
TranslatedUp to dateOutdatedNot translated
371 files (98.1%)371 files (100.0%)0 files (0.0%)7 files (1.9%)
2046601 bytes (97.5%)2046601 bytes (100.0%)0 bytes (0.0%)52342 bytes (2.5%)

Note: the lists of pages are sorted by popularity. Hover over the page name to see the number of hits.

General pages not translated

blends/gis/support  ()0(0.00 ‰)
devel/extract_key  ()0(0.00 ‰)

News items not translated (low priority)

vote/2022/vote_003  (9b613d7447827b46baa87229fc9235472e047a76)20828(9.92 ‰)
vote/2023/vote_001  (8606476e6553dcc686905808ee0ccc9195fe9587)3621(1.73 ‰)
vote/2022/vote_002  (4745d69aeced534d69d6525056084177fc4635f9)4032(1.92 ‰)
vote/2023/vote_002  (25dfc9b7f80a74f58200d3a6abaeda4cb3453c7d)19471(9.28 ‰)
vote/2024/vote_002  (d33eeb7e15e8c215afe4f3aee48848d019dfaaf3)4390(2.09 ‰)

Translated pages (up-to-date)

Translated templates (PO files)

File Up to date Fuzzy Untranslated Total
blends.nl.po17 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)17
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wnpp.nl.po29 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)29
Total:1029 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1029
Created with webwml-stattrans