modelled after Haskell Parsec, requisitado há 3417 dias.
- libjpcre2-dev: C++ wrapper for PCRE2 library, requisitado há 2848 dias.
- libjs-ace: standalone code editor for the web, requisitado há 3673 dias.
- libjs-angular-ui-bootstrap: Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- libjs-awesomplete-avoid-xss: widget for auto-completion, requisitado há 2475 dias.
- libjs-backbone.routefilter: wraps the backbone route callback, requisitado há 3322 dias.
- libjs-backbone: Models, views, collections, and events for JS apps, requisitado há 2475 dias.
- libjs-bigint: Big Integer Library in pure Javascript, requisitado há 2475 dias.
- libjs-blueimp-canvas-to-blob: polyfill for canvas.toBlob method, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- libjs-blueimp-load-image: load images from file, blob or URL, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- libjs-cal-heatmap: Cal-Heatmap is a javascript module to create calendar heatmap., requisitado há 2768 dias.
- libjs-chart: simple yet flexible JavaScript charting, requisitado há 2144 dias.
- libjs-converse: XMPP chat client running in the web browser, requisitado há 3302 dias.
- libjs-epoch: general purpose real-time charting library, requisitado há 3062 dias.
- libjs-epub.js: JavaScript library for rendering ePub documents in the browser, across many devices, requisitado há 2260 dias.
- libjs-extjs4: cross-browser JavaScript library, version 4, requisitado há 5019 dias.
- libjs-foundationjs: advanced responsive front-end framework, requisitado há 1794 dias.
- libjs-getscreenmedia: browser module for attempting to get access to a MediaStream of a user's screen, requisitado há 2270 dias.
- libjs-getusermedia: cross-browser getUserMedia shim with a node.js style error-first API, requisitado há 2270 dias.
- libjs-gzip: a pure JavaScript implementation of the GZIP file format, requisitado há 4208 dias.
- libjs-iframeresizer: Javascript library that enables the automatic resizing of iframes, requisitado há 3697 dias.
- libjs-jit: interactive data visualizations for the Web, requisitado há 3511 dias.
- libjs-jqrangeslider: powerful slider for selecting value ranges, requisitado há 3006 dias.
- libjs-jquery-datetimepicker: jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin, requisitado há 2141 dias.
- libjs-jquery-freezeheader: freeze header row in html table, requisitado há 3048 dias.
- libjs-jquery-imgcheckbox: jQuery plugin that makes img tags checkable, requisitado há 2354 dias.
- libjs-jquery-jqplot: jQuery Plotting Plugin, requisitado há 4621 dias.
- libjs-jquery-layout: jquery page layout manager, requisitado há 4146 dias.
- libjs-jquery-simple-dtpicker: is a simple and, requisitado há 4147 dias.
- libjs-jquery-stickytableheaders: stick table headers to the top of a viewport when scrolling, requisitado há 1862 dias.
- libjs-jquery-terminal: A library for creating command line interpreters in your applications., requisitado há 807 dias.
- libjs-jsx-requirejs-plugin: RequireJS plugin for JavaScript files containing JSX, requisitado há 3322 dias.
- libjs-jsxml: XML/XSLT to DOM parser in JavaScript, requisitado há 4208 dias.
- libjs-jumflot: plugins for the flot plotting library, requisitado há 4278 dias.
- libjs-leaflet-awesome-markers: plugin for Leaflet to make awesome markers, requisitado há 4100 dias.
- libjs-mootools-autocompleter: provides the functionality for text suggestion and completion, requisitado há 2804 dias.
- libjs-ngstorage: localStorage and sessionStorage done right for AngularJS, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- libjs-nvd3: re-usable charts for d3.js, requisitado há 3034 dias.
- libjs-optparse: Command-line option parser for JavaScript applications, requisitado há 4007 dias.
- libjs-otr: Off-the record messaging protocol, requisitado há 2332 dias.
- libjs-p5: javascript graphics library inspired by Processing, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- libjs-react: JavaScript library for building user interfaces, requisitado há 3321 dias.
- libjs-redux: predictable state container for JavaScript, requisitado há 2251 dias.
- libjs-requirejs-plugins: small set of plugins for RequireJS, requisitado há 3322 dias.
- libjs-respond: fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more), requisitado há 2804 dias.
- libjs-reveal: HTML Presentation Framework, requisitado há 3383 dias.
- libjs-riot: UI library with custom tags and virtual DOM, requisitado há 3478 dias.
- libjs-scrollin: do something great when an element enters the viewport, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- libjs-slickgrid: advanced JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component, requisitado há 3006 dias.
- libjs-slidy: slide shows in HTML and XHTML, requisitado há 4598 dias.
- libjs-strophe.disco: strophe.js plugin for XEP-0030 Service Discovery, requisitado há 2475 dias.
- libjs-strophe.jinglejs: webrtc connection plugin for strophe.js, requisitado há 2480 dias.
- strophe.js plugin to provide XMPP Ping (XEP-0199), requisitado há 2475 dias.
- libjs-strophe.register: Strophe.js plugin for in-band registration (XEP-0077), requisitado há 2475 dias.
- libjs-strophe.vcard: strophe.js plugin which implements XEP-0054 VCard-temp, requisitado há 2475 dias.
- libjs-validation: jQuery plugin for clientside form validation, requisitado há 5002 dias.
- libjs-videojs: JavaScript and CSS library for HTML5 video, requisitado há 4715 dias.
- libjs-viewer: display ODF and PDF into web applications, requisitado há 4076 dias.
- libjs-wait-until-promise: test utility to simplify waiting for a condition, requisitado há 2474 dias.
- libjs-xss: sanitize untrusted HTML by whitelist, requisitado há 2474 dias.
- libjs-zeroclipboard: easy copy text in browser to clipboard, requisitado há 3362 dias.
- libjs-zxcvbn: realistic password strength, requisitado há 4087 dias.
- libjsonpp: A set of C++ classes to support JSON, requisitado há 1787 dias.
- libkgeomap: Libkgeomap is a wrapper around different world-map components, to browse and arrange photos over a map., requisitado há 3289 dias.
- liblatex2unicode-java: translate latex markup to human readable unicode, requisitado há 2826 dias.
- liblenskit-java: toolkit for building,, requisitado há 4127 dias.
- liblog-any-app-perl: module that provides an easy way to use Log::Any in applications, requisitado há 4130 dias.
- liblouvre: C++ library for building Wayland compositors, requisitado há 403 dias.
- liblutok: library for Lightweight C++ API for Lua, requisitado há 4584 dias.
- libmail-gpg-perl: Handling of GnuPG encrypted / signed mails, requisitado há 2731 dias.
- libmath-random-mt-perl-perl: Pure-Perl Mersenne-Twister module to generate random numbers, requisitado há 4745 dias.
- libmesode: Library for writing XMPP clients - fork of libstrophe for extra TLS functionality, requisitado há 2292 dias.
- libmill: Go-style concurrency library for C, requisitado há 1807 dias.
- libmini: the libMini real-time terrain rendering system, requisitado há 4104 dias.
- libmodule-install-repository-perl: Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout, requisitado há 3589 dias.
- libmodule-install-testbase-perl: integrates Test::Base and Module::Install Perl modules, requisitado há 3592 dias.
- libmodule-install-testtarget-perl: Assemble custom test targets for `make`, requisitado há 2654 dias.
- libmonocypher: a small, fast cryptography library, requisitado há 1835 dias.
- libmpris2client: Library to control mpris2 compatible players, requisitado há 3386 dias.
- libnatspec: a library for national and language-specific issues, requisitado há 5585 dias.
- libnbt++2: library for Minecraft's file format NBT, requisitado há 536 dias.
- libnet-amqp-rabbitmq-perl: interact with RabbitMQ over AMQP using librabbitmq, requisitado há 1046 dias.
- libnet-braintree-perl: Client library for wrapping the Braintree payment services gateway API, requisitado há 2654 dias.
- libnet-plesk-perl: Perl extension for the Plesk XML Remote API, requisitado há 5263 dias.
- libnet-sftp-perl: pure-Perl implementation of the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), requisitado há 1204 dias.
- libnet-ssleay-oo-perl: OO Calling Method for Net::SSLeay, requisitado há 3931 dias.
- libnfc-nci: NFC stack for NCI based NFC Controllers by NXP, requisitado há 2872 dias.
- libnginx-mod-http-limit-conn: Nginx Limit Connections module, requisitado há 2334 dias.
- libnginx-mod-pagespeed: ngx_pagespeed, requisitado há 2334 dias.
- libnginx-mod-security: Nginx ModSecurity, requisitado há 2334 dias.
- portable libnih implementation, requisitado há 4007 dias.
- libnu-htmlparser-java: HTML5 parsing algorithm in Java, requisitado há 4114 dias.
- libnvidia-container-tools: Utility for exposing nVidia hardware to linux containers, requisitado há 2046 dias.
- libome-common: C++ library providing common functionality to other OME C++ projects, requisitado há 2729 dias.
- libonion: lightweight and easy to use HTTP server library, requisitado há 3907 dias.
- libopenpmd-api: API for scientific I/O with openPMD, requisitado há 2158 dias.
- libopenssl-perl: OpenSSL bindings in perl, requisitado há 5659 dias.
- libpax-logging: OSGi logging support, requisitado há 2504 dias.
- libpax-url: URL stream handlers for OSGi, requisitado há 2504 dias.
- libpdl-fftw3-perl: PDL interface to the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West v3, requisitado há 3736 dias.
- libpdl-graphics-plplot-perl: PDL::Graphics::PLplot - Object-oriented interface from perl/PDL to the PLPLOT plotting library, requisitado há 3736 dias.
- libperseus-sdr: Perseus Software Defined Radio Control Library, requisitado há 1937 dias.
- libpgjdbcng-java: A new JDBC driver for PostgreSQL aimed at supporting the advanced features of JDBC and Postgres, requisitado há 2987 dias.
- libphidget21: Phidgets runtime library, requisitado há 4617 dias.
- libphpcpp: a C++ library for developing PHP extensions, requisitado há 3559 dias.
- libplack-middleware-assets-railslike-perl: bundle and minify JavaScript and CSS files, requisitado há 4113 dias.
- libplibsys0: Highly portable C system library, requisitado há 2691 dias.
- libpoly2tri: Lightweight triangulation library for simple polygons., requisitado há 4055 dias.
- libpoly: a C library for manipulating polynomials, requisitado há 2745 dias.
- libpurple-signald: Pidgin libpurple bridge to signald., requisitado há 1384 dias.
- libqcpp: A C++ library for next-gen sequencing data quality control., requisitado há 3241 dias.
- libqpsd: PSD (Photoshop Document) & PSB (Photoshop Big) Plugin for Qt/C++ (Qt4/Qt5), requisitado há 3266 dias.
- libqsi: Quantum Scientific Imaging Library, requisitado há 4721 dias.
- libqt5xdg: Build tools for the LXQt desktop environment (QT5-based), requisitado há 74 dias.
- libqtaccountsservice: Qt-style API for AccountsService DBus interface, requisitado há 2817 dias.
- libr4d: Remote For Device-under-test (testlab manager lib), requisitado há 1723 dias.
- librcf-cpp: Remote Call Framework (RCF) is a portable IPC/RPC middleware framework for C++ applications, requisitado há 4426 dias.
- libre-jigsaw: A jigsaw puzzle game, requisitado há 4689 dias.
- libredirect: web extension that redirects popular sites to alternative frontends and backends, requisitado há 842 dias.
- libreplan: Web application for project planning, monitoring and control, requisitado há 3267 dias.
- libreply-clojure: A fitter, happier, more productive REPL for Clojure, requisitado há 2857 dias.
- libreqos: QoS management system for ISP and other network operators, requisitado há 288 dias.
- librespeed-speedtest: A self-hosted Speedtest backend implementation, requisitado há 1554 dias.
- libresprite: LibreSprite is a fork of aseprite., requisitado há 1107 dias.
- libressl: SSL library, forked from OpenSSL, requisitado há 3815 dias.
- libretro-crawl: port of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup to libretro api, requisitado há 3176 dias.
- libretro-flycast: libretro wrapper for Flycast, requisitado há 1230 dias.
- libretro-scummvm: port of ScummVM games interpreter to libretro api, requisitado há 3176 dias.
- libretro-tyrquake: port of quake and quakeworld to libretro api, requisitado há 3176 dias.
- librust-evacuated-fdlimit-dev: Rust raise file limit, requisitado há 2080 dias.
- librust-glium-dev: Easy-to-use, high-level, OpenGL3+ wrapper., requisitado há 897 dias.
- librust-parse-display-dev: Rust library that provides derive macro Display and FromStr, requisitado há 270 dias.
- libsamsung-ipc: library to communicate with modems present in Samsung smartphones, requisitado há 4198 dias.
- libschedule-drmaac-perl: Perl wrapper of the C binding of the DRMAA specification, requisitado há 2670 dias.
- libscion: dataflow programming library, requisitado há 4099 dias.
- libsdl2-pango: pango extension for sdl2, requisitado há 290 dias.
- libsentry: Sentry Native SDK, requisitado há 466 dias.
- libshadowdive: library for working with One Must Fall 2097 datafiles, requisitado há 3408 dias.
- libsjs-globalize: JavaScript library for internationalization and localization, requisitado há 1449 dias.
- libslax: The SLAX language (XSLT alternative), requisitado há 3713 dias.
- libspring-boot-java: a radically faster getting started experience for all Spring development, requisitado há 807 dias.
- libspring-security-java: modular Java/J2EE, requisitado há 5330 dias.
- libsqon0: Structured Query Object Notation - C API, requisitado há 3568 dias.
- libstrangle: Frame rate limiter for Linux, requisitado há 1649 dias.
- libsuccinct: succinct C++ data structures, requisitado há 746 dias.
- libtext-sass-xs-perl: Perl binding for LibSass, requisitado há 3417 dias.
- libthreads-lite-perl: threads::lite provides actor model threading for Perl, requisitado há 3937 dias.
- libtiger: Kate rendering library, requisitado há 4202 dias.
- libtimidity: MIDI to WAVE converter library, requisitado há 2144 dias.
- libtranslit: Transliteration library with, requisitado há 4051 dias.
- libui: Simple multi-platform GUI library written in C, requisitado há 3046 dias.
- libuncommons-maths-java: Random number generators, probability distributions, combinatorics and statistics for Java, requisitado há 3408 dias.
- libusergrid-client-perl: A client for Apache Usergrid, requisitado há 3702 dias.
- libvarnam: “Varnam” is an open source, cross platform transliterator for Indian languages, requisitado há 3884 dias.
- libvchan-xen-qubes: Qubes vchan libraries, requisitado há 3019 dias.
- libvirt-snmp: control and monitor the libvirt virtualization management tool through Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), requisitado há 2248 dias.
- libvmod-throttle: Throttling module for Varnish, requisitado há 4026 dias.
- libwebservice-ssllabs-perl: Analyze the configuration of any SSL web server via, requisitado há 2880 dias.
- libwebsitesnapshot-qt: A library for taking website snapshots., requisitado há 4047 dias.
- libwebsock: C library for easy WebSockets servers, requisitado há 3465 dias.
- libx1000: provides a dynamically-linked workaround for the LOCK prefix bug on Intel X1000 devices, requisitado há 567 dias.
- libxcam: Extended camera features and cross platform computer vision project, requisitado há 2700 dias.
- liclipse: Lightweight editors, theming and usability improvements for Eclipse, requisitado há 2065 dias.
- light-table: IDE with real time feedback, requisitado há 3999 dias.
- lighthouse: a peer to peer crowdfunding app that uses Bitcoin, requisitado há 3621 dias.
- lightmdeditor: An editor for markdown files, requisitado há 3691 dias.
- lightmeter: Mail server delivery monitoring, requisitado há 1484 dias.
- lightpad: A plugin for XFCE DE that shows a grid menu applications like GNOME, requisitado há 121 dias.
- limesurvey: web-based survey design, distribution, and collection, requisitado há 6113 dias.
- limine: Modern, advanced, portable, multiprotocol bootloader., requisitado há 718 dias.
- limoo: an Image viewer, created using QML, Qt and C++, requisitado há 3931 dias.
- linenoise: Minimal replacement for readline, requisitado há 1916 dias.
- linknx: KNX automation platform, requisitado há 5560 dias.
- linrad: Powerful SDR program intended for weak, requisitado há 3669 dias.
- linsim: Amateur Radio Digital Mode Evaluation Tool, requisitado há 3627 dias.
- linutil: a toolbox designed to simplify, requisitado há 49 dias.
- linux-hardened: hardened Linux kernel, requisitado há 1955 dias.
- linux-malware-detect: Linux Malware Detect, requisitado há 3271 dias.
- linuxband: GUI front-end for MMA (Musical MIDI Accompaniment), requisitado há 3382 dias.
- liquidfeedback: platform for proposition development and decision making, requisitado há 3952 dias.
- liquidshell: liquidshell is an alternative to plasmashell, requisitado há 144 dias.
- liquidwar6: Multiplayer wargame, requisitado há 4827 dias.
- lis: Library of Iterative Solvers for linear systems, requisitado há 2875 dias.
- literate-git: Render hierarchical git repositories into HTML, requisitado há 1429 dias.
- litesql: C++ object-relational persistence framework, requisitado há 2919 dias.
- lith: WeeChat relay client, requisitado há 813 dias.
- livecaptions: Linux Desktop application that provides live captioning of English audio, requisitado há 602 dias.
- livewallpaper: completely animated OpenGL wallpaper, requisitado há 4360 dias.
- ljcrop: graphical tool for lossless JPEG cropping, requisitado há 5748 dias.
- lkrg: Linux Kernel Runtime Guard, requisitado há 1867 dias.
- lldap: Light LDAP implementation for authentication, requisitado há 82 dias.
- llpc: LLVM-Based Pipeline Compiler, requisitado há 2197 dias.
- llvmmath: LLVM math library, requisitado há 3910 dias.
- lmfit: Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fitting, requisitado há 5397 dias.
- lnd: Lightning Network Daemon, requisitado há 2539 dias.
- loccount: Count SLOC (source lines of code) in a source tree., requisitado há 2130 dias.
- lofreq: sensitive variant calling from sequencing data, requisitado há 3285 dias.
- logcat-color: a colorful alternative to "adb logcat", requisitado há 4148 dias.
- logic-analyzer-rpi: Use your Raspberry Pi as a logic analyzer, requisitado há 4288 dias.
- login-webcam: Take picture using a webcam on failed login attempts, requisitado há 3111 dias.
- logisim-evolution: Logisim-evolution is educational software for designing and simulating digital logic circuits, requisitado há 271 dias.
- logstash: tool for managing events and logs, requisitado há 4658 dias.
- logsurfer: Monitoring system logs in real-time, requisitado há 4618 dias.
- loncapa: federated online course platform, requisitado há 2209 dias.
- loop: "UNIX's missing loop command!", requisitado há 2284 dias.
- lossless-cut: Swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing, requisitado há 839 dias.
- lpairs2: Classic memory game with nice graphics, requisitado há 1096 dias.
- ls-qpack: QPACK compression library for use with HTTP/3, requisitado há 532 dias.
- lsleases: list assigned ip from any device in your network, requisitado há 3610 dias.
- lsmedia: List audio/video files with their details, requisitado há 2855 dias.
- lua-alien: Pure Lua extensions, requisitado há 4077 dias.
- lua-format: A Lua code formatter, requisitado há 1279 dias.
- lua-fun: functional programming library for Lua, requisitado há 3258 dias.
- lua-lanes: Lua extension library providing the possibility to run multiple Lua states in parallel, requisitado há 3432 dias.
- lua-lunamark: General markup format converter using lpeg, requisitado há 4325 dias.
- lua-proctitle: set process name from Lua, requisitado há 1890 dias.
- lua-stdlib: Standard Lua libraries, requisitado há 4077 dias.
- luau: A fast, small, safe, gradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua, requisitado há 788 dias.
- luavela: LuaVela is an interpreter and a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for the Lua programming language., requisitado há 1948 dias.
- lubuntu-software-center: Utility for browsing, installing, removing applications., requisitado há 4009 dias.
- lucaschess: Lucas Chess is a GUI of chess to learn to play chess and to pay chess against engines, requisitado há 2507 dias.
- lufi: Let's Upload that FIle — File sharing software, requisitado há 2126 dias.
- luksman: A CLI frontend for cryptsetup for managing LUKS containers., requisitado há 1425 dias.
- lunarg-via: LunarG Vulkan Installation Analyzer, requisitado há 2501 dias.
- lunarg-vktrace: LunarG vulkan API capture and replay, requisitado há 2501 dias.
- lunarg-vulkan-layers: Extra vulkan development layers, requisitado há 2506 dias.
- lustre: distributed parallel, scalabe, high-performance, high-availability file system, requisitado há 448 dias.
- luxcorerender: physically based and unbiased rendering engine, requisitado há 6181 dias.
- lxde-gtk3: gtk3 port of lxde, requisitado há 3006 dias.
- lxqt-themes-extra: Extra themes for LXQt (debian and derivatives), requisitado há 2717 dias.
- lxqt-wayland-session: Files needed for the LXQt Wayland Session, requisitado há 36 dias.
- lxqt5-qtplugin: Build tools for the LXQt desktop environment (QT5-based), requisitado há 74 dias.
- lychee: finds broken hyperlinks and mail addresses inside Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText, or any other text file or website, requisitado há 1200 dias.
- lz4m: multi-threaded lz4 implementation, requisitado há 2549 dias.
- lzma-sdk-4j: LZMA SDK for Java, requisitado há 4407 dias.
- m64py: Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written in python, requisitado há 4562 dias.
- machinekit: Machinekit is a platform for machine control applications., requisitado há 2379 dias.
- mactel-boot: hfs-bless utility for Intel Macs, requisitado há 3374 dias.
- madgwick-ahrs: Madgwick and Mahony attitude and heading reference (AHRS) algorithms, requisitado há 3943 dias.
- mage: a C/C++ software toolkit for reactive implementation of HMM-based speech and singing synthesis., requisitado há 3289 dias.
- magiclantern: Canon EOS camera deluxe features by firmware add on, requisitado há 2118 dias.
- magit-svn: git-svn extension for magit, a git interface for emacs., requisitado há 3174 dias.
- mailmunge: Mailmunge is a Perl-based email filtering framework that uses Milter, requisitado há 1208 dias.
- mailpile: a modern fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features, requisitado há 3897 dias.
- mailspring, requisitado há 1409 dias.
- makeup: The anti-ageing build system, requisitado há 5633 dias.
- makisu: unprivileged Docker image builder, requisitado há 1804 dias.
- manokwari: desktop shell for GNOME 3, requisitado há 3878 dias.
- manta: structural variant and indel caller for mapped sequencing data, requisitado há 2789 dias.
- mapbox-studio-classic: Vector tile driven map design, requisitado há 3748 dias.
- mapcatcher: offline map viewer, requisitado há 5272 dias.
- maple-package: utility for creating Maple Debian packages, requisitado há 4223 dias.
- maplev-el: Emacs package for developing Maple code., requisitado há 2341 dias.
- mapmap: Open source video mapping software, requisitado há 2949 dias.
- mapscii: vector tile to Braille and ASCII renderer for terminals, requisitado há 2783 dias.
- marionette.js: application framework for Backbone.js, requisitado há 2559 dias.
- mark2: minecraft server wrapper, requisitado há 4127 dias.
- markdownlint: A tool to check markdown files and flag style issues., requisitado há 1289 dias.
- marker: gtk3 markdown editor, requisitado há 1495 dias.
- marktext: simple and elegant markdown editor focused on speed and usability, requisitado há 85 dias.
- Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers, requisitado há 2405 dias.
- mastodon: A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server, requisitado há 2815 dias.
- mate-applet-lockkeys: Keyboard LED indicator, requisitado há 3615 dias.
- mathjax-node-page: filter for server-side MathJax rendering, requisitado há 1638 dias.
- mathjax3: math rendering engine for browsers, implemented in TypeScript, requisitado há 1784 dias.
- mathopd: Very small, yet very fast HTTP server, requisitado há 3922 dias.
- mathwar: flash card game designed to teach simple maths, requisitado há 3225 dias.
- matomo: web analytics platform, requisitado há 6262 dias.
- matrix-conduit: lightweight homeserver for the Matrix protocol, requisitado há 1008 dias.
- matterbridge: Bridge between many chat systems / protocols, requisitado há 2335 dias.
- mattermost-desktop: Mattermost Desktop application, requisitado há 3076 dias.
- mattermost-server: self-hosted team communication service, requisitado há 3151 dias.
- maven-archetype: Maven project templating toolkit, requisitado há 4123 dias.
- maven-osgi: Maven-OSGi integration library, requisitado há 3239 dias.
- maven-release: Maven Release Plugin, requisitado há 5399 dias.
- maxcso: A fast ISO to CSO compression program for use with PSP and PS2 emulators, requisitado há 1769 dias.
- maxwell: entropy-gathering daemon, requisitado há 4673 dias.
- mayan-edms: Django-based Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), requisitado há 4158 dias.
- mbox2eml: Split mbox mailboxes into single eml files, requisitado há 2654 dias.
- mcba: parallel-accelerated bundle adjustment for multicore CPU and GPU, requisitado há 3918 dias.
- mchange-commons-java: General-purpose Java utilities by Machinery For Change, Inc., requisitado há 3308 dias.
- mcrouter: a memcached protocol router for scaling memcached deployments, requisitado há 1838 dias.
- mdm-display-manager: MDM Display Manager, requisitado há 2993 dias.
- meandmyshadow: A puzzle / platform game, requisitado há 4702 dias.
- measurement-kit: implements open network measurements for performance or censorship monitoring, requisitado há 2178 dias.
- mediapipe: customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media., requisitado há 1328 dias.
- mediawiki-extensions-translate: MediaWiki tool for translations, requisitado há 2690 dias.
- mediawiki-extensions: Extensions for mediawiki like additional authentication plugins, requisitado há 2628 dias.
- mediawiki-mwxml2sql: Tools to help import MediaWiki XML dumps into database, requisitado há 4221 dias.
- meek: Pluggable transport to circumvent IP address blocking via public services, requisitado há 3730 dias.
- megacmd: a command line client for, requisitado há 1936 dias.
- megazeux: cross-platform game creation system, requisitado há 509 dias.
- mellowplayer: Cloud music integration for your desktop, requisitado há 2410 dias.
- memcacheq: Simple queue service over memcache, requisitado há 3790 dias.
- meme: motif-based sequence analysis tools, requisitado há 546 dias.
- memorize-activity: Memorize game for Sugar, requisitado há 5444 dias.
- mepo: Fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer for Linux, requisitado há 1131 dias.
- mepp-gui: 3D MEsh Processing Platform, requisitado há 918 dias.
- meqtrees-cattery: MeqTrees-based frameworks for simulation and calibration of radio interferometers, requisitado há 3049 dias.
- meqtrees-timba: core MeqTrees package for implementing and solving arbitrary Measurement Equations, requisitado há 3049 dias.
- merlin: alternative database backend for nagios3 with support for redundant and distributed monitoring, requisitado há 5501 dias.
- mermaid.cli: Command line interface for mermaid - generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown., requisitado há 2215 dias.
- mermaidjs: generate diagrams and flowcharts in JavaScript, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- meshroom: 3D Reconstruction Software, requisitado há 1708 dias.
- mesos-dns: DNS-based service discovery for Mesos, requisitado há 3195 dias.
- meta-suckless-tools: meta-package installs simple commands for minimalistic window managers, requisitado há 4231 dias.
- metaphoneptbr: metaphone implementation for brazilian portuguese, requisitado há 4561 dias.
- metar-elboza: a simple command line metar and taf, requisitado há 4110 dias.
- metasploit-framework: framework platform to find, exploit, and validate vulnerabilities, requisitado há 7066 dias.
- metawarej: Java framework for creating web-based business applications, requisitado há 4094 dias.
- meteor-dapp-wallet: The Ethereum wallet, requisitado há 2297 dias.
- meteor-promise: ES6 Promise polyfill with Fiber support, requisitado há 2390 dias.
- meteor: Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform, requisitado há 2975 dias.
- metrix++: calculate code complexity for C, C++, C# and Java, requisitado há 2873 dias.
- mihphoto: Touch-friendly image viewer, requisitado há 3165 dias.
- mimic-text-to-speech: Text-to-Speech engine, requisitado há 2710 dias.
- mindustry: A sandbox tower-defense game, requisitado há 1693 dias.
- minepeon: web interface for managing cryptocoin mining with CGminer or bfgminer, requisitado há 3703 dias.
- minetest-mod-animalworld: wild animals in minetest, requisitado há 190 dias.
- minetest-mod-itemdrop: Minetest mod - Item Drop, requisitado há 4120 dias.
- minetest-mod-mobs-monster: Minetest module to add monsters for mobs redo, requisitado há 1945 dias.
- minetest-mod-moretrees: Minetest mod - more trees, requisitado há 4132 dias.
- minetest-mod-plantlife: Minetest mod - Plantlife, requisitado há 4133 dias.
- minetest-mod-stamina: Stamina mod for minetest, requisitado há 190 dias.
- minetest-mod-voxelibre: voxelibre mod for minetest, requisitado há 211 dias.
- minetest-mod-wielded-light: Minetest module to add shining for wielded and dropped items, requisitado há 1945 dias.
- minetest-texturepack-soothing-32: soothing texture pack for minetest, requisitado há 190 dias.
- minetruco: Bluffing trick-taking card game played in Brazil, requisitado há 4152 dias.
- minichess: chess dockapp, requisitado há 2466 dias.
- minijail: Utility to run a program inside a sandbox, requisitado há 2811 dias.
- minimalmodbus-python: Easy-to-use Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII implementation for Python, requisitado há 2915 dias.
- minio: Cloud storage server compatible with Amazon S3, requisitado há 2821 dias.
- minivmac: a miniature early Macintosh emulator, requisitado há 4718 dias.
- mintlocale: Linux Mint locales and languages configuration tool, requisitado há 97 dias.
- mintupdate: Linux Mint update manager, requisitado há 552 dias.
- minuimus: file optimiser utility script, requisitado há 877 dias.
- miraclecast: The MiracleCast project provides software to connect external monitors to your system via Wi-Fi., requisitado há 880 dias.
- mirovideoconverter3: A super simple way to convert almost any video to MP4, WebM (vp8), Ogg Theora, or for Android, iPhone, and more., requisitado há 3807 dias.
- mist: Ethereum browser, requisitado há 3111 dias.
- mitk: The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit, requisitado há 3650 dias.
- mitra: Fediverse server, requisitado há 4 dias.
- mkcast: A tool to create gif screencasts of a running window, requisitado há 3291 dias.
- mkusb: Tool to make boot drives., requisitado há 3075 dias.
- mlb-statsapi: python module wrapping the MLB Statistics API, requisitado há 953 dias.
- mlv-app: Magic Lantern Video processing, requisitado há 2125 dias.
- mmhelper: A small program to help solving Mastermind puzzles, requisitado há 1573 dias.
- moar: Easy text file viewer / pager similar to less, requisitado há 1875 dias.
- mob: Smooth git handover for remote pair/mob programming., requisitado há 1072 dias.
- mod-auth-env: Apache module that sets REMOTE_USER from environment, requisitado há 3317 dias.
- mod-host: LV2 host for jackd with socket and shell control, requisitado há 4118 dias.
- mod-magick: The Apache mod_magick module provides image filtering for the Apache httpd server., requisitado há 1181 dias.
- modassert: An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like macros for debugging, requisitado há 4278 dias.
- modelio: UML, BPMN2 and SysML modelling environment, requisitado há 3407 dias.
- modrana: Modrana is a flexible GPS navigation system for mobile Linux devices., requisitado há 3041 dias.
- mogan: structured editor for science and technology, requisitado há 948 dias.
- moinmoin-mode: emacs major mode to edit MoinMoin wiki pages, requisitado há 2634 dias.
- momoko: Wraps asynchronous Psycopg2 for Tornado., requisitado há 2529 dias.
- moneymanagerex: easy to use money management application, requisitado há 2975 dias.
- mongodb-mtools: parse and visualize MongoDB log files / automate the setup of test clusters, requisitado há 2995 dias.
- monobit: tools for working with monochrome bitmap fonts, requisitado há 323 dias.
- monolith: CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file, requisitado há 1444 dias.
- moocng: open source MOOC platform, requisitado há 4245 dias.
- morelia: client-facing scripting language for Behaviour-Driven Development in Python, requisitado há 4913 dias.
- mount-zip: FUSE file system for ZIP archives (read-only), requisitado há 257 dias.
- movim-desktop: Desktop app for the Movim social network, requisitado há 2490 dias.
- mozjpeg: Mozilla JPEG Encoder Project, requisitado há 3936 dias.
- mp3cat: reads, writes, splits and combines MP3 files, requisitado há 4378 dias.
- mpage, requisitado há 2384 dias.
- mpir: Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals library, requisitado há 4237 dias.
- mppp: C++11/14/17/20 library for multiprecision arithmetic, requisitado há 1010 dias.
- mpria: multi-precision rational interval arithmetic library, requisitado há 3972 dias.
- mps: Poor Man's Spotify - Search and stream music, requisitado há 3964 dias.
- mraa: userspace I/O library, requisitado há 3568 dias.
- mrustc: alternative Rust compiler, requisitado há 2549 dias.
- msamr: Mediastreamer plugin for AMR audio codec, requisitado há 3506 dias.
- msbuild: build platform for .NET and Visual Studio, requisitado há 1697 dias.
- msnake: A snake game in the terminal, requisitado há 4504 dias.
- mstpd: A daemon implementing the RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) protocol for bridges, requisitado há 3707 dias.
- mullvad-client: client for VPN service Mullvad, requisitado há 2995 dias.
- multi2sim: CPU-GPU Simulator for Heterogeneous Computing, requisitado há 4215 dias.
- multibootusb: A cross platform utility to create multi boot live Linux on a removable USB disk, requisitado há 2209 dias.
- multimarkdown: converter for Multimarkdown markup documents, requisitado há 4697 dias.
- multipass: Lightweight virtual machine manager, requisitado há 1787 dias.
- multivnc: A tabbed cross-platform multicast VNC viewer, requisitado há 3742 dias.
- mumble-client-web: An HTML5 Mumble client for use in modern browsers, requisitado há 2274 dias.
- mumps-metis: Mumps library with METIS support, requisitado há 5301 dias.
- mwlib.ext: External dependencies needed by the mwlib library, requisitado há 4150 dias.
- mwlib.rl: A library for creating pdf from MediaWiki, requisitado há 4150 dias.
- mwlib: MediaWiki render server for use with the Collection extension, requisitado há 4483 dias.
- mxisd: Federated Matrix Identity Server, requisitado há 2259 dias.
- mxnet: Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, requisitado há 3291 dias.
- mydns: DNS server using MySQL or PostgreSQL for data storage, requisitado há 5773 dias.
- mylg: Combines the functions of the different network probes in one network diagnostic tool, requisitado há 2960 dias.
- mythtv: A personal video recorder application, requisitado há 5418 dias.
- naemon: Host, service and network monitoring and management system, requisitado há 3821 dias.
- nafe: toolset for editing psf format consolefonts, requisitado há 6038 dias.
- nagiosql: Web based administration tool for Nagios, requisitado há 6108 dias.
- nagiostv-react: A ReactJS user interface add-on for nagios, requisitado há 65 dias.
- nailgun-mcagents: various mcollective agent pluggins, requisitado há 3684 dias.
- namecoin: decentralized information registration and transfer system, requisitado há 3580 dias.
- nancy: lightweight framework for building HTTP based services in C#, requisitado há 3965 dias.
- nanosaur: open-source port of PangeaSoft's MacOS Game for modern systems, requisitado há 1294 dias.
- napalm-nxos: Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor support, requisitado há 3118 dias.
- napi-bash: Light and fast Polish subtitle downloader from the napi-project, requisitado há 4056 dias.
- naps2: not another pdf scanner, requisitado há 325 dias.
- natnetlinux: Header-only library to read NatNet packets, requisitado há 3938 dias.
- ncnn: high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform, requisitado há 1539 dias.
- ncspot: cross-platform TUI client for Spotify, requisitado há 820 dias.
- ndt: A network diagnostic tool., requisitado há 4063 dias.
- nelson: Let's Nelson! matrix language for engineering and scientific applications, requisitado há 634 dias.
- nemid: Install certificate for the Danish "NemID", requisitado há 4800 dias.
- neovim-gtk: Rust-based GTK frontend for Neovim, requisitado há 411 dias.
- nesicide: An Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System, requisitado há 4706 dias.
- netcdf-libcf: Library to process data files in the Climate and Forecast (CF) convention, requisitado há 3625 dias.
- netdot: network documentation tool, requisitado há 5138 dias.
- nethack-vulture: Isometric tiles interface for NetHack, requisitado há 1492 dias.
- netradiant-q3map2: a quake 3 map compiler, requisitado há 4415 dias.
- network-manager-libreswan: Libreswan VPN client plugin for NetworkManager, requisitado há 2124 dias.
- network-simple-dev: Haskell library abstracting common network sockets usage patterns., requisitado há 2819 dias.
- networkd-notify: desktop notification integration for systemd-networkd, requisitado há 1219 dias.
- networking-cisco: OpenStack virtual network service - Cisco plugin, requisitado há 3487 dias.
- neurosynth: Large-scale synthesis of functional neuroimaging data, requisitado há 4223 dias.
- new-session-manager: Assists music production by grouping standalone programs into sessions, requisitado há 1619 dias.
- newsblur: A visual feed reader with intelligence, requisitado há 4794 dias.
- nextcloud: self-hosted cloud services, requisitado há 3043 dias.
- nfsen: Netflow Sensor, requisitado há 6114 dias.
- nfstash: CLI tools suite implementing NFS client procedures, requisitado há 3033 dias.
- nft-sync: nftables ruleset synchronization software, requisitado há 3875 dias.
- ngfp: New Gfpoken (python game), requisitado há 427 dias.
- nginx-auth-jwt: Implements client authorization by validating the provided JSON Web Token (JWT), requisitado há 54 dias.
- nginx-module-vts: Nginx virtual host traffic status module, requisitado há 254 dias.
- nginx-unit: polyglot app server, a reverse proxy, and a static file server, requisitado há 760 dias.
- ngp: ncurses code parsing tool, requisitado há 3959 dias.
- nicofox: Iceweasel/Firefox extension to extend Nico Nico Douga functionality and save videos, requisitado há 4920 dias.
- nightingale: audio player and web browser based on the Songbird, requisitado há 4204 dias.
- nilearn: fast and easy statistical learning on neuroimaging data, requisitado há 3448 dias.
- niri: Scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor, requisitado há 293 dias.
- nitropy: A command line interface for the Nitrokey FIDO2, Nitrokey Start, Nitrokey 3 and NetHSM, requisitado há 862 dias.
- nltk-book: Natural Language Processing with Python (book), requisitado há 2528 dias.
- nni: An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, requisitado há 1675 dias.
- no-resource-uri-leak: browser extension for improving privacy by denying resource:// access to Web content., requisitado há 2705 dias.
- node-accord: An interface for compiled languages, templates in JavaScript, requisitado há 2538 dias.
- node-animate-css: A cross-browser library of CSS animations, requisitado há 778 dias.
- node-array-includes: Array.prototype.includes shim/polyfill/replacement, requisitado há 2467 dias.
- node-asmcrypto.js: JavaScript Cryptographic Library, requisitado há 2453 dias.
- node-async-foreach: JavaScript sync/async forEach, requisitado há 2550 dias.
- node-autod: Auto generate dependencies and devDependencies by parsing nodejs projects, requisitado há 2329 dias.
- node-babel-helper-is-nodes-equiv: babel node equivalence helper function, requisitado há 2302 dias.
- node-babel-messages: Collection of debug messages used by Babel., requisitado há 2876 dias.
- node-babel-preset-es2016-node5: Node@5 has great ES2015 support, this module just adds missing features, requisitado há 2290 dias.
- node-babel-types: Babel Types is a Lodash-esque utility library for AST nodes, requisitado há 2952 dias.
- node-babelify: Browserify transform for Babel, requisitado há 2775 dias.
- node-base64-url: Base64 encode, decode, escape and unescape for URL applications, requisitado há 3770 dias.
- node-beefy: a local development server designed to work with browserify, requisitado há 2262 dias.
- node-better-console: drop-in replacement for node's default console, requisitado há 2206 dias.
- node-bin-version-check: Check whether a version satisfies a semver range, requisitado há 2862 dias.
- node-blessed: A high-level terminal interface library for node.js, requisitado há 3207 dias.
- node-blueimp-tmpl: JavaScript templating engine, requisitado há 3362 dias.
- node-brewer: Asset manager for web applications, requisitado há 4144 dias.
- node-call-signature: Parse / Generate Method Signatures, requisitado há 2908 dias.
- node-canvas: a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS, requisitado há 3749 dias.
- node-capnp: Cap'n Proto bindings for Node.js, requisitado há 2471 dias.
- node-capture-stack-trace: Error.captureStackTrace ponyfill, requisitado há 2906 dias.
- node-castv2: Chromecast CASTV2 protocol implementation, requisitado há 1465 dias.
- node-cmd-shim: cmd-shim is used in npm for creating executable scripts on Windows, requisitado há 2714 dias.
- node-co-mocha: Enable support for generators in Mocha tests, requisitado há 2265 dias.
- node-co-with-promise: generator async control flow goodness, requisitado há 2905 dias.
- node-common-path-prefix: Computes the longest prefix string that is common to each path, excluding the base component, requisitado há 2908 dias.
- node-compressjs: fast pure-JavaScript compression/decompression algorithms, requisitado há 2432 dias.
- node-convert-to-spaces: Convert tabs to spaces in a string, requisitado há 2872 dias.
- node-covert: code coverage command for javascript, requisitado há 3218 dias.
- node-cropper: A simple jQuery image cropping plugin, requisitado há 3020 dias.
- node-cross-env: Cross platform setting of environment scripts, requisitado há 2257 dias.
- node-cssnano: A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem, requisitado há 1149 dias.
- node-datalib: JavaScript data utility library, requisitado há 3362 dias.
- ColReorder for DataTables, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- FixedColumns for DataTables, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- DataTables for jQuery, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- node-debuglog: Debuglog - backport of util.debuglog() from node v0.11, requisitado há 2714 dias.
- node-ecstatic: A nodejs simple static file server, requisitado há 2265 dias.
- node-es6ify: browserify v2 transform to compile ES6 to ES5 on the fly, requisitado há 3277 dias.
- node-eslint-plugin-react: React specific linting rules for ESLint, requisitado há 2120 dias.
- node-eslint-restricted-globals: A list of confusing globals that should be restricted to be used as globals, requisitado há 2288 dias.
- node-eslump: Fuzz testing JavaScript parsers and suchlike programs., requisitado há 2129 dias.
- node-espurify: Clone new AST without extra properties, requisitado há 2886 dias.
- node-evacuated-aok: Extensible JavaScript test suite, requisitado há 2030 dias.
- node-evacuated-buffered-spawn: Buffered child_process, requisitado há 2051 dias.
- node-evacuated-chai-string: Strings comparison matchers for chai, requisitado há 2088 dias.
- node-evacuated-commonjs-everywhere: browser bundler with source maps from the minified JS bundle to the original source, requisitado há 2054 dias.
- node-evacuated-deep-extend: Recursive object extending, requisitado há 2083 dias.
- node-evacuated-electron-download: downloads an electron release zip, requisitado há 2083 dias.
- node-evacuated-elsint-config-prettier: Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier, requisitado há 2083 dias.
- node-evacuated-eol: end of line api, requisitado há 2082 dias.
- node-evacuated-eslint-plugin-eslint-plugin: An ESLint plugin for linting ESLint plugins, requisitado há 2029 dias.
- node-evacuated-ethereum-client-binaries: verifies/downloads ethereum client binaries, requisitado há 2053 dias.
- node-evacuated-functional-red-black-tree: A purely functional red-black tree data structure (in javascript), requisitado há 2080 dias.
- node-evacuated-pathwatcher: path watcher nodejs module, requisitado há 2091 dias.
- node-evacuated-prettier-eslint-cli: CLI for prettier-eslint, requisitado há 2080 dias.
- node-evacuated-tslint-config-prettier: Use TSLint with Prettier without any conflict, requisitado há 781 dias.
- node-evacuated-tweetnacl-js: node-evacuated-tweetnacl-js, requisitado há 2089 dias.
- node-evacuated-vm-browserify: vm module for the browser, requisitado há 2076 dias.
- node-evacuated-wide-align: Wide-character aware text alignment function, requisitado há 2094 dias.
- node-event-kit: Simple library for implementing and, requisitado há 2028 dias.
- node-event-stream: a toolkit for easy creation and use of Node.JS streams, requisitado há 2548 dias.
- node-express-session: simple HTTP session middleware - Node.js module, requisitado há 3839 dias.
- node-expresso: TDD framework, light-weight, fast, CI-friendly, requisitado há 3164 dias.
- node-extend-object: Underscore's extend method as a standalone Common JS module, requisitado há 2306 dias.
- node-faucet: human-readable TAP summarizer, requisitado há 2258 dias.
- node-fibers: Fiber/coroutine support for v8 and node, requisitado há 2387 dias.
- node-filetransfer: filetransfer via a webrtc datachannel, requisitado há 2306 dias.
- node-forever: A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever)., requisitado há 1822 dias.
- node-fork-stream: Fork a stream in multiple directions, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-from: Create a Node.JS stream from arrays or functions, requisitado há 2548 dias.
- node-gaze: a globbing wrapper, requisitado há 2550 dias.
- node-get-port: Get an available port, requisitado há 2907 dias.
- node-googleapis: client library for accessing Google APIs, requisitado há 2274 dias.
- node-grunt-contrib-compass: Compile Sass to CSS using Compass, requisitado há 2862 dias.
- node-gulp-angular-templatecache: Gulp extension for dealing with AngularJS templates, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-gulp-closure-compiler: Gulp extension for the Google Closure Compiler, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-gulp-closure-deps: Gulp extension for generating Closure deps.js files, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-gulp-concat-css: node tool for concatenating css files, requisitado há 2209 dias.
- node-gulp-copy: Copy source files to new destination, requisitado há 2209 dias.
- node-gulp-debug: Debug Vinyl file streams to see what files are run through your Gulp pipeline, requisitado há 2213 dias.
- node-gulp-dedupe: Check for duplicates in the stream and filter them, requisitado há 2209 dias.
- node-gulp-footer: Gulp extension for adding footers to files, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-gulp-help: Check for duplicates in the stream and filter them or throw an error, requisitado há 2209 dias.
- node-gulp-if: Gulp extension for controlling the flow of vinyl objects., requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-gulp-insert: String manipulation library for Gulp, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-gulp-less: Gulp extension for using the LESS CSS compiler, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-gulp-match: Gulp extension for checking file conditions, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-gulp-notify: send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors using node-notifier, requisitado há 2203 dias.
- node-gulp-print: gulp plugin that prints names of files, requisitado há 2203 dias.
- node-gulp-prompt: For gulp to utilize the Inquirer.js prompt Library, requisitado há 2143 dias.
- node-gulp-replace: A string replace plugin for gulp, requisitado há 2196 dias.
- node-gulp-rtlcss: Gulp plugin that uses RTL CSS to convert LTR CSS to RTL, requisitado há 2191 dias.
- node-gulp-spawn-mocha: a plugin for gulp which runs Mocha tests in a separate process from the gulp process., requisitado há 2131 dias.
- node-gulp-uglify: Minify files with UglifyJS, requisitado há 1149 dias.
- node-gulp-watch: File watcher that uses super-fast chokidar and emits vinyl objects., requisitado há 2196 dias.
- node-has-symbols: Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support, requisitado há 2258 dias.
- node-helenus: Apache Cassandra client implementation for Node.js, requisitado há 4227 dias.
- node-hicat: cat with syntax highlighting., requisitado há 3747 dias.
- node-home-path: Cross-platform home directory retriever, requisitado há 2884 dias.
- node-httpolyglot: serve http and https over the same port, requisitado há 2274 dias.
- node-husky: Git hooks made easy, requisitado há 2268 dias.
- node-iana-hashes: use the IANA registered hash names with node crypto's hash functions, requisitado há 2306 dias.
- node-indx: recursive "require" for Node.JS, requisitado há 2538 dias.
- node-intersect: find the intersection of two arrays, requisitado há 2306 dias.
- node-is-ci: Detect if the current environment is a CI server (Evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github), requisitado há 807 dias.
- node-is-error: Detect whether a value is an error, requisitado há 2908 dias.
- node-is-generator: Check whether a given value is a generator function, requisitado há 2260 dias.
- node-is-in-subnet: Node.js library to check if an IP is in a subnet, requisitado há 2413 dias.
- node-jingle-filetransfer-session: implementation of Jingle filetransfer session in JavaScript, requisitado há 2306 dias.
- node-jingle-media-session: implementation of Jingle media session in JavaScript, requisitado há 2306 dias.
- node-jingle-session: implementation of Jingle session in JavaScript, requisitado há 2306 dias.
- node-jingle: Generic Jingle via WebRTC session manager, requisitado há 2480 dias.
- node-jscoverage: JavaScript coverage tool, requisitado há 3876 dias.
- node-jsdoc: API documentation generator for JavaScript, requisitado há 3638 dias.
- node-jstransformer: Node library to normalize the API of any jstransformer, requisitado há 3092 dias.
- node-karma-firefox-launcher: A Karma plugin. Launcher for Firefox/Chrome, requisitado há 2135 dias.
- node-kerberos: Kerberos library for Node.js, requisitado há 3393 dias.
- node-kosmtik: Make maps with OpenStreetMap and Mapnik, requisitado há 3322 dias.
- node-lazy-req: Require modules lazily, requisitado há 2882 dias.
- node-max-timeout: Max amount of milliseconds that can be passed to `setTimeout()`, requisitado há 2873 dias.
- node-memoizee: Complete memoize/cache solution for JavaScript, requisitado há 2431 dias.
- node-moment-timezone: parse and display moments in any timezone, requisitado há 3351 dias.
- node-nugget: minimalist wget clone written in node., requisitado há 2903 dias.
- node-octokit-rest: NSA/Microsoft GitHub REST API client for JavaScript, requisitado há 2202 dias.
- node-onetime: Ensure a function is only called once, requisitado há 2908 dias.
- node-openpgp: OpenPGP JavaScript Implementation (OpenPGP.js), requisitado há 3487 dias.
- node-os-timesync: nodejs package to check whether NTP time sync is enabled in OS settings, requisitado há 2120 dias.
- node-path-key: Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform, requisitado há 2882 dias.
- node-pause-stream: a Node.JS stream that can be paused into buffering mode, requisitado há 2548 dias.
- node-php-date-formatter: datetime formatting and manipulation library using PHP date-time formats, requisitado há 2138 dias.
- node-pkg-conf: Get namespaced config from the closest package.json, requisitado há 2906 dias.
- node-postcss-easy-import: PostCSS plugin to inline @import rules content with extra features, requisitado há 1149 dias.
- node-pretty-quick: Runs Prettier on your changed files, requisitado há 2262 dias.
- node-progress-stream: Read the progress of a stream, requisitado há 2904 dias.
- node-protobufjs: pure JavaScript Protocol Buffers implementation, requisitado há 1465 dias.
- node-protoduck: Create new error instances with a code and additional properties, requisitado há 2628 dias.
- node-pug3-cli: Pug 3 CLI with many fixes and improvements, requisitado há 342 dias.
- node-reduce-component: array reduce component - Node.js module, requisitado há 3854 dias.
- node-restore: Simple remoteStorage server written in Node.js, requisitado há 3330 dias.
- node-rework: Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js, requisitado há 2138 dias.
- node-rifraf: A simple requestAnimationFrame wrapper/polyfill with added iteratee creator, requisitado há 2102 dias.
- node-rtcpeerconnection: normalizes and simplifies the API for WebRTC peer connections, requisitado há 2306 dias.
- node-runas: Run command synchronously, requisitado há 2118 dias.
- node-rusha: high-performance pure-javascript SHA1 implementation, requisitado há 2453 dias.
- node-sass-graph: generate dependency graphs from Sass files, requisitado há 2550 dias.
- node-sass: The reference implementation of Sass, written in Dart, requisitado há 1149 dias.
- node-scss-tokenizer: SCSS syntax tokenizer, requisitado há 2550 dias.
- node-semantic-ui: UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language, requisitado há 2213 dias.
- node-socket-cli: CLI tool for, requisitado há 505 dias.
- Makes WebSockets and realtime possible in all browsers, requisitado há 4245 dias.
- node-socks: A simple SOCKS implementation and demo proxy in nodejs, requisitado há 2129 dias.
- node-spawn-sync: Prollyfill for child_process.spawnSync, requisitado há 3409 dias.
- node-speedometer: simple speed measurement in javascript, requisitado há 2907 dias.
- node-sqlstring: Simple SQL escape and format for MySQL, requisitado há 2281 dias.
- node-standard.js: JavaScript style guide, with linter & automatic code fixer, requisitado há 2781 dias.
- node-stdout-stream: non-blocking standard output stream, requisitado há 2550 dias.
- node-stream-combiner: Turn a pipeline into a single stream, requisitado há 2769 dias.
- node-stream-spec: executable specification for stream, requisitado há 2144 dias.
- node-sumchecker: Checksum validator, requisitado há 2906 dias.
- node-swagger-ui: Assets to dynamically generate documentation, requisitado há 2692 dias.
- node-taffydb: JavaScript Database for your browser, requisitado há 2146 dias.
- node-temp-write: Write string/buffer/stream to a temporary file, requisitado há 2557 dias.
- node-tern: JavaScript code analyzer for text editors, requisitado há 3363 dias.
- node-ternary-stream: Node.JS streams that are controlled by a condition, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- node-time-out: Simple setTimeout cancellation, requisitado há 2876 dias.
- node-tosource: converts JavaScript objects back to source, requisitado há 3333 dias.
- node-types-filesystem: type definitions for File System API, requisitado há 1381 dias.
- node-underscore-deep-extend: A deepExtend implementation for underscore, lodash and friends, requisitado há 2104 dias.
- node-unicode-7.0.0: JavaScript module for Unicode, requisitado há 3467 dias.
- node-unzip-response: Unzip a HTTP response if needed, requisitado há 2906 dias.
- node-vinyl-source-stream: Bridge that makes it simple to use conventional text stream, requisitado há 2207 dias.
- node-vite: Next Generation Frontend Tooling, requisitado há 437 dias.
- node-watchify: watch mode for browserify builds, requisitado há 2099 dias.
- node-web-ext: build, run, and test web extensions, requisitado há 2631 dias.
- node-webkitgtk: Drive webkitgtk from Node.js, requisitado há 3758 dias.
- node-write-pkg: Write a package.json, requisitado há 2877 dias.
- node-xo: JavaScript happiness style linter, requisitado há 2152 dias.
- nodogsplash: manages public internet access, requisitado há 3536 dias.
- nohands: a Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile server, requisitado há 5881 dias.
- noisetorch: PulseAudio noise suppressor, requisitado há 1618 dias.
- nomad-driver-singularity: Nomad Singularity driver plugin, requisitado há 1896 dias.
- non-daw: Non is a modular DAW which includes four components: non-session-manager, non-timeline, non-mixer, non-sequencer, requisitado há 1777 dias.
- nosh: an RC, init, process manager system, requisitado há 2260 dias.
- notabug-themusicgod1-redis.v4-dev: Redis client for Golang, requisitado há 2266 dias.
- notion-scripts: Contributed scripts for the Notion window manager, requisitado há 4431 dias.
- notqmail: Collaborative successor to qmail, requisitado há 1948 dias.
- nova-the-squirrel: Nova the Squirrel platform arcade game, requisitado há 1109 dias.
- novoht: lightweight persistent in memory hash table, requisitado há 4220 dias.
- nscaweb: Nagios addon to submit checks over http, requisitado há 4064 dias.
- ntfs-3g-system-compression: NTFS-3G plugin for reading "system compressed" files, requisitado há 2781 dias.
- ntk: Non Tool Kit (NTK), requisitado há 3843 dias.
- nu-html5-validator: An offline version of the NU HTML5 validator, requisitado há 2915 dias.
- nufft: Library implementing the Non-Uniform Fast, requisitado há 3694 dias.
- numbers: database of interesting numbers and a tool to compare against it, requisitado há 4284 dias.
- numen: voice control for handsfree computing, requisitado há 39 dias.
- numix-icon-theme-square: Square icon theme from the Numix project, requisitado há 2254 dias.
- numworks.js: Utility classes to interact with a Numworks calculator using WebUSB, requisitado há 1144 dias.
- nushell: a new type of shell, requisitado há 1641 dias.
- nusolve: Geodetic VLBI data analysis software, requisitado há 863 dias.
- nuxhash: NiceHash cryptocurrency mining client for Linux, requisitado há 900 dias.
- nvidia-cub: cooperative threadblock primitives and, requisitado há 1934 dias.
- nvidia-driver-rt: Nvidia driver for real time kernels., requisitado há 1435 dias.
- nvidia-fabricmanager: Fabric Manager for NVSwitch based systems, requisitado há 175 dias.
- nvidia-mofed: MVidia MLNX OFED software for Infiniband, requisitado há 175 dias.
- nvidia-switch: shifts between NVIDIA Graphic Card and Intel without rebooting, requisitado há 984 dias.
- nvim-lldb: LLDB debugger integration for Neovim, requisitado há 3063 dias.
- o2scl: library for object-oriented numerical programming, requisitado há 3587 dias.
- obmenu2: obmenu2 is a graphical menu editor for the Openbox menu.xml file and is meant as a replacement for the old obmenu, requisitado há 1158 dias.
- obs-backgroundremoval: OBS Studio Plugin: Background Removal, requisitado há 792 dias.
- obs-signd: open build service signer client and daemon, requisitado há 2978 dias.
- obs-xdg-portal: wayland plugin for obs-studio, requisitado há 1723 dias.
- obspy: Python framework for seismology, requisitado há 3125 dias.
- oci-cli: Command Line Interface for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, requisitado há 1072 dias.
- oci-python-sdk: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Python SDK, requisitado há 1077 dias.
- ocrodjvu3: Python 3 port of ocrodjvu (removed from bullseye), requisitado há 1196 dias.
- ocropy: Python OCR engine using recurrent neural networks, requisitado há 3476 dias.
- ocrthypdf: Make your PDF files text-searchable (A GUI for OCRmyPDF), requisitado há 638 dias.
- oct2py: GNU Octave to Python bridge, requisitado há 3914 dias.
- octave-scicosim: exchanges variables between Octave and Scilab workspaces, requisitado há 2409 dias.
- octoprint: Responsive web interface for 3D printers, requisitado há 4158 dias.
- octopus: Real-space TDDFT-based electronic-structure code, requisitado há 5163 dias.
- octotree: browser sidebar listing files in remote VCS repository services, requisitado há 2418 dias.
- odt2braille: Export and emboss Braille documents using Libreoffice, requisitado há 4941 dias.
- offroad: offline vector map display ported from OsmAnd, requisitado há 1771 dias.
- og-rek: Go library for encoding and decoding pickles, requisitado há 3726 dias.
- oh-my-bash: framework to extend bash shell functionality, requisitado há 356 dias.
- oh-my-zsh: framework for managing your zsh configuration, requisitado há 4388 dias.
- oksh: portable OpenBSD ksh, based on the Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh), requisitado há 1004 dias.
- olena: C++ Image Processing Platform, requisitado há 4708 dias.
- omegasort: versatile text file sorting tool, requisitado há 1124 dias.
- omi: rich, high-performance, standards-based management stack, requisitado há 3847 dias.
- omnisharp-server: HTTP server allowing C# editor plugins to be written in any language, requisitado há 3965 dias.
- onceover: Testing tools for Puppet controlrepos, requisitado há 183 dias.
- onedal: oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL), requisitado há 1717 dias.
- onemkl: oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Interfaces, requisitado há 1717 dias.
- onion-grater: Whitelisting Tor Control Protocol Filter, requisitado há 2822 dias.
- onionmail-wizard: Wizard to subscribe a new OnionMail user account on TAILS or Debian, requisitado há 3384 dias.
- onionmail: Anonymous and encrypted mail and web server as Tor hidden service., requisitado há 3384 dias.
- onionscan: tool for investigating the Dark Web, requisitado há 1531 dias.
- online-python-tutor: Online Python Tutor helps learn how to program in Python by visualizing code execution, requisitado há 3971 dias.
- onlyoffice-desktopeditors: free alternative to MS Office for Linux, requisitado há 1646 dias.
- onvifviewer: ONVIF camera viewer, requisitado há 1117 dias.
- oomox: Graphical application for generating different, requisitado há 2738 dias.
- oonibackend: backend infrastructure for ooniprobe, requisitado há 3120 dias.
- opcua-client-gui: simple OPC-UA GUI client, requisitado há 2979 dias.
- opcua-widgets: common widgets for opcua-modeler and opcua-client-gui, requisitado há 2476 dias.
- open-broadcast-encoder: Video stream transcoder, requisitado há 2413 dias.
- open-in-browser: Firefox add-on to open files directly in the browser, requisitado há 1621 dias.
- open-infrastructure-system-doc: Documentation for System Build et al., requisitado há 3216 dias.
- open-infrastructure-system-installer: d-i component for installing from images, requisitado há 3045 dias.
- open-match: Flexible, extensible, and scalable video game matchmaking., requisitado há 2160 dias.
- open-numismat: application for coin lovers, numismatists or amateurs looking to create a numismatics collection, requisitado há 4308 dias.
- open-rpi-firmware: Open source VPU side bootloader for Raspberry Pi, requisitado há 2681 dias.
- open-vmdk: tool for creating Open Virtual Appliances (OVAs), requisitado há 513 dias.
- open2300: Reads data from a Lacrosse Weather Station, requisitado há 3477 dias.
- openassets: Reference implementation of the Open Assets Protocol, requisitado há 3503 dias.
- openassistant: private personal voice assistant, requisitado há 1618 dias.
- openbazaar: server daemon for OpenBazaar network, requisitado há 3206 dias.
- openbugs: BUGS for Bayesian MCMC analysis., requisitado há 3843 dias.
- opendcp: Open Digital Cinema Package software, requisitado há 4728 dias.
- openecard: lightweight eID client, integrates major international standards, requisitado há 4312 dias.
- openedx: Course management system, requisitado há 2771 dias.
- openfwwf: Open Firmware for Broadcom b43 wlan devices, requisitado há 5800 dias.
- openha: Easy high availability clustering, requisitado há 2964 dias.
- openhab2: home automation software, requisitado há 1974 dias.
- openhab: Vendor and technology agnostic home automation software, requisitado há 1117 dias.
- openhft-chronicle-values: Poor man's value types for Java 8+, requisitado há 3066 dias.
- openin-client: client for "Open In" and "External Application" browser extensions, requisitado há 1508 dias.
- openjdk-nashorn: Standalone ECMAScript Nashorn Engine, requisitado há 554 dias.
- openlase: Laser show software for soundcard operation. Can open, manipulate and save DXF, ILDA and WAVE., requisitado há 4410 dias.
- openmeca: a graphical application to model and simulate mechanical systems, requisitado há 2904 dias.
- openmodelica: Modelica-based modeling and simulation environment, requisitado há 300 dias.
- openmvs: open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library, requisitado há 2336 dias.
- openocl: Open Optimal Control Library, requisitado há 2053 dias.
- openoctave: MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor, requisitado há 5356 dias.
- openomf: Open Source remake of "One Must Fall 2097", requisitado há 3408 dias.
- openpbs: An HPC workload manager and job scheduler for desktops, clusters, and clouds, requisitado há 1593 dias.
- openpgpkey-milter: automatically PGP encrypt emails for milter-capable MTAs, requisitado há 3984 dias.
- openphoto: A photo application that lets you store your photos on Dropbox, Amazon S3 or in your garage., requisitado há 4643 dias.
- openpilot: platform for aerial robotics or other mobile vehicular platforms, requisitado há 3542 dias.
- openr: Open/R extensible network routing platform, requisitado há 2534 dias.
- openra: engine remake for Command & Conquer, requisitado há 1821 dias.
- openrdap: command line RDAP client, requisitado há 1905 dias.
- openredalert: Remake engine of "Red Alert" and Command-n-Conquer with very few depends, requisitado há 3358 dias.
- openrgb: Control RGB devices, requisitado há 1087 dias.
- openrtm-aist-python: A component-based robotics middleware, requisitado há 4398 dias.
- openscribe: app for transcribing audio files using a USB footpedal, requisitado há 3708 dias.
- opensiv3d: OpenSiv3D is a C++17 framework for games and interactive media., requisitado há 2163 dias.
- openstack-guest-agents-unix: Agent to install in VMs running under a Xen-based OpenStack cloud, requisitado há 3992 dias.
- openstack-manuals: docs for installing and using OpenStack, requisitado há 3069 dias.
- opentaxsolver: open source USA tax software, requisitado há 1995 dias.
- opentofu: tool for managing cloud infrastructure, requisitado há 3284 dias.
- opentoonz: 2D animation software, requisitado há 2927 dias.
- openui5: framework for enterprise-ready web applications, requisitado há 1078 dias.
- openutau: Open singing synthesis platform / Open source UTAU successor / vocaloid clone, requisitado há 855 dias.
- openvibe: software platform for BCI, requisitado há 5344 dias.
- openviewerfx: Open Source JavaFX PDF Viewer, requisitado há 3352 dias.
- openvisualtraceroute: Visual Traceroute displaying in a 3D map, requisitado há 4092 dias.
- openvpn-auth-script: OpenVPN script authentication module, requisitado há 2674 dias.
- openwebstart: Run JNLP files with the latest Java version, requisitado há 1056 dias.
- openwsman: Open Web Services Manager, requisitado há 3815 dias.
- openxcom: Open-source clone of the original X-Com game, requisitado há 3427 dias.
- opl3bankeditor: small editor of the OPL3 FM banks of different formats, requisitado há 1807 dias.
- oprofile: system-wide profiler for Linux systems, requisitado há 2709 dias.
- oqplus: GPL content for Quake engines, requisitado há 3377 dias.
- orangefs: parallel network file system, requisitado há 1945 dias.
- orangehrm: Web based software to manage empolyees of a company, requisitado há 3499 dias.
- orchid: a tor client implementation and library written in pure java, requisitado há 3948 dias.
- orientdb: A Multi-Model NoSQL Database, requisitado há 3500 dias.
- orocos-log4cpp: C++ library for flexible logging, requisitado há 3536 dias.
- orocos-ocl: Orocos Component Library, requisitado há 3538 dias.
- orocos-rtt: Orocos Real-Time Toolkit, requisitado há 3544 dias.
- orocos-typelib: C/C++ type introspection library, requisitado há 3532 dias.
- orocos-utilrb: Ruby toolkit: collection of useful Ruby classes, requisitado há 3532 dias.
- osem: event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences, requisitado há 2274 dias.
- oskar: Oxford's Square Kilometre Array Radio-telescope simulator, requisitado há 3090 dias.
- osm-tile-server: OpenStreetMap tile server, requisitado há 3335 dias.
- osmin: GPS navigator On-Road/Off-Road, requisitado há 927 dias.
- osmscoutserver: Maps server providing tiles, geocoder, and router, requisitado há 871 dias.
- osquery: operating system instrumentation framework, requisitado há 3339 dias.
- ossec-hids: Host-based intrusion detection system, requisitado há 6828 dias.
- osticket: helpdesk and user support ticketing system, requisitado há 1147 dias.
- otter-browser: Fast and configurable web browser inspired by Opera 12, requisitado há 1805 dias.
- overbiteff: Add-on for Iceweasel/Firefox that provides improved gopher support, requisitado há 5273 dias.
- overcommit: Git hook manager, requisitado há 2937 dias.
- overleaf: web-based collaborative LaTeX editor, requisitado há 1510 dias.
- overmix: automatic anime screenshot stitching in high quality, requisitado há 1610 dias.
- ovirt-server: Web based application for managing virtual machines, requisitado há 5923 dias.
- owl-lisp: functional implementation of Scheme, requisitado há 3262 dias.
- owo-cli: A URL shortener, file uploader, and screenshotter for the service, written in Bash., requisitado há 2841 dias.
- oxidized: network device configuration backup tool, requisitado há 3404 dias.
- oxipng: Parallel lossless PNG compression optimizer, requisitado há 2234 dias.
- p2c: Pascal to C translator, requisitado há 2443 dias.
- p2pool-in: Peer-to-peer Bitcoin mining pool, requisitado há 4711 dias.
- p: command line utility (à la t), requisitado há 3743 dias.
- package-rebuilder: package-rebuilder: orchestration tool for rebuilding packages, requisitado há 780 dias.
- packetbeat: real-time network packet analyzer and logger, requisitado há 3311 dias.
- pacrunner: Proxy configuration daemon, requisitado há 1469 dias.
- pafish: Virtual machines detection tool, requisitado há 779 dias.
- pagemap: analyze and print the physical memory layout of a Linux process, requisitado há 4175 dias.
- pageres: Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions on the command-line, requisitado há 3622 dias.
- pagure-messages: A schema package for messages sent by pagure, requisitado há 1384 dias.
- palace: 3D Finite Element Solver for Computational Electromagnetics, requisitado há 604 dias.
- palemoon-browser: Open Source, Firefox-based web browser, requisitado há 3571 dias.
- pam-kwallet: KWallet integration with PAM, requisitado há 3743 dias.
- panda3d: Panda3D is a game engine, a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs., requisitado há 5209 dias.
- pandas-datareader: remote data access for pandas, requisitado há 2896 dias.
- pandoc-crossref: Pandoc filter for cross-references, requisitado há 1929 dias.
- pantheon-files: The file manager of the Pantheon desktop, requisitado há 3850 dias.
- pantheon-greeter: Pantheon Login Screen, requisitado há 3850 dias.
- paperless-ngx: scan, index and archive all your physical documents, requisitado há 1360 dias.
- papershaper: automagic wallpaper swapper, requisitado há 1481 dias.
- par2-tbb: concurrent (multithreaded) version of par2cmdline, requisitado há 5647 dias.
- partitionfinder: programs for simultaneously choosing partitioning schemes and models of molecular evolution for sequence data., requisitado há 3329 dias.
- pass-extension-ssh: start a ssh session from a pass entry, requisitado há 56 dias.
- pass-secret-service: dbus-service to serve secret-service api with pass backend, requisitado há 443 dias.
- pass2csv: pass password store export to CSV, requisitado há 690 dias.
- passh: passh: a pass fork - stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely., requisitado há 2833 dias.
- patchclamp: basic tool for patch clamping physiology recordings, requisitado há 3831 dias.
- patchwork: a console or web based patch tracking system, requisitado há 4297 dias.
- pbtestdata: small Pacific Biosciences datasets for testing, requisitado há 3072 dias.
- pcnfsd: RPC Server That Supports ONC Clients, requisitado há 1488 dias.
- pcynlitx: Innovative IDE for Multithreading, requisitado há 1997 dias.
- pd-bandlimited: bandlimited (non-aliasing) waveform generators for Pure Data, requisitado há 2975 dias.
- pd-iem-bin-ambi: binaural spatial audio for Pure Data using Ambisonics, requisitado há 5153 dias.
- pd-vasp: VASP modular - Vector assembling signal processor for PD, requisitado há 2969 dias.
- pdf2htmlex: convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format, requisitado há 466 dias.
- pdf4qt: An all in one PDF reader and editor tool., requisitado há 860 dias.
- pdfbeads: utility to take scanned page images and convert them to a single PDF file, requisitado há 1685 dias.
- pdfbox: PDF utilities (based on Apache PDFBox), requisitado há 429 dias.
- pdfsizeopt: PDF file size optimizer, requisitado há 612 dias.
- pdfslicer: A simple application to extract, merge, rotate and reorder pages of PDF documents, requisitado há 1681 dias.
- pdftable: extract tables from PDF files, requisitado há 3181 dias.
- pdftables: parse PDFs and extracts what it believes to be tables, requisitado há 3454 dias.
- peepdf: tool to analyze PDF documents, requisitado há 1286 dias.
- peerguardian: IP blocking software, requisitado há 5361 dias.
- peertube-desktop: a native GTK adaptive client for Peertube, requisitado há 1809 dias.
- pelias: Pelias is a modular open-source geocoder using Elasticsearch., requisitado há 1809 dias.
- pelican-plugins: Plugins for Pelican, requisitado há 3771 dias.
- pelican-themes: Themes for Pelican, requisitado há 3771 dias.
- pep9: Pep/9 assembler and simulator, requisitado há 2640 dias.
- percona-playback: A tool for replaying captured database server load, requisitado há 4163 dias.
- percona-server-5.6: Percona Server is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server that provides drop-in compatibility with MySQL., requisitado há 3791 dias.
- percona-server-core-5.5: Percona dropin alt server, requisitado há 5090 dias.
- perl6-openssl: OpenSSL bindings for Perl 6, requisitado há 2053 dias.
- petardfs: FUSE filesystem for injecting intentional errors (e.g. for testing), requisitado há 2286 dias.
- pew: python env wrapper, requisitado há 2490 dias.
- pfff: tools for static code analysis or source transforms, requisitado há 3796 dias.
- pfft: Parallel FFT software library based on MPI, requisitado há 3753 dias.
- pfring: PF_RING is a high-speed packet capture, filtering and analysis framework., requisitado há 3441 dias.
- pgadmin4: graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL, generation 4, requisitado há 3053 dias.
- pgbackman: Tool for managing PostgreSQL logical backups, requisitado há 2976 dias.
- pgbulkload: A high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL, requisitado há 4588 dias.
- pgsql-postal: PostgreSQL Postal Address Normalizer, requisitado há 1698 dias.
- pguint: unsigned and other extra integer types for PostgreSQL, requisitado há 716 dias.
- pharo: dynamic reflective pure object-oriented language supporting live programming inspired by Smalltalk, requisitado há 1693 dias.
- philologic: text analysis tool for digital corpora, requisitado há 5065 dias.
- phockup: Media sorting tool to organize photos and videos from your camera in folders by year, month and day, requisitado há 671 dias.
- photo-booth: Motion-detecting photo booth toy, requisitado há 3526 dias.
- photoswipe: JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent, requisitado há 2484 dias.
- php-alek13-slack: PHP package for Slack, requisitado há 1051 dias.
- php-amphp-byte-stream: stream abstraction to make working with non-blocking I/O simple, requisitado há 946 dias.
- php-amphp-cache: non-blocking caching library for Amp, requisitado há 946 dias.
- php-amphp-dns: provides asynchronous DNS resolution for PHP based on Amp, requisitado há 946 dias.
- php-amphp-hpack: HTTP/2 HPack implementation, requisitado há 946 dias.
- php-amphp-http-client: Asynchronous concurrent HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 client built on the Amp concurrency framework, requisitado há 946 dias.
- php-amphp-http: Basic HTTP primitives which can be shared by servers and clients, requisitado há 946 dias.
- php-amphp-parser: streaming generator parser, requisitado há 941 dias.
- php-asm89-stack-cors: cross-origin resource sharing for http applications, requisitado há 1047 dias.
- php-barrydvh-laravel-debugbar: PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel, requisitado há 858 dias.
- php-barryvdh-laravel-dompdf: Laravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter, requisitado há 849 dias.
- php-buzz-react: Simple, async PSR-7 HTTP client, requisitado há 2621 dias.
- php-codeception-aspect-mock: Aspect-oriented mocking framework for PHP, requisitado há 1474 dias.
- php-date-holidays: driver based class to calculate holidays, requisitado há 3963 dias.
- php-emoji: Emoji images from unicode characters and names, requisitado há 2621 dias.
- php-ext-brotli: Brotli Extension for PHP, requisitado há 1282 dias.
- php-fideloper-proxy: set trusted proxies for Laravel, requisitado há 1043 dias.
- php-file-find: Class that facilitates the search of filesystems, requisitado há 3969 dias.
- php-horde-managesieve: Client library for ManageSieve, requisitado há 3517 dias.
- php-javiereguiluz-easyslugger: fast and easy to use slugger with full UTF-8 support, requisitado há 815 dias.
- php-kelunik-certificate: Access certificate details and transform between different formats, requisitado há 932 dias.
- php-laravel-mail-auto-embed: automatically parses your messages and embeds the images found into your mail, requisitado há 1044 dias.
- php-maximebf-debugbar: debug bar in the browser with information from php, requisitado há 1044 dias.
- php-oci8: Extension for Oracle Database, requisitado há 3636 dias.
- php-openid: OpenID library for PHP, requisitado há 2746 dias.
- php-orchestra-testbench-core: Testing helper for Laravel development, requisitado há 1474 dias.
- php-pam: PAM integration, requisitado há 3890 dias.
- php-pdo-sqlsrv: PHP PECL extension for Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server (PDO driver), requisitado há 2394 dias.
- php-phpdocumentor: phpDocumentor provides automatic documenting of php api, requisitado há 7793 dias.
- php-sqlsrv: Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server, requisitado há 2394 dias.
- php-structures-datagrid-datasource-dataobject: DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_DataObject, requisitado há 4134 dias.
- php-svg-sanitize: SVG sanitizer for PHP, requisitado há 1043 dias.
- php-text-wiki-creole: Creole parser and renderer for Text_Wiki, requisitado há 3889 dias.
- php-text-wiki-mediawiki: Mediawiki parser for Text_Wiki, requisitado há 5363 dias.
- php-text-wiki-tiki: Tiki parser and renderer for Text_Wiki, requisitado há 3889 dias.
- php-v8js: V8 Javascript Engine for PHP, requisitado há 4110 dias.
- php-wp-cli: Command line interface for WordPress, requisitado há 4429 dias.
- phpipam: web based IP address management, requisitado há 4030 dias.
- phplist: multi-list email campaign manager, requisitado há 5065 dias.
- phpmemcachedadmin: Graphic administration for memcached to monitor and debug., requisitado há 3613 dias.
- phpstan: PHP Static Analysis Tool, requisitado há 2091 dias.
- picocoin: A C library for implementing Bitcoin applications, requisitado há 2990 dias.
- picosnitch: monitor network traffic per executable, requisitado há 484 dias.
- pidgin-gpg: OpenPGP plugin for Pidgin, requisitado há 3325 dias.
- pidgin-opensteamworks: Steam IM / Steam Friends plugin for Pidgin (libpurple), requisitado há 4450 dias.
- pifacedigitalio: control a Pi-Face interface on your Raspberry Pi, requisitado há 4280 dias.
- pijul: Distributed version control system based on a sound theory of patches, requisitado há 2434 dias.
- pika-backup: simple backups based on borg, requisitado há 1135 dias.
- pingo: Generic API for controlling boards with programmable IO pins, requisitado há 3371 dias.
- pingpath: ping wrapper to display path, stats, graphs, and 3d plots, requisitado há 159 dias.
- pingtop: Ping multiple servers in top like UI, requisitado há 1389 dias.
- pinta: Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing., requisitado há 146 dias.
- piqi-ocaml: Provides OCaml Bindings to the Piqi Serialization Format, requisitado há 3751 dias.
- piqi: Universal schema language for JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers, requisitado há 3752 dias.
- piskel: an easy-to-use sprite editor, requisitado há 1548 dias.
- pixeldungeon: Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics, requisitado há 3315 dias.
- pkg-create-dbgsym: automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages, requisitado há 3864 dias.
- plainbox-provider-piglit: Piglit (OpenGL/OpenCL) Test Provider for Plainbox, requisitado há 3553 dias.
- plasma-widget-bitcoin-chart: bitcoin exchange rate plasmoid, requisitado há 4154 dias.
- plasmate: tool specifically tailored to creating Plasma Workspace add-ons, requisitado há 4001 dias.
- playitagainsam: presenter that records and replays interactive terminal sessions, requisitado há 4089 dias.
- plenopticam: light-field photograph processing software, requisitado há 692 dias.
- pleroma: an ostatus/activitypub-compatible microblogging server, requisitado há 2450 dias.
- plio: "Pleasant Image Order", image viewer with many sort options, requisitado há 577 dias.
- plotly-orca: command line application for generating static images of interactive plotly charts, requisitado há 1694 dias.
- plots: graph plotting app for GNOME, requisitado há 348 dias.
- plugn: hook system for shell programs, requisitado há 3253 dias.
- plume: Federated blogging engine, requisitado há 1567 dias.
- plumed: Free Energy Module for Molecular Dynamics Packages, requisitado há 3420 dias.
- pm-graph: performance analysis of boot, suspend, and resume, requisitado há 2815 dias.
- pmemkv-nodejs: key:value data store for persistent memory (node.js bindings), requisitado há 1768 dias.
- pmwiki: easy of use wiki-based system, requisitado há 7026 dias.
- pnfft: Parallel NFFT software library based on MPI, requisitado há 3753 dias.
- pnpm: efficient NPM replacement, requisitado há 1370 dias.
- pocket-home: a simple menu for mobile devices, requisitado há 2683 dias.
- poezio-omemo: OMEMO End-to-End Encryption plugin for poezio, requisitado há 1014 dias.
- pokete: A terminal based Pokemon like game, requisitado há 993 dias.
- pology: in-depth processing of PO files, requisitado há 3080 dias.
- polysh: remote shell multiplexor, requisitado há 5098 dias.
- pontoon: CLI for DigitalOcean, requisitado há 3054 dias.
- ponysay: Pony variant of cowsay., requisitado há 1540 dias.
- pooler: Optimise DNA sequencing primer-set combinations, requisitado há 1213 dias.
- pootle: Web-based translation and translation management, requisitado há 4712 dias.
- popcon-stats-data: Debian's Popularity Contest statistics, requisitado há 1132 dias.
- popsicle: A Linux utility for flashing multiple USB, requisitado há 1007 dias.
- portecle: Multipurpose keystore and certificate tool, requisitado há 2654 dias.
- portfolio-performance: calculate performance of investment portfolio, requisitado há 1629 dias.
- portmidi2: PortMidi - Cross-Platform MIDI IO, requisitado há 549 dias.
- postgresql-jsoncdc: Packaging of the postgresql module jsoncdc., requisitado há 3131 dias.
- postgresql-madlib: MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database analytics., requisitado há 4050 dias.
- pothos: data flow programming framework with computational offload capability, requisitado há 3106 dias.
- powerline-go: A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go, requisitado há 56 dias.
- powershell: scripting language interpreter built on .NET, requisitado há 3046 dias.
- powerzz: powerzz is a battery power monitor that can |hibernate|shutdown|do nothing| at critical battery levels., requisitado há 3025 dias.
- poxy: Documentation generator for C++ based on Doxygen and mosra/m.css, requisitado há 776 dias.
- pp3: Celestial chart generator, requisitado há 4348 dias.
- ppladdressbook: A command line address book, requisitado há 2646 dias.
- ppsspp: portable PSP emulator, requisitado há 4363 dias.
- pqstego: Console tool to embed secret messages in JPEG images, requisitado há 5834 dias.
- premailer: Turns CSS blocks into style attributes, requisitado há 3264 dias.
- premake5: A Lua-based build system, requisitado há 1892 dias.
- previous: previous: NeXTcube/NeXTstation emulator, requisitado há 4495 dias.
- privacyidea: Two Factor Authentication system for OTP and other tokens, requisitado há 3367 dias.
- procmon: utility to trace the syscall activity on the system, requisitado há 1617 dias.
- profileswitcher: make easier to use more profiles in Iceweasel and Icedove, requisitado há 3862 dias.
- projectlibre: Project management solution, requisitado há 5565 dias.
- prolog-cafe: Prolog implementation running on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), requisitado há 4563 dias.
- prometheus-pint: Prometheus rule linter/validator, requisitado há 756 dias.
- prometheus-script-exporter: Prometheus exporter to execute scripts and collect metrics from the output or the exit status, requisitado há 337 dias.
- prophet: time series forecasting package for R and Python, requisitado há 2482 dias.
- propulse-tracker: crossplatform ProTracker clone with an Impulse Tracker style interface, requisitado há 2591 dias.
- prosody-module-turncredentials: Prosody module to provide time-limited turn credentials, requisitado há 3760 dias.
- proton-bridge: Proton Mail Bridge for e-mail clients., requisitado há 1696 dias.
- protovis: composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots, requisitado há 3010 dias.
- prpltwtr: libpurple plugin to add microblogging as an IM protocol, requisitado há 4020 dias.
- ps3-media-server: DLNA UPnP Media Server, dedicated to, requisitado há 5541 dias.
- pscircle: visualizing Linux processes in a form of radial tree, requisitado há 2307 dias.
- psftools: PSF font tools, requisitado há 2662 dias.
- pspio: multiformat I/O library for pseudopotentials, requisitado há 2308 dias.
- psstop: accurately measure memory consumption using proportional set size (PSS), requisitado há 1157 dias.
- pstar: The P* Web Programming Language, requisitado há 3998 dias.
- psyclone: Domain-specific compiler for Finite Difference/Volume/Element Earth-system models in Fortran, requisitado há 2746 dias.
- psymon: A cross-platform, task and performance monitor., requisitado há 4252 dias.
- ptcpdump: process aware ebpf based tcpdump, requisitado há 25 dias.
- pthsem: pth replacement with semaphore support, requisitado há 5451 dias.
- publictransport-de: real time information for public transportation (currently in Germany), requisitado há 1350 dias.
- publii: Static CMS for privacy-focused, SEO-optimized websites, requisitado há 557 dias.
- pubs: command line bibliography management tool, requisitado há 2467 dias.
- pulledpork: Suricata & Snort Rule Management, requisitado há 2943 dias.
- pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-nonfree: Sony LDAC, aptX, aptX HD, AAC codecs (A2DP Audio) support to PulseAudio on Linux, requisitado há 1735 dias.
- pulseaudio-module-xrdp: module for audio support through xrdp, requisitado há 1572 dias.
- a stream server that does most of what, requisitado há 4084 dias.
- puppet-module-datacentered-ldap: Module for managing OpenLDAP, requisitado há 3595 dias.
- puppet-module-domcleal-augeasproviders: Alternative Augeas-based providers for Puppet, requisitado há 3671 dias.
- puppet-module-duritong-trocla: Use trocla password generator and storage from puppet., requisitado há 3600 dias.
- puppet-module-edgester-kerberos: A puppet module for managing MIT Kerberos clients and servers, requisitado há 3357 dias.
- puppet-module-erwbgy-limits: Puppet module for managing /etc/security/limits.conf, requisitado há 3671 dias.
- puppet-module-jakeb-system: Manage Linux system resources and services from hiera configuration, requisitado há 3671 dias.
- puppet-module-jlyheden-pam: Puppet module for managing PAM, requisitado há 3573 dias.
- puppet-module-pdxcat-nrpe: This module installs and configures nrpe, requisitado há 3371 dias.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-aws: manages aws resources to build out cloud, requisitado há 2891 dias.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-dhcp: Install and manage a DHCP server, requisitado há 3383 dias.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-java: Puppet module for install java, requisitado há 2891 dias.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-keystone: Puppet module for Openstack keystone, requisitado há 4081 dias.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-vswitch: Puppet module for vSwitches, requisitado há 4141 dias.
- puppet-module-rgevaert-saslauthd: Manage saslauthd on Debian like systems, requisitado há 3462 dias.
- puppet-module-saz-locales: Manage locales on Linux, requisitado há 3462 dias.
- puppet-module-saz-timezone: Manage timezone settings via Puppet, requisitado há 3671 dias.
- puppet-prometheus-reporter: Puppet reports Prometheus exporter, requisitado há 1922 dias.
- puppetboard: web interface to PuppetDB aiming to replace the reporting functionality of Puppet Dashboard., requisitado há 3812 dias.
- puppetdb-termini: Enable a Puppet master to connect to PuppetDB, requisitado há 3120 dias.
- puppetlabs-vcsrepo: Puppet module to deploy content from a version control system, requisitado há 3693 dias.
- pure-maps: full-featured map and navigation application, requisitado há 1402 dias.
- purple-facebook: Plugin for pidgin to support new facebook chat, requisitado há 3339 dias.
- purple-gowhatsapp: Pidgin/libpurple plugin for WhatsApp Web., requisitado há 1384 dias.
- pw: interactively filtered pipe watcher, requisitado há 853 dias.
- pwnat: allows clients behind NATs to communicate, requisitado há 2007 dias.
- py-evm: A Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, requisitado há 2558 dias.
- py-spy: sampling profiler for Python programs, requisitado há 2113 dias.
- pyarrow: Apache Arrow Python bindings, requisitado há 177 dias.
- pybitmessage: peer-to-peer trustless communication, requisitado há 4027 dias.
- pycapnp: python bindings for the C++ Cap'n Proto library, requisitado há 3861 dias.
- pycharm: IDE for python development, requisitado há 3926 dias.
- pyclutter-gst: Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements - Python bindings, requisitado há 5506 dias.
- pycsco: Python modules to simplify working with Cisco NX-OS devices, requisitado há 3128 dias.
- pydevp2p: RLPx network layer library — Python, requisitado há 2733 dias.
- pydevtool: CLI dev tools powered by pydoit, requisitado há 321 dias.
- pyflame: CPU profiler and flame graph tool for, requisitado há 2991 dias.
- pyftgl: python bindings for the ftgl opengl font rendering library, requisitado há 4313 dias.
- pyhusl: conversions for HUSL (human-friendly HSL) color space, requisitado há 4001 dias.
- pykolab: Kolab Groupware Server, requisitado há 4098 dias.
- pylepton: FLIR Lepton interface library for Python, requisitado há 2648 dias.
- pyload: The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python, requisitado há 1097 dias.
- pymc3: Bayesian statistical modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning, requisitado há 1626 dias.
- pymunk: Python wrapper to the Chipmunk 2D physics library, requisitado há 4576 dias.
- pyneod: pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite, requisitado há 5661 dias.
- pyopenfst: Python bindings for the OpenFst library, requisitado há 5351 dias.
- pyper: Easily transform text into other forms using stackable filters, requisitado há 4142 dias.
- pypjlink: CLI utility and python library to control data projectors, requisitado há 3216 dias.
- pyramid-mako: Mako template bindings for the Pyramid web framework, requisitado há 950 dias.
- pyrecord: Pythonic record types, requisitado há 3685 dias.
- pyresttest: REST testing and API microbenchmarking tool, requisitado há 2831 dias.
- pyscada: SCADA system with web interface, requisitado há 2720 dias.
- pyskein: Python extension implementing the Skein, requisitado há 4538 dias.
- pysocks: Lets you send traffic through SOCKS proxy servers, requisitado há 791 dias.
- pysshmenu: Menu for quick connections to your remote hosts, requisitado há 4001 dias.
- pytest-cases: Separate test code from test cases in pytest., requisitado há 1405 dias.
- pytest-datafiles: pytest plugin for using predefined datafiles, requisitado há 1857 dias.
- pytest-logging: Configures logging and allows tweaking the log level with a py.test flag, requisitado há 2532 dias.
- pytest-pythonpath: A py.test plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from pytest.ini, requisitado há 2582 dias.
- python-adapt-parser: A text-to-intent parsing framework, requisitado há 2710 dias.
- python-affinity: control process CPU affinity, requisitado há 4172 dias.
- python-aiohttp-session-ws: associate websockets with user’s session, requisitado há 1829 dias.
- python-aiologger: Asynchronous non-blocking logging for python and asyncio, requisitado há 654 dias.
- python-aiosignald: Python bindings for signald, requisitado há 832 dias.
- python-akismet: client for the Wordpress Akismet spam-detection service, requisitado há 2146 dias.
- python-aosd: Python bindings for libaosd, requisitado há 3991 dias.
- python-audiolab: A python module to make noise from numpy arrays, requisitado há 5649 dias.
- python-blaze: Interface to query data on different storage systems, requisitado há 3180 dias.
- python-blit: Simple pixel-composition library, requisitado há 4100 dias.
- python-blockr: A wrapper for the API, requisitado há 3678 dias.
- python-bond: transparent remote/recursive evaluation between Python and other languages, requisitado há 3277 dias.
- python-bowler: safe code refactoring for modern Python projects, requisitado há 1915 dias.
- python-cef: Python module for emitting CEF logs, requisitado há 4438 dias.
- python-certbot-dns-freenom: Freenom DNS01 plugin for certbot, requisitado há 917 dias.
- python-chainstream: a subclass of io.RawIOBase, to chain I/O streams together into a single stream, requisitado há 261 dias.
- python-clam: CLAM: Quickly turn command-line tools into RESTful webservices, requisitado há 3317 dias.
- python-clamd: Python module to use the ClamAV anti-virus engine. Requires a running clamd., requisitado há 4098 dias.
- python-cobs: Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing for Python, requisitado há 995 dias.
- python-comment-parser: extract comments from source code (Python), requisitado há 1313 dias.
- python-compago: framework for simple command-line parsing, requisitado há 3365 dias.
- python-conditional: conditionally enter a context manager, requisitado há 3461 dias.
- python-cornice: provides helpers to build & document Web Services with Pyramid, requisitado há 4097 dias.
- python-curio: library for concurrent I/O with coroutines, requisitado há 2902 dias.
- python-cylp: Python interface to COIN-OR linear and mixed-integer program solvers, requisitado há 3415 dias.
- python-daemonocle: Library for creating super fancy Unix daemons, requisitado há 3186 dias.
- python-datashape: A data description language, requisitado há 3179 dias.
- python-debiancontributors: Manage submissions to, requisitado há 4015 dias.
- python-django-chimere: collaborative and thematic maps application for Django, requisitado há 4340 dias.
- python-django-cms: hierarchical Django content management system app, requisitado há 5783 dias.
- python-django-dynamic-scraper: Manage Scrapy spiders through Django, requisitado há 2868 dias.
- python-django-filebrowser-safe: asset manager for Django, requisitado há 4485 dias.
- python-django-grappelli-safe: admin interface enhancement for Django, requisitado há 4485 dias.
- python-django-mezzanine: CMS built using the Django framework, requisitado há 4482 dias.
- python-django-page-cms: Simple yet powerful django-based CMS, requisitado há 4959 dias.
- python-django-progressbarupload: Progress bar for Django (Python 2), requisitado há 2854 dias.
- python-django-schedule: calendaring app for Django, requisitado há 4437 dias.
- python-django-sessioninfo: Provides detailed info about the sessions of django users, requisitado há 3257 dias.
- python-efl: Python bindings for the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, requisitado há 3951 dias.
- python-epub: open and read epub version 2 files, requisitado há 2536 dias.
- python-eta: python module to generate progress bar for CLI, requisitado há 3410 dias.
- python-eveapi: EVE Online API access, requisitado há 4074 dias.
- python-ez-setup: easy and for python, requisitado há 2584 dias.
- python-face-recognition-models: Trained models for the python-face-recognition library, requisitado há 2460 dias.
- python-face-recognition: Recognize and manipulate faces from Python, requisitado há 2832 dias.
- python-fauxquests: mock HTTP requests sent with the requests package, requisitado há 2987 dias.
- python-fibra: Fibra provides advanced cooperative concurrency using Python generators, requisitado há 2411 dias.
- python-flask-admin: admin interface extension for Flask, requisitado há 3719 dias.
- python-flask-assets: Flask webassets integration., requisitado há 2421 dias.
- python-flask-restful-swagger: Swagger spec extractor for flask-restful, requisitado há 3186 dias.
- python-futures: backport of concurrent.futures from Python 3.2 to Python 2, requisitado há 2897 dias.
- python-galaxyxml: XML Generation libraries for Galaxy Tool/ToolDeps XML, requisitado há 2897 dias.
- python-gavovotable: library for Virtual Observatory VOTables, requisitado há 3067 dias.
- python-gdsii: Library to handle GDSII files, requisitado há 2323 dias.
- python-gearbox: command line toolkit as a PasteScript replacement TurboGears2, requisitado há 3448 dias.
- python-geventhttpclient: High performance, concurrent http client library for python with gevent, requisitado há 3895 dias.
- python-gipc: reliable child process management and inter-process communication, requisitado há 2680 dias.
- comprehensive, actively developed and extraordinarily stable wrapper around the GitHub API (v3), requisitado há 2988 dias.
- python-googleplayapi: Google Play Unofficial Python API, requisitado há 3004 dias.
- python-intef-exe: eLearning XHTML editor, requisitado há 3972 dias.
- python-ipv8: Python implementation of Tribler's IPv8 p2p-networking layer, requisitado há 827 dias.
- python-ipwhois: Retrieve and parse whois data for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, requisitado há 2586 dias.
- python-iris: Python library for analysing and visualising, meteorological and oceanographic data sets, requisitado há 4041 dias.
- python-jsonref: JSON Reference implementation for Python, requisitado há 2954 dias.
- python-jupyterlite-sphinx: a Sphinx extension that provides utilities for embedding JupyterLite in your docs, requisitado há 18 dias.
- python-kivy-garden.contextmenu: collection of classes for easy creating context and application menus with kivy, requisitado há 2323 dias.
- python-kivy-garden.modernmenu: a stylized menu system for kivy, requisitado há 2323 dias.
- python-kiwipy: Easy remote messaging using RabbitMQ, requisitado há 892 dias.
- python-kmod: Python bindings for kmod/libkmod, requisitado há 4383 dias.
- python-langid: Language Identification (LangID) tool, requisitado há 415 dias.
- python-lda: Topic modeling with latent Dirichlet allocation, requisitado há 3691 dias.
- python-libxdo: Python bindings for libxdo, requisitado há 3250 dias.
- python-lirc: LIRC support for Python 3, requisitado há 4153 dias.
- python-mapillary-tools: Useful tools and scripts related to Mapillary, requisitado há 2160 dias.
- python-meliae: a library meant to help people understand how their memory is being used in Python., requisitado há 795 dias.
- python-msrplib: MSRP libs used by SylkServer, requisitado há 4532 dias.
- python-nassl: Python wrapper for OpenSSL, requisitado há 3629 dias.
- python-ncrypt: python wrapper for OpenSSL, requisitado há 5054 dias.
- python-neteria: Simple game networking library, requisitado há 3278 dias.
- python-nfc: Python module to read/write NFC tags or communicate with another NFC device, requisitado há 3673 dias.
- python-oath: implementation of the three main OATH specifications, requisitado há 3504 dias.
- python-odo: Data migration in Python, requisitado há 3179 dias.
- python-oletools: Python tools to analyze MS OLE2 files, requisitado há 1934 dias.
- python-onvif: Python Client for ONVIF Cameras, requisitado há 3143 dias.
- python-ooxml: Python library for parsing .docx files, requisitado há 3690 dias.
- python-orgparse: Python module for reading Emacs org-mode files, requisitado há 1302 dias.
- python-oset: An ordered set data structure for Python, requisitado há 3362 dias.
- python-oursql: MySQL bindings for Python, requisitado há 3497 dias.
- python-oxd: Python bindings for Gluu OxD server, requisitado há 3052 dias.
- python-parquet: pure-python implementation parquet reader, requisitado há 3014 dias.
- python-perf: Toolkit to run Python benchmarks, requisitado há 2878 dias.
- python-pifpaf: Python fixtures and daemon managing tools for functional testing, requisitado há 3020 dias.
- python-pingdom: 3rd-party Python library for Pingdom's new REST API., requisitado há 4169 dias.
- python-playwright: Playwright is a Python library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit browsers with a single API. Playwright delivers automation that is ever-green, capable, reliable and fast., requisitado há 771 dias.
- python-plone.testing: Testing infrastructure for Zope and Plone projects, requisitado há 3064 dias.
- python-pojson: converts PO files to JSON, requisitado há 3412 dias.
- python-poyo: lightweight (subset of) YAML parser for Python, requisitado há 3155 dias.
- python-pressagio: Pressagio text prediction system, requisitado há 1679 dias.
- python-primes: library for working with prime numbers, requisitado há 3634 dias.
- python-pycoin: Utilities for Bitcoin and altcoin addresses and transaction, requisitado há 3739 dias.
- python-pydiscourse: Python library for working with Discourse, requisitado há 1711 dias.
- python-pyfcm: Python client library for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android, iOS and Web), requisitado há 2641 dias.
- python-pygsear: a Pygame Framework with Examples, requisitado há 4212 dias.
- python-pyhanko: Sign and stamp PDF files, requisitado há 321 dias.
- python-pyneo: pyneo mobile stack: basis libraries, requisitado há 5661 dias.
- python-pysal: library of spatial analysis functions, requisitado há 3456 dias.
- python-pytest-django: Django plugin for the py.test Python testing tool, requisitado há 3737 dias.
- python-pytest-fail-slow: pytest plugin for making tests fail that take too long to run, requisitado há 970 dias.
- python-pytest-flakes: pytest plugin to check source code with pyflakes, requisitado há 2893 dias.
- python-pytmx: PyTMX is a map loader for python/pygame designed for games, requisitado há 3406 dias.
- python-pyuserinput: A module for cross-platform control of the mouse and keyboard in python that is simple to install and use, requisitado há 3712 dias.
- python-ramlfications: Python parser for RAML, requisitado há 2962 dias.
- python-rauth: library for OAuth consumers, requisitado há 3896 dias.
- python-robotframework-selenium2library: web testing library for Robot Framework, requisitado há 2946 dias.
- python-robotsuite: Robot Framework test suite for Python unittest framework, requisitado há 3064 dias.
- python-scrap-engine: A 2D ascii game engine for the terminal, requisitado há 993 dias.
- python-scrapelib: library for scraping websites, requisitado há 4714 dias.
- python-shinkenplugins: Shinken plugins wrapper, requisitado há 3723 dias.
- python-shove: python module for object storage to be accessed in a dictionary style, requisitado há 4320 dias.
- python-singa: a machine learning library, requisitado há 2698 dias.
- python-sk1libs: Set of python non-GUI extensions for sK1 Project, requisitado há 3763 dias.
- python-speechrecognition: Library for performing speech recognition, with support for several engines and APIs, online and offline., requisitado há 2710 dias.
- python-sphinx-openstackdocs-theme: OpenStack docs sphinx theme, requisitado há 3355 dias.
- python-sphinxcontrib.django: Sphinx extension which improves the documentation of Django apps, requisitado há 331 dias.
- python-sphynxcontrib-emacs: sphinx extension to help document emacs lisp projects, requisitado há 3709 dias.
- python-sqlalchemy-schemadisplay: Turn SQLAlchemy DB Model into a graph, requisitado há 3067 dias.
- python-srht-git: git services, requisitado há 2145 dias.
- python-srht-meta: core account services, requisitado há 2144 dias.
- python-srht-scm: Shared support code for source control services, requisitado há 2146 dias.
- python-sst: browser-based web test framework for Python, requisitado há 4609 dias.
- python-surt: transform Universal Resource Identifiers into an easily-sorted format, requisitado há 785 dias.
- python-taskthread: Simple thread module to repetitively perform a task on a single thread, requisitado há 3819 dias.
- python-text-unidecode: the most basic port of the Text::Unidecode Perl library, requisitado há 1703 dias.
- python-thumbor-community-core: handles loading custom extensions to Thumbor, requisitado há 3108 dias.
- python-timbl: Python bindings for the Tilburg Memory Based Learner (Timbl), requisitado há 4272 dias.
- python-timecode: Python Module for SMPTE Time Code Manipulation, requisitado há 1924 dias.
- python-trappy: Trace Analysis and Plotting, requisitado há 3369 dias.
- python-trimgmi: Opinionated parsing of gemtext., requisitado há 969 dias.
- python-twistar: Python ORM library for the Twisted framework, requisitado há 3367 dias.
- python-txjsonrpc: code for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients, requisitado há 2092 dias.
- python-unittest-mixins: helpful class mix-ins for Python unit tests, requisitado há 2527 dias.
- python-urllib-gssapi: GSSAPI over HTTP Negotiate/SPNEGO support for urllib/urllib2, requisitado há 1851 dias.
- python-vcs: Various version control systems management abstraction layer, requisitado há 4128 dias.
- python-verboselogs: Verbose logging level for Python's logging module, requisitado há 2880 dias.
- python-vipaccess: A FLOSS Symantec VIP Access application, requisitado há 1684 dias.
- python-vxi11: VXI-11 driver for controlling instruments over Ethernet, requisitado há 945 dias.
- python-wherigo: python module for creating a wherigo player, requisitado há 4495 dias.
- python-wikitools: A mediawiki interface API, requisitado há 5233 dias.
- python-wiringx: Python binding for wiringX, requisitado há 3554 dias.
- python-wordpress-xmlrpc: Python library for WordPress XML-RPC integration, requisitado há 3438 dias.
- python-ws-discovery: WS-Discovery implementation for Python, requisitado há 1881 dias.
- python-xbee: XBee serial communication API for Python, requisitado há 2919 dias.
- python-xcaplib: XCAP libs used by SylkServer, requisitado há 4532 dias.
- python-yep: Python module for profiling native extensions, requisitado há 3703 dias.
- python3-firebase-messaging: Library to subscribe to GCM/FCM and receive notifications within a Python application, requisitado há 83 dias.
- python3-gravatar: A library that provides a Python 3 interface for the Gravatar APIs., requisitado há 67 dias.
- pytomtom: TomTom GPS manager, requisitado há 5195 dias.
- pytorch-lightning: lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research, requisitado há 1520 dias.
- pytype: Pytype checks and infers types for your Python code, requisitado há 1018 dias.
- qadwaitadecorations: Qt decoration plugin, requisitado há 463 dias.
- qalculate-qt: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - Qt version, requisitado há 1204 dias.
- qcad: computer-aided design (CAD) application for 2D design and drafting, requisitado há 2689 dias.
- qchartjs: QML bindings for Chart.js, requisitado há 3328 dias.
- qemu-ovmf-secureboot: tool to enroll UEFI keys for Secure Boot, requisitado há 2073 dias.
- qenet: Qt classes for interfacing with the ENet, requisitado há 4439 dias.
- qesteidutil: Estonian ID card management utility, requisitado há 4706 dias.
- qfs: Quantcast Distributed Filesystem, requisitado há 4790 dias.
- qft: Resilient P2P UDP file transfer, requisitado há 243 dias.
- qimageviewer: simple image viewer, requisitado há 3931 dias.
- qlog: Amateur radio logbook software, requisitado há 103 dias.
- qmc2: MAME/MESS Catalog & Launcher Frontend, requisitado há 5193 dias.
- qmdnsengine: Multicast DNS library for Qt applications, requisitado há 2659 dias.
- qmidiplayer: feature-rich Qt5 MIDI player, requisitado há 1515 dias.
- qml-box2d: The goal of the qml-box2d plugin is to expose the functionality of Box2D (C++) as a QML plugin in order to make it easier to write physics based software in QML., requisitado há 2149 dias.
- qml-module-quick3d: QtQuick3D 5.15.3, requisitado há 914 dias.
- qmodbus: Qt-based ModBus master application, requisitado há 2019 dias.
- qmplay2: a video player, requisitado há 3958 dias.
- qooxdoo: Ajax application framework, requisitado há 6035 dias.
- qpdfpresenterconsole: PDF/Beamer presentation software., requisitado há 4669 dias.
- qpid-dispatch: Dispatch router for Qpid and AMQP, requisitado há 3971 dias.
- qpid-java: message-oriented middleware AMQP message broker written in Java, requisitado há 2995 dias.
- qr-backup: paper backups of files using QR codes, requisitado há 811 dias.
- qrcp: transfer files by qrcode, requisitado há 883 dias.
- qserve: A job queue server, requisitado há 4150 dias.
- qsmtp: drop-in replacement for qmail SMTP programs, requisitado há 2040 dias.
- qsyncthingtray: Qt frontend and tray icon for syncthing, requisitado há 3055 dias.
- qt-heif-image-plugin: Qt Plugin for HEIF Images, requisitado há 405 dias.
- qt-solutions: libqtsingleapplication0: support for starting applications only once, requisitado há 4844 dias.
- qt-virustotal-uploader: VirusTotal Uploader written in C++ using QT framework, requisitado há 3695 dias.
- qtvsplayer: can read local video files of Hikvision and display blue, green and red vector, requisitado há 824 dias.
- qtweetlib: qtweetlib is a QT library for talking to twitter, requisitado há 4334 dias.
- qtxlsx: Qt5 library to read and write xlsx files, requisitado há 3754 dias.
- qubes-core-admin-linux: Linux-specific files for Qubes dom0, requisitado há 3019 dias.
- qubes-core-admin: The Qubes core files (Dom0-side), requisitado há 3019 dias.
- qubes-core-agent: The Qubes core files for VMs, requisitado há 3019 dias.
- qubes-db: Qubes OS database and tools, requisitado há 3019 dias.
- qubes-gui-agent: Qubes GUI Agent for VMs, requisitado há 3019 dias.
- qubes-gui-common: Common files for Qubes GUI - protocol headers, requisitado há 3019 dias.
- qubes-gui-daemon: Qubes GUI daemon, requisitado há 3019 dias.
- qubes-utils: Common Qubes utils for dom0 and VMs, requisitado há 3018 dias.
- quexf: An Open Source, web based paper form verification and data entry system, requisitado há 3541 dias.
- quexml: An Open Source, XML, multi-mode questionnaire description toolkit, requisitado há 3541 dias.
- quiche: implementation of QUIC and related protocols, requisitado há 2980 dias.
- quickhash: hashing GUI tool, requisitado há 2975 dias.
- quickrawpicker: cull, pick or rate raw photos, requisitado há 1147 dias.
- quill: Asynchronous Low Latency C++ Logging Library, requisitado há 133 dias.
- qupil: Qupil is a music teacher management software to quickly and easily organize student and lesson data., requisitado há 1992 dias.
- qyledl: GUI for yle-dl to download videos from Yle Areena, requisitado há 3886 dias.
- r-bioc-rgraphviz: GNU R interface with the Graphviz library, requisitado há 3194 dias.
- r-cran-glmm: Generalized Linear Mixed Models via Monte Carlo Likelihood Approximation, requisitado há 1776 dias.
- r-cran-mplusautomation: GNU R package automating Mplus Model Estimation and Interpretation -- MplusAutomation, requisitado há 2823 dias.
- r-cran-xlconnect: comprehensive R package to read, write and format Excel data, requisitado há 3364 dias.
- raccoon-java: desktop client for Google Play store, requisitado há 3743 dias.
- raceintospace: free software version of the Liftoff! board game, requisitado há 3872 dias.
- racktables: Datacenter asset management system, requisitado há 4945 dias.
- radamsa: test case generator for robustness testing (fuzzer), requisitado há 3677 dias.
- radeon-profile: an application to read current clocks of ATi Radeon cards, requisitado há 1682 dias.
- radiosonde: Automatically Track Radiosonde Launches using RTL-SDR, requisitado há 1858 dias.
- radium: graphical music editor, requisitado há 4125 dias.
- radosgw-agent: Synchronize data and users between radosgw clusters, requisitado há 4033 dias.
- raet: secure reliable scalable asynchronous message/event transport written in Python, requisitado há 3547 dias.
- rails-asset-jqueryui: A gemified version of the jquery-ui javascript library., requisitado há 3446 dias.
- rake_nltk: RAKE implemented in Python for nltk, requisitado há 1748 dias.
- rakudo-star: Perl 6 core modules, requisitado há 3281 dias.
- ralph: asset management and DCIM tool for data centers, requisitado há 3036 dias.
- rambox: all-in-one workspace organizer (Electron Based), requisitado há 891 dias.
- rapicorn: UI toolkit for declarative user interface construction and SVG-based theming, requisitado há 3346 dias.
- rapidgzip: Parallelized decompression of gzip (Python), requisitado há 243 dias.
- rassam-paint: Simple drawing program for Linux, requisitado há 3926 dias.
- ratarmount: Access large archives as a filesystem efficiently, requisitado há 27 dias.
- rateit: Tool for performing MUSHRA tests, requisitado há 4126 dias.
- rawhide: find files using pretty C expressions, requisitado há 28 dias.
- raylib: simple videogame library, requisitado há 948 dias.
- razercommander: GTK control center for managing Razer peripherals, requisitado há 1756 dias.
- rbdl: Rigid Body Dynamics Library, requisitado há 4169 dias.
- rbw: unofficial bitwarden command-line client, requisitado há 53 dias.
- rdfalchemy: RDFAlchemy is an Object RDF Mapper for Python, requisitado há 3866 dias.
- rdma-utils: Infiniband Kernel Module Initializer and port config tool, requisitado há 3147 dias.
- rduty: easily run commands on remote or local hosts and devices, requisitado há 1440 dias.
- re6stnet: Resilient, scalable, IPv6 network application, requisitado há 3810 dias.
- reaction: first person shooter (ioquake3), requisitado há 4405 dias.
- reactjs-textarea-autosize: textarea component for React which grows with content, requisitado há 2587 dias.
- readseq2: readseq2 is a rewrite of readseq converter, requisitado há 4015 dias.
- rebol: Relative Expression Based Object Language, requisitado há 623 dias.
- reconnecting-websocket: A small decorator for the JavaScript WebSocket API that automatically reconnects, requisitado há 2463 dias.
- recordclass: Python library for creating record-like classes, requisitado há 2076 dias.
- redmine_agile: Kanban / Agile board plugin for Redmine, requisitado há 2516 dias.
- redo: a top-down software build system, requisitado há 3941 dias.
- redshift-gui: Redshift GUI without geolocation built-in, put your color temp and press button, requisitado há 367 dias.
- redwax-tool: The universal certificate conversion tool., requisitado há 415 dias.
- refkeen: Ports of Keen Dreams and the Catacomb Adventure Series games, requisitado há 3408 dias.
- rein: Rein client integration/staging tree, requisitado há 2850 dias.
- reiser4-modules: reiser4-modules as out-of-tree building package, requisitado há 5204 dias.
- relaunch-notifier: Notification system for running applications that need to be relaunched, requisitado há 3702 dias.
- remglk: Remote-procedure-call Glk library, requisitado há 2968 dias.
- replaysorery: Record a video of the last 30s of your screen to save your best gaming moments, requisitado há 1453 dias.
- replicatorg: Simple 3D printing program, requisitado há 5059 dias.
- reqrypt: a HTTP request tunneling tool, requisitado há 2549 dias.
- require-kernel.js: Reference implementation of a CommonJS module loader for a browser environment, requisitado há 4225 dias.
- resetmsmice: fix vertical scroll wheel issues with certain Microsoft wireless mice, requisitado há 2727 dias.
- resiprocate, requisitado há 1964 dias.
- responders: set of responders modules to dry up your Rails 3.2+ app, requisitado há 3705 dias.
- restund: modular and flexible STUN and TURN Server, requisitado há 3327 dias.
- retask: Simple task queues using Redis, requisitado há 4292 dias.
- retdec: retargetable machine-code decompiler, requisitado há 2538 dias.
- rethinkdb: scalable document database with push support, requisitado há 3271 dias.
- reveal.js: html presentation framework, requisitado há 105 dias.
- reviewboard: web-based code review tool, requisitado há 4746 dias.
- rget: download URLs and verify the contents against a publicly recorded cryptographic log, requisitado há 1964 dias.
- ribosome: Simple code generator, requisitado há 2973 dias.
- richbool: An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like macros for debugging, requisitado há 4287 dias.
- riemann: event stream processor, requisitado há 3720 dias.
- ring-kde: Qt based client for the Ring daemon., requisitado há 2288 dias.
- riofs: An userspace filesystem for accessing Amazon S3 buckets., requisitado há 3794 dias.
- rioterm: hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator, requisitado há 54 dias.
- ripeatlasprobe: RIPE Atlas Software Probe, requisitado há 1618 dias.
- ripgrep-all: search in PDFs, E-Books, and archives, requisitado há 1479 dias.
- rkbin: Pre-built Rockchip bootloader firmware binaries (for embedded targets), requisitado há 477 dias.
- rla-es: hunspell-es-pe, requisitado há 3459 dias.
- rlogout: rust/gtk4 based wlogout, requisitado há 166 dias.
- rmapi: Go app that allows you to access your reMarkable tablet files through the Cloud API, requisitado há 1280 dias.
- rmilter, requisitado há 3242 dias.
- rnm: Bulk rename utility, requisitado há 2881 dias.
- rnnoise: noise suppression library based on a recurrent neural network, requisitado há 1428 dias.
- robobrowser: Your friendly neighborhood web scraper, requisitado há 2569 dias.
- robofab: library with objects deal with data associated with fonts and type design, requisitado há 3311 dias.
- robomongo: Shell-centric cross-platform MongoDB management, requisitado há 3256 dias.
- robotframework: A generic test automation framework, requisitado há 2946 dias.
- rockbox: open source jukebox firmware and utilities, requisitado há 6323 dias.
- rockmongo: MongoDB web administration tool, requisitado há 4300 dias.
- rocm-all: AMD Radeon Open Compute (ROCm) - A, requisitado há 1102 dias.
- rocm-validation-suite: AMD GPU system validation, requisitado há 532 dias.
- rohc: RObust Header Compression (ROHC) library, requisitado há 3795 dias.
- rolisteam: tabletop role playing game over the network, requisitado há 1439 dias.
- rot8: screen rotation daemon, requisitado há 64 dias.
- roughtime: Secure time synchronisation, requisitado há 3013 dias.
- roundcube-plugins-kolab: Kolab Groupware plugins for Roundcube Webmail, requisitado há 4087 dias.
- rox-xdg-menu: generates menus for window managers from .desktop files, requisitado há 3860 dias.
- roxterm, requisitado há 2408 dias.
- rpg: Readable Password Generator, requisitado há 4750 dias.
- rpi-imager: Raspberry Pi Imaging Utility, requisitado há 829 dias.
- rpyutils: Flash and communicate with an RP6 robot, requisitado há 3059 dias.
- rshasum: Recursive digest calculator, requisitado há 1639 dias.
- rssdrop: deliver rss feeds to Maildirs, requisitado há 4074 dias.
- rssowl: Reader for RSS/RDF/ATOM Newsfeeds, requisitado há 6921 dias.
- rstudio: IDE for GNU R, requisitado há 5037 dias.
- rtl-entropy: Entropy generator using SDR peripherals, including rtl-sdr and BladeRF, requisitado há 2286 dias.
- rtl8821ce-dkms: DKMS source for the Realtek 8821C PCIe Wi-Fi driver, requisitado há 563 dias.
- rtlsdr-airband: RTLSDR AM demodulator, support multiple channels per dongle, requisitado há 2080 dias.
- rtlsdr-scanner: radio frequency scanning GUI using the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr library, requisitado há 623 dias.
- rtpmidid: RTP MIDI (AppleMIDI) daemon for Linux, requisitado há 1141 dias.
- rts2: open source observatory manager, requisitado há 2678 dias.
- rtw89: Driver for Realtek 8852AE, an 802.11ax device, requisitado há 1175 dias.
- ruby-activerecord-jdbc-adapter: JRuby's ActiveRecord adapter using JDBC, requisitado há 854 dias.
- ruby-albacore: suite of Rake tasks for building C# projects, requisitado há 3965 dias.
- ruby-av: Programmable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav, requisitado há 2585 dias.
- ruby-better-errors: Better error page for Rails and other Rack apps, requisitado há 3960 dias.
- ruby-bond: easy custom autocompletion for arguments, methods and beyond, requisitado há 4350 dias.
- ruby-chef-api: Chef API client with minimal dependencies, requisitado há 3414 dias.
- ruby-chefspec: unit testing framework for testing Chef cookbooks, requisitado há 3427 dias.
- ruby-ci-reporter: CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate XML reports of your test, spec and/or feature runs, requisitado há 4405 dias.
- ruby-cloudfiles: Rackspace Cloud Files API - Ruby interface, requisitado há 4440 dias.
- ruby-custom-counter-cache: Functionality that supports conditions and multiple models, requisitado há 2712 dias.
- ruby-dbi-dbrc: A database resource control interface for Ruby that lets you avoid hard coding your passwords, requisitado há 4157 dias.
- ruby-debug: Faster implementation of the standard debug.rb, requisitado há 4987 dias.
- ruby-diaspora: Experimental gem for setting up and managing a Diaspora pod., requisitado há 3448 dias.
- ruby-eco-source: Experimental gem for setting up and managing a Diaspora pod., requisitado há 3448 dias.
- ruby-eco: Ruby Eco is a bridge to the official JavaScript Eco compiler., requisitado há 3448 dias.
- ruby-em-proxy: EventMachine Proxy DSL for writing, requisitado há 2740 dias.
- ruby-escper: Collection of tools that make printing of plain text and images to one or several serial thermal ESCPOS printers easy, requisitado há 4309 dias.
- ruby-event-bus: Notify subscribers about event, requisitado há 3262 dias.
- ruby-exifr: EXIF Reader is a module to read EXIF from JPEG and TIFF images, requisitado há 3065 dias.
- ruby-georuby: Ruby data holder for OGC Simple Features, requisitado há 4310 dias.
- ruby-image-size: A gem that can be used to measure size of mag using Ruby, requisitado há 3065 dias.
- ruby-interception: Provides a cross-platform ability to intercept all exceptions as they are raised., requisitado há 3259 dias.
- ruby-io-console: add console capabilities to IO instances, requisitado há 1422 dias.
- ruby-jasmine-core: Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a nice descriptive syntax., requisitado há 3451 dias.
- ruby-jasmine-jquery-rails: custom matchers for jQuery and an API for fixtures in specs for Jasmine JS, requisitado há 3612 dias.
- ruby-jquery-datatables-rails1.12.2: jquery datatables for rails, requisitado há 2976 dias.
- ruby-juicer: CSS and JavaScript packaging tool, requisitado há 4843 dias.
- ruby-knife-solo: knife-solo adds a handful of commands that aim to make working with chef-solo as powerful as chef-server., requisitado há 3504 dias.
- ruby-knife-windows: Plugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for configuring/interacting with nodes running Microsoft Windows, requisitado há 3504 dias.
- ruby-lemon: pucker-strength unit testing, requisitado há 3743 dias.
- ruby-mathgl: Ruby wrapper of MathGL, requisitado há 3211 dias.
- ruby-maven: ruby wrapper around maven, requisitado há 3467 dias.
- ruby-middleman: Build static websites with an easy-to-use framework, requisitado há 2989 dias.
- ruby-network-interface: Cross platform gem to help get network interface information, requisitado há 2739 dias.
- ruby-numo-narray: Numo::NArray is an Numerical N-dimensional Array class for fast processing and easy manipulation of multi-dimensional numerical data, similar to numpy.ndaray., requisitado há 2740 dias.
- ruby-paperclip-av-transcoder: Audio/Video Transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv, requisitado há 2585 dias.
- ruby-paperclip: Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord, requisitado há 2585 dias.
- ruby-pghero: A performance dashboard for Postgres, requisitado há 2587 dias.
- ruby-phantomjs: Auto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration., requisitado há 3449 dias.
- ruby-pry-debundle: Hooks into Pry and removes the restrictions on loading gems imposed by Bundler only when you're running in interactive mode., requisitado há 3451 dias.
- ruby-pyu-ruby-sasl: Simple Authentication and Security Layer, requisitado há 4136 dias.
- ruby-quiet-assets: gem that turns off Rails asset pipeline log, requisitado há 3378 dias.
- ruby-rails-asset-jqueryui: A gemified version of the jquery-ui javascript library, requisitado há 3392 dias.
- ruby-rails-hamlit: Hamlit (haml) generators for Rails 4, requisitado há 2587 dias.
- ruby-rb-fsevent: FSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa), requisitado há 3448 dias.
- ruby-reline: alternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby, requisitado há 1422 dias.
- ruby-rkerberos: A Ruby interface for Kerberos, requisitado há 4164 dias.
- ruby-rubinius-coverage: Rubinius coverage tool, requisitado há 3276 dias.
- ruby-rubinius-developer-tools: A meta-gem for the Rubinius developer tools., requisitado há 3278 dias.
- ruby-rubinius-profiler: Rubinius profiler., requisitado há 3276 dias.
- ruby-rubinius: A meta-gem for all the Rubinius components that are provided as gems, requisitado há 3276 dias.
- ruby-sass-listen: Ruby library listening to file modifications - Sass fork, requisitado há 2625 dias.
- ruby-scrypt: Ruby gem with native C extension for the scrypt password hashing algorithm, requisitado há 3914 dias.
- ruby-sdl2: SDL2 bindings for Ruby, requisitado há 44 dias.
- ruby-spinach: BDD framework on top of Gherkin, requisitado há 4198 dias.
- ruby-sys-admin: Unified, cross platform replacement for the Ruby "etc" library., requisitado há 4158 dias.
- ruby-therubyracer: Embed the V8 Javascript Interpreter into Ruby, requisitado há 2484 dias.
- ruby-timeline-setter: TimelineSetter is a tool to create HTML timelines from spreadsheets of events., requisitado há 3781 dias.
- ruby-toys: configurable command line tool for builds and workflows, requisitado há 1582 dias.
- ruby-whole-history-rating: A pure ruby implementation of Rémi Coulom's Whole-History Rating (WHR) algorithm., requisitado há 1778 dias.
- ruby-winrm: Ruby library for Windows Remote Management, requisitado há 3005 dias.
- rubygems-roda: routing tree web toolkit for Ruby, requisitado há 2183 dias.
- rucksack: texture packer and resource bundler for video games, requisitado há 3792 dias.
- rumember: "Remember The Milk Ruby API and command line client", requisitado há 4096 dias.
- rummage: Rummage is a GUI for grep like searches in Python, requisitado há 1090 dias.
- rumpkernel: Rump kernel libraries, requisitado há 3400 dias.
- runabc: graphical user interface for processing abc files, requisitado há 3407 dias.
- runit-init: a UNIX init scheme with service supervision, requisitado há 3714 dias.
- rust-chic: Pretty parser error reporting, requisitado há 626 dias.
- rust-gst-plugin-fallbackswitch: fallback switch gstreamer plugin, requisitado há 120 dias.
- rust-mitmproxy: the Rust bits of mitmproxy, requisitado há 27 dias.
- rust-pnet: libpnet provides a cross-platform API for low level networking using Rust, requisitado há 1789 dias.
- rust-topgrade: all-in-one upgrade tool which doesn't try reinventing the wheel, requisitado há 252 dias.
- rustdesk: remote control software, allowing maintenance of computers and other devices, requisitado há 546 dias.
- rustic: fast, encrypted, and deduplicated backups powered by Rust, requisitado há 468 dias.
- rutorrent: a web front-end for the rtorrent client, requisitado há 4611 dias.
- rx-tools: rtl-sdr like tools for RTL-SDR, HackRF One, bladeRF x40 and more, requisitado há 2987 dias.
- ryzomcore: science-fantasy MMORPG engine, requisitado há 2275 dias.
- sabre: fighter plane simulator, requisitado há 4150 dias.
- safetyblanket: cover your exposed limbs to fend off the approaching tentacles, requisitado há 3340 dias.
- sagecal: GPU/MIC accelerated radio interferometric calibration program, requisitado há 3090 dias.
- sam2p: convert raster images to EPS, PDF, and other formats, requisitado há 1946 dias.
- sampleicc: ICC profiles i/o and manipulating library and CMM, requisitado há 4244 dias.
- samplicator: sending copies of UDP datagrams to multiple receivers, requisitado há 3336 dias.
- Self-hostable web productivity suite & webapp package manager, requisitado há 2471 dias.
- sankore: interactive digital whiteboard software for teaching, requisitado há 4600 dias.
- sanmill: A mill/morris game, requisitado há 494 dias.
- sauvegarde: saves files live while being created or modified in a deduplicated manner, requisitado há 3453 dias.
- savepagenow: Python wrapper and CLI for's "Save Page Now" capturing service, requisitado há 1621 dias.
- saws: A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface, requisitado há 3330 dias.
- sawtooth: platform for distributed ledgers, requisitado há 2513 dias.
- sbbs: Synchronet Bulletin Board System software, requisitado há 6463 dias.
- sbctl: Secure Boot Manager, requisitado há 682 dias.
- sblg: static blog utility, requisitado há 1904 dias.
- sblim-cmpi-devel: CMPI C++ Wrapper and development headers, requisitado há 3815 dias.
- sblim-sfc-common: sfc Common libraries for sfcb and sfcc, requisitado há 3816 dias.
- sblim-sfcb: Small Footprint CIM Broker, requisitado há 3815 dias.
- sblim-sfcc: Provides a small-footprint CIM library allowing client apps to interface with CIM implementations., requisitado há 3816 dias.
- sc-controller: steam controller open source driver + GUI, requisitado há 3132 dias.
- scancode-toolkit: detects licenses, copyrights, package manifests & dependencies and more by scanning code, requisitado há 1392 dias.
- scenarist: KIT Scenarist – screenplay editor, requisitado há 2148 dias.
- scilab-financial: Library of financial computations functions based on Scilab, requisitado há 4330 dias.
- scim-bridge-el: SCIM client for GNU Emacs, requisitado há 4260 dias.
- scip: linear and nonlinear mixed integer optimization suite, requisitado há 540 dias.
- scl-transliteration: <missing description>, requisitado há 4771 dias.
- scmbug: Integration of Software Configuration, requisitado há 5703 dias.
- sconcho: sconcho is a program for designing knitting patterns, requisitado há 3190 dias.
- scorep: Scalable Performance Measurement Infrastructure for Parallel Codes, requisitado há 3474 dias.
- scrapbookq: Firefox extension to save and manage Web pages, requisitado há 2414 dias.
- scratch-text-editor: text editor written in Vala, requisitado há 4557 dias.
- screencloud: easy to use screenshot tool, requisitado há 3806 dias.
- scylladb: distributed database compatible with Apache Cassandra, requisitado há 3140 dias.
- sdb-pancake: simple and fast key/value database, requisitado há 4286 dias.
- sddm-config-editor: Graphical editor for SDDM, requisitado há 2714 dias.
- sdl-audioin: Library to add audio input support to SDL, requisitado há 4623 dias.
- seafile-server: An online file storage and collaboration tool, requisitado há 2736 dias.
- searxng: Privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine, requisitado há 432 dias.
- seclists: SecLists is a collection of multiple, requisitado há 1236 dias.
- security-checker: A security checker for your composer.lock, requisitado há 2091 dias.
- seesaw: An asynchronous toolkit for distributed web processing, requisitado há 2199 dias.
- sejda: command line tool to manipulate PDF documents, requisitado há 3015 dias.
- selector: selector is a real-time pattern matcher for console, requisitado há 4688 dias.
- selenium-ide: Firefox add-on to record and playback, requisitado há 5537 dias.
- selenium: Browser automation, requisitado há 4971 dias.
- selfspy: log everything you do on the computer, for statistics/fun etc., requisitado há 2667 dias.
- semgrep: lightweight static analysis for many languages, requisitado há 1618 dias.
- sems: SIP Express Media Server, very fast and flexible SIP media server, requisitado há 3944 dias.
- sensu: monitoring framework, requisitado há 3012 dias.
- sentimental-skk: Japanese Input Method SKK on your terminal, requisitado há 3919 dias.
- sesele: Independent OpenSSL certificates simplified management, requisitado há 2854 dias.
- setuptools-markdown: Use Markdown for your project description, requisitado há 2582 dias.
- sflowtool: Command line utility for decoding and analyzing sflow data, requisitado há 4102 dias.
- sftpgo: SFTP/FTP/FTPS/WebDAV file server with virtual user support, requisitado há 479 dias.
- shadowd: Shadow Daemon web application firewall server, requisitado há 3620 dias.
- shadowsocks-rust: a rust port of shadowsocks, requisitado há 574 dias.
- sharelatex: online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor, requisitado há 2619 dias.
- shatteredpixeldungeon: A mod of Pixel Dungeon with many improvements, requisitado há 3315 dias.
- sheenbidi: a sophisticated implementation of unicode bidirectional algorithm, requisitado há 1165 dias.
- shellprof: Shell script profiler in Python, requisitado há 246 dias.
- shellshare: Live terminal broadcast (client/server), requisitado há 2214 dias.
- shellspec: Unit testing framework based on BDD for bash, ksh, zsh, dash and all POSIX shells, requisitado há 1441 dias.
- sherpa: Modeling and fitting in Python, requisitado há 3417 dias.
- shh: Automatic systemd service hardening guided by strace profiling, requisitado há 113 dias.
- shikane: dynamic Wayland output configuration tool focusing on accuracy and determinism, requisitado há 185 dias.
- shinken-mod-ip-tag: Shinken ip-tag module, requisitado há 3763 dias.
- shocco: documentation generator for Posix shell programs, requisitado há 3917 dias.
- shogigui: GUI for japanese Chess (Shogi), requisitado há 3045 dias.
- siegfried: signature-based file format identification tool, requisitado há 2894 dias.
- sift-tool: fast and powerful open source alternative to grep, requisitado há 3092 dias.
- siftgpu: processes pixels parallelly to build Gaussian pyramids and detect DoG Keypoints, requisitado há 3918 dias.
- sigmatools: Generic Signature Format for SIEM Systems - rules and tools, requisitado há 1830 dias.
- sigmavpn: light-weight VPN providing easy-to-configure and secure VPN tunnels, requisitado há 3601 dias.
- signal-cli: A command-line and D-BUS interface for Signal Messenger, requisitado há 2081 dias.
- signal-desktop: standalone JS desktop client for Signal Messenger, requisitado há 2970 dias.
- signald: A daemon that facilitates communication via Signal Private Messenger, requisitado há 1434 dias.
- sigrok-firmware: firmware files for various logic analyzers, requisitado há 4631 dias.
- sigrok-util: sigrok related utilities, requisitado há 4539 dias.
- sigstore-python: sigstore is a Python tool for generating and verifying Sigstore signatures, requisitado há 76 dias.
- siji: iconic bitmap font to use on status bars, requisitado há 2458 dias.
- silvius: an open source system for controlling Linux by voice., requisitado há 2959 dias.
- simon: speech recognition, requisitado há 5214 dias.
- simple-build-tool: for scala and java, requisitado há 4860 dias.
- simple-netaid: a minimal connection manager with curses and gtk interfaces, requisitado há 830 dias.
- simplelxc: Minimalist package to create LXC guests and then manage them simply., requisitado há 4711 dias.
- simplenat: script for autoconfigure simple NAT server, requisitado há 4197 dias.
- simplesok: Simple Sokoban is a (simple) Sokoban game., requisitado há 1106 dias.
- simplex-chat: messaging platform operating without user identifiers of any kind, requisitado há 618 dias.
- simutrans-pak128, requisitado há 4234 dias.
- sirius: Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant, requisitado há 3535 dias.
- siso: experimental build tool that aims to replace ninja, requisitado há 468 dias.
- sk1: vector graphics editor, requisitado há 1826 dias.
- slack-desktop: Slack GUI client, requisitado há 1110 dias.
- slapos.libnetworkcache: Client for ShaCache and ShaDir, requisitado há 3574 dias.
- slcl: small and lightweight cloud, requisitado há 448 dias.
- slick-greeter-settings: A graphical tool for manipulating the settings of slick-greeter, requisitado há 2456 dias.
- slidge-dev-helpers: various tools to help slidge-based XMPP gateway development, requisitado há 377 dias.
- slidge-slidgnal: feature-rich Signal to XMPP puppeteering gateway, requisitado há 280 dias.
- slidge-slidgram: feature-rich Telegram to XMPP puppeteering gateway, requisitado há 280 dias.
- slidge-style-parser: a parsing library for Slidge, requisitado há 377 dias.
- slimevr: VR software for using full body tracking, requisitado há 621 dias.
- slips: Behavioral Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Prevention System, requisitado há 381 dias.
- sltd: Multiple daemon for slt, the TLS reverse-proxy with SNI multiplexing, requisitado há 2727 dias.
- slurm-tools: tools for the slurm HPC workload manager, requisitado há 1254 dias.
- slweb: small and lightweight web framework, requisitado há 449 dias.
- smallbasic: fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter., requisitado há 2958 dias.
- smartparens: auto insertion, wrapping, and navigation of ()s, delimiters, and tags for Emacs, requisitado há 2319 dias.
- smc-java: State Machine Compiler, requisitado há 3448 dias.
- smilodon: ActivityPub server with an opt-in workflow, requisitado há 1995 dias.
- smith: fonts and keyboards build and test framework, requisitado há 2810 dias.
- smoldyn: spatial stochastic simulator for chemical reaction networks, requisitado há 1887 dias.
- smoviecat: scan for movies, query imdb and generate a catalog, requisitado há 3163 dias.
- smpeg2: SDL2 MPEG Player Library, requisitado há 542 dias.
- snack-sndfile-ext: libsndfile snack plugin, requisitado há 4573 dias.
- snap-telemetry-plugins: Plugins for snap-telemetry to enhance and extend its capabilities, requisitado há 2952 dias.
- snap-telemetry: The open telemetry framework, requisitado há 2954 dias.
- snapdrop: local file sharing webapp, requisitado há 876 dias.
- snappymail: Simple, modern, lightweight & fast web-based email client, requisitado há 855 dias.
- snf-image-creator: OS image creation tool, requisitado há 3606 dias.
- snipe-it: Open Source Asset Management System, requisitado há 1046 dias.
- snmp4nagios: SNMP Nagios plugins, requisitado há 3907 dias.
- snscrape: A social networking service scraper in Python, requisitado há 2214 dias.
- soapui: API and web service testing tool, requisitado há 1002 dias.
- soapysdr0.7-module-airspyhf: Airspy HF device support for SoapySDR, requisitado há 1624 dias.
- social-app-webpy: component of the python-social-auth ecosystem, requisitado há 2137 dias.
- social-examples: collection of examples implementations of the python-social-auth ecosystem, requisitado há 2137 dias.
- softether: multiprotocol virtual private network daemon, requisitado há 3785 dias.
- softiwarp-kernel: Soft-iWARP kernel module implementing iWARP on top of tcp kernel sockets, requisitado há 4589 dias.
- sogoupinyin-installer: Sogou Pinyin Input Method installer, requisitado há 2745 dias.
- sokochez: two players puzzle game, requisitado há 2715 dias.
- solanum: IRCv3 server designed to be highly scalable, requisitado há 854 dias.
- solarus: Open-source Zelda-like game engine, requisitado há 3781 dias.
- solid3d: Software library for collision detection of geometric objects in 3D space, requisitado há 5926 dias.
- sorr: Remake of all the original Sega beat-'em-up games Streets of Rage 1, 2, and 3 - thrown into one complete package., requisitado há 698 dias.
- sortable: JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- sortjar: remove nondeterministic aspects of jar files, requisitado há 3765 dias.
- souffle: a translator of declarative Datalog programs into the C++ programming language, requisitado há 3078 dias.
- soundtracker: Fasttracker II compatible music sequencer and sampler, requisitado há 1815 dias.
- source-to-image: toolkit for building reproducible container images from source code, requisitado há 1753 dias.
- sourcetrail: interactive source explorer and visualization tool, requisitado há 1854 dias.
- sozu: a fast, reliable, hot reconfigurable HTTP reverse proxy, requisitado há 2140 dias.
- spacemacs: Emacs configuration to get best of Emacs and Vim, requisitado há 3100 dias.
- spacy: industrial-strength natural language processing for Python, requisitado há 3036 dias.
- spark-hilite: SPARK programming language toolset (Ada 2012-style), requisitado há 4198 dias.
- speed-dreams: Open source motorsport simulation, requisitado há 5184 dias.
- sphinx-ansible-theme: ansible sphinx theme, requisitado há 1227 dias.
- sphinx-better-theme: A nice-looking, customizable Sphinx theme, requisitado há 2492 dias.
- sphinx-rst-linker: Sphinx extension for custom URL replacement, requisitado há 3526 dias.
- Post to the social network automatically from (RSS) feeds, requisitado há 3445 dias.
- spinecreator: A GUI for the creation and analysis of neural models using the SpineML format, requisitado há 3272 dias.
- spineml-2-brahms: Convert SpineML models for execution in brahms, requisitado há 3924 dias.
- spineml-preflight: Simulator independent initial processing for SpineML models, requisitado há 3272 dias.
- spitbol: SPITBOL is an extremely high performance implementation of the SNOBOL4 language, requisitado há 336 dias.
- splat-vo: Spectral Analysis Tool for Virtual Observatory, requisitado há 3111 dias.
- spleeter: Source separation library including pretrained models, requisitado há 1498 dias.
- splotch: Ray tracer to visualize SPH simulations, requisitado há 2478 dias.
- spoofdpi: simple and fast anti-censorship tool, requisitado há 131 dias.
- spot-on: research project using a variety of unique communication protocols, requisitado há 3979 dias.
- spro: Speech signal processing toolkit for feature extraction, requisitado há 4658 dias.
- sqlite3dbm: A sqlite-backed dict conforming to the dbm interface, requisitado há 4150 dias.
- sqlworkbenchj: A free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL tool, requisitado há 4259 dias.
- squidanalyzer: Squid proxy native log analyzer and reports generator with full statistics, requisitado há 4114 dias.
- squirrel-sql: graphical universal SQL client, requisitado há 5493 dias.
- srht: core shared code, requisitado há 2152 dias.
- ssb-patchwork: A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of the SSB protocol, requisitado há 2017 dias.
- ssb-sprom: A tool for modification of the Broadcom Sonics Silicon Backplane SPROM, requisitado há 4647 dias.
- ssf: Secure Socket Funneling - Network tool and toolkit, requisitado há 1572 dias.
- ssfn: Scalable Screen Font, a bitmap and vector font renderer, requisitado há 1628 dias.
- ssllabs-scan: client for the SSL Labs APIs, requisitado há 3704 dias.
- sslyze: SSL analyser and weakness scanner, requisitado há 3717 dias.
- stacked-off: offline search engine for stackexchange-format question-and-answer datasets, requisitado há 666 dias.
- stardict-quick-achinese: Stardict Quick package for Indonesian-Achinese dictionary, requisitado há 3057 dias.
- stats: simple filter to gather numbers in repeated text, requisitado há 4293 dias.
- statsd: A simple, lightweight network daemon to collect metrics over UDP, requisitado há 4470 dias.
- statsite: C implementation of statsd, requisitado há 3593 dias.
- statusnet-client-desktop: Titanium-based desktop client for connecting to StatusNet, requisitado há 5270 dias.
- steamos-compositor: SteamOS Compositor, requisitado há 2897 dias.
- stellarium-stars: additional stellarium star catalogues, requisitado há 3909 dias.
- sticky-notes: free open-source pastebin application, requisitado há 4114 dias.
- stklos: object-oriented Scheme interpreter with GTK+ integration, requisitado há 1560 dias.
- stp: simple theorem prover SMT solver, requisitado há 3474 dias.
- strap-base: Code-base for Strap - A GUI for aligning proteins by sequence and structure, requisitado há 4587 dias.
- stratagus: Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine., requisitado há 3270 dias.
- strawberry-graphql: GraphQL library for Python that leverages type annotations, requisitado há 566 dias.
- stream2chromecast: A Chromecast media streamer for Linux, requisitado há 2950 dias.
- streamrip: A scriptable music downloader for Qobuz, Tidal, SoundCloud, and Deezer, requisitado há 286 dias.
- streflop: STandalone REproducible FLOating-Point library, requisitado há 3178 dias.
- stremio: one-stop hub for video content aggregation, requisitado há 1881 dias.
- streql: Constant-time string comparison, requisitado há 3727 dias.
- strophejs-plugin-pubsub: plugin for strophe.js to provide Publish-Subscribe, requisitado há 1913 dias.
- studio-controls: small application to allow setting up audio for (semi)pro-audio work, requisitado há 1498 dias.
- stylus: stylus manager to customize web sites with themes and skins, requisitado há 2341 dias.
- su2: Software for PDE based analysis and optimization, requisitado há 4182 dias.
- subsurface: scuba diving logbook, requisitado há 3140 dias.
- sudo-pair: Plugin for sudo that requires another human to approve and monitor privileged sudo sessions., requisitado há 2398 dias.
- sugar-finance-activity: Finance is a simple financial planning activity for the Sugar Learning Platform, requisitado há 3529 dias.
- superboucle: Loop based software fully controllable with any midi device, requisitado há 3389 dias.
- superset: modern data exploration and visualization platform, requisitado há 1174 dias.
- supersonic: A lightweight cross-platform desktop client for Subsonic music servers, requisitado há 617 dias.
- surl: URL shortening command line application, requisitado há 4052 dias.
- svg2gcode: produces g-code machining operations from paths in SVG file, requisitado há 112 dias.
- swagger-codegen: OpenAPI-based code generator, requisitado há 1786 dias.
- swayfx: sway, but with eye candy, requisitado há 457 dias.
- swe-extrapolated-data: Swiss Ephemeris data file for far past, far future, requisitado há 3630 dias.
- sweetalert: makes popup messages easy and pretty, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- sweethome3d-textures: Interior 2D design application with 3D preview (additional textures), requisitado há 3952 dias.
- sword-comm-mhc: Matthew Henry Commentary for SWORD, requisitado há 2568 dias.
- symlookup: Utility for object symbol search in installed libraries, requisitado há 3680 dias.
- symon: lightweight system monitor, requisitado há 3855 dias.
- synapse-bt: a flexible and fast BitTorrent daemon, requisitado há 1803 dias.
- syncbackup: small GUI for rsync, requisitado há 3442 dias.
- syncterm: SyncTerm is the Synchronet Terminal, requisitado há 3962 dias.
- system-monitoring-center: Provides information, requisitado há 1185 dias.
- system76-ectool: System76 Open Source Embedded Controller tool, requisitado há 408 dias.
- systemd-coredump-python: Log Python exceptions in the journal via systemd-coredump, requisitado há 2577 dias.
- systemd-netlogd: forward journal messages to remote syslog, requisitado há 87 dias.
- szg: Fast command line calculator, requisitado há 4440 dias.
- ta-lib: common functions for the technical analysis of financial market data, requisitado há 6342 dias.
- tablator: Universal table translator for astronomy, requisitado há 2964 dias.
- tablesnap: Backup utility for the Cassandra database, requisitado há 3413 dias.
- tabula: Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables locked inside PDF files., requisitado há 3784 dias.
- tabview: curses command-line CSV and list (tabular data) viewer, requisitado há 3260 dias.
- taginfo: convenience wrapper for taglib, requisitado há 4246 dias.
- taglist-maven-plugin: Maven Plugin generates a report on various tags in code, requisitado há 4133 dias.
- tailscale: wireguard overlay network manager (client), requisitado há 1524 dias.
- talisman: Checks outgoing git changeset for suspicious things, requisitado há 2217 dias.
- tamperdata: Iceweasel/Firefox extension for tracking and modifying HTTP/HTTPS requests, requisitado há 5306 dias.
- tantivy: full text search engine library, requisitado há 1849 dias.
- tapsh: Table Access Protocol Shell for Virtual Observatory, requisitado há 3067 dias.
- tapsim: Atom probe experiment simulator, requisitado há 3961 dias.
- target-isns: iSNS client for the Linux LIO iSCSI target, requisitado há 3384 dias.
- tarix: Indexing utility for tar archives, requisitado há 4092 dias.
- tarsnap: encrypted snapshotting remote backups, requisitado há 3383 dias.
- taskwarrior-web: A web interface for the Taskwarrior todo application, requisitado há 4150 dias.
- taudem: Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models, requisitado há 4550 dias.
- tcp-over-dns: TCP tunnel through the standard DNS protocol, requisitado há 4796 dias.
- tcpproxy: a simple tcp connection proxy that supports ipv6, requisitado há 2692 dias.
- tdlib: cross-platform library for building Telegram clients, requisitado há 280 dias.
- teampass: WEB based password manager, requisitado há 4047 dias.
- teamviewer: free for non-comertial use, remote support, remote acces, meeting online. Most popular on the web remote acces programm, requisitado há 2979 dias.
- teapot: Table Editor And Planner, Or: Teapot!, requisitado há 5230 dias.
- tei: XML schema of the Text Encoding Initiative, requisitado há 5028 dias.
- teiler: Little script for screenshots and screencasts utilizing rofi, maim, ffmpeg, requisitado há 2970 dias.
- telegraf: plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB, requisitado há 3435 dias.
- telegram-bot-api: Telegram Bot API server, requisitado há 895 dias.
- telemeta: open web audio CMS, requisitado há 4165 dias.
- telepathy-gabble-legacy: Jabber/XMPP connection manager (legacy branch), requisitado há 3540 dias.
- telify: Firefox / Iceweasel plugin, makes all phone numbers on a page clickable, requisitado há 3211 dias.
- telldus-core: Utilities and driver to control NEXA and other RF remote receivers through a TellStick USB interface, requisitado há 5587 dias.
- tellduscenter: Graphical program to control NEXA and other RF remote receivers with TellStick, requisitado há 5029 dias.
- tenacity: easy-to-use, privacy-friendly, multi-track audio editor and recorder, based on Audacity, requisitado há 248 dias.
- tendermint-go-data: JSON and binary serialization library for data structures, requisitado há 2846 dias.
- tensorboard: TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit, requisitado há 1516 dias.
- tensorwatch: Debug, monitor and visualize for Python Machine Learning, requisitado há 2006 dias.
- terminal-markdown-viewer: Styled Terminal Markdown Viewer, requisitado há 746 dias.
- terminal-quest: Introduction to terminal commands in the style of a text adventure game, requisitado há 3221 dias.
- termite: A keyboard-centric VTE-based terminal, aimed at use within a window manager with tiling and/or tabbing support., requisitado há 2498 dias.
- testdrive: run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine, requisitado há 4161 dias.
- textadept: fast, minimalist, extensible, cross-platform text editor, requisitado há 2531 dias.
- texttop: fully interactive X Linux desktop rendered in TTY and streamable over SSH, requisitado há 3117 dias.
- thanos: highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities, requisitado há 649 dias.
- theano-blocks: deep learning framework built on top of Theano, requisitado há 3036 dias.
- thelounge: modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client, requisitado há 837 dias.
- theoraplay: library used by games to play Ogg Theora+Vorbis videos, requisitado há 1530 dias.
- thinkpad-scripts: Rotation scripts for ThinkPad, requisitado há 4038 dias.
- throttled: A Workaround for Intel throttling issues in Linux, requisitado há 1147 dias.
- thunar-plugins: easy Python plugins for Thunar, requisitado há 667 dias.
- thunar-shares-plugin: samba usershare support for thunar filemanager (XFCE), requisitado há 4606 dias.
- ticker-stock-prices: Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracking, requisitado há 601 dias.
- tides: Taylor series Integrator for Differential EquationS, requisitado há 1775 dias.
- tile-tabs-we: firefox plugin to arrange tabs in tiled views, requisitado há 2358 dias.
- tilemill: map design studio, requisitado há 4822 dias.
- timelib: A short wrapper around PHP's internal DateTime ext, requisitado há 4150 dias.
- timeline-thetimelineproj: An application to show events on a timeline, requisitado há 3155 dias.
- timeside: open web audio processing framework, requisitado há 3944 dias.
- tinkerer: blogging engine/static website generator powered by Sphinx, requisitado há 4658 dias.
- tinycthread: minimalist, portable, threading library for C, requisitado há 3861 dias.
- tinytaskmanager: Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems, requisitado há 622 dias.
- tipcutils: TIPC utilities, requisitado há 4336 dias.
- tis-interpreter: An interpreter for finding subtle bugs in programs written in standard C, requisitado há 3139 dias.
- tld: TLD lookup tool for Emacs, requisitado há 2335 dias.
- tlpui: GTK user interface for laptop power management, requisitado há 1027 dias.
- tmsu: command-line file tagging tooI and tag-based virtual filesystem, requisitado há 3823 dias.
- tn5250j: A 5250 terminal emulator for the AS/400, requisitado há 3119 dias.
- tobutobugirldeluxe: gameboy game, requisitado há 1108 dias.
- tomahawk-player: multi-source social media player, requisitado há 4780 dias.
- tomoj: ImageJ plug-in for tomographic reconstruction, requisitado há 1088 dias.
- toped: Toped is a cross-platform IC layout editor, requisitado há 4426 dias.
- topmenu-qt: Topmenu for Qt applications, requisitado há 3225 dias.
- toprammer: Command-line and GUI software for the TOP2049 universal programmer, requisitado há 4857 dias.
- tordyguards: Tor Dynamic Guards, requisitado há 2771 dias.
- tosdr: Get information instantly about websites' terms of service and privacy policies, with ratings and summaries from the, requisitado há 2358 dias.
- touchandgo: Touchandgo is a CLI application and python library to download and stream torrents, requisitado há 3078 dias.
- toutv: console application, requisitado há 3968 dias.
- trac-ldapplugin: LDAP support with group management in Trac, requisitado há 5030 dias.
- trac-migrate: migrate a trac environment to another database, requisitado há 4285 dias.
- trac-simplemultiproject: manage multiple user projects with one Trac instance, requisitado há 3803 dias.
- trac-testmanager: full test management life-cycle for Trac, requisitado há 4238 dias.
- transcriberag: TranscriberAG is designed for assisting the manual annotation of speech signals., requisitado há 4731 dias.
- translatelocally: desktop application for text translation, requisitado há 1275 dias.
- transporter: GUI magic-wormhole client that makes file transfer between computers a breeze, requisitado há 2130 dias.
- transrate: quality assessment of de-novo transcriptome assemblies, requisitado há 3367 dias.
- travatar: tree based machine translation toolkit, requisitado há 4018 dias.
- treemaker: TreeMaker is a program for the design of origami bases., requisitado há 4884 dias.
- treetime: General data organisation, management and analysis tool using linked trees., requisitado há 1178 dias.
- treezy: Swiss army knife for working with directory and file trees, requisitado há 1819 dias.
- tremc: Curses interface for transmission, requisitado há 1053 dias.
- trepan3k: a GDB-like debugger for Python, requisitado há 2669 dias.
- trezor-agent: Using the Trezor bitcoin hardware wallet as hardware SSH agent, requisitado há 3242 dias.
- trezor-suite: GUI for Trezor bitcoin (and other crypto) hardware wallet, requisitado há 1012 dias.
- tribler: Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery, requisitado há 3027 dias.
- trilium: hierarchical note taking application that uses Zettelkasten method, requisitado há 1683 dias.
- trinity-desktop: Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE), requisitado há 4516 dias.
- triops: safely and securely encrypt and decrypt files from cmdline, requisitado há 3036 dias.
- trivy: A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI, requisitado há 2038 dias.
- trojita: Fast Qt IMAP e-mail client., requisitado há 3415 dias.
- truepolyglot: Create combined ZIP/PDF files., requisitado há 1908 dias.
- truffleruby: high performance Java implementation of the Ruby programming language, requisitado há 2897 dias.
- trytls: TLS client quality checker, requisitado há 3040 dias.
- tsc: The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M., requisitado há 3072 dias.
- tsmuxer: mux video to TS/M2TS files or create BD disks, requisitado há 3749 dias.
- tsn-testbench: real-time and non-real time TSN traffic validation tool, requisitado há 4 dias.
- tt-rss-attic-plugins: Extra plugins for tt-rss, requisitado há 4200 dias.
- ttf2woff: Converter from TrueType and OpenType fonts to the WOFF format, requisitado há 3084 dias.
- ttm: Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems, requisitado há 672 dias.
- tubedown: Download videos for mp4 files using Youtube-dl GUI, requisitado há 2693 dias.
- tunefish: very tiny analog synthesizer, requisitado há 1807 dias.
- turbid: High-Entropy Randomness Generator, requisitado há 5253 dias.
- turbowarp: TurboWarp as a desktop app, requisitado há 1032 dias.
- turtl: Note-taking application with secure online syncing, requisitado há 2571 dias.
- turtle: Turtle provides dialogs for version control operations and emblems and a context menu for nautilus., requisitado há 297 dias.
- tusd: implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol, requisitado há 893 dias.
- tut: A TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys, requisitado há 880 dias.
- tuxedo-keyboard: TUXEDO Computers kernel module drivers for keyboard, keyboard backlight and general hardware I/O, requisitado há 1353 dias.
- tuxemon: Open source turn-based RPG, requisitado há 3419 dias.
- tvb-data: Demonstration datasets for use with The Virtual Brain, requisitado há 2376 dias.
- tvheadend: TV streaming server and recorder, requisitado há 1053 dias.
- tvision: modern port of Turbo Vision, a framework for text-based user interfaces, requisitado há 891 dias.
- twamp-gui: TWAMP protocol client and responder, requisitado há 3499 dias.
- twemoji-color-font: Twitter Color Emoji SVGinOT Font, requisitado há 3079 dias.
- twemoji-mozilla: Twitter Emoji font in, requisitado há 2596 dias.
- twemoji: Open-sourced Twitter emoji images, requisitado há 2621 dias.
- twhamqth: callsign look up using database, requisitado há 3223 dias.
- twlog: ham log book program, requisitado há 3223 dias.
- txi2p: I2P bindings for Twisted, requisitado há 2015 dias.
- txjsonrpc: Library for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients, requisitado há 3726 dias.
- typst: A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn., requisitado há 340 dias.
- tyrquake: very conservative QuakeWorld and Quake1 engine, requisitado há 3377 dias.
- tyrutils: quake 1 or 2 mod utils for building quake levels and quake file formats, requisitado há 3336 dias.
- ubbd: Userspace backend block device, requisitado há 625 dias.
- uberftp: Interactive gridftp client, requisitado há 3585 dias.
- ubiquity: GUI installer for live systems, requisitado há 4991 dias.
- ublock-origin-websocket: companion to uBlock Origin to expose websocket connections, requisitado há 2992 dias.
- ucode: tiny general purpose scripting language featuring a syntax closely resembling ECMAScript, requisitado há 815 dias.
- udev-notify: Display notifications about newly plugged hardware, requisitado há 4622 dias.
- uglifycss: CSS mangler/compressor toolkit, requisitado há 3427 dias.
- ui-grid: Angular UI Grid, requisitado há 2925 dias.
- ultimate-facebook-scraper: A bot which scrapes almost everything about a facebook user's profile, requisitado há 2210 dias.
- ultrastardx: A singing competition game, requisitado há 6028 dias.
- umtskeeper: keep your UMTS/GPRS/GSM connection alive automatically, requisitado há 3075 dias.
- unicode-tussle: Tom Christiansen's Unicode scripts, requisitado há 1022 dias.
- uniseg-python: A Python package to determine Unicode text segmentations, requisitado há 2377 dias.
- unit: NGINX Unit, requisitado há 1912 dias.
- unity: Interface for Ubuntu Desktop Edition, requisitado há 5096 dias.
- universalmediaserver: upnp dlna server, requisitado há 2890 dias.
- unlzexe: decompress DOS .EXE files compressed with LZEXE, requisitado há 3408 dias.
- unqlite: Self-contained transactional NoSQL database engine., requisitado há 3710 dias.
- unrealircd: Open Source IRC Server, requisitado há 545 dias.
- untrunc: simple tool to recover truncated mp4, mov, 3gp files, requisitado há 4307 dias.
- unum: Interconvert numbers, Unicode, and HTML/XHTML entities, requisitado há 2451 dias.
- unvanquished: a multi-player team-based alien vs, requisitado há 4405 dias.
- up: a tool for writing pipes interactively, with live preview of results, requisitado há 1384 dias.
- updatescanner: Firefox addon to monitors web pages for updates., requisitado há 2358 dias.
- upshutzz: upshutzz is a on-demand, unassisted system update program., requisitado há 3025 dias.
- urh: Universal Radio Hacker: Investigate wireless protocols like a boss, requisitado há 2361 dias.
- usb-creator-to-be-renamed: startup disk creator, requisitado há 5375 dias.
- usbcryptformat: usbcryptformat is a graphical program to encrypt USB devices, requisitado há 2170 dias.
- usbimager: very minimal GUI app that can write compressed disk images to USB drives, requisitado há 1042 dias.
- usbwall: centralized USB devices filtering tool to associate locally allowed devices to LDAP user accounts, requisitado há 2807 dias.
- utmp: simple utility to manage utmp-records for shell and/or terminal multiplexers, requisitado há 4231 dias.
- uwsm: Universal Wayland Session Manager, requisitado há 177 dias.
- v3c-qt-examples: v3c/automake wrapper for Qt4 - examples, requisitado há 4753 dias.
- v3c-qt: v3c/automake wrapper for Qt4, requisitado há 4753 dias.
- v3c: C/C++/sh/make/automake/Debian utility toolkit, requisitado há 4753 dias.
- vagrant-vsphere: VMWare vSphere provider for Vagrant, requisitado há 3022 dias.
- vakzination: manage health certificates, like vaccination, test, and recovery certificates, requisitado há 1114 dias.
- valent: connect, control and sync devices, requisitado há 185 dias.
- valyriatear: open source J-RPG game, requisitado há 4329 dias.
- vanitygen: bitcoin vanity address generator, requisitado há 4155 dias.
- vanityhash: Utility to search for partial hash matches, requisitado há 5122 dias.
- vapoursynth: A video processing framework with simplicity in mind, requisitado há 3054 dias.
- variety-slideshow: It can work as a standalone command-line utility, or as a "component" of Variety Wallpaper Changer, requisitado há 2325 dias.
- varnish-agent-dashboard: Simple realtime dashboard for Varnish Cache, requisitado há 4124 dias.
- varnisnncsa-vhost: Wrapper around 'varnishncsa' tool to save varnish logs with virtualhost, requisitado há 5104 dias.
- vbam: Gameboy Advance emulator, requisitado há 5610 dias.
- vconnectstand: singing synthesizer, requisitado há 3331 dias.
- vcvrack: Virtual Eurorack DAW, requisitado há 1896 dias.
- vdsm: Virtual Desktop and Server Manager, requisitado há 4635 dias.
- veloren: multiplayer voxel RPG, requisitado há 1602 dias.
- venom: A Vala/Gtk+ client for Tox., requisitado há 1594 dias.
- ventoy: Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files., requisitado há 671 dias.
- veracrypt: Cross-platform on-the-fly encryption, requisitado há 698 dias.
- verapdf: first complete open source PDF/A validator, requisitado há 1669 dias.
- vertex-theme: Vertex themes for GTK 2/3, requisitado há 3409 dias.
- verynice: nice(1)-like utility to throttle long running processes, requisitado há 3889 dias.
- vesktop: Vesktop is a custom Discord App aiming, requisitado há 150 dias.
- vexcl: VexCL is a C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA, requisitado há 2160 dias.
- vgrep: a user-friendly pager for grep, requisitado há 1047 dias.
- vhostmd: Virtualisation host metrics daemon, requisitado há 3209 dias.
- vidbox: video processing toolbox, requisitado há 1110 dias.
- viddy: modern watch command. Time machine and pager, requisitado há 853 dias.
- vim-automaticlatexplugin: editing, building and viewing LaTeX files in vim, requisitado há 3961 dias.
- vim-bracketed-paste: plugin to handle bracketed-paste-mode in vim, requisitado há 1082 dias.
- vim-easymotion: simple and efficient motions in vim, requisitado há 3693 dias.
- vim-execline: execline syntax highlighting for vim, requisitado há 1955 dias.
- vim-go: Golang support for Vim, requisitado há 3496 dias.
- vim-graphical-preview: preview images inside (n)vim, requisitado há 358 dias.
- vim-nim: Nim language support for Vim, requisitado há 720 dias.
- vim-pyclewn: Pyclewn allows using vim as a front end to a debugger. Currently it supports gdb and pdb, requisitado há 4729 dias.
- vim-vimtex: modern Vim plugin for editing LaTeX files, requisitado há 2515 dias.
- vim-vimwiki: a personal wiki for vim, requisitado há 376 dias.
- vim-vint: Fast and highly extensible Vim script language lint, requisitado há 1253 dias.
- vimoutliner: script for building an outline editor on top of Vim, requisitado há 1903 dias.
- vimpager: pager using vim and less.vim, requisitado há 1316 dias.
- vinca: Reverse VNC for remote support, requisitado há 2738 dias.
- virtualbox-completion: Bash completion support for VirtualBox management utility, requisitado há 1232 dias.
- virtualgl: Toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients, requisitado há 4599 dias.
- visit: interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool, requisitado há 6629 dias.
- visitor: A tiny library to facilitate visitor implementation in Python, requisitado há 911 dias.
- vizzini: Kernel driver for Exar XR21V1414 USB UART, requisitado há 3331 dias.
- vlang: Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software, requisitado há 96 dias.
- vmdktool: Converts raw filesystems to VMDK files and vice versa., requisitado há 3529 dias.
- vmodsynth: a modular software synthesizer, requisitado há 4311 dias.
- vnu: The Nu HTML Checker, requisitado há 1666 dias.
- vobsub2srt: converts vobsub (.idx/.sub) into .srt subtitles, requisitado há 2720 dias.
- vocal: modern and simple podcast client, requisitado há 802 dias.
- vodstok: Voluntary Distributed Storage Kit, requisitado há 4602 dias.
- volatility3: advanced memory forensics framework, requisitado há 1888 dias.
- vosk-api: Offline speech recognition API, requisitado há 465 dias.
- vpnautoconnect: Automatically reconnect VPNs created by NetworkManager, requisitado há 5009 dias.
- vroom: Functional testing tool for VIM, requisitado há 2168 dias.
- vscode: Microsoft Visual Studio Code, requisitado há 2418 dias.
- vscp: framework for automation of IoT/m2m tasks, requisitado há 4084 dias.
- vsearch-data: example data for vsearch tool for processing metagenomic sequences, requisitado há 3324 dias.
- vsfm: GUI application for 3D reconstruction using structure from motion, requisitado há 3918 dias.
- vt-cli: A cli interface for Virus Total, requisitado há 605 dias.
- vv: visual versioning, requisitado há 2935 dias.
- waf: Tool for configuring, building, and installing projects, requisitado há 2967 dias.
- wagon-maven-plugin: Maven plugin to transfer resources using Maven Wagon, requisitado há 3601 dias.
- wallabag: self hostable application for saving web pages, requisitado há 3998 dias.
- wallch: A powerful cross-desktop wallpaper changer, requisitado há 3839 dias.
- wallpaperd: X wallpaper changing daemon, requisitado há 3600 dias.
- wallpaperdownloader: Download, manage and change your favorite wallpapers from the Internet, requisitado há 2763 dias.
- warewulf4: operating system provisioning platform for Linux, requisitado há 819 dias.
- warewulf: systems management suite for Linux, requisitado há 2165 dias.
- wasora: Wasora's an advanced suite for optimization and reactor analysis, requisitado há 3072 dias.
- watchexec: Executes commands in response to file modifications, requisitado há 1837 dias.
- waterfox: graphical web browser based on Firefox, requisitado há 2551 dias.
- wavedrom: Digital timing diagram editor & rendering engine, requisitado há 1042 dias.
- wavegain: replaygain for WAV files, requisitado há 4448 dias.
- waveterm: AI-native terminal built for seamless workflows, requisitado há 162 dias.
- way-cooler: Customizable Wayland compositor (window manager), requisitado há 2518 dias.
- wayback-machine-downloader: Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine., requisitado há 1795 dias.
- wayback-machine-webextension: Wayback Machine Web Browser Extension, requisitado há 842 dias.
- waybackpack: command-line tool that lets you download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URL, requisitado há 3052 dias.
- waydroid: Run a full Android system on Wayland using a container, requisitado há 1109 dias.
- wayneko: wayland port of neko, requisitado há 306 dias.
- wayprompt: multi-purpose (password-)prompt tool for Wayland, requisitado há 351 dias.
- weave-minimal: lightweight firefox weave/sync server, requisitado há 4018 dias.
- weaveserver: Secure data sharing server for firefox/iceweasel, requisitado há 5634 dias.
- web-archives: Reader for ZIM files (offline dumps of websites like wikipedia), requisitado há 979 dias.
- web-greeter: Modern, visually appealing login, requisitado há 4845 dias.
- web100-userland: The userland library and utilities for accessing and manipulating web100 TCP/IP instrumentation, requisitado há 4063 dias.
- webext-decentraleyes: web extension for local emulation of Content Delivery Networks, requisitado há 2143 dias.
- webext-export-cookies: exports cookies to a Netscape format cookies.txt file, requisitado há 1661 dias.
- webext-ghosttext: Use your text editor to write in your browser, requisitado há 2269 dias.
- webext-jsonview: web extension that helps you view JSON documents in the browser, requisitado há 2412 dias.
- webext-passff: firefox extension for the pass password manager, requisitado há 145 dias.
- webext-plasma-integration: provides integration of web browsers with the Plasma desktop, requisitado há 2084 dias.
- webext-redirector: browser extension to redirect URLs based on patterns, requisitado há 935 dias.
- webext-snowflake: web extension to provide a snowflake proxy, requisitado há 358 dias.
- webext-tab-stash: web extension for stashing tabs, requisitado há 358 dias.
- webext-tosdr: toolbar icon to inform about your rights, requisitado há 3685 dias.
- webext-uppity: toolbar button to "go up" on the web, requisitado há 2106 dias.
- webext-urls-list: Firefox add-on to list URLs, requisitado há 1621 dias.
- weblaf: Java Swing Look and Feel and extended components library for cross-platform applications, requisitado há 3587 dias.
- weblate: web-based translation tool with tight Git integration, requisitado há 3894 dias.
- webmin: web-based system configuration tool for Unix-like, requisitado há 3176 dias.
- webodf: add Open Document Format support to web applications, requisitado há 4076 dias.
- weewx: open source software for weather stations, requisitado há 2941 dias.
- weggli: fast and robust semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases, requisitado há 768 dias.
- weii: read Wii balance board as a weight scale, requisitado há 103 dias.
- wekan: A Kanban-like agile dashboard Web app, requisitado há 3192 dias.
- wemux: multi-user Tmux made easy, requisitado há 2427 dias.
- wezterm: A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator in rust, requisitado há 1204 dias.
- whalebird: A Mastodon and Pleroma client for the desktop, requisitado há 1773 dias.
- whatsapp-purple: WhatsApp protocol plugin for, requisitado há 3965 dias.
- whawty-auth: simple file based authentication suite, requisitado há 1961 dias.
- whisper.cpp: automatic speech recognition, requisitado há 308 dias.
- whitesur-gtk-theme, requisitado há 1220 dias.
- whitesur-icon-theme, requisitado há 1220 dias.
- whycanticonnect: tcp/ip connection diagnostic tool, requisitado há 3719 dias.
- wifi-switcher: script to automatically switch between networks, requisitado há 3324 dias.
- wifiphisher: Automated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks, requisitado há 2828 dias.
- wiktionarytodict: Translation dictionaries for the dictd server, requisitado há 4093 dias.
- wildfly: a JEE application server, requisitado há 3838 dias.
- windonesian: Indonesian dictionary words for /usr/share/dict, requisitado há 1441 dias.
- winexe: execute a command on Windows, requisitado há 4949 dias.
- wire-desktop: open source secure messenger / collaboration tool, requisitado há 1460 dias.
- wireviz: Easily document cables and wiring harnesses., requisitado há 333 dias.
- wiringx: Modular GPIO interface, requisitado há 3554 dias.
- wklingon: Klingon dictionary words for /usr/share/dict, requisitado há 2257 dias.
- wl-screenrec: High performance wlroots screen recording, featuring hardware encoding, requisitado há 529 dias.
- wlclock: A digital analog clock for Wayland desktops, requisitado há 620 dias.
- wmfs: Window Manager From Scratch, requisitado há 4562 dias.
- wmi-client: useful package for those interacting with windows machine, requisitado há 5240 dias.
- wolfssl-jni: Java interface for wolfSSL, requisitado há 3908 dias.
- worldvista-ehr: WorldVistA EHR is a repackage and extended version of VistA produced by WorldVistA, requisitado há 5609 dias.
- wp-cli: command-line interface for WordPress, requisitado há 886 dias.
- wp2git: download and import Wikipedia page history to a git repository, requisitado há 1621 dias.
- writefreely: Federated blogging engine, requisitado há 1567 dias.
- wsgiproxy: HTTP proxying tools for WSGI apps, requisitado há 4438 dias.
- wsmancli: Opensource Implementation of WS-Management - Command line utility, requisitado há 3815 dias.
- wview: Weather station daemon, requisitado há 4695 dias.
- wxcam: A webcam application, requisitado há 4092 dias.
- wxif: View the EXIF/IPTC/XMP data for images., requisitado há 2358 dias.
- wxmathplot: library to add 2D scientific plot functionality to wxWidgets, requisitado há 1120 dias.
- x2gohtmlclient: html client for x2goserver, requisitado há 1296 dias.
- xamarin-android: Provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages such as C#, requisitado há 2397 dias.
- xattrvi: easily view and edit extended filesystem attributes in user-namespace, requisitado há 2920 dias.
- xdg-menu-convert: Convert freedesktop files to a format used by various WMs, requisitado há 3302 dias.
- xe-guest-utilities: XCP-ng management agent, requisitado há 1517 dias.
- xed: GTK Text editor for the XApps project, requisitado há 3086 dias.
- xf86-input-tslib: input driver for tslib, requisitado há 2793 dias.
- xfce4-i3-workspaces-plugin: A workspace switcher plugin for xfce4-panel which can be used for the i3 window manager., requisitado há 1196 dias.
- xfce4-netspeed-plugin: traffic monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel, requisitado há 4790 dias.
- xfdashboard: GNOME shell like dashboard for Xfce, requisitado há 3482 dias.
- xgl: translates Vulkan API commands into PAL commands, requisitado há 2197 dias.
- xidel: Command line tool to download and query HTML/XML/JSON with XQuery, requisitado há 3117 dias.
- xidlehook: xautolock rewrite in Rust, with a few extra features, requisitado há 1741 dias.
- xlivebg: Live wallpapers for the X window system, requisitado há 1535 dias.
- xlogo: XLogo is an interpreter for the Logo programming language, written in Java., requisitado há 3104 dias.
- xmind: Mind mapping and brainstorming, requisitado há 5751 dias.
- xmlcalabash: an XProc processor, requisitado há 3929 dias.
- xmlvalidate: Quick and flexible XML validator, requisitado há 4283 dias.
- xmppconsole: tool for XMPP hackers, requisitado há 983 dias.
- xmppipe: pipe stdio over XMPP, requisitado há 1578 dias.
- xmpppy: XMPP implementation in Python, requisitado há 622 dias.
- xmrig-cuda: NVIDIA CUDA plugin for XMRig, requisitado há 900 dias.
- xmvn: Local Extensions for Apache Maven, requisitado há 3327 dias.
- xonotic: a fast-paced first-person shooter, requisitado há 4807 dias.
- xplayer: GTK media player based on GStreamer for the Xapps project, requisitado há 3086 dias.
- xprofile: a profile manager for different driver configurations, requisitado há 4505 dias.
- xrandr-invert-colors: xrandr-invert-colors, requisitado há 2183 dias.
- xserver-xorg-video-psb: Xorg Graphics driver for Intel Poulsbo chipset (GMA 500), requisitado há 5665 dias.
- xsqlite: forensic analysis of SQLite database files, requisitado há 302 dias.
- xsuspender: Automatically suspend inactive X11 applications., requisitado há 1493 dias.
- xsv: fast CSV command line toolkit, requisitado há 855 dias.
- xtuple-web: web and mobile access to PostBooks, requisitado há 3919 dias.
- xubuntu-artwork: Xubuntu themes and artwork, requisitado há 3080 dias.
- xul-ext-dnssec: DNSSEC validator, requisitado há 4604 dias.
- xul-ext-mail-redirect: Redirect mail to other recipients, requisitado há 3664 dias.
- xul-ext-pencil: GUI prototyping and diagram tool, requisitado há 4955 dias.
- xul-ext-quicklocaleswitcher: browser plugin to switch language (for UI, spell checker, website content), requisitado há 2890 dias.
- xul-ext-sqlite-manager: manage SQLite databases, requisitado há 5034 dias.
- xviewer-plugins: Set of plugins for xviewer., requisitado há 3086 dias.
- xviewer: GTK Image viewer program for the XApps project, requisitado há 3086 dias.
- yaafe: audio features extraction library, requisitado há 3932 dias.
- yabridge: A modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2 and VST3 plugins on Linux, requisitado há 1270 dias.
- yabsm: a btrfs snapshot manager and backup system, requisitado há 640 dias.
- yacreader: Yet another comic reader, requisitado há 3804 dias.
- yacy: distributed web crawler and search engine, requisitado há 6238 dias.
- yaf: a network packet flowmeter tool with ipfix support, requisitado há 3429 dias.
- yakyak: Desktop client for Google Hangouts, requisitado há 3077 dias.
- yasr-js: Javascript library for visualization of SPARQL results, requisitado há 3826 dias.
- yawls: Adjust the brightness level of your display by using the internal/external webcam of your notebook as an ambient light sensor, requisitado há 3442 dias.
- yaze: Yet Another Z80 Emulator, requisitado há 2639 dias.
- yeroth-erp-alert-3-0: alert system for yeroth-erp, requisitado há 1840 dias.
- yetris: customizable Tetris(tm) on the console, requisitado há 4258 dias.
- yices2: satisfiability modulo theory solver by SRI, requisitado há 2746 dias.
- yii: Yii is a high-performance PHP framework best for developing Web 2.0 applications, requisitado há 5202 dias.
- yle-dl: downloader of media files from YLE, requisitado há 3886 dias.
- ympd: Standalone MPD web GUI, requisitado há 3706 dias.
- yoda: Yet more Objects for Data Analysis, requisitado há 4246 dias.
- yofrankie: Yo Frankie is a project by the blender foundation to create a computer game with blender, requisitado há 5951 dias.
- you-get/0.4.1025: command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from the Web, requisitado há 2494 dias.
- youtube-cli: command-line client for YouTube', requisitado há 4102 dias.
- youtube-upload: upload videos to YouTube from the command-line, requisitado há 4394 dias.
- zammad: web-based user support/ticketing solution, requisitado há 2984 dias.
- zap: ZAP is Zigbee Cluster Library configuration tool and generator, requisitado há 522 dias.
- zaproxy: Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications, requisitado há 2428 dias.
- zathura-mupdf: mupdf backend for zathura, requisitado há 4033 dias.
- zbase32: Human-oriented encoding for binary data, requisitado há 3195 dias.
- zcash: an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol, requisitado há 2975 dias.
- zed: High-performance multiplayer code editor, requisitado há 162 dias.
- zenoss: infrastructure monitoring and management system, requisitado há 6832 dias.
- zeronet: Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network, requisitado há 2905 dias.
- zerotier-one: ZeroTier network virtualization service, requisitado há 2539 dias.
- zesarux: ZX Spectrum emulator, requisitado há 3860 dias.
- zetacoin: P2P network based digital currency with fast confirmations, requisitado há 3657 dias.
- zjump: Jump to frequent directories matching regex, requisitado há 3295 dias.
- zorba: NoSQL Query Processing, requisitado há 3414 dias.
- zotero-dataserver: dataserver for the zotero client, requisitado há 4226 dias.
- zpui: ZeroPhone UI framework, requisitado há 2688 dias.
- zramswap-enabler: Start/Stop swapping to zram, requisitado há 4790 dias.
- zsh-history-substring-search: ZSH port of Fish history search (up arrow), requisitado há 1778 dias.
- zuki-themes: Zuki themes for GNOME, Xfce, and more, requisitado há 3051 dias.
- zulip-server: group chat for teams, requisitado há 3374 dias.
- zuul: zuul - a project gating system, requisitado há 4262 dias.
- zyn-fusion: new user interface for ZynAddSubFX, requisitado há 2201 dias.
- zz-bulletin: Open source, Elegant, Powerful Forums., requisitado há 3440 dias.
Essa lista também está disponível ordenada por idade.