Debian Installer Bookworm Alpha 2 release

February 19th, 2023

The Debian Installer team is pleased to announce the second alpha release of the installer for Debian 12 Bookworm.

Following the 2022 General Resolution about non-free firmware, many packages containing firmware files that can be requested by the Linux kernel at runtime were moved from non-free to non-free-firmware, making them eligible for inclusion on official media per the updated Social Contract #5.

Starting with this release, official images include firmware packages from main and non-free-firmware, along with metadata to configure the installed system accordingly. Our installation guide has been updated accordingly.

Improvements in this release

Hardware support changes

Localization status

Known issues in this release

See the errata for details and a full list of known issues.

Feedback for this release

We need your help to find bugs and further improve the installer, so please try it. Installer CDs, other media and everything else you will need are available at our web site.


The Debian Installer team thanks everybody who has contributed to this release.